Showing posts with label Chicago's Complicit Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicago's Complicit Media. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Media Gives Shelter, Aid and Comfort to Slum Lord Valerie Jarrett

Former longtime Chicago Tribune editor Mark Jacob remarked on Twitter: "One of the weirdest things about this Roseanne fiasco is that she went after Valerie Jarrett, who was probably the least controversial big shot in the Obama administration, a consummate technocrat, comfortable in the background, someone who tried to stay above the fray." Natasha Korecki's Illinois Playbook in Politico
 Grove Parc is one of the outstanding examples of this problem. It sits on the border of Obama's district. It is 504 apartments of subsidized housing, fully renovated in the early 1990s, that have fallen into such disrepair that the plan now is to demolish them and start all over again. It was built by a nonprofit led by a number of Obama's supporters. It was managed during the period of its greatest decline by a company called The Habitat Company, which is led by Valerie Jarrett, who is the senior advisor to Obama's presidential campaign, and it is, as I said, in his district, so it struck us as sort of emblematic of the issue that we wanted to write about. NPR 2009

Roseanne Barr is paying for her remarks.

Valerie Jarrett remains shielded by the Hopium Smoking Media Chiefs in Chicago and around the nation.

From the moment that Democrats like former mayor Richie Daley learned by public housing/public lands and Federal Dollars was the Comstock Load of the New Millenium, Valerie Jarrett has made millions of dollars for herself and  the Cook County oligarchs who have destroyed the City, County and State, but are no where near done.

Long after the smoke concerning Valerie Jarrett's nefarious abuse of poor people in Chicago's most under-served communities wafted out over the lakefront, the fire burns in Altgeld Gardens, Parc Grove and along Chicago's south shore lakefront neighborhoods, but the Watchdogs of Chicago, the invested political news media has yet to present the true nature of Ms. Jarrett's larcenous investments.

The woman who acted as the White House shadow governement for eight years and engineered the disasterous Iranian payoff of pallets of billions of dollars continues the grift and oozes nonsense on CNN, MSNBC and in the pages of Chicago's two daily propaganda rags.

I never saw the new Roseanne Show.   Hardly recall her old show.

I have witnessed the Valerie Jarrett Media Circus for far too long. When does the real 'teaching moment' begin on this powerful grifter and slum lord?

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Chicago Media Blackout on Jeanne Ives in Day Three: Facebook Trolls Seem to add to 19th Ward Neighborhood Rolls

Image result for Ives scares Rauner
Rauner is news how?  Jeanne Ives has a Revolution going on!

I have had objections to my assertion that Jeanne Ives' Campaign for Governor, or the Ives Revolution, that has hair-lipped plutocrats like JB Pritzker, Bruce Rauner and Fred Eychaner, not to mention the PACS that pretend to be labor unions ( SEIU, AFSCME, & CTU), causing a media black-out on the feisty Mom of Five and future Governor of Illinois.

Object away!  There is still no Jeanne Ives reportage in either Chicago daily rag.   There is an increase in troll traffic on neighborhood groups here in the 19th Ward and 3rd Congressional District.

In fact, my Facebook postings in neighborhood groups featured more voices hitherto unheard.
One guy with a thin FB resume seems to live in Ridgeland, Wisconsin, where he is leading a petition to alter Ridge Pioneer Days and put an end to greased pig and chicken tossing* contests.

I wondered if our lusty pioneer forebears conducted such surveys against beaver trapping and opposite sex bundling - probably.
Chicken being tossed from the roof of a building into a crowd of people.
Well it appears that Madison, WI activists are particpating in the Illinois Primary election as well as ending Pioneer Days. Thinks of the chickens!!!!  Think of the hogs!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do and they are delicious!

 I blocked the more strident and unqualified assertions by troll-like posters.

Make an intelligent objection to Jeanne Ives as a candidate - don't label a person you don't know, disagree with-  at least, until tapes surface of Jeanne Ives mocking Emil Jones with Blago on the blower, or she takes a nickel from Personal PAC.

Thoughtful and good people can disagree about politics, like these people from my neighborhood groups:
 Re: Ives Candidacy
  • This woman does not represent who I am as a strong, taxpaying, hardworking wife, mother, and teacher.
  •  Kiss those pensions goodbye, city workers.
  • I've seen plenty of news coverage of Ives. Most of it was about her terrible ad.
Well, that was before I posted my prediction of a news black-out on Friday and since then one group has added 100 new members.  The administrator asked, 
Quick question and I am not complaining... Did people get blocked in other neighborhood groups? I have added over 100 new members in the last couple weeks ...thanks... over 4100 members in the group."
Could be an active neighborhood group swell, or might it be interested out-of-staters like my chicken- tossing  opponent with a neighborhood listing in Ridgeland, WI.

Well, trolls get blocked and neighbors get to post their opinions.

Today, is Sunday and again neither Chicago daily offers any Ives Campaign news.

 Jeanne Ives is out on the downstate hustings!

On political TV shows, hard-working Chicago reporters follow all of the fictional candidates all over Chicago and Illinois, but our real life reporters go only where they are told to go by their masters.

Here is Jeanne Ives Schedule, newshounds!  Let's cover the whole story and not just snow jobs,  cover-ups and re-modeling work. 

1. Carterville Speaking, Saturday, February 10, Noon – 2 pm: Jeanne will be speaking at the Williamson County Republican Women of Southern Illinois Lincoln Day Luncheon at John A. Logan College Conference Center, Carterville – Tickets:
2. Mt. Vernon Meet and Greet, Saturday, February 10, 4 – 6 pm: Meet Jeanne at Mt. Vernon Outland Airport, 100 Aviation Drive, Mt. Vernon
3. Centralia Speaking, Saturday, February 10, 5:30 – 8 pm: Jeanne will be speaking at the 4. Marion County Lincoln Day Dinner at the American Legion, Centralia. For tickets, contact Judy Shafer
5. Decatur Meet and Greet, Monday, February 12, 8:30 – 9 am: Jeanne will be at Downtown Café, 217 Main Street, Decatur
6. Decatur Meet and Greet, Monday, February 12, 9:30 – 10:30 am: Join Jeanne as she tours Stripmasters Services, 2500 N. 22nd St., Decatur (north end of old Firestone plant)
7, Decatur Lunch, Monday, February 12, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm: Jeanne will be at various downtown Decatur restaurants
8. Decatur Meet and Greet, Monday, February 12, 5 – 7 pm: Jeanne will be at Decatur Club, 158 W. Prairie Ave., downtown Decatur

March 5th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IRISH FOR IVES, join us Monday March 5th from 5-7PM at Reilly's Daughter, 4010 West 111thStreet in Oak Lawn. Jeanne is the real deal! IRISH FOR IVES!

Bring the kids!

 * In Ridgeland, Wisconsin this February, an event called Pioneer Days will feature a "chicken toss" during which over 200 live chickens will be tossed, one by one, into a crowd of attendees. Each person (adult or child) who catches a chicken gets to keep the chicken.

The event is sponsored by Drunk'n Monkey Bar and Hotel. 

Friday, February 09, 2018

Prediction - Watch for Chicago Media News Blackout on Jeanne Ives for Governor

I was struck this early morning, by two things

  1.  The general lack of snow accumulated, thus far, in the 'biggest storm of our times'
  2. The complete absence of news, opinion, screeds and vaping in either daily rag for this hick -burg concerning anything related to Jeanne Ives, Candidate for Illinois Governor.
What do this portend?

One never knows, do one? - to quote the great Fats Waller.

One might opine that Jeanne Ives' ad, which blew every other campaign for governor into the cheap seats, gave the feisty Mom of Five from the School on the Hudson River more name recognition in Cook County, Illinois and the good old USA than a fat man calling up Blago, or a Governor hiding with abortionists. Every one is talking about Jeanne Ives and that must stop, according to the wallets of Illinois. 

Nota Bene!

  • Both papers compete for the coveted 5-6 things You Need to Know About Snow scoop. List makers are almost as pathetic as bullet point artistes.
  • The Sun Times tries to make a case for Progressive Boy Toy Dan Biss, now that we learn JB Pritzker insulted black politicians on tape while trolling for Blago's attention and Obama's Senate Seat
  • The Tribune is busy buttressing Pritzker's sorry butt with a howler from the always ridiculous Eric Zorn
  • Medill's Nativist turned Progressive image took another harpoon - this time for screwing women instead of police officers

No news about the news making, won't-back-down candidate for Illinois Governor!

Sneedless to say, the Big Money (SEIU/Eychaner/Personal PAC et al) called both editorial boards and said - " No News is Great News, as far as Jeanne Ives is concerned.

What is this?  A war on the only woman in the race?  Gender selectivity?  Come on gals, get them rolling pins and hair pins out!

I expect that both fish-wrappers will find no room for Jeanne Ives with the exception of the forthright and tough John Kass.  No one tells him what to write and he is keeping the Tribune afloat. 

Cancel your subscriptions, until we see all the news that's fit to print - you know, like Jeanne Ive's Policy Revolution

Jeanne Ives has the plutocrats running like scald-ed rats.  Image result for chicago rats running

Here's some great news!

IRISH FOR IVES, join us Monday March 5th from 5-7PM at Reilly's Daughter, 4010 West 111thStreet in Oak Lawn. Jeanne is the real deal! IRISH FOR IVES!

Bring the kids!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Boy, That Trump ? Huh? The Cheerleaders Are in a Snit.

Image result for Trump upsets elite cheerleadersImage result for heidi stevens with rahm

Heidi Stevens is in a snit. That Mr. Trump has really gone and done it.  Once again, the Orange Man has insulted the Banana Republic on Lake Michigan, its Mayor, its County Government, Ja'mal Green, Pastor Pfleger, Eric Zorn, Cardinal Cupich, Neil Steinberg, WTTW, the afflicted, the non-Heterosexual, the non-Caucasian, the un-legal Dreamers, the non-Biking Divvy mockers, Weiners Circle Hotdogs and Brendan Reilly.

Do not get the cheerleaders upset, Dude!

Trump had the audacity to Hope to say,      "What the hell is going on in Chicago?"

No, he didn't! He did. He went there. Now, he got this right back in his face!

Trump has asked the same question before, and he's not alone in wondering. I get the same question from friends and family who don't live here. (And a few who do.)

What's happening in Chicago is this:
  • The Grant Park Music Festival just got underway, which marks another year of free, world-class music under a Frank Gehry-designed open air pavilion where friends share a bottle of wine, couples enjoy a picnic and kids twirl around on the grass, shoulder-to-shoulder, like we do things in the city.
  • New artwork is popping up along our stunning lakefront bike trail. (Our mayor named 2017 the year of public art.)
  • Chicago Public Schools just let out, so some of its almost 400,000 students are flooding our enviable parks and playgrounds*.
  • The Cubs are losing again. Chicago Pride Fest is this weekend.
Now, take that, Mr. Orange-hair, size 38 and up pants wearing Mr. Guy!

Heidi Stevens grew up in Chicago's suburbs,  like Chicago's Mayor and most of Chicago's columnists and TV anchors, so she knows this city on-the-take like one of Nels Algren's poker pals - warts and all, she knows this city.  Sure, we have grade school kids gunned down at end of school parties, but we have tender-hearted and caring Chicago values folks who know that thousands of the people of color are being tortured at this very minute in Homan Square and are not terribly concerned that Ja'mal Green and Forrest Claypool feed off of Chicago's dying husk.
And we have a devastating level of gun violence, which is what Trump and others are really asking about. It's a scourge on our city.
  • New artwork is popping up along our stunning lakefront bike trail. (Our mayor named 2017 the year of public art.)
  • Chicago Public Schools just let out, so some of its almost 400,000 students are flooding our enviable parks and playgrounds.
  • The Cubs are losing again. Chicago Pride Fest is this weekend.
And we have a devastating level of gun violence, which is what Trump and others are really asking about. It's a scourge on our city.
So what? Other cities are worse, says Heidi.
  • Chicago isn't even close to the deadliest city in the United States. On a per-capita basis, according to The Trace, Chicago isn't even in the top 10. New Orleans, Cleveland, Atlanta, St. Louis, Oakland, Cincinnati, Miami, Philadelphia — they've all got us beat.
  • That makes the deaths here no more palatable and no less urgent. But Chicago is America writ small.
  • Our gun violence, our racial tensions, our education funding, our income disparity, our aging infrastructure, our efforts, however clumsy, to coexist with people who don't look like us, worship like us, speak like us, live like us — none of it is unique to Chicago.
  • We're grappling with it all in 237 square miles. America's grappling with it in 3 million or so. Not in every city and town, but in plenty.
  • It benefits no one to divide and polarize us. We're all Americans.
  • If you want to know what the hell's going on here, swing by for a visit. On any given day, it's a beautiful, messy, breathtaking display of humanity's best and worst.
  • Just like America.
 So, there.

Here's what's happening in Chicago, Mr. Tangerine Mean CNN Andy Cooper Pooper President:

Speaking of the Arts!
So, we have that going for Chicago and the LGBTQ Community appropriated the letters  I.A, P & K ( and more!) *in celebration of Pride Week, which appropriated Pride and dropped the Gay, for some reason.

Chicago is a Banana Republic and Heidi Stevens, the Chicago Tribune, former President Barack Obama, the Resistance, Valerie Jarrett, Chicago City Council, Cook County Government and Hollywood are still upset because America is still not a Banana Republic. 

Here is the Butcher's Bill that helps pay for this secular, global urban Banana Republic: 

 June to Date
Shot & Killed: 55
Shot & Wounded: 223
Total Shot: 278
Total Homicides: 61

Week in Progress (6/18 – 6/24)
Shot & Killed: 10
Shot & Wounded: 47
Total Shot: 57
Total Homicides: 14

Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 292
Shot & Wounded: 1360
Total Shot: 1652
Total Homicides: 313

Tell Him, Heidi Stevens!

Take that President 1% Size 38" and Up pants, Iowa Rally Slap Chicago Guy!

*LGGBTQQIAAPPK? The categories of human sex and gender expression and identities they could represent is likely infinite. If that acronym looks a bit absurd, it speaks to the absurdity of thinking there are a few isolated “sexual minorities” while the rest of the human race is “normal” and fairly similar. The truth is the level of diversity in our sexual lives as human beings means we are all sexual minorities. As accepted and culturally understood identity categories continue to arise, this will become more and more apparent. Perhaps the “queer” community is, in fact, becoming more accurately described as the community of people who acknowledge the diversity of human sexual and gender expression and seek to be open to exploring that diversity within themselves and the culture at large.
Lyla Cicero has a doctorate in clinical psychology, and focuses on relationships, sexual minorities, and sex therapy. Lyla is a feminist, LGBTQIAPK-affirmative, sex-positive blogger at, where she writes about expanding cultural notions of identity, especially those surrounding gender, sexual orientation, motherhood, and sexuality. Follow her on Twitter @UndrCvrNSuburbs.

Friday, May 19, 2017

George Soros Purchased States Attorney Kim Foxx Buys More

Image result for kim foxx fat

  “There will be a concerted effort to change policy, but changing culture takes time,” Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx says. CBS News 12/02/2016
In 1947, I escaped from Hungary, by then under Communist rule, to England. As a student at the London School of Economics, I came under the influence of the philosopher Karl Popper, and I developed my own philosophy, built on the twin pillars of fallibility and reflexivity. I distinguished between two kinds of political regimes: those in which people elected their leaders, who were then supposed to look after the interests of the electorate, and others where the rulers sought to manipulate their subjects to serve the rulers’ interests. Under Popper’s influence, I called the first kind of society open, the second, closed. George Soros  Image result for mitch dudek and george sorosinternational globalist villain and bi-partisan purchaser of help*
IllinoisDuring the 2016 Democratic primaries in Illinois, Soros contributed $333,000 to the Illinois Safety and Justice PAC supporting Cook County district attorney candidate Kim Foxx (D) against incumbent Anita Alvarez.[47] Foxx won the primary and faced off against Republican Christopher Pfannkuche in November 2016. Foxx, according to Chicago's PBS station, WTTW, was continuing to receive support from Soros.[48] Preckwinkle isn’t the only big donor to Foxx’s campaign. In the last month she’s also received $400,000 from prolific Democratic contributor Fred Eychaner.
George Soros, a billionaire advocate for criminal justice reforms, and the Civic Participation Action Fund, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy organization, have each given $300,000 to Illinois Safety & Justice, a separate “independent expenditure fund” that lists Foxx as the only candidate it’s backing. Sun Times Cop-hating scribe Mitch Dudek Image result for Mitch Dudek

We live in an Open Society - sort of- and George Soros continues to seal it shut.  George Soros operates a Foundation called Open Society, because he wants society to have a society  "where the rulers sought to manipulate their subjects to serve the rulers’ interests. "

That would never make sense outside of a dystopian novel (Orwell/Huxley), until about ten years.   It was then that George Soros and the influence of his billions of dollars became apparent, to some, and Barack Obama became the most under-vetted person in American history and the 44th President of the United States.

After his eight years, America voted away such Soros-ian thoughts, to the great hysteria of the Soros Payroll.  Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States,

George Soros and now his sonAlexander Soros continue their tireless pursuit of creating a very closed Open Society.

They are buying up the Office of States Attorney in many places, besides the always purchasable Cook County, Illinois.
George Soros, the billionaire financier, is ponying up serious cash to reform the US criminal-justice system.
Soros has pumped over $3 million into seven local district-attorney campaigns in six states in the past year, reports Politico.
He is pushing the money into local elections in Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Texas through a network of state-level super PACs and a national "527" unlimited-money group, according to Politico.
The money has benefited African-American and Hispanic candidates who ran on progressive platforms, like reducing racial disparities in sentencing and directing drug offenders to diversion programs instead of trial.

Look no further than Kim Foxx, purchased by George Soros et al in 2016.  Like Open Society, the jabberwocky meaning of Justice Reform is "open the jail cells for any black, or Hispanic, illegal-immigrant felon."

Kim Foxx is doing her owner proud**!

  • No money, no problem, no Bond!  Get out of jail free. 
  • Hammer cops
  • Blame Predecesor
  • Payoff people

This works magically in Chicago and Cook County because the media refuses to inquire, where inquiry is most necessary.

George Soros bought and paid for eight years of an Obama White House.  The American people would like a traditional open society.

George Soros is far from finished.  The bodies in Chicago and Cook County stack up like cord wood and Kim Foxx smiles all the way to her next visit with PBS and WTTW to shop reform.

*John McCain has been especially critical of Trump, even blasting him today for his stern phone call with the Australian Prime Minister. McCain and Graham also attacked Trump for implementing an immigration ban.
“We fear this executive order will become a self-inflicted wound in the fight against terrorism,” McCain and Graham said in a joint statement, adding that Trump’s executive order “may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”
It seems that every move Trump makes, the same characters are quick to delegitimize the president. Now it all makes sense. 2/02/2017

The Only Serious News aggregator and  crib sheet on Kim Foxx is The Second City Cop.  Only here will a citizen find the impact of a Soros-owned and operated Cook County States Attorney. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Meditation: Art - The Last Refuge For This Scoundral

Image result for Obama Apogee

 "The president is a study in intelligence, thoughtfulness and the ability to articulate and express himself in a clear and concise manner. " Thomas Frisbie, Sun Times Editorial Writer

Long Tom Frisbie is consistent and the Sun Times always delivers lip-service to citizen-taxpayers and rump munches for the oligarchs who ascended in 2008, blazed wildly and pop-fizzled into irrelevance on November 8th.

Cook County, the soil that seeded, cultivated and harvested the Obama Age Apogee( 2008-2016) that included the rise and fall of Pat Quinn and Rahm Emanuel, remains unaffected by the events, the messages and the spirit caused the Progressive Apogee to fall.

Like the Chicago Tribune ( Bruce Dold ed.), the Sun Times pretends that Obama ruled Camelot, when it fact it was merely Hollywood Squares.

Unlike Tom Frisbie, or Bruce Dold, I have not been anything but underwhelmed by Barack Obama, from my first encounter with him at Woods Funds, through his hack-work as a pass-along  seat occupier in the Illinois and U.S. Senate and his rather sad Presidency.

I remember more than a few of these public moments. when Barack Obama truly revealed exactly who he happens to be - kind of a dope:

Then there was this valediction for a Mass Murderer.
" At this time of Fidel Castro’s passing, we extend a hand of friendship to the Cuban people. We know that this moment fills Cubans - in Cuba and in the United States - with powerful emotions, recalling the countless ways in which Fidel Castro altered the course of individual lives, families, and of the Cuban nation. History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him.
For nearly six decades, the relationship between the United States and Cuba was marked by discord and profound political disagreements. During my presidency, we have worked hard to put the past behind us, pursuing a future in which the relationship between our two countries is defined not by our differences but by the many things that we share as neighbors and friends - bonds of family, culture, commerce, and common humanity.
This engagement includes the contributions of Cuban Americans, who have done so much for our country and who care deeply about their loved ones in Cuba.
Today, we offer condolences to Fidel Castro's family, and our thoughts and prayers are with the Cuban people. In the days ahead, they will recall the past and also look to the future. As they do, the Cuban people must know that they have a friend and partner in the United States of America." President Obama upon the death of a Dictator

Today, at Mass I thought about a story my late wife related to me.  Mary was an art teacher.  She told me a story that is probably apocryphal, but passed from one teacher to her.

An Art Teacher gave her class the opportunity to draw and color whatever they wanted.  The guys did dinosaurs eating jet fighters and the most of the girls smiling studies of themselves outside of their homes.  One little girl who did not care for art at all perked up and excitedly went to work.

The teacher walked over and asked, "Molly, what are you going to draw?"

"God."  was the answer.

The teacher said, " People don't know what God looks like, Molly."

Molly continued, " They will."

Art only works for the childlike.  Michealangelo, Duccio, Dali and Mary's Molly were all as children, like George Bernard Shaw whose death resulted from a fall from a ladder while pruning an apple tree.

You will never hear of Bob Costa, Chris Matthews, or Tom Frisbie doing the same.

Art gives us meaning in the same way faith directs our actions. Belief in nothing requires nothing of us - YOLO notwithstanding.

Read books; not the New York Times Review of Books. Enjoy a musical and not make a statement by gushing over Hamilton.

We will not find comfort among hacks.  We will not find meaning among hacks.  We can go very far towards meaning, by being like Molly.

We can study the childlike musings of Dr. Samuel Johnson who wrote the most prophetic study of the Obama Apogee in his poem London, 1738 : An Imitation of Juvenal's Sixth Satire.
 Since Worth, he cries, in these degen'rate Days,Wants ev'n the cheap Reward of empty Praise;In those curst Walls, devote to Vice and Gain,Since unrewarded Science toils in vain;Since Hope but sooths to double my Distress,And ev'ry Moment leaves my Little less;While yet my steady Steps no Staff sustains,And Life still vig'rous revels in my Veins;Grant me, kind Heaven, to find some happier Place,Where Honesty and Sense are no Disgrace;Some pleasing Bank where verdant Osiers play,Some peaceful Vale with Nature's Paintings gay;Where once the harass'd Briton found Repose,And safe in Poverty defy'd his Foes;Some secret Cell, ye Pow'rs, indulgent give.Let —— live here, for —— has learn'd to live.Here let those reign, whom Pensions can inciteTo vote a Patriot black, a Courtier white;Explain their Country's dear-bought Rights away,And plead for Pirates in the Face of Day;With slavish Tenets taint our poison'd Youth,And lend a Lye the confidence of Truth.
  from London 1738 by Samuel Johnson

I must remember to turn to Art and take the journalists for poisoners of Youth that they be - people who will never fall out of an apple tree.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Chicago Values Taught at CPS by Dave Steiber: Pointing a Finger Trumps Pointing a Gun

Image result for DAVE STIEBER cpsCPSTeacher/Activist /Journalist Dave Steiber
Image result for matt o'shea marist and black live matters youth

“Racism is learned,” O’Shea said. “Kids aren’t born with it. They learn it.” Chicago Sun Times

If you live in Chicago, and are young and black, you probably deal with the police — or are tense because of the police — daily. I only have to deal with this tension when I choose to listen to black youth.
In my mind, I was trying to operate in a world where police and black youth could exist in the same space. Thanks to Page, I am beginning to see differently. I now realize that if we teachers cared as much about why so many of our black students have a hatred towards the police to begin with, as we do to Page saying, “F*ck the police” at a rally, we would be much closer to stopping police brutality.  Dave Steiber*, CPS Teacher/Activist in Huffington Post  and Twitter SJW

Alderman Matt O'Shea ( D 19th Ward)  met the 'demands' of six high school girls from Walter Payton Prep.

   DNAinfo/Joe Ward
DOWNTOWN —  With racial tension spiking in Mount Greenwood and at Marist High School, the neighborhood will hold prayer vigils, town hall meetings and workshops in hopes of improving race relations in the area, city and police officials said Friday.
Ald. Matt O'Shea (19th), Police Supt. Eddie Johnson and Marist Principal Larry Tucker met with members of Black Lives Matter Youth at CPS headquarters Friday to discuss ways to improve the tension that spiked with the police killing of a black man in the area and racist texts from Marist students that followed the shooting.
"I was caught by surprise and I'm saddened by it," O'Shea said about racial tension enveloping Mount Greenwood. "Today, I hope we can turn the corner."
City officials had offered the meeting DNAinfo
Matt O'Shea is a hard working alderman and a very nice guy.

Everyone in the 19th Ward which includes Beverly, Morgan Park and Mount Greenwood, as well as Black, Mexican, Lithuanian, Italian, Polish, German, Swedish, Latino, Moroccan, Chinese, Japanese, Croatian, Bosnian Serb, Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, Jewish, Muslim, Unitarian and Atheist people is "caught by surprise and . . . saddened by"  the fact that  the gun pointing and brawling by foolish young man forced off-duty police officers to fire on him and kill him has taken on Chicago Values.

Chicago Values are very confusing.

If any person thinks and believes that his/her religious, philosophical, or moral code requires that he/she refuse actions mandated by the political class, that person should not operate a business, or speak his mind.

Chicago Values are strict, disciplined, but they can also touch the heart, of people they agree with, or who help the agenda.

Chicago Values can also forgive turning a rally in support of the a teachers union over to this person - Page May

I** was taught values by parents and had them reinforced in Catholic schools.  That was acceptable at one time.

Now, young people are taught Chicago Values by people like Dave Steiber and Page May.  Dave Steiber has one goal and that is to end racism forever.  Page May?  I am not seeing it because, I'mma Boss that bitch, bitch,bitch, bitch/Imma Boss that bitch,bitch,bitch, bitch' and 'F@#$ a Police!' is all that is coming through.  This come from a tactic employed by Black Lives Matter and learned from REVCOM and International Socialist when employed nationally in the failed ouster of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker - drum circles and hip-hop meter fights the power, “(Expletive) Whomever, (expletive) the system, ’bout to burn it down./“Kill ’em off with kindness, tuck your burner, you can put it down.”

Dave Steibel writes for Huffington Post and teaches in Chicago Public Schools, he has never set foot in Mount Greenwood but he has told the nation everything it needs to know about Mount Greenwood.His HufPo piece this week has been expanded to excoriate people who do not question the legality of the Joshua Beal shooting, or his motives, into a jeremiad on the impossibility of any future democracy.
One person asked me, “Have you been to Mount Greenwood?” I honestly must say I have not. I don’t need to go there to get to know the community. I was raised in a predominately white community. I know as a white person that I have the privilege to feel safe and respected in a community like that. My whiteness allows me to be accepted wherever I go.
The blatant racism of Mount Greenwood is the issue. Mount Greenwood has many examples of historical racism. Add in the recent racist actions and the threats of violence on protesters who want to practice their Democratic right to protest, further proves that what I wrote last week is accurate. . . .    Whether you agree or not with the message of the protestors they have the right to protest without having their lives threatened and/or made to feel like we are all living in the 1950’s.
Unless you happen to be a Blue Lives Matter protestor;  see, how surprising and sad Chicago Values can be? Unless you happen to be a Black family living in Mount Greenwood for many years and enjoy your white neighbors as well as the safety enjoyed by all.

A young white girl texted ' I @#$%ing hate n#$$%^&' on Twitter and it was intercepted by a Twitter friend who contacted the media and Black Lives Matter and then DNAinfo scooped the story that Mount Greenwood girl texted a racist message as evidence of wholesale 1960's Jim Crow. Bishop Cupich tossed his two cents in and the girl and her immediate circle of texting friends were expelled from Marist High School - that is a sin Chicago Values refuses to counsel.  Dave Steiber went hot under the collar as much as Pastor Pfleger in his ill-fitting Roman collar.

The students who lead and organize Black Lives Matter Youth had planned a teach in downtown about what happened to Joshua Beal as well as a racial incident that happened at Marist High School in Mount Greenwood this week. After the teach in they planned to travel to Mount Greenwood to protest. The day before this protest the students parents were contacted by CPS and told, “White supremacist groups are threatening to kill students on site”.

Dave Steiber has a wonderfully smug tone in all of his pieces for Huffington Post that suits that source and many of the young Progressive elites training to be louder and more image-conscious in Chicago's magnet high schools like Walter Payton Prep.  Walter Payton Prep is the home school of the young ladies who demanded that Alderman O'Shea and Chicago Police Superintendent meet with them on a monthly basis.
Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson on Friday said he has agreed to meet with Black Lives Matter Youth activists every month to discuss relations between police and minority communities.
Johnson talked of his plans following a meeting between him, leaders of minority youth groups, Ald. Matt O’Shea (19th) and the principal of Marist High School.
After the closed-door meeting, which ran more than two hours, leaders from Black Lives Matter Youth and the Black Student Union of Walter Payton College Prep told reporters that their demands had been met.

Dave Steiber is working closely with the young ladies. Chicago Values are taught and they are highly coordinated.  You are not born with values.

Chicago Values are learned.  You now know one of their teachers - Dave Steiber.

*I ( Dave Steiber) am a father, husband, Chicago Public Schools teacher of Social Studies and Spoken Word Poetry coach. I have my Masters in Urban Education Policy Studies and I am working to become a National Board Certified teacher. I am passionately committed to promoting and improving urban public education, while simultaneously improving the lives of students, especially the students that I teach on the South Side of the city.

**  I taught English and raised money in Catholic High Schools for forty years - 21 at Leo High School.

Monday, November 07, 2016

Shame on DNAinfo Chicago: All Signs Point to REVCOM Stirring the Hate in Mount Greenwood After Shooting

 At the Burger King after the police murder of Joshua Beal
From the Revolution Club, Chicago:
Joshua Beal

November 5—Twenty-five-year-old Joshua Beal
was in town from Indianapolis to serve as a pallbearer at his cousin’s funeral. Joshua was brutally murdered by a Chicago police officer while in a funeral procession. His aunt described him to us: “He [Joshua] just graduated from college, Ivy Tech College in Indianapolis. He was so happy in the graduation. And he was a father of two. Two young boys. He was a dedicated father.”
The funeral procession was driving through the overwhelmingly white Mt. Greenwood neighborhood on the far southwest side of Chicago around 3 pm on a sunny afternoon. This area is a notoriously racist enclave, home to many cops and firefighters. According to witnesses, an off-duty cop in plainclothes tried to force the car Joshua Beal was riding in off the road. Other members of the funeral procession got out of their cars out of concern about the situation. The off-duty cop threatened Joshua's 17-year-old cousin with a gun in her face. A bystander video shows this off-duty cop in street clothes wildly threatening people with a gun, including women dressed for a funeral.
Is that the official media narrative?  No, it has been tweaked a bit. Chicago Police Superintendent decided to call this a "Road Rage" incident which is almost as far from the truth.

Actually, it was just another in a long line pf celebratory gang funerals that plague the 19th Ward.  The right lane-me-first idiocies and blocking the exit of a firehouse sparked the incident and subsequent shooting of an armed idiot.

But we can not allow the facts get in the way of politics and social justice play acting.

The Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun Times use the City Hall narrative and the go-to rhetoric of the city sanctioned and Cook County approved lungs of Ja'mal D. Green, who is being groomed by Rahm Emanuel and Toni Preckwinkle for some slot in the Cook County Democratic ticket. Ja'mal undid Bernie Sanders and is out on $ 300,000 bond for assaulting a cop.

Ja'mal has skills.

However, Ja'mal can't do Revolution.  For that he goes to the Pros - Bob Avakian;s REVCOM. The Reds make the signs, bring the bullhorns and stooge goofs to provoke.

The Chicago media completely ignore the influence of REVCOM  - that's Revolutionary Communist Party and Club.  The Revolutionary Club is provided the diversity to a protest - white revolutionaries. ( see photo above - that is the Revolutionary Club of REVCOM)

The Revolution Club brought a Stolen Lives banner into the BK and unfurled it. Many family members gasped, as they looked at the faces of so many others murdered by police. At this point, the Burger King manager announced that the family would have to leave the restaurant. This callous racism was called out by the grieving family members and people from the Club. “This is not Mississippi in 1960. This is 2016.” “They are afraid of too many Black people in this place.” Everyone stood firm, saying, “We paid for food and we aren’t leaving.”
The manager called in the police. The police arrived in force, further crowding the Burger King. They ordered everyone to leave, announcing that the BK was closing its doors early. People were forced outside into the dark and the cold without coats or sweaters.
Outside the BK, protestors from the Black Lives Matter movement began to arrive to support the family. Significantly, two white youth from Mt. Greenwood also joined the group in solidarity with the family. These white youth described the hard-core racism of the neighborhood.
As we were gathering outside, an angry white youth walked up to the Burger King wearing an American flag bandana and a “Blue Lives Matter” t-shirt and carrying a baseball bat. He was led away by police but apparently not arrested, even though he was clearly looking to commit a racist assault. This was in sharp contrast to the fact that some family members in the funeral procession had been arrested by the police. As of early the morning after, Joshua's brother was still in custody, charged with aggravated assault on a cop—AFTER HIS BROTHER WAS MURDERED DURING A FUNERAL PROCESSION!!!
Video taken by a bystander shows off-duty cop waving a gun, shortly before Joshua Beal was killed by another Chicago cop.
Across the street from the BK, a racist mob began to gather. White people with baseball bats out their windows drove by. “N*****rs,” a white man shouted. A group of white people gathered on the same side of the street as the family. Thinking they might be press, someone from the Revolution Club went over. They turned out to be off duty-cops and their friends. They began shouting and chanting, “CPD! CPD!” Drivers going by shouted out, “Trump, Trump, Trump.”
One of Joshua's family members, stunned to see this, talked about how her mother had told her of scenes like this but that in her four decades in Chicago, she had never confronted a racist mob like this. One Club member commented, “This is what the day after the election could look like.” It was really ugly.
The Revolution Club got on a bullhorn and denounced the brutal murder and racist actions and called for people to get organized for an actual revolution, calling on people to come and stand with the family and oppose the outrageous police murder and the racists in Mt. Greenwood. A crowd of people who had been commemorating the birthday of Rekia Boyd—a 22-year-old Black woman murdered by police in 2012—came from the West Side to stand in support of Joshua's family. ( italics my own)

Chicago's DNA Info, most disappointingly, picked-up the Selma theme memes
The pro-police supporters numbered into the hundreds, while less than 20 activists showed to the scene. They faced racial slurs and repeated requests to leave the neighborhood, and police had to intervene between a few incidents.
"It was hectic," said Ja'Mal Green, the activist who called for the Sunday event. "I was in shock the whole time."
Green said he knew what he was getting into, as he had received death threats in the hours after the event was announced. Still, Green said the racism the activists faces took him by surprise and made the group uneasy.  "It really felt like we were back in the '60s," he said. "The rally shows that a black man can be killed by police and they were overjoyed about that." (italics my own)
Ja'mal and the other civil rights reenactors will be back on election day.  After that I expect they will lose interest.

I hope that my neighbors in the 19th Ward totally and completely ignore REVCOM, Ja'mal D. Green, and the White Priestess , or  KIM FOXX, or Rahm Emanuel.

This is an orchestrated attempt to spark hate, violence and hot-mic'd sound bytes from goofs with an opinion.

I am disappointed that DNAinfo Chicago has decided to go-possum like the Trib and the Times and play make-believe social justice warriors.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

If Rahm Wants to Help, He Needs to Support What Works - Celtic Boxing

Our society is addicted to bullshit.  

We believe that legislation, ordinances, programs and policies will eliminate the seven deadly sins.

Sorry. Not gonna happen.

People do not behave solely in reaction to societal circumstance.  People steal, kill, rape, cheat, lie, gorge, gulp and envy out of human nature.  Society reacts to human nature and not the other way  around.  We build walls, fences, write laws, authorize enforcement of said laws because some human beings feel comfortable taking from others, raping others and killing others, if gorging, drinking to excess and paralyzing body, mind and soul with drugs if not enough.

Once the walls, fences, written laws and enforcement of said laws have been eliminated, people are not going to change their human natures - they get worse.  Read the papers.

Thuggery is not a health issue.  It is a condition created by a complete destruction of civility - civic obligation. Government helped destroy civility.

In much tougher times than our own, parish and neighborhood initiatives became part of the culture of civility.  Tough, hungry, angry and hopeless kids were introduced to boxing and other healthy activities by a priest - Msgr and later Bishop Bernard Shiel.  Image result for Bishop Sheil

Bishop Shiel was no social engineer, he understood human nature.  Shiel invited everyone to step into the ring and change their lives. Catholic, Protestant, Jewish  kids - white, black brown and yellow - became the citizens who defeated fascism and created the greatest standard of living in human history.  Bishop Shiel is all but purged from Chicago and American history by the social engineers who co-opted and then destroyed his work with government programs.

Programs gave us the blood soaked streets of Chicago. There is a clarion call to not only maintain failure but reintroduce its most expensive lead balloon - Ceasefire.

For the last few months, the Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune have printed op-ed pieces by former journalists, academics and the usual gold standard voices of "Same Old/Same Old," calling for the return of tax dollars to Ceasefire - a post-incarceration job opportunity for gang-bangers and street pharmacists.

Government Money (GM)gets tossed only to political players, political preachers and political pandering people in print ( formerly called hacks).

What works and receives no GM is neighborhood initiatives.   Neighbors need to go get Private Funding from local businesses, private foundations and people with the capacity to give.

Violence, like all addictions, is a symptom of a human problem, a personal problem and not a disease that be cured by removing inanimate objects.  Violence is the exercise of power over other people by people who feel powerless.  Violence is prima facie unjustifiable.

The frustrated shout and scream. The frightened lash out and destroy.

Violence can be beaten, only when people no longer feel powerless

Celtic Boxing in Mount Greenwood is one such program.

Founded in 1993 by Mike Joyce a Chicago attorney and lifetime resident of Chicago. The club was started to give neighborhood kids a place to learn the art of boxing and to offer a positive outlet.

Mike Joyce also started an on site boxing program at Leo High School where Mike attended high school. The club was started to inspire inner city youth to enable them to build confidence and the skills to compete in the modern world. Over the years, Coach Mike Joyce has mentored many troubled youth and has helped make them better, more confident adults.
The Celtic Boxing Club is an Illinois State Crime Commission/Police Athletic League sports program. The Club is open to all ages and has sponsored numerous boxing events throughout the city especially for police and fire departments and public safety causes.

To Inspire - to give breath where no none exists
To Enable - to provide the means to achieve
To Build Confidence - to construct the heart and mind toward a goal
To Compete - to defeat despair

Next Saturday, Celtic Boxing and the West Point Boxers will compete in an exhibition at the Italian American Sports Hall of Fame and Museum.  Prior to that they will conduct neighborhood workshops, workouts and sparring demonstrations at Leo High School in Auburn Gresham neighborhood and Celtic Boxing in Mount Greenwood from 10AM until 12 PM.

September 24th is an opportunity for Chicago to witness what works.  If Mayor Emanuel really wants to change the atmosphere of thuggery and despair in Chicago, he needs to close the windows on what has and continues to fail- marches, shout-fests and social -engineer lab experiments like Ceasefire.

He needs to open the doors to what works. Chicago needs to walk through those doors.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Day Two of Chicago' Blackout on News & Opinion Regarding Obama's Cash for Hostages

From Today's Chicago Tribune

I know that a star woman basketball pro is getting married to a woman of her same sexual preference and I could not be more . . . that's nice.

I know that pork is the cheapest cut of meat these days and that Bruce Dold of the Chicago Tribune has goaded Senator Dick Durbin into action that will have pig prices skyrocket in no time.

I know that water is the new Rahm Emanuel 9mm for drive by taxation.

I know that Obama says the cargo planes packed with 400 million dollars in cash sent to Iran the minute four hostages were released is just a distraction. Lifted from the Washington Post

Anything else?  The usual. Whitey is evil.  The Obama Library is in Jackson Park.

From The Sun Times

Even less.

Trump is bad.  Clinton is a woman. Daley kicked pensions down the road. Cops are really bad;worse than Whitey.

Lynn Sweet completely ignores the pallets packed with dollars and euros for Valerie Jarrett's clients in Tehran and giggles about the looming Obama Library and tweets that a Republican hates Trump.  Who don't?

I can't stand Trump, but at least he is not Hillary.

The Chicago editorial boards ( and too many of their opinion writers) are political stooges.  We are much better served by the rumor mill at Dunkin Donuts, or Kean Gas.

At  least rumor-mongers think for themselves.

I learned this from Reuters -

The Obama administration said on Wednesday that $400 million in cash paid to Iran soon after the release of five Americans detained by Tehran was not ransom as some Republicans have charged.
The five, including Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, were released on Jan. 16 in exchange for seven Iranians held in the United States for sanctions violations. The prisoner deal coincided with the lifting of international sanctions against Tehran.
At the time, the United States said it had settled a longstanding Iranian claim at the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal in The Hague, releasing $400 million in funds frozen since 1981, plus $1.3 billion in interest that was owed to Iran.
The funds were part of a trust fund Iran used before its 1979 Islamic Revolution to buy U.S. military equipment that was tied up for decades in litigation at the tribunal. . . .
White House spokesman Josh Earnest rejected suggestions the money transfer to Iran was ransom or a secret.
   "The United States, under President Obama, has not paid a ransom to secure the release of Americans unjustly detained in Iran and we're not going to pay a ransom," he said in response to a Wall Street Journal article that said Washington secretly organized the cash airlift.

Uh, huh.  Earnest Injun?  News to me.

Well, you can bet there will be nothing about cash to Tehran on the shelves of the Obama Library despoiling the landscape in Jackson Park so artfully designed by Freddie Law Olmstead in 1871.

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Bruce Dold - Does The Chicago Tribune Want The World To Believe That Rahm's CPD is Not Diverse?

Saturday - Police roll call

It must have pained Bruce Dold not to photo shop this photo by Chris Sweda with the officers gowned in Klan Robes, but that might have spoiled the narrative.

I wondered if the demographics in the Mayor's CPD HR might be misleading the public, as much as the narrative framed by editorial bosses of Chicago's big metropolitan newspapers that Chicago's disgraceful homicides are in every due to Chicago Police Officers wearing blue shirts.

The Department and the swell folks of the Police Accountability Review Board insist that Chicago Police Department is comprised of  more white personnel (6,832) than Black (4,010) and Hispanic (2,576) combined.   I was led to believe that numbers somehow matched the City's demographic.

What about Japanese, Chinese, Sikh, Indian, Montenegrin, Kiowa, Parthian and Pacific Islander Americans?

Anyway.  Bruce Dold, the Chicago Tribune Editor Boss-in-Chief signs off on the copy ( texts and Photos) that some Chicago readers swallow whole - others choke on the lard.

Bruce Dold is the Boss Editor and Rahm Emanuel is Jefe of Chicago: the Banana Republic - if you are unclear what exactly a banana republic is watch some old black and white movies from the 1930's -the 1950's, where tough and great hearted guys wearing white panama suits and guns to oppressed people in the tropics - Black and Hispanic, or both as in Hispaniola.

One disturbing image struck me early this 4th of July Weekend.  That is the one posted above that indicates via a two dimensional narrative art display that robust and hefty white ethnic Law Enforcement Officers armed with assault rifles are ready, willing and able to inflict 5.56x45 Ammo Social Injustice on minority populations.
Friday - Fulton Street

I know there are almost as many proud Black men and woman on the job, as there are Murphys, Fassanos, Balauskases and Stankiewiczes, and I know that they are not on vacation given the " I am sick of this!" violence form African American Super and his Hispalnic Deputy.  Are they all working the phones?  No sir, Mr. Bruce.  They are on the street putting their lives in hazzard for their neighbors. To suggest otherwise, is racist.  That could keep you off the list at City Club and WTTW.

In fact, the entire photo spread seems to indicate the same narrative worthy of George Lucas's White Storm Troopers from Star Wars - lighter shades of pale, G!
Saturday - California Avenue

In fact, only less than literal handful of African American, or Hispanic police officers are in any way visible.

Bruce Dold.  The picture tells the story, don't it?

You seem to be telling the world a huge fib, Bruce.  Rahm Emanuel would not promote a notion that the systemic racism, crafted by Peoples Law Office Commisar G. Flint Taylor and force fed to social justice engineers in packing the pumps at the Sun Times and Chicago Tribune, is still out there boosting death by gun violence.

Or, would he and you?

Race Hate is everyone else's problem in the compelling narratives that boost the elites of the Chicago Oligarchy.  The oligarchs must divide the diversity in order to hold power.

That is some compelling narrative, Bruce.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Obama's Handler Pooh Poohs Papal Party Punking

No one is more powerful in this nation than Valerie Jarrett - no one.  Why?  No one with the job of asking questions and getting answers has ever asked - you know, journalists.

Why?  Because, she's Valerie Jarrett. But, Why so much power and influence.

Because, as Chicago's only real journalist still on the job with a newspaper in this Rube Burg, John Kass explained to three score Chicago business and charity leaders last Friday, every editor and every columnist but Kass at the Chicago Tribune wet their britches over the very thought of Barack Hussein Obama.

It is very much the same at Chicago Sun Times, which should be able to boast the most talented crew of investigative reporters in this town.  Instead, the media micturating minions give Obama and every person who ever made a buck from his careerist activism get a pass.

So, the Pope will need to just take it and like, while he is treated like Ted Nugent at P.E.T.A. brunch.

President Obama’s senior advisor Valerie Jarrett says that negative publicity surrounding the Vatican’s unease with some of the guests expected at a White House welcoming ceremony has not soured the excitement of Pope Francis’ first visit to the United States.
“Oh my goodness, no,” Jarrett told ABC News . . .
The Vatican last week expressed discomfort over some of the guests who are expected in attendance -- reportedly concerned by the optics that could be created if the pope is photographed with transgender activists, the first openly gay U.S. Episcopal bishop or a nun who will be on the South Lawn for the ceremony on Wednesday morning.
In the somewhat dated vernacular, The Pope was punk'd and Valerie Jarrett, I believe ordered the guest list.

Valerie Jarrett allowed herself a victim for the wheels of any theoretical bus.

 Jarrett admits that the administration has “a lot going on” but says “everybody’s working cooperatively together” – especially the president’s fourth social secretary in six and a half years, Deesha Dyer.
“She's a rock star! Let me tell you she's been planning all of these events for a very long time, both the Pope visit, the state visit with China, as well as the UN -- all of those fall under her portfolio,” Jarrett said. “She probably has not slept in weeks. She'll probably be spending the night here tonight and she's just been performing terrifically."

The fawning boot-lickers of the American news media do as their told and so, sadly, will the gentle, gracious and good-hearted Pope.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Toni "The Crypt-Keeper" Preckwinkle Oozes "Controveries" Our Complicit Media Glides Upon and Over and Out!

To Chicago Media ( i.e.agenda-hand-cuffed editorial boards and columnists who try to be someone) types Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle is a genuine reformer and smarter than . . .almost as smart as Carol Marin.  That is  Chicago's Complicit Media doctrine with Abner Mikva and the ghost of not only Woody Guthrie, but Saul Alinsky's stamp of approval.

N.B. Chicago's Complicit Media does not include any of the hard working reporters who actually do wonderful, intelligent, gritty and tenacious work. Reports and some columnists like John Kass, Mark Brown, and Steve Huntley tend to be helots like all of us. Real reporters and columnists are not D-List Nick Von Hoffmans. They are Ray Coffeys - they tell the story. Like cops, foremen, teachers, nurses, cabbies and carpenters, they are doing a job.  CCM controls the public pulpit.

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle | Sun-Times Medifiles

That said, if there is a tear shed upon reading one's Property Taxes, a prick of pain in the rump when finding Dept. of Revenue Meter Maid posting a ticket on your windscreen even you parked at a lawful un-yellowed curb sans a Meter Box and no Tow Zone Signs, or erupt like Pompeii in your britches with the realization that Red Light Camera's will shortly phalanx Western Ave. like Myrmidons,  or CTA Ventra Cards Come Sporting Bombardier Red Line Wheels What Don't Fit, you can and may attribute those irritations to  Chicago's Complicit Media -CCM and the fine pass-along political players they endorse, protect and feed.

Reporters report the news and the best columnists present both side of an issue.

The Chicago Sun Times' Dan Mihalopoulos reports

 Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle has fired a top county ethics official who was trying to punish Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios for putting relatives on his payroll.
MaryNic Foster was quietly dumped from her $110,355-a-year post in May after five years as executive director of the county’s Board of Ethics.
Now, lookee, here, Dan!  Toni fired a Goo-Go?
With Preckwinkle’s support, the ethics board had hired attorney David Hoffman, the former City of Chicago inspector general, earlier this year to press its case that Berrios should pay $10,000 in fines and fire three family members.
Berrios, who also chairs the Cook County Democratic Party, has ignored ethics board rulings against him. He maintains that the county’s ethics rules apply only to the Cook County Board, not to the assessor or other countywide officials whose positions were established by the state of Illinois.
Foster said top aides to Preckwinkle didn’t give her a reason for removing her from the post she’s held since 2008 — a job that’s exempt from rules that ban political considerations from influencing county hiring or firing decisions. 

Now, that does sound familiar - The Morgue Lady, Underlings who disagreed with the Old Crypt Keeper on Supreme Court  candidates ( BTB they did not back the loser as CCPresident herself did) , the Cook County Comptroller, Whistleblowers of every stripe, or Orange jumpsuit

However this time Toni is merely 'replacing Ms. Foster with CCM darling David Hoffman - kind of an Eddie Munster playing Forrest Claypool.  Hoffman was all the rage in the waning days of King Richie, Distinguished Professor of the Grift at the University of Chicago.

There's chatter about Toni "The Crypt-keeper's" next bounce up the political food-chain - Mayor? Governor? Senator? President of the United States?  Dare I say it?  Metra, no . . .Out-going Metra Chair Madame??????

Personally, I do not believe that Toni Preckwinkle has managed to one thing that helped p

Toni Preckwinkle is a pass-along political person, who gets elected by dint of CCM protection with the full blessing of Pope Mikva's Hyde Park Vatican.