Gay Activists who disrupt a Sunday Mass make a heart-warming story for the Chicago Tribune. Only last week, Chicago Tribune Religion ( 'Spiritual but not all that Rules Stuff') Columnist Manya Brachear smeared the Catholic Campaign "Catholics Come Home." Ms. Brachear took an opportunity to portray the Catholic Faith as an oppressive mind set - divorce is not taken lightly in the Church and, for Manya, well, that's just mean.
Manya Brachear would probably not find this incident and point of view particularly mean:
. . . 100 men and women who had gathered outside the cathedral Sunday morning to protest the Catholic Church's opposition to gay marriage and other stances that they see as unjust to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
The protesters waved rainbow flags and shouted slogans like, "Hey, hey, ho, ho, homophobia has got to go!" and, "Holy Name, holy shame!"
It wasn't the first time gay-rights activists have protested on Valentine's Day as a chance to champion equal rights and target the Catholic Church.
Last year, the Gay Liberation Network helped organize a march from the city building in which marriage licenses are issued to Holy Name to show support for gay marriage, said Andy Thayer, the group's co-founder.
"We want to drag the church's bigotry out of the closet," said Thayer*, 49.
Now, that is a non-sequitur for the ages Andy! If the famous bigotry is so evident it must therefore be out of the closet - Everyone knows, Fabulous! Then, how is your protest making the Evident Bigotry public?
Black Churches tend to be pretty up-front about Homosexuals and Homosexuals are not welcome it seems to me. A real head scratcher that one. Andy are Gays/Lesbian/Bisexuals and Transsexuals AFRO-phobic? Hmmmm?
Andy Thayer - please, take your crusade to some Chicago's firebrand African American* Churches and avoid the sting of the charge of Racism in the GLBT Community. Why exclude Black Churches from your civil disobedience?
The Chicago Tribune will never ask those questions - cowards parse and obfuscate.
Here's why. Black Churches are off limits to Progressives. So are Muslims. So are Jews. Catholics are open to hostility in the Emersonian/Thorouean/Progressive Movement. "Hey, hey! Ho, Ho, Homo Bigots Gotta Go!"
Yesterday, Andy Thayer, who works for Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer Jon Loevy - who makes millions of dollars by suing the Chicago Police whenever an arrest ne'er-do-well drops an eye-lash, led a screamingly shrill group of Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/and Transsexual ( GLBT)Activists to the steps of Holy Name Cathedral, It was St. Valentine's Day and what better way to tell the same-gender bedmate in one's life that your impulses are activism than howling at Catholics.
Gays are not allowed to marry in the Catholic Church.
Capitalists are not welcome in the Communist Party of America.
However, Andy Thayer is not only a GLBT Activist, but a stout anti-Police Brutality Activist and a shrill Anti-War Activist. Andy Thayer is there.
The Chicago Tribune makes the planned and co-ordinated assault on American Catholics' Freedom to Worship seem like a spontaneous grassroots event. No Dots are ever connected when a story is meant to present Progressive Agenda tale.
Simple blokes like myself read the newspapers and watch the news and we seem to recognize the network of involvement by Chicago's very few Andy Thayers. Google an Andy Thayer and then count up his press coverage. Errol Flynn on a bender never got such coverage. One must ask . . . oh, one must, because Andy Thayer does not conduct zesty and loud protests at Black Churches on West and South Sides -opting for the Gold Coast insularity and PC protection at Holy Name Cathedral,
Could it be that Andy Thayer is coward and hypocrite as well as a celebrated activists of all agendas?Gotta ask, because Meg Twohmey of Chicago Tribune sure as Hell did not .Black Churches and their worshippers are militant and devout. Knowing many Black Ministers and their congregants the way I do, I believe that Andy Thayer's organized hypocrisy and closet bigotry ( seems like Andy the GLBT Activists hate Black People) are taking the coward's way out in avoiding 'equal opportunity' protests. Perhaps not.
Andy Thayer goes big target Catholic Church, because Catholics rarely ever push back.
When we do the parsing and obfuscation begins -"Well, How Can Deny Two Lovers the Right to Marry?"
Well, Jasper, hetero sexual ( breeders) who do not seem suited can also be denied the Sacrament of Marriage. They might need to marry outside of the Church while their passions dampen on the way civil disunion - divorce. My editor over at Chicago Daily Observer reminded me of great quote from a Cdobs article that ran last year.
Several Months ago, a Catholic monk wrote a fine piece in the Chicago Daily Observer.
In reaction the
New York Times - the Progressive Anti-Catholic Flagship - that could not avoid giving some Trappist Monks a slap in what should have been a 'feel good' story. Brother Stephen wrote
In the progressive intellectual frame, there are only three kinds of Catholics: Unaccountable powerful men (who are quite probably libidinous, and nefarious), ignorant and oppressed masses (preferably with colorful customs and heart-warming aspirations for self betterment), and unexpectedly intelligent and altruistic people who are credits to the race (or to the religion, as it might be). The best we could hope for was a credit to our race story, which is largely what we got.
The Chicago print and electronic media is dominated by a Progressive mind-set that wants to obliterate the fact that Chicago remains a Catholic City Culture. Pounding out Catholic pimp-slap stories like Manya Brachear's or presenting GBBT assaults on worshippers as merely the extension of Emersonian Americanism is means by which Progressive Agenda Victim addicted Editorial Boards reach out to less insightful brothers and sisters.
In response to the smears by Andy Thayer's loudmouths, Archdiocese of Chicago Spokesperson Colleen Dolan gave a rock solid answer to the assault squad of GLBN and Andy Thayer that will have Bruce Dold and his pious band of Progressive Star Chamber Editors rolling their piggy little eyes, "They may not like it, but it's the teaching of the church that marriage is between one man and one woman," Dolan said. "Those of us in the church don't get to choose what the teachings are." ( Megan Twohey
Chicago Tribune)
The Church Militant needs to get so.
* from
Democratic Underground:
black pastors are speaking out against gaysA growing number of black pastors are speaking out against gays, with many claiming that the "homosexual agenda" is the No. 1 problem facing black America. 4/28
Rev. Gregory Daniels
The Rev. Gregory Daniels says if he 'chose' not to be gay, so can others. And they should, he adds, because homosexuality is destroying black America.
Read More
Face Right
Black Religious Opposition to Gays Rising
By Brentin Mock
Bishop Eddie Long takes to the pulpit wearing a crisp, two-piece suit. Long’s been known to dress down in tight muscle shirts and leather vests when preaching, but for this sermon it's business attire. A flock of young men from his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church near Atlanta surround Long's pulpit.
"We're raising our young boys to be just like the women," he bellows to his congregation, which today numbers more than 25,000 people. "We keep telling men to get in touch with their sensitive self."
Almost 45 minutes into the sermon, captured on a videotape that is for sale in his church's bookstore, Bishop Long grows louder and angrier...........