A Chicago Police officer was shot in the chest area and seriously wounded during a foot chase on the South Side Monday night and sources said a "person of interest'' is being questioned. . . . The officer, 47 and on the force about eight years, was shot at about 10:45 p.m. in the 8400 block of South Kingston Avenue after responding to a "juvenile disturbance," police said, citing preliminary reports.
When officers tried to stop four curfew violators on the 8500 block of South Kingston, for a field interview, one of them fled into an alley, according to a statement from police News Affairs.
An officer pursued the offender into a front yard, where the suspect fired shots, striking the officer in the upper body, the statement said.
Another Chicago Police Officer was shot in the line duty responding to a 'juvenile disturbance' here on the south side.
On the way into Leo High School I listened to a recording of ABC's Ben Bradley on how to stop the violence - Ben talks to Tio Hardiman of
Ceasefire so the State can pump more dollars back to him and also have the public safety dependent upon a secure computer center of targeted policing in the bowels of some headquarters.
When there is trouble on the streets, it's tracked in this room. Officers track gang shootings and quickly push that information out to beat cops who try to diffuse retaliatory violence that is at the heart of Chicago's gang culture.
Tio Hardiman has worked to diffuse gang conflict for decades. He says it will take more than quick-acting cops, even ones armed with information, to solve the problem.
"Just like you and I get up every morning and go to work, these guys get up every morning and think of who they're going to shoot today," said Hardiman. "So if you don't work on the behavioral change it's going to be hard to just fix this over night."
You can not make this stuff up. Ben Bradley must have Tio Haridman on speed dial.
Like Ceasefire, this compu-cop nonsense is a panacea, sugar pill, boondoggle where crime statistics get motherloded into an APPLE, or MAC, or some other gizmo so cops can respond after a crime takes place. Makes Sense? Not to me.
The Chicago Police Officer was 'responding' to a 'juvenile disturbance' and those scamps tried to murder the Officer. The Media, which is joined at the heart and lungs to political hacks and tax-dollar opportunists do not want the police to do its job. They are first responders, when cops cuff bad guys. They get busy performing triage on our wallets with policy programs that import old hippies to have gang summits, marches, and future tax-funded programs, not to mention the bones tossed to Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers.
I stopped for coffee. Dunkin Donuts at 104th & Western was loaded with Police Officers -some were returning from Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn where their brother s being treated, others were detailed to Poll Investigations. Today is Primary Election Day.
If you have voted, as I did, let's pray our efforts match the need. If you have not voted and glance at this, do so. Make your Vote today be a part of your prayer for this Officer's recovery.
Vote against every person who helps perpetuate the idiocies that are policy. You know what does not pass the BS test. You know which names on the ballots are there because they help perpetuate our problems from bad schools, green energy shell-games, and who is no the Water Reclamation District only to help bring about Gay Marriage in Illinois. Vote your instincts. Trust yourself. Have Faith in your church, neighbors, and those who help others. Punish the dopes, liars, and hypocrites. Vote hard.
Do it for a Chicago Police Officer who gave his blood responding to a 'juvenile disturbance.'