“There will be a concerted effort to change policy, but changing culture takes time,” Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx says. CBS News 12/02/2016
In 1947, I escaped from Hungary, by then under Communist rule, to England. As a student at the London School of Economics, I came under the influence of the philosopher Karl Popper, and I developed my own philosophy, built on the twin pillars of fallibility and reflexivity. I distinguished between two kinds of political regimes: those in which people elected their leaders, who were then supposed to look after the interests of the electorate, and others where the rulers sought to manipulate their subjects to serve the rulers’ interests. Under Popper’s influence, I called the first kind of society open, the second, closed. George Sorosinternational globalist villain and bi-partisan purchaser of help*
IllinoisDuring the 2016 Democratic primaries in Illinois, Soros contributed $333,000 to the Illinois Safety and Justice PAC supporting Cook County district attorney candidate Kim Foxx (D) against incumbent Anita Alvarez.[47] Foxx won the primary and faced off against Republican Christopher Pfannkuche in November 2016. Foxx, according to Chicago's PBS station, WTTW, was continuing to receive support from Soros.[48] Preckwinkle isn’t the only big donor to Foxx’s campaign. In the last month she’s also received $400,000 from prolific Democratic contributor Fred Eychaner.
George Soros, a billionaire advocate for criminal justice reforms, and the Civic Participation Action Fund, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy organization, have each given $300,000 to Illinois Safety & Justice, a separate “independent expenditure fund” that lists Foxx as the only candidate it’s backing. Sun Times Cop-hating scribe Mitch Dudek
We live in an Open Society - sort of- and George Soros continues to seal it shut. George Soros operates a Foundation called Open Society, because he wants society to have a society "where the rulers sought to manipulate their subjects to serve the rulers’ interests. "
That would never make sense outside of a dystopian novel (Orwell/Huxley), until about ten years. It was then that George Soros and the influence of his billions of dollars became apparent, to some, and Barack Obama became the most under-vetted person in American history and the 44th President of the United States.
After his eight years, America voted away such Soros-ian thoughts, to the great hysteria of the Soros Payroll. Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States,
George Soros and now his son

They are buying up the Office of States Attorney in many places, besides the always purchasable Cook County, Illinois.
George Soros, the billionaire financier, is ponying up serious cash to reform the US criminal-justice system.
Soros has pumped over $3 million into seven local district-attorney campaigns in six states in the past year, reports Politico.
He is pushing the money into local elections in Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Texas through a network of state-level super PACs and a national "527" unlimited-money group, according to Politico.
The money has benefited African-American and Hispanic candidates who ran on progressive platforms, like reducing racial disparities in sentencing and directing drug offenders to diversion programs instead of trial.
Look no further than Kim Foxx, purchased by George Soros et al in 2016. Like Open Society, the jabberwocky meaning of Justice Reform is "open the jail cells for any black, or Hispanic, illegal-immigrant felon."
Kim Foxx is doing her owner proud**!
- No money, no problem, no Bond! Get out of jail free.
- Hammer cops
- Blame Predecesor
- Payoff people
This works magically in Chicago and Cook County because the media refuses to inquire, where inquiry is most necessary.
George Soros bought and paid for eight years of an Obama White House. The American people would like a traditional open society.
George Soros is far from finished. The bodies in Chicago and Cook County stack up like cord wood and Kim Foxx smiles all the way to her next visit with PBS and WTTW to shop reform.
*John McCain has been especially critical of Trump, even blasting him today for his stern phone call with the Australian Prime Minister. McCain and Graham also attacked Trump for implementing an immigration ban.
“We fear this executive order will become a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism,” McCain and Graham said in a joint statement, adding that Trump’s executive order “may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”
It seems that every move Trump makes, the same characters are quick to delegitimize the president. Now it all makes sense. 2/02/2017
The Only Serious News aggregator and crib sheet on Kim Foxx is The Second City Cop. Only here will a citizen find the impact of a Soros-owned and operated Cook County States Attorney.