Showing posts with label Journolists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journolists. Show all posts

Monday, July 26, 2010

Obama Lockerbie Hypocrisy Getting Pass from Our Journolist Media

President Obama is getting the very same Jouronistic Pass (Carte Blanche) from the supine American media as Candidate Barack Obama recieved in 2008- No serious inquiry into the palmed U.S. Documents on the release of the Lockerbie Bomber ( Chicago Tribune merely tossed in thin Associated Press link); just as Chicago and the broader American Media ignored Rezko, Ayers, Wright, Pfleger et al. as 'distractions.'

The Lockerbie Hypocrisy is getting a pass from the American Media. Where is there any serious inquiry, but from Fox, and the more conservative news out-lets? Great Britain and International media are calling for the Obama White House to release documents on the Lockerbie intervention/

This is an atrocity and no distraction - forget Blago this is real:

LONDON (AP) — A newly released letter shows that worried U.S. officials warned Scottish authorities that scenes of jubilation in Tripoli over the release of the Lockerbie bomber would be damaging, and asked that Abdel Baset al-Megrahi not be allowed to leave Scotland.

A 2009 letter from Richard LeBaron, the charge d'affaires at the U.S. Embassy in London, to Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond was released Monday.

It sets out American opposition to the release. It says even release on compassionate grounds because of al-Megrahi's cancer diagnosis would be more "severely undercut the longer he is free before his actual death."Al-Megrahi was released by Scottish authorities last August. He returned to Libya where he is receiving treatment for terminal prostate cancer.

The Lockerbie Bombing killed nearly 200 Americans, as well as UK victims.

President Obama hissed out 'outrage' to Prime Minister Cameron last week and sic-ed his Journolists on BP imagined roll in the release of the Libyan murderer.

This mewling Obama appeal to intervene for a terrorist murdering thug's freedom on compassionate grounds is a horrific hypocrisy.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Night Noise - The Golden Rule - Play This Quite Loud!

Some week. Reach out touch someone!

Never once, not even in private — not even as the entire corrupted media was savaging Sarah Palin’s family and reporting on the status of a private citizen’s plumber’s license — not even as the whole of the MSM was spreading lies told by the Congressional Black Caucus about the Tea Party hurling racial slurs — not even after reading what we already knew to be true on JournoList — and not even now as we watch all the hypocritical sanctimony surrounding Shirley Sherrod drip from the same MSM lips that refused to broadcast videos proving the Tea Party had been defamed by members of Congress — never once have I heard a fellow Vast Right-Wing Conspirator even hint at the idea of silencing, quieting, or shutting down the other side.
John Nolte