Guns kill people in the same way that pencils flunk exams.
The news media's most beloved Catholic leader, is Chicago Archbishop Cardinal Cupich. Blase Cardinal Cupich is no Francis Cardinal George in that the media love Cupich's every utterance, teaching moment and close association with Cook County's political class, their operatives and their doctrines. The news media treated Cardinal George to an endless bed of nails.
Yesterday, Cardinal Cupich decried gun violence - not evil, but guns: assault rifles in particular. Cardinal Cupich planted his crosier next to the banner of the Democratic Party in solidarity.
It’s not the first time that Cupich, a keen hunter and supporter of hunters’ rights, has called for tougher gun laws. But he was as pointed as he has been in his criticism of Republican politicians who toe the National Rifle Association’s line on gun control (President Donald Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan have offered their prayers after Sunday’s atrocity, but none has supported an assault weapons ban).I would venture to guess that more human prey have been 'taken down' in human history by the long bow, spears and swords than all of the quadruped beings shot by hunters combined. From the Battle of Muye in 1046 BC, through Marathon in 490 BC and beyond Agincourt, scores of thousands of human beings perished by the sword, lance and arrow. Deer, ducks and pheasant are shot seasonally for the table. Human beings kill one another, because of human evil.
“When the hunting sport has human prey, we have to take action,” Cupich said.
There was and continues to be some serious evil going on with our species.
Time was, churchmen would encourage prayer and changes of heart. Francis of Assisi was soldier before he turned from Satan. St. Ignatius Loyola, a wounded veteran, did the same.
Evil in men's hearts compels them to take up sword, lance, bow and the monster in Texas's a Ruger AR-556 rifle.
Devin Kelley slaughtered 26 worshippers in a Texas church - A Ruger AR-556 rifle did not. In fact a brave man with a Ruger AR-556 rifle returned fire on the monster and chased him away from his desire to kill more people.
I venture to say that Devin Kelley was one very evil son of a bitch:
- Kelley was convicted of fracturing his baby stepson's skull and assaulting his first wife, Tessa, in the incident at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico.
- He was confined for a year, given a bad conduct discharge and reduced in rank to E-1, or airman basic, . . . The military failed to enter the domestic violence case into a database that would have made it illegal for him to buy a gun, officials said.
- Records show his first wife divorced him in 2012 in New Mexico. . . .adding that she did not want to speak about him until she was interviewed by law enforcement.
- Kelley remarried in Texas in 2014. The status of that marriage was not clear, but authorities said there was a "domestic situation" with his in-laws.
Things should never take on the qualities of a human being, created by God with a soul. Human beings are blessed with free will, but an AR-556 is not. A Ruger A-556, though banned in every Catholic parish in this Archdiocese along with every other ballistic discharging metal/composite tube, will never load its own magazine and make its own way into a Mosque, Synagogue, Basilica, Church, or Meeting House to do slaughter. An evil human being will use a Ruger AR-556, a can a gasoline, ammonia and bleach, a machete, golf clubs, or a 24" tire iron to do what he wills.