Saturday, August 18, 2007

Thomas the Train Engine Co-Star Takes a Brody from Sodor Hyatt Window! World of PBS - Mildly Upset

Sad news to report from the island of Sodor, a Commonwealth of Public Broadcasting and vacation spot for PBS regulars Studs Terkle, Secular Archbishop Dr. Wayne Dyer, Tavis 'All About ME' Smiley, Bill Moyers, and Way Cool Dutch Fiddler Andre Rieu.

This island of rigid people and manically smiling passive aggressive motor vehicles was rocked by the sudden and apparent suicide of Arthur The Engine. Sodor Police suspect no foul play -as this is Sodor and not Chicago. No Crime -No Foul! - the motto of PC ( Public Corporation) Police of Sodor.

Engine, A Chicago native and built at the old Purdy works in the 'tight-knit ethnic' Hegewisch Neighborhood - a long-time member of Annunciata Catholic Parish, but Chicago Public School Alumnus in the 10th Ward, Arthur the Engine, a close pal of Thomas the Tank Engine,- despaired over the flood of news and television reports that Chicago was a hot bed of intolerance, racism, 'that's how it is?' and generally lawless hum-buggery. A note saying - 'that's not what I understand it to be!' was left on the television in the Sodor Hyatt.

Depending soley on Chicago Media for information on his hometown, Mr. Engine imagined that this Media Coverage was an accurate portryal of his family, friends and neighbors. Arthur often complained that he should have gone to Mt. Carmel High School instead of Bowen as that would better have prepared him to deal more openly with passive aggressive people of PBS and the Chicago Media, who portray most Chicagoans as racists, illegal scam artists, or race hustlers. Arthur the Engine believed this not to be accurate.

PBS Spokesperson, Bea Moron, shrilled, like Sir Topham Hat Himself - 'Yes It is! Deal with it! Arthur could not.'

Concern over the recent escape of Immigration Activist Elvira Arellano, the constant droning on about the Evil Chicago Police and the flood of reports on pandemic racism in Chicago by the Chicago media sparked the Children's Programming star to 'pull the Dutch Act.' - Chicago euphemism for the ultimate personal exercise of exitential choice!

PBS Spokesperson, Bea Moron, stated 'We should all learn to 'Be More On!' Arthur never understood that people do not live together with respect ( I can now bring my Chou into Gibsons and other trendy cafes) and it is the nature of Progressive News and Programing to pick the scabs and make sure that they fester properly. When we coin neologisms, like systemic racism, and report on stories that make no sense as if they are really important - people really get active. That's a good thing; whether it is 'doing street and drive-bys, rioting or going thug!

We should all ' be more on' like PBS. Grants from huge foundations, Venezualan Dictators and Edgey Corporations are not enough! PBS needs pledges from the people that we insult on a daily basis. We do to all of you for some of us! That is good stewardship. Arthur never understood that - Poor Arthur thought it was all on the level - like a Diversity Celebration in Lake Forest. Thomas has no comment. Dr. Wayne Dyer will officiate at services for Arthur. Pledges are required and tote bags and Andre Rieu CDs issued for pledges of $200 or more. Truly.'

Be More On

Friday, August 17, 2007

Orson Welles Would Love Chicago 'Intellectual Activists'

Ladies and gentlemen, here is the latest bulletin from the Intercontinental Radio News. Toronto, Canada: Professor Morse of McMillan University reports observing a total of three explosions on the planet Mars, between the hours of 7:45 P. M. and 9:20 P. M., eastern standard time. This confirms earlier reports received from American observatories.
Now, nearer home, comes a special bulletin from Trenton, New Jersey. It is reported that at 8:50 P. M. a huge, flaming object, believed to be a meteorite, fell on a farm in the neighborhood of Grovers Mill, New Jersey, twenty-two miles from Trenton.
The flash in the sky was visible within a radius of several hundred miles and the noise of the impact was heard as far north as Elizabeth.
We have dispatched a special mobile unit to the scene, and will have our commentator, Carl Phillips, give you a word picture of the scene as soon as he can reach there from Princeton.
In the meantime, we take you to the Hotel Martinet in Brooklyn, where Bobby Millette and his orchestra are offering a program of dance music.

My Apologies - that was not Andy Shaw!

Chicago Media panders to the worst instincts and agendas in our society. Witness yesterday's moronic disruption of Police Board.,CST-NWS-shoot17.article,1,3009037.story

Another 'Intellectual Activist' ( read 'things have not worked out too well in life and so it's time to live off of taxpayers hard-earned money') Queen Sister of the It Takes A Village Organization - must be listed somewhere with the State of Illinois as a charitable foundation, I couldn't find it - argued that the recent gun collections in Chicago were the source for the obvious murder weapon:

Community activist Queen Sister of the It Takes a Village organization told the board that the community suspects that police are planting on civilians the same guns turned in during gun buy-back programs.

"We are here to question Dana Starks on the guns that come in," Sister said at a rally before the meeting.

Another Rising Star in the Intellectual pantheon - by most accounts the old, rusty triggerless guns turned in for the $100 Gift Card couldn't drop a lineman with full blown consumption from the Heidelburg College Football Team.

Orson Welles had nothing on Chairman Fred's crowd. When will the Chicago Media begin to respond to Community and Intellectual Activists with a 'thanks for your call - we'll get right on this story as soon as the Mothership takes off!'?

But the Media is just a nutty - or as dangerous. Mary Mitchell conjured up the possiblity of Race Riots:

Could we have riots?
You're not being paranoid if you're worried that there could be a repeat of the riots that broke out in predominantly black neighborhoods the '60s over police brutality.
Because when an 18-year-old black male is laid out in a casket, dead from a bullet fired by a Chicago Police officer and it is the police officer's word against the angry shouts of his relatives and community residents, it really doesn't matter what the truth is.

Ther you have the Truth does not matter - more precisely 'it really doesn't matter what the truth is.',CST-NWS-mitch16.article

Really, you can't make this stuff up! The Chicago Media does - big time! So as our children die in more drive-bys, beat-downs, race-crimes of opportunities, drive cars through crowds of kids, and Chicagoans shed more tears - look to the Chicago Media!

The Chicago Media may have much to answer for; they should.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Kevin Joyce Delivers for Working People

Illinois State Representative Kevin Joyce (D) 35th Legislative District is a working public servant. Joyce gets things done for the working people of his Legislative District, which includes Chicago and south suburbs, and for all the people of Illinois. Here's a bit on identity theft from his Home Page:

Recently, Illinoisans have been assaulted with more taxes and more burdens placed upon the shoulders of working families. Speaker Madigan is the most effective elected official in Illinois and it was a crime to see how he was treated by political hacks at the Democrat Day State Fair, yesterday. No one has done more to help ease the burdens on Illinois tax-payers than Speaker Mike Madigan. You did not hear Madigan jackasss out some Elvis to take a shot at the Bollywood Governor or ComEd's best pal Emil Jones. Too much Class! Working Class!

Kevin Joyce and so many other effective public servants have been hard at work trying to ease those burdens. Here's an e-mail that I received from Representative Joyce that details the work that he did during the foolishly long budget session:

August 13, 2007

Dear Pat:

For the last 14 months I have been working with my colleagues in the House of Representatives and the State Senate to deal with the outrageous property tax hikes proposed by the Cook County Assessors Office. I am happy to inform you that both chambers have passed legislation that would extend and increase the property tax cap bill which the General Assembly enacted a few years ago.

House Bill 664, of which I am a chief sponsor, will not only extend “the 7% solution” for an additional three years, but also increases the exemption cap from the previous level of $20,000 to $33,000 in the first year, $26,000 for the second year and $20,000 for the third year. These exemptions are not contingent on household income.

During the negotiations of this bill, I was able to input addresses randomly chosen in the 35th district to determine what impact the different cap levels would have on our taxes. Under the existing language of HB664, bases on 100 different addresses, the average property tax incase in the district is less that 2%. Without this legislation, the same addresses would have increased an average of 45%.

Provided that the Governor acts quickly to sign House Bill 664 into law, there will be sufficient time to implement the relief provided in the legislation for upcoming property tax bills issued by the County Assessor.

This tax relief package, while helpful, is not the end to the property tax issue that has been raising concern among taxpayers. Therefore, the bill also creates a Property Tax Reform & Relief Task Force to make recommendations directed at comprehensive tax reform and prevent the recurrence of this problem.

There are several other important exemptions created by this bill specifically impacting senior citizens, veterans, and families of fallen rescue workers that I have outlined below. Should you have any questions regarding this or other issues, please feel free to contact my Mt. Greenwood Service Office at (773) 298-0035.


Kevin C. Joyce

Exemptions Created or Enhanced by HB 664

1. General Homestead Exemption – Increase from $5,000 to $5,500 for 2008; increase to $6,000 in 2009 and thereafter. The last increase was in 2004.

2. Senior Homestead Exemption ­­- Increase from $3,500 to $4,000 in 2008 and thereafter. The last increase was in 2004.

3. Disabled Homestead Exemption (New) – Creates a $2,000 exemption for disabled homeowners.

4. Returning Veteran Homestead Exemption (New) – Provides a one-time $5,000 exemption, available for the year in which they return from duty.

5. Disabled Veteran Homestead Exemption (New) – Gives a $2,500 exemption for veterans who are 50% to 75% disabled; $5,000 for 75% to 100% disabled.

6. Senior Freeze – Removes the graduated exemption between $45,000 and $50,000; the maximum income will be $55,000 beginning in 2008 and thereafter. The last increase was 2006.

7. Circuit Breaker – Increase each income threshold by $1,000. The last increase was in 2006.

8. Municipal abatement – A municipality or county may abate some or all of its own taxes levied upon property owned by the surviving spouse of a police officer/firefighter/rescue worker killed in the line of duty.

That's a good example of the work done for tax-payers, Kevin and so many other of our elected officials, Republican and Democrat. We spend a good deal of our time grousing about the ineffective and self-congratulatory mole-hills piled by the crumbs with their snoots in the back pockets of some in the media and never hear about the people, like Mary Flowers, Jim Brosnahan, Ed Maloney, Kevin McCarthy, Jim Durkin, Dan Cronin, and so many others.

Working people do have elected officials wortking very hard for all of us. Let me know about effective public servants in your neck of the woods.

Next week: Illinois State Representative Mary Flowers - Helps Give Kids the Tools needed to succeed through Boxing!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

We're Not in Arcana Anymore - Sun Times MiniSpeak; Mini-Tru; MiniMal!

"Old Worker Joe Speaks the Lingo!",cst-edt-edits15ab.article

From Today's (8/15/'07) Sun Times Commentary:

Dictoral gov should be ashamed of his actions

Anyone else blink at that one in Today's CST Commentary? Dictoral ? I heard it before? Where? Misprint for dictatorial? Neologism? Let's Get Into it! Edgey Word.

Goodle Search - "Did you mean Doctoral?" Nope Dictoral - check NEWS - Yep. Only Sun Times. Dictoral + Dictionary: Eureka! Hellatine Dictionary of Bureaucratese

Consistent - Goofy; phoney; pretentious, but Consistent. Hence, my near daily satiric renderings and legal/eagle monitorings by the poor goof in Bensenville ( watching my silly blog for hours on end for the Powerful and the Simpy) on the Snooty Sun Times - Post July 15th Manifesto:

Here's some words you can expect to see from Commisar Reed's blottered and stamped dictates:

adj., Powerless; futile; impotent. Also anorchistry.
(L. an orchis: without testicles)

n., a transipidate pairing of terms, where even the dullest of comparisons seems bright.
(Gr. anoxy: without air + moron: air-head)

v., To reduce a statement to absolute brevity without loss of context.
(L. aprica: peach pit )

n., Irrational fear of repeating an error.
(Gr. psodos: stammering)

n. an impossibility plausibly presented, as is good science fiction. Also ardnassic.
(orig. unknown)

adj. Blunt or dull; without distinguishing characteristics.
(L. ab rostrum: without nose)

Any component designed to fail under stress in order to halt further progress, with the intention of limiting further damage.
(orig. uncert.)

n., Any keystroke struck in frustration, most typically in an attempt to revive a frozen system. The group secretary could be heard asking Tech Support, "so
where's the asskey"?
(orig. Southern US dial., ASCII)

n., A verbal communication which cleverly conveys non-verbal clues. "The comptrollers attitone made it clear that the Sisyphus Project would continue."
(comb. attitude + tone)

adj. Having the properties of, or resembling an aun. adv., In an aun-like fashion.
(Aun. aun: aun)

n., The level of indwelling risk of or proclivity toward being or becoming a loose cannon. The tendency to go off half-cocked.
(Gr. auto: self + L. mitto: to send)

adj., Rubelike; guiless by virtue of ignorance. Innately or congenitally defective.
(Gr.a: without + zaphos: pinch or short measure. Refers to a facial defect associated with incestuous origin)

adj., Presenting a cold, negative manner, e.g. when faced with an interview, and clamming up, and becoming reserved, monosyllabic, difficult.
(botany. barbate: covered in short stout spikes or sharp scales.)

adj., Unshakable in an erroneous conviction or belief. also barmstrength
(Brit. slang. barmy: crazy + Eng. strong )

n., An innocuous nonesense reply used to gently dismiss the statement or opinion of someone that does not realize the meaniningless nature of the reply. "James routinely countered the impossible requests from his ignorant manager with eloquent barshamana, which was always accepted simply as technical jargon."
(Yid. barshamana: sheep manure)

v., to consider a decision only under immediate duress.
(OE, beable: the deaf and mute guard traditionally stationed at the door of the torture chamber)

n., Ingrained mediocrity or laziness jealously defended by the corporate culture.
(Malout Beba, 14th century cult leader espousing sleep as the highest form of active meditation.)

adj., Overgrown; weedy; a xygency of neglect.
(Rastafarian: b'dread'd: with superlative dreadlocks)

n., A bouscent, jenking bureaucrat; one that constantly annoys and alienates all his co-workers.
(OE: beele: an inferior rat dog.)

n., An unpleasant but necessary action which has no alternative. "It was a bissenstein for Dave to proose the amended legislation."
(Ger: bissenstein or bissen stein: a kissing stone or to kiss stone)

v., To strigulate or halt a process by focus on unimportant detail or details. n., the element of a discussion or negotiation which, without merit, forms the basis for impasse or filibuster. Also blagery.
(It. blaggio: a stomach cramp.)

v., To come in while the worker isn't there and alter a project he's been working on so that it no longer works. To surreptitiously remove an essential part of a device. "Wood blilbed the aluminum prism out of René Blondlot's N ray device. Blondlot saw no change, thus proving that N rays were a figment of his imagination."
(Hebr. bli leb: with the heart missing)

n., Work innocently performed off-book; untraceable items added to or removed from a file or document without any authorization, paper trail, supporting research, or fraudulent intent. The hallmarks of bobwork are twofold: 1.) the file or document establishes troublesome precedent, and 2.) The precedent cannot be rescinded or ammended, since its source is obscured.
(Orig. in blame of generic unavailable person: "I think Bob handled that case before he went into the nursing home.")

n., A state of resigned paranoia.
(Bohic: the historically most frequently conquered people in Europe)

v., To dress up or improve a mediocre product by use of a showy presentation or slick marketing; the use of flarbage.
(L. bonus: good + Gr. girdle)

n., A seemingly ironclad proposal with a purposely built-in achilles heel. Software which later allows the developer inappropriate access to customer data.
(Sipanyi mythol, Bos Nog: the Bull with a hollow horn)

Remember when Working People used words common to the fellow citizen? Well, this is a Brave New World: Murderers are victims of Police Misconduct; people who live near Durkin Park are 'close-knit ethnic racists;' Crown Heights Al Sharpton is a Tonic To Chicago; the more Lawsuit Lottery Ticket Lawyers get huge help ( almost daily basis) from a big newspaper and sue the City of Chicago for millions of taxpayers dollars no matter how ridiculous the claim, the better Working People will be. MiniTru Dat!


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

George Cardenas! Drink Our Water - the Best in America! Tax Bottled Water!

'What are you drinking?'


'What you pay for it?'

'Three Dollars'

'There's a fountain over there - the water's all paid for.'

'This is better; it's in a bottle.'

That was a conversation that I had with each of my three children. They, each one of them, believe that McDonald's is haute cuisine because it is packaged and marketed by suits who get obscene salaries and shilledby a Clown right out of Michael Jackson's wildest dreams - that clown really creeps me out!

Enter Chicago Alderman George Cardenas. A guy with His head locked on it's swivel! NO GOOSE GUTS - NO NANNY STATE GOOFBALL IDEAS - COMMON SENSE. Tax bottled water. Bring in some revenue without costing the tax-payers a lung! We paid for the water already. Now, we need to bottle it ourselves - horrors for some delicate souls no doubt.

Chicago has the best and cleanest water in the nation thanks to the Jardin Water Filtration Plant. It keeps up with the toxins tossed into our Lake by the Brits of BP Oil. Great corporate citizens those beauties. This tax makes sense and it will make solid dollars out the two-bit tax. Too bad it missed LaLaPalooza - plenty of Green Tree Huggers drinking redundant water out of petroleum based by-product toxic vessels! How many empties to make Mt. Vrdolyak even higher along the Bishop Ford? There is so only so much room in that land-fill and with all the disposable diapers, six-pack rings, Pringles Packs, and old polyester suits and softball jerseys - Mt. Vrodolyak is getting tighter than pockets on a fat man's pants. Tax them water bottles. 'Three Bucks A Bottle!???!!!' We, Chicagoans, have perfectly good Lake Michigan Straight!

Call it the vain idiot tax -for paying a lung for water in the first place: 'I drink only Aqua Snob!' That certainly makes you smarter, taller and thinner! Gee, where can I toss my hard-earned dollars away like you, Cuthbert? Do Eskimos purchase vanity ice cubes? No doubt the would, if they had an Inuit Idiot like Joe Moore in the Frozen North! Tax Plastic Bottled Water! Alderman Cardenas, you are on!

Bottled water - bottled by whom? - comes in petroleum waste products - landfill fuel that tax-salaried employees must haul away. Let's help pay those folks - Tax Bottled Water! We got plenty of the best drinking water in the world, tight here in Chicago. Alderman Cardenas, you are great example of why Mexican Americans deserve their growing leadership position in American Political Life: effective, smart and public spirited ideas that can and should be implemented! Well done, Sir!

Now watch all of the nitwits League and Coalition up against you! You'll do fine , Alderman!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Cops Got Latitude! 'Let'sGet Into It!' Prudence and Patience dedicated Sun Times People

'Prudence, that might just be one of the gang the New Working Man's Friend ( I refuse to say Pal . . .) Chicago Sun Times reported on this morning - here I clipped the article along with the wonderful coupons that I send Lupe to Costco with: Finally real news, Pru! News that Matters to People who matter. Let me read it to you:

A woman working for a Chicago dog-walking service has been charged with multiple counts of theft, after clients of the business complained about property missing from their homes.
Jillian Robertson, 21, of the 6100 block of North Winthrop, was arrested Saturday, police said. She has an Oct. 2 court date, police said Sunday.

Robertson is charged with five counts of misdemeanor theft.

'Mercy me, Patience, these criminals should all be strangled by fine men from good lineages - like that lovely Michael Skakel. I noticed two or three such handsome brutes at 1st Presbyterian last month - Summer is too much for Services, Really! The Brutal Police have too much Latitude and shoot guns - I detest Gun Violence! - for mercy sakes, at Our Coloreds! Patience, I still send checks to Operation PUSH so that Our Coloreds can live where they'll be most happy - and belong - in their wonderful ghettos - let's take a Ghetto Tour! Let's do! - or pushing out the bumpish Slavs, the Mafia and those racist and close knit Irish pigs.'

'Prudence dear, your skirt is tucked into your panty hose again - here I'll straighten - Six Cosmopolitans at the Drake before lunch just might be too much but there is no alcoholism in our veins we just get girly -- there! Good enough to board Conrad's Concord . . . This was such a nice Gold Coast to have Dickie and Marbank and Priapus walked, but I do not trust those illegals we hire - except Lupe - because doncha know - because my nephew, Cuthbert, Merchant and Felatia's oldest - Choate, Yale ad MBA at Chicago - has twenty of Lupe's cousins living in a barracks out in Lake Zurich on that lovey Nursery, Arboretum and Equestrian Academy that he purchased from the Jaynes Family - one cross look and INS sweeps in! Lovely manners those men, the Jaynes' and they all saddled so well!'

'Thank you dear, Patience. Imagine; a girl with a name like ours - and not a West Indian either! Must be some insanity in her family - don't we all. At least the Sun Times is looking out for our interests again, not since Dick Simpson did our bidding here and ran against that monster-Slav Rostenkowski, have I felt so comforted again.'

"Prudence. A good strangle would help teach these young things a valuable lesson about a Person's possessions! I understand that the best people in Seattle have their own Garrotiers to give lesssons and scare the help!'

'Seattle is Progressive! Imagine a town full of yummy Flint Taylors, Locke Bowmans, and Jon Loevy's - almost NO Jews! It's comforting that we can tell the truth about the Jews, again! Zell buying the Tribune! Horrible Man! But that Reverand Sharpton is such a Tonic to the City! Patience. With fewer Jews, Seattle has all of the tone-ier shops. In Seattle, the help are mostly Asians and they tend to get surly - a minor drawback.'

'Are those three young men married or unattached?'

'All three???? Really Prudence!'


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sun Times: Latitudinarians for Weinie Law Enforcement

Immediate Above Center is the current result of the CST proposed Starbucks Seattle Police Defence! Note to One and All - Seattle - where male looters wear purses!

If this fails the Mayberry Bullet response is next! Take the Latitude out of the Chicago Police - Sun Times opines

President Ronald Reagan scared the Ruskies back into Church with his Star Wars Defence Strategies - Old Mike -Mikhail Gorbachev - took the Soviets to dacha and went all Free Market, Dudes.

The Working Man's Pal, The New Sun Times can not allow the Police to continue to do their jobs -,CST-EDT-edits12.article - which includes ' great power and latitude to protect us'

'Hey, Man! We give you cops the Latitude - Dude - you may return fire on on a killer and go home to your kids! But, We ( CST, Vice-Lords, GDs, Flint-Locke-Loevy, Tonic Al, Jesse, Media Goof-balls and imported Commie talent) reserve the right to throw you into jail'
Now its the Starbucks Police Defence!
Makes sense under the July 15th Manifesto:

If a thug puts them at Death's Door, Police officers should exercise less latitude and consider the attitude of the dysfunctional demographic that embraces the triggerman - Say, for example, at St. Richard's Polonia Fest a pierogi sated Polish youth hurls a deadly kielbasa and the
Latitudinarian Chicago Cop Executes the Kennedy High Honor Student by 'water-boarding the boy with Happy Kossack Vodka causing a toxic eruption of vital organs - happens all the time but the Police Rule of Omerta keeps it from the public - and we care - we really and truly care! How about those crazy Swedes, or the really scary Koreans? Them Hindus ? Don't go there? It's the Latvians that really pump up the jam! 10-1 in Chinatown - Lookee here, all the time!

WPB ALERT! AREA 2 & All Available SOS UNITS! 'Bev Rats in curled brim baseball caps, scraped on the side walk to make it look way-cool and all wearing over-sized cargo shorts seen carrying shiney objects at Kennedy Park! The little bastards have Coors!!! What kind of Monster sells and arms them teenage Mick thugs with Coors?'

'Mobilize -We Must! We want a Cop Indicted evey day! No Police - No Peace! wait a minute???'

The Working man's Pal has a Starbucks defence against Police Abuse:

You might expect that cops would be reluctant to take the stand, but Sgt. Rich O'Neill, president of the 1,250-strong Seattle police union, said officers frequently testify, though he conceded most of the cases aren't controversial. "We have found that it quashes a lot of rumors and innuendo that are out there," he said.

Inquests aren't a panacea, either. No one can recall a Seattle cop shooting ever being ruled unjustified, leading to complaints by some that the system is still rigged. But such complaints may be hard to eliminate entirely, no matter what system is used. And with greater transparency, at least the public can better determine whether an investigation is being taken seriously.

I can NOT wait for Al Sharpton to use PANACEA in a compound-complex exclamatory sentence!

Back on Point:
Let's see -

Seattle and Chicago - Odin's Onions! It's like looking in a mirror! Mayberry and Chicago even better. have Dick Simpson's UICC 'Lab Boys' crack some numbers on this data - Stat!

Isn't that the town where the coppers in Ninja Turtle outfits get their pants pulled down by suburban Grundge Rock Periwinkles every year! Bang-up job, Lads! Imagine Stabucks Police in Fillmore, Harrison, Englewood and Gresham? YAYZOO! With them Starbucks Coppers casting the dragnet, Leo High School would look like that fort in Last of the Mohicans or in deference to diversity El Ultimo de las Mohicanos! We'd have a beat-down on the entire school population on a daily basis - 'Yu a 4?' - maybe that is the idea! More violence. More Blood. More Money.,_Washington#Demographics

Who says the editorial (skate?) board of the Working Man's Pal is bankrupt???? Oh, the Accountants - the Shareholders - yeah they say it's pretty close to bankrupt. Oh, well- Have a Starbucks! The Mayberry Street Cred Defence System - will limit Latitude to a single small caliber round for each Officer in deference to Attitude! 'No Peace Police!'


(THEOLOGICAL NOTE: LATITUDINARIAN: the term was later used to categorize churchmen who depended upon reason to establish the moral certainty of Christian doctrines rather than argument from tradition. Limiting)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Tribune's Kevin Pang Gets it Right - Cop takes a bite out of crime!,1,2880309.story

Kevin Pang of the Chicago Tribune does a nicely crafted bit of journalism in his August 9,2007 report on the ticketing of the Oscar Meyer Weiner Wagon whose drivers decided that the working people of Chicago 'can go around' Corporate Power!

Kevin crafts some wonderfully meaty tropes in a very clear report. This writer is solid.

Also, another good Chicago writer, Second City Cop, reports on the west-side outrage, cattle-prodded into mob action by Brownie's Chicago Tonic - Al Sharpton and the long-absent Meal-ticket howler Rev. Paul Jakes on WVON yesterday. Didn't he fade after it appeared that he pumped a couple of 9mms into his own car when running for office? It think that it took place over in Washington Heights - Oh, well!

The Working Man's Pal gave the Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer Plumber's Helper a page two (2) boost on it's print edition - that no one is buying at the White Hen (giggle). However, NOTHING on the web????? Sun Times reporter Annie Sweeney wedged in a some of the truth in her Friday report and deserves a pat on the shoulder - as it appears now that the late Mr. Harrison was not, in fact 'shot in the back' but in the upper shoulder, as CPD had reported.

An autopsy by the Cook County medical examiner's office ruled that Aaron Harrison died from a gunshot wound to his back, a point that residents have seized on as they have protested the shooting.

But on Thursday, a police source said Harrison, 18, was struck at the top of his left shoulder, not in the back. This is consistent with the police version of the Monday night shooting that Harrison turned a weapon on police before he was shot, the source said.

The CST editors are leaving AL and Fred Hampton and Paul Jakes out of the web news on a Saturday????? Moist Muffins, Martha! What's up with that? Keepin' it Real?

Second City Cop gets it right. In a better world reporters would actually talk to Police Officers instead of verbally baiting them. Maybe Annie Sweeney and Kevin Pang will start a trend in journalism towards responsible citizenship. Quien Sabe?

18th Century Genius Dr. Samuel Johnson wrote of the dangers to citizens of his London due to the artifically polluted political atmosphere thick with 18th Century Sharptons, Hamptons, and Jakes' - the criminal was afoot, because he was protected by activists, hack journalists and corrupt politicians:

London: An Imitation of Juvenal's 3rd Satire

Prepare for Death, if here at Night you roam,
And sign your Will before you sup from Home.
Some fiery Fop, with new Commission vain,
Who sleeps on Brambles till he kills his Man;
Some frolick Drunkard, reeling from a Feast,
Provokes a Broil, and stabs you for a Jest.
Yet ev'n these Heroes, mischievously gay,
Lords of the Street, and Terrors of the Way;
Flush'd as they are with Folly, Youth and Wine,
Their prudent Insults to the Poor confine;
Afar they mark the Flambeau's bright Approach,
And shun the shining Train, and golden Coach.

In vain, these Dangers past, your Doors you close,
And hope the balmy Blessings of Repose:
Cruel with Guilt, and daring with Despair,
The midnight Murd'rer bursts the faithless Bar;
Invades the sacred Hour of silent Rest,
And plants, unseen, a Dagger in your Breast.

Mad Love to Doc Johnson! Dog was Whack!

The Crown Heights Prince of Discord has even more like minded goofs crowding 'Preferments Gate' in tow - including Grant Newburger a Marxist carpetbagger that ABC 7 seems to like a real lot. It's a Big Tent for Al's Circus -

Read about Grant Newburger - Richard "Grant" Newburger seems as sincere as Jon Loevy and the other clowns popping out of the lawsuit VW!

Note to Corporate @ Oscar Meyer - Little Oscar would NEVER have double parked the Weiner Wagon in such a cavalier and desperate manner! I wonder if these current double parking drivers have contacted Jon Loevy? Maybe their repressed memories can scare up some long imagined electrodes on their weinies.

Remember, Boys and Girls, what old Dr. Johnson saw in London - it is the atmosphere artificially created by creeps- that creates the crime. That is why there are robberies, gang atrocties, drive-bys, beat-downs, racial division. Criminals and thugs will act, because they feel safe to do so. If we accept the filthy fingers controlling the thermostat, then we should not complain about the heat.

Here's a shout out to my Ameritech watchers in Bensenville and Naperville! Now, who's afraid of Free Speech? Just a working man's opinion on public events! I hope you kids ( lawyers?)enjoy the prose!

Friday, August 10, 2007

August 10, 1944 - From My Novel The Chorito Hog Leg, Book One: A Novel of Guam in Time of War

August 10th marks the day in 1944, when American Territory Guam was declared 'secure' after more than two years of Japanese Occupation. My historical novel, The Chorito Hog Leg, Book One: A Novel of Guam in Time of War tells the story of a teenager from Chicago, Tim Cullen, who maintains his vow to an officer he respects. Cullen's platoon commander, John A. Buck of Giddings Texas, asks Cullen to return an antique Colt Revolver to his family, in the event of his death. Lt. Buck trusts the young combat veteran to hold on to an return the Colt, knowing that their battalion commander desires the gun.

Book One of my novel is a fictional treatment of the events covering the time from April 1944 when the 3rd Marine Division trained for the Guam Campaign on Guadalcanal to the day, August 10, 1944, when Corps Commander General Roy Geiger declared Guam 'secure.' The irony is that more than 10,000 Japanese continued to fight the Chamorros of Guam, the U.S. Army and especially the men of the 3rd Marines (regt.) ofthe 3rd Marine Division. Here is the conclusion of Book One - from The Chorito Hog Leg, Book One: A Novel of Guam in Time of War:

Col. Stuart’s 3rd Marines with the Doggies of the 307th
on their right were gaining about four miles of Guam a day.
Now shifted to the Division’s left flank with elements of the 1st
Provisional Marine Brigade taking the east coast roads north
shattered the Japanese at Finegayan and finally liberated a town
– huts, pigs a chapel and gas station and plenty of desperate Japs.
Guys from the 21st Marines discovered about 30 Chamorros
mostly teenagers and old men, beheaded with their arms tied
behind their backs. Everywhere the Marines found abused and
terrified people – real boon dock dwellers and as unfamiliar
with English as they were with Japanese. The Marines and
G.I.s showered the people with boxes of rations and in turn the
liberators were kissed and housemaided! Many people tried to
follow the Marines up to the combat and needed to be gently but
sternly kept back. At night Marines heard howling through the
jungle and thought that some small animals were signaling their
final stages of starvation.

Lt. Ames - over Sgt. Mike Joyce’s strident ‘Are you fuckin’
nuts? Table of Organization, Sir! ‘- demanded to take point two
miles past Finegayan and was decorated with a sniper round
that made a clean hole through his forehead – he walked three
paces before he fell over. Pat Collins killed the sniper.
Stanley Paul and little Onarga Roberts were killed at the
road block defended by twenty Japanese soldiers and a light
tank. Henry Clay killed the crew of the tank when he noticed
that one of the hatches was opened slightly; tossed a white
phosphorous grenade down into the turret. Henry was still
talking to himself and his act of valor might have been an
attempted suicide, but he was awarded the Bronze Star (V) and
picked up a Purple Heart to boot because he had not closed
the hatch and a white hot smoking fragment went into his left
cheekbone. Never uttered a squeak. Maybe he was nuts.

Tim Cullen made great use of the Browning in this fire
fight and damaged the barrel so badly that he needed to have
the weapon surveyed with Sgt. Masterson and drew a new
Browning when they were pulled off the line.

On August 10th, the 3rd Marines reached the northern shore
of Guam and the 4th Marines of the 1st Brigade made Ritidian
Point. General Bruce’s 77th (MARINE) Division had conquered
Mount Santa Rosa and Yiga in the northwest of the island and
organized Japanese Operations ceased.
General Roy Geiger declared Guam secured. That was
nice, true and all, but more than 10,000 armed Japanese needed
to be flushed from the jungles of America’s most important
forward Base of Operations in the Pacific. A Company of 1st
Battalion, 3rd Marines was relieved of duties and marched back
to Agana. Chorito Cliff had been worth the sacrifice and now
Tim Cullen could honor his debt. He needed to stay as public
as possible. Though he genuinely liked Pat Collins now, Tim
Cullen would use his nearness; not so much for companionship
but to have some witness to whatever Major Opley planned in
the way of getting the Chorito Hog Leg. Tim could not wait
to have Regiment clerks prepare shipping manifests and Col.
Stuart’s signature and get rid of this fucking Colt!

He marched south carrying the Browning now out of action and
LieutenantJohn A. Buck’s Colt Revolver buttoned up under his

The long line of the A Company men passed their two brother
Companies and the Headquarters Company of 1st Battalion and
Major Lucas Opley. The Major caught Pfc. Cullen’s stare and
returned it in kind and but snapped a twitch when the BAR
man patted the covered shoulder holster and Colt in an open
act of defiance. 1st Battalion had work to do in the north and
would be back in Agana and Third Division Camp in a day or
two. This contest was far from over. Guam was secured but
Lieutenant Buck’s Colt was still on Guam. Opley would have it.
Cullen would return it to Buck’s family. Guam was secured, but
10,000 Japanese disagreed and would until 1972. That is war.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Original "edgey -hard-hitting" Progressive Media Man ( Woman - I Celebrate Diversity Here)

Sorry, Boys & Girls - had a too early morning's start of shaking the money trees for Leo High School and could not get to this posting until late this afternoon.

One of our pals, Dr. Wellborne N. Healled, sent this photo of what is believed to be Civilization's earliest Progressive Journalist.

Schiesskopf Universtadt's Top Forensic Analyst examining the historic skeletal find of this pre-Cromagnon ( Tempi Solii)Ink-slinger states,' that an early Law Enforcement professional criticized this cave scrawler's text by applying an Early Night Stick to the journalist's posterior lobes with enough force to stove-in the Muck-raker's paper thin skull.'

Intelligent Design - or Evolution? You decide.

Tip of the Skimmer to Mike 'Iron Mike' McQuade: Vietnam Vet, Patriot, Proud San Franciscan, Venture Capitalist, Author, and Patron of the Arts.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

It's Horrible - the Consequences of Stupidity, but Real Consequences are so Much More Horrible - CST and Working People

I gave the 'Working Man's Pal: The New Chicago Sun Times a day off yesterday to praise good people - The Leo Men who went the extra mile for a Foundation that fights childhood brain tumors. Not a very 'edgey' story, but it got a lot of hits according to my nifty new SITE METER.

Today, the paper that seems determined to get Chicagoans ( once solidly divided by race and mistrust in Law Enforcement) to take to the streets with wild outrage over alleged police abuse, scams and hand-wringing about God knows what is back at it. It seems that this paper is not content unless a Durkin Park incident takes places everyday - giving oaffish, unelectable political hacks something to wring hands over and snuggly judge working people's hearts.
E.G. Today's issue:

Daley attends Sharpton Rally that Sharpton does not attend

Police kill youth for no reason after chasing him for a year - a year??? That is some run. Shot in the back - Coroner's Inquest on speed dial???

Taser Guy's Mom and Jackson - oddly, the neighbors ( just around the corner from LEo H.S. BTW) seem to think that the Police of the 6th District handled things very well. Any Sun Times reporters talk to the working women and men on Green Street?

Consequences for Individual and Collective Action? That is what Jon Loevy and the Lotto Ticket Lawyers are for.

I'm reminded of the Chicago Way column and the aftermath. Tom Mc Namee wrote:

In a column July 23, I argued that a Deerfield mom and dad who have been found guilty by a jury of turning a blind eye to underage drinking at their house should not have to do jail time.
As horrible as the consequences of their bad judgment were -- two kids died in a booze-soaked car crash after leaving the party -- I argued it's enough that the parents, Jeffrey and Sara Hutsell, stand to lose a fortune in civil suits, must live with the shame and scorn, and will struggle forever (assuming they are sufficiently human) with the guilt.

The consequences of human decisions and actions (or omissions) are Horrible, but the Consequences incubant upon those actions, omissions and decisions are no big deal. Facing those consequences seems too much for the new editorial agenda of The Chicago Sun Times

The Women and Men who protect our communities are villified at every opportunity and the phonies and monsters are portrayed as community activists. The very people inciting a mob action on the West Side the other night, many it seems with ties to drug-lords and Vice Lord middle management, are given hozzannas and huzzahs!

Working people do not live that way. A much more gifted writer and thinker than your humble dope from the neighborhoods, Dan Proft, wrote a wonderful summary of the CST Group thought and its author Cyrus Friedham:

Cyrus Freidheim, the CEO of the Sun-Times Media Group, is the subject of a grand jury probe and 173 wrongful death suits related to his previous tenure as CEO of Chiquita Brands International during which some $1.7 million in payments were made by the banana-producer to a U.S. State Department-designated terrorist group in Colombia.

Invoking the “working class” on behalf of a paper run by Herr Freidheim, a morally ambiguous corporatista, is a Kristi Yamaguchi-caliber rhetorical salchow.

While Ms. Reed is slashing facts and reason from the editorial pages of the Sun-Times like Cyrus Freidheim through a Colombian rain forest, someone might also let her know that “Bush’s War” to which she referred was supported by more than 70% of the U.S. Congress, including by reputed “liberal, working class” icons Hillary Clinton and John Edwards.

A Cincinnati Post has this:

Jeepers, others think that CST is not worth a husky and hard earned half-a-buck!

My Dad always said that a good litmus test for how I was doing with my life would be to look around at the people who call me friend ( black, white, Asian, Pacific Islander, a veritable cornucopia of diversity - how's that happen?). Being a good guy, an adequate father, a solid employee, a sympathetic natured neighbor, grudging Mass attender, a thoughtful driver, and respectful citizen is very hard work, but it is worth the effort. I am blessed.

Working people do not look for someone to blame or bring to court to clean the slate of their lives; 90% of all Chicagoans do just that. A newspaper should reflect the people it wants to hawk papers to and respect the conduct of their lives.

I associate with some great people.

Sun Times Editorial Board and faun-like complicit writers - like the company you keep?

Hickey Fairness Doctrine:

Outstanding Sports Coverage! Brilliant Cartoonist in Jack Higgins - quit outsourcing to hacks! Franie Spielman - hard-working newsie! Neil Steinberg - the last sane man! Steve Huntley - Solid Work

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Leo Man O'Malley Leads The Lions In a Big Play For Maeve!

Leo Man, Lion, and head St. Xavier University Basketball Coach Tom O'Malley segued the love of Leo Men for their old school and harvested a huge cash donation for the Maeve McNicholas Foundation.

At the August 1, 2007 Leo Alumni Golf Outing, which brings in thousands of dollars for the African American young men of Leo High School, Tom O'Malley (Leo'57) took up a number of wicker baskets and passed them to Chico Driscoll, Harry Valadez and Rich Doyle to scare up some left over Fins, Saw-Bucks, Double-SawBucks, General Grants and Hundos for the Maeve McNicholas Foundation.

Each year, the Leo Alumni, behind the work of Tom Bourke, Doc Driscoll, Bill Mahoney, Bob Sheehy and Joan and Jack Howard, swelled the ranks of Leo Men in attendance at the Annual Golf Outing.

This year's Glenn Eagles crowd was over 600 participants. Proceeds from the Golf Event go directly in support of Leo High School in the Gresham neighborhood of Chicago.

Knowing their capacity for giving, Coach O'Malley pushed the envelope - Maeve McNicholas Foundation. With the courage of a Lion - O'Malley made a case for the good work ofthe Maeve McNicholas Foundation and the Leo Alumni responded with thousands of dollars. These guys never forget that Jesus had the boys 'pass the baskets' and a Gospel miracle too place.

From St. Xavier University Biography:

O'Malley has an impressive resume when it comes to coaching basketball. He has been named Coach of the Year 22 times over his career. His overall win total now stands at 707 wins, which includes his previous coaching stints at Leo, Reavis, and Evergreen Park High Schools.

O'Malley is a member of the Illinois High School Associaiton (IHSA) Hall of Fame, the Leo High School Hall of Fame and the Chicago Catholic League Hall of Fame. He has also been a member of the National Association of Basketball Coaches for 27 years.

He graduated from Leo High School and attended Loras College (Iowa) for his bachelor of arts in economics which he received in 1963. He received his master's degree in education and administration from Loyola University (Ill.) and has also accumulated over 60 hours of post-graduate work.

O'Malley has been married for 41 years to his wife, Carol, and has three grown children, Tom, Mike and Carrie. He also has 11 grandchildren: Courtney, Molly, Shea, Ryan, Tara, Brennan, Matthew, Nolan, Aidan, Brendan and Anne Catherine.

Facta Non Verba - Leo Men!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Sun Times Works on Tomorrow's Headlines

After seconds of soul-searching and with the immediate and whole-hearted approval of Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer Loevy and the Police Undermine Nasty Killers Society P.U.N.K.S. - The Editorial Board of the New Chicago Sun Times :The Working Man's Pal Decided on Tomorrow's Banner Headline: Immediate Above - Being crafted by an Outsourced Tagger artist from Seattle, as Pulitzer Prize winning Cartoonist Jack Higgins is ' not a Working Man's Pal' according to Editor Commisar Cheryl reed in recent Chicago Reader Propaganda piece.

'There will no longer be a need to offer a smarmy positing of 'While Most Officers are Good and blah, blah, blah Yadda, yadda, yadda & etc.. . .' the wedgier CST will boldly smear all Police Officers - Why Waste Time? Time is Money.,CST-NWS-taser06.article
As long as the Chicago Sun Times can get out in front of a story like the unfortunate Mr. Johnson, who seems to have seriously overplayed his hand on Saturday Night, and scare up more taxpayer dollars for Jon Loevy and other Buzzard Barristers,
it seems like the right thing to do.

N.B. Again, standing in for the Carrion Consuming Counsel, Jon Loevy, is the estimable thespian, Mr. Andy Dick, whose manly bearing and chisled good looks strikingly mirror those of Chicago's Lawsuit Lotto Ticket Lawyer. 'Show Me a Cop and I'll Show YOU the Money! - Your Neighbors' Money - Or, well, it was your neighbors' money , but screw them!'

Loevy's a Honey; ain't he folks?

P.U.N.K.S. are better off today because of the Working Man's Pal doing the coal heaving for Jon Loevy and his ilk!

Al Sharpton is in Jena, LA but will be back for seconds on Taxpayers Dollars in the Suites and Streets: The Chicago Tonic!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

I Love Animals - They're delicious! CST Letters from the Nanny State

In a Just and Perfect World!

The Working Man's Pal Prints letters that reflect 'working class values' - like Activist and Loevy & Loevy Employee Andy Thayer screaming against 'brutal' Law Enforcement Officers; Mark Brown's fungo of the really 'tough ones' on Brownie's Chicago Tonic - Al Sharpton; Cherry picked Durkin Park letters that reflect Sun Times opinion of 'clannish, close-knit ethnic Scottsdale residents; today CST is asking folks to chime-in with Mary Mitchell on a race issue - kind of like asking old Al Hitler after lighting up an Old Gold, gnawing on a Metwurst, cannon-balling down a St. Paulli Girl ' Hey, Al, how's the War Goin?'

Today in the Letters we get this from a Sports Fan in West Garfield Ridge:
Vick critics miss point:

If Michael Vick is found guilty of breaking the law, he will have to pay a price. But for all who think he is despicable, think of how that meat ended up on your table. If you ever witnessed the slaughter of a cow, a hog, a chicken, etc., and heard the squeals and watched them kicking and squirming until dead, you would know that too is cruelty to animals.
Leon Moore, West Garfield Park

But Leon, if butchers did not 'terminate the life and exercise Choice' then we could not eat those animals. Where would the thousands of Meatcutters Local 881 be with out the odd cut of the knife on Bossy, Mr. Clucker, Uncle Piggily, Ms Mint Jelly?

Michael Vick is not only a moron, he is a criminally charged, vicious, soon to be broke - like the bankrupt CST - moron.

Just one working guy's thoughts Leon. Hitler was a Vegan, dog lover, non-smoker, non-alcoholic drink imbiber - an ideal Nanny Stater Progressive - said to have been big on children's issues. Be like Mike? no thanks. Be like Al? Hell, No!

Thanks to Frank Nofsinger of Conecticut for the splendid photo Mike Vick and Cupcake!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Next CPD Super(star) from Sharpton????

'I have this much Love for Chicago! That's as high as the Benjamin's I'm taking outta this Burge Burg! Next Question! Juice? I'm tired of that question - the only Juice I'm interested in is the kind I take with my Bumpy Face (see link ) - Orange. Heheheheh. Oh Jews? You said Jews??? Next question.'

Brownie's Tonic will be working up some OUTRAGE over the weekend to prep for the debut on Monday. Let's think about some outrageous stuff!,CST-NWS-brown31.article

Second City Sarge tipped off this 'great trail of events' and the Working Man's Pal - The New Chicago Sun Times is strangely silent - also, very broke, bankrupt, tapioca ( TAPIOCA -A NEW FILM BY MIKE HOULIHAN - coming soon), tap-city, bereft of funds, short on the cabbage, lack of the long-green difference, shekel short, light on the lucre - and keeping its own counsel with regard to Brownie's Tonic -Rev. Al Sharpton.

METHINKS the Game's Afoot! Second City Sarge has donned his green checked deer-stalker cap, pulled the files from his well-worn Gladstone and blown the dust from them, lit his Meershaum - packed with good strong shag/cut and polished the eyeglass.
Second City Sarge found clues in the Chicago Tribune of all places! God's Wounds! There's Foul Play Rampant! Thus:

Jacquelyn Heard, Daley's press secretary, said that the mayor and Sharpton had a phone conversation Wednesday that lasted about 15 minutes, ending with an agreement to meet in the future.

"The mayor said to me that, just as he had expected, Rev. Sharpton expressed willingness to work with him on various issues," Heard said.

In an interview Tuesday, Sharpton said he was prepared to employ a variety of tactics to achieve reform.

"I'll deal with Chicago any way they see fit, from the suites to the streets," he said.

That much we do know Godfather - that much we do! However, mayhaps the Napolean of Slime placed the Mayoral call to wedge in his Chicago Centurian: Officer Shaquille O'Neill- Superintendent of Chicago Police Department! Do the purple ermine, oils, gown, orb and scepter await the Miami Mesomorph? Hmmmmmmmmm. Depends on what Sweets are those Suites and Streets! Praise the Power!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Judas Goat - Come On Along! The New Sun Times: How they See Us.

On the left - apropos I suppose - is an ugly chap; pretty much the image of real working people in the tiny mind of the New Sun Times - ethnic, clannish, tight-knit (chilling)

Then there's the tonic to our ugliness-

The Godfather of Stole seen hot-footing it with the Godfather of Soul: The Hardest Working Man in Soul and the other guy - Brownie's Tonic!

The Rev. Al Sharpton - Mark Brown's Tonic for Chicago - will lead an Outrage Rally in the Loop on Monday. Touted as a National Kickoff for Al's National Action Network, the New Sun Times seemed to have missed this one and the Chicago Defender reported on the story to its readership. Kudos to the Chicago Defender's Kathy Chaney; she reported the facts that people needed to know: Who, What, Where, and Why. Why did the Working Man's Pal not mention this? It was Mad Love for Al This Week! Where's the Love? No Crowds; No Moola, Jasper!
The New Sun Times, The Working Man's Pal, has another agenda - they are interested in kicking sand on the bullies: All of Us Black, Asian, Middle Eastern, Latino, Inuit, Pacific Islander, White Working People. We are trolls. They still want us to buy their paper at Kean Gas, White Hen, Dunkin Donuts, or from the great underpaid people braving traffic offenders on Western Ave. & 87th, & Southwest Highway & Pulaski. That is Progressive Mind-set - insult people and demand that they agree with you. Maybe that happens at Mrs. Playfair's Country Day School, Cupcakes, but that don't play at Curie, Mt. Carmel,Maria, Queen of Peace, St. Lawrence, Morgan Park, Harper, Hubbard, and St. Rita - least of all among the Mighty Lions of Leo High School: Facta Non Verba, Muriel!

In the old days - (Pre- Progressive - Lawsuit - Nanny State - Chicago) bullies were the stacked and sinewed muscle guys who beat up tiny Polish barmaids - they still do -but today the real bullies are the Multi-degreed, pencil necked geeks who built enormous chips on their tit-willow-like shoulders at New Trier or Mrs. Hollowbreast's Seminary for Progressive Women, where they read Michael Eric Dyson's Holler If You Hear Me: Searching for Tupac Shakur and read crib sheets on every other work of literature. The New Bullies will merely suggest that they will 'see you in court'and the media gets moist in the eye. No bigger alligator tears shed than from the New Sun Times Editorial Board.

Great Sports Coverage at CST as is true with the Tribune! Elliot Harris, Mike Mulligan, Roman Modrowski, The Great Steve Tucker, Norm Chad, Rick Teleander, Joe Cowley, Tina Akouris - you are great working people- not a chance, Jay, you belong on the Editorial Board.

The New Sun Times has no respect for working people - people who actually work for a pay check, respect their neighbors, pay their taxes, obey the laws and do not expect to have someone else pay their way for them with taxes or through ridiculous lawsuits. We view activists as self-absorbed phonies and shell-game operators who never help anyone but themselves. Activists have convenient memories and suffer no guilt - that is for us trolls. CST tells us what it thinks about working people every day.


Ryan Rusch (or any other black on white victims) nearly beaten to death in Beverly Park - 'crime of opportunity' No Biggie! Goofy looking white kids are fair game!

Disruptive CPS Kids Denied a Wee-wee break - Front Page

Durkin Park Invaded by Gangs - The Correlative Wages of Race Sin - It's on You Whitey: black women who agrees with whitey -shame on her.

Innocent Until Proven Guilty - Not if You Are a Chicago Police Officer - unless of course you happen to have sued the Department and used Jon Loevy's Lotto Ticket Lawfirm.

Thought crime is serious - most of us working people are very guilty of it - dangerously so. We may stop buying the Sun Times altogether - even to see how much more stupid it gets. Mary Laney - you are well quit of the Judas Goat.

From Wikpedia:

A Judas goat is a trained goat used at a slaughterhouse and in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and on to trucks. The term is a reference to the biblical traitor Judas Iscariot.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


The New Chicago Sun Times is in 100% Weasel Attack Mode today - get over the Bridge in Minnesota and readers are treated to a full issue massage of THE WORKING MAN"S PAL POLICY ON SHARPTON's Shop Vacing of Taxpayers' Dollars.

Mark Brown - clips the last voice of a sane man - Neil Steinberg - with a weasel nip.
Neil took the path of common sense over the CST MINI TRU in the Aug. 1,2007 column,CST-NWS-stein01.article

Brownie went weasel on Neil:

'Somebody says New York stuff doesn't go over well in Chicago. I think that's the idea. We don't need you to like Sharpton to take an interest in what he's got in mind by coming here.'

Calls to mind a couple of years ago, when Mark Brown insulted a young woman who ran against Mark's guy Mike Quigley - the Uriah Heep of Illinois Politics. Ms Daly's Dad gave Mark a wildly public, pleasing and paternal piece of his mind, if not an inch or two of his brogans, for that weasel attack. Quigley did OK - weasels usually do.

Mark Brown also goes after local vocal citizens guilty of CST Thought Crime and silences them like Betsy Hart - the now cashiered writer and common sense advocate launched by the Lefty Fish Wrapper!

Mary Mitchell - Angry - 'Nough Said. Mary annoints Sharpton's local shill.

Esther Cepeda gives the Salud a Sharpton in the Lefty pandering to Chicago's most populous, hard-working and politically astute demographic. Esther,
Latinos are too busy working to be pawns of the Working Man's Pal. That is why Latinos are leaving other minorities in the dust and securing decades of political hegemony in Chicago! Que Populares! Well Done!

Next, our Artistic Commisars limply underhands one in as the Daley Factor tidbit- with all the pop, zip and accuracy of George Will on baseball - CST segues the sweet science. Mayor Daley opened the boxing story at his press conference yesterday, in which he pants-ed CST Weasels smartly!

BTW- I would rather be Mayor Daley's archenemy than his boon chum - it's much safer that way - however, when Mayor Daley gets it right, when he feels like it - he is on the money! Yesterday, he was ON BABY! He's bobbin'; he's weavin'; he's light on his pins; he jabs; he ducks; he fires out and WHAMMO! Knocks the Bums on their Backs and the Sun TImes is starin' up at Lights!' For the Real Deal; CHECK OUT JACK HIGGINS TODAY! Home Run, Jack! The Rev. and the Commisars ain't gonna like it.

So not to be outdone - CST tosses in a limp-wristed fight cartoon - one not done by the Brilliant Jack Higgins but another third string lightweight! Milt Priggee ( Some Handle, Bub! - from one who knows . . .) from - from - from the OH, SO PROGRESSIVE American Northwest - must be all the damp drippy weather that appeals to drips:

Milt Priggee lives in Oak Harbor, Wash., on Puget Sound. His work can be viewed at his Web site. -- Ken Sands, managing editor of online and new media These clowns out source to Apple State when thereal talent is twenty feet away! Working Man's Values by Working Man's Pal!

It's All in Today's Working Man's Pal - read it all when you get a second.

'Somebody says New York stuff doesn't go over well in Chicago. I think that's the idea. We don't need you to like Sharpton to take an interest in what he's got in mind by coming here.' WEASELS! Yikes!
In the Mean Time - The Buzzard Has Landed! NPR Gushed with G(D?) Flint Taylor offering Commentary and Flint Taylor thinks Al is swell - swell, I tells Ya! The Progressive has so many faces it's tough to get a photo - and they worry about cameras - Pshaw!

Did the Jackson Family take the Brooklyn Dodger, The Crown Heights Kristallnacht King out for some tasty Chicago Comestibles? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Sneedless to Say! DONCHA KNOW?

Common Sense Chicagoans! Keep the kids safe from weasels - The Chicago Sun Times is in Weasel DefCon 6!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Sun Times Edgier Controversy! Brooklyn Dodger Al Will be Front Page - Mad Love for The Working Man!

St. Paddy sent the snakes off -Well -Paddy is a racist, 'close-knit, white ethnic, Cracker!' We got a new figure in the statuary!

"Suffer them Snakes to Come Onto Me - and LO they DO!" - Rev. Al Sharpton - The Godfather of Stole and The Chicago Sun Times New Poster Boy for EDGEY!

Could this really be The Sun Times Wedgie Thought Process?

We Got Edgier Controversy! We Got Daley Sputtering on Front Page! We Got More Money out of Taxpayers for Loevy/Flint-Locke! We are the New Sun Times!

We Are Wedgier Not Edgier! We Dig Dog Fights Between Citizens! As Nietsche said to Falsani 'Out of Chaos Comes Order! We Will Not Be Happy Until People Die! Then People Will really Live!

Al Sharpton - You Clowns can Have him - wait until he starts eating that Camenbert and the sage polenta, tomato confit, eggplant, zucchini, red pepper piperade and a cap of goat cheese, all molded in a cylinder that you tucked way back in the fridge; leaves the potty seat up; and drinks that bottle of 1787 Chateau d'Yquem that Conrad Black forgot at the Christmas Party in 2002 and then he plays Twister at 4AM. Enjoy his stay and watch those PIN numbers, Mind!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Here'sToxic Al! The Working Man's Pal Welcomes The Brooklyn Dodger - Al Sharpton to Chicago: Pin Those Yarmulkes Back!

From Wikpedia:

In 1991 - a little after Police Torture in Chicago became a cottage industry for the Leftist Combine. Rev. Al Sharpton, who Mark Brown of the New Chicago Sun Times gushes 'will be a tonic' to our City, showed the world just how he rolls:

A visiting rabbinical student from Australia by the name of Yankel Rosenbaum, 29, was killed during the rioting by a mob shouting "Kill the Jew." [39] Sharpton has been seen by some commentators as inflaming tensions with remarks such as "If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house" [40] [1] and referring to Jews as "diamond merchants." [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]

Welcome Al, we have no where near the number of Jews here in Chicago that New York has been blessed by God with: who fund most, if not all of the Racial Harmony, Job Opportunity, Career Path and Cultural initiatives enjoyed by blacks in the Tri-State community, but there are plenty of 'close knit white ethnics' to sully and sue! Just adjust the cultural icons!

The Chicago Sun Times is your Dog, Rev.! Get it On! We got allegations aplenty! There might be some elbowing at the Leftie Lawsuit All You can Eat Buffet - Loevy, Flint, Locke, Jesse, and all the other sincere friends of Working Man, but an experienced trencherman like yourself -with Mark Brown and like minded waiters sic-ing and fetch-ing - you'll soon be lapping up Tax Payer Dollars like those in the front of the line.

Chicago's a Great Eatin' Town! Shovel in that Cabbage!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Hugo and Get these Premiums for Sun Scribing to the Daily Worker . . Chicago Sun Times

The Workers Pal The New Chicago Sun Times- never a disappointment since Madame Commisar Reed's July 15th Manifesto!,CST-EDT-reeded15.article

All Hailed By the Peoples Free Press last week!

From the Manifesto on we have been treated to showers of homages to Lefty Lawyers (The Loevy- Flint - Locke Combine) who sue the HELL out of taxpayers and toss vitriol into the mug of Each and Every Chicago Police Officer.

Today, the Editorial Politburo kicks Cook County States Attorney Dick Devine for keeping Professionals - lawyers - out of a union. Every Worker must Fight This Devine Monarch! Good Grief!

Now, how about The Sun Times supporting SEIU's efforts to get Sam Walton, Bill Gates, Oprah, Sumner Redstone, and other 'non-orgainized' workers to develop Plutocrats Local # 1 of the International Violent Oppressors of the Workers Union. These people have rights! 'Oh, That Dick Devine Makes The Combine so Angry!',CST-NWS-contro30.article

But a Voice of Reason and Common Sense sneaked one in under the Radar!

Thought Criminal Shout Out to Common Sense Afflicted Neil Steinberg - the Man always makes sense to people who actually work for a living. Today he gives Progressive America's Favorite Commie Dictator a kick while reporting on the Democratic pillow fight between Hilary 'Chesty' Clinton and Barack 'Phat Barry' Obama over whether or not to ice out pin-heads. Neil Steinberg offers this common sense

'if only we'd treat these tin pot despots with the respect they crave, why then maybe they'd be our friends. My gut tells me that kind of sincerity only works in the movies.

It's bad enough we have the United Nations as a gilded frame for whichever lunatic dictator can make his way to the podium. We don't want to make the White House into "American Idol" for our enemies.' Good On You, Neil!


Or Maybe Neil will need to handle the NEW SUN SCRIBERS ACCOUNT - New subscriptions get TWO(2) Hugo Action Figures! Like the recent subscriber - SUNSCRIBER - gent below!

Hi Ms Reed,

I read your article "Time to Move These Pages Forward -- with a Return to Our Past" and took great encouragement from it.

I don't think it's particularly provocative or earth-shaking to give a byline to yet another person with "libertarian/conservative views" -- as you've done with Steve Huntley -- but I'm willing to give you and the Sun-Times the benefit of the doubt as far as your intentions are concerned.

For that reason I will subscribe to your paper (the first paper I've ever subscribed to in my life) and I will recommend that others do likewise.

What I find particularly heartening is your realization that Chicago deserves a paper that reflects the "ethnic and social diversity of our city". But most importantly, and I hope you take this to heart, we deserve a paper that reflects our values -- the values of working people who believe in equality and a positive role for government.

Time after time in the city of Chicago, we've voted overwhelming for people who reflect these values. It's about time we got a newspaper that reflected them as well.


Leo Klein
Chicago, IL

Independent Illinois Grassroots:

These Hugo Action - Political Action! - Figures - will keep deep thinkers busy for hours - mapping out the ultimate mobilization of cadres of workers and afflicted until a class free society emerges! Diversity through Unanimity! One World; One Thought!

Neil - keep writing! Even if they want to try to make you Winston Smith.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

What's Real Grassroots Look Like? Come Out and Play For Maeve August 4th 2007 - Do for Our Neighbors

Hundreds of neighbors and friends will gather at Beverly Park at 103rd & Artesian on Saturday, August 4th, 2007 to celebrate the love of family and the genuine concern for children, especially those afflicted with a life threatening disease.

Denise and Matt McNicholas

The handsome couple in blue T-shirts above are Maeve's Mom and Dad and inspired this Grassroots effort - some people who toss around the word Grassroots seem to confuse shooting their mouths off and suing people with actually doing something for someone in need - other than themselves.

This is real Grassroots. Neighbors do not wait for someone else to care of their neighbors. They get off their Lazy-boys and open their hearts, as well as their wallets: they cook, hang posters, sell raffle tickets, hump chairs and tables ( unless a member of the clergy - ever see one of those beauts set up chairs? You'd have an easier time thumbing a ride off of Saints Cyril and Methodius to Peotone, than getting a stiff collar to help) stir the clergy to show up for the event - they do like the cake!- , and get themselves and the kids and the neighbors into gear.

Maeve McNicholas died of a brain tumor a couple of years ago and her family worked their grief into a wonderful tribute for their Angel in Heaven. There is now a magnificent children's Park named for Maeve within Beverly Park that was funded through Grassroots efforts. Our community buried Maeve's little pal, Liam Bonner three years old, yesterday. Liam was afflicted with brain tumors as well. Your efforts and your donation will help more chldren so afflicted.

Note to the Sun Times: Let's try and get things right - this is what real working people do. They get involved and do not wait for some Emmet Kelly imitators to artificially mug for the cameras and the press. If there is a problem, some one is suffering, or in need, don't wait get active. If you want to live with good neighbors, act like a good neighbor.

How can I help?

Your gift to The Maeve McNicholas Memorial Foundation will help us in our efforts to:
Increase public awareness about the severity and prevalence of childhood brain tumors
Aid in early detection of childhood brain tumors by increasing awareness of symptoms
Help to find the cause and cure of childhood brain tumors through the support of medical research
Help support families with children living with brain tumors

Please make donations payable to the:

Maeve McNicholas Memorial Foundation

Donations may be made at or sent to:

Beverly Bank & Trust Company
c/o The Maeve McNicholas Memorial Foundation
10258 South Western Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60643

phone: 773-239-2265
or contact us