I like Governor Pat Quinn.
I think that he plays ball with Progressives and they always land a good guy in the jackpot - ask President Obama. Remember the jackpot that the Obama Campaign had with regard to the idiotic Illinois Senate Bill 99 ? I do. That was Sue Garrett and her four friends of abortion doing Planned Parenthood's biding and it was a huge PR bump for then Candidate Obama who is now having a huge problem thanks to Abortion Industry's Planned Parenthood Health Care!
Idiot State Senate Bill 99 -Senate Bill 99 struck out grade six, changing it to kindergarten, in addition to making a few other changes in wording. It read:
Each class or course in comprehensive sex education in any of grades K through 12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV.
Here is a tiny glimpse of State Sem. Garrett - "ain't she great" - dodging Byron York:
An assistant in Garrett’s office helpfully gave me the senator’s cell-phone number, so I was able to have a few brief conversations with her. In one, she said she couldn’t talk and asked me to call back in a few minutes. I did, and then did again, and ended up doing so several times over an extended period, all without an answer. The next day, I reached Garrett again, who told me that since the debate took place five years ago, she couldn’t speak about it “unless I have the bill in front of me . . . I’d be happy to do that if I could just print out the bill . . . I just want to be sure I get it right.” We agreed that I would email her the bill, but after I did, she didn’t answer the phone. She still hasn’t.
Ditch her, Governor.
This latests tidbit about another Planned Parenthood Paid for Progressive can not help Governor Quinn. State Senator Susan Garrett is another Planned Parenhood robot.
Governor Quinn, leave the Lieutenant Governor spot as empty as the job itself. At least, give Planned Parenhood aparatchiks a pass.
Here's Illinois All-Abortion Team!For US Senate: Richard Durbin (D)
For US Congress:
IL Congressional District 1 - Bobby Rush (D)
IL Congressional District 2 - Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D)
IL Congressional District 3 - Mark Pera (D) - defeated on 2/5
IL Congressional District 4- Luis Gutierrez (D)
IL Congressional District 5 - Rahm Emanuel (D)
IL Congressional District 7 - Danny Davis (D)
IL Congressional District 8 - Melissa Bean (D)
IL Congressional District 9 - Janice Schakowsky (D)
IL Congressional District 10 - Mark Kirk (R)
IL Congressional District 11 - Deborah Halvorson (D)
IL Congressional District 14 - Bill Foster (D)
IL Congressional District 15 - Steve Cox (D)
IL Congressional District 17 - Phil Hare (D)
For Illinois State Senate:
IL Senate District 2 - William Delgado (D)
IL Senate District 3 - Mattie Hunter (D)
IL Senate District 6 - John Cullerton (D)
IL Senate District 7 - Heather Steans (D)
IL Senate District 8 - Ira Silverstein (D)
IL Senate District 9 - Jeffrey Schoenberg (D)
IL Senate District 12 - Martin Sandoval (D)
IL Senate District 14 - Emil Jones, Jr. (D)
IL Senate District 17 - Donne Trotter (D)
IL Senate District 20 - Iris Martinez (D)
IL Senate District 26 - Bill Gentes (D)
IL Senate District 29 - Susan Garrett (D)
IL Senate District 30 - Terry Link (D)
IL Senate District 33 - Dan Kotowski (D)
IL Senate District 36 - Michael Jacobs (D)
IL Senate District 39 - Don Harmon (D)
IL Senate District 42 - Linda Holmes (D)
IL Senate District 57 - James Clayborne (D)
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For Illinois State Representative:
IL House District 1 - Susana Mendoza (D)
IL House District 4 - Cynthia Soto (D)
IL House District 5 - Kenneth Dunkin (D)
IL House District 7 - Karen Yarbrough (D)
IL House District 9 - Arthur Turner (D)
IL House District 10 - Annazette Collins (D)
IL House District 11 - John Fritchey (D)
IL House District 12 - Sara Feigenholtz (D)
IL House District 13 - Greg Harris (D)
IL House District 14 - Harry Osterman (D)
IL House District 16 - Louis Lang (D)
IL House District 17 - Beth Coulson (R)
IL House District 18 - Julie Hamos (D)
IL House District 23 - Daniel Burke (D)
IL House District 24 - Elizabeth Hernandez (D)
IL House District 25 - Barbara Flynn Currie (D)
IL House District 27 - Monique Davis (D)
IL House District 28 - Robert Rita (D)
IL House District 29 - David Miller (D)
IL House District 30 - William Davis (D)
IL House District 34 - Constance Howard (D)
IL House District 38 - Al Riley (D)
IL House District 39 - Maria Antonia Berrios (D)
IL House District 40 - Deborah Mell (D)
IL House District 48 - Doug Krause (R) - defeated
IL House District 50 - Mary Schneider (D) or Kay Hatcher (R)
IL House District 52 - Mark Beaubien (R)
IL House District 53 - Sidney Mathias (R)
IL House District 54 - Suzanne Bassi (R)
IL House District 57 - Elaine Nekritz (D)
IL House District 58 - Karen May (D)
IL House District 59 - Kathleen Ryg (D)
IL House District 60 - Eddie Washington (D)
IL House District 62 - Sandy Cole (R)
IL House District 65 - Rosemary Mulligan (R)
IL House District 71 - Mike Boland (D)
IL House District 78 - Deborah Graham (D)
IL House District 83 - Linda Chapa LaVia (D)
IL House District 84 - Tom Cross (R)
IL House District 85 - Brent Hassert (R)
IL House District 91 - Michael Smith (D)
IL House District 92 - Allen Mayer (D) or Jehan Gordon (D)
IL House District 96 - Dianne McGuire (D)
IL House District 103 - Naomi Jakobsson (D)
http://article.nationalreview.com/print/?q=NzI3ZDUzOTE0ZThlMTU3MTY0MDI4ZTY0MTZhY2I2MGYIL House District 114- Wyvetter Younge (D)