Monday, July 26, 2010

Obama Lockerbie Hypocrisy Getting Pass from Our Journolist Media

President Obama is getting the very same Jouronistic Pass (Carte Blanche) from the supine American media as Candidate Barack Obama recieved in 2008- No serious inquiry into the palmed U.S. Documents on the release of the Lockerbie Bomber ( Chicago Tribune merely tossed in thin Associated Press link); just as Chicago and the broader American Media ignored Rezko, Ayers, Wright, Pfleger et al. as 'distractions.'

The Lockerbie Hypocrisy is getting a pass from the American Media. Where is there any serious inquiry, but from Fox, and the more conservative news out-lets? Great Britain and International media are calling for the Obama White House to release documents on the Lockerbie intervention/

This is an atrocity and no distraction - forget Blago this is real:

LONDON (AP) — A newly released letter shows that worried U.S. officials warned Scottish authorities that scenes of jubilation in Tripoli over the release of the Lockerbie bomber would be damaging, and asked that Abdel Baset al-Megrahi not be allowed to leave Scotland.

A 2009 letter from Richard LeBaron, the charge d'affaires at the U.S. Embassy in London, to Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond was released Monday.

It sets out American opposition to the release. It says even release on compassionate grounds because of al-Megrahi's cancer diagnosis would be more "severely undercut the longer he is free before his actual death."Al-Megrahi was released by Scottish authorities last August. He returned to Libya where he is receiving treatment for terminal prostate cancer.

The Lockerbie Bombing killed nearly 200 Americans, as well as UK victims.

President Obama hissed out 'outrage' to Prime Minister Cameron last week and sic-ed his Journolists on BP imagined roll in the release of the Libyan murderer.

This mewling Obama appeal to intervene for a terrorist murdering thug's freedom on compassionate grounds is a horrific hypocrisy.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Blago Trial - D-Day Minus One: Tamara Holder and Jimmy Breslin on Fitzy's Case

The Adams Gents get their say and Fitzy's Team will try to compel the jurors to convict Milorad Blagojevich - Illinois's Impeached, Indicted, Tried and . . .we shall see former Governor.

Columnist John Kass, a guy with as sharp a political sense as my own is opaque - I thought George Ryan would dodge a politically concocted and played out trial, has called Blago Governor Dead Meat from the get-go.

It seemed to me that, unlike the George Ryan case for which Patrick Fitzgerald was custom fitted to manage, Fitzy pulled the trigger way too fast on Blago. It seemed to me that he did so in deference to our newly elected President.

It also seemed to me that Congressman Jesse Jackson was being staked out as the Judas Goat on this one. I am no huge fan of Jesse,Junior to say the least, but he never seemed like the porch-climbing hustler that his Old Man happens to be.

Blago? They guy was and remains a political gate-crasher and dim bulb. He was given the pie that is Illinois, because of fear of a Paul Vallas Broom-A-Palooza on politics as usual, were the Attic Brainiac to become Governor of Illinois.

my Pal,Attorney and Fox News Legal Contributor Tamara Holder, who could kick my ass the best day I ever lived, and I agree that Blago just might walk on a conviction.

Here is an excerpt from businessman Al Lewis' site Tell It to

“The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that I talk too much,” Blago said.

“This was the smartest move they could have done,” said Tamara Holder, a criminal defense attorney and Fox News analyst who has been covering the trial. “The moment you open Blagojevich up to cross examination, you never know what you are going to get.”

Holder has called the government’s case weak from the beginning. That’s more of a boost than Blago ever gave her.

When Blago was governor, Holder sent him letters pleading for pardons for some of her clients. “He left all of them on his desk when he was impeached,” Holder said.

I wish I could count how many times an editor once asked me, “How would Jimmy Breslin cover the story?”

The legendary columnist is renowned for dodging the mob of reporters assigned to JFK’s funeral and interviewing JFK’s grave digger instead.

Well, there was Jimmy Breslin, covering the trial. But there was no gravedigger for Blago.

“These charges wouldn’t get you five cents in New York City,” Breslin huffed. “I can’t smell money.”

Legendary Newsman Jimmy Breslin is long-in-the teeth that can still gnaw up a storm; Tamara Holder is long-in-the legs and smarter than the Medill School of Journalism - I think that they are on the money - Blago will walk because Fitzy can not Show Us The Money!

Howard Dean -What Being A Jackass Is All About!

Howard Dean -Mel Brooks after a lobotomy

Left Wing Guardian UK Implies Obama Lobbied for Release of Lockerbie Bomber

When the British Left have left an American President, . . .

Barack Obama is under growing pressure to release a letter that reveals the US grudgingly supported freeing the Lockerbie bomber on compassionate grounds. ( emphasis my own)

The letter was sent to Scottish ministers by a senior diplomat at the US embassy in London last August, eight days before Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was released from prison because he was dying from inoperable prostate cancer.

Obama's administration has refused to allow publication of the letter, in which the US says allowing Megrahi to live at home in Scotland would be "far preferable" to sending him back to Libya under the prisoner transfer deal brokered by former prime minister Tony Blair in 2007. ( emphasis my own)

Although Megrahi was allowed to go home to die in Tripoli, Scottish officials believe this undermines Obama's vigorous criticisms of the decision to free Megrahi earlier this month, when he said he was left "surprised, disappointed and angry" by the Libyan's release. David Cameron said he and Obama were in "violent agreement" that freeing Megrahi was a bad decision.

The American ambassador to the UK, Louis Susman, said the US was examining whether its correspondence on the issue could be released, but he refused to be drawn on the reported memo.

Senators in Washington are now pressing for the release of all correspondence between Obama's administration and the Scottish government in their investigation into allegations that BP directly influenced the decision to release Megrahi to help its $800m oil deal with Libya.

The allegations have been rejected by Alex Salmond, the first minister. He has offered to send dozens of official documents on the Megrahi affair to the US Senate's foreign relations committee after refusing to allow his justice minister, Kenny MacAskill, to appear at the committee's hearing on Lockerbie this Thursday.

Salmond insists the documents, released last year, prove that MacAskill released Megrahi solely on compassionate grounds and had completely ruled out using the prisoner transfer agreement brokered by Blair. But his aides have told the committee that Obama's government refused to allow some material to be published – including the US embassy correspondence.

Meanwhile, William Hague, the foreign secretary, came to Salmond's aid. In a seven-page letter to the committee he confirmed that BP had heavily lobbied the UK government about the prisoner transfer agreement with Libya.

Hague said BP met the former Labour government five times in October and November 2007 over its concerns that disputes about the treaty might damage its oil exploration contracts with Libya. But Hague said: "This was a perfectly normal and legitimate practice for a British company … There is no evidence that corroborates in any way the allegation of BP's involvement in the Scottish executive's entirely separate decision to release him on compassionate grounds."

The existence and content of the US embassy note was first disclosed by the Guardian last August, at the height of the controversy over Megrahi's release, and its full text has now been leaked to the Sunday Times.

In it, the deputy head of the US embassy in London, Frank LeBaron, said the US believed Megrahi should remain in Greenock jail because of the seriousness of his conviction for killing 270 passengers and crew, and 11 Lockerbie townspeople, by bombing Pan Am flight 103 in 1988.

But he added: "Nevertheless, if Scottish authorities [conclude] that Megrahi must be released from Scottish custody, the US position is that conditional release on compassionate grounds would be a far preferable alternative to prisoner transfer, which we strongly oppose." (emphasis my own)

LeBaron said releasing Megrahi but making him live in Scotland "would mitigate a number of strong concerns we have expressed with regards to Megrahi's release."

Scottish officials took that to mean that the US had only "half-hearted" opposition to Megrahi's release: the embassy comes under the direct control of the US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, who became the most vigorous critic of Megrahi's release

Allowing Megrahi to live outside prison in Scotland was one of the options considered by MacAskill. Megrahi's wife and sons had a family home paid for by the Libyan government in the prosperous Glasgow suburb of Newton Mearns. But that option was rejected after police advice that this would cause immense security and logistical problems, and cost £100,000 a week to protect him. The house would need a 24-hour armed guard, while Megrahi would need heavy security for his regular trips for medical treatment.

To Salmond and MacAskill's embarrassment, Megrahi is still alive after being allowed home to Tripoli. MacAskill had stated the Libyan had less than three months to live when he was released. They now concede that his life has probably been prolonged from being at home with his family and receiving better medical care.


Obama White House Intervened for Lockerbie Bomber's Release - Australian News Reports!

The Amateur Hour White House of President Barack H. Obama is peeling away like a story out of The Onion.

If this proves to be true, hold the phone, Muriel!

Correspondence obtained by The Sunday Times reveals the Obama administration considered compassionate release more palatable than locking up Abdel Baset al-Megrahi in a Libyan prison.

The intervention, which has angered US relatives of those who died in the attack, was made by Richard LeBaron, deputy head of the US embassy in London, a week before Megrahi was freed in August last year on grounds that he had terminal cancer.

The document, acquired by a well-placed US source, threatens to undermine US President Barack Obama's claim last week that all Americans were "surprised, disappointed and angry" to learn of Megrahi's release.

Scottish ministers viewed the level of US resistance to compassionate release as "half-hearted" and a sign it would be accepted.

The US has tried to keep the letter secret, refusing to give permission to the Scottish authorities to publish it on the grounds it would prevent future "frank and open communications" with other governments.

In the letter, sent on August 12 last year to Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond and justice officials, Mr LeBaron wrote that the US wanted Megrahi to remain imprisoned in view of the nature of the crime.

The note added: "Nevertheless, if Scottish authorities come to the conclusion that Megrahi must be released from Scottish custody, the US position is that conditional release on compassionate grounds would be a far preferable alternative to prisoner transfer, which we strongly oppose."

Time to Change the Narrative!

Chicago Sun Times Gets It Right - Chicago is a Thug Comfort Zone

Chicago Sun Times Mark Konkol and Frank Main have presented a nearly perfect picture of Chicago's Homicide horrors - Chicago is a Thug Comfort Zone. This is nearly complete, but missing in this otherwise fine article is Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers who have made targeting police officers and the City of Chicago for litigation. Loevy and Loevy, G. Flint Taylor and the entire anti-Law Enforcement Industry at Northwestern University.

“The certainty of punishment is very, very low in Chicago, and that’s going to embolden people,” said defense attorney Thomas Needham, who was a top legal adviser to former police Supt. Terry Hillard. “It’s going to lead to less fear by the people who are going to consider shooting. That’s very alarming.”

There is the street testimony -

So far, not one accused shooter has been convicted of pulling the trigger during those deadly 59 hours from April 18-20 of that year, a Chicago Sun-Times investigation has found.

Only one suspected triggerman — a convicted armed robber caught with the AK-47 he allegedly used to blow away his boss — is in jail awaiting trial.

Three other victims said they know who shot them but refused to testify. And after Gamble took the witness stand against the guy who he says shot him, a judge ruled Gamble wasn’t credible because of his criminal record and found the suspect not guilty.

Six murders from that 2008 weekend remain unsolved. And time’s running out to catch the bad guys who shot 29 other people that weekend because there’s a three-year statute of limitations on aggravated batteries with firearms.

Odds are, most of those cases will remain unsolved. The Chicago Police Department’s batting average for catching shooters has fallen to an alarmingly low level.

Well done Chicago Sun Times, especially the always on target Mark Konkol! This is a start.


This was sent to me by Two-time Emmy Winner, Jazz Pianist, Journalist, Essayist and Implacable Foe of Abortion and Progressive Nonsense, Michael Moriarty.

If you look closely at the picture above, you will note that all the Marines pictured are bowing their heads. That's because they're praying. This incident took place at a recent ceremony honoring the birthday of the corps, and it has the ACLU up in arms. "These are federal employees," says Lucius Traveler, a spokesman for the ACLU, "on federal property and on federal time.. For them to pray is clearly an establishment of religion, and we must nip this in the bud immediately."

When asked about the ACLU's charges, Colonel Jack Fessender, speaking for the Commandant of the Corps said (cleaned up a bit), "Screw the ACLU." GOD Bless Our Warriors. Send the ACLU to France !

Please send this to people you know, so everyone will know how stupid the ACLU is getting in trying to remove GOD from everything and every place in America May God Bless America , One Nation Under GOD!

click my post title for a fine essay by Michael Moriarty!

Dax Crepeau -America's # 1. Threat - I Ain't Kidding ! This Guy is Dangerous and the Only Person on God's Planet That I Truly Hate!

Dax Crepeau last seen at G 20 Summit in Toronto.

From diamond quarries hewn and rocks of gold;
The palace of great Lucifer (so call
That structure, in the dialect of men
Interpreted) which, not long after, he,
Affecting all equality with God,
In imitation of that mount whereon
Messiah was declared in sight of Heaven,
The Mountain of the Congregation called;
For thither he assembled all his train,
Pretending so commanded to consult
About the great reception of their King
Thither to come, and with calumnious art
Of counterfeited truth thus held their ears . . .
Milton Paradise Lost

I deleted several comments from anonymous persons -usually I publish any criticism of me. Hell, you should see one's my Mom writes - immediate family comments are summarily deleted.

These comments that I recently deleted were largely scurrilous slams at private citizens . . .largely . . . and had absolutely nothing to do with the posts I published. Each comment however indicated that I happen to be a hateful man. Iam anything but hateful - topped off with gallons of the milk of human kindness, I am! I hate no one. Well, I do actually hate one person and so should all of you. Dax Crepeau.

Dax Crepeau* is responsible for America's moral, financial, political and military decline. If you really want to know the person responsible for arranging the embedding of Rolling Stone with retired General McCrystal, look to Dax Crepeau.

Dax Crepeau is a very youthful appearing, red headed forty-six (46) year old. I taught Dax Crepeau at Bishop McNamara High School from 1978 until I helped expel the evil boy in 1982.

From that time, the former National Honor Society Student with a GPA 4.32 has gone on to form Indian Tribal Casino Gambling, hired Jimmy Carter as a consultant, engineered the Exon Valdez oil tragedy, encouraged Castro to threaten American Medical students at St. George University on the island of Grenada, plagiarized news copy for the New York Times and found fall guys, gave Dan Rather the dope on George W. Bush's National Guard records, launched the comedy careers of Janeane Garafalo, Bill Maher, Carrot-top, and Pauley Shore, introduced Chris Matthews to Tip O'Neill, married Arianna Huffington in secret Unitarian Ceremony in Finland, to name only beginning of Crepeau's crimes against humanity.

Michel & Lorraine Crepeau of St. Anne, IL 1998 after removing their Bomb Shelter where young Dax Crepeau plotted against humanity.

Crepeau's mom and dad were lovely people -Michel and Lorraine. However, Michel's father Old Joe Crepeau was an arch villain and political fixer in Kankakee County.

Joe Crepeau circa 1942.

Please, if you see this person, do not attempt to take him yourself - call the F.B.I. and the local offices for Interpol.

Dax Crepeau is powerful and his influence is global. He orders George Soros around in the most heart-breakingly pitiful and humiliating manner. Mel Gibson ran afoul of Crepeau in 1986.

Dax Crepeau is an ArchHipster. You shall know him by these words and phrases that flavor his speech -


A hot-looking lady.


Blues slang for sex.


A spit and sawdust bar. Like the Pump Room


Lounging around while others smoke opium, and inhaling the fumes.




A funeral.


A druggie party.


Empty beer bottles.


Embarrassed, ie red.


A dirty weekend.


Out of work, unemployed.


Drink some water.


Sleeping your way to the top.


You’re a bit crazy.

The world we live in is no joke! That is because Dax Crepeau is foot-loose and fancy free.

*French (Crépeau): nickname for someone with curly hair, from a derivative of Latin crispus ‘curly-haired’.

CPD in Morgan Park -Tickets for Block Party Don't Seem Right

Aside from water in the basements, downed branches and thorough drenching throughout most of Saturday, some of my neighbors were treated to parking tickets.

I learned this morning that the folks near my house who had moved their cars off of the street where there was yesterday's block party ( the yellow police tapes were up, when I headed to Mass at Sacred Heart Church). Several neighbors were ticketed for having their cars face the wrong direction and one for parking his car on the apron of his garage so as not to block traffic through the alley.

I know the City of Chicago is broke, but this seems a bit heavy-handed. Not even the very thorough Parking Ticket Geek website offers much counsel on wrong-way neighborhood residential parking. There are many, many offerings about

1. Tinted Windows -none of my neighbors have tinted windows, though I see hundreds of Chicago cars that do everyday.

2. The Boot ( Denver Boot is applied when a citizen has three or more unpaid parking tickets) - I have never seen the boot on a car on any block between 103rd/111th Streets nor between Western Avenue and Rockwell).

3. Permits and Stickers - All have those around here.

A Patrol car from 22nd District, that must have missed the attack by three thugs on the night manager of the Burger King when that young man walked home after work on 111th Street, helped increase City Revenue by ticketing the people who had a permit for a block party on the night of that block party.

Don't seem right.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Morgan Park Heroes of Kyle's Generations Barbecue Sauce

Four young guys from my neighborhood are heroes of the American Way. The quartet who gave our neighborhood Kyle's Generations Barbecue Sauce left private Morgan Park Academy, went on to higher education, but, instead of guzzling gallons of malted grain beverages in their spare time, formed a small business.

Kyle Earman – President of Kyle’s Grill Inc.

Bobby Churchill – Vice President and Head of Research and Development Department

Jeremy Madsen – Head of the Technology Department

Nolan Bielinski – Head of the Sales Department T

I met Kyle a few months back at County Fair Foods at 10800 S. Western, where Bill and Tom Baffes had provided the gents with a booth to hawk their product.

I have been a dedicated Agia B's Mumbo Sauce Man ever since 1969, when the late Thomas Foy (Leo '70) brought a case of Mumbo to a 'picnic' at Dan Ryan Woods. I'd eat a pair of Eddie Carroll's old Tighty Whities were they properly washed and then slathered in Mumbo. On that day, in County Fair, Lyle offered his product, which is remarkably sweet . . .and offers an after kiss of delicate spiciness.

I now purchase both fine Chicago based products - Mumbo to satisfy my John D'Conqueroo Self and Kyle's when whimsy overtakes me. I find Kyle's Generations most suitable for my Morgan Pork Masterpiece Sandwich.

Thus -

Two lightly toasted slices of Nature's Pride Oatmeal Bread
One thin slice of Red Onion
One layer of mixed greens
Three thinly sliced shingles of cold roasted pork loin
1/2 ounce of Kyle's Generations Barbecue Sauce applied liberally to both slices of bread.

You can purchase Kyle's Generations at these fine stores -

Available At:
County Fair Foods Randy's Market
10800 S Western Avenue 14250 South Ravinia Avenue
Chicago, IL 60643 Orland Park, IL 60462

Freshline Foods Bizios Fresh Market
5355 West 95th Street 3446 Vollmer Road
Oak Lawn, IL 60453 Olympia Fields, IL 60461

Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant Oak Lawn Farmer’s Market* (Weds 7 am – 1 pm)
15690 South Harlem Avenue 9446 Raymond Avenue
Orland Park, IL 60462 Oak Lawn, IL 60453

A Wildly Privileged Touré Bullies MSNBC Cupcake Dylan Ratigan on "White Privilege"

El sueno de la razon produce monstruos The Sleep of Reason produces monsters -Goya.

"If I'm a black high school student today... there are white American institutions, universities, hovering over me to offer me opportunities: Almost every institution has a diversity committee... There is a hunger in this society to do right racially, to not be racist." Shelby Steele.

Touré is a black novelist named after the Pan-African Marxist dictator of Guinea, who eschewed the Leninist Health Care when his ticker went on the blink and died in a hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. Our Touré has a spot on the Dylan Ratigan Show and gives the puppy-ish Ratigan regular liberal lashings of White Privilege Guilt. Touré,who attended the same school as RFK and Late Liberal Lout Teddy Kennedy, banners up White Privilege first moused out by 10% WEB Dubois the patriarch of the African American inability to do what every other American subset seems able to do. Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachuests also is a Milton Lad. Toure is a mononymous person who seems to have a pretty good life from cashing in on White Privilege. The Talented Ten Percent are in a class all to themselves - living with Whitey and bashing White Privilege.

African Americans everywhere else get played. Dylan Ratigan is a Playah! He gets his sissified White Privilege Street Cred by rolling on his back like a cowering puppy when confronted by a Touré, volume pirates like Cornell West and the ever daffy Michael Eric Dyson, or the Elmer Fudd of Afro- Truth-to Power Mumblers -Roland S. Martin - the man who murdered Chicago's great black newspaper - The Daily Defender.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

What a hump!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Night Noise - The Golden Rule - Play This Quite Loud!

Some week. Reach out touch someone!

Never once, not even in private — not even as the entire corrupted media was savaging Sarah Palin’s family and reporting on the status of a private citizen’s plumber’s license — not even as the whole of the MSM was spreading lies told by the Congressional Black Caucus about the Tea Party hurling racial slurs — not even after reading what we already knew to be true on JournoList — and not even now as we watch all the hypocritical sanctimony surrounding Shirley Sherrod drip from the same MSM lips that refused to broadcast videos proving the Tea Party had been defamed by members of Congress — never once have I heard a fellow Vast Right-Wing Conspirator even hint at the idea of silencing, quieting, or shutting down the other side.
John Nolte

The Men of Leo High School Pray for All Chicago Police Officers and Thank Them for Their Service!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

BP - Big Pierogi! Whiting, Indiana's Celebration of Goodness!

Mr. Pierogi of Whiting Indiana!

Pierogi Poem

Polish pierogi served hot or cold
Should never be heavy or taste slightly old
They should be toothsome, golden and light
And twisted together if making them right
Pirogi filled with potatoes, prunes or cheese
If perfectly prepared make me weak in the knees
Author Unknown

JULY 23, 24, & 25 2010 kicks off the 16th annual Pierogi Festival, dubbed by those on high as the Year of the Jello Mold, that gelatinous dessert our bushas used to make, stuffed with all sorts of fun foods like mashmallows and fruit.THE WHITING PIEROGI FEST is presented by the Whiting Robertsdale Chamber of Commerce. Drawing almost 200,000 visitors each year, the Festival is the pride of Whiting. It allows us to celebrate our heritage while poking a little fun at ourselves at the same time. Where else can you see grown women dressed up like our grandmothers (bushas, as we say) in housecoats and babushkas? Or the lawnmower brigade strut through town with sandals and socks on like or dads did? You'll also see life-size polish pastries and goodies walking and talking waiting to take a picture with you? Only here at Whiting's Pierogi Fest. Welcome!

The fest runs from 11am to 10pm on Friday and Saturday and from 11am to 5pm on Sunday.

Where -119th St
Whiting, IN 46394
(219) 659-0292

Pierogi from All Recipes,com


Sauerkraut Filling:
2 tablespoons butter
1/3 cup chopped onion
1 1/2 cups sauerkraut, drained and minced
salt and pepper to taste

Potato Filling:
3 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 cups cold mashed potatoes
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon white pepper

3 egg
1 (8 ounce) container sour cream
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder

To prepare the sauerkraut filling, melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in the onion, and cook until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the drained sauerkraut and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper, then remove to a plate to cool.
For the mashed potato filling, melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in the onion, and cook until translucent, about 5 minutes. Stir into the mashed potatoes, and season with salt and white pepper.
To make the dough, beat together the eggs and sour cream until smooth. Sift together the flour, salt, and baking powder; stir into the sour cream mixture until dough comes together. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface until firm and smooth. Divide the dough in half, then roll out one half to 1/8 inch thickness. Cut into 3 inch rounds using a biscuit cutter.
Place a small spoonful of the mashed potato filling into the center of each round. Moisten the edges with water, fold over, and press together with a fork to seal. Repeat procedure with the remaining dough and the sauerkraut filling.
Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add perogies and cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until pierogi float to the top. Remove with a slotted spoon.

To save time, I make my filling the night before and remove it from fridge an hour before making the dough.

Mal de siècle - Our Dog-Star Journolist Fops, Dandies, Pampered Preening Parnassian Puerile Penmen

Voilà dans quel chaos il fallut choisir alors; voilà ce qui se présentait à des enfants pleins de force et d'audace, fils de l'empire et de la révolution. [...] l'esprit du siècle, ange du crépuscule, qui n'est ni la nuit, ni le jour.

Lo and behold in what chaos, then, one must choose; behold the choice that is given to children full of strength and audacity, sons of the Empire and of the Revolution. [...] the spirit of the century, angel of dusk, that which is neither night nor day.
Alfred de Musset

Is it the approach of Dog-star ( Sirius) Month of August, or the malady of this new century Mal du siècle that rushes out the Journolist parade of Fops, Dandies, Pampered, and Pusillanimous Penmen? UPDATE: They are not all young males as you may note below - there are a few hags and ersatz Cougars like Katha Pollitt, who'd scare the balls off a pool table.

Conspiracy, or the Times? Never-the-less, the Revelation of the Confederacy of Dunces -Journolist International* - is a giggle to this aging helot and school teacher.

The Bright Young Things ( Chris Hayes, Ezra Klein and of course Spencer Ackerman et al.) formed a Band of Brummels that whipped out quills and invective to advance Candidate Obama and smear all others.

Yet the most controversial figure admitted to JournoList, the Washington Independent's Spencer Ackerman, makes few claims to disinteredness and objectivity.

Mr. Ackerman suggested that colleagues divert attention from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy that dogged then-candidate Obama's campaign in 2008 by calling certain conservative figures racists.

Ackerman fits the profile of the media's new breed of "blogger/journalists" who write partisan-leaning blogs under the imprimatur of old-school mastheads. One of Ackerman's blogs is called "Attackerman," and he said in a recent interview that "passion is looked down upon in general in journalism, simply because it's a bourgeois institution. If I come across as unprofessional, oh well."
Christian Science Monitor

Tucker Carlson and Anderew Breitbart have shed hot light on these pusillanimous ink-slingers.

They are the precious young things who never cut pipe, dig sewer lines, walk picket lines, patch wounds, go-in-harm's-way, teach the poor. or manage to actually report the news. Their collective ennui moves them to trip and lisp prosings in print and before the cameras of MSNBC and CNN.

This is a howl!

Here are your Journolist Allstars!

1. Ezra Klein
2. Dave Weigel
3. Matthew Yglesias
4. David Dayen
5. Spencer Ackerman
6. Jeffrey Toobin
7. Eric Alterman
8. Paul Krugman
9. John Judis
10. Eve Fairbanks
11. Mike Allen
12. Ben Smith
13. Lisa Lerer
14. Joe Klein
15. Brad DeLong
16. Chris Hayes
17. Matt Duss
18. Jonathan Chait
19. Jesse Singal
20. Michael Cohen
21. Isaac Chotiner
22. Katha Pollitt
23. Alyssa Rosenberg
24. Rick Perlstein
25. Alex Rossmiller
26. Ed Kilgore
27. Walter Shapiro
28. Noam Scheiber
29. Michael Tomasky
30. Rich Yesels
31. Tim Fernholz
32. Dana Goldstein
33. Jonathan Cohn
34. Scott Winship
35. David Roberts
36. Luke Mitchell
37. John Blevins
38. Moira Whelan
39. Henry Farrell
40. Josh Bearman
41. Alec McGillis
42. Greg Anrig
43. Adele Stan
44. Steven Teles
45. Harold Pollack
46. Adam Serwer
47. Ryan Donmoyer
48. Seth Michaels
49. Kate Steadman
50. Matt Duss
51. Laura Rozen
52. Jesse Taylor
53. Michael Hirsh
54. Daniel Davies
55. Jonathan Zasloff
56. Richard Kim
57. Thomas Schaller
58. Jared Bernstein
59. Holly Yeager
60. Joe Conason
61. David Greenberg
62. Todd Gitlin
63. Mark Schmitt
64. Kevin Drum
65. Sarah Spitz


Read more:

Blago and the Cardinal - Healing Hearing

Cardinal George said, "Anyone with 'special needs' who wants to be prayed over, please come forward to the front by the altar."

With that, disgraced and silent former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich got in line, and when it was his turn, the beatific Cardinal asked, "Milorad, what do you want me to pray about for you?"

Blago replied, "Cardinal, I need you to pray for help with my hearing." The preacher put one finger of one hand in Blago's ear, placed his other hand on top of Blago's head, and then prayed and prayed and prayed. Chicago's Archbishop prayed a "blue streak" for Blago, and the whole congregation of Holy Name Cathedral joined in with great enthusiasm.

After a few minutes, the Cardinal removed his hands, stood back and asked, "My Son, how is your hearing now?"

The Goofy Guv answered, "I don't know. It ain't 'til after the Defense wraps, The Feds make their case, the jury decides and Judge Zagel sets the date."

Hat Tip for a great assist to Max Weismann and the Center for the Study of Great Ideas!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

WTTW and WBEZ Aficionados Clel and Murn Van Hoellen Shocked that Blago Did Not Testify!

WHUT: Twin brothers, Latin School and Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism alumni, Clelland and Murniford Van Hoellen called a press conference at the Peoples Law Office tomorrow to announce their shock and displeasure with the Blago Defense Team's refusal to put the Daffy Guv on the Witness Stand - Said Clel, elder of the two, " H'is a Dang Shayum. Whey, Meyun Murn H'yar, lussen tah Dubbya Bee Eee Zay (WBEZ) 'en watch Chanuhl Ah'leven (WTTW)ever nigh'd. Thot He'd Keep Huz Wurd."

11 AM on Thursday, July 22, 2010

WHUR:People's Law Office
1180 N. Milwaukee Ave., Third Floor

HOO: Hoo wee ez hot h'yar!


Journolist Saga - Pampered American Fops of What Used to Be Journalism

I have been following the less than newsie revelations concerning the Journolist Play Pals.

This is an amalgamation of pampered, snitty, smarmy, band of fops in American journalism - the bright young things. One and all they are a daisey-chain of rich Toney School brats with oodles of talent and much more clout than a Chicago Community Activist!

Lately, it has been reported by Andrew Brietbart and Tucker Carlson that there was an Our Gang Comedy of a conspiracy to queer the Reverend Jeremiah Wright rantings and frighten the titmice of the American media - like a cake-walk.

This cavalcade of dandies are trotted out on the swiftly sinkibg MSNBC Ship of Fools - all of these fops lisp - is that an homage to 18th Century dandies? Chris Hayes, Ezra Klein & etc. Each and every Journolist Play Pal seems to lisp. Sounds like steam escaping.

Well this Band of Brummels got their asses outed. Too funny.

Click my post title for more on the American Fop Opera in Progress!

Guam Liberated 66 Years Ago Today -

LVT under heavy fire on Red Beach 2 Guam -July 21, 1944

PFC Patrick E. Hickey USMCR carrying the Tripod for a .30 Cal. Machine Gun - July, 1944 on the ridges above Guam's Red Beach 2.

My father, Patrick E. Hickey, died last April 25, 2010. Most of the young men in his WWII Marine Company - Able, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines were wounded or killed on this day.

My Dad's platoon leader Lt. Krawiec of Chicago was wounded and evacuated getting out of the LVT (Landing Vehicle Tracked) on the Red Beach 2. PFC Boyd Curtis Troup of Jones, Michigan one of my Dad's best friends and fellow .30 Caliber Heavy Machine Gun crew member was wounded on this beach and evacuated as well.

The balance of Company A ( Able)including it's heroic company commander "Skipper" was pretty much wiped out over the next seventy-two hours taking Chorito Cliff and Bundschu Ridge ( named for Capt. Geary Bundschu-Navy Cross Skipper of A-1-3). Very few members of Able Company continued through the Guam Campaign, in fact the regimental casualties on the first day of the battle, exceeded the 3rd Marine Division Campaign casulties for the previous Battle for Bougainville ( Nov. 1-Dec. 25, 1943).

Author Scott Carmichael is completing a book on my Dad's Company and the battles that he never talked about for the balance of his life. I informed him that my cousin Willie had found my Dad's Seabag with the number 312 stenciled next to his name. Mr. Carmichael replied -

Wow. Do you know what the number 312 represents? The men used a numbering
system for their gear. They didn't take their seabags along as they rode
their amtraks onto the beach, of course. Seabags were left behind on the
LSTs, for later retrieval. The men numbered not only their seabags, but a
lot of other equipment and gear. 312 = 3rd Marine Regiment/1st Battalion/2nd
company. The headquarters company was always listed as the 1st company
(311). That made Able company the 2nd company in the battalion (312).
Thanks for the information about the photograph.
The photograph above was confirmed to be my Dad carrying the tripod of the machine gun.

Mr. Carmichael contacted me days after my Dad passed away. He was looking for the few survivors of Able Company. Marine Lt. Krawiec died in January 0f 2010, but the gentle and humorous Mr. Troup still lives with his wife and the horrible and multiple wounds he received on Red Beach 2 Sixty Six years ago. I had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Troup, back in May.

God Bless Every American Veteran!

Loevy and Loevy Against Police Officers - The $eamless Garment

Arthur Loevy congratulates clients.

Jon Loevy started the firm in 1997 after leaving the international law firm Sidley & Austin. Since founding the firm, Jon has been joined in the partnership by his wife, Danielle Loevy; Arthur Loevy, who graduated from the University of Michigan Law School; and Mike Kanovitz, a Cornell Law School graduate who joined the firm after practicing at a class action law firm in Washington, D.C. Today, Jon Loevy and Mr. Kanovitz are widely recognized as among the nation's leading civil rights attorneys because of their accomplishments as trial attorneys, having won multiple jury verdicts of more than $1 million. Since 2008 alone, Mr. Loevy and Mr. Kanovitz have secured jury verdicts of $21 million, $16 million, and victory for a class of more than 100,000 people.

My, my, my!

It might seem odd, but the most successful litigation band of attorneys against police officers and municipalities, Loevy and Loevy had its roots in time when Arthur Loevy, father of Jon Loevy, was out of work as a labor lawyer for the powerful Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union and woked for the Police Union that covers Cook County and small municipalities like Oak Lawn, Evergreen Park, Melrose Park and such. Yet, Loevy and Loevy website makes no mention of Arthur Loevy's work for that Police Union whatsoever. Odd.

Arthur Loevy graduated from the University of Michigan Law School in 1963, and has been a member of the Illinois bar continuously for more than forty years.

Arthur Loevy began his legal career practicing labor law until 1970 when he became an elected officer of a trade union, the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union ("ACTWU"). Arthur proceeded to serve in various elected capacities for trade unions, including International Executive Vice President of ACTWU, International Secretary-Treasurer of ACTWU, and, most recently International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union of Needle-Trades Industrial and Textile Employees (U.N.I.T.E.).

Arthur Loevy has also served as a Director and Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Amalgamated Bank of New York (1990-98), the President, Chief Executive Officer, and Trustee of various Taft-Hartley insurance and trust funds for almost twenty years, the President of the Amalgamated Housing Foundation (1974-98), and the President of the Sidney Hillman Health Center in Chicago (1980-98).

Since January 1, 1997, Arthur Loevy has resumed the practice of law on a full-time basis. In 1998, he joined the law firm started by his son, Jon Loevy, and has practiced here ever since.

Bar Admissions:
The University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1963;Honors and Awards:
"Spirit of Life", City of Hope

Man of the Year Award, Illinois Council of Latin American Advancement

Man of the Year Award, A. Philip Randolph Institute of both the Chicago and Detroit chapters

Recipient, Norman Thomas Award

Annual Dinner Honoree of the Debs Day Foundation

"National Humanitarian Award"

Histradrut Man of the Year Award

Professional Associations and Memberships:
The Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union ("ACTWU")

International Executive of ACTWU
Vice President
International Secretary-Treasurer of ACTWU

International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union of Needle-Trades Industrial and Textile Employees

Executive Committee of the Amalgamated Bank of New York, 1990 - 1998
Director and Vice Chairman

Amalgamated Housing Foundation, 1974 - 1998

Sidney Hillman Health Center, 1980 - 1998

The Secretary and the President are the top of the labor food chain.
Arthur Loevey was groomed, it seems, for a position power with Amalgamated Textile Workers Union ( later UNITE) and held positions of authority in Chicago and New York, as well as with Amalgamated Bank - the savings and lending institution founded by the the union in 1923. Then for some reason, Arthur Loevy was no longer with the union.

In the late 1990's, Arthur Loevy left the Amalgamated Textile Workers Union (UNITE), one of the most powerful, wealthy, and politically influential labor unions in America, under a cloud and was out of work. Mr. Loevy band of attorneys went to work for a Police Union and was paid $85,757.03 through 1999, by the Cook County Police Association ( later Combined Counties Police Association -CCPA). Yet, Loevy and Loevy Website make no mention of Arthur Loevy's work for the Police Union. Odd.

Arthur Loevy's time with policemen has made his son's law firm the most lucrative police suing practice in this industry. Arthur Loevy brought five police officers to his son from suburban police departments bannered under the Police Union by which Arthur Loevy was paid a mere $85,757.03 , by CCPA, during his wilderness years away from The Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union.

About that time, young Jon Loevy started suing police Departments when he quit Sidley and Austin and after clerking for Judge Milton Shadur. I believe that he started in Oak Lawn, Illinois when the Village settled out of court and the rest is litigation history. Jon Loevey quickly racked in millions and employed a tight network of politicians, judges, activists, media experts like David Axelrod and Ray Hanania, and police officers to that end. Thus, from Loevy and Loevy's wbesite -

Joseph Regalado: The $28 million jury verdict obtained by Loevy & Loevy in 1999 (in a case tried before Judge Shadur) is the largest police brutality jury verdict in the history of the City, and is believed to be the highest tort verdict against Chicago as well. Mr. Regalado was beaten into a coma by two Chicago Police Officers and ever since, he has been in a "locked in" condition: conscious, yet unable to move or speak

I will be adding more in the days to come.

It is interesting to me that undermining any and all faith in Law Enforcement, while a lucrative practice, is rooted somehow in the American labor movement. A Seamless Garment. Labor Omnia Vincit in so many ways.

Image of Arthur Loevy: