I was confused by Lynn Sweet's headline. Not surprising. due to the subtle nuances of political language and all . I will be required to work for ticket -in order to - Obama bash?
The Chicago Tribune endorsed the President most comfortable with a woman's choice to murder her child in the womb, because the Bruce Dold's deep-thinkers want voters to "Think of the Children!" No kidding -
Tribune endorses Obama: Our children's America!
Shucks, President Obama has done a pretty effective job of setting up an Obama Bashing nearly every day these past four years -
However, To Bash ( v.transitive) is not the same as A Bash (n.). To Bash means to strike violently, or rhetorically to the criticize, diminish, or make small of a person. A Bash is a fete, party, or celebration where one might 'pitch a bitch!'
The DNC bash was moved in-doors because Team Obama Party Planners were concerned with the 70 degree weather in Charlotte , NC and certainly not a concern that tens of people would show up to celebrate Obama 2012 Foward. Likewise Bash enthusiasts determined that Grank Park just might be a wee bit nippy on November 6, 2012l therefore going Foward Indoor.
The cost to Bash Obama is signing up to work in Wisconsin.
The “Illinois Victory Volunteers” GOTV canvass in Wisconsin will take place Nov. 3, 4 and 5. Once completed, tickets will be handed out on a first-come, first-served system. Each shift will last between two and three hours.
The Obama team selected McCormick Place in part because they were worried about bad weather and wanted an indoor venue.
Obama’s field operation has used events as organizing tools since the first days of the 2008 campaign. More recently, the Obama campaign pegged a massive volunteer effort in North Carolina to tickets for what was to have been the Democratic National Convention finale at the Bank of America stadium in Charlotte. The outdoor stadium event was canceled because of bad weather and Obama and Vice President Joe Biden delivered their acceptance speeches inside at the Time Warner Cable arena. . . .Major donors are expected to get VIP treatment on election night, as they did in 2008. And for those who don’t want to canvass, a donation ($150 or even less to the Obama campaign) will get you entered in a lottery to get “right up front” with Obama in Chicago on election night. The campaign ran a similar program in 2008, promising a backstage pass and front row seats for Grant Park.The Obama drive to send Illinois troops to Wisconsin to help the president may have an unintended consequence before election day: It could drain a pool of motivated volunteers from the big Chicago area House races in the closing days of the campaign — when Tammy Duckworth, Bill Foster and Brad Schneider will also need GOTV help.
GOTV ain't cable - it means Go To Victory! Obama bash bashing on my part? Well, I just go where I'm invited - To Hell or to Victory! As Fats Waller was wont to say " One never knows, do one??
I got my ticket.