Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mark Brown and Ben Bradley Get Down, Dudes! Eddie V is Free and Fitzy Feels 'Chilling Effects' That's So Old School!

'Dude, I play a hard-hitting reporter for a once great Metropolitan newspaper. I'm Looking for this man, Fast Eddie. Seen Him? He's crook. I cut up my hands when I fell getting out of my Prius. Don't look at me, look at the picture. Look more carefully. Seen him? He's a crook. Look more carefully. Seen him? He's a crook. Hey, can I have the rest of that hamburger when you're done with it? Seen him?
He's a crook . . .'

I am delighted! The Fitzy Procrustean Justice Rack - it seems - does not Fit All.

Goofy Mark Brown is beside himself - now, if Fast Eddie had torched the home of his sleeping family like Madison Hobley, or murdered an elderly Mexican couple like Aaron Paterson, or gunned down and urinated on the bodies of Officers Doyle and Fahey like the Wilson Brothers, and had G (Gimme) Flint Taylor instead of the brilliant Mike Monico as his attorney, Nuanced Goofball Brown would be moist in the eyes and damp in the undies for Eddie Vrdolyak.

Goofy Mark Brown who helped push the summer rioting on the West Side a few years ago with his 'bring it on' editorializing based upon a Sun Times Front PagePhoto of a cop being confronted by a street thug. Mark Brown told Chicago what Mark Brown believed the white cop was thinking and felt iin the heart beating under his Kevlar, is beside himself with Age-ism against Judge Shadur. You see Mark Brown has a column and he can say anything no matter how inflammatory, or goofy.

Mark Brown is taking the stand - out of court mind you - that Edward Vrdolyak is guiltier than all get out and that Judge Milton Shadur is Old and therefore addled.

Check it out soul-patched Dudes!

Perhaps we should stand back in awe of the ever-slippery Vrdolyak and the crack legal team working on his behalf -- some of the best defense minds in the city, with Michael Monico taking the lead and Terence Gillespie and Lorna Propes among the many sending in signals from the sidelines.

And certainly consideration should be given to whether federal prosecutors badly misplayed their hand by signing on to a plea agreement that not only allowed Vrdolyak to avoid an embarrassing trial but left wiggle room for Shadur to set him free.

But the best explanation that I can offer for what happened Thursday -- other than a fix -- is that the 84-year-old Shadur is an over-the-hill jurist who thinks he's smarter than everybody else because he can see fine points in the law and facts that aren't evident to mere mortals. (That is SO Ageism, Mark, Dude!)

After the sentencing, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald put out a statement saying he "strongly but respectfully" disagreed with the sentence. As you can see, I'm coming up short on the respectful side.

My concern is that Chicagoans will again receive the message that some people are above the law.

Thanks for your concern there, Mark. I'll let the neighbors know that you got our backs. Gino Ford and Smash McKenna were losing sleep thinking that this case might - might mind you, give them pause that gee, some people might be above the law - like Bill Ayers, Bernrdine Dohrn, or all the murderers that G. Flint Taylor wrestles Gator Bradley for more of his cuts in civil suits. They'll be relieved by your thoughtful advocacy, Mark Brown. Dude!

Another Happenin' Dude is Ben Bradley! Ben went to Homewood-Flossmoor in the deep south suburbs as far from Hegewisch as Canaryville is from Kennilworth. Hegewisch and South Chicago are Vrdolyak neighborhoods where Community Activists pretend to help unemployed Steel Workers. Ed Vrdolyak actually helped unemployed steel workers.

ABC TV's Ben Bradley is like Mark Brown. He goes all big Sprawling House on Vrdolyak.

Judge Milton Shadur found serious flaws in the government's case, at one point, calling it "overkill." Later, Judge Shader admonished prosecutors for portraying the former hard-charging alderman and political king-maker as a wheeling and dealing "insider."
"We do not sentence [defendants] because of what people might think about them" Judge Shadur declared from the bench.
"Obviously, the judge thought a lot about what he did," said Michael Monico, Vrdolyak's attorney.
Vrdolyak's attorney declined to comment Friday and at the sprawling home of the former 10th Ward alderman, no gloating from a woman who answered the door. ( Ben said, Dudes, that there was 'no gloating from a woman who answered the door!' Chilling. You would think there'd be gloating!)Prosecutors rely on the threat of time behind bars to 'encourage' defendants to cooperate. While Vrdolyak pleaded guilty, he's offering the feds no help. Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Collins says in a similar case involving former Ryan advisor and lobbyist Donald Udstuen, eight months of prison, followed by eight months of house arrest was the sentence and Mr. Udstuen played ball.
"He cooperated. He wore a wire on Governor George Ryan and he still got eight months in jail!" Collins said.

Now here'sy favoprite part and Ben Bradley goes for the Progressive mantra -Chilling - Dude!

Collins says with the clock ticking on an indictment of ousted Governor Rod Blagojevich, he's concerned the Vrdolyak sentence may have a chilling effect on the government's ability to flip witnesses. ( As Roland Burris would say, YES!) "You're going to have people in the back of their minds saying, 'wait a minute, I don't have to help you out. I might get a walk. I mean Fast Eddie Vrdolyak with all his reputation walked out of there,'" said Collins. Even those who quarrel with the judge's sentence say Shadur has a reputation of being ethical beyond reproach. He 84 years old, was appointed by Jimmy Carter.
While Ed Vrdolyak helped countless lawyers trade their shingles for spots on the bench, the judge who sentenced Vrdolyak was appointed during the Carter administration, and said in court he did not know Vrdolyak before the case came before him. He's a well-respected judge who simply didn't think prosecutors had much of a case.
( emphases my own - stupidity by reporters) Dude, Ah!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Fred Bender - Mr. Clean and Acted with Cary Grant

Cousin Fred died. He was my late father-in-law Patrick J. Cleary's only living relative. Fred belonged to the Liston Branch of my Late Wife Mary's
family and Fred was a great guy.

When Mary died cousin Fred rode along with me and the kids in Sheehy's limosine. He made a tough day lighter with his stories about Hollywood and chic Chicago.

God Bless You, Fred! My brother in law Mike Cleary, Publisher of Will County's Farmer's Weekly Review wrote this wonderful tribute to a delightful man.

Fred Bender age 78, of Chicago passed away February 25, 2009 at Vitas Hospice in San Antonio Texas. Mr. Bender was born in Davenport Iowa and was a graduate of St. Ambrose College.

Fred was a founder of the Wrightwood Neighborhood Association and a proponent of the preservation of neighborhood parks and homes. His own home, built in the 1880’s was featured in a December 1, 1972 article in Chicago Today newspaper as part of the holiday house tour.

He was a fixture of his Lincoln Park neighborhood, where he greeted any and all who passed by his beloved house on Drummond Place. Loved by all who knew him, Fred was always at home and always receiving a seemingly continuous and endless stream of guests.

Mr. Bender was an accomplished musician and sang as a Heldentenor. He trained under the great Lauritz Melchior and was also awarded a scholarship from the Chicago Conservatory of Music. During his career, he sang with the Paulist Choir and in many operatic choruses for the Lyric Opera the Detroit Symphony, Holy Name Cathedral and others. He toured the country with the Viceroys and the Royal Aires. Fred loved opera and was a great fan of the Lyric, which he attended as often as possible and the Met, never missing a Sunday broadcast. In fact, Mr. Bender’s radio was tuned in to WFMT 24 hours a day, 365 day a year. While he was still able, Mr. Bender would often play at his grand piano and sing, entertaining any and all willing to listen.

Fred also enjoyed an early career as a model and in his day was one of the highest paid male models in the country. In the 1950’s, Mr. Bender represented the Proctor and Gamble Company as one of several actors portraying Mr. Clean, often flying to appearances in a white Cessna aircraft with the words “Mr. Clean” emblazoned on the side. Fred was selected over some 300 other candidates for the job, and presented himself at auditions at the Drake Hotel wearing a bald skullcap. One of the requirements was to not speak, something that, paradoxically, he was able to do better than any of the other candidates. As Mr. Clean, one of his biggest fans was busty 1950’s comic actress Dagmar, about whom Mr. Bender loved to tell many unforgettable and often inappropriate stories.

Fred was an avid storyteller and seemed to be able to tell 3 or 4 stories at a time. Anyone who visited with Fred knew in advance that a “quick visit” was simply not an option. Fred’s operatic training often came in handy, allowing him to talk endlessly.

Among his favorite stories were those about the time that Tennessee Williams rented an apartment from him and the time he sold Audrey Hepburn a fan which she used in the stage production of Gigi. He once owned the house that had been the Chicago residence of 1920’s ballroom dancing stars Irene and Vernon Castle. He had hundreds of other stories about such acquaintances and friends as Lena Horne, Mehelia Jackson, Gene Cooper and Betty Grable, the latter of whom Mr. Bender had once joined to throw the switch illuminating Chicago’s Magnificent Mile Holiday Lights.

Mr. Bender was preceded in death by his best friend and partner, Carter Reed, his brother, Robert, sister Roberta and his parents Elsie and Robert Bender. Mr. Bender was an animal lover

Mike left out the bit about Fred's role as an extra in Alfred Hitchcock's North By Northwest Fred was in the Ambassador East scenes with Cary Grant.

Burris at O'Hare Last Night - Should He Not Stay in Washington? The Cop and Hector

Picking up my Daughter from her flight to O'Hare from Boston was a hoot. God, I do so love waiting at O'Hare. The American Airlines Flight 1087 was delayed handsomely and O'Hare Terminal was leaking like my basement. Tunnels from Pedways to the Hilton were flooded and maintenance crews were placing Yellow plastic PISO MOJADOs all over the joint.

I ran into Officer Al Hartigan* from St. Cajetan's Parish performing his offices with quiet and gracious good humor - 'THEY LOST MY BAGS!!!!!; Where's the Phone that Brings Shuttles to You?; Gate 3? Gate 3? Are you deaf? Gate 3?; Is this O'Hare? How Come my Bags Say ORD?; Pick up my Bags and get them on the Cart? Where's Mayor Daley's Lounge?'

I ( were I Officer Hartigan) would have pulled my service revolver and shot and killed ( reloaded and emptied another cylinder) each one of the over-dressed Botoxed, middle-aged Denver De-Planing Women -Harpies One and All who demand that Officer Hartigan watch their bags while they went into the Hilton 'for twenty minutes.' All this despite the repeated - Homeland Security Alert is Orange - Any Unattended Bags - Report to the nearest Chicago Police Officer.' These 'unattended bags' needed cavity searches - badly.

Yet, with quiet good humor Officer Al Hartigan, CPD soldiered on.

I also met the Salasa* family from Garfield Ridge. Hector worked for Cook County until last November - he is not a cousin of Todd Stroger. While Officer Al peeled off to check on Terminal 2, Hector and I played with his two year old daughter Mia whose head of hair had more curls than $1,500 Irish Step-Dancer wigs that parents shell out for Competition. Mia is a hard core peek-a-boo player and kicked my fat, wrinkled, pale Irish ass at each gambit. She invariably 'I Saw Me'd!' I am slow.

Following that humiliation my spirits soared as the delicate and diminutive frame of the Junior Senator from Illinois flapped his black cashmere topcoat tails at Hector and me, like a baby Starling fallen from the nest, while his tall athletic and handsome green wool topcoated body guard/go-fer Blue Toothed demands to know at what Gate Senator Burris Car would appear by magic and design.

Grinning like a guy who pee'd on my carpet at my party several years ago and attempting to Puppy-Nose-Nudge forgiveness - you know the look, folks - Senator Burris professionally ignored me and Hector! He had a car at Gate Three! His Go-fer was off for the bags!

Yes! I love the way Burris*** hissed out the 'Yes!' at the City Club of Chicago a few days ago. The guy is a cartoon character and I hope and pray that he remains our Senator for the full two years. We, Illinois voters, really need our noses rubbed in this Burris/Blag Business.

Welcome, back home, Senator! What the Hell are you doing here?

Forty Minutes later, Nora's plane landed. Hector's guests arrived from Puerto Rico. Curly Headed Mia was wiped out and sleeping in her stroller. Officer Al Hartigan was still beset by 'Take my Bags! and Who Do I Sue?'

The rain let up; the maintenance guys had all the flooding cleaned up; and Roland Burris will be our Senator for two more years! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!

* The Officer Hartigan's name has been changed by slight vowel movements - does that sound right?

** Hector's Family name sounds like Salasa.

*** You CAN NOT Make up stuff about Roland Burris!

The son of embattled Illinois Democratic Senator Roland Burris was hired five months ago to a $75,000 a year job under then-Governor Rod Blagojevich.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports Roland Burris II is a senior counsel for the state's Housing Development Authority. That agency's mission includes overseeing mortgage programs for low-income home buyers and anti-foreclosure initiatives.

The interesting thing is Burris II got the job six weeks after the IRS slapped a $34,000 lien on him and three weeks after a mortgage company filed a foreclosure suit on his Chicago home.

Illinois State Republican Rep. Jim Durkin of Western Springs says the fact that Burris faces foreclosure but is working at a housing-related state agency "reeks of hypocrisy."

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Edward Vrdolyak - Stands up - Pays and Walks. Good!

I am delighted that Edward Vrdolyak received the probation and fine sentence.
Well done, Judge Shadur!

Mr. Vrdolyak made a practice of standing up - for his Ward, his allies and his clients. Mr. Vrdolyak also stood up when called on the carpet by the Federal Prosecutor who has given the law over to his own Procrustean rake upon which to stretch his targets.

Well done, Judge. Best wishes Mr. Vrdolyak.

Burris to 2010 or $50 Million to Play Progressive? -Burris.

I like Lisa Madigan. The Illinois Attorney General is smart, well-spoken, good-humored and a tough as nails.

But, I like her Sphinx of a Father, Speaker Mike Madigan - the only adult and the only public servant in the long battle with Emil (ComEd & Anyone Else) Jones and Rod (It's Golden) Blagojevich.

Jones and Blagojevich fought each other to the trough at every opportunity. Speaker Madigan quietly took steps to save Illinois millions of dollars.

Today, Madigan's Spokesman Steve Brown offers the best reason to leave Roland Burris where he is in the U.S. Senate. The ineffective instrument of Blagojevich's punishment of the citizens of Illinois, Burris allowed his vanity to sell off what, if any, dignity he had left. Every person, every voter in Illinois gets Burris. We also get the voices for Special Election.

Jan Schakowsky wants the Senate probably more than Burris and would prove as thigh tinglingly inspirational.

SEIU wants . . .the end of the American middle class.

Hogs at the trough want greater snout room.

Special Election in Illinois will let those dreams come true.

Lisa Madigan is an astute lawyer under political pressure. Mike Madigan is a public servant. Mike Madigan has it right.

Steve Brown, a spokesman for House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago), raised concerns about a special election's price tag but had not seen the attorney general's opinion.

"I don't know the opinion paves the way for anything," said Brown, whose boss is the attorney general's father. "You have an appointment process in place for 130 years, and no one has really complained about it. The reality is it's $50 million. Does anyone suggest where we find that money? That's really the critical question.

Yep, we can live with Burris.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Roland Burris Goes Old School(yard) on Durbin and All Illinois Weenies!

Nothing is more sobering and life affirming than the delicate dance involved when a quick kid zips the skimmer with nifty propeller off of the slow fat kid. The fat kid was given the swell hat by Aunt Gert who lives with 'Her Friend' and a monkey and who has done all that she can to help young Delmer - or Young Dick - be sure to get bullied and sassed by the guys whose parents and relatives actually care about protecting their children.

Most parents or relatives might say to young Delmer -or Dick -,

'Hey look, Dick, I know you like that beanie with the prop, but it might be better to leave it next to your Big Boy's Book of Elves and Wizards on the dresser here at home.'

Nope Delmer's -or Dick's - Mater and Pater encourage self-esteem and young Delmer -or Dick - sallies out wearing a hat that says VICTIMIZE ME!!!!

The hat gets snatched and Delmer -or Dick -pathetically whines 'Give it back!'

The point of taking the hat in the first place was to signal disapproval of both the swell hat/beanie and the tubby self that wears it.

'Give it back! It's mine!'

This we know - He has it and will keep it.

Roland Burris grabbed Dick Durbin's hat ( Senator by appointment and legally proper) and he's keeping it!

Stay put Senator! Keep the Golden Beanie ( US Senate Seat - You snatched it!) Keep the weenies in the State of Illinois whining and crying for a Special Election.

'Roland, Give it Back! It's Golden! Give it!'

Ash Wednesday -'Time's Up! Let's Go, Fat Boy!'

In omnibus operibus tuis memorare novissima tua, et in aeternum non peccabis - In all that you do, remember this Bud's for you!

'No, I'm sorry . . . In all of your works be aware of your last end and you will never sin.'

Who the hell this guy from the Book of Ecclesiasticus was talking to is beyond me.

Me and every human child above the age of six is aware of Death* - others and our own - and we sin up a storm. Hence, Lent.

Lent brings us to a place each year when we can actually make an effort to abstain from the inclinations and vanities that creep into our lives each day.

Lent is a good thing - it is Faith in Action. Faith in Action is what distinguishes Catholics from our Calvinist and Lutheran co-religionists.

We as Catholics got embarrassed by our Militant Catholicism ( Faith in Action) and apologized or hid it away for the last fifty years. Remember Bishop Shiel? Saul Alinsky stole most of his programs and ideas.

This Lent let's get back in the game.

We have over 7,000 Catholic white men committed to Leo High School and they support poor black - mostly non-Catholic young men - in getting a quality Catholic Education.

We have Catholics leading the Police Athletic League of the Chicago Crime Commission taking steps to get kids off the streets and into a gym and a boxing program.

Catholics are the most generous demographic in Chicago.

Practice Faith in Action - Good Works - and don't worry about the Final Visitor.

* By the time the two of you read this, I will be attending the funeral in Kankakee of a former student, a splendid young man, devoted husband, and father of two - a Notre Dame grad and banker. He is doing just fine right now, as his life was Faith in Action.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Fat Tuesday -Clique My Post Title and Shake it!

Just Cuz*! Happy Shrove Tuesday One and All! Lent Starts tomorrow so get your game faces on for forty days.

* Arguably the finest cut of vinyl from the finest few years in music.

My late wife and I asked Father Yarno, C.S.V. if we might have this as a wedding march, but we were told that it might not be considered appropriate . . .The man did not know of whom he speaks - appropriate? Hell, Yeah!

More Zorn Scorn of Catholics - It's Lent Dummy - People Make It Holy and Zorn Mocks Faith

Muslims are a Giggle!

Ramadan is the month in which Muslims must fast from sun-up to sun-down. This is meant to feel how the poor people are without food or water. In addition, Muslims close their bodies off from earthly demands by denying themselves food and drink. This in turn allows for the nourishment of the soul.

Fasting is more than just the mere denial of food and drink. Muslims must also abstain from smoking and sexual contact. In addition, there are culture-specific beliefs regarding the watching of television, listening to music, and the perusal of any secular vise that does not in some way enhance

Jews are Charming!

Five additional prohibitions are traditionally observed, as detailed in the Jewish oral tradition (Mishnah tractate Yoma 8:1):

Eating and drinking
Wearing leather shoes
Anointing oneself with perfumes or lotions
Sexual relations

Catholics are Outrageous!

Lent - Catholics fast, abstain, meditate, and pray to become better people. Wow - that is Outrageous!

Hey, Eric. This is a Catholic town. No kidding. Like any weasel, who makes sport of someone or some religion you feign genuine interest - 'so, Asians are all dog lovers -is that correct?'

The Father Guido Sarducii character on "Saturday Night Live" once announced that he was giving up menthol cigarettes for Lent. A friend's son gravely informed me several years ago that he was giving up using his Sony PlayStation for Lent.

"That should be tough for you," I said, knowing his fondness for video games.

"Not really," he said. "We also have Xbox."

I get it! Catholics are hypocrites. Hey, Dip Stick - do you have the Grapes to mock Rosh Hoshanna, Yom Kippur, Ramadan, or the purely artificially constructed Kwanza?

No grapes at all and a very short vine, no doubt. Catholics are easy targets, because we generally do not loosen a few of the molars of loudmouths and punks -any more. We generally laugh it off and consider the source - usually a Pencil Neck Geek with too a high an opinion of the schools he/she attended.

Let us return to those thrilling days of yesteryear! Just messing with you Eric. No one - Jeez that I know of - is going to separate your Ivories from your gums. Just metaphors.

Tell us, Eric, about your most Outrageous or Outlandish attempt at snide humor. Better yet, drop by a Knights of Columbus Hall make fun of the Virgin Mary, promote Abortion, or mock the Downs Syndrome Kids.

This Lent, I will tend to ignore smarmy punks who mock another person's Faith. Starting tomorrow, Ash Wednesday (Eric, thats the day when all of us Catholics have ashes made in the Sign of Cross to remind us of Death and Resurrection). Until then . . .

Black Irish History Month?

Now, that I have your attention* Gents!

Black Irish - usually means Irish Catholic people with black, raven or very dark brown hair to go along with the traditional 'see-through'- Irish skin - the Whiter Shade of Pale as it were.

My Dad is Black Irish. He tans up a storm even at 86. One time, he was chased out of Turkey Bird Saloon(Salt-water Irish,Raw Jaws, Boys from Home, F.B.I. -Foreign Born Irish) and not for being a Narrow Back ( Narra' Back -American Irish - Probably Hanley's House of Happiness, though that too would have entered into 'the equation' on 79th Street Just East of Ashland in 1947.

My Dad was given a hard time and the door, because some of the Lads thought -'What's this little Dago doing in our saloon?' The Old Man is a hard character (Pacific Campaign in the War: 1943-'45 and all) but he always deferred to the rage and the talents of the aboriginal Irish when it came time to giving a gent the boots.

He was so dark that he was taken for an Italian. The Black Irish faced hurtful moments - pain and oppression.

Movie Star Tyrone Power comes to mind as being Black Irish. Actors Gabriel Byrne and Scottish born Mick Sean Connery come to mind as well.

There are people of mixed race African and Irish blood in the West Indies and Africa.

Many historians including Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Macaulay 1800-1859 who thought the Black Irish to be descended from Miles Hispaniae - Spanish Soldiers who are often called the roots of Black Irish Hair.

However here is a pretty good and scholarly explanation from the Site Dark Fiber.

According to rumors and legends, these Black Irish are the descendants of a few surviving ill-fated Spanish sailors who sailed with the Felícima Armada from Spain to invade England but were ultimately shipwrecked on the northern and western coasts of Ireland in the autumn of 1588. A very small number of the more than seven hundred Spanish men who made it alive to the Irish coast survived, and a few of those who did allegedly became intimate with enough Irish women so as to engender a new inter-racial (Hibernian-Iberian) strain of progeny whose "dark hair and eyes and soft brown Southern skin testifies to its remote Spanish ancestry."(4)

This story has been retold by a number of Irish and Irish-Americans of this decade by way of explaining their own "dark hair and eyes" -- although from personal experience these facial characteristics have never been matched by a "brown Southern skin." No folk or scholastic literature (to the best of my knowledge) exists to verify this Hispanic ancestry and, indeed, it is doubted whether there is any proof at all to the claims of Spanish blood in Irish veins. Without written historical authentication of these beliefs, the story has been relegated to a strictly oral tradition, bar the few variants that are cited below.

The four following variants are the sum total of referents found regarding connubial Spanish-Irish relations in reference to the Armada's descent of 1588. It should be noted that all four come from 20th century sources.

Variant one: Anyone who goes along the coast of Ireland and along the Devonshire (SW England) coast will in one locality after another find that the inhabitants of this or that village are asserted to be descendants of the men from the Armada wrecked upon their coast; that the dark complexion of the population is owing to the fact that a number of men of the Armada settled and married in that part of the district.
-- Major Martin Hume, The Geographical Journal, XXVII: 5 (London, may 1906) p 448
Variant two: A few others [i.e., Spanish survivors of the shipwrecked Armada] escaped. There were other Irish girls who pitied them and took them home and forgot that they were enemies; so that even now on that coast a child is occasionally born whose dark hair and eyes and soft brown Southern skin testifies to its remote Spanish ancestry.
-- Lorna Rea, The Spanish Armada (New York 1933) p 160

Variant three: The belief that men of Spanish appearance in County Galway [W Ireland] may be descendants of men who came ashore from the ships of the Armada and inter-married with the Irish...
-- T.P. Kilfeather, Ireland: graveyard of the Spanish Armada (Dublin 1967) p 63

Variant four: When she discovered that I was living in Spain, she -- an Irish-American -- remarked that she herself had Spanish blood in her veins. Asked to explain further, she replied that her family had always said that she was "Black Irish" to explain her dark brown hair, eyes, and personal like of Spain, and that these features were inherited from a Spanish forebear who had sailed with the Armada, been shipwrecked, and later married into her ancestral Irish family.
-- personal account of a conversation with Mary Jean Goodman,
an Irish-American born in Minnesota (St. Paul 1978)

* Red Headed Eddie Carroll - The SouthSide Roofer with Old World Quality, Standards and Work-force - said that 'He would poke at her in fun.' Damn white of you, Eddie!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Jan Schakowsky Loved Blago and Begged Blago for the Senate Seat -Special Election? What's Special About Jan's Wants and Needs?

What's Jan Shakowsky stuffing in that rad coat pocket? And looky there, she's making a fist at the poor man, like he's 'The Help!' MMmm, MMmm ,Mmmmmmmmm.

I say, 'Senator Burris keep that Golden Seat.' You wanted it; you got it; it's yours.

Many low-minded folks are tossing out high minded whines about a 'Special Election.' Well, tell the Illinois Legislature to amend the Illinois Constitution.

As it is now - The Governor appoints the vacancies and Blago and later Gov. Quinn appointed a dandy vacancy - Senator Roland Burris.

The G is chatting up the Junior Senator - we shall see. As it is, 'Senator, Sit Tight!'

Jan Schakowsky's gaping flannel-mouth has shrilled for appointment to the U.S. Senate seat, because the wacky Congress Person from Progressive Land could not get elected Statewide. For every Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow there are literally hundreds of voting little people who have been treated like 'the help' ( undocumented aliens at that) by the oafish Schakowsky, whose people skills end at her betters and those who out-rank her, in my limited and empirical opinion.

Nevertheless, Jan wants to be THE PEOPLES SENATOR and has been cawing for that seat since last Spring.

Even some Washington Insiders, like Chris Cillizza and the folks at the Detroit Examiner seem wise to Schakowsky - you don't need to be a Phi Beta Kappan on this one:

An Illinois Senate Special (Again)?: As appointed Sen. Roland Burris continues to spin his wheels in a -- so far -- unsuccessful attempt to distance himself from impeached governor Rod Blagojevich, the political machinations of those who would like to replace him grow more complicated. Witness Rep. Jan Schakowsky's (D) statement on Wednesday calling for Gov. Pat Quinn (D) to end Burris's temporary term and call for a special election to replace the embattled senator. "Whether or not Senator Burris resigns, the best way to put credibility back into the process is through a special election," said Schakowsky. Schakowsky has made no secret of the fact that she would like to be in the Senate and probably knows that she would not likely be Quinn's pick to replace Burris if he resigns. (The frontrunner, if Quinn goes in that direction, would be state Attorney General Lisa Madigan since by appointing her to the Senate Quinn would eliminate a potential gubernatorial primary challenger.) It's an interesting tactic but one that isn't likely to succeed because Quinn is not inclined to hand off the chance to eliminate a potential rival simply because Schakowsky says he should.

Teeheee heeeeeeee BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAHH! Ain't Jan a Doosy?!!!!!!

Here's from Detroit!

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) is another potential primary opponent. Giannoulias and Schakowsky play well with labor unions, a constituency whose support is a critical factor in the Illinois Democratic primary. However, the GOP says Schakowsky raised $30,000 for ex-Gov. Blagojevich and introduced him when he announced his gubernatorial candidacy in 2001. They are also quick to say that Schakowsky's husband was a major Blagojevich backer.

Good thing Jan's got all the loopy coralled up there near the nice part of the Lake! She's got a job for life but wants more - that's politics I guess. Ho-hum.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Second City Cop Explains Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone Murder of Three More Kids

What Boiled Beets Loving Progressives answer by rote: Question -Global Warming? - 'Oh Yeah-ass! Capitalism and herds of cattle for carnivores who order racist cops to shoot monkeys and draw cartoons of them, have been the only real cause for Global Warming! Look outside! Oh, never mind. Anomaly. It's Sunday - you know 'Go the Fitness Center Day! Keep Holy My Self-Worship and all! Buh, Bye!'

Wait, a second there Seth got another Head-Scratcher for you -

Thug Comfort Zone* ? 'Well that is easy enough; You know, if you watch Channel 11 and listen to NPR - we have been mobilizing and marching and we are convinced that Police brutality and systemic racism is the only real cause for black on black homicide jumps and the Grassroot solution can only be to make sure all of you fat, worker bees. . . and your fat wives . . .and your three to six kids in Catholic schools, give many more millions of tax dollars to our approved cadre of scam artists, gang-friendly activists and lawyers. Gotta go! Pilates.'

Now there goes a Champ! I'll bet that he is genuinely 'excited' about watching the Oscars. No doubt.

Ask a police officer and you might get the level headed and genuine 'Speak Truth to Stupidity in Power' answer that Second City Cop gives for the death of three CPS students on Friday.

In any case, the shooting in 004 took place at a most opportune time (opportune for the shooters that is):

Paramedics were called to an alley near East 87th Street and South Escanaba Avenue about 3:15 p.m. for reports of a shooting...
School dismissal coinciding with shift change. You think these jagoffs don't know our schedules as well as we do? This wasn't just any random shooting. According to witnesses, it was building up with idiots throwing up signs for a bit before escalating. And once it all stepped off, the three "victims" were hunted down with ruthless efficiency in alleys and gangways. (Emphasis my own)

All the family denials aside about junior just "turning his life around" after getting out of jail two days prior, this was gang banging, pure and simple. And as it's already March, there are no classes in the Academy, retirements are proceeding ahead of estimates and will increase markedly if a contract is approved, don't look for any reinforcements anytime soon.

The idiots will keep sucking on the Boiled Beet Borscht. Citizens will quit buying news papers that play ball with the idiots. Thanks Second City Cop and thank you all Law Enforcement heroes.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Illinois Junior U.S. Senator Ellis Albert Swearingen ( if Burris Quits Get the Real Deal)

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn -

Ladies and Gentleman, after an exhausting search over the last fifteen minutes, I have determined to appoint a temporary U.S. Senator to replace my friend of many years Roland Burris.

Senator Burris's score of days as Junior Illinois Senator do him credit.

Everyone with a silken vested interest in anything and especially those people who see an opportunity to make a great deal of money have co-opted the Illinois and National press for a Special Election. It's Progressive -Grassroots!

I am the Man who mowed his lawn when George Ryan hired illegal Swedish Immigrant Girls to cut his lawn; therefore, I want to appear to be nodding toward the Illinois Constitution.

In that spirit, I have taken nuanced approach of attempting to do both - appoint a temporary U.s Senator and Hold a Special Election - Cake and Eat It, Illinois!

My appointment as this month's second Junior Senator from Illinois - businessman and entertainment venture capitalist - Ellis 'Al' Swearingen!

( The Senator Designate Stares long and ironically at ever earnest and forthright Illinois Governor)

Senator Designate - Al Swearingen-
I wouldn't trust a man who wouldn't try to steal a little. ( longer pause as Quinn drifts)

I'm declaring myself conductor of this meeting as I have the bribe sheet.

Announcing your plans is a good way to hear god laugh.

You want a donkey's attention, you bring a f%^&ing pole down between his ears.

Change ain't lookin' for friends. Change calls the tune we dance to. Pain or damage don't end the world, or despair, or f%^&' beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man -- and give some back.

In life you have to do a lot of things you don't f%^&ing want to do. Many times, that's what the f%^& life is... one vile f%^&ing task after another.

If I bleat when I speak, it's because I've just been fleeced. Sometimes I wish we could just hit 'em over the head, rob 'em, and throw their bodies in the creek.

Governor Pat Quinn -
Thank You Al, Senator! Illinois this is a breath of fresh air! Temporary of Course! Until The Peoples Election! The Special Peoples Election for Jan Schakowsky! I mean hey! Jan Schakowsky* wants her raps - she was all over Blago all Summer and fall! Jan wants to fungo some out to Left Field! Fresh Air People! This is Illinois! I mean - Fair is Fair and Jan wants to abuse and insult some of 'The Help' on the Senate Side of Congress! That's what SEIU and the Boiled Beets Progressives Demand! It is what the Sun Times would do!

At the time, I made it very clear that Senator Burris should not have accepted the appointment from former Governor Rod Blagojevich. The Illinois State Legislature and Governor Quinn could put this all to rest by calling for a special election to allow the people of Illinois to decide who will serve out the 22 remaining months in President Obama's unexpired senate term. Under the 17th Amendment, the Governor has a right to end the temporary term at any time and call for a special election. Whether or not Senator Burris resigns, the best way to put credibility back into the process is through a special election.
Jan Schakowsky - Really, really, really, really wants this Senate Seat! I'll bet Fitzy has her and Convict Bob Creamer on tape saying so! Tee-hee.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Whitey Demands That Burris Resign

In an act of Crime Imitating Politics ( Mirror Images Production), FBI Top Ten Fugitive James 'Whitey' Bulger issued a demand that Illinois Junior Senator Roland Burris resign immediately.

Burris is expected to stand pat. Bulger is expected to remain at large. I am having Mrs. Marie Callender's Turkey Pot Pie* for dinner:

The innards of the pie are pretty close to what’s pictured on the box: you’ve got decent chunks of white meat turkey (not sure if some of those are chopped and formed), carrots, peas, onions, and celery. Although the box picture shows at least 2 pieces of celery, I actually only found miniscule pieces in my pot pie. The same goes for the onion. It’s not a terrible loss though, as the turkey, carrots and peas are around. They’re cooked pretty nicely as well.

The turkey pot pie sauce was a little too salty for my tastes, but I’m sure that’s a personal preference thing. It tastes pretty much what you’d expect a pot pie sauce to taste like. The pie is also much more filling than those other tiny Swanson pies.

I’m actually pleasantly surprised they didn’t futz with the formula as much as I thought they might have done. These are still a pretty good deal if you can get them on sale, and I’d definitely keep one or two in the freezer for those days when I don’t feel like cooking lunch.

Aliases: Thomas F. Baxter, Mark Shapeton, Jimmy Bulger, James Joseph Bulger, James J. Bulger, Jr., James Joseph Bulger, Jr., Tom Harris, Tom Marshall, Ernest E. Beaudreau, Harold W. Evers, Robert William Hanson, "Whitey"


Date of Birth: September 3, 1929 Hair: White/Silver
Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7" to 5'9" Complexion: Light
Weight: 150 to 160 pounds Sex: Male
Build: Medium Race: White
Occupation: Unknown Nationality: American
Scars and Marks: None known
Remarks: Bulger is an avid reader with an interest in history. He is known to frequent libraries and historic sites. Bulger may be taking heart medication. He maintains his physical fitness by walking on beaches and in parks with his female companion, Catherine Elizabeth Greig. Bulger and Greig love animals. Bulger has been known to alter his appearance through the use of disguises. He has traveled extensively throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, and Mexico.






The FBI is offering a $2,000,000 reward for information leading directly to the arrest of James J. Bulger. N.B. Mr. & Mrs Rod Blagojevich are not eligible for this reward at this time. I don't know why. The G is mean Mother%^&^*ers.

August 1999


Eric Holder's 'Nation of Cowards'

During The Civil War* - 'the Union armies had from 2,500,000 to 2,750,000 men. Their losses, by the best estimates':

Battle deaths: 110,070
Disease, etc.: 250,152
Total 360,222

"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," Holder said.

That's Rich! Like the embezzling double-dealing scam artist guy you pardoned; Have nice day A$$hole!


Forget the Special Election - 1. Senator Burris is Just That - Senator 2. The Governor Appoints Vacancies - Gov. Quinn, Appoint a Republican!

There is a great deal of talk about replacing Senator Burris only a score so of days into his appointed term of office. My pal John Rubery, Illinois' Marathon Pundit with a National reputation for insight and raising poignant political issues to the fore, wants a Special Election:

Sheesh. The people of our state could have been spared this. Forgive me for repeating myself, but since the mainstream media isn't doing it's job, I have to yell this out again: After Rod Blagojevich was arrested for allegedly attempting to sell Barack Obama's Senate seat, Durbin called for a special election to decide Obama's replacement. But Durbin, who at first not want to spare the people of Illinois this mess, was more concerned about keeping this seat in Democratic hands. So Durbin the coward flip-flopped. It's sickening.
Burris: Resign now.

And we want a special election!

Hold on there, Rubes. 'We' as in the Roland Burris-Papal We - could do without it. We - that's me. Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold* agrees,'The controversies surrounding some of the recent gubernatorial appointments to vacant Senate seats make it painfully clear that such appointments are an anachronism that must end. In 1913, the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution gave the citizens of this country the power to finally elect their senators. They should have the same power in the case of unexpected mid term vacancies, so that the Senate is as responsive as possible to the will of the people. I plan to introduce a constitutional amendment this week to require special elections when a Senate seat is vacant, as the Constitution mandates for the House, and as my own state of Wisconsin already requires by statute. As the Chairman of the Constitution Subcommittee, I will hold a hearing on this important topic soon.'

We do not need a Special Election. Illinois Constitution holds that the power to appoint vacancies in office lies with the Governor.Adopted by Constitutional Convention September 3, 1970 Ratified by vote of the People December 15, 1970 and
became effective upon Admission July 1, 1971. Sorry guys. That is the Constitution.

Now, lawyers might think otherwise - I am sure. Roland Burris was Illinois' Top Lawyer for Years and I do believe that he will sit on the 'Golden Thing' - the U.S. Senate Seat until his term runs out. Why not? He should. It is his right and it is legal.

Now, Governor Quinn painted over Blago's name all over the State Tollway System. Fine. Now, if and when Sen. Burris decides to resign ( as if!), Governor Quinn, the Breath of Fresh Air in Illinois, should appoint a Republican.

He would be an example to our nation and a Governor of Illinois. We have not had one in about eight years, or so.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spencer Thayer - Your You Tube Police Activist! I'm Here to Help, Spence!

As in all things, God works wonders through His people on earth! Nice work to David Heinzmann and Jeremy Gorner, Tribune Reporters for giving all of us - Spencer Thayer*!
Shucks these are all just simple, uncomplex little old ( who works everyday in a very high crime neighborhood) me's thoughts on today's Video Activist Hero - Spencer Thayer!

Spencer Thayer went You Tube on a Police Officer involved in the proper ( I watched it several times) execution of his duties to serve and protect the Citizens of Chicago.

Spencer wants Chicago to 'Bash Back!' Bash away Chicago!

Activist and Video Journalist SPENCER THAYER!

There is an Andy Thayer who works for Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer Jon Loevy - Andy Thayer is a Gay/Anti-War/Anti-Cop Activists who is as prominent in publicity for social activism issues as the Caveman in Insurance ads. I gotta wonder if Spencer Thayer is any relation to Andy Thayer who works for Jon Loevy who sues the Chicago Police weekly - following a Sun Times story or stories.

That's just the old close-knit ethnic south side of me - shucks, we think everyone is a cousin! Aren't they though?

Well, Spencer Thayer, here is your time in the spot light. I sure hope that I can be of some very small help in this matter!

* when I posted early this morning I had NO idea who the video journalist might be and lo and behold - it is Spencer Thayer! From this AM's post -'I hope that the little 'Can I Have Your Badge Number?' Twerp who decided to be some body with his Indie Film meets Calvin Urine Britches as a bus mate every day for the rest of his snotty life and Calvin's Posse - including the more violent and larcenous. But that's just me. I have a Nuanced sense of humor.'

Sharpton Steals Chimp Image from Irish Americans - Outrageous!

Race-baiting shakedown Artiste Rev. Al 'Crown Heights' Sharpton and Bluesman 'Blind Guv' Paterson are trying to gin-up Victimhood for Black Americans.

However, Al and Blind Guv need to steal America's coveted use of Chimpanzees to portray Irish Catholic Americans. Fair is Fair! No Justice No Peace! No Piece No Pie!

A cartoon satire about the goof whose Chimp mauled her friend appeared in the New York Post. Rev. Al took off on the Victimhood Jet! He said Chimps are meant to portray Black Americans.

Not so. The Simian Identity is long the domain of American disdain for Irish Catholic Americans. From Nast to Arby's* Irish Catholic Americans are associated with Apes.

However, Aland Blind Guv and the entire Black-sploitation Industry is attempting a theft of this Catholic Celtic Iconography.

Sybil Mimy Johnson, who teaches African studies courses at Hofstra University, said the cartoon recalls a history of unflattering comparisons of African-Americans to primates.

"If you go back to Jim Crow and you go back to the whole depiction of cartoons then, it was demeaning for African-Americans, calling them animals," she said. "This is extremely insensitive and it reaches back to those old wounds."

"How could The Post let this cartoon pass as satire?" said Barbara Ciara, president of the National Association of Black Journalists. "To compare the nation's first African-American commander-in-chief to a dead chimpanzee is nothing short of racist drivel."

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs declined to comment on the cartoon Wednesday. "I have not seen the cartoon," he told reporters aboard Air Force One as Obama returned to Washington from Arizona, where he announced his plan to deal with the foreclosure crisis. "But I don't think it's altogether newsworthy reading the New York Post."

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's spokesman said the senator "found the Post cartoon offensive and purposefully hurtful. She believes this type of cartoon serves no productive role in the public discourse."

Spokespeople for Sen. Charles Schumer, Assemb. Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) and State Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith (D- St. Albans) declined to comment on the cartoon.

Hazel Dukes, president of the New York NAACP, called the cartoon "outrageous."
Outrageous Indeed!

Chimps are historically the image of Irish Catholic Americans. This is OUR Victimhood. Outrageous!

Oh, that's right! In post racial America, history** is to be forgotten. Victimhood is Copyrighted.


Sun Times With Don Hayner - The Great Divide Will Continue!

The Sun Times will continue to pour out Police Tales of Horror/Real and Imagined/help Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers Sue the City and County/Insult Citizens Not on the Acceptable Advocacy Alliance List - i.e. Mount Greenwood/Morgan Park/Beverly and other white ethnic Catholic neighborhoods will be presented only in the light of implied racial hatred and crypto-Nazi inclinations.

That is too bad.

This morning's front page offering was of a Policeman tossing a louse who had not paid the fair and had been targeted for removal by the CTA driver. The bus on West Division did not move, but a citizen filmed the removal. The Cop uses strong language. Heavens! You mean like on Bill Maher? I have seen Trappist monks get more pissed off than this Officer.

I hope that the little 'Can I Have Your Badge Number?' Twerp who decided to be some body with his Indie Film meets Calvin Urine Britches as a bus mate every day for the rest of his snotty life and Calvin's Posse - including the more violent and larcenous. But that's just me. I have a Nuanced sense of humor.

As for the Police Officer and his subsequent sit-down with the Blue Noses on The Review Board - 'Nothing to see here folks!' Most Chicagoans would love to see this man's commanding presence on more buses and L's.

Well, they would not say so in print.

This is another example of the Chicago Sun Times agenda to undermine any and all confidence in law enforcement.

Do Chicago Citizens want Transportation in Chicago? Do human petre dishes like the gent in the video have carte blanche over Citizens?

Law Enforcement requires strong language and strong action over recalictrant crumbs.

With the appointment of Editor Don Hayner who made his bones with series of articles, upon which mega-race -baiter Mary Mitchell rode Hayner's back by the way, that perpetuate the geometry of race hate. Angles and borders of neighborhoods define what is in peoples' hearts. If you live in a black neighborhood, you are a victim of systemic racism. If you live in a white lower middle class Catholic neighborhood you are a foot soldier in systemic racism and are a racists.

Nuanced. Save your quarters folks. I was all set to buy the Sun Times again.

The Sun Times just put another bullet in the chamber as it plays Russian Roulette and plays out the clock.

In the mean time, heat up the hate!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Durbin 'The Greek' Schools Alexis Giannoulias at Reilly's Daughter Pub Before Taking Off for Greece!

Durbin - Listen Alexi

Giannoulias - Alexis - drink the Retsina slowly . . .

Durbin- If a woman sleeps alone, it puts a shame on all men.
A man needs a little madness...or else...he never dares cut the rope and be free. What kind of man are you? Don't you even like dolphins? Life is trouble. Only death is not.

Gianoulias- Senator . . .Dick . . . Retsina is potent . . .here give me your glass . . .No!!! Not the Metaxa!

Durbin -To be alive is to undo your belt and look for trouble.
On a dear man's door, you can knock forever! All right, we go outside where God can see us better.

Giannoulias - Dick . . .Sit Down! Senator, you might not be ready for Greece - look we are only at Reilly's Daughter in Midway and . . .

Durbin- Those damn cats!

Giannaoulias - Nancy Pelsoi . . .

Durbin - Silly old bitch. Why do the young die? Why does anybody die?
--What's the use of all your damn books if they can't answer that? --They tell me about the agony of men who can't answer questions like yours? --I spit on this agony!

Giannoulias- Senator, that is your second glass of Retsina on no food. Greeks can handle this but fire-water in the Irish is not so good. Boz O'Brien is coming over - please, keep it down.

Durbin -The lamb, it will burn! You are cruel! Boss, why did God give us hands? To grab. Well, grab! You think too much, that is your trouble. Clever people and grocers, they weigh everything. Oracle It was the dancing When my little boy Dimitri died…and everybody was crying… Me, I got up and I danced. They said, "Zorba is mad." But it was the dancing — only the dancing that stopped the pain.

Giannoulias - I have him Boz . . .he'll sleep on the plane

Sun Times Gets it Right - After Playing the Lefty Fool for Years

Ray Coffey should be the Standard for News writers and those who would call themselves Journalists. Ray's departure from the Chicago Sun Times was the starting gun for that paper's 90 degree plunge in credibility and honor. There might yet be hope for the Sun Times.

The Sun Times offered a sober look at the value of newspapers in yesterday's commentary.

No army of bloggers, no TV or radio station, no nonprofit journalism collective, no foundation-supported task force of political and government reporters will ever do the job so well.

The first Sun-Times exclusive hit the front page on Sunday: "Blago hit up Burris for cash." The reporters were Natasha Korecki, who covers the federal courts for the Sun-Times, and Dave McKinney, our Springfield bureau chief.

The real significance of that story was not that the brother of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich had asked Sen. Roland Burris for a sizable campaign contribution shortly before Blagojevich appointed Burris to Barack Obama's former Senate seat. No surprise there. That would be Blago's style.

The real story was that Burris had stated earlier in a Jan. 5 affidavit that he had talked to no one in the Blagojevich camp, and he had testified three days later at Blagojevich's impeachment trial that he had talked to just one person. More troubling, he never said a word about talk of money.

The real story, that is to say, is that Burris looks like a liar.

We know. That was why we quit buying the rag that bore the name - Sun Times. There are great newspaper people who have been chained to the oars of the Sun Times Sinking Ship Review for the last few years: Tim Novak, Steve Huntley, Dave McKinney, Natasha Korecki, and Kate Grossman. God love them. Tim Novak was like the Man in the Iron Mask during the last days of the Presidential Campaign. Maybe now, he can be let off the leash.

While the Sun Times has played at being a Revolutionary Organ committed to The Great Patriotic Proletarian Progress Paradee by Cheryl Reed, readers in my neighborhood and others in Chicago have pocketed the two-bit pieces.

My neighborhood, where crime happens due to the Thug Comfort Zone* that Sun Times helped create, has been insulted and caste as some kind of Third Reich Sculpture. The dampness on our backs is not rain or sweat but the dewy offerings of lazy writers and pop-eyed Advocacy nuts drawing pay from the Sun Times.

I was happy to see that the CEO and the publisher have taken their Golden Parachutes out of town.

Newspapers are essential to free Republic. Perhaps, the Sun Times will become one once again - now that the Jacobin Hat and Cap and Bells have been hung up on the hook.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hickey - What I Dream Can Come True!

A beautiful young woman of my acquaintance, asked me 'What goes on in that head of yours?'

Generally speaking - cartoon re-runs; recipes; Sandra Lee Fantasies; staged coups of selected local governments; revenge fantasies; footnotes; memoranda; and day dreams - Los Suenos Impossibles!

I wish Mankind well and individual dip-stick bipeds a personal hornet's nest in their skivvies.

I do not believe that Barbara Flynn-Curry looked at the late memo by Senator Burris that has caused him to be immortal - as a goof. There was no Democrat Plot to conceal - Burris tucked it in like a Kid with a bad report card is all.

I believe that Illinois Rep. James Durkin is the only hero in this Roland Burris mess, but GOP rivals, Democrats Progressives and hack journalists will try to do him some dirt and damn with faint praise.

I can not Believe that the GOP will blow this opportunity to retake a U.S. Senate Seat - but they will.

I believe that Rainier Beer is a fine Domestic Beer - one of my favorites along with Berghoff, Drewerys, Augsburger, Huber, Rhinelander, and Leinenkugle - and it can be captured by men of steely resolve and hearts of oak!

Christ to shield me today
Against poison, against burning,
Against drowning, against wounding,
So that there may come to me abundance of reward.
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

Ma’s math leat sìth, càirdeas, agus cluain—éisd, faic,‘us fuirich sàmhach."

("If you wish peace, friendship, and quietness: listen, look, and be silent)

Sun Times Calls Quigley A Tool of Permutation!

The Sun Times - Chock Full of Ironies! Even in Endorsing Their Fatuous Dopes, Sun Times manages to blow off the toes of those they love!

The other day The Sun Times endorsed the Uriah Heep of Illinois Politics - The Terror of Tiny Town Himself, Mike Quigley, to fill Rahm Emmanuel's seat - with plenty of room to spare!

'Issues aside, what's perhaps most refreshing about Quigley is, oddly, his lack of political charm.

He doesn't exactly light up a room. Or even smile much. . . .Quigley is, in his own way, part of the same wave.A true instrument for change. Send him to Congress.

'What is most refreshing about this blind date I have picked out for Damian is her almost complete lack of hygene and disdain for social convention - Why, Man, this morbidly obese girl -Farmers on the sidewalk, when her nasal passages get congested! She is utterly charming in the way she guzzles Louisiana Hot Sauce Frappes! Her scent is reminiscent of Old Chicago - the Stockyards in August or Gary, Indiana when war productivity was at its peak! Enchantingly Offensive!'

The Sun Times offers the voters of the 5th District its GIGI in Mike Quigley!

A True Instrument for Change -A Real Tool of Permutation! Send Quigley . . . Somewhere he will not get stepped on!'

Congress, a land of pygmies, might just be the place.

James 'Popeye' Durkin - 'IllinEYE Can't Stan's Na 'More!'

"I think it would be in the best interest of the state if he resigned because I don't think the state can stand this anymore.'' -- Illinois state Rep. Jim Durkin on Sen. Roland Burris.

Pencil -Neck Wit Eric Zorn is huffing out the Progressive Response - Ban the word 'Goo-Goo' as it makes fun of Progressive Good Government. Whenever there is a problem, the hysterical always have the solution at hand that requires someone else to do something. 'Somebody Do Something!' Eric Zorn offers that Everyone stops/stop saying Goo-goo and Good Government will happen! 'Like Unicorn Dust Showered on our Dandy Dell it will be so! Yes. Yes.' ( finger-tips touching ever so delicately)

Eric, Goo-goo is a word that makes fun of the hysterical.

Eric it is meant to do just that.

“Goo-goo,” as you may know, is a derisive term for advocates of reform. The New York Sun coined it in 1890s as a back of the hand to Good Government Clubs in New York City. Teddy Roosevelt picked it up and was quoted as referring to “those prize idiots, the goo-goos.”

It works well as a slur because the mash-up of the first letters in “good” and “government” is reminiscent both of “goody-goody”—a term for an insufferably well-behaved person—and of the gurgling sound made by infants.

Infants are naïve, trusting and innocent. Cynics apply these same adjectives to those who believe we can reduce graft, fraud, waste, patronage and nepotism in government.

Good Government is Ironic - in that, often, the very worst human beings want to improve government.

'When I see a Reformer, I hold on to my hat and put both hands into my pockets!'

'Kids, that's a Reformer - he'll steal your worst fears.'

Reform comes not from Committee Fiat by the labors of strong people - Illinois Rep. James Durkin is a fine example.

He is a quiet, 'who's he' kind of elected official - like Mary Flowers, Jackie Collins,Ed Maloney and Kevin Joyce among Democrats and Sandy Cole, Sue Bassi, Dan Cronin, Tom Cross across the aisle.

Jim Durkin nailed Roland Burris for allowing his ego to get the better of him by accepting Blago's lure of Senatorial Office. Too bad for Mr. Burris - instead of lasting fame as an effective and honest public servant, he will be treated to eternal scorn, laughter and ignominy as a stooge.

Jim Durkin, like Popeye, spinach-ed up and took a swing for Illinois. It was a knock-out punch.

Eric Zorn is marshaling the forces of napkin scorn to 'do away with another hurtful and nasty old word.'

Give me Popeye over Freddie Bartholomew, or Caspar Milquetoast any day. Goo-Goo. That Kills me.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Il. Rep. Jim Durkin - A Lion in Illinois

“An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass” George Washington

Here in Illinois the public imagination is too often overwhelmed by the number and quality of asses in public service. Mindless trimmers and fatuous dummies flock to elected office and seek out the news media.

Most public servants are solid women and men. The best of them appear in crises and get things done.

Republican James Durkin is one such Illinois Representative. When he picked apart Roland Burris and his three attorneys during the Impeachment hearings of Rod Blagojevich, Roe Conn and his posse laughed at Durkin on WLS. 'I can not believe this guy is lawyer!'

However Durkin was the only serious challenge to Burris by any political Party's official.

Today, it appears that Jim Durkin is a the lion among the asses.

"I can't believe anything that's coming from Mr. Burris, at this point," said State Rep. Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs). "... I think it would be in the best interest of the state if he resigned."

"If you have that much of a memory problem, maybe you shouldn't be in the United States Senate, on a capacity basis," added state Republican leader Tom Cross (R-Oswego.)

The comments come in the wake of the Feb. 5 amended affidavit that Burris, a Democrat, quietly sent to Impeachment Investigative Committee Chair Barbara Flynn Currie (D-Chicago.)

In the new affidavit, Burris said that former governor Rod Blagojevich's brother, Robert Blagojevich, called him three times seeking fundraising assistance.

In addition, Burris said he spoke with three other close associates of the governor and a labor leader with ties to the Blagojevich administration about being appointed to the Senate. Burris previously acknowledged only having spoken to one such friend.

"We talked about transparency, we talked about ethics," Durkin said at the downtown Chicago news conference Sunday afternoon. "The fact is, we're getting a continuously changing story from Mr. Burris."

Durkin said he would ask the now-dormant impeachment committee to refer the matter to Sangamon County State's Atty. John Schmidt, a Republican. Durkin and Cross said that if the committee does not seek the criminal investigation, they might ask for one themselves.

'It's Curtains, Senator! Awwwww, Look at Him. . .' - Il. Rep. Jim Durkin'd Snuff Him

Click my post Title for Rep. Jim Durkin's talk about Burris's fibs - it seems.

Jim Durkin was the ONLY elected official during Our Impeachment ( HiJacking) who put the hot coals to Senator Tombstone Burris. Now, as in all things Hopeful and Change-Er -Ific we find that Roland Burris might ahave tweaked the the truth just a ton.
Seems like Burris is curtains - Don't bet on it Roland is too cute to scoot! Reid, Pelosi, Durbin and Todd are enchanted by the cute and fuzzy Junior Senator from Illinois.

But . . . weeks ago . . . Illinois Representative Jim Durkin had Roland Burris nailed to the carpet:

Durkin: At any time were you directly or indirectly aware of a quid pro quo with the governor for the appointment of this vacant Senate seat?

Burris: No sir.

Durkin: Ok. If you were aware of a quid pro quo, what would you have done?

(Burris's lawyer calls it a hypothetical question and inappropriate. Durkin calls it "highly relevant" and what his response would have been. Rep. John Fritchey (D-Chicago) says his response to something that did not occur was "irrelevant" and "speculative." Durkin says its "germane" to the hearing and a "reasonable request" of what he would have done. Burris' lawyer says Burris will respond because he wants to be "clear and open.")

Burris: Rep. Durkin, knowing my ethics, I would not participate in anybody's quid pro quo. I've been in government for 20 years and never participated in anybody's quid pro quo.

Durkin: I guess the point is, would you have gone to the federal authorities if you were aware of that?

Burris: I have no response to that.

Burris will continue as Senator. However, if Jim Durkin keeps pouring it on . . . hold the phone! Burris* it seems does that anyway.

Paging Roland Burris: Constituents Finding New Senator Hard To Reachview more from: Politics / LiberalHuffington Post (last week)llinois residents anxious to share their thoughts with newly-appointed Sen. Roland Burris are finding it's not an easy task. Wayne Lovern, of Chatham, said he called Burris' office in Washington five times on

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Kissing Science Cold Sore- Lay Off The Lips!

President Obama, in his Inauguration Speech said 'We will restore science to its rightful place . . .' The Chem Lab. Leave it there.

The Lips of Science?

Chemicals in the saliva may be a way to assess a mate, Wendy Hill, dean of the faculty and a professor of neuroscience at Lafayette College, told a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on Friday.

In an experiment, Hill explained, pairs of heterosexual college students who kissed for 15 minutes while listening to music experienced significant changes in their levels of the chemicals oxytocin, which affects pair bonding, and cortisol, which is associated with stress. Their blood and saliva levels of the chemicals were compared before and after the kiss.

Both men and women had a decline in cortisol after smooching, an indication their stress levels decline

Lay off the Lips, Labcoat! This is the Lab of Love! Take the Osculator to the Next Floor!

Friday, February 13, 2009

St. Valentine's Bones Buried in Dublin, Ireland - My Misdeeds Rest Too Comfortably Above Ground.

If Love means 'Never Having to Say You're Sorry,' then the Irish are screwed, blued and tattooed.

Jesus, I am Sorry about 86 times a day and before 8AM.

I have a pluperfect penchant for missteps, malfunctions, maledictions, and malpractice; but, I run empty on malice.

My misdeeds tend to be sins of omission - Omit thought, planning or the feelings of another. I am Sorry. To paraphrase Boxing Great Billy Conn upon losing to Joe Louis after dominating the Champ the whole fight only to be knocked out for not being cautious, 'What's the Point of Being Irish If You Can't Be Sorry ( Stupid)?'

Celto-centrist I am not. However, there was an interesting story about the recent findings in Dublin, Ireland. ( click my post title)

It appears that St. Valentine, who received no goods or services in exchange for the flowers, sweets and posted Love notes worldwide to morrow, was buried in Dublin ( re-interred more correctly) in the last century. This from Irish News and Events correspondent Dermot O'Gara

Was St Valentine a true blue Dub?
by Dermot O'Gara

JUST about everybody knows that St Valentine is the patron saint of lovers. You may have known that he was a priest in Rome in the third century, and if you're really on top of your game, you may even have been aware that he died in jail, but you probably didn't know that his final resting place is Dublin.

In fact the good priests of the Carmelite Order have been looking after his remains in their priory in Whitefriar St, just off Aungier St in Dublin, for over 160 years.

We have a good deal of information about St Valentine, but separating the fact from the legend is a bit like trying to separate a teenage couple at a school disco.

Fertility festival
It seems he was martyred in 269, supposedly for marrying couples against the wishes of Emperor Claudius II who felt that single men made better soldiers. Legend would have it that he died for his faith on February 14th of that year, and that this is why we celebrate him on that day. However, it's likely that the fact that we celebrate St Valentine at this time of year is more to do with the ancient Roman spring fertility festival of Lupercalia, which like many other pagan holidays was christianised when in 498 Pope Gelasius decreed that February 14th would be St Valentine's Day.

But how did a Roman Martyr, who had never even set foot in what was later to become an island of saints and scholars, end up in a Dublin church.

In the 1820' and 30's, a Carmelite priest by the name of John Spratt had earned a reputation for his work with the destitute citizens of Dublin's Liberties. A man of apparently boundless energy, Spratt started the building process of the Carmelite church in nearby Whitefriar St in 1825.

Ten years later, he was invited to speak at the Jesuit Church in Rome, the Gesu. The elite of Rome came to hear him, including representatives of Pope Gregory XVI. As a token of recognition of the work of Spratt, the Pope ordered the exhumation of the remains of St Valentine from St Hippolytus cemetery near Rome to be shipped to Whitefriar St Church, in Dublin.

In November 1836, the remains were received with great pomp and ceremony, but with the death of Spratt some years later, the remains ceased to be of major public interest.

Some 40 years ago however, they were restored to the public eye having gathered dust for decades in the nether regions of the priory, and are now featured in a purpose-built shrine in the church itself.

This year on February 14th, at 11am and 3.15pm, as has become customary, there will be a special celebration of St Valentine in the place where he now rests, Whitefriar St Church. Carmelite priest, Fr Tony McKenny will celebrate mass and conduct a ring blessing ceremony for engaged and married couples.

People I Love often hear I am sorry.