The Chicago and Cook County Democratic Party gradually and finally handed the keys to the County and City over to the Progressives. Daley in fact did just that last year about this time, when Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel dreamed of becoming a Chicagoan and the Mayor. Mayor Daley exited, having destroyed politics for policy and exhausted the affection of Chicagoans in creating a Postcard out of what had been a City of Neighborhoods.
Chicago is never cutting edge. Chicago always apes other cities, whether it is London's checker-board Cop hat bands, Big Brother Blue Light Cameras, Cabs,Buses, or clean subways. Chicago bans smoking, neighborhood saloons,or trans-fatty acid because New York City did so and allows anarchists the freedom of the streets, media and bike paths in homage to Seattle. Daley is touring the Hoods that aped other cities.
Daley has left the 19th Ward and other blue-collar neighborhoods that helped get him elected ( Beverly, Morgan Park & Mount Greenwood out of his walking tours, because those neighborhoods, while loyal, are deemed unimportant -only voters, tax-payers, breeders and Catholics there. Mayor Daley is quite correct. Neighborhoods stopped being important years ago. Community -whatever the hell that means - trumped neighborhoods.
Chicago's Purty, unless you take the 79th street bus east or west, or try to get from Hegewisch to Navy Pier via public transportation, or sell your home in Garfield Ridge.
Identity Policy trumped politics ( the old quid pro quo that got things done . . . for now. The Dreams of Leon Despres, Abner Mikva, and Dick Simpson are realized. Chicago will turn the microphone off on the last of political professionals.
Rahm Emanuel will govern Chicago according to the needs, whims, and wants of the 2012 Presidential Re-Election Campaign. In fact the Rahm years will be a replay of the Obama Administration 2008-2012. All the players are here already. It will be like the Seinfeld Reunion. Chicago City services will be the collateral damage. Chicago's Serial Appointee, Forrest Claypool, the Rula Lenska of Chicago politics, will run the buses and trains; Joe Moore will be the City Council voice; former Mayor Clerk Dave Orr will direct policy to the media; Wards will be re-mapped into silence - especially the 19th Ward where turnout is always heavy.
Politics no longer exists. Policy reigns supreme and that settles it.
If Chicagoans want to know what is going to happen - skip reading the Tribune and the Sun Times. All you need to know is to be found on the Huffington Post Chicago links.
There you will find Toni Periwinkle's dagger in the kidneys of Sheriff Tom Dart; Dick Simpson's imitation of the Daniel Burhnam; Locke Bowman's Daily Burge Reminder that Racism is 24/7.
All of the non-blinking Progressive Superstars ( folks who used be laughed out of the room) are loudly reminding Chicagoans that THEY, not you - won! Get over it!
Julie Westerhoeff who partners with Mike Klonsky and Bill Ayers with the ironic and seemingly adversarial help of the Chicago Teachers Union to make sure that Public Schools get worse has been featured prominently of late.
Also, Christine Bork of the YWCA Metro will demand more abortions for black babies because she and Planned Parenthood understand the black experience better than black people.
If you are LGBTQ you can be sure that your voice will dominate those breeders who dare utter a sound. It will be a universal WTTW Panel shout down of breeders.
If you do not worry about where the money comes from, not to break a sweat! Taxes go to breeders, racists, mean people, tea-baggers, homophobes, and working stiffs.
Chicagoans will learn what is important - not solid police presence, not fire fighting, not teacher accountability, not personal accountability. Cultural Bread and Circuses, Race Baiting, Gay Supremacy at every level - Gay Friendly is Homophobic, Food Fascism, Green Propaganda even though the boilers have not worked in years, Rain Barrels over Water Filtration, Reversing Chicago River Flow, Sanctuary City Sanctification, Abortion, Police Brutality/Systemic Racism Lawsuits,and Hate Crime Up-Ticks.
This will be the Progressive Golden Age - four years anyway.
Progressives captured the Captive City! Billy Sunday could not shut it down. The Democratic Party, Media and the patient Lefties killed the Machine.
The City of the Big Shoulders has trimmed down to Metrosexually Sized Smartness.
Have fun. See you in four!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Progressive Chicago Victory Complete - Read on Huffington Post Chicago
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5:38 AM
Labels: Ald. Joe Moore, Boiled Beets Progressives, Huffington Post, Policy and Dave Orr, Rahm Emanuel
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Daley Legacy - Dave Orr is Howling "Policy" - What Drove Daley Down
When Mayor Daley chose policy over politics, after he had secured his power, when he turned to academics outside of public service to call the shots - remember Frank Kruesi*? - Daley's fortunes turned south of north. CTA Policy? There's a head-scratcher. Ron Huberman is a protected species ( BTW, Who is Huberman's real Chinaman?)and generally follows in the wake of every Policy Disaster to a newer and more calamitous disaster - now with Public Schools.
Policy works for the candidate who has no record of service, much less of accomplishment.
Policy begins with an Agenda and the scary thing is who sets that agenda. It is promulgated by some written document - like the one Mike Quigley had drawn up by the University of Chicago when he thought that he might take over County Government - didn't happen.
The Small Schools Policy had less to do with getting fewer kids in the classroom than it did to allow Billy Ayers and Mike Klonsky the opportunity to play urban guerrilla in the classroom - kids are still learning next to nothing.
Policy is what ineffective political wannabees buzz - budget pie-charts, agenda advocacy groups, think tank wizards, political panjandrums ( people with only a tangible touch to political life-usually inherited).
Politics is the means by which government gets things done. Thus - Policy: No Smoking ban and the effect upon bar owners and the tax-base. Fewer or no cigarettes smoked and fewer dollars to the tax-base raised by Policy Wonks.
Moving out of Bridgport allowed Mayor Daley to embrace Policy and divorce himself from political accountability. He was no longer answerable to Gert, Tim, Stosh, Curtis and Jorge - Policy, Folks, Policy.
Politics requires accountability. Obligations to individuals does not allow for a universal answer of Policy in all things.
Policy pours lead paint over common sense.
Politics requires common sense and hard work. The people who can not get two people to to support their run for office depend upon Policy to change voting laws.
Mayor Daley depended upon Policy as political cover and as a sop to the howlers.
The Howlers are unleashed and that, I believe, will be Mayor Daley's Legacy.
We will have policy aplenty, God Help Us!
Policy, Dave, was once a euphemism for gambling . . .Oh, it still is . . .and a very bad gamble at that.
*Frank Kruesi is the former President of the Chicago Transit Authority. He resigned in April 2007 after serving 9½ years[1]. He is now an Adjunct Faculty member at the University of Chicago's Harris School of Public Policy[2]. Prior to his time at CTA, he was the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy for the U.S. Department of Transportation[3].
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4:31 AM
Labels: Mayor Daley's Legacy., Policy and Dave Orr