Oikophobia "the repudiation of inheritance and home."
Mary Robinson -first female president of Ireland in 1990 but refused to be a figurehead like her predecessors. Lacking formal power, she used the “moral authority” of her office to rally public opinion. A former lawyer (who once thought she’d be a nun), she went on to serve as the United Nations high commissioner for human rights and now leads her own foundation. Harvard Business ReviewLike Ireland, the cheerleaders for the EU and other globalist IFM banking, climate changing and Soros funded social engineers, Chicago is run by people who fear our home, its traditions, its history, its voice and its very existence. Such people fall into the category of Oikophobes - people who hate who they are - deniers of American exceptionalism and Howard Zinn infected readers.
The Sun Times, Chicago's most consistently oikophobic news paper, chirps its editorial 'Hi[, Hip Hoo-rahs' for former Irish President Mary Robinson's OXFAM, BBC, Eyeless on Gaza summation of Chicago Thug Violence.
The Chicago City Council didn’t see this one coming.Yes, yes! Hear, hear! Rahthur, What? Damn thing sounds like Sneed wrote a good part of it " A wake-up call for Chicago from across the pond" -sneedless to say.
The aldermen invited Mary Robinson, the former president of Ireland, to the Council’s chambers Wednesday to accept Chicago’s Medal of Merit, only to listen to her call out the city for its mounting murder toll.
“I don’t need to tell you that there is a blot on the landscape here in Chicago in the very high murder rate,’’ Robinson told the council members – or “councillors” — as the Irish Legal News reported in describing what it said “should have been a mere diplomatic function.”
Perhaps more importantly, Robinson urged the city to look beyond “criminal law, gangs and policing” in attempting to address a murder count that already has surpassed the 500-mark this year.
The “social sustainability” of Chicago depends on tackling the city’s violence problem, warned Robinson, who cut short her term as Ireland’s president in 1997 to become the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
“I would encourage you to look at the poverty and inclusion elements of this very serious problem and to see it in terms of something to tackle,” she said.
Robinson’s pointed words were yet another wake-up call to Chicago to get serious — deeply and thoughtfully — about the city’s horrendous level of violence.
Being the President of Ireland is like being the Fighting Irish mascot at Notre Dame games. In fact, Noter Dame hosted a conference for the Celtic oikophobes in 2007
Joining our esteemed former President in Indiana, is David Begg of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Philip Watt of the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism, and the Secretary of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland, Ali Selim. Yes, that is the same Ali Selim who last year declared that ‘Sharia law should rule in Ireland in the event of a Muslim majority’.
The conference is, moreover, packed with postcolonial, pseudo-Marxist professors from all the major Irish universities. It is being organised by the Professor of Irish Studies at Notre Dame, Luke Gibbons. Gibbons, a former lecturer at Dublin City University, is a fanatical postmodernist who thinks that Irish identity can and must be debunked. . . .
Those who demand that we unconditionally ‘accept the world’, are what one philosopher calls ‘oikophobes’. ‘Oik’ is the Greek word for ‘home’ or ‘dwelling’. Hence, oikophobia, in contrast to xenophobia, means ‘the repudiation of inheritance or home’.
As George Orwell observed, left-wing intellectuals ‘take their cookery from Paris and their opinions from Moscow’. In other words, they despise their homeland, their common culture and traditions. As such, they are the quintessential oikophobes, whose principal aim is to ‘reinvent Ireland’.
Mary Robinson merited a medal and exercised her jaws like a President of Ireland. No power, but cheer on the side and agitate:
- Say happy things about the European Union,
- Create Narratives for Bank of Ireland,
- Cheer Climate Change and Damn those who Doubt,
- Advocate Universal Abortion and Gender Grievance Goading
- Bash Israel,
- Welcome Floods of Immigrants,
- Bash Dialogue with any but Group Thinkers
- Re-write History,
- Bash the Catholic Church (what little is left),
- Cheer Obama and Bash Bush pere et fil.
- Equate Travellers, Pikees, Tinkers, Gypies at home, to Michael Brown, Laquan McDonald and other poor murdered Black Fellas in Yank Land.
As far as Mary Robinson's words to the Fifty Nappers, I heard Lamon Reccord and J'amal Green say the very same things. Get them lads a Medal of Merit each!
Mary Robinson is New Ireland's BBC approved Mary Poppins got-up like Maureen O'Hara, who pitched Mary Poppins to Walt Disney, by the way.
New Ireland is the facade of the Celtic Tiger* which spit out its teeth in 2008 and has gone back to pulling Yanks home to shore up the economy.
The Sun Times editorial board cheers lustily for Mary Robinson's advocacy of " same-old-same-old." jobs, programs, more gun laws and a swift and well financed return of Cease Fire - the Chicago Gang-Banger.
Mary Robinson was called in and presented the Chicago Medal of Merit by the spin-doctors and Alderman Eddie Burke to help take the heat off of Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago Oikophobes - the oligarchs creating the Tiny City of Tiny Dancer, eliminating neighborhoods and erasing our home.
Mary Robinson, the City of Chicago and the Sun Times wants Chicago to stay the course -geld the cops, throw more money and. gosh darn it, bring back millions of dollars to help Ceasefire - there's Hobos on trial and they will need a place to go, when G. Flint Taylor finds a judge to spring them.
* Three-and-a-half years ago, the Republic fell into a hole that was dug by bankers, but their fatal work went unstopped by the very inspectors appointed to protect us. The idle but nonetheless pensionable delinquency of these “public servants” has brought about the ruination of our economy, and despair for hundreds of thousands. So, have we not learnt that such a failure to do one’s duty can have abominable consequences?
It was bad enough that we have done the ignoble and unprincipled deal of the peace process to bring Sinn Fein in from the cold. That we are now allowing the cultural warr-iors of Sinn Fein to sedulou-sly create a false narrative about the terrorist tragedy of 1969-1996 is a criminal folly that might in the longer term match anything done by the feckless banking inspectorate.
For remember this: we are entering a new and quite terrible era. The capital transfers from England that have sustained the fiction that is the Northern Ireland economy will soon be coming to an end. The island of Ireland is facing a future of unimaginable hardship, and unlike any time since the 1930s, there is almost nowhere abroad for the unskilled to find work. We cannot allow false narratives to emerge that will lure the poor, the deluded and the impressionable into a return to violence. Otherwise, war will once more be our true Sinn Fein harvest, as self-righteously, self-pityingly, and self-indulgently, we again destroy ourselves alone. Kevin Myers