Showing posts with label Websites Trolls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Websites Trolls. Show all posts

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Chicago Media Blackout on Jeanne Ives in Day Three: Facebook Trolls Seem to add to 19th Ward Neighborhood Rolls

Image result for Ives scares Rauner
Rauner is news how?  Jeanne Ives has a Revolution going on!

I have had objections to my assertion that Jeanne Ives' Campaign for Governor, or the Ives Revolution, that has hair-lipped plutocrats like JB Pritzker, Bruce Rauner and Fred Eychaner, not to mention the PACS that pretend to be labor unions ( SEIU, AFSCME, & CTU), causing a media black-out on the feisty Mom of Five and future Governor of Illinois.

Object away!  There is still no Jeanne Ives reportage in either Chicago daily rag.   There is an increase in troll traffic on neighborhood groups here in the 19th Ward and 3rd Congressional District.

In fact, my Facebook postings in neighborhood groups featured more voices hitherto unheard.
One guy with a thin FB resume seems to live in Ridgeland, Wisconsin, where he is leading a petition to alter Ridge Pioneer Days and put an end to greased pig and chicken tossing* contests.

I wondered if our lusty pioneer forebears conducted such surveys against beaver trapping and opposite sex bundling - probably.
Chicken being tossed from the roof of a building into a crowd of people.
Well it appears that Madison, WI activists are particpating in the Illinois Primary election as well as ending Pioneer Days. Thinks of the chickens!!!!  Think of the hogs!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do and they are delicious!

 I blocked the more strident and unqualified assertions by troll-like posters.

Make an intelligent objection to Jeanne Ives as a candidate - don't label a person you don't know, disagree with-  at least, until tapes surface of Jeanne Ives mocking Emil Jones with Blago on the blower, or she takes a nickel from Personal PAC.

Thoughtful and good people can disagree about politics, like these people from my neighborhood groups:
 Re: Ives Candidacy
  • This woman does not represent who I am as a strong, taxpaying, hardworking wife, mother, and teacher.
  •  Kiss those pensions goodbye, city workers.
  • I've seen plenty of news coverage of Ives. Most of it was about her terrible ad.
Well, that was before I posted my prediction of a news black-out on Friday and since then one group has added 100 new members.  The administrator asked, 
Quick question and I am not complaining... Did people get blocked in other neighborhood groups? I have added over 100 new members in the last couple weeks ...thanks... over 4100 members in the group."
Could be an active neighborhood group swell, or might it be interested out-of-staters like my chicken- tossing  opponent with a neighborhood listing in Ridgeland, WI.

Well, trolls get blocked and neighbors get to post their opinions.

Today, is Sunday and again neither Chicago daily offers any Ives Campaign news.

 Jeanne Ives is out on the downstate hustings!

On political TV shows, hard-working Chicago reporters follow all of the fictional candidates all over Chicago and Illinois, but our real life reporters go only where they are told to go by their masters.

Here is Jeanne Ives Schedule, newshounds!  Let's cover the whole story and not just snow jobs,  cover-ups and re-modeling work. 

1. Carterville Speaking, Saturday, February 10, Noon – 2 pm: Jeanne will be speaking at the Williamson County Republican Women of Southern Illinois Lincoln Day Luncheon at John A. Logan College Conference Center, Carterville – Tickets:
2. Mt. Vernon Meet and Greet, Saturday, February 10, 4 – 6 pm: Meet Jeanne at Mt. Vernon Outland Airport, 100 Aviation Drive, Mt. Vernon
3. Centralia Speaking, Saturday, February 10, 5:30 – 8 pm: Jeanne will be speaking at the 4. Marion County Lincoln Day Dinner at the American Legion, Centralia. For tickets, contact Judy Shafer
5. Decatur Meet and Greet, Monday, February 12, 8:30 – 9 am: Jeanne will be at Downtown Café, 217 Main Street, Decatur
6. Decatur Meet and Greet, Monday, February 12, 9:30 – 10:30 am: Join Jeanne as she tours Stripmasters Services, 2500 N. 22nd St., Decatur (north end of old Firestone plant)
7, Decatur Lunch, Monday, February 12, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm: Jeanne will be at various downtown Decatur restaurants
8. Decatur Meet and Greet, Monday, February 12, 5 – 7 pm: Jeanne will be at Decatur Club, 158 W. Prairie Ave., downtown Decatur

March 5th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IRISH FOR IVES, join us Monday March 5th from 5-7PM at Reilly's Daughter, 4010 West 111thStreet in Oak Lawn. Jeanne is the real deal! IRISH FOR IVES!

Bring the kids!

 * In Ridgeland, Wisconsin this February, an event called Pioneer Days will feature a "chicken toss" during which over 200 live chickens will be tossed, one by one, into a crowd of attendees. Each person (adult or child) who catches a chicken gets to keep the chicken.

The event is sponsored by Drunk'n Monkey Bar and Hotel. 

Sunday, January 27, 2008

John McCain: The Best Man is Winning! Americans Win - Even the Goofs Who Hate McCain Win.

Anonymous Bloggers Like Larry here dash to the PC each morning to hack away at their pet enemies - John McCain ( it might also be Capt. Crunch and Rachel Ray -but I will not venture into that part of their cave) - rather than deal with their private demons. Larry's ideas ( for want of a better word) can usually be found in the comment sections. They wedge into polite exchanges between thoughtful people. I give them a sound pants pulling; verbal hinder-binder; poetic bum's rush, only after repeated entries of mean-spirited non-sense directed toward the host.

I went to Catholic Schools all my life and therefore became immune to insults and jibes - been whacked by better, as it were; I can not accept assaults upon people that I like, however.

There are so many websites offering great debate on the issues and the candidates. Some of the very best are listed here: Tom Roeser's balanced but heavily GOP Illinois Site - Illinois GOP site -Anne Leary's Wonderful, Smart and Balanced site Pro Romney - Marston's McCain site - Cservative opinion Platform - Independendent and Diverse Political News and Information platform

In all of these places everyone gets fair treatment - the comments sections are a riot. I take my lumps from solid Romney and Giuliani backers who are smart witty and sincere.

Then there are the goofs - some fire breathing TRUE CONSERVATIVES and Libertarians and the KOS-lite Paulists.

They post constantly and obnoxiously. Gooffs like a foul-mouthed sociopath who calls himself Lawrence and assorted other goofs and ninnies with sock-puppet handles, too gutless to print under their own names:

Here is an example the stuff spewed by this goof:

The attackers can't deal with the issues....
. . .trolls on this blog like Hickey or Nofsinger NEVER deal with with the issues you bring up. They always go on a personal attack. McCain may as well be a Democrat. No wonder the Media is in love with him. For example when Arizona voters including 40% of the voting Hispanic voters supported Prop. 200, McCain opposed it. McCain also voted for ultra liberal judges like Ruth Bader Ginsburg. None of this means anything to Hickey because Hickey is simply not a Republican but a Democratic parasite. The problem is that the Republican party is full of such trolls these days and people like Tom Roeser are believing them and falling in line with them. For example Roeser PRESUMES that McCain will be the nominee. He gets this from filling his mind with the neo-con stuff he reads like the Weekly Standard. I'll bet Tom Roeser's legs go numb as he sits on the toilet and wolfs down the Weekly Standard. By the way the neo-cons supported McCain over Bush in the 2000 campaign. The trolls and the neo-cons will try to shut you but keep it up and go after them!

Posted By: Lawrence
at 1/26/2008 1:42:44 PM

Bughouse Square has moved to Cyber Space!

Lovely piece of work this cowardly louse Lawrence proves himself each utterance - imagine actually knowing this goof, in real life? Yikes. And this dope expects to be taken seriously and 'Demands discussion of the Issues.' You got plenty of them issues, Larry. Cargo holds of loads.

Take them to the water's edge.

Here' the deal. I am backing John McCain. He will win the GOP nomination and the Presidency. Everyone will benefit. Even the loud 'REAL ISSUES!!!'screamers like Hannity, Limbaugh, Lawrence and all of the sock-puppets.

As John McCain told shouters at Townhall Meetings in New Hampshire 'Vote for some one else!' John McCain will do fine. So will America.