Showing posts with label SEIU Mandarin Keith Kelleher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEIU Mandarin Keith Kelleher. Show all posts

Friday, September 05, 2014

Flipping Mickey Ds For Ever! SEIU's Commie Gimmickry and Wage Slavery


I worked in the fast food industry from September 1969 - November 1969.  Gene Mahoney hired me along with Pat Murphy and Timmy Atkins, as well as about six young ladies to work at Chicken Unlimited on north east corner of 79th & Wood Street for $1.30 per hour.

Gene Mahoney had a gold mine due to his foresight and a loan from Standard State Bank at 79th & Ashland. The corner of 79th & Wood was a people magnet.  Around the corner on Wood was a saloon ( very busy)and across the street the 18th Ward Republican Headquarters ( rarely visited) on the south east side of the corner was Kiley and Kalina's Drug Store two more busy saloons, a fore-runner to 7/11 Hites' - which sold candy and pop to hundreds of Little Flower Grammar School & High School students and the bread and cheese that Dads forgot while visiting the three saloons - ' Here's a buck, run up to Hites' and get a loaf of that Butternut and a hunk a Baloney, or your Old Lady will crucify me.'

 Across the street was Fields one of many Greek restaurants that served Mass go-ers, mourners from Sheehys/Walter Quinlan & Sons, or high school teachers and  coaches from Little Flower High School on break.  Fields, with manager/cook/ owners named Chris, Jim and Gust,  served consistently wonderful food and coffee that was better than any brewed by a Barista extant.

Gene Mahoney niche-marketed , shift changers, teen-agers with pocket change, guys who needed nourishment to go along with the Great Taste of Drewrys/Hamms/Meister Brau and Schlitz, and families requiring a quick meal of fried chicken , hamburgers, fries, shrimp and creamy cole slaw with very generous helping of buns and honey.  Gene Mahoney was an electrician by trade and managed a hardware store, as well as operated this Chicken Unlimited station. He later opened two more.

Gene Mahoney tasked me, Pat Murphy and Tim Atkins with deep frying chicken, shrimp and spuds and also grilling the beef patties for low-end hamburgers and the signature Wham-Burger ( so-named for its size and secret Wham Sauce) according to franchise standards.  I was an adept with a spatula, but miserable a deep-fryer failure.  Chicken, shrimp and spuds were to be cooked to a golden brown  Mine came out of the bubbling oils with all of the  texture and appearance of a Rawlings,  a Spaulding, or a Wilson . . . football.

I took home eight pay checks.  On Halloween, Gene Mahoney informed me that I should seek employment where I needed to deep-fry "nothing."  I went to work at Gee Lumber two miles west on 79th Street - it was longer walk to work, but found my skills and attention level to detail work more suited to cutting 2X4s, mixing cement or stacking lumber.  I continued to take my high school lunches at Chicken Unlimited on Wood Street all through my senior year and was delighted to see that my replacement, Kevin Glynn, was superb fryer of foods.  I was paid $ 1.30 at Chicken Unlimited and at Gee Lumber and banked that cash at Standard State Bank for my looming tuition at Loyola University.  I did not aspire to be a chicken fryer, nor a cutter of lumber.

Would I have been happier making $ 15 an hour soaking a hamburger with Wham sauce?  I rather doubt that, unless my aspirations matched the prevailing minimum wage.

SPresident Jimmy Carter, First Lady Rosalynn Carter and SEIU Local 25 President Gene Moats
1954 - Full Universal Health Care for all Local 25 Members and their Families - not now.  SEIU spend dues on the likes of Gov.Pat Quinn, Sen. Dick Durbin and Marxist 501(c) 3s and entertaining the Chicago media..  

SEIU, is the son of Local 25 Chicago Office, Theatre, and Amusement Building Janitors' Union. In 1969, that Local was run by old timey union tough guys, like its President Tom Burke,  who had their heads busted by management goons hired by the Building Managers Association of Chicago while walking picket lines.  I worked out of this local during my summer vacations between my junior and senior year.  I made $ 1.85 ($.55) more than the Chicken Unlimited and Gee Lumber scale. Nickels added up back then. When my summer work ended in August 1969, I settled for the lower wage in order maintain a less than full-time weekly set of hours.  I was still in high school. Gene Mahoney, and Mr. Jim Gee, Jr. helped me pay the $80 in tuition at Little Flower High School and save for the $1,400 annual tuition at Loyola. SEIU was born when Local 25 was seized and turned over to the Toronto Local run by Marxists in 1973 and they controlled the union Cook County Democrats, the Chicago news media and murdered the aspirations of its membership - in my opinion.

The Reds ran Local 25 and adopted the color purple under the now invisible direction of Marxist Andy Stern.

Today, labor remains very confused.Labor  History has been forgotten, or erased by SEIU. Skilled and Industrial trades have cooperated with SEIU for decades and allowed the "producers" to go-along to get along.

A producer was laborer who had something to show at the end of his labors - a carpenter, a butcher, dress-maker, a canner, a boilermaker, a steam-fitter, a pipe-fitter could join the Knights of Labor - the people who actually won the eight hour day and forty hour week.  A priest, a parson, a clerk, or an academic could not be a member of the working class. 
The Knights of Labor was a rather inclusive group. It sought to unite together all "producers." Producers included anyone that constructed a physical product in the course of their workday. The Knights of Labor welcomed factory workers and business owners into its ranks. The group rejected "nonproducers"people who did not engage in physical labor, such as bankers, lawyers, and academics. The Knights of Labor sought to create a united front of producers versus the nonproducers. The organization even allowed women and African Americans to join its ranks. Together, the producers sought an eight-hour workday, an end to child labor, better wages, and improved working conditions in general. Under (Terence) Powderly's leadership, the organization also sought to instill morality in its members, including providing support for the temperance movement.(emphases my own)
 Terence Powderly and the Knights of Labor, like Mother Jones and Booker T. Washington have all but disappeared from the labor conscious vocabulary.

All labor is noble; by that I mean any job accepted by woman or man and carried out with care and conviction.  Some Labor remains noble; by that I mean, organizations of working men and women who bargain in good faith with wage providers.  SEIU, in my considered opinion, is and has been dangerous.

The Minimum Wage Dodge is no more than another Cadillac Commie gimmick to destroy the American Middle Class and the American Standard of living.  Leadership of SEIU comes out academia and  not the work force.  Schools of Social Work produce Andy Stern, Anna Burger, or discredited scams like ACORN which gave Illinois Keith Kelleher. I doubt any SEIU Clipboard, or Bullhorn Artiste ever swung a mop, stripped a floor, or cleaned brass.  

The skilled and industrial trades are led by producers - workers actually know how to pack a pump, thread pipe, and the difference between red, green, white and black wires. 

Skilled trades people aspired to wages they earned.  SEIU enslaves its membership to a wage it manages squeeze out of taxpayers via legislation.  

Monday, March 24, 2014

Gov. Pat "Everyday People" Quinn - The Champion of Liberal Apartheid and My Trip to Women's Roller Derby

"The vast expanse of economic decline in the midst of unprecedented, but very narrow urban luxury has been characterized as “liberal apartheid. ” The well-heeled, largely white and Asian coastal denizens live in an economically inaccessible bubble insulated from the largely poor, working-class, heavily Latino communities in the eastern interior of the state. "- Joel Kotkin
My old Pappy used to say, " When some goof says he's a Reformer, put your hands on your wallet."   Dad knew what he was talking about in most cases with the only possible exception of the value and quality of Carnation Instant Powdered Milk.  That stuff would gag a maggot.

He walked picket lines up to and including the Chicago Printers strike and a few hotels hiring scabs and strike breakers. He had no use for the folding chair labor commandoes who went to strike site armed with only collers full snacks and beers, who sit on their asses and shout out at passersby threats and maledictions.

"If you are on a picket, get off your asses and walkI"  He never accepted the notion of an evolved working man.  Times change to be sure, but virtue should not.

We have evolved.  Me, not so much.  I admire the virtues that created the dying American Standard of Living.  I still try as best I can manage to give my employer a 'straight eight, or better,'  Corner cutting reforms to the work ethic are just excuses for laziness, or beating The Man . . .whoever she is.

Politicians define everything from virtues to doctrine.  Class envy is all the rage.  The defenders of the working man are not working persons themselves, but job hopping grifters with more political clout than any Machine Boss could envy. The idiotic and oily Shakman Drecreesdestroyed jobs in Cook County, because it took hiring preferences out of the hands of department heads and into the hands of Progressive commissars armed to the teeth with policy.

The result is the vanished craftsmanship of competent workers in the public sector work force in favor of massive placement of the unskilled, the unqualified and unconcerned in key positions over the skilled, the qualified and concerned.  That does not do much for worker morale.

When was the last time, you have heard about life-long railroad man, engineer, electrician or structual engineer heading up the CTA, or the RTA? (cricket chirps)

Instead, the great cops, the great teachers, the great mechanics put in their time and the papers for retirement ASAP.  They sell their bungalows in Edison Park, or Marquette Park, or Washington Park and beat it out of the State with the shreds left of their looted pensions.

SEIU steps in where the motivated and the qualified once roamed to fill the ranks of the old political get-out the vote armies.  Low-wages for life, with time out at election time for a boost to the minimum wage scam or a millionaire tax.

Fronting this 'right side of history, are politically persistent pests like Pat Quinn who has managed to evolve from the Sunday Gadfly Harangue and Harrumph with Pat to signing legislation redefining what marriage has meant for millenia on Lincoln's desk at Uof I Pavilion.  Everday People.

My Dad was everyday people, he was a great stationary engineer who showed to work up at Illinois Med Center during Great Blizzard of '67 and all through the West Side Riots of '68.  He did not need to be the boss, because he already knew what the boss needed to know about the physical plant operations.  So did his six brothers.

I went to the U of I Pavilion on Saturday and took in the Windy City Rollers - Chicago's great women's roller derby athletes.  What put that bug in my labyrinthine bonnet, was meeting the two of the WC Rollers at the downtown St. Patrick's Day Parade on March 15th.  They chatted with our Leo students, marching in the Big Shoulders Fund contingent.  They were smart, funny, lovely and athletic.  I recalled watching Women's Roller Derby on black and white TVs with coat hanger antennae broadcast from the same oddball UHF stations that feature Ben's Auto Sales Wrestling.  The gigantic Joan Weston of New England Bombers was the ferocious foe and fiend who would toss the tiny Filipina with raven tresses knotted in a ponytail deep into the cheap seats.  My brows can go as low as any man's.2013 Windy City Rollers All-Stars of Chicago, IL

Everyday people enjoy roller derby, as they do minor league baseball, because they can afford to take the kids.  Everyday people can not afford the Bulls, the White Sox, The Bears, or The Cubs, unless they take out a loan from Red China and go into debt like the Obama White House.

I went to the U of I Pavilion on Saturday March 22 and watched the skating Amazons get the two thousand or so fans up out of their chairs through every Jam.  Alisin Chains, Chokehold Chanel, Beth Amphetamine,  Sargentina and the tall goddess # 81 Ruth Anasia streaked, bumped and blocked up a storm.

I noticed that the crowd was demographically diverse (Breeders and non-Euclidian, Asians, Latinos, Crackers and African Americans), but obviously totally 99%ers.  No camel hair top coats, no furs, no Hickey-Freeman brogues, or Jimmy Chew go-to-Hell stiletto heels to be seen any where within my 20/20 field of vision.  I had on my neatly pressed Dad 'n Lads strides, my Marshall's oxford cloth buttoned down shirt and sweater from the sale hopper at Sears and shod in my Thom McCann old guy shoes.

No Pat Quinn anywhere!  Everyday people, every where to be seen and huckstered with Class envy encomiums and liberal apartheid sloganeering. " Rauner has nine mansions!  He Has Nine Mansions!" All Pat Quinn owns is the condition of the State of Illinois and a disgraceful place in history - Pat Quinn  knows not what do, but he will do it anyway.

Liberal apartheid is the result of good people having anything to do with a Progressive.  The Middle Class is screwed and will disappear altogether thanks to the Pat Quinn's of American.

Pat Quinn really believes in Progressive Doctrine.  He can not help it.  He serves the rich and anonymous Progressive overlords like Dr. Quentin Young, Abner Mikva and their money changers.  

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Governor Pat Quinn Uses Pope Francis to Grab Kids at Birth and Raise Minimum Wage?

“But when Herod was dead, behold an angel of the Lord appears in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, Arise and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead that sought the young child’s life” (Matthew 2:19-20).

Mary and Joe beat it to Egypt, because Planned Parenthood of Roman Occupied Judea allowed Herod to kill babies.  Things are pretty bad in Illinois, many Mary and Joe couples have already beat it to Wisconsin and Indiana. Our home grown Herod is the Guv, in Planned Parenthood/SEIU and IPI occupied Illinois.  I wish him a very long, happy, healthy and quiet life out of office.

Gov. Pat Quinn is a gifted ninny.  He is gifted by those who stick Holy Writ, or Papal Remarks under his schnozola and read the words to him.

Yesterday's State of the State stem-winder was completely Quinn-worthy.

Illinois is back!  Repeating exactly what Quinn mouthed last year.  Quinn has succeeded only in getting business to leave Illinois quicker than a pewful of folks stuck behind a wildly flatulent worshiper. Quinn has re-defined marriage as he commanded to do by Personal PAC.  Other than that?
  • Illinois public schools continue to stink on ice.
  • College grads can't find work in Illinois
  • Nanny State laws pour forth every News Years Day
  • Bridges crumble
  • Potholes proliferate
  • Grain prices drop
  • The Coal industry shrinks
  • The governor belittles the religious
  • The continuing erasing of the Illinois Middle Class
Now, the political hack who fights heroically for the right of women to avoid the scared consequences of conception via abortion, takes Pope Francis I's comments completely out of context, in order to make sure that Mikey D's fry stuffers have boosted short-term spending power Moreso, Governor Goof wants to mandate child care the minute a child is born.  Imagine, the State of Illinois ( SEIU) raising and caring for every baby born from Lena Winslow to Cairo. 

The ever disappearing wages of tradesmen, cops, teachers, fire fighters, truckers, small business owners, sales people and practicing artists will be used to pay Keith Kelleher's SEIU care-givers and doctors who not somehow qualify for that great job at Pontiac, or Galesburg prisons. Pope Francis and Isaiah were invoked by Governor Cliffs Notes - no doubt at the suggestion of Illinois  Pete Seeger of Medicine - Old Doc Quentin Young, physician to CPUSA and gubernatorial guru.

Quinn, who is Catholic, quoted scripture and popular new Pope Francis in setting his priorities. But the speech only occasionally drew measured applause, though Democratic lawmakers clapped when he called for increasing the minimum wage. Republicans remained silent through most of the 40-minute speech, short compared to some of the governor’s earlier efforts.
Quinn first proposed hiking the state minimum wage during his address a year ago, but the effort didn’t gain much traction. He’s hoping for an election-year boost this time around as President Barack Obama and Democrats across the country also push the issue in the mid-term elections.

The Republicans are too gutless to speak the truth to this Botched Cesarean Caesar.  They act like old bags arguing over bingo markers at the Peotone Legion and are much  too busy to get elected. Every election.

Governor Pat Quinn is pandering to the have-nots and will nots of Illinois - pure and simple. That is all he's got and he will use Bible or the out-of-context Papal pronouncements to get the NPR nodders in the pews of upper-middle-class Unitarian Catholic Churches of suburban Illinois to join his Crusade.  Upon what brie doth this Caesar feed?  Planned Parenthood's and morsels from the Hyde Park mafia, that's what brie.

Pope Francis I said this the very week he was elevated to the Papacy - -“Defend the unborn against abortion even if they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you."  

Parse that, Guv. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Susie Watts Stood Up to the Purple Gang -Gov. Quinn and the Purple Reds of SEIU

SEIU Homecare Quality in Size XXXXL - a mother caring for a disabled child has a slim chance against these Marxist heavyweights . . ., or does she?

Today's Supreme Court Ruling on Labor could be a game changer.  The Supreme Court over ruled the opinion of US Court of Appeals -7th District ( Judge Richard Posner).   SEIU  did the hat dance.  Then in a political payback to robust SEIU support for Blagogevich and Quinn, mothers caring for seriously diasabled children in their own homes were compelled, bullied and brow beaten into pay SEIU dues which always are used to pay for friendly legislation and gubernatorial cowardice.  SEIU has never been disappointed in these 'investments.'

Quinn(L) allowed Keith Kelleher(R), the wizard of SEIU Illinois, to send purple-shirted goons to pay a visit to the working Moms.  Some Moms had enough of Governor Blow-Hard and the Purple Reds of SEIU.
Susie Watts, a Chicago-area mother who cares for a disabled 27-year-old daughter at home, is glad to have the support but sees no need for a union.
"Nothing could be more meaningful for me than caring for her at home," she said. "But I didn't have any choice about this union. I don't need it, and there is no opting out."
However, Keith Kelleher, president of the SEIU Healthcare Illinois and Indiana, said the union had helped improve the lives of employees as well as those who are cared for at home. "This saves the government billions of dollars over institutions," he said. "We don't want to go back to the old days."
The union contract with the state raised wages for in-home care providers from $7 an hour to $11.65 an hour this year. They also won benefits, including health insurance.
Disability rights advocates hailed the change. "We needed a stable workforce, with good wages and benefits," said Amber Smock, director of advocacy for Access Living in Chicago. "And we did it with the SEIU."

The Supreme Court may very well rule in favor of Keith Kelleher, the corn-fed Andy Stern of Midwest, and the purple people eaters of SEIU.  That would not surprsie me in the least.

However, I feel that Governor Quinn and SEIU violated the Book of Amos* on this one, put a cast iron skilet full of metal filings in the microwave and set the dial on high, with Mrs. Susie Watts.

*Read Isaiah 1-1-17 you fautous blow-hard, Quinn- Quinn picked the shortest Book in the bible, however - "...we know about the bible. and we know about the book in the bible , one of  the shortest books, the book of amos. it's only eight pages long. i commend it to everyone to read. because amos said, and i know Doctor King knew this when he was on this earth, amos said , 'woe to those who affect the poor. woe to those who afflict the poor.' 

Read More at:

Monday, October 07, 2013

Chicago Tribune Editorial - " Hey, Folks! We Had a Huge Part in Lousing Up Chicago; Now, Let's All Help Planning the Funeral!"

A challenge to Tribune readers

For more than forty years, The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board has been in the vanguard of the coalition of advocates, academics and activists who have helped turn Chicago away from The Machine and towards the Mistake on the Lake! Now, that Chicago has become everything that the Tribune has demanded it become, like a Gold Coast Dowager with a fat divorce settlement and thirty years of Rush Street Cosmo -promiscuity and concomitant liposuction, the Kids on Board want an urban intervention.

The Tribune has poured oceans of ink on Chicago's — forgive the euphemism — urban problems. Treating them as individual diseases is convenient for us, convenient for readers, just convenient: Write another series, then preserve it in a digital folder marked Crime, or Schools, or Jobs, or Family Breakdown, or City Finances.
What we haven't done as rigorously is examine the whole patient: the still-sturdy skeleton of Chicago on which holistic remedies might be built.

Yep, about as appealing as smooching the old Cougar's cold sores, that is.

With decades of patient and gutless group thought,  the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board has achieved everything Abner Mikva learned from Saul Alinsky.   Chief Keef gets more publicity than the Special Olympics and deceased gang-bangers more respect than Francis Cardinal George.

For better than forty years the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board worked to make sure that everyone takes this person very seriously, and questions the values, aspirations and intentions of these people

For forty plus years the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board worked 24/7 to
  • Undermine any and all confidence in the Justice System - see Peoples Law Office, Loevy & Loevy, Bernardine Dohrn, Medill School of Journalism and the Centers for Wrongful Anything
  • Call for every idiotic tax necessary - see  Ralph Martire
  • Back protected political grifters and lightweights - see Forrest Claypool et al
  • Assault the Catholic Church particularly and religion generally - See John Kass' great column*
  • Demand larcenous policies for education - See the Tribune Editorials c. 1968-2013
  • Equate sexual behavior with race - ibid.
  • Denigrate Skilled Tradesmen - Promote SEIU Marxism with Labor -ibid.
  • Censor and obliterate the past -ibid.
  • Promote the Selfish -ibid.
  • Denigrate the Competent - ibid.
  • Examine only the approved point of view -ibid.
  • Ignore Consequences - See Detroit
Now, Hyde Park Mafia's paper of record wants Stella & Stosh, Marty & Maeve, Curtis & Clara, Dash & Dot to come up with master plan that would make Danny Burnham fill his britches!

Here's my plan .. . .Go . . .try to show some respect for people who actually make a difference in lives of people.

Seriously, cite every suggestion proposed by this band of lemmings at Joe Medill's rag and walk things back.

* Best reason to read the Tribune, other than High School Sports

Friday, October 05, 2012

Progressive Ballet - Rahm Knifes Labor - "which there's a history at"

Progressives detest working people.  Always have and they always will.  Organized Labor helped create the American Middle Class.  Progressives tend to come from above the Middle Class. Always have and they always will.

Anyone who has read about, much less studied the history of the American Labor Movement understands this reality.  Read serious scholars of labor like J. Anthony Lucas who in his magnificent epic Big Trouble detailed the reality of radical versus real labors conflict in coming to terms with American values, law and society.

Radicals wanted labor to morph into an international Marxist wave and real labor wanted to scratch out a comfortable life free from want for American workers.  Guess who won?

In the last twenty years, American labor has played ball with Progressives who want only Class Warfare as means of grabbing power and eliminating the American middle class.

Skilled trades have always demanded rigorous apprenticeship programs and autonomy.  Local # 007 should not allow the City of Chicago, Cook County, the State of Illinois, or the United States Government to dictate
its policies and practices.  Skilled trades are always the target of the Progressive media for idiotic and inflammatory columns and editorials condemning the fact that a back-hoe operating engineer is paid the prevailing wage.  One never reads an investigative series about the Marxists running SEIU, on the other hand, nor any questions posed about the enslavement of low-skilled and no skilled workers who comprise its membership. Once in SEIU, never out. . . .unless finally unemployed and unemployable.

Today, Mayor Rahm Emanuel fully reveals his Progressive pedigree - a backstabbing radical sneak.

Progressives get into government by the back-door deal. Name one Progressive in government who actually has a record of accomplishment, accountability, skill, loyalty, or honesty.  I do not have all day. I have work to do and so do you.  That's rhetorical question.

Progressives are placed in government by soulless elected officials who have managed to scratch out a lucrative deal with the job slot as the quid pro quo.  Most Progressives in government are initially appointed and eventually moved around away from the people they have harmed or the job they have botched, until such times as other bigger or more lucrative deals can be forged between Progressive dominated foundations, banks, family fortunes and media outlets needed by short-sighted, at best, politicians.

Once secured via -open slot on a ballot without opposition, or department chair, the Progressive gets a full media/PR - usually Marilyn Katz - Earl Scheib (Riiiight!!!!!!!!) body, fender and paint job that gets a baked-on enamel finish and glossy glow of Reformer, Boss-foe, Friend, Ally, Fighter, and Intellectual Titan!!!!!

Sheila Simon, Toni Preckwinkle, Mike Quigley, Deb Shore, Deb Mel, Jan Schakowsky, Forrest Claypool, Pat Quinn, Rahm Emanuel and President Obama all came up to prominence in this manner. We had a national peep at the reality of Progressive worth with the Presidential Debate.  There is no there -there.

Labor, real labor, has played a most dangerous game by aligning itself with Marxist public-salaried unions. More (membership and dues) is not always better.

Recently, community activists have stood blocking the entrance to Rainbow Cone on the east side of Western Ave. shouting " Go home to your own Casa!"  in honor of race harmony and economic justice.  Mexicans are working and blacks are not at a huge on-going construction project in Evergreen Park, Il. Black Capitalist and self-stated activist Edward Gardner heard the cries of Mexicans go home and jumped into the fray. Here is Progressive mouth-organ WBEZ's take on activist Ed in the pink skimmer.

Black nationalists, activists, workers and politicians marched up and down Western Avenue, chanting “If we don’t work, nobody work.”
The target was the site of a new Meijer location. The store, part of the big-box store grocery chain, is going up at 92nd and Western in the suburb of Evergreen Park.
Leading Sunday’s protest was 87-year-old Ed Gardner, founder of the iconic Soft Sheen hair care company.The millionaire has spoken extensively about the issue on black radio programs and has garnered massive support among African-Americans for picking up the mantle on the jobs issue.
A spokesman for the Meijer chain told WBEZ that officials have met with Gardner as well as the construction company. A letter on behalf of the company and contractor was sent pledging to support minority-owned businesses and contractors on the project.
Now, Ed Gardner, is a 1%er, like Fred Eychaner of pan-Gay Progressive capitalism, who gets a media pass on anything.  Ed is black, but not like Col. Allan West is black.  Being black means one must be linked to the Progressives or you become whiter than me, you see.

Rahm Emanuel gamboled pirouette à la seconde. Take Race, Beat Trades à la hauteur.

First of all, my staff has been in touch with Mr. Gardner. I think they’re meeting with him this morning, and they’ve met with him before. Mr. Gardner and I share the same goals, and the same objectives. We’ve talked about, where other cities are pulling back on public transportation, I just told you, we’ve got 400 permanent CTA bus driver jobs. We’ve got 200 to 300 jobs in rehabilitating our buses. We’re going to fix the Red Line, and over 30 percent of the work is going to be done by firms that are minority- and women-owned, and over 50 percent of that is African-American firms. On this particular project at 95-th. I talked to my staff, and as soon he said it was Hispanic and whites working on, I said, “Go check out what’s happened.” But remember, only a few years ago, the complaint was, “Nobody’s investing.” Now, we’re investing. The question is, “Now that we’re investing, who’s getting the work and who’s working on it?”…Now we’ve got to make sure that the building trades, which there’s a history at, which have not been opened to African-Americans and Hispanics and others, and minority children, make sure they have a training program, so the jobs that we’re investing in, and finally doing after years of not doing, are open to everybody in the city to apply for, and have the skill set so they, too can have that work.


Why has millionaire Ed Gardner not taken the old bull by the handsful?   Black capitalism has done pretty well.  What skills and paths to advancement has Ed Gardner offered to workers of SoftSheen (l'Oreal) products?  But that might be a distracting cul-de-sac on 87th Street.

No, this bone is not being offered for a vigorous picking with Ed Gardner; rather, Rahm Emanuel and Progressives.  Rahm shuffles the issue of hiring practices onto the building and construction trades ( who support the Progressive ballet artiste BTW) and with a wink of his Racconish eyes tosses the race card - trades are racist - which there’s a history at.

Progressives will always stab the people they use to get into power repeatedly in the back -kidneys lungs, livers and hearts.

Monday, September 10, 2012

SEIU Stands WITH CTU While Scabbing Every Day

SEIU is a Marxist PAC.  It is responsible for not only the decline of American Labor, but also the murder of the American Middle Class that organized labor helped to make a wonder of the world after WWII.

SEIU is led by Reds in purple costumes armed with social work degrees from University of Pennsylvannia with a modest sprinkling of nurses.

SEIU own most Democratic legislators in Illinois, the Mayor of Chicago ( that is why they are allowed to sit this one out)  as well as the President of the United States who have no comment on this strike whatsoever!

SEIU is as phony as every Progressive I have ever encountered.

SEIU will cross the picket-lines.

I wonder if Bruce Springsteen will warble out a ballad about that.

Service Employees International Union Stands in Solidarity with 26,000 public school teachers, clinicians and paraprofessionals of Chicago Public Schools.The Chicago Teachers Union is calling for a better school day and adequate resources for students, as well as fair compensation and improved job security for teachers. SEIU supports the CTU if they are forced to strike; however, many of our members are contractually obligated to work in the event of a strike. SEIU members will continue to work at the schools to ensure the safety and health of Chicago’s schoolchildren as their teachers fight for their education.
Strong public schools are critical for working families in Chicago.
SEIU Illinois calls on Chicago Public Schools to prevent a strike by giving our students, schools and teachers the resources they need to succeed.
When Rahm fires the membership of CTU, SEIU will welcome their dues!

Teach, mop, dust it's all good!

 Now, that's Solidarity!

Friday, November 18, 2011

John Ruberry Marathon Pundit on the Street With SEIU . . .I mean OWS Chicago

Pat Quinn and his Marxist guru Dr. Quentin Young* - Shanghai Pat is sporting his SEIU Purple Tie - wears it alot.

That purple tie and the color purple here in Illinois is the icon of the next layoff for a skilled tradesman, cop, nurse, firefighter, Chicago sanitation worker ( Garbage Collection Grid), Water Reclamation District employee ( think Rahm's looming Tax Water Park, kids) all thanks in large part to the influence of SEIU on Illinois' political/journalistic/academic culture.

When all the taxes have been sucked dry, it's lay-off time! We have larded the government work rolls and the pension debt at the say-so of SEIU.

Yesterday, I wrote about the Vanishing American Middle Class. This morning I read Marathon Pundit by Morton Grove's on the scene pundit-blogger John Ruberry.

Rubes is a guy who is like so many Americans; he has a good memory and is not much for the Memes.

When The Catholic School Girls Against the War tossed fake blood on worshippers at Holy Name Cathedral he too remembered that International Solidarity Movement ( Hamas Activists)leader Kevin Clark not only goaded the goofy kids taken away in hand cuffs after their assault, but had also encouraged American-born Rachel Corrie to place herself in front of an Israeli Bulldozer and become an International martyr for the Left. Kevin Clark is a Gay Liberation activist as well and all purpose goader who manages to avoid arrest.

More so, John Ruberry also recognizes that activists like the shameless Clark work and play together, while the lazy Chicago media actively ignores their complicity in every confrontational demonstration and manage to spark police bashing universally.

Hamas, or the Palestinian Blockade, or George Bush Hate Fests, or anti-Catholic Gay Rights shout-downs, Condoms for Kindergartners, or Big Box SEIU Tax Raises, Kevin Clark, Andy Thayer and SEIU's Joe Isobaker are in the thick of the goading, shouting, liquid tossings, or press opportunities.

The Middle Class, in particular families supported by members of the Skilled Trades and Industrial unions, has been chipped away to near invisibility by SEIU and their lesser lights. SEIU is the monster PAC that masquerades as a labor union.

SEIU became legitimatized under the leadership of oafish John Sweeney in the 1970's, along with Teachers Unions, AFSCME, and radicalized under the great Mandarin of "Labor" Andy Stern.

SEIU is the most dynamic of organizing machines. They amass numbers - members, dues, and votes. Their members stay in low paying jobs for their entire lives as members of SEIU - janitors, nursing home bed-pan tossers, some nurses & etc.

SEIU members depend upon the threats of the leaders over cowardly, or cynical legislators, City council members, or any one who can raise tax revenue. That is collective bargaining SEIU fashion.

The Democratic Party and the Skilled Trades found it convenient to play-ball with SEIU, in this our post-Shakman Progressive world. SEIU feeds platitudes to lazy ink-slingers and copy for the morning reads.

Pipe-fitters, Insulators, Operating Engineers, Iron Workers, Electricians, Carpenters and Industrial workers have allowed the bullhorns of SEIU and its armies of XXXXL Purple T-shirt clad mobilized forces to intimidate legislators and keep American Labor in the news. In fact so effective was the Marxist Andy Stern in leading labor that BIG LABOR became synonymous with SEIU. SEIU is the voice of the National Democratic Party on Health Care, Gay Marriage, Abortion and Redistribution of wealth. SEIU organizes. SEIU is Occupy Wall Street as it was Occupy Madison and get Walker.

Click my post title and read John Ruberry and take a gander at the great photos take by a real journalist. You won't find this coverage of OWS kiddies in the Tribune or the Sun Times.

Thanks Rubes!


The primary figure who delivered Obama to the single-payer camp was Quentin Young, an 86-year-old retired physician who was a longtime friend and neighbor of Obama in Chicago. Young joined the Young Communist League as a teenager in the late 1930s. From the mid-1940s through the mid-1970s, he was closely associated with the Communist Party. In October 1968 he was called to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee, which was probing the extent of his knowledge about the riots that had erupted at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago two months earlier. The Committee accused Young of belonging to the Bethune Club, an organization for communist doctors; the group was named after Norman Bethune, a communist physician who devoted his services to the totalitarian regime of Mao Zedong.

Dr. Young was active in the radical movements of the Sixties and Seventies and led a small delegation to Communist North Vietnam in 1972. In the late 1970s, Young became associated with a Marxist organization known as the New American Movement, which was initially convened by Michael Lerner, an America-hating radical who counseled young people to explore the use of LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs as portals to a greater comprehension of socialist principles.

In 1980 Young founded the Health and Medicine Policy Research Group, a single-payer lobby group whose Board of Directors he chairs to this day. In 1982 Young helped establish the Democratic Socialists of America, which, as the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International, asserts that "many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed." In 1987 Young co-founded Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), a single-payer advocacy organization where he currently serves as national coordinator. In PNHP’s view, government-run healthcare "should be financed by truly progressive taxation."

In 1995 Young attended the now-famous meeting at the Hyde Park home of former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, where Barack Obama was first introduced to influential locals as the hand-picked successor to Alice Palmer, a pro-Soviet radical who planned to vacate her Illinois State Senate seat in pursuit of a higher elected office. Young quickly became a friend and political ally of Obama, teaching the latter about the merits of single-payer healthcare. In a 2009 interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, Young reminisced about the germination of his ideological kinship with the young Obama:

"Barack Obama, in those early days [as a state senator] -- influenced, I hope, by me and others -- categorically said single payer was the best way, and he would inaugurate it if he could get the support, meaning [Democratic] majorities in both houses, which he’s got, and the presidency, which he’s got. And he said that on more than one occasion…."

Another noteworthy influence on Obama’s views vis à vis healthcare has been Dr. Peter Orris, who co-founded Physicians for a National Health Program with Quentin Young. The son of a Communist Party member, Orris in the 1960s was a leader of Harvard University’s campus chapter of Students for a Democratic Society, the New Leftist organization that aspired to overthrow America’s democratic institutions and remake the nation’s government in a Marxist image. He later joined the Communist Party (CP) for more than two decades, before ultimately shifting his allegiance to the CP splinter group, Committees of Correspondence, where he remains a prominent figure to this day.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Joel Kotkin Holds a Mirror to California and We See Illinois

Gov. Pat Quinn is one hobbled donkey.

CHICAGO -- Gov. Pat Quinn said Tuesday that he plans major spending cuts, including layoffs, as he tries to keep state government running within the tight budget sent to him by Illinois legislators.

Quinn would provide no details about the scope of the cuts. Asked if thousands of state employees could lose their jobs, he said, "We have to do what we have to do."
Forbes Magazine

Gov. Quinn's Labor Day must have been a sobering one, or maybe not. He's got a few years left and Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon has his back. Dr. Quentin Young, Planned Parenthood, SEIU, Sierra Club, Dawn Clark Netsch, Terry Cosgrove and every civil union, and of course TaxaPalozza's Ralphie Martire is always armed with pie charts to keep the Illinois peasantry quiet with platitudes and promises. Gov. Quinn stayed away from Labor Day marches and celebrations, because he had some really bad news - lay-offs are coming and it is THEIR fault.

THEIR (THE HAPPY ELECTORATE OF ILLINOIS REGULARS) consists of anyone and anything. Well, me for example. I voted for Pat Quinn. I was happy to help Pat Quinn, Catholic League guy with a compelling narrative of personal thrift and devotion to the working guy.

I knew better. Pat Quinn is hobbled by the powerful interests that got him elected. It was long dusty road to the Governor's Mansion. Pat Quinn mowed his own lawn, while George Ryan hired kids from Greenwood Street in Kankakee. Pat Quinn buried his 'personal opposition to abortion' in favor of his very public support of a Woman's right to choose to kill her unborn child. Pat Quinn saw the rise of public service unions as adding votes and not subtracting tax-dollars from Illinois' once robust middle class. Pat Quinn agreed Green every step of the way and drank gallons of Andy Stern's SEIU Purple Kool-Aid.

I remember when one of the parents of a couple of my students in Kankakee was vigorously organizing State, County and Municiple clerks into one of the one big unions, shortly after AO Smith, Roper and other industries left Kankakee County. He argued that getting clerks, secretaries, go-fers and others into a public sector union would build an army of voters.

Skilled trades and indutrial unions were all about cutting a trail to the middle class by dint of skills acquired and voctional advancement. SEIU changed all of that.
An unskilled worker was paid not by a standard collective bargaining agreement between a union and a private manager, but via legislation that is politically goaded. Vote this way and get support. That worker's dues were subtracted from his State, County, City, or State funded hospital, school district, or whatever paycheck.
Those dues went back to the one big union. The SEIU janitor remained a janitor and was doled out benefits after the right legislative session. The SEIU janitor is yet a janitor.

Pat Quinn the Governor is about to lay off that long serving janitor. Pat Quinn is the Governor looking for nickels in my basement couch. They're not there. I used them to buy Illinois ethanol gas at Kean.

Demographer and scholar Joel Kotkin has been the Jeremiah of economic disaster coming at the hands of the Progressive Philistines for years.

California's Progressive Template Governor Jerry Brown is Pat Quinn writ large.

Here's what he has going on:

In its modern origins California was paean to progress in the best sense of the word. In 1872, the second president of the University of California, Daniel Coit Gilman, said science was "the mother of California." Today, California may worship at the altar of science, but increasingly in the most regressive, hysterical, and reactionary way.

California's dominant ruling class—consisting of public-employee unions, green jihadis, and Democratic machine politicians—has no real use for science as Gilman saw it: as a way to create prosperity for its citizens. Instead, the prevailing credo of the state has been how to do everything possible to return to its pre-settlement condition, with little regard for what that means to the average Californian.

Nowhere was California's old technological ethos more pronounced than in agriculture, where great Californians such as William Mulholland, creator of the Los Angeles Aqueduct, and Pat Brown, who forged the state water project, created the greatest water-delivery system since the Roman Empire. Their effort brought water from the ice-bound Sierra Nevada mountains down to the state's dry but fertile valleys and to the great desert metropolis of Southern California. Now, largely at the behest of greens, California agriculture is being systematically cut down by regulation. In an attempt to protect a small fish called the Delta smelt, upward of 200,000 acres of prime farmland have been idled, according to the state's Department of Conservation. Even in the current "wet" cycle, California's agricultural industry, which exports roughly $14 billion annually, is slowly being decimated. Unemployment in some Central Valley towns tops 30 percent, and in cases even 40 percent. . . . Of course, the self-described "progressive" mafia that runs California will point to Silicon Valley and its impressive array of startups. But for the most part, firms like Google, Twitter, and Facebook employ only a small cadre of highly educated workers. Overall, during the past decade the state's high-tech employment fell by almost 4 percent, while Texas's science-based employment grew by a healthy 11 percent. The sad reality is that turning T-shirt-wearing kids like Mark Zuckerberg into multibillionaires doesn't do much to reduce unemployment, which even in San Jose—the largely blue-collar "capital" of Silicon Valley—now hovers around 10 percent.

Magazine cover stories and movies cannot obscure the fact that entrepreneurial growth—the state’s most critical economic asset—has now stalled. In fact, according to a study by Economic Modeling Specialists Inc., last year the Golden State ranked 50th among the states in creating new businesses.

California remains rich in promise, home to spectacular scenery; a great Pacific location; leading firms like Apple and Disney; and a still-impressive residue of talented, diverse, entrepreneurial, and ingenious people. But the state will never return until the success of the current crop of puerile billionaires can be extended to enrich the wider citizenry. Until the current regime is toppled, California's decline—in moral as well as economic terms—will continue, to the consternation of those of us who embraced it as our home for so many years.

Illinois is the reflection of California. Take a good look. I quit THEIR, here.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

President Obama Declares Chicago's St. Xavier University -" A Secular School"

SEIU, like Planned Parenthood, paid good money for this President and he , by God, Delivers! President Obama has his NLRB guys out counting nuns - St. Xavier on 10rd Street in Mount Greenwood didn't have enough Hoods on the Board. Ergo, The Cougars* *ain't CatLick.

St. Xavier University was founded in 1846, the oldest Catholic school in Illinois. Its corporate member is a Catholic body with the "powers for the governance of" St. Xavier, that "links the University to the [Catholic] Church and makes it an officially recognized member of the Church."

St. Xavier's Board of Trustees must have at least four nuns from the order that founded the school, and, according to its bylaws, its governing body must "ensure [St. Xavier] continues its educational and religious mission."

After quoting these sources and many others, NLRB's regional director concluded in true Orwellian fashion that "the evidence establishes" that St. Xavier is "a secular educational institution or university."

To support this astounding conclusion flying in the face of the facts (not to mention common sense), NLRB claimed a 1979 Supreme Court affirms this authority.

Yet that case -- NLRB v. Catholic Bishop of Chicago -- actually says the complete opposite of what Obama's NLRB claims.

In an instance of deja vu, the Supreme Court in Catholic Bishop considered a challenge to an NLRB order asserting authority over lay teachers at Illinois Catholic high schools. (Sound familiar?)

NLRB claimed that it had no authority over a church but that it possessed power over church-related bodies that are not purely religious, such as schools. The court considered whether the National Labor Relations Act granted NLRB such power.

Now, that's Change! No longer Catholic enough for President Hide-the-Crucifix.

Orland Park Patch -

By Tom Ritter
The Cougars are expected to be a powerhouse again this year. According to a SouthtownStar article, the Cougars are right where they want to be with their No. 2 national ranking. They will open the season at home on Saturday at 6 p.m., hosting Olivet Nazarene.

The Cougars men's soccer team also received NAIA Top 25 honors, coming in at No. 25 in the rankings, according to the school's athletics site.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Responsible Budget Coalition of SEIU Wants More of Our Dollars - Time For Gov. Pat Quinn to Put Down The Illinois Easter Bunny!

I like Pat Quinn and will more than likely vote for him. Governor Pat Quinn is personally honest, liberal to a fault, as loyal as Harry Truman, and as generous a man as God ever made.

Pat Quinn also, like too many of my fellow Democrats, believes in the Easter Bunny.

The Easter Bunny drops pellets as well as treats. The Easter Bunny in Illinois is dropping turds the size of Bill Ayers' swelled and pampered head -that was a gratuitous insult . . .my pleasure. The treats no longer exist. Illinois is broke. The basket has been looted by Coalitions.

These smelly Bunny Budget Boulders are the result of all the Coalitions for More Money from Working Stiffs to Redistribute to Non-Working Stiffs in the Name of Caring and Tender Mercies. Praise . . .uh . . .Praise Jane Addams and all of her Girfriends!

Ralph Martire of Center for Budget and Tax Accountability is one such Bunny Belly Sweller.

Here's another from Progress Illinois ( SEIU Comic Book) where every Lefty's Kid finds work as a columnist and editor.

The Responsible Budget Coalition will celebrate its one-year anniversary this coming week. It's a milestone the group --which includes community organizations, social service providers, unions (including the SEIU Illinois Council, which sponsors this website), and faith-based organizations -- would have preferred not to reach.

This wallet lifting Coalition is run by Jon Bouman who looks at working people's wallets like a glutton looks at the Food Channel.

Jon Bouman also runs the Sargent Shriver Center for Every Lefty Cause and is also the selected House Mouse of SEIU. Bouman, like elected officials lives off of tax-dollars, because philanthropy is also being murdered by Coalitions. Charitable Giving as well as Business Incentive, is down, because of taxes. Coalitions bully for tax-dollars and charities sseem to hang on like lamprey eels. Jon Bouman whines to the heart strings with that great 70's tune FEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeLLLIIINNGS moaning in the background. Have a Heart! Pay More Taxes You Racist Class Warriors! He's wonderful!

Click my post title and see just who is looking into Illinois working family wallets - There are good causes coalesing with Tax Gluttons. More gluttons than baquet goers.

The St. Vincent DePaul Society is a very good and deserving charity, as is El Valor, as is Gadshill, as is . . .however, the list is front loaded with deadbeats and Leftist PACS and Abortion Happy Harpies.

Governor Quinn, listen to a plumber, a pipe fitter, a laborer, a 150 Operating Engineers, a Hoister, a Housewife and allow the wax to build up in your ears when you see Jon Bouman shilling for SEIU, "The public will tolerate [the changes] and understand it if they are lead." - Jon "Bunny Boy" Bouman.

Pat put the Bunny down - "put it down." Like at the Vet's.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

SEIU's Jan Schakowsky Must Be Scared to Death of Joel Pollak

South side scion and the pride of Morton Grove, John Ruberry - The Marathon Pundit -posted a stunning story about the ACORN/SEIU leash that locks some Democrats - notably Illinois Congress-critter Jan Schakowsky.

Joel Pollak, a sharp and honest young guy, is running to unseat the daffy Schakowsky, most noted for her convicted felon Grassroot opportunist hubby Bob Creamer who operated Camp Obama in 2008, after he spent a few semesters in Terra Haute Federal Prison for check kiting. Jan is also frequent howler on the irrelevant cable Progressive cheer leading MSNBC. Other than that, Jan Schakowsky votes in Congress to eliminate the American middle class.

It appears that Schakowsky called on the Purple Gang of Illinois SEIU to disrupt a Pollak fund raiser -

During the luncheon, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, endorsed Pollak, the GOP candidate for Congress in my district, Illinois' 9th. Ryan, who represents a southeastern Wisconsin district, is the author of the Roadmap for America's Future. Ryan says social security is going bankrupt, and I don't think a single sane person disagrees with him. Too few workers will be funding too many retirees--it's a numbers game. Ryan that workers under 55 be given the opportunity to invest one-third of their social security taxes into personal retirement accounts. The protesters, most of whom are over 55, were waving signs "Hands off My Social Security." Ryan's plan won't effect them, and besides, he wants to strengthen social security.

There were about 50 protesters.

Initially it was believed that was organizing the rally, but this was a Service Employee International Union operation, I believe. Although with these leftists, it's hard to tell where one group ends and another begins. Which brings me to the picture on the upper left. The man in the blue sport coat is Keith Kelleher, a longtime SEIU organizer. For years he was the head organizer of SEIU Local #880, which was started by the disgraced community organizing group ACORN--the serial voter registration fraudsters. Kelleher once claimed he was "a field organizer, lead organizer and head organizer for ACORN."
Here's what Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL), the GOP candidate for the US Senate in Illinois, wrote last fall about this two-headed monster:

SEIU Local 880, which until recently boasted it was founded by ACORN, used an ACORN e-mail address on its Web site and tax filings, was co-located with an ACORN "tax center" and employed the former president of ACORN Illinois, according to official records. Recently, the IRS terminated is relationship with ACORN tax preparation offices.
Local #880 is now SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana, Kelleher is still in charge.

Whose "roadmap" would you believe in? Ryan's? Or a gaggle led by a former ACORN organizer?

On the lower left is John Gaudette, who is the organizing director for Citizen Action/Illinois. If he looks familiar, it's because he was the astroturfer shown on Fox News last summer coaching attendees to chant "Health Care Now" at a Jan Schakowsky townhall at near my home at Niles West High School. Robert Creamer, the husband of Pollak's opponent, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, was caught kiting checks while serving as executive director of this organization. He spent five months in prison for fraud and tax evasion for his avionics.

Yikes! Democrats, this is your party.

Gaudette must have liked the way I looked, he took about a dozen pictures of me. I took only two of him. Perhaps he was trying to intimidate me, which isn't easy, although a rattlesnake in Utah succeeded.

I spoke with some of the protesters, who (surprise!) knew nothing about the Roadmap for America's Future, other than Ryan wants to privatize it, which is a colossal distortion.

Once again, Ryan wants to strengthen social security.

What I witnessed this afternoon could be a preview of the Democrats' counterattack against the GOP this fall. Using imaginary assaults on social security to scare voters hasn't worked for them before. But it could be the only thing they can come up with this year. If that's the case, the Dems are in a worse predicament than I thought.

Coming in November: The Great Correction.

Related post: (emphases my own

SEIU goons fail to disrupt Joel Pollak fundraiser

Jan and Bob Creamer must be more than a tad nervous in the service of SEIU. Purple is the new Red.

The more Democrats cling to the Marxists and the goofs, the more Democrats will take other ballots.

Wake up, kids, that coffee is a boiling!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I wonder- just how strong a headlock SEIU has on Capitol Fax Blog?

Capitol Fax is the top political news clearing house and clubby chat-room ($300 annual admission*) in Illinois. Rich Miller, who also jots out a column for Chicago Sun Times publishes Capitol Fax Blog.

Some years back Mr. Miller was kind enough to offer me a spot on his Illinoize adjunct site, but I became concerned when Miller deleted my commentary and opinions concerning the activities and the nature of SEIU – a powerful pact that managed to co-opt the term Labor, from our supine Media in Illinois. We parted company. I do not and will not comment on Capitol Fax Blog and I asked that Mr. Miller remove me fro Illinoize.

Rich Miller invites snark (a word no one over the age of ten should use) ,gets his nose out of joint when a snarking japer tweaks his plums or those of his sponsor and goes hunting for the Snark IP. I believe that Rich Miller is wildly beholden to SEIU – especially Keith Kelleher. Keith Kelleher directs the activities of SEIU and President Tom Balanoff, a genuine labor man gets the subpoenas. Keith Kelleher comes from the Andy Stern/Anna Burger school of power politics and was instrumental in perfecting the ACORN political trick bags that were exposed this year by a young man with a camera.

Here is some of Keith Kelleher’s ACORN Manifesto referring to ACORN/SEIU agitation in Chicago’s 15th Ward in 1999–

“ACORN and Local 880 leaders held a weekend retreat last spring to think and talk about the issue of accountability. They were learning new things all the time, and wanted time to assess what they had learned and plan for the future.

Out of that weekend came a number of ideas that are guiding our planning to win accountability from public officials. They include:

Turning up the heat. There is no substitute for being able to move large numbers of people in direct action tactics in the public official's district. Where an official is refusing to act, or has strayed from the fold, there is no substitute for confrontation on his own turf; but even where the official is friendly, a strong presence is the best insurance that he will remain so.
Developing more community leadership. It is much harder to hold a few leaders accountable to a community and labor agenda than a majority. With only a few, we are asking people to take stands on issues that may often lose in city council for want of a majority. It would be better to develop many more grassroots community and labor leaders who have the base and track record on community accomplishments that they need to win.
Developing a proactive agenda for progressive leaders. ACORN, Local 880 and our many collaborative partners need to put our elected officials to work on issues that will mobilize an increasingly large base. If we fail to continually move an agenda that we want our elected leaders to carry, someone else will always be happy to fill the void. We need to get much better at developing such a program - with our own elected officials at the table helping to develop it.
Copyright 2000

Keith Kelleher is the head organizer of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 880 and has been a field organizer, lead organizer and head organizer for ACORN, the United Labor Unions (ULU), and SEIU Local 880 for over 20 years.

Madeline Talbott is the head organizer for Illinois ACORN and has been a field organizer, lead organizer and head organizer in many ACORN cities across the country. She recently celebrated her 25th year as an organizer with ACORN.”

SEIU attempted to buy a Senate seat and later stepped far and away from ACORN – like it never happened. Marxists erase history.

That is the Marxist tune to which Rich Miller jumps. Regularly, Capitol Fax Blog attempts to smear both Governor Pat Quinn and his rival Rep. Bill Brady. Fair enough.

However, Rich Miller uses a Progress Illinois (SEIU sponsored site) tweak piece from The New Yorker that condemns the billionaire Koch Brothers (Oil, Dixie Cups, Brawny Paper Towels & etc.) for doing exactly what SEIU cash-cow and Obama sponsor George Soros has done for years as well as ‘bring it on home’ with a pathetic attack on Republican philanthropist Ron Gidwitz. And dovetailing a Progress Illinois jab at the Koch Brothers. Progress Illinois linked an article from Americans for Prosperity that discussed the Koch Brothers and Ron Gidwitz. (clck my post title for yesterday's CFB offering)

It appears that Ron Gidwitz likes the Tea Party folks. He is supporting them. I am a Democrat and I like the Tea Party Folks too. I am also in favor of Civil Unions for homosexuals and oppose Gay Marriage. I detest Planned Parenthood and its sole purpose –abortion. They help sell contraceptives as well, but abortion is the meat and all else spoon vitals.

Progress Illinois (SEIU) is all for homosexual marriages, as gay as they may be, abortion all of the time, and the death of the American Middle Class.

I plan to vote for Pat Quinn, but I could vote for Bill Brady. I like news that is presented honestly. I admire an honest hack who tells you – “Folks I am SEIU purple! No snark here!” . . . Then there is Rich Miller’s Capitol Fax Blog.

* A CFB subscriber noted that the membership is now $350.