Saturday, February 27, 2010

White House to Tap Chicago's Own Mike Houlihan to Replace Desiree Rogers

Auteur, Raconteur, bon viveur, agent provocateur, souteneur, connoisseur, rapporteur,
littérateur, farceur, danseur, répétiteur,Beaux sabreur, Monseigneur Michael ( Michel) Houlihan to replace DimBulb Diva Desiree Rogers!

It would make perfect sense. The White House could replace a self absorbed Liability with an UnRepentant Man of the People! Rumors are darting like the icy flakes of wet stuff and clinging to the concrete and clay of Middle America! Hope and Change!

In an exclusive exchange with Film Maker Mike With Both Hands Brand , during a packed book signing at Harte's Saloon in south suburban Evergreen Park, the witty Renaissance Man Houlihan was speechless when I passed on the hot rumor that he was to be named to replace Ms. Rogers - for a moment.

Pulling himself to his full and majestic height, future White House Social Director Mike Houlihan opined -

" When called I will serve at the pleasure of my President! ‘We have the best brand on Earth: the Obama brand, Our possibilities are endless Brand Obama is about to get ripped a new one! Ice e'm Down, Gibbs! Wooooooooooo!"


Stephen R. Maloney said...

Pat, "Disarray Rogers" has to be one of the great names of all time. I hear Disarray is heading back to the private sector (what's left of it after Obama) to make millions. The Windy City must be an easy city to make money. Will she be posing for Playboy any time soon? Keep fighting the good fight, Pat, even though we get knocked to the canvass with depressing regularity. Onward, upward, sideways -- just keep moving.

pathickey said...

Thanks Doc!

Disarray will land back squarely on her elegant and fashion conscious Lotto Ticket once again.