From world of Progressive foregone conclusions comes yet another! Progressives scream, "This Can't Wait!" They get defeated. They wait. They enlist just the right columnists who will jump when asked, like the editorial boards of all Chicago media. They will wait and then they will shriek, This Can't Wait!" and Behold, their dominance over common sense and common people!
Rahm appointed a panel of the usual suspects to kick up the volume for coming Minimum Wage bullhorns-
Now, Emanuel is leading the charge for a Chicago-only ordinance that would resurrect some of the same anti-business claims. It comes on the heels of a partial ban on plastic bags that, the Il. Retail Merchants Association has argued, would also raise business costs.
“A Chicago-only increase in minimum wages will have a direct cost to jobs and a direct effect on the number of hours worked by employees at a time when Chicago has a very high unemployment rate. In certain areas of the city, the unemployment rate nears 20 percent,” said Tanya Triche, vice-president and general counsel of the Il. Retail Merchants Association.
Besides Bourman and Burns, the other group members include: Deborah Bennett, senior program officer, Polk Bros. Foundation; Matt Brandon, SEIU Local 73; Ald. Walter Burnett (27th); Sol Flores, executive director, La Casa Norte; Theresa Mintle, CEO, Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce; Ald. Emma Mitts (37th); Ald. Joe Moore (49th); Ald. Ameya Pawar (47th); Maria Pesqueira, Mujeres Latinas en Accion; Ald. Ariel Reboyras (30th); Sam Toia, president, Illinois Restaurant Association; Andrea Zopp, president and CEO, Chicago Urban League; Tanya Triche, IRMA.
Chock Full of the Hyde Park Mafia. The only other goof missing is Proco Joe Moreno.
Note, Citizen! Not one member of a genuine labor organization, much less any member of the skilled trades unions. SEIU is a PAC masquerading as a 'labor' union. Polk Brothers Foundation is in the vaguard of every lefty idea and initiative. In the Big Box Wal-Mart6 fiasco, SEIU pushed Chicago readers abor leaders into the spinning blades of public ridicule in order to 'clear the way' for the easy Alinsky On Ramp paved by Mayor Pot-Holes.
Not one middle class, ethnic, breeder, tax-paying blue-collar alderman ( e.g. Matt O'Shea 18thWard, Jimmy Balcer 13th Ward) . Rather, Alderman Joe "Goose Guts Ethics" Moore who is still strolling beneath the clouds of Progressive Corruption and Walter " Changed Man" Burnett will form the ethical core of the panel.
Chicagoland is exactly like the CNN show piece. Imagine.