In the 1950's women regarded some members of my gender creeps - undesirable males, nerds, 90lb weaklings, or a loathsome bi-ped given to staring with obvious lust.
In our evolved, willfully androgynous popular culture, a woman may also be considered a creep. In the UK, a creep is someone trying desperately to curry favor with his, or her betters. Going along to get along.

There are some real creeps in this world and most of them live very safe, comfortable and secure lives of degenerate self-absorption. A creep is a monstrous person who would do anything that was once considered unspeakable.
Bill O'Reilly
PeeWee Herman
Peter of Peter Paul and Mary
Most Kennedy Males
Kathy Griffin
Paul Krugman
Ronald McDonald(s)
Ward Churchill
Oprah's Girlfriend
The Congressional Progressive Caucus
Hollywood is overpopulated with creeps; the Halls of Ivy have a shower of them; Washington D.C. attracts creeps like any dropped Dreamsicle on a Chicago sidewalk in August draws diverse species of ants.
It seems odd that the more ostentatious display of wealth, real or imagined - like ManTi's girlfriend, one tends to be a creep.
Planned Parenthood is populated 100% with a creep population - wealthy dowagers and their consorts, or sweet- boys. Abortion shills take cake when it comes to creeps. The Center for Reproductive Rights issued the creepy video above.