Illinois House members Tuesday approved a bill that would expand taxpayer-funded abortions and protect abortion rights in the event that Roe v. Wade is overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.
However, the vote fell far short of what will be needed if Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner follows through on a promise to veto the bill if it reaches his desk. The House vote was 62-55. A veto override requires 71 votes.
“Call their state representatives,” Feigenholtz said. “Make sure their legislators are supporting HB 40. This is going to be the most important piece of women’s legislation in this general assembly.”
Unless the woman is in her mother's womb, of course. Then, Illinois will be an abortion sanctuary state, thanks to my State Representative Fran Hurley. Fran is a nice person who thinks that a child in the womb is tissue and no different from a bit of fleshy wattle on a woman's neck, or some Lipo that needs sucking.
My Representative should represent my views on abortion - which match the majority of people in the 35th District.
Yet, my State Representative votes with the abortion industry, Boss Terry Cosgrove's Personal PAC Illinois and whatever Mike Madigan suggests. Fran Hurley serves the 19th Ward, because she worked for State Representative Kevin Joyce, who retired as from Illinois politics to work for Ave Maria University and now the Catholic Extension Society. Kevin Joyce was the last true representative of the people who live in the 19th Ward and the serpentine House District 35 coiling southwest from 83rd & Laflin to Orland Park.
Fran Hurley is the first elected official that I am aware of who has publicly and proudly taken the coin of Boss Terry Cosgrove's Personal PAC Illinois - a a hybrid child of the gay marriage movement and the abortion industry, funded by media mogul Fred Eychaner and the abortion industry.
Most voters in this neck of the woods are not comfortable with abortion. I believe that America lost its greatness in 1973 with Roe v. Wade - if you are Ok with the cosmetic murder of a human being, you are probably Ok with any else.
Abortion is the original hate crime.
Fran Hurley cast her vote on Illinois HB 40 which would perpetuate the murder of human beings in the womb. You know, The Vagina is a perfectly wonderful topic for what faux-sophisticates deem conversation and makes a snarky and fun hat worn to show public contempt for President Trump and all who voted for him and many who voted against him and detest abortion.
The Womb is a word that stands to be banned by the semiotic-totalitarians who wear pink P-hats and gush over the Personal PAC appointed representatives like Kelly Cassidy and the HB 40 sponsor Sara Feigenholtz. Fran Hurley needs to keep her head down. Still plenty of 'unevolved' Catholics and Evangelicals in the 35th.
Fran Hurley voted for this horrible bill meant to overturn the 1975 legislation concerning Roe v. Wade:
“. . . if those decisions of the United States Supreme Court are ever reversed or modified or the United States Constitution is amended to allow protection of the unborn then the former policy of this State to prohibit abortions unless necessary for the preservation of the mother’s life shall be reinstated.”
The Chicago news media backs every command from Boss Terry Cosgrove, who ruled Pat Quinn's time as Illinois Governor, as much as Fran Hurley and other Personal PAC vassals.
Fran Hurley's website features her endorsements by the blue collar people of the 35th District via the labor organizations. Her website buries her endorsement by Personal PAC and Boss Cosgrove.
Fran Hurley had no problem betraying Kevin Joyce's mentoring and his political will to fight the American Genocide, any more than the will of the people she represents in the 35th Ward.
“But when Herod was dead, behold an angel of the Lord appears in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, Arise and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead that sought the young child’s life” (Matthew 2:19-20).
Mary and Joe beat it to Egypt, because Planned Parenthood of Roman Occupied Judea allowed Herod to kill babies. Things are pretty bad in Illinois, many Mary and Joe couples have already beat it to Wisconsin and Indiana. Our home grown Herod is the Guv, in Planned Parenthood/SEIU and IPI occupied Illinois. I wish him a very long, happy, healthy and quiet life out of office.
Gov. Pat Quinn is a gifted ninny. He is gifted by those who stick Holy Writ, or Papal Remarks under his schnozola and read the words to him.
Yesterday's State of the State stem-winder was completely Quinn-worthy.
Illinois is back! Repeating exactly what Quinn mouthed last year. Quinn has succeeded only in getting business to leave Illinois quicker than a pewful of folks stuck behind a wildly flatulent worshiper. Quinn has re-defined marriage as he commanded to do by Personal PAC. Other than that?
Illinois public schools continue to stink on ice.
College grads can't find work in Illinois
Nanny State laws pour forth every News Years Day
Bridges crumble
Potholes proliferate
Grain prices drop
The Coal industry shrinks
The governor belittles the religious
The continuing erasing of the Illinois Middle Class
Now, the political hack who fights heroically for the right of women to avoid the scared consequences of conception via abortion, takes Pope Francis I's comments completely out of context, in order to make sure that Mikey D's fry stuffers have boosted short-term spending power Moreso, Governor Goof wants to mandate child care the minute a child is born. Imagine, the State of Illinois ( SEIU) raising and caring for every baby born from Lena Winslow to Cairo.
The ever disappearing wages of tradesmen, cops, teachers, fire fighters, truckers, small business owners, sales people and practicing artists will be used to pay Keith Kelleher's SEIU care-givers and doctors who not somehow qualify for that great job at Pontiac, or Galesburg prisons. Pope Francis and Isaiah were invoked by Governor Cliffs Notes - no doubt at the suggestion of Illinois Pete Seeger of Medicine - Old Doc Quentin Young, physician to CPUSA and gubernatorial guru.
Quinn, who is Catholic, quoted scripture and popular new Pope Francis in setting his priorities. But the speech only occasionally drew measured applause, though Democratic lawmakers clapped when he called for increasing the minimum wage. Republicans remained silent through most of the 40-minute speech, short compared to some of the governor’s earlier efforts.
Quinn first proposed hiking the state minimum wage during his address a year ago, but the effort didn’t gain much traction. He’s hoping for an election-year boost this time around as President Barack Obama and Democrats across the country also push the issue in the mid-term elections.
The Republicans are too gutless to speak the truth to this Botched Cesarean Caesar. They act like old bags arguing over bingo markers at the Peotone Legion and are much too busy to get elected. Every election.
Governor Pat Quinn is pandering to the have-nots and will nots of Illinois - pure and simple. That is all he's got and he will use Bible or the out-of-context Papal pronouncements to get the NPR nodders in the pews of upper-middle-class Unitarian Catholic Churches of suburban Illinois to join his Crusade. Upon what brie doth this Caesar feed? Planned Parenthood's and morsels from the Hyde Park mafia, that's what brie.
Pope Francis I said this the very week he was elevated to the Papacy - -“Defend the unborn against abortion even if they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you."
Scratch the back of any swine who roots up gold for me? Tickle the horns of Mammon with my left hand, while my right, too proud to know his partner's business, takes in the fee? No thank you! Cyrano De Bergerac
The Senate passed the bill with one Republican vote. The House will likely pass it this spring sometime. And the world will not end. Rich Miller Daily Southtown
Congressman Jesse Jackson, Junior resigned and the world did not end. Illinois was ranked last in the nation 'on so many levels' and the world did not end. I used one cup each Onion and Garlic and I thought my world would end. It was a mistake of gargantuan gastronomical grief.
I love onions. I love garlic. They are wonderful together, No matter how much I try, the two flavor staples do not come out equal. Imagine, I prepare a big boiling pot of pasta and I chop/mince/dice equal parts and marry a blend of 1Cup- Onion and 1Cup -Garlic in a sizzling skillet of unsalted butter.
Onions, Garlic what's the difference? They don't work.
People are not food stuffs! I know and outside of certain districts of Papua New Guinea, or marooned Rugby teams in Andes, people are not food stuffs. People are people who need people!
Needing something does not change the definition of something else. That is poetry, metaphysics, or Springfield, Illinois. Politicians have been paid to vote that Gay Marriage can't wait. Gay Marriage - which is civil unions with greater clout to bring lawsuits against individuals, corporations and churches -is declared a human right.
Human Rights, previously argued according to the preamble of the American Constitution are granted by God, are now created by Greg Harris, Heather Steans, Mike Madigan, Dan Burke, Billy Cunningham & etc. and signed by Gov. Pat ( 25%) Quinn.
Marriage is a sacrament and the only one of the Seven Sacraments that is shared by two persons - a man and woman. The sacramental intent is to bring about a family - have kids. Guys are onions - they bring tears to one's eyes and more onion is required to be effective. Girls are garlic- flavorful, aromatic and delightful and less is often so much more. They work well together according to their individual natures.
When we pretend that an onion, or a clove of garlic are the same, we have people running to nearest receptacle.
The marriage of equal parts garlic and onion Illinois!
Next up - playing football in hockey gear.
*Mamona; the spellingMammonais contrary to the textual evidence and seems not to occur in printedBiblestill the edition of Elzevir. The derivation of the word is uncertain, perhaps frommmnas seen inmtmwn, though theTargums, which use the word frequently, never regard it as the equivalent ofmtmwn, which theGreekalways rendersthesauroi, cf.Job 3:4;Proverbs 2:4. But cf. alsoHebrewSirach 42:9,bth l'b mtmnt sqrwhere the margin readsmtmwn, "to the father his daughter is as ill-gotten treasure." In theNew TestamentonlyMatthew 6:24, andLuke 16:9-13, the latter verse repeatingMatthew 6:24. InLuke 16:9 and 11Mammon is personified, hence the prevalent notion, emphasized by Milton, thatMammon was adeity. Nothing definite can be adduced from theFathersin support of this; most of their expressions which seem to favour it may be easily explained by the personification inLuke; e.g."Didascalia","Do soloMammona cogitant, quorum Deus estsacculus"; similarlySt. Augustine, "Lucrum Punice Mammon dicitur" (Serm. onMt., ii);St. Jeromein one place goes near to such an identification when (Dialogue Against the Luciferians 5) he quotes the words: "No man can serve two masters", and then adds, "What concord hathChristwithBelial?" But in his "Commentary onMatt," and inEpistle 22.31, he lends no countenance to it: "'Ye cannot serveGodandMammon.'Riches, that is; for in theheathentongue of theSyriansriches are calledMammon." ButMammon was commonly regarded as adeityin theMiddle Ages; thusPeter Lombard(II, dist. 6) says, "Riches are called by the name of adevil, namelyMammon, forMammon is the name of adevil, by which namerichesare called according to theSyriantongue."PiersPlowmanalso regardsMammon as adeity.The expression "Mammon of iniquity" has been diversely explained, it can hardly mean riches ill-gotten, for they should of course be restored. If we accept the derivation from 'mn we may render it "riches in which men trust", and it is remarkable that the Septuagint of Psalm 37:3, renders 'mwgh by plouto, or "riches", as though hinting at such a derivation. The expression is common in the Targums, wheremmwn is often followed by sqr corresponding to the adikias of Luke, thus see on Proverbs 15:27; but it is noteworthy that Sirach 5:8 "goods unjustly gotten" chremasin adikois, reads in Hebrew nks-sqrand not mtmwn. For the various explanations given by the Fathers see St. Thomas, II-II.32.7 ad 3um.
Niebohld Stor Drittsekk of Evanston, Illinois has take the bull by the short and curlies and pre-empted any and further discussion of the End of Days.
In response to the Mayan Calender controverse du mois, the past Chairperson of Progressive Choices PAC, regular open mic-night dulcimer perfomer and Norwegian folk singer and Present Guidance of The New Brown Cross Services predicted An End to Doomsdays, subject to change and sexual preferences, on 12, 21, 2012 at 12 seconds after midnight CST.
Mr. Stor-Drittsekk, a leader in Illinois Personal PAC since its conception, was member of the famous 1960's garage band group Michael and Messengers, while he attended Winona High School in Minnesota. Curiously, his membership in that ground-breaking hits cover band has been purged from current webites and group histories.
When questioned about his Midnight Hour prophetic pronouncement the Present Guidance, asnwered, ' I get tired of this apocalyptic wiz-bang theory of the universe. Somebody needed to stand up and end Doomsday and I'm just the boy to do it and see it through. Vote Progressive! Can have the rest of that apple if you are not going to finish it?"
Tim Pireacht is the President of Caitlicigh do gach Duine Lánúnas (Catholics for @#$% All and Everyone) “What makes you a Catholic,” Tim says, “is your Baptism.” That said, Tim Pireacht arrived in Chicago to accept an award from the Progressive Pan Fetish/Onanist/ Puppy Love Political Action Committee (PFOPL). Tim's work in making Catholics aware that they need to do absolutely nothing once the good Father applies the salt, oil and water to little Fish eaters. The Cork-born founder of Caitlicigh do gach Duine Lánúnas clarified, " You can eat the knickers off a Sultan's missus, wear a titled kilt and an Indian Headress to Bar Mitzva and be a Catholic. You can drink yourself paralytic, whore about, play the villain, mooch, abort the babies, spread the crabs, roger yer man's old woman and her kids, hump the chihuahua, bugger the meter reader, vote for Obama, snatch the money out of young Tadgh's 1st communion cards, order a pork chop at Salaam, blackguard the curate, use Granny's I-Pass, jump the turn-stile and sleep with a Yak, because you have been baptized!" The celebrated gobshite, lay-about and academic set the historical context. " I mean Archbishop Buzz Kill, or What? Nay, to naught I say! Bishops, and them collared lads, cause more problems than a Mot's dose. Stay NEUTRAL! Ireland avoided all the Blitz and Feck All because DEV said - stay neutral. Follow the Pope and be Thomas More with no noggin, or Larry O'Toole on the Brit Griddle. Catholics Choose to Stay Neutral and let the other fellas hump the worries,' the artful Celt offered. "So,'BELT UP, BLOODY WANKERS!' Religion, one's faith, should be as easy and as liberating as the old quick jig to the jakes after a great feed of colcannon and a gallon of Guinness," concluded this voice of Progressive Thought. Tim Pireach took home his award, his honorarium, three sets of steak knives and three members if the cast of Chicago's cast of The Book of Mormon. As election draws nigh, more such fine reportage will appear in Chicago's newspapers . . .fading like a Cheshire cats grin and Obama's Hope.
Neighborhood and environmental activists are celebrating as Chicago’s last two coal-fired electricity plants enter a three-month decommissioning phase. But the closings are leaving dozens of Midwest Generation workers without a job.
The company, a subsidiary of California-based Edison International, says its Crawford station in the city’s Little Village neighborhood burned its last lump of coal more than a week ago after operating since 1924. The Fisk station, constructed in 1903 in nearby Pilsen, shut down Thursday night.
Real Estate opportunities abound! (Well, at least until January 2013 when President Flat-line begins work on his museum) Allison Davis get to dealing; call Valerie Jarrett, while these opportunities for Federal Green grants can be converted like a lazy Catholic into a Unitarian!
Yes, Sirree Bob!!!! Glad them coal burners went south; kept me sleepless some days.
Obvious is irony is sarcasm, the gateway drug to cynicism. Passed through them portals sometime ago, but scratch a cynic and reveal a tender hearted sweetie-pie. I recall another such cynical Catholic Hillaire Belloc, who refereed the bouts between GK Chesterton and George Bernard Shaw in their wholesome debates over socialism v. capitalism. Belloc poetically predicted, in 1928,the joy of our Community Activists who brought down Old King Coal and cleared the properties for Allison Davis and Val Jarrett 2012-
"Our civilization
Is built upon coal.
Let us chant in rotation
Our civilization
That lump of damnation
Without any soul,
Our civilization
Is built upon coal.
"In a very few years,
It will float upon oil.
Then give three hearty cheers,
In a very few years
We shall mop up our tears
And have done with our toil.
In a very few years
It will float upon oil."
Belloc understood the nonsense of polemics and the progressive Fabian need to caricature not only people but inanimate objects. Wittily skewered the faux outrage and pious claptrapping with this -
We Chicagoans are Rham-shackled, rickety, near collapse. Ramshackle is a distortion of the word ransacked. You know, Looted. A condition of unbalance due to a sacking of what is within.
Much of the Rahm-shackle condition was created by the Daley Regime -post-Pat Huels Daley; the University of Chicago vintage Daley. Rahm is merely the full fruition of this organically grown Man-eating plant.
The murders reflect the Thug Comfort Zone created by this alliance of real estate bandits, academics, media pawns, and lawsuit Lotto lawyers. Chicago is what the catoonist-satirist Jules Feiffer created in his play Little Murders*(1967) - an urban dystopia of random killings, rampant feminism, emasculated males, overwhelmed and undermined police, garbage strikes and power outages. People, Feiffer predicted would be isolated, afraid and desperate because the society through government wanted it that way.
The public schools will open under threat of strike, but open they will, in order to get the school head-count tax buckeens. CTU loudmouth,Karen "Foghorn Leghorn" Lewis makes the late Tony " Big Tuna" Accardo seem like a Hubbard Street dancer and has the Obama White House ( Valerie Jarrett, LLc) tying Rahm's leash-like for Foghorn Leghorn Lewis' Rahm Rump Challenge:
Make no mistake, as President Flat-line likes to say, Rahm wil shuttle twixt Charlotte and Chi-town with a bundle of boodle for Foghorn Lewis. Strike? I think not. Valerie Jarrett and Allison Davis are no where near finished developing slum properties for future government subsidized gambits. Praise Jesus!
Here in my own back yard, Rahm and the real estate rangers are getting their oily fingers on the keys to the soon to be abandoned Beverly Art Center: a Personal PAC approved and abortion friendly real estate transaction in the making with Fifth Third Bank!
We are Rahm-shackled. Wobbly, looted and hooked to this condition as long as we vote badly. Show me a Democrat with the heart of lion or Kevin Joyce and I will vote for him. Show me a Republican who is not shod in tassled loafers and I may vote for GOP. Show me more Pat Quinns, Sheila Simons, Dick Durbins, Toni Preckwinkles, Rahm Emanuels, Mark Kirks, Forrest(s) Claypools, Deb Shores and Jans Schalowsky and I will show you the door with great force, as well as the big blue recycling bin in my alley for your paper products.
Val Jarrett and Allison Davis have more real estate to parlay into slum housing with the two coal burners knocked out and another on the way in Morgan Park. Rahm Shackled - it's a Chicago Value. So is random killings, abortion and isolated people.
*Little Murders (1967) Jules Feiffer
Patsy Newquist is a 27-year-old interior designer who lives in a New York rife with street crime, noise, obscene phone calls, power blackouts and unsolved homicides. When she sees a defenseless man being attacked by street thugs, she intervenes, but is surprised when the passive victim doesn't even bother to thank her. She ends up attracted to the man, Alfred Chamberlain, a photographer, but finds that he is emotionally vacant, barely able to feel pain or pleasure. He permits muggers to beat him up until they get tired and go away.
Patsy is accustomed to molding men into doing her bidding. Alfred is different. When she brings him home to meet her parents and brother, he is almost non-verbal, except to tell her that he doesn't care for families. He learns that Patsy had another brother who was murdered for no known reason. Patsy's eccentric family is surprised when she announces their intention to wed, then amazed when their marriage ceremony conducted by the atheistic Rev. Dupas turns into a free-for-all.
Determined to discover why her new husband is the way he is, Patsy coaxes Alfred into traveling to Chicago to visit his parents. He hasn't seen them since he was 17, but asks them to help with a questionnaire about his childhood at Patsy's request.
Alfred ultimately agrees to try to become Patsy's kind of man, the kind willing to "fight back." The instant that happens, a sniper's bullet kills Patsy, again for no apparent reason. A blood-splattered Alfred goes to her parents' apartment, New Yorkers barely noticing his state. He descends into a silent stupor, Patsy's father even having to feed him.
A ranting, disturbed police detective, Lt. Practice, drops by, almost unable to function due to the number of unsolved murders in the city. After he leaves, Alfred goes for a walk in the park. He returns with a rifle, which he doesn't know how to load. Patsy's father shows him how. Then the two of them, along with Patsy's brother, take turns shooting people down on the street.
The goof from Missouri who seemed to have a clear path to the United States Senate and replace Claire McCaskill, a bused-over Obama mouthpiece, is a Republican. All the guy needed to do for the next two months and change was make the rounds of the Show-Me State Knights of Columbus, Odd Fellows, and League of Women Voter library soirees and gobble rubber chicken. Instead, Rep. Todd Akin decided to dip his foot in his tonsils on TV with a guy named Jaco. Jaco? That did not signal DISTRESS, Congressman? Jaco? The last guy I recall with the handle of Jaco wore a glove on one mitt, played with a monkey and drank boxed wine with little kids.
Instead, Todd Akin blew off his own toes.
I have been a Democrat all of my life. The Democrats have purged the Party of people like Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Scoop Jackson, Harry Truman, Old Man Daley, Mike Sheahan, Frank Annunzio and Marty Russo for the likes of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Jan Schakowsky, Barney Frank, Anthony Weiner and the goof who thinks Guam will tip over.
I have been a Catholic all my life and managed to survive Clown Masses, Liturgical Dance, Help for Hamas, Liberation Jesus and Homosexual predators and the Purple Mafia Bishops who doled out the get out of jail free cards. Today, the American Catholic Church is coming back and Catholics are coming home thanks to doctrinal-authentic bishops like Cardinal George, Cardinal Dolan and priests like Father Bob Barron.
I hope the same for the Democratic Party - a return to authentic values and 1st Principles. There is some hope. My Congressman Dan Lipinski (D.3rd) defends real labor over the leftist public service PACS like SEIU and the life of the unborn child is his litmus test.
The GOP, while attractive in some respects, stilll manages to front daffy old balls like Illinois Treasurer Judy Barr Topinka, the Minnesota Toe-Tapper of Airport Men's Rooms, and the Missouri Magpie -Todd Akin over genuine and talented people like Dan Proft. These are the "tassled loafer" crowd of GOP deep-thinkers who enable the likes of Pat Quinn. When School Choice was possible to pass in the Illinois Legislature it was the suburban DuPage, McHenry and Lake County Republicans who sold out.
The GOP vets goofs in the same manner as the Democrats, with one huge difference - the media will not provide cover for Republicans.
When TV reporter Charles Jaco asked Akin whether abortion should be illegal if it is the result of rape, the Republican Party Missouri Senate candidate gave this inglorious answer: "From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something: You know, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist and not attacking the child."
Republicans are much more prone to let off a volley down-range! By golly! Down-range to the GOP often means -The Toes Goes!
Illinois GOP gubernatorial hopeful Bill Brady was an adept at shooting off his own piggies. He allowed WLS drive-time wits Roe & Roeper to corner him on his tax returns. Brady allowed Personal PAC of Illinois Planned Parenthood to manage the message that Brady Wars on Women without a chirp. Pat Quinn is the governor who takes orders from Illinois Personal PAC's Boss Terry Cosgrove.
Nope, I'll remain a right of center Democrat. I like my toes.
Terry Cosgrove's Personal PAC can now get more dollars out of fitness dowager Jane Fonda - Fabulous!
Only one person ( Okay, it was two: Terry and Fred Eychaner) won the Illinois Democratic Primary - Personal Pac Boss Terry Cosgrove. Here he is in an all-too rare live public exchange with a reporter on video.
Power loves anonymity . . .well, sort of. Coalitions need money. Power uses money. Coalition Power fuses LGBTQ, Green Everything ( hence LGBTQ pol Deb Shore on Water Reclamation), Public Education, Election Reform, ACLU and SEIU. Remember the Democratic Part? Used to be something. Got its money from trades unions, cigar chomping saloon keepers and low-life rascals like Joe Kennedy. Thank, Dewey; it's Progressive now.
Progressive Illinois is powered by abortion and sexual prefernces of any and all manner as a Civil Right , with the odd nod to freeing all of the prisoners, keeping black women on the welfare rolls and hordes of unskilled workers on the government's dime and suing anyone.
Personal PAC shopped for a Federal Judge and did great.
Springfield, Ill. — A federal court Tuesday overturned part of Illinois’ recently passed election finance law, just a week ahead of the state’s primary election.
U.S. District Court Judge Marvin Aspen struck down a 2009 law that limited how much an individual can donate to a political action committee, or a PAC, which spends money in an election but doesn’t coordinate with a candidate.
The “Supreme Court and the Seventh Circuit speak clearly: the First Amendment prohibits governments from limiting contributions to independent-expenditure-only PAC(s),” Aspen wrote in his opinion.
Personal PAC, a pro-choice lobbying group, initiated the case when it sued the Illinois State Board of Elections over the limits in early February.
Unlike PACs that spend money to influence how a lawmaker might vote by donating directly to their war chest, Personal PAC spends most of its money to get pro-choice candidates elected through advertising blitzes.
Personal PAC - Illinois depends upon very wealthy individuals who want to change the political landscape - read Fred Eychaner*.
Personal PAC, like SEIU and other tax-dollar salaried monster unions helped make President Obama's transformational first term a reality.
Here in Illinois Personal PAC controls who will get on and stay on a ballot.
Speaker of the House Mike Madigan is the media strawman for outrage over what Thundering Dick Simpson calls Illinois Corruption.
Not so. Real corruption and political rot starts at the head of the Illinois Carp - Planned Parenthood's Personal Pac. Personal PAC destroyed the chance to preserve the independence of the Illinois Supreme Court with its new found dollars by doing a Brady on Aurelia Pucinski in the final days before the primary. It worked just fine.
Personal PAC controls the Governor, much of the media, Chicago's Water Reclamation District, the Supreme Court and the Illinois Legislature.
Terry Cosgrove, never seems to get microphone time on Television, or the radio, but he dominates the printed media. Therefore, he remains a name. Terry Cosgrove controls the wealth that controls the ballot process and the information needed by voters to make an informed choice - not an abortion.
. . .Rarely interviewed and adamant about not being photographed, Eychaner lives a remarkably frugal life, with the notable exception of his multimillion-dollar home in Lincoln Park.
The fortresslike structure, made of glass and concrete, has hosted Bill Clinton three times. Mayor Richard M. Daley, Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan and other notable Democrats have also come to pay their respects to someone who is the state's top individual political donor and one of the city's richest men.
But as Eychaner, 60, lives a public life of saving old buildings, running a media company and trying to elect presidents, what he seeks most is anonymity, something that sets him apart in the ego-laden cultures of politics and philanthropy.
The perfectly smooth, gray concrete walls inside his home hold not a single image of Eychaner smiling next to a politician, say those who have been there, even though there have been many opportunities to have such trophy photos taken. He almost never asks for special tickets to political events and rarely attends the golf outings and cocktail parties designed to woo big donors.
"He is very reclusive, in every sense of the word," said Lewis Manilow, a friend and Democratic fundraiser from Chicago.
Eychaner (pronounced Eye-can-er) earned his wealth from mass media, first in printing and then radio and television.
In his latest move, he is mixing business and politics. With the introduction of WCPT-AM 850 ("Chicago's Progressive Talk") in May, Eychaner has used one of his nine area radio stations to bring the liberal Air America radio network back to Chicago airwaves.
Although he is a student of politics, those who know Eychaner say his giving is driven by a desire to change the world rather than win clout. One former employee even said he was once scolded for using Eychaner's name in a business letter to a politician.
In 2004, Eychaner gave at least $3.2 million to Democratic causes and candidates, while his private foundation contributes twice that much in any given year to more than 200 charities, researchers and arts groups.
An openly gay man, Eychaner has long been involved in gay rights issues, and he has been a generous donor for AIDS research and treatment.
"He really believes he can make the world a better place," said Michael Bauer, a Chicago lawyer and gay rights activist.
While he has mostly managed to maintain his philanthropic anonymity, Eychaner's role in national politics has grown more prominent in recent years. Consistently ranked among the top 20 Democratic donors nationally, Eychaner is routinely listed among such names as billionaire investor George Soros and billionaire movie producer Steve Bing.
Boss Cosgrove Explains his mastership of Illinois to Personal Pac Pal Jane Fonda.
Personal Pac's Boss Terry Cosgrove follows up Aurelia Pucinski's press conference to counter the smear of Planned Parenthood to her campaign for Chief Justice Thomas Fitzgerald's seat on the Illinois Supreme Court.
Terry Cosgrove is the man who tells Governor Pat Quinn what Illinois must do.
Theis said that when she was appointed in 2010 to replace the retired Justice Thomas Fitzgerald, it was the culmination of her life's work.
Records show Theis' campaign received donations from Chicago names such as former congressman and judge Abner Mikva and author Scott Turow.
This week, Pucinski criticized Theis for a mailing sent out by Personal PAC, which donates to candidates who it believes support abortion rights. Theis said she did seek the endorsement of the group, but was careful to tell the organization she would not comment on any issue that could wind up before the court, such as parental notification of abortion.
The group has spent tens of thousands of dollars on three glossy mailings touting Theis' experience and suggesting Pucinski is unqualified.
Pucinski contends she is qualified, particularly citing her time in circuit court handling domestic violence cases, and said the mailing amounts to an issue-advocacy group injecting itself in a campaign for a post that is supposed to be above politics.
Both Brendan O'Sullivan of the Theis campaign and Terry Cosgrove, president of Personal PAC, said there has been no coordination between the organizations on the mailing.
For all of the hand-wringers worried about what to do about Illinois corruption, watch the video and then vote for Aurelia Pucinski.
I'm not even an active Catholic but I do know that abortion is murder. That doesn't make me a Catholic. It makes me a sane human being. Michael Moriarty
We all know that Personal PAC, Planned Parenthood's Illinois Political Money Muscle, and Boss Terry Cosgrove give Governor Pat Quinn his marching orders.
Governor Quinn quakes before the power and majesty of Abortion's Bishop Terry, while he dismisses the Catholic Bishops of the faith into which he was baptized with a toss of the head and a boast of his Christianity. That is a matter of very public record.
Personal Pac is the most powerful political machine in Illinois. A federal District Judge appointed by President Jimmy Carter, Marvin Aspen, ruled that Personal PAC could use more power. Abortion is not a health initiative, it is home-plate for political power.
Personal PAC targets Aurelia Pucinski as dangerous to Abortion. Abortion provides the money and political muscle that gave Illinois the Religious Liberty and Civil Union Act and is now boiling up bucks for the Gay Marriage Law that the ever compliant Governor Quinn will sign. Abortion lends support to the power of the Teachers Unions, to SEIU and other tax-dollar-dependent grass roots shouters. Abortion helps International Solidarity Movement find aid and comfort for Hamas.
If Aurelia Pucinski is dangerous to Abortion, vote for Aurelia Pucinski to replace the vacancy of Chief Justice Thomas Fitzgerald.
I did.
Michael Moriarty is a Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actor who starred in the landmark television series Law and Order from 1990 to 1994. His recent film and TV credits include The Yellow Wallpaper, 12 Hours to Live, Santa Baby and Deadly Skies.
"I find it outrageous that anyone in a position of public trust would trample on the conscience of people of religious beliefs," Ray Flynn (D) former Boston Mayor and President Clinton's Ambassador to the Vatican
I like that Ray. You mean anyone like
Illinois governor Pat Quinn, Senator Dick Durbin, or anyone endorsed by and accepting of Personal Pac's Terry Cosgrove's approval?
Ray Flynn ain't no chattel and he is a Democrat. My former State Representative Kevin Joyce was no one's chattel. Congressman Dan Lipinski (D. 3rd), my Congressman, is like Ray Flynn for the most part. Chattel* is a great word.
* Chattel (n.):Middle English chatel property, from Anglo-French
First Known Use: 14th century
1. an item of tangible movable or immovable property except real estate and things (as buildings) connected with real property
Dr. Quentin Young: His patients have included Martin Luther King Jr., Mike Royko, Studs Terkel and members of the Chicago 7 conspiracy trial, but after 61 years in private practice, Dr. Quentin Young is hanging up his stethoscope. Phil Kadner Southtown Star
Last month, Governor Pat Quinn, a rock-ribbed Progressive Christian was suffering from pains in his knees, so he visited the doctor - the eminent Progressive founder of the Democratic Socialists of America.
'What seems to be the problem, Governor? Right Knee? Left Knee? Wee Knee?'
'The left, Doctor, always the Left. The Right is none too good. Wee knee? Didn't know there was one.'
'Of Course. . . .( examine probe, touch and conclude) . . .You're suffering from a disease that we medical experts call "kneeitis",' said the doctor. 'Take it easy for a month or so and above all don't climb any stairs. That puts a terrible strain on the knees'.
A month later the Governor returned and after a brief examination was found to have recovered completely.
'Can I climb the stairs now doctor?'
'Certainly', replied the doctor.
'Thank Heavens', said the Governor of Illinois, 'I was getting a bit browned off climbing up the drainpipe every time I wanted to go to the toilet'.
The radical internal medicine man and doctor to the evolved smiled and nodded. 'Nature always compensates, when universal government health care gets blocked by systemic racism and capitalism, Governor.'
The gob-smacked Guv had an epiphany brewing, 'twas clear, and the Socialist Sawbones probed on about how Nature sometimes compensates for a person's deficiences. For example', he told the brain-straining Governor, 'if a man is deaf, he may have keener sight, and if a man is blind, he may have a very keen sense of smell'.
'I think I see what you mean', said the Personal Pac acolyte budget busting penman and Christian, 'I've often noticed that if a man has one short leg, then the other one is always a little bit longer'.
'You've noticed that have you? Well, until our next chat, Governor!'
Illinois - you can and must make this stuff up!
Quentin Young told Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, that while an Illinois State senator, Obama was a strong supporter of “single payer”
Barack Obama, in those early days—influenced, I hope, by me and others—categorically said single payer was the best way, and he would inaugurate it if he could get the support, meaning majorities in both houses, which he’s got, and the presidency, which he’s got. And he said that on more than one occasion…. ”
Physicians for a National Health Program
Who is Quentin Young and what is Physicians for a National Health Program? What influence do they actually have?
PNHP claims to be a national organization of 14,000 doctors advocating single-payer national health insurance.
In reality it was long a phonebox size operation run by Quentin Young and a handful of Marxist comrades.
Quentin Young is one of America’s most committed socialists, beginning with his time in the Young Communist League in late 1930s Chicago.
After WW2, into the mid 1970s, Young was closely associated with the Communist Party and was accused of belonging to the Bethune Club (a communist doctor’s club) by a US Congressional Committee investigating the riots at the 1968 Democratic Party convention in Chicago.
In the late 1970s Young was associated with the pro Marx/Gramsci, New American Movement and in 1982 helped found the also Marxist, Democratic Socialists of America-to which he still belongs.
In 1972, in the dying days of the Vietnam War Young led a small radical delegation to Communist North Vietnam.
In 1995 Young attended the famous meeting at the Hyde Park home of former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn where Barack Obama was introduced as chosen successor to Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer.
Cook County Morgue, or Green Alternative Energy Source for Toni? I hear so many gushing Gwens, generally Progressives, say that Toni Preckwinkle will replace Rahm Emanuel as Mayor of Chicago. Would not surprise me in the least. Toni is every bit as smart as Arne Duncan, Mike Quigley, Forrest Claypool and Desiree Rogers.
Cook County Board President Toni has her hands full, at the moment, firing a couple of poor mopes because her morgue is stuffed with stiffs. Stacked like cord wood them cadavers be! Somebody else's troubles! Toni's opportunity!
Toni, who in my understanding of her intellectual depth and breadth, never popped out an original thought in her life, reads from the same play card as President Obama and all of the Hyde Park Mafia - educated, or influenced by, Chicago Lab School and University of Chicago. Toni once read a daffy New York Times piece that slammed Chicago Nobel Laureate Saul Bellow and repeated that single meme ( Bellow is a toxic Racist) chapter and verse to oppose Chicago honoring a home grown artist. It is obvious Toni has never read Bellow. Thus, like our science President Barack Algae Obama, Toni will take a page out of eugenics happy Great Britain's Conservative Party -Sir George Samuel Knatchbull Young, 6th Baronet. You see in the Nation that Stood Alone Against Hitler - Mr. Eugenics Himself -the same dipstick soulless mopes control the media and the message.
The Message from Old Blighty is burn corpses and heat swimming pools!
Sir George Young, leader of the House of Commons, said the proposal to warm a Worcestershire leisure centre with heat from a nearby crematorium was a “groundbreaking scheme”.
He said the Government is considering whether the plan could be duplicated elsewhere in Britain.
“The Government is aware of this particular scheme,” he said. “The Department for Energy and Climate Change will shortly be publishing its heat strategy and this will explore the potential for better recovery and reuse of wasted heat in schemes such as this one.”
He added that he would “die a happier man” if he knew heat from his cremation was warming the waters of a local pool.
Now, here is payoff!
Redditch Borough Council will be the first authority in the country to use a crematorium to heat a swimming pool. Work has already begun on the project, which is expected to be completed this spring. Since the plans were approved in February last year, they have won an award from the Green Organisation.
Oh, Good Show! The move is positively Green Happy! Soylent Green! I'll bet there is not an Imam from Soho down to Brighton who would not love to see this Retro-scheme get all fired up.
Burn stiffs and find a great new source of energy free of our enslavement to fossil fuels! Stiffs are too fresh to be fossils. As President Algae says, "nothing but drilling is off the table!"
Toni! The Tables at morgue are filled! Don't be Fuelish! These stiffs are not yet fossil fuels. Be like Brits; cook cadavers and heat a few pools.
Toni? Toni Preckwinkle! I have set my digital stop watch! Go! I can hear Sneed Now!
Get all those stiffs out of the morgue! Burn 'em! Cook 'em! Convert 'em>! Light 'em up to Light up of Lives, Toni!
Money, Marbles or Chalk, Chicago! I am no longer a betting man, but were I yet a practicising degenerate gambler, I'd a bet a house payment that, in no time at all, Carol Marin, WTTW, NPR and our Room Temperature IQ Editorial Boards will Huzzah Toni's plan to Torch the Stiffs and pave the way for more abortions with help of Boss Cosgrove of Personal PAC. This will be necessary to add as much kindling to the Energy Green Savings dead kids and with the help of SEIU as well, to shift Energy Friendly and Women's Health legislation for Pat Quinn to sign and make Kingsford of old Mrs. Wiesniewski, Mr. Antonelli, and other Blue Hairs in Skilled Care Facilities across Illinois as well as the nameless babies!
That is how smart Toni Preckwinkle is folks.
God ain't making any more land, but we got mortality going for Clean Energy!
Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle will really Cook County and Light Up Our Lives!
I would like to thank the Infanticidal Dowagers and their handmales at Illinois Personal PAC, a subsidiary of Planned Parenthood Abortion Industries, or Kidz R Dead! This group of wealthy secularist harpies and dandified fops provided a swell palm card on whom to vote against in the March Primary.
In my neighborhood, Rep. Kevin Joyce (35th D.) was a fierce warrior for women and children and therefore opposed to Illinois Personal PAC. In fact, Kevin Joyce, now the Athletic Director for Ave Maria University, demanded that his replacement be anti-abortion.
I was disappointed to see the name of the candidate for my Illinois (35th) Representative District accepting an endorsement for Personal PAC - Fran Hurley. Love the young woman! Can't give her my vote. Choice, as they say, is about health. I have two other vote choices - Andy Hodorowicz and Anthony Martin. Don't know Anthony, but I know the Hodorowicz Family. Great folks.
This last Saturday, the former Employee of Year for Texas Planned Parenthood Abby Johnson* spoke to anti-abortion voters and citizens in Oak Brook. Abby Johnson, author of Un-Planned her story of the abortion industry that is Planned Parenthood smartly challenged the myth that Planned Parenthood is anything but an abortion mill universal.
Fran Hurley should have attended Speakout Illinois 2012; Kevin Joyce would have done so. Accepting an endorsement by Personal PAC is a deal breaker.
However, it does provide a swell reverse palm card for Illinois voters!
Here is a list of candidates for whom one should not cast a vote -ever . . . for anything.
2012 Primary Election Endorsements Personal PAC Endorsements March 20, 2012 Primary Election
Additional endorsements will follow in the coming weeks
Cook County Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court: Dorothy Brown (D) Cook County Recorder of Deeds: Karen Yarbrough (D) Cook County State’s Attorney: Anita Alvarez (D) Illinois House of Representatives
HD 001 – Daniel Burke (D) HD 002 – Edward Acevedo (D) HD 003 – Luis Arroyo (D) HD 004 – Cynthia Soto (D) HD 005 – Ken Dunkin (D) HD 009 – Art Turner (D) HD 010 – Derrick Smith (D) HD 011 – Ann Williams (D) HD 012 – Sara Feigenholtz (D) HD 013 – Greg Harris (D) HD 014 – Kelly Cassidy (D) HD 016 – Lou Lang (D) HD 017 – Laura Fine (D) HD 018 – Robyn Gabel (D) HD 019 – Robert Martwick (D) HD 021 – Rudy Lozano (D) HD 024 – Elizabeth Hernandez (D) HD 025 – Barbara Flynn Currie (D) HD 026 – Christian Mitchell (D) HD 027 – Monique Davis (D) HD 028 – Robert Rita (D) HD 029 – Thaddeus Jones (D) HD 030 – Will Davis (D) HD 034 – Elgie Sims, Jr. (D) HD 035 – Fran Hurley (D) HD 038 – Al Riley (D) HD 039 – Maria “Toni” Berrios (D) HD 040 – Deb Mell (D) HD 043 – Keith Farnham (D) HD 044 – Fred Crespo (D) HD 050 – Kay Hatcher (R) HD 056 – Michelle Mussman (D) HD 057 – Elaine Nekritz (D) HD 058 – Scott Drury (D) HD 059 – Carol Sente (D) HD 059 – Sidney Mathias (R) HD 061 – Ed Erwin (D) HD 067 – Charles Jefferson (D) HD 068 – Carl Wasco (D) HD 071 – Mike Smiddy (D) HD 078 – Camille Lilly (D) HD 080 – Anthony DeLuca (D) HD 084 – Alex Arroyo (D) HD 084 – Stephanie Kifowit (D) HD 084 – Carol Cheney (D) HD 085 – Emily McAsey (D) HD 092 – Jehan Gordon (D) HD 097 – Tom Cross (R) HD 098 – Natalie Manley (D) HD 103 – Naomi Jakobsson (D) HD 114 – Eddie Lee Jackson (D)
Illinois Senate S 01 – Tony Munoz (D) S 02 – William Delgado (D) S 03 – Mattie Hunter (D) S 04 – Kimberly Lightford (D) S 05 – Annazette Collins (D) S 06 – John Cullerton (D) S 07 – Heather Steans (D) S 08 – Ira Silverstein (D) S 09 – Daniel Biss (D) S 09 – Mark Levine (R) S 10 – John Mulroe (D) S 11 – Martin Sandoval (D) S 13 – Kwame Raoul (D) S 14 – Emil Jones, Jr. (D) S 16 – Jacqueline Collins (D) S 17 – Donne Trotter (D) S 20 – Iris Martinez (D) S 22 – Michael Noland (D) S 23 – Tom Cullerton (D) S 26 – Amanda Howland (D) S 28 – Dan Kotowski (D) S 29 – Julie Morrison (D) S 30 – Terry Link (D) S 31 – Melinda Bush (D) S 39 – Don Harmon (D) S 40 – Toi Hutchinson (D) S 42 – Linda Holmes (D) S 46 – David Koehler (D) S 52 – Mike Frerichs (D) S 57 – James Clayborne, Jr. (D)
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Debra Shore (D) Stella Black (D) Kari Steele (D)
Judge of the Supreme Court – 1st District, Fitzgerald Vacancy: Mary Jane Theis (D)
Judge of the 1st Appellate Court – 1st District, S. Cahill Vacancy: Mathias Delort (D), Mary Brigid Hayes (D)
Judge of the 1st Appellate Court – 1st District, Gallagher Vacancy: Marguerite Anne Quinn (D)
Judge of the 1st Appellate Court – 1st District, S. O’Brien Vacancy: Jesse Reyes (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County, Moran Vacancy: Russell Hartigan (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County, O’Mara Vacancy: Diann Karen Marsalek (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County, Pucinski Vacancy: Lorna Ellen Propes (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County, Simmons Vacancy: Michael Forti (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County, Stewart Vacancy: Deidre Baumann (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 8th Subcircuit, Chiola Vacancy: Celia Louise Gamrath (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 8th Subcircuit, Cole Vacancy: Brad Trowbridge (D), John Ehrlich (D), Helaine Berger (D), Ellis Levin (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 8th Subcircuit, Durkin Roy Vacancy: Deborah Gubin (D), Sharon Finegan Patterson (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 8th Subcircuit, A Vacancy: Laura Liu (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 9th Subcircuit, Epstein Vacancy: Mary Trew (D), Abbey Fishman Romanek (D), Larry Axelrood (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 10th Subcircuit, Locallo Vacancy: Thomas Allen (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 12th Subcircuit, Rochford Vacancy: Andrea Schleifer (D), James Murray (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court - 16thJudicial District 2nd Subcircuit, A Vacancy: John Dalton (D)
Judge of the Circuit Court - 19th Judicial Circuit 2nd Subcircuit, A Vacancy: Patricia Fix (D)
Additional endorsements will follow in the coming weeks - I will be looking forward to them!
If it is Personal PAC, Terry Cosgrove's Powerhouse of Planned Parenthood Plunder, I am against it. Nothing good comes from abortion or those who accept their bloody nonsense.
Last month Governor Pat Quinn was criticized for attending the Personal PAC ( Planned Parenthood's ATM)Honors Awards Banquet by the Catholic Bishops of Illinois. Personal PAC is all about funding abortions with State of Illinois dollars. Catholic Bishops and Catholics do not accept abortion as anything but the murder of a child.
Terry Cosgrove, President of Personal PAC/Gay Activist/Lawyer/State Employee, immeditely crafted the compelling narrative for the media - Cardinal George and the Catholic Bishops were being mean to a rape victim. Not so, but that is the spin.
The Bishops want another heart-to-heart with Pat Quinn who is already sponged and oiled by his cut-man Terry and the media. The Media is the editorial boards and iconic columnists who take up print space from reporters.
Pat Quinn, as well as the rape victim who is a Director of Personal PAC and helped Terry Cosgrove elect Quinn as Governor of Illinois, plays the martyr: Bishops are Catholic meanies and Quinn is a Christian Cupcake.
So, another round of chat and media Catholic bashing is set for the Christmas Holiday Season.
Mike Houlihan is an actor, author, film-maker and journalist. Houli is a pal of mine. This December's issue of Irish American News features Houli at his best- crafting a satirical sage that Un-PCs the hypocrisy that is a daily feature of Illinois public life and also a good swiftian kick in the dainty cookies* of Illinois Governor Pat Quinn - metaphorically and allegorically speaking to be sure.
I offer the Man in Full -Houli!
Malachy Swift was not a bit modest about being a dog lover. He loved his Irish Setter Finoola. Malachy was so in love with Finoola that he wanted to marry her. After all, Malachy and Finoola had been cohabitating for almost a decade and that alone was evidence of the integrity of their union. They’d been together even longer in dog years. Actually it was dog years that gave their romance that May-December quality. Malachy was only in his late twenties and had met Finoola when she was a pup and he was just graduating from high school. So she was quite a bit older than Malachy. Malachy had invented a computer application during college and made a fortune on the Internet matching up dates for the LGBT crowd on his website, “Sockets & Wenches.” He’d dabbled in the gay lifestyle himself but soon grew weary of the endless merry go round. Malachy was curious about inter-species affection. One night while combing out Finoola’s shiny red coat after an Elton John concert at The United Center they took their relationship a step further. He put on a Johnny Mathis record of Christmas songs and poured a half bottle of Pinot Grigio into Finoola’s bowl. Before you knew it they were both head over paws in love. Malachy proposed the next night over some milk bones and liver as he placed a diamond collar around Finoola’s neck and popped the question. It was a modest proposal. She said “Woof!” which Malachy took as a yes. The nuptials were delayed a bit when they wouldn’t grant them a marriage license at the County Clerk’s Office. Malachy was not the type of guy to wait though and he immediately made a phone call to his old friend the Governor. The Governor sensed an opportunity and insisted that Malachy come for dinner at the Mansion the following night. Malachy had donated quite a bit of dough to the Gov’s campaign because he believed in his agenda of raising taxes and increased abortions. After a sumptuous dinner, the two men sat smoking cigars and sipping brandy in front of the fire as Malachy made his pitch. “This is very, very, very important to me Governor. And to all of us who crave inter species marriage.” Are you looking for marriage to all animals or just dogs? “Well in my case it should be just Irish setters and I know you’d be on board with that because we’re both Irish.” Irish Catholics! “Exactomondo! I suppose we should include all dogs and most farm animals as well.” But Malachy, let’s please exclude pigs so we don’t piss off any Muslims. “By the way, Governor, I must ask you. What was that delicious dish we had for an appetizer tonight? I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything so succulent or sweet.” I thought you’d enjoy those Malachy. Those are baby fingers and toes. Planned Parenthood sends them over by the truckload. I got the recipe from the White House chef at the Inauguration Ball. You can only use first trimester babies because those are the most tender. “Well they are just scrumptious.“ The Governor clinked his glass with Malachy and the two agreed that the next day legislation would be introduced to legalize inter-species marriage throughout the state. Malachy thanked the Governor and made out a $500,000 check, on behalf of his organization Privacy PAC, to the Committee to re-elect the Governor. Privacy PAC is committed to electing legislators who support animal husbandry. The two shook hands and Malachy said, “I’d like to get married in church, but I have a feeling that might be a problem.” Not if you go to my priest, Father Larry, over in Oak Park. “Oh, did he officiate at your marriage?” Uh, no Malachy, actually I’m …divorced. “Was she a bitch?” Well, she wasn’t an Irish Setter.
A well placed kick to the Jacobs can often have salabrious effect upon a man in great need of re-thinking his point of view and publc posture. The Catholic Bishops of Illinois might be well-served having Mike Houlihan along as a consultant and avoid another bait-and-switch from a politician who uses Catholic when it suits him.
However, if the politician's said Jacobs have been well-oiled with Novocaine, those numbed anatomical twin orbs will not register the well-placed and powerful punt.
Dad always said that I couldn't find my butt with both hands. I can. Allow me to add this imperative -“Defend the unborn against abortion even if they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you." - Pope Francis to celebrate Pro-life Mass, Vatican
"You stand up for what you believe in, even if it gets in the way of what other people think. You are proud of yourself and your accomplishments and you enjoy letting people know that."
A peach of a guy with all the sweetness one could expect from a life well-spent and in good company: short on brains but a terrific dancer!
Every Heart and Hand: A Leo High School Story
The Chorito Hog Leg, Book One: A Novel of Guam in Time of War