Saturday, November 17, 2007

I Knew the Woman in Me Was Correct - There Ain't Nothing in the World Like A Dame!

Now, this kid has it correct! She'll do just fine! God I love Women!

This is a True Feminist - she lives like a guy would naturally live - without children or a wife. Unless of course he were Truman Capote or Randolph Scott.

This is how our Progressive Feminist ( Male and Female) continues to perceive marriage. They (PFs) tend to be self-absorbed tweedy pains in the ass and no one pays any attention to them outside of the Media and Academia- still.

Most of the balance of humanity are pretty well adjusted - we take our triumphs and set-backs; joys and miseries; labors and rewards for what they tend to be. We live our lives - help others, meet our responsiblities and get in a few giggles now and then.

Then there is the perpetually smug or outraged and universally olfactory challenged ( the smell of this law, this stinks of corruptions ; & etc.) Progressive of all stripes.

A new study by Rutgers University shows that Feminists make better mates; Craig Futterman of University of Chicago, who cured cancer last night, built an eternal light bulb and discovered that his Police accountability study based upon the anthology of John Conroy Chicago reader stories agreed with his theory that Police are 'really, really bad and will never be any better, because his friends in the Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers League need to continue bringing suit against the Chicago Police Department,' showed his study to NPR and they loved it! The Tobacco Institute continues to prove that Joe Camel was a great friend to teens.

All along I have had the feeling that the more women act like me ( eat only while wearing Leo sweat pants, watch movies with mega-explosions and cool make throw-away lines) the more likely celebacy would become practical and attractive. We are here to generate the species, but also to make the species work properly. That is role of Woman. Women who recoil from my follies, sloth, and instrinsic stupidities - 'how about if take all of the insurance settlement from your fall, Honey, to the OTB? Why is that Stupid? Robby Albarado is riding a grey - tell me that's not an investment strategy! Fine. I'm going to Father Perez (KofCs #1446) and I am not doing the gutters!'- are the sexiest. Let's take a look at great thought from Female/Male perspectives from the world of film:

"Thank you Neil Simon for making us laugh at falling in love...again."

"When ya call me that, smile!", but "If you wanna call me that, smile."


"As God is my witness, as God is my witness, they're not going to lick me! I'm going to live through this, and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again - no, nor any of my folks! If I have to lie, steal, cheat, or kill! As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again."

"Strike me pink!"

" Oh! You cursed brat. Look what you've done. I'm melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness."

"We'll always have Paris."

"That's mighty brave talk for a one-eyed fat man."

"For the woman - the kiss, for the man - the sword."

"Steady boy. Just keep telling yourself you're a girl."
- "I'm a girl...I'm a girl...I'm a girl."

"Shapeley's the name - and that's the way I like 'em!"

"Wendy, darling. Light of my life. I'm not gonna hurt ya... I'm just gonna bash your brains in."

"I am Mata Hari, my own master."

Yep There ain't nothing in the world like a Dame - Nothing in this World!

I think you Broads are the Cat's whiskers! Come on - fill up my dance card - You Big Tramps!

As always - click on my post title for the link to the Rutgers story

Friday, November 16, 2007

John McCain and the Rented Mule

While working at Gateway Trucking in Chicago Ridge many years ago, my shift supervisor would leave us with these words, 'Night Boys, time to get on home to beat the wife and make love to my dog!'

Only the graduates of St. Ignatius College Prep ( a Chicago Catholic School of Wealthy Brainiacs) were taken aback by his words, as they had been hard-wired by the Jesuits for subtleties in language and the arcana of rhetorical flourishes.

The balance of us, understood that Myron's was a comic levelling device employed after-shift and the natural departure of dockworker command structure.

Loved John McCain's response when asked how he intends to 'beat' Hillary Clinton in the general election: . . . 'like a rented mule.'

The polls prove the best man correct:

The Best Candidate to Beat Senator Hillary Clinton

ARLINGTON, VA - Today, Fox News released a poll demonstrating once again why John McCain is the only conservative who can beat Hillary Clinton in the general election next fall.

"It is impossible to ignore the fact that John McCain is cementing his position as the best candidate to defeat Hillary Clinton," said campaign manager Rick Davis. "New data released by Fox News, Rasmussen Reports, SurveyUSA, and Quinnipiac show that voters want to nominate a candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton without compromising the bedrock principles the Republican Party was founded on."

Voters are coming to the conclusion that John McCain is the only candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton and restore trust in government. John McCain has a 24-year record of leading a tough battle against pork-barrel spending and government waste. Known as a reformer, McCain has the credibility to restore Americans' trust in Washington. And in a time of war, John McCain is the only candidate with the experience and knowledge to wage a winning war against radical Islamic extremism.

Fox News/Opinion Dynamics National General Election, November 13-14, 2007:

John McCain 45% Hillary Clinton 46%
Rudy Giuliani 43% Hillary Clinton 47%
Fred Thompson 40% Hillary Clinton 49%
Mitt Romney 37% Hillary Clinton 50%

Quinnipiac Ohio General Election, Released November 14, 2007:
John McCain 46% Hillary Clinton 42%
Rudy Giuliani 43% Hillary Clinton 44%
Fred Thompson 38% Hillary Clinton 48%
Mitt Romney 38% Hillary Clinton 47%

SurveyUSA Ohio General Election, November 9-11, 2007:
John McCain 47% Hillary Clinton 46%
Rudy Giuliani 44% Hillary Clinton 49%
Mitt Romney 42% Hillary Clinton 51%
Mike Huckabee 37% Hillary Clinton 54%

Rasmussen Reports Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Among Presidential Hopefuls, McCain Has Lowest Level Of Core Opposition:

With less than two months to go until the Iowa caucuses kick off the actual voting in Election 2008, Arizona Senator John McCain finds himself with the smallest level of core opposition among all the major Presidential candidates from both parties. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 33% say they will definitely vote against McCain if he is on the ballot in November 2008. That's down from 39% a month ago and a peak of 42% in June. These results come on top of a week of good polling news for the man from Arizona.

Read Analysis Of How John McCain Outperforms Rudy Giuliani In Key Swing States

St. Ignatius grads - he's making a joke.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Expunge It - Do The Crime; Forget the Crime Tamara Holder and Nutbag Media Bananas Here to Help

Here's Tamara and some celebrated Chicago Emmett Kelly Imitators - they got the clown's frown down!

Remember all the hoopla at Ickes Homes a few weeks back when Jesse Jackson had his sleepover? Attorney Tamara Holder was out in front for Je$$e, who never goes anywhere unless there is a huge - or modest - Check - on which to blow the ink dry.

Tamara Holder is an expungement attorney and she helped the three people who hit 'Walking Mike' - a suburban man hit, mutilated and hidden by three people, one of whom was a man who needs his criminal past expunged - Tamara Holder is helping him do just that. As only a Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer is wont to do, Tamara blames the 60 year old victim's family for her client's actions - alleged actions and subsequent cover-up. Consistent.

Click my post title for the Daily Southtown Story.

BTW -I will stop buying the Daily Southtown when the people laid off by Cyrus Friedheim, put in their last day, no sense in denying those great people a few dimes; - shoot Cyrus found the money to pay off Right Wing death squads, while slinging Bananas at Chiquita, but he can not scrape together a few nickles for his employees. Must be nice to toss folks in this Season of Giving - The Progressive - Independent Conscience of the City - some conscience - which City?

Citizen Tamara Holder is just one of the many talented and greedy Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers working closely Chicago's New Media Crowd. She was vocal about [olice abuse with Jesse - better than wearing a sandwich sign and walking around Ickes Homes I guess. Ink-slingers for STNG never seem to disclose the associations of these mattress stuffing lawyers, who loot the taxpayers, cloaked in smug-social self-righteousness. Joe Chicago can read and follow the news BTW. Joe, Mary and Aunt Molly Chicago, to nod to Dick Simpson's coal heave for the Combine of STNG and LawsuitLawyers, step around the bullscat!

I have more respect for the ambulance chasers who wear cowboy hats and actually show up at disasters, but that's just me, just a guy who reads the newspapers. And Tamara, has made her presence known.

Here's what Tamara is all about! She will be handling these cases, where the Politicians, the Reverends, and the Banana Republic News Media roll over confidence in Law Enforcement.

Tamara has staked out her bush in the Lawsuit Windfall Boondocks:

Chicago Expungement Attorney Tamara Holder is a graduate of The John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois.

While in law school, Tamara interned at Miramax Films in Los Angeles, CA where she participated in contract formation and arbitration for many of Hollywood's biggest stars. She also interned for the Cook County State's Attorney where she prosecuted criminal cases. She was a member of The Trial Advocacy Team and The Negotiation Team.

Following an early graduation from law school, Tamara worked for a criminal defense firm. Soon thereafter, she formed her own practice where she defended misdemeanor and felony criminal cases.

Big Hollywood Stars and folks with criminal pasts that need to disappear: HMMM, could taking advantage of the orchestrated Media chaos that blurs the truth behind incidents by tossing in race and brutality, leading to mega-Million $$$$ Lawsuits make sense to young plunger like Tamara? Sneedless to say!

These bedbugs barristers with their partners in the Banana Republic of Chicago Journalism (STNG) make Justice pretty itchy - Ickey I'd say.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Spike O'Donnell - Life with Father from The Chorito Hog-Leg

33. Life with Father

Edward J. Spike O’Donnell had been home from a prolonged stay at Little Company of Mary Hospital for a little less than two weeks after the return of infection from the gunshot wound and had gotten out to exercise only a few times because his wife Elizabeth, a tough and beautiful girl from a Bohemian Parish in New City had crabbed him into a willingness to avoid risk. Peace in the house meant that Spike should not provoke the peace on the street by taking his usual constitutional up to 79th Street and drinking coffee at the White Castle Hamburger stand on Loomis with all the neighborhood intellectuals, like Buck Weaver and Jack Duffy.
Instead Spike enjoyed his Stewart’s Brand coffee from Elizabeth’s percolator along with sweet-rolls from Huffkin’s Bakery on Halsted that Morry Lanigan brought for him every morning. Morry was a tuck-pointer who had gotten into a jam with cops back in 1939 after a bar fight at a Mick bucket of blood on Halsted. Spike went to bat for the guy who was not a drinker but whose wife had died of cancer at Englewood Hospital the day before he took a swing at an off-duty cop with a smart mouth.
Spike still had some juice – he had a lot of juice if truth be told – and Spike made good on a good man with three little girls. Lanigan buried his wife out of St. Anne’s Church on 55th Street and later moved the girls to an apartment owned by Spike’s brother in law at 78th and Hermitage. Lanigan went to work for the County as an in-house tuck-pointer at the Aude Home.
Spike dunked an apricot filled sweet roll into his hot cup of Stewart’s and opened the Herald American he went directly to the funnies and checked up on the progress of Maggie and Jigs who had recently been informed that their son Ethelbert (Sonny) had been declared a 4-F because of his flat feet and Jiggs lamented that ‘no son of his would be a copper!’ Spike always got a kick out of Bringing Up Father that was identified by everyone as Maggie and Jiggs. Then he checked the box scores for the White Sox Roy Schalk was still hitting up a storm but had batted into double plays against Detroit three times yesterday and that goof Jimmy Dykes started Ed Lopat, a southpaw, instead of Orval Grove. Guy must have had a snoot full when he made out the damn card.
Finally, to the news of the day. Marines land at Guam – Tim. God watch him.

Click Title Post to Amazon Link and Reviews of this novel.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sun Times News Group - One Voice - No Message - Lottsa Bananas!

'I am the Sun Times News Group - be quiet; Talk through the Hand!'

I heard that there was a huge purge at the Daily Southtown that would have made Joe Stalin's mustache fall out. Something like thirty one (31) of the very best veteran editors and staff writers were launched by Cyrus 'The Big Banana' Friedheim's fiat. In order to give one voice - a radical Leftist one at that - to his Propaganda Machine? Capitalist Comstraints? Changes in the Moon?

BTW- STNG lost huge in the 3rd Quarter ( roughly the time frame of the July 15th Manifesto)- Get This:

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sun-Times Media Group, Inc. (NYSE: SVN - News) today reported a loss from continuing operations in the third quarter ended September 30, 2007, of $194.0 million, or $2.41 per basic share, versus a loss of $34.9 million, or $0.43 per basic share in the same period in 2006.

Today's frontpage of the Sun Times glares out about Kanye West's Mom's passing. Sorry for your loss, but Front Page? Then Comrade Reed continues Day Two of this week with the continuation of Sun Time News Group (STNG) Campaign to Demoralize the Chicago Police to the point of . . .? No return?

Here's La Pasionaria's opening salvo -

'When a police officer shoots a civilian, who should investigate? And how soon afterward can anyone conclude that the use of excessive force was justified?' (Click my post title for Cheryl Reed's whole bowl of bananas!)

Ok - that baits the question and swallows the bait - according to Reed, Police only shoot civilians - unless of course they are shooting other policemen/Police shoot people called civilians/ Police shoot people willy-nilly whom we call civilians/civilians are the targets of Police/ and on and on . . .

Here's what Wkipedia says about civilians - pretty nice - but go to the part that I have emboldened.

A civilian under international humanitarian law is a person who is not a member of his or her country's armed forces. The term is also often used colloquially to refer to people who are not members of a particular profession or occupation, especially by law enforcement agencies, which often use rank structures similar to those of military units.

The ICRC 1958 Commentary on IV Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War Article 4.4 states that "[e]very person in enemy hands must have some status under international law: he is either a prisoner of war and, as such, covered by the Third Convention, a civilian covered by the Fourth Convention, or again, a member of the medical personnel of the armed forces who is covered by the First Convention. There is no intermediate status; nobody in enemy hands can be outside the law. We feel that this is a satisfactory solution – not only satisfying to the mind, but also, and above all, satisfactory from the humanitarian point of view."[1] The ICRC has expressed the opinion that "If civilians directly engage in hostilities, they are considered 'unlawful' or 'unprivileged' combatants or belligerents (the treaties of humanitarian law do not expressly contain these terms). They may be prosecuted under the domestic law of the detaining state for such action".[2

Civilians directly engage in hostilities - like shooting up a house at 76th & Aberdeen last week and killing a remarkable young man named Steve Lyons. The Sun Times offered no opinion on the death of Steve Lyons, because he was killed by gangbangers and his murder will not reap a windfall for Loevy's Lawsuit Lotto League of Lawyers or give U of C Prof Craig Futterman more cash to conduct self-fulfilling prophecies of Police Misconduct. Kanye West's Mom died - it appears - of an accident in surgery. Sad. Front Page? One Voice! No Message.

It makes a simple guy like me wonder - Are The Lawyers making all the money off of my tax dollars by suing the Police Sun Times News Group (STNG) Investors? Are they Shareholders? They get one hell of a lot of coverage.

The guy who paid off South American death squads and scooped up the STNG, Cyrus Friedheim purged the staff at Daily Southtown Tally Me Bananas!

No opinions - one voice.

Hey, why are Chicago Police Officers and their families and friends buying the Chicago Sun Times? Let's Get Into It!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Chicago's Club of the UnClubbable

Above - Mycroft Holmes - Below Mike Houlihan in manly Pre-Labor Day Panama tan suit gives a stern temperance lecture to an obviously clubbable and reed thin chap at a charitable event. Absent from this charitable event were members of Chicago's Union League Club.

Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes, the talented and cerebral sons of Bob and Tess Holmes, coal carters from Yorkshire, remind me of Mike Houlihan: Like Mycroft, Mike Houlihan is cerebral, philosophical and poetic:Mike Houlihan - Author, Actor, Playwright, Film Director, Columnist, Patriot, Wit, Gadabout, Free-Spender, Arch-Goodguy, Pugilist, Censor.

Like Mycroft given to deep thought to the point of ennui:

...he has no ambition and no energy. He will not even go out of his way to verify his own solutions, and would rather be considered wrong than take the trouble to prove himself right. Again and again I have taken a problem to him, and have received an explanation which has afterwards proved to be the correct one. And yet he was absolutely incapable of working out the practical points...

– Sherlock Holmes, speaking of his brother in "The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter"
From our friends at Wikpedia

And yet like Sherlock (- Ratiocinator extraordinaire, dope fiend, tobacconist, actor par excellence, musician, grifter, and wower of hot chicks) a man of the world, .

Houli is a complex man of universal tastes and inclinations - at once private and thoughtful and concurrently a Rabelaisian Rounder of the First Order.

Mike Houlihan,an 18th Century man of Johnsonian ( Samuel Johnson ) exertions and talents trapped in a faux-Edwardian world of stuffed shirts and phonies.

Houli got clubbed by the membership committee of the Union League Club - a dusty and pretentious convention center for low-brows with American Express Gold Cards. He was deemed 'unclubbale' - to use Dr. Johnson's 18th Century coinage. His heartache cried up to dry our eyes from the pulpy pages of Cliff Carlson's Irish American Magazine and made them moist with brotherly understanding - Page 28 - click my post title for the link:

Here is a poignant passage:

Of course I’m happy now that I
couldn’t join their club. Who wants
to go where they’re not wanted? But
these schmucks wouldn’t even put it in
writing, no letter, just the word passed
on to me, “Sorry you’re not our kind
It’s all for the best. I couldn’t afford
it now anyway. However I would suggest
they remove the word “Chicago”
from their moniker at the Union League
Club. As Eddie Vrdolyak once said, “In
Chicago, we don’t stab you in the back,
we stab you in the front!” Well not
these guys.
So I will take pride in their snub and
remember my mother’s words “the bitter
lesson is best taught”. It’s what I got for
sticking my nose into a wasps nest.
Of course I forgive them and even
though I may announce to the world that
the Union League Club can kiss my fat
Irish ass, I’m actually, in my own way,
just turning the other cheek

Christian Gentleman to the backbone!

Houli, My Dear Fellow, a man of your expanded worth should not be confined, much less defined by a membership. You do more in a day than most of the Union League Club's overpaid ambulance chasers in two-tone broadcloth $400 shirts do a lifetime.

Who was it that said 'Study everything; join nothing?'

Mike Houlihan's Giant's eyes take in the cant and hypocrisy of our world right here in Chicago. This man is not Clubbable? Pish Posh!

Houli, enact a Club without Walls; found an Association without a Membership Committee. Make it an open membership to whomever you have the grace with whom you deign to congress.

To the phonies, snobs, louts, boors, tightwads - you might be unclubbable.

Chicago Police Officers - Time to Sing 'Yes, We Have no Bananas' for the Sun Times!

The Chicago Sun Times continued its quest for more money for Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers, like Jon Loevy. Today's commentary by La Pasionaria Cheryl Reed - drafter of the July 15th Manifesto that raised the Red Flag over Chicago and the appetizer cartoon that accompanied the shameless calumny against working class Police Officers should about do it for Law Enforcement Professionals.

Here it is in full of it:

If an employee's misconduct cost a private company millions of dollars or caused public embarrassment, that employee would be fired. No doubt about it.

But no such punishment faces Chicago police officers found liable for abusing the people they have sworn to serve and protect. Instead of firing those cops, the city keeps paying the victims -- hundreds of millions of dollars over the years -- for beatings, false arrests or illegal searches. And the cops get to keep their jobs. How much more will it cost before the city gets rid of rogue cops?

(J.P. Schmelzer/Special to the Sun-Times) L Here's the guy who did the cartooon showing Chicago Police Officers celebrating their crimes

''Nothing is ever done'' to abusive cops, said attorney Jon Loevy, whose firm has won millions of dollars against the city in scores of police brutality verdicts in the last five years. This year, according to the Law Department, as of Sept. 30, Chicago had paid out more than $27 million in police misconduct judgments and settlements on claims ranging from sexual harassment to excessive force and illegal search. That's money this cash-strapped and tax-heavy city could use to hire more police officers. ( Emphasis here my own)
Who are these cops who are costing the city millions of dollars? They include Gerald Lodwich and Scott Korhoven, who were accused by Coprez Coffie of sodomizing him with a screwdriver in 2004 after a drug arrest. His complaint filed with OPS was ''not sustained.'' A federal jury believed him, though, after an investigation showed the officers had several screwdrivers in their glove compartment and found traces of feces. Coffie last month won a $4 million verdict. Lodwich and Korhoven are still on the job.

So are detectives Martin Garcia and Dion Boyd, accused of framing Timothy Finwall in 2001 for attempted child kidnapping. A jury awarded him $2 million in October. And so are the hundreds of officers whose conduct resulted in individual verdicts and settlements of as much as $6 million.

Not since cops clobbered anti-war demonstrators at the Democratic National Convention in 1968 has the public image of Chicago police been so battered. In many low-income and minority communities, where police misconduct is disproportionate, the police image is not Officer Friendly but Anthony Abbate, who was seen on video viciously beating a female bartender. Complaints to the Office of Professional Standards, which is supposed to investigate, are almost always dismissed.

''There is little likelihood that an officer will receive any meaningful discipline -- meaning suspended for seven days or longer,'' said Craig Futterman, a law professor at the University of Chicago and author of a study due out this month that tracked police brutality complaints from 2001-2006 in Chicago. Even in 1999, the start of the study period, the rate of sustained complaints was only 5 percent, meaning 95 out of 100 complaints were not sustained. It's even worse now: Less than 0.5 percent are sustained. No wonder those accused cops continue to abuse civilians with impunity. And the lawsuits keep on coming.

Those high numbers suggest that the Chicago police department is filled with corrupt officers, but Futterman's study showed that 80 percent of the officers had fewer than three complaints. However, 5 percent had 11 or more complaints -- and some had 50 complaints, without ever being disciplined. No wonder rogue cops don't believe they have to change.

It's as though their misdeeds earn them a place in a special inner circle in the department. The more their abuse costs the city, the more exclusive their membership in this club-within-a-club becomes. It's high time that the city of Chicago closed that club and barred the door for good.

That would about do it for me - it did. I stopped buying the Sun Times in July. There are some good writers and talent at the Sun Times but the they have been shanghaied by the Banana Pirate CEO - Cyrus Friedheim who is under Federal investigation since August 2007 - that was after the July 15th Reed Manifesto - BTW.

It seems that Cyrus, while CEO of Chiquita Banana was paying off right-wing Death Squads in South America and that the Federal Government is weighing charges against Cyrus and his fellow Banana Vintners - They've come long way from the old push carts! Now, how about that for WORKING CLASS VALUES? The Progressive- Independent Conscience of the City

If I were a Chicago Police Officer, or a member of his/her family ( Hey, I do have cops in the family - forgot about that: full disclosure n'cest pas?) no more nickles, dimes or quarters would go to the Sun Times.The Chicago Tribune is directed by a Chicagoan and has a wonderful sports page. The Sun Times used to pick up good local coverage, but now, it seems, only incidents that can help pay off Jon Loevy and his ambulance chasers. I wonder if the Chicago Sun Times is getting kick-backs from lawyers groups that sue the City , the taxpayers and discredit law.

The Chicago Sun Times directed by a guy who is being eyed by the G for paying off Right Wing Death Squads; ignored the death last week of Steven Lyons murdered by Gang-bangers while studying in his room at 76th & Aberdeen, because there was no follow-up pay off linl to Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers ( the GDs and Vice Lords, it seems, can not be compelled to buck up by such Lawsuit Lotto Addicts); dishonors all Police officers on a daily basis; undermines confidence in all Law and Justice; and insults the readership of Chicago should sit un-purchased on newsstands, in boxes, and rot like bodies of people murdered with money from Chiquita Banana pay-offs.

click on my post title for the full Washington Post article on Cyrus Friedheim's activities in South America - now under scrutiny by the Federal Government.

For Old Cyrus - Here's a Chiquita Chuckle:

Q: Knock, knock
A: Who's there?
Q: Banana
A: Banana Who?
Q: Banana? 'Die you sons of the bitches!!!!!' *bang bang*

That joke killed them in South America a couple of years ago.

The Chicago Sun Times I Ain't Buying It! Kind of Catchy - I hope so. Just a guy who reads the papers.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Chris 'Milky' Matthews Insists - 'So that's your Husband Mrs. McCain! Your Husband I Tells You!'

Chris Matthews will not be corrected! Let's Play Softball!!! Or, Snowball!

The Atlantic article linked into my post title insists that John McCain had a Bizarre day - any day that includes a howler soup on Chris Matthew's Hardball is bizarre from the get go.

Chris Matthews has always reminded me of the deaf drunk at the end of the bar with his ear on a stick - half listening to my conversation with several other boon chums and periodically eclipses our talk with his repeated assertions ( uninvited of course) that will somehow bring him into the circle of knowledge.

Matthews also reminds me of that waiter 'Milky, or Whitey or Casper from Me, Myself and Irene.
What struck me about Senator McCain, Mrs. Roberta McCain and Matthews on Hardball with the Snowy Softball yesterday was not Mrs. McCain's opinion on the the Olympics and Utah, but Chris Matthews repeated (twice)reference to the future President as Mrs. McCain's 'Husband.'

Bizarre? A tad. For Matthews - consistent. Like the Ear on a Stick talk wedger plied with too many bumps and beers, Chris Matthews fails to hear the message and raises the volume.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Morton High School Protestors - Take and Like It - That's Civil Disobedience

The Kids above are fighting so the ACLU can be sure that some kids at Morton High School in Chicago's suburbs 'Have the Right' to mock their sacrifices in combat. Ain't this a great country? Made great by generations of quiet, tough, heroic kids and devalued by spoiled, loud, self-centered phonies. America's lionized phony, Henry David Thoreau, refused to pay a poll tax in protest to the Mexican War and spent one night in the slammer - one night more than Sun Times Abdon Pallasch in his heroic defense of the Fourth Estate. Oh well. Click on the Tribune story by clicking my title post.

The ACLU, the media and the parents of some high school kids who staged an anti-war protest at their school duly suspended and now do not want to be punished have gotten the attention they desired and want to avoid the consequences. The media gets all pious on anything the ACLU dreams up. Still in awe of Brahmans I guess. As they usually do the ACLU is making this an Apples and Lug Nuts bit of logic - kid protestors and 'Jock.Brainiac/Rich Kids meted differnt standards for different offenses and non and on . . in the ACLU's patented 'be as big an obfuscating wild eyed, self-righteous pain in the ass as possible and the Media can play the case on TV!'
I wonder how many of these kids learned of the principles of Civil Disobedience from VH1 or from Thoreau ( 6 of one and half-dozen of the other - Thoreau was a phony) or Gandhi.

Gandhi was the real deal and he learned from Terrence McSwinney, The Lord Mayor of Cork, who starved himself to death in protest to British Tyranny in Ireland after WWI. Sixty years later Bobby Sands and many others would do the same in Long Kesh Northern Ireland Prison. That is commitment to principle.

Gandhi did the hunger strike but never went the Full Monty. He wrote these principles adopted by Dr. Martin Luther King and tossed about by ACLU ambulance chasers like they really believe in the principles. So to the kids who got suspended -take your punishment - it right here in Gandhi:

For example, Mahatma Gandhi outlined the following rules:

A civil resister (or satyagrahi) will harbour no anger.
He will suffer the anger of the opponent.
In so doing he will put up with assaults from the opponent, never retaliate; but he will not submit, out of fear of punishment or the like, to any order given in anger.
When any person in authority seeks to arrest a civil resister, he will voluntarily submit to the arrest, and he will not resist the attachment or removal of his own property, if any, when it is sought to be confiscated by authorities.
If a civil resister has any property in his possession as a trustee, he will refuse to surrender it, even though in defending it he might lose his life. He will, however, never retaliate.
Retaliation includes swearing and cursing.
Therefore a civil resister will never insult his opponent, and therefore also not take part in many of the newly coined cries which are contrary to the spirit of ahimsa.
A civil resister will not salute the Union Flag, nor will he insult it or officials, English or Indian.
In the course of the struggle if anyone insults an official or commits an assault upon him, a civil resister will protect such official or officials from the insult or attack even at the risk of his life.

The Media, as usual, take the sides of Mommy and Daddy and try to cloak this in a martyrs mantle. The Media has devalued Civil Rights Issues consistently so why not Civil Disobedience? American values will be as genuine as the Yen in no time. - shucks, look at how the dollar is trading now.

Hey, Leo High School is honoring those who served and died for America- today. Maybe some reporters might mention that.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Leo Man David McKee '46 Opens Leo Veterans Observances

Leo High School's David McKee '46 - the Dean of Stockyard Kilty Pipe Band - opens the Leo Veterans Observance tomorrow by piping in the Colors.

Come over to Leo High School -Leo High School site of Veterans Observance on Friday, November 9th, 2007
@11:00 A.M

Contact - Mr. Pat Hickey -Director of Development (773) 224-9600

Leo High School, Leo Alumni Association, Windy City Veterans, The Burbank, Illinois Unit of the Marine Corps League, The Veterans Leadership Program, American Legion Giles Post #87, & Chicago Commission on Human Relations will hold a special Veterans Memorial Observance at the Leo War Memorial in the school’s courtyard. , Leo High School President Robert W. Foster & Vice Principal Frank Wilson (USMC ret.) will direct the observance which features presentations by Veterans, wreath - laying by Richard Furlong, President of the Alumni Association , Mrs. Rochelle Crump - Veteran and Asst. Director for the Illinois Department of Child and Family Services.

Sadly - The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs no longer participates in this Annual Veterans Observance. In August, when we begin the planning for the event, Director Duckworth's Office informed Leo High School that 'the Director had other plans for that date and that Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs would not be participating.' When I called for follow-up I asked, 'Leo High School can expect no help from Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs?' and was told ' good luck with your event.' It is not mine - this event belongs to the Veterans.

It is the Veterans who make this event special.

Leo High School erected a memorial in 1965 to the many Leo men who have died serving America in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and the Windy City Veterans of Chicago updated the engraved names and constructed permanent lighting for the memorial. Last year more than two hundred persons joined the 320 Leo students in honoring America’s war fallen.

John Fardy (Leo 1940) was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic sacrifice during World War II. Mr. John Houlihan (Leo ‘41) served in the Marine Corps as did Mr. Dick Prendergast and twenty (20) more of his classmates from the Class of ‘43. Many Leo men have been decorated for heroism, including Mr. Jim Farrell (Leo ‘61), Mr. Jack Farnan, (Leo ‘63), and Mr. Jim Furlong ( Leo ‘65), all members of the Leo Hall of Fame and highly decorated Vietnam Veterans. The late Mr.Thomas Stack (Leo ‘61) organized the first welcome home to the Veterans of Vietnam. Mr.Tom Stack won two Silver Stars and three Bronze Stars in Vietnam.
Another highly decorated Vietnam Veteran, Gen. George Muellner, USAF (ret.) graduated from Leo, flew more than 600 combat fighter missions, commanded many fighter commands, and developed the STAR communications weapon system for Operation Desert Storm. Gen. Muellner is now the VP for Boeing Corporation’s Stealth Projects. Chicago Police Officer Eric Lee ( USMC) was killed in the line of duty several years ago and is remembered in Leo High School's Hall of Fame.

The Veterans Memorial Observance, as always, will be held in the school courtyard located on 79th Street.

The Public is invited to share in this Observance. The Leo Thanks the Commander Doty and all of the Officers of Gresham Chicago Police 6th District who serve and protect twenty four hours a day and seven days a week!

Click on my Post Title for More on the Leo Alumni and Leo High School!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Le dreyfus et nous coupables de Your'e le savent! (You're Guilty, Dreyfus, and We Know It!)

He's confusing a clear conscience with a lack of conscience

Please Click my post title for the contemporary certainty of Mark Brown!

January 5, 1895
BY MARQUE BRUN Temps du Soleil Chroniqueur et Arbruti

Mon Dieu! That was amazing. What a horse's behind. I just watched Alfred Dreyfus say he's going to report to prison today with a clear conscience. He says he's innocent, and he still intends to prove it.

He didn't apologize. He didn't so much as admit he made any mistakes. His defiance couldn't have been more complete if he flipped us the bird.

I hadn't intended to write about Dreyfus going to prison today. I thought everything had been said.

'Still fighting for justice'? Idiotie!But I can't let him get away with that little speech when I know many of you sat there in the Cafe Parnassus while sputtering just like me, but without the platform to express yourselves.

Dreyfus should have just kept his mouth shut if he didn't have the sense or decency to acknowledge the error of his ways.

He should have waved at the cameras and climbed into his car and drove to Cozy ÃŽle du Diable - Devil's Island, Guiana, and waved once more from inside the carriage when he got up there.

Then, in 1906 -- when the now 47-year-old former Army Staff Officer will get out of prison, if he lasts that long -- he could have waved twice more on the way home. Fine by me.

Dreyfus should have saved the baloney about "still fighting for justice" for the people who drank the absinthe and think he's a martyr because he's a Jew Officer.

Alfred Dreyfus is no martyr, whether you agree with his handling of Army AntiSemitism or not.

He did everything France's Army said -- and more
Alfred Dreyfus presided over a office in Army Ordinance where German General Staff Officers routinely obtained information with bribes, tens of thousands of dollars of which made their way into his campaign coffers -- a nasty little problem that he tried to cover up. People got killed ( The Prussians killed thousands of us in the Franco Prussian War!! )as a result of those ballistics charts out there on the road.

While Dreyfus was in Ordnance , he gave his Jew Friends an inside track on most of the big leases and contracts let by the Grande Armee. In return, they showered "gifts" on him and his family.

Perhaps he continues to confuse a clear conscience with a lack of conscience.

How exactly does Dreyfus propose to prove his innocence at this point? Is he going to find the one-armed man? Sacre Bleu! - I must be having another vision!!!!!

(Note to younger readers: There will be this television show called "The Fugitive" that they made into a movie with Harrison Ford in which this doctor is convicted of killing his wife and . . . oh, never mind.)

Alfred Dreyfus is not innocent. He's not even "not guilty," a distinction he may or may not appreciate.

Earth to Alfred. You're guilty.

You did everything the Republique accused you of doing -- and more -- and the people of France know it.

The prosecutors proved it to a judge and jury. They also proved it to the appellate court, which found the evidence overwhelming.

Dreyfus's innocence isn't really a matter of serious discussion at this stage, only whether he received a fair trial given some of the goofiness during jury deliberations.

At most, he never had a chance for anything more than a new trial, where all the evidence from the first trial would have still been in full force and effect, and where a new jury would have convicted him just as quickly as he could be brought to trial.

'10-year ordeal' for us, too
While waiting to go to COZY Devil's Island, Dreyfus has undoubtedly run into a lot of people who have expressed kind words to him either back in Mulhassen, Alsace or on his Paris restaurant circuit. People are like that. They don't want to be outwardly mean -- like newspaper columnists.

Dreyfus may be suffering under some delusion that people are on his side.

Mon Dieu! He spoke again Tuesday of his "10-year ordeal" under "unrelenting pressure."

It's been an ordeal for us, too, Alfred, wondering whether you'd ever be brought to justice with one of the best legal teams in the country pulling out all the stops on your behalf and cleverly postponing what one of the appellate court judges called your "day of reckoning."

Well, the day of reckoning is today, and whatever sympathy that might have been directed your way because of your age and your family situation, you kissed that goodbye with your defiant speech. You need a pornographer like ZOLA to help you now!~

Consider this our return kiss in your direction. Vive La France!

.........................................................back to old cynical Hickey:

( I am certain of nothing - but you just might be able click on this link to learn more about Capt. Alfred Dreyfus and how a whole country , not just a State knew that he was guilty)

Monday, November 05, 2007

John McCain Approved ( probably would) 'Truther Photos' from Iraq -You Wont See This on Bill Maher

These photos will not be shown on Bill Maher, The View, Chris 'Milkey' Matthews' CrossBreed or in the care of Code Pink/ Great thanks to Patriot Frank Nofsinger - the Swiss Mick of Connecticut!

We have invited Senator John McCain to join us for the Leo Veterans Observances - we hope that he can make it!

Come over to Leo High School -Leo High School site of Veterans Observance on Friday, November 9th, 2007
@11:00 A.M

Contact - Mr. Pat Hickey -Director of Development (773) 224-9600

Leo High School, Leo Alumni Association, Windy City Veterans, The Burbank, Illinois Unit of the Marine Corps League, The Veterans Leadership Program, American Legion Giles Post #87, & Chicago Commission on Human Relations will hold a special Veterans Memorial Observance at the Leo War Memorial in the school’s courtyard. , Leo High School President Robert W. Foster & Vice Principal Frank Wilson (USMC ret.) will direct the observance which features presentations by Veterans, wreath - laying by Richard Furlong, President of the Alumni Association , Mrs. Rochelle Crump - Veteran and Asst. Director for the Illinois Department of Child and Family Services.

Sadly - The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs no longer participates in this Annual Veterans Observance. In August, when we begin the planning for the event, Director Duckworth's Office informed Leo High School that 'the Director had other plans for that date and that Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs would not be participating.' When I called for follow-up I asked, 'Leo High School can expect no help from Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs?' and was told ' good luck with your event.' It is not mine - this event belongs to the Veterans.

It is the Veterans who make this event special.

Leo High School erected a memorial in 1965 to the many Leo men who have died serving America in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and the Windy City Veterans of Chicago updated the engraved names and constructed permanent lighting for the memorial. Last year more than two hundred persons joined the 320 Leo students in honoring America’s war fallen.

John Fardy (Leo 1940) was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic sacrifice during World War II. Mr. John Houlihan (Leo ‘41) served in the Marine Corps as did Mr. Dick Prendergast and twenty (20) more of his classmates from the Class of ‘43. Many Leo men have been decorated for heroism, including Mr. Jim Farrell (Leo ‘61), Mr. Jack Farnan, (Leo ‘63), and Mr. Jim Furlong ( Leo ‘65), all members of the Leo Hall of Fame and highly decorated Vietnam Veterans. The late Mr.Thomas Stack (Leo ‘61) organized the first welcome home to the Veterans of Vietnam. Mr.Tom Stack won two Silver Stars and three Bronze Stars in Vietnam.
Another highly decorated Vietnam Veteran, Gen. George Muellner, USAF (ret.) graduated from Leo, flew more than 600 combat fighter missions, commanded many fighter commands, and developed the STAR communications weapon system for Operation Desert Storm. Gen. Muellner is now the VP for Boeing Corporation’s Stealth Projects. Chicago Police Officer Eric Lee ( USMC) was killed in the line of duty several years ago and is remembered in Leo High School's Hall of Fame.

The Veterans Memorial Observance, as always, will be held in the school courtyard located on 79th Street.

The Public is invited to share in this Observance. The Leo Thanks the Commander Doty and all of the Officers of Gresham Chicago Police 6th District who serve and protect twenty four hours a day and seven days a week!

Click on my Post Title for More on the Leo Alumni and Leo High School!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Hey Abdon! Who Lied and Made You Boss? !!! A Reporter's Privilege

Nothing to read at Kean Gas station at 111th & Talman this morning - Gino Ford grabbed the last Daily Southtown and Dawna said that Sunday edition wouldn't be in until about 11AM. The Kean dark roast was still slowdripping.

Against Dr. Vargas' orders - I picked up the Sun Times ( HOWLS OF DERISIVE LAUGHTER emitted by your your humble servant) - The Progressive-Independent Conscience of the City that 's better than endless Seinfeld loops on two competing channels.

OK - Alderman Tom 'Hold on a Sec there's a Cop on Me . . .What??? Don't You Have Criminals to Catch?' Tunney's Boy's Town Bird Watchers Beef about Montrose Harbor Crocus Cruisers.
- Priest denied bail - tough padre; enjoy the trip to Switzerland
- Obligatory George Ryan pimp slap - wait - this is not an editorial or is it?

Ryan wins switch to cozy Wisconsin prison

November 3, 2007
BY ABDON M. PALLASCH Staff Reporter/
Former Gov. George Ryan got some good news Friday.

Not great news, but good news.

The U.S. Bureau of Prisons agreed to let him serve his 6½-year sentence in Oxford, Wis. -- closer to his Kankakee home than the prison in Duluth, Minn., where the bureau had initially assigned him.

Was it because bed space opened up there in the year and a half Ryan has been out on bail while he appeals his case? The bureau didn't say. Ryan did not tell his lawyer, former Gov. Jim Thompson, whether the news had improved his mood as he awaits word from the U.S. Supreme Court about whether they will take his appeal.

"He just told me he had gotten the letter," Thompson said. "He didn't have any comment one way or the other."

Galloping Goldfish!

Now that's an editorial! A reporter's story would or might say: 'Ryan going to Oxford; not Duluth,' but Abdon insists that there is a COZY prison. Funny, he opted not to spend one night in jail over his 'belief and - dare I say it? - conviction about reporter privilege - and Antagonistic Abdon goes on . . . Was there a Storming of the Winter Palace on the River? Did La Pasionaria Reed go down in a 'talentless' coup?

Abdon's doing some editorializing in the Repor - Taj . . .Machs Nicht - Matters not !It's the Sun Times Oh, VELL!
Machs dir nicht so schwer mit mir

mach dir kein Problem aus mir
quäl dich nicht so sehr,
quäl dich nicht so sehr,
mach’s dir nicht so schwer
Sorry, I was reminiscing about my undergraduate years at Universität Heidelberg and my career in the duelling fraternities where Honor was tested with the epee or the cavalry saber ( schläger) - mensur,"Studentenverbindungen" - Ach, ZO! Abdon didn't go there.

In 2004, Abdon lectured the future ink-slingers at Indiana University- the Home of Ernie Pyle who really understood honor as a man and a writer - about 'reporter privilege' - the need to piously protect the source of story. Now get this: Abdon told the Hoosier Higher Critics of the Future that - a reporter should be willing to go to a - I'll use Abdon's words from today's editorial - story - Nice Cozy Prison in order to protect reporter privilege:

Reporter's privilege is the idea that journalists have the right to keep any information they receive, from any source, confidential. Most journalists value this right because, as Pallasch said, if reporters reveal their sources, no one would talk to them.

"People shouldn't be afraid to talk to the press," he said. "And the press should be willing to go to jail for not disclosing (information)."

Then three paragraphs down in the full story - that you can access by clicking on my post title - Abdon admits to caving in and avoiding a trip to a COZY Prison cell.

Well if you can't do the time - You can write for the Sun Times with your COZY mantle of smug, self-righteousness wrapped warmly about your avian-like shoulders! That Kean Dark Roast is the Ticket! Steady, Old Man!

Well, Boys and Girls, that trip to Kean put me to thinking that Cheryl Reed might be locked in a paper closet over on Orleans and the River - maybe even wearing an iron mask.

Was La Pasionaria couped out of the editorial work or will every feature be a kick at political Enemies of the PEOPLE and a loud opinion piece? Coup-Coup Cachoo!

There is no Honor among Feebs!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Honor Our Veterans At Leo High School on November 9th at 11AM- Honor All Who Serve!

For Immediate Release: Leo High School site of Veterans Observance on Friday, November 9th, 2007
@11:00 A.M

Contact - Mr. Pat Hickey -Director of Development (773) 224-9600

Leo High School, Leo Alumni Association, Windy City Veterans, The Burbank, Illinois Unit of the Marine Corps League, The Veterans Leadership Program, American Legion Giles Post #87, & Chicago Commission on Human Relations will hold a special Veterans Memorial Observance at the Leo War Memorial in the school’s courtyard. , Leo High School President Robert W. Foster & Vice Principal Frank Wilson (USMC ret.) will direct the observance which features presentations by Veterans, wreath - laying by Richard Furlong, President of the Alumni Association , Mrs. Rochelle Crump - Veteran and Asst. Director for the Illinois Department of Child and Family Services.

Sadly - The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs no longer participates in this Annual Veterans Observance. In August, when we begin the planning for the event, Director Duckworth's Office informed Leo High School that 'the Director had other plans for that date and that Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs would not be participating.' When I called for follow-up I asked, 'Leo High School can expect no help from Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs?' and was told ' good luck with your event.' It is not mine - this event belongs to the Veterans.

It is the Veterans who make this event special.

Leo High School erected a memorial in 1965 to the many Leo men who have died serving America in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam and the Windy City Veterans of Chicago updated the engraved names and constructed permanent lighting for the memorial. Last year more than two hundred persons joined the 320 Leo students in honoring America’s war fallen.

John Fardy (Leo 1940) was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic sacrifice during World War II. Mr. John Houlihan (Leo ‘41) served in the Marine Corps as did Mr. Dick Prendergast and twenty (20) more of his classmates from the Class of ‘43. Many Leo men have been decorated for heroism, including Mr. Jim Farrell (Leo ‘61), Mr. Jack Farnan, (Leo ‘63), and Mr. Jim Furlong ( Leo ‘65), all members of the Leo Hall of Fame and highly decorated Vietnam Veterans. The late Mr.Thomas Stack (Leo ‘61) organized the first welcome home to the Veterans of Vietnam. Mr.Tom Stack won two Silver Stars and three Bronze Stars in Vietnam.
Another highly decorated Vietnam Veteran, Gen. George Muellner, USAF (ret.) graduated from Leo, flew more than 600 combat fighter missions, commanded many fighter commands, and developed the STAR communications weapon system for Operation Desert Storm. Gen. Muellner is now the VP for Boeing Corporation’s Stealth Projects. Chicago Police Officer Eric Lee ( USMC) was killed in the line of duty several years ago and is remembered in Leo High School's Hall of Fame.

The Veterans Memorial Observance, as always, will be held in the school courtyard located on 79th Street.

The Public is invited to share in this Observance.

Click on my Post Title for More on the Leo Alumni and Leo High School!

Thought, Candor and Action Add Up to a McCain Victory in 2008

The other day, John McCain met with Jewish American leaders in New York to present his 'step-by-step' approach to finding a way to peace in the Middle East. Again, McCain proved that a leader is one who does not take a cookie cutter approach to problems like Health Care, the Law of the Sea, Immigration Reform, much less the war on Islamist Terror, but a person who looks at the big picture - every aspect of its surface and what lies beneath, speaks to the problems and then, and only then, takes bold direct action at every level. A Leader develops a game plan; articulates its execution to the whole team and leads from the front.

NEW YORK — Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Tuesday advocated taking one step at a time in approaching Mideast peace negotiations.

The statement precedes a planned summit of Israeli, Palestinian and other Arab leaders scheduled next month in Annapolis, Md. McCain's statement may be seen a gentle criticism of the Bush summit, which aims to jump-start peace talks.

“I think that process has to be a step by step process. An encompassing, all encompassing, one-step solution was tried by former President Clinton, and I think that’s probably a very, very difficult accomplishment,” the Arizona senator told a conference of Jewish leaders in New York.

McCain said he couldn’t put a timeline on an his approach, noting that terrorists like Hamas continue to be the unknown factor.

“I’m not sure frankly how you, how you deal with Hamas. If they’re dedicated to your extinction it’s hard to sit down and negotiate with somebody that says we’re going to destroy you,” he said.

In a forum devoted almost exclusively to foreign policy, the senator criticized Russia and China for blocking the U.S. and it’s allies when it comes to putting pressure on Sudan, North Korea and Iran. He proposed creating a league of democracies with countries that share American values and control the world’s economy.

“Why don’t we act together with these countries and impose meaningful sanctions on Iran today?” he asked.

McCain said the U.S. is facing a U.N. Security Council which has created difficulties for the U.S. However, he made it clear that he does not favor abandoning the United Nations.

McCain thinks to the issues - he thinks through them; he speaks to the issues - honestly and in direct language; and he takes action.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cum Grano Salis or 20/20 Myopia Casts it Flawed Eyes on Cops - Stop! Read Second City Cop !

Click on My Post Title and read today's Second City Cop Story ! More outrageous and dangerous nonsense from Media Morons!

BTW -That's Mr. Magoo, an old timey cartoon guy, who thought kittens were scary Teamsters and the Dufus with the Magnum 'Stash addressing Harvard Students - at Yale is ABC 20/20 (Lens Crafters Couldn't Hurt?!) John Stossel.

ABC TV's 20/20 - The Disney Mopes who have screwed Chicago at every turn ( remember their kidnapping of the Chicago Thanksgiving Michigan Ave. Parade - PURE Mickey Mouse - or take your kids off the street!) - is now in the business of ENTRAPMENT of Chicago Police Officers - undercover 'video units' will be unleashed on the streets and it seems that 'Community Activists' and other local cop haters are armed with video cameras. Hey, why bother? Why not script it the way ABC and John Stossel want it to come out anyway! Hey, it worked for Gunga Dan Rather at CBS and look at how well Jose Sanders' rescripted ABC True Life worked out! Watch Out Now! Just Funnin', Jose! You did What???? NO you didn't!
Seeking to catch their truth - 20/20's John Stossel has just a swell record of

so doing
: Here's Big Myth Buster John doing his myopic mythopoeic best!

Liberal economist James K. Galbraith said that Stossel, in a story on laissez-faire economics in September 1999, used an out of context clip of Galbraith to make it seem that Galbraith had said nearly the opposite of what he meant. Stossel denied that Galbraith's views had been misrepresented, but changed the words with which he introduced the Galbraith clip in rebroadcasts of the program.[23][24] [25]

A February 2000 story about organic vegetables on 20/20 included statements by Stossel that tests had shown that neither organic nor conventional produce samples contained any pesticide residue, and that organic food was more likely to be contaminated by E. coli bacteria. The Environmental Working Group objected to his report, mainly questioning his statements about bacteria, but also managed to determine that the produce had never been tested for pesticides. They communicated this to Stossel, but after the story's producer backed Stossel's recollection that the test results had been as described, the story was rebroadcast months later, uncorrected, and with a postscript in which Stossel reiterated his claim. Later, after a report in the New York Times confirmed the Environmental Working Group's claims, ABC News suspended the producer of the segment for a month and reprimanded Stossel. Stossel apologized, saying that he had thought the tests had been conducted as reported. However, he claimed that the gist of his report had been accurate.[26][27][28][29][30]

In a March 2007 segment about finances and lifestyles of televangelists, 20/20 aired a clip of a TV minister originally broadcast by the Lifetime Network in 1997. The clip made it seem that the minister was describing his wealth in extravagant terms, when actually, he was telling a parable about a rich man. ABC News twice aired a retraction and apologized for the error. The minister filed a lawsuit against Stossel, his source for the clip, 20/20, and ABC for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress.[31][32]

In an opinion piece published in the Wall Street Journal in September 2007 called "Sick Sob Stories," Stossel described the case of Tracy and Julie Pierce that was explored in Michael Moore's film, Sicko.[33] Julie criticized Stossel, saying her husband would have been saved by the Canadian health care system, and she thought Stossel should have interviewed her and her doctor before writing about them.[34] Stossel expressed sympathy, but said she had been misled to believe the treatment was routinely available in Canada. In fact, he said, the treatment is also considered "experimental" in Canada, and is provided there even more rarely than in the U.S.[35]

Politically progressive organizations Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) and Media Matters for America (MMfA) have criticized Stossel's work,[36][37] claiming lack of "balance" of coverage and "distortion of facts".[38] David Mastio, of claimed in February 2000, that Stossel has a conflict of interest in donating profits from his public speaking engagements (even though approved by ABC) to, among others, a non-profit called "Stossel in the Classroom" which includes material for use in schools, some of which uses material made by Stossel.[39][40] Stossel says his critics have biases or political agendas.[17]

[edit] The Schults incident
On December 28, 1984, during an interview for 20/20 on professional wrestling, wrestler David Schults struck Stossel after Stossel asked if professional wrestling was fake. Stossel claimed that he still suffered from pain and buzzing in his ears eight weeks after the assault.[41] Stossel sued and obtained a settlement of $425,000 from the WWF, at which point "the pain slowly went away."[42][43] Schults maintains that he attacked Stossel on orders from Vince McMahon, the head of the WWF.[44]
From Wikpedia

I'd say 'Pricless' but $ 425,000 is really pretty nice walking around money.

You gotta love TV News Yamheads!

Maybe This Sting feature will be produced by another myopic genius - Mr. Quincy Magoo - he can't see what's really out there either.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Chew Out Judge Ackley, Senator McCain

McCain Tree County - Iowa.

John McCain is mulling over the test in the Iowa Caucus - If you do make a stop in Iowa, Senator McCain, give Judge Ackley, who sentenced a Chicago Police Officer to Five Years for defending himself from an outrageous Iowa drunk, a nice thick slice of your mind. You would lock up some powerful support, which is already quite strong, in Democratic Chicago and maybe even spring a man unfairly sentenced by a miserable clown in robes.

Give this judicial creep a thick, knotty piece of McCain Justice - the kind that is born of the Rule of Law and a Sense of Justice, because there is bugger all Justice in Dubuque in the court of Judge Ackley. Unless, of course, you happen to be a locally connected bar bully.

Click on my Title Post for John Kass's account of Officer Mike Mette's

In the Mean Time Folks - Drop the Governor of Iowa a Note - Let's get his head up on this matter:

Monday, October 29, 2007

McCain Is For Those Who Serve

"For my part, I would simply affirm that the sacrifices borne by veterans deserve to be memorialized in something more lasting than marble or bronze or in the fleeting effect of a politician's speech. Your valor and your devotion to duty have earned your country's abiding concern for your well being. I am, I assure you, committed to honoring that debt."

John McCain, Remarks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, 3/7/95

Only one candidate seems to make sense, because that candidate speaks in plain English. John McCain talks to the issues important to American Voters. As an American who understands service, John McCain speaks from the heart on issues important to voters.

Click on my post title for john McCain's views on Veterans issues.

For ALL Veterans and Public Service Employees

Plan to attend the


11 AM - Friday, November 9th

Leo High School
7901 S. Sangamon Street
Chicago, IL 60620

Contact - Pat Hickey at (773) 224-9600 extension # 16

Call to Order
Raising of the Colors
Wreath Laying
Remarks by Leo High School Seniors; Rochele Crump - Veterans Affairs for DCFS; Rich Furlong Leo Alumni Association & others
21 Gun Salute
Reception in Leo Cafeteria

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Evolving - It's Liberating!

Man is not the enemy here, but the fellow victim.

• When she stopped conforming to the conventional picture of femininity she finally began to enjoy being a woman.

• The feminine mystique has succeeded in burying millions of American women alive.

Betty Friedan - The Feminine Mystique

Well she used to run around with every man in town,
Spend all my money; Lord I'm playing her half-ass game
Put me out, it was a pity how I cried,
Table's turnin', now it's her turn to cry,
Cuz I used to love her, but it's all over now.
Cuz I used to love her, but it's all over now.

(B. & S. Womack 1964)

I ache to think that I made any Woman entomb herself in the Feminine Mystique. I weep to think on it - all the furniture moved, comestibles hauled, dishes washed, floors scrubbed, and dinners cooked, because I selfishly entombed women! Bastard! Cur! Sexist!

Thanks Betty, I feel unburdened.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Sailing to a New Attitude is defined as a human being and woman is defined as a female. Whenever she tries to behave as a human being she is accused of trying to emulate the male...
Simone de Beauvoir

She loves the free, fresh wind in her hair
Life without care
Shes broke, but its ok
She hates california, its cold and its damp
Thats why the lady is a tramp

Doesnt like dice games, with sharpies and frauds
Wont go to harlem, in lincolns or fords
Wont dish the dirt, with the rest of those broads
Thats why the lady is a tramp


I am evolving! Let go of all past misconceptions and constructs about Women! Let her row, Dammit! Let Her Row!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

To All Deniers and Agenda Driven Activists - Have Someone Explain This Simple Cartoon to You - several times

Click Cartoon by Wiley to Enlarge

This great cartoon was sent to me by a stand-up Californian and Vietnam Vet Mike McQuade. What happens in life becomes history. Let's make sure that people get things right - not what some want to have taken place, or how they want events to fit their 'systemic' view of things, but what actually takes place.

Holocaust Deniers, 9/11 Nutball Theorists ( the Jews Blew it Up!), and so many Police Abuse Activists - notably G. Flint Taylor:

"It's political, it's cultural, it's systemic," said attorney G. Flint Taylor, who represents several former death row inmates now suing Burge and city officials.

Attorney Richard Sikes, who represents Burge in the five civil suits, said after Fitzgerald's announcement that allegations against his client "have been fairly investigated by the special prosecutors who found that charges were not appropriate."
Click the title above for a late-breaking Chicago Tribune story on this - then explain what this cartoon means to some of Chicago's Aldermen ( 28 by the 40 Watt Four: Smith Munoz, Moore and Preckwinkle) - explain slowly and repeat as needed - watch that their tiny heads do not explode - the pop will be startlng to small children,

Judge Lefkow denied the 28 Aldermen the listof names, addresses and phone numbers of Police Officers and their families. God bless you Judge! Score One for Common Sense and Deceny!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

"Love Relations" Starring Ed Smith, Toni Preckwinkle, Joe Moore and Ricardo Munoz - See it with a Cop!

Aldermen Smith, Preckwinckle, Moore, and Munoz - Your Places are Reserved for You - to continue to do what you do best on the city of Chicago!

Yesterday and today in the Progressive - Independent Conscience of the City - aka The Chicago Sun Times, Fran Spielman reported on the Four Horsemen of the Metropolice - Ed Smith, author and movie mogul; Toni 'Too Smart' Preckwinkle: Joe 'Goose Guts' Moore: and Ricardo ' It's Printing Now' Munoz, and their announcement that they have Twenty-eight ( 28) Alderpersons ready willing and able to force the City Council of Chicago to place the names, addresses, phone numbers of Chicago Police officers the spouses and children into the hands of Gang-bangers, criminals, arsonists, drug-lords and sociopaths in order to score points with those criminals and clowns they serve: if you demand to place Police Officers and their families in mortal danger, you are either a criminal or a very sad clown.

Aldermen Toni Preckwinkle (4th), Ricardo Munoz (22nd), Ed Smith (28th) and Joe Moore (49th) said they have lined up 28 votes, two more than they need, to force Daley's hand. But the aldermen have decided to take a softer approach before setting up a confrontation not seen since the Council Wars during the 1980s. On Monday, they plan to file a petition to intervene asking U.S. District Judge Joan Lefkow to order that the names be released.

In July, the city released a list of complaints filed over the past five years but the officers' names were blacked out. A disproportionate number of complaints were against members of the recently disbanded Special Operations Section, but the complaints resulted in only one 15-day suspension and three reprimands.

The aldermen say a blacked-out list is not good enough to determine whether there are patterns of behavior the Police Department needs to address.

"Not giving out the names is an indication that you are trying to protect people who have committed crimes," Smith said.

"I personally just want to know how many of them, if any of them, are in my police district and patrolling the streets in my ward," Moore said.

Munoz added, "This is about transparency and accountability. Ninety-eight percent of the police officers are good police officers. It's that 2 percent [who] are getting caught abusing their authority that we need to root out. The only way to do that effectively is to have all this information out."

Preckwinkle said it's no surprise that 28 aldermen are prepared to force Daley's hand. Not after a string of what she called "spectacular and disturbing cases" of alleged police misconduct and barroom brawls involving off-duty officers that hastened the retirement of Police Supt. Phil Cline.

I had no idea Ed Smith produced a a movie - click on the link to it on my post title - it's a veritable Gigi! Wholesome fun for the wives and kiddies!

Smith earned his bachelor’s degree from Alcorn State University in Lorman, Mississippi and his master’s degree from Northeastern Illinois University. Smith has written two books: Love the Town Couldn’t Stop and Looking for Daddy. Smith is also the executive producer of the film, “Love Relations.”
Wikepdia:Ed Smith

Here's synopsis:

Where love and laughs collide.

In the spirit of BARBERSHOP, Love Relations is the story of a shoeshine shop owner and the charcters (sic) around him as they compare the details of their dysfunctional relationships. In four intertwined vignettes, the residents of a downtown neighborhood face up to the follies and fortunes of romance.

Although it is said that "love conquers all," the characters in Love Relations learn that love doesn't always win.
Not just the Spirit, Ed, but the Intent! I think they call that an Homage or Hollywood for plagiarism. Or as Ed Smith might argue - a stick-up man is an entrepeneur.

If Ed says they got twenty-eight (28) you can bet he has four (4) - Joe, Ricardo, Toni and the DeMille of D'Austin!

Back when Chicago had newspapers, these four creeps would be ignored by a Ray Coffey, a Hermann Kogan, a Carl Rowan, or a Nick Von Hoffman - even a Jack Mabley.

Here's a nice idea. Before these four with the help of their liberally compliant Judge Lefkow ( Hickey got this one wrong! Way to go Judge!,0,1825114.story?coll=chi_tab01_layout updated at 11:25 AM 10/25/'07) put Police Officers and their families in mortal danger, have a Night at the Movies with Ed ' Zanuck' Smith!

Police Officers - Give Ed Smith a call and set up a screening of Love Relations - bring the wives, husbands and kids so Ed can have a sit down and movie with the very people he wants to put in harm's way. The popcorn's on Ed! Invite the Progressive Sun Times Staff! They'd be able to follow the screenplay.

I'll give Love Relations Four Dumbs Up! Smith, Preckwinkle, Moore and Munoz - hey, there's room in aisle for twenty-four (24) more!

Give Ed a Call - Openness is how he rolls!

Ward 28:
Alderman Ed H. Smith (producer)
Office: 118 N. Pulaski
Chicago, IL 60624
Phone: 773-533-0900
City Hall Phone: 312-744-3066