Progressives detest working people. Always have and they always will. Organized Labor helped create the American Middle Class. Progressives tend to come from above the Middle Class. Always have and they always will.
Anyone who has read about, much less studied the history of the American Labor Movement understands this reality. Read serious scholars of labor like J. Anthony Lucas who in his magnificent epic Big Trouble detailed the reality of radical versus real labors conflict in coming to terms with American values, law and society.
Radicals wanted labor to morph into an international Marxist wave and real labor wanted to scratch out a comfortable life free from want for American workers. Guess who won?
In the last twenty years, American labor has played ball with Progressives who want only Class Warfare as means of grabbing power and eliminating the American middle class.
Skilled trades have always demanded rigorous apprenticeship programs and autonomy. Local # 007 should not allow the City of Chicago, Cook County, the State of Illinois, or the United States Government to dictate
its policies and practices. Skilled trades are always the target of the Progressive media for idiotic and inflammatory columns and editorials condemning the fact that a back-hoe operating engineer is paid the prevailing wage. One never reads an investigative series about the Marxists running SEIU, on the other hand, nor any questions posed about the enslavement of low-skilled and no skilled workers who comprise its membership. Once in SEIU, never out. . . .unless finally unemployed and unemployable.
Today, Mayor Rahm Emanuel fully reveals his Progressive pedigree - a backstabbing radical sneak.
Progressives get into government by the back-door deal. Name one Progressive in government who actually has a record of accomplishment, accountability, skill, loyalty, or honesty. I do not have all day. I have work to do and so do you. That's rhetorical question.
Progressives are placed in government by soulless elected officials who have managed to scratch out a lucrative deal with the job slot as the quid pro quo. Most Progressives in government are initially appointed and eventually moved around away from the people they have harmed or the job they have botched, until such times as other bigger or more lucrative deals can be forged between Progressive dominated foundations, banks, family fortunes and media outlets needed by short-sighted, at best, politicians.
Once secured via -open slot on a ballot without opposition, or department chair, the Progressive gets a full media/PR - usually Marilyn Katz - Earl Scheib (Riiiight!!!!!!!!) body, fender and paint job that gets a baked-on enamel finish and glossy glow of Reformer, Boss-foe, Friend, Ally, Fighter, and Intellectual Titan!!!!!
Sheila Simon, Toni Preckwinkle, Mike Quigley, Deb Shore, Deb Mel, Jan Schakowsky, Forrest Claypool, Pat Quinn, Rahm Emanuel and President Obama all came up to prominence in this manner. We had a national peep at the reality of Progressive worth with the Presidential Debate. There is no there -there.
Labor, real labor, has played a most dangerous game by aligning itself with Marxist public-salaried unions. More (membership and dues) is not always better.
Recently, community activists have stood blocking the entrance to Rainbow Cone on the east side of Western Ave. shouting " Go home to your own Casa!" in honor of race harmony and economic justice. Mexicans are working and blacks are not at a huge on-going construction project in Evergreen Park, Il. Black Capitalist and self-stated activist Edward Gardner heard the cries of Mexicans go home and jumped into the fray. Here is Progressive mouth-organ WBEZ's take on activist Ed in the pink skimmer.
Black nationalists, activists, workers and politicians marched up and down Western Avenue, chanting “If we don’t work, nobody work.”
The target was the site of a new Meijer location. The store, part of the big-box store grocery chain, is going up at 92nd and Western in the suburb of Evergreen Park.Now, Ed Gardner, is a 1%er, like Fred Eychaner of pan-Gay Progressive capitalism, who gets a media pass on anything. Ed is black, but not like Col. Allan West is black. Being black means one must be linked to the Progressives or you become whiter than me, you see.
Leading Sunday’s protest was 87-year-old Ed Gardner, founder of the iconic Soft Sheen hair care company.The millionaire has spoken extensively about the issue on black radio programs and has garnered massive support among African-Americans for picking up the mantle on the jobs issue.
A spokesman for the Meijer chain told WBEZ that officials have met with Gardner as well as the construction company. A letter on behalf of the company and contractor was sent pledging to support minority-owned businesses and contractors on the project.
Rahm Emanuel gamboled pirouette à la seconde. Take Race, Beat Trades à la hauteur.
First of all, my staff has been in touch with Mr. Gardner. I think they’re meeting with him this morning, and they’ve met with him before. Mr. Gardner and I share the same goals, and the same objectives. We’ve talked about, where other cities are pulling back on public transportation, I just told you, we’ve got 400 permanent CTA bus driver jobs. We’ve got 200 to 300 jobs in rehabilitating our buses. We’re going to fix the Red Line, and over 30 percent of the work is going to be done by firms that are minority- and women-owned, and over 50 percent of that is African-American firms. On this particular project at 95-th. I talked to my staff, and as soon he said it was Hispanic and whites working on, I said, “Go check out what’s happened.” But remember, only a few years ago, the complaint was, “Nobody’s investing.” Now, we’re investing. The question is, “Now that we’re investing, who’s getting the work and who’s working on it?”…Now we’ve got to make sure that the building trades, which there’s a history at, which have not been opened to African-Americans and Hispanics and others, and minority children, make sure they have a training program, so the jobs that we’re investing in, and finally doing after years of not doing, are open to everybody in the city to apply for, and have the skill set so they, too can have that work.
Source: http://www.nbcchicago.com/blogs/ward-room/Emanuel-Responds-To-African-American-Job-Protests-172472571.html#ixzz28QXyuEqH
Why has millionaire Ed Gardner not taken the old bull by the handsful? Black capitalism has done pretty well. What skills and paths to advancement has Ed Gardner offered to workers of SoftSheen (l'Oreal) products? But that might be a distracting cul-de-sac on 87th Street.
No, this bone is not being offered for a vigorous picking with Ed Gardner; rather, Rahm Emanuel and Progressives. Rahm shuffles the issue of hiring practices onto the building and construction trades ( who support the Progressive ballet artiste BTW) and with a wink of his Racconish eyes tosses the race card - trades are racist - which there’s a history at.
Progressives will always stab the people they use to get into power repeatedly in the back -kidneys lungs, livers and hearts.
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