Showing posts with label Fran Hurley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fran Hurley. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

What You Really Need to Know About Chicago's Mayoral Election - Our Catholic Legislators Work for the Abortion Industry

These Illinois Legislators work for the Abortion Industry - Oh, and there is a Mayoral Election on Tuesday Next.

The Abortion Industry can count on their support and they are allowed to present themselves to southwest side and suburban Catholic voters as 'Catholics.'

Their pastors do appear to have a problem with their fealty to Illinois Murder Incorporated, or Personal PAC/ Illinois Planned Parenthood.  The Archbishop of Chicago has no problem with their pro-abortion votes any more than he did with defrocked Cardinal Ted McCarrick's sexual predations. 

I have a problem with abortion: if the willful murder of a living child is cool with you, anything else is gravy.

I voted for Jerry Joyce for Mayor of Chicago. He is anti-abortion.  Jerry Joyce's brother Kevin was the last true Democat in Springfield and fierce enemy of abortion .

His successor, a Tom Dart acolyte, turned his back on 19th Ward Catholic voters, knowing full well that Democrat voters generally do not hold to eternal principles in the voting booth ( e.g.  Daley, Durbin,  Obama votes won in the solid 19th Ward) . Toni Preckwinkle beat Todd Stroger thanks to the 19th Ward voters like me who worked in the sub-zero cold on her behalf in the vain hope that Preckwinkle would never stab a helper in the back - as if. 

Nope, on Tuesday at 7PM (February 26,2019) the polls will close and Bill Daley will face a run-off.  

Will Jerry Joyce be in the mix?  I pray so.  I also pray that abortion will end in Illinois, but we have elected JB Pritzker as Governor and a super-majority Democrat State Legislature poised to slaughter every common sense stay against Abortion in Illinois State Law. 


Title: Senate Bill 1407 [SB 1407] – Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) for abortion
Date filed: February 14, 2017
Sponsor(s): Senator Heather Steans (D) 7th district

Summary: At this time, SB 1407 is a “shell bill.” Language for the bill still needs to be written, but it is suspected to be the same as the FOCA bill that was defeated in 2009. This bill creates a “right to abortion” in Illinois.  It negates all U.S. Supreme Court exemptions to its 1972 Roe vs. Wade decision, such as Partial-Birth Abortion Bans, Parental Notification, and other important regulations on abortion clinics. It also forces all Illinois taxpayers to pay for abortions of those under Medicaid, shields abortionists from civil and criminal penalties for botched abortions, and forces healthcare professionals to assist women in obtaining abortions.

Status of the bill: SB 1407 was referred to the Senate Committee on Assignments. The bill is dead, but will continue to be monitored.
  • Title: House Bill 3735 [HB 3735]
Date filed: February 10, 2017

Sponsor(s): Rep. Deb Conroy (D) 46th district, Silvana Tabares (D) 21st district, Gregory Harris (D) 13th district, John C. D’Amico (D) 15th district, Michelle Mussman (D) 56th district, Jaime M. Andrade (D) 40th district, Jr., Carol Sente (D) 59th district, Elgie R. Sims, Jr. (D) 34th district

Summary: HB 3735 amends the Unified Code of Corrections. It makes “intimidation” of patients attending a clinic, or physicians or nurses performing services at the clinic, a crime. Intimidation is vaguely defined to include speech exposing any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule, which can be used to target side walk counselors and clinic protesters.

Status of the bill: HB 3735 did not come up for a vote by the deadline required in the House. It was re-referred to the House Rules Committee. The bill is dead, but will continue to be monitored.
Rauner signed into law a fistful of murderous legislation already 

The Mayoral Election is Tuesday and Jussie Smollett is being written out of Empire.

To me, THAT is moral equivalence.

 Abortion Hero -Kermit GosnellCall Sen. Cunningham and Rep. Hurley's offices at 773-445-8128 for more information.)

I plan to do something about it.  I voted for Jerry Joyce a week ago.

This week I will think about how I can expose the votes of my State legislators as perpetuating a fraud on the voters of my neighborhood - their ( Cunningham, Hurley, Burke) constituencies.

If you go along with the murder of children, what will you not go along with?  Pension theft?

Oh, Heavens.

Remember to vote, now.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

35th District's State Representative Aborts the Illinois Abortion 'Trigger' Bill

Image result for IL Rep. Fran Hurley

Illinois House members Tuesday approved a bill that would expand taxpayer-funded abortions and protect abortion rights in the event that Roe v. Wade is overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.
However, the vote fell far short of what will be needed if Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner follows through on a promise to veto the bill if it reaches his desk. The House vote was 62-55. A veto override requires 71 votes.

 “Call their state representatives,” Feigenholtz said.Make sure their legislators are supporting HB 40. This is going to be the most important piece of women’s legislation in this general assembly.”

Unless the woman is in her mother's womb, of course.  Then, Illinois will be an abortion sanctuary state, thanks to my State Representative Fran Hurley.  Fran is a nice person who thinks that a child in the womb is tissue and no different from a bit of fleshy wattle on a woman's neck, or some Lipo that needs sucking.

My Representative should represent my views on abortion - which match the majority of people in the 35th District.
Image result for Rep. Fran Hurley and Personal PAC
Yet, my State Representative votes with the abortion industry, Boss Terry Cosgrove's Personal PAC Illinois and whatever Mike Madigan suggests.   Fran Hurley serves the 19th Ward, because she worked for State Representative Kevin Joyce, who retired as from Illinois politics to work for Ave Maria University and now the Catholic Extension Society. Kevin Joyce was the last true representative of the people who live in the 19th Ward and the serpentine House District 35 coiling southwest from 83rd & Laflin to Orland Park.

Fran Hurley is the first elected official that I am aware of who has publicly and proudly taken the coin of Boss Terry Cosgrove's Personal PAC Illinois - a a hybrid child of the gay marriage movement and the abortion industry, funded by media mogul Fred Eychaner and the abortion industry.

Most voters in this neck of the woods are not comfortable with abortion.   I believe that America lost its greatness in 1973 with Roe v. Wade - if you are Ok with the cosmetic murder of a human being, you are probably Ok with any else.

Abortion is the original hate crime.

Fran Hurley cast her vote on Illinois HB 40 which would perpetuate the murder of human beings in the womb.  You know, The Vagina is a perfectly wonderful topic for what faux-sophisticates deem conversation and makes a snarky and fun hat worn to show public contempt for President Trump and all who voted for him and many who voted against him and detest abortion.

The Womb is a word that stands to be banned by the semiotic-totalitarians who wear pink P-hats and gush over the Personal PAC appointed representatives like Kelly Cassidy and the HB 40 sponsor Sara Feigenholtz.  Fran Hurley needs to keep her head down. Still plenty of 'unevolved' Catholics and Evangelicals in the 35th.

Fran Hurley voted for this horrible bill meant to overturn the 1975 legislation concerning Roe v. Wade:

“. . . if those decisions of the United States Supreme Court are ever reversed or modified or the United States Constitution is amended to allow protection of the unborn then the former policy of this State to prohibit abortions unless necessary for the preservation of the mother’s life shall be reinstated.”

The Chicago news media backs every command from Boss Terry Cosgrove, who ruled Pat Quinn's time as Illinois Governor, as much as Fran Hurley and other Personal PAC vassals.  

Fran Hurley's website features her endorsements by the blue collar people of the 35th District via the labor organizations.  Her website buries her endorsement by Personal PAC and Boss Cosgrove.

Fran Hurley had no problem betraying Kevin Joyce's mentoring and his political will to fight the American Genocide,  any more than the will of the people she represents in the 35th Ward.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gay Marriage Illinois Will Make War on Faith, Rep. Fran Hurley.

My State Senator Billy Cunningham voted for Same Sex Marriage SB 10 and State Rep.Fran Hurley seems about to do so.

“SB 10 will force religious people and organizations into years of legal fights, likely against the Illinois government, to defend their rights to practice their faith.” Thomas More Society letter to Illinois House of Representatives May 29, 2013

If passed, SB 10 would allow same-sex couples to marry in Illinois. The bill passed the Senate and a key House committee, but has not yet been debated or voted on by the full House. While this bill extends legal marriage rights to Illinois’s same sex couples, religious institutions would not be required to recognize same-sex marriage or perform same-sex marriage ceremonies. State Rep Fran Hurley June 28th 2013

On this Gay Pride Parade Sunday, I was was struck by the gospel message at Mass.   
When the days for Jesus to be taken up were fulfilled, he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem, and he sent messengers ahead of him. On the way they entered a Samaritan village to prepare for his reception there, but they would not welcome him because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem. 
When the disciples James and John saw this they asked, "Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?"  Jesus turned and rebuked them,  and they journeyed to another village.  As they were proceeding on their journey someone said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go."
Jesus answered him, "Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head." 
And to another he said, "Follow me." But he replied, "(Lord,) let me go first and bury my father." 
But he answered him, "Let the dead bury their dead. But you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God."
And another said, "I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say farewell to my family at home." 
(To him) Jesus said, "No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God."  Saint Luke 9:51-62. 
I'm one of those guys,  "I will follow you Lord, but first let me check my Beverly Bank bank balance - Wells Fargo mortgage, Peoples Gas, ComED, County Fair, Gas, walking around money, Rahm's Water bill, vehicle plate sticker, Rahm's sticker, . . .sorry, pal, can't make the trip. Catch me after next year's tax return and we'll do some good."

I do some small good, I think.  Pay day is every two weeks.  Money matters, especially if you have kids living at home.  My income for the last forty years has been as a Catholic school teacher and a pretty good one at that - never been fired and never did any gypsy job hopping.  As a Catholic, I believe in the teachings of the Church, despite the flaws, scandals and the opinions of others. I am also a Democrat.

I remain a Catholic, because I believe in what it teaches despite the folly and crimes of the past.  I remain a Democrat in the hope that the party will snap out of its folly and crimes past current and future.  I voted Republican in 2008 and 2012, because I believe the candidate and President is summation of those follies and crimes.  Same sex marriage, which is not about civil rights, much less personal fulfillment, is the worst example of folly with the crimes against faith and conscience only months away. 

My State Representative, from the time I moved back to Chicago was Democrat Kevin Joyce, who resigned to take a position with Ave Maria University in Florida and feed his wife and eight children.  Kevin represented our community, which is largely Catholic, without apology and without the support of Planned Parenthood and its allies.    Kevin was never replaced - he was succeeded by State Sen. Billy Cunningham and now Fran Hurley.  Both support the initiatives of Illinois Boss Terry Cosgrove. Cunningham voted for Senate Bill 10, which is the most hostile bill of any same-sex marriage bill in the country.  Fran Hurley sent this response to my letter asking her to vote against this bill in the Illinois House:

Dear Pat,Thank you for reaching out to me about the same-sex marriage legislation proposed in the Illinois legislature.If passed, SB 10 would allow same-sex couples to marry in Illinois. The bill passed the Senate and a key House committee, but has not yet been debated or voted on by the full House. While this bill extends legal marriage rights to Illinois’s same sex couples, religious institutions would not be required to recognize same-sex marriage or perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.I continue to listen to constituents on this important and contentious issue. I will keep your thoughts in mind as we debate these issues in Springfield and will keep you updated as this issue progress.Again, thank you for contacting me about this very important issue. I appreciate your feedback and hope that you will contact me if you would like to discuss this or any other issue facing the state.Sincerely,Fran HurleyState Representative, 35th District
Thank you for the form letter, Fran.

Candidate Fran Hurley took money and the endorsement of Illinois Personal PAC ( the abortion industry and same sex marriage) , I would assume  because she believes in its mission, or that someone or some people directing her career told her to do so.  Kevin Joyce would never have done so. 

Rep. Fran Hurley clearly will vote for Senate Bill 10.  Why,  because she is using the language of the Party Meme - the one used by Steve Chapman and the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune.   The Supreme Court decisions last week did not so much clear the way for conjugal happiness universal. as it did setting the tone for the redefinition of marriage and the national legal defining of bigots, haters, traitors, mopes and dummies - thought criminals.  I am a Democrat and a Catholic and a citizen.

I will not be defined by Justice Kennedy, Windy City Times, Terry Cosgrove, or IL Senate Bill 10.  I will have my liberties challenged.

True dissenting faiths will not be compelled to perform non-Euclidean Marriages, but Catholics, Calvinists and Contrarians will be compelled to swear that the circumferance of circle is a right angle alone. 
SB 10 would make Illinois the most hostile state in the country to the religious freedoms of people of faith,” says Peter Breen, vice president and senior counsel of the Thomas More Society, a national public-interest law firm. “SB 10 would generate years of litigation and cause those who faithfully practice their religion to be mislabeled as ‘discriminators,’ stripped of government benefits, and subjected to fines and penalties simply because they abide by their sincerely held beliefs. Legal scholars have urged on a bipartisan basis that SB 10 in its current form be rejected. Illinois legislators should heed this bipartisan call.”
The letter cites numerous examples of businesses and organizations that are being sued around the country for actions taken in compliance with their religious beliefs. The letter concludes by stating, “Instead of being a ‘Religious Freedom’ bill, SB 10 will devastate the liberties of individuals, businesses, religious organizations and religious charities all across our state of Illinois.”

The Party meme holds that I will not be forced into a same sex marriage, nor will my parish be forced to sanctify a same sex marriage and therefore I and my co-religionists have nothing to fear.

St. Cajetan Parish does, if it does not 'permit' a gay marriage party in its hall - woe betide St. Cajetan.
Little Company of Mary sure does if it does not provide full same-sex insurance benefits to employees
Leo High School, Brother Rice, Mount Carmel, St. Rita and Mother McAuley will face penalties if state mandated approval of same sex marriages in curriculum and instruction.

If any citizen or institution refuses to accept same marriage that person will be judged a 'discriminator.'

If the Illinois House votes to pass Senate Bill 10, there will be a great deal of discrimination against religion and religious people.

Jesus took a tough path to Jerusalem and warned us - that's gospel.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Speaker Mike Madigan Tried, But Goofs Outnumber People in Springfield

The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.
Marcus Aurelius 
Read more at 

Mike Madigan had the best plan to save Illinois from fiscal doom with Senate Bill 1.  It was defeated by the Illinois Senate. My State Senator Bill Cunnigham voted NO on this bill.  The Illinois Senate passed the Gay Marriage boondoggle.  My State Senator voted for Gay Marriage and the war on religious conviction.  Bill Cunningham is a goof.  The goofs outnumber serious people in Springfield.  Bill Cunningham again voted with the herd of goofs against his constituents. There are only  few hours left in this legislative session.

Gay Marriage is stalled by the House vote. My Rep. Fran Hurley has indicated that she will in fact for for Gay Marraige and the Illinois War on religious conviction.  It seems that Fran is a goof.  I always found Fran Hurley to be nice.  There are nice goofs. Goofs will do what others prod them to do - Like Billy Cunningham.

Speaker Madigan is anything but a goof.  He is the only adult in Springfield.

The Gay Marriage and Illinois War on Religious Conviction Bill is stalled in the Illinois House.

I wonder what Speaker Madigan* will do.

* From a Towering Goof- "If Mike Madigan doesn't get his house to pass this bill this session, we're going to lay it right at his doorstep," said Andy Thayer, Gay Liberation Network.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Nice Try, Mr. Zorn, but Kermit Gosnell is Abortion in America.

 Eric Zorn - If You are evolved, you gotta go along with him . . .or else.
Gosnell, 72, is charged with running what amounted to a squalid abattoir where he performed late-term abortions and severed the spines or otherwise killed outside the womb fetuses who showed signs of being able to survive.
He’s charged with first-degree murder in four such alleged incidents and with third-degree murder in the death of a patient who allegedly received a fatal overdose of anesthesia from Gosnell’s poorly trained staff.
I don’t mean to minimize the disturbing nature of these incidents and other stories out of Gosnell’s clinic that are not part of the remaining charges against him.But Gosnell is not the face of abortion in America, as opponents of abortion rights are suggesting. He is the face of illegal abortion in America. Eric Zorn, Planned Parenthood Shill and Chicago Tribune Vox de Abortus

The Chicago Tribune is and has been in bed with the abortion industry for quite some time.  Abortion is the litmus test for the evolved - Sexual revolutionaries,  Feminist hair-splitters, PETA hand wringers, Environmentalist Earth Firsters,  Marijuana activists, Gaza activists, Anti-America Exceptionalists, Public Education Bolivarists (Klonsky et al), Marriage Deconstructionist and Government apologists.

If one is okay with abortion, one is evolved and all the other non-sense doctrines make perfect sense.

People who lose sleep over the bugs that, might, just might, be depressed by the Keystone Pipeline are perfectly at home with Dr. Kermit Gosnell's butcher shop and only upset that the monster outed abortion for what it is - wholesale murder of the innocent for profit.

Eric Zorn is fully evolved and today let fly his dart of affection for the nature of Dr. Gosnell's labors, but not his methods.  He says that Dr. Kermit Gosnell is a face of illegal abortion.

Abortion is perfectly legal, Eric, wholesome, well funded, politically le plus approprié.  Dr. Gosnell operated, not in the shadowy alleys, but in the full light of day on the corner.

I imagine that Illinois Personal PAC's Boss Terry Cosgrove has been packing the e-mail and twitter accounts of Change of Subject and perhaps proferred a noon snack at one of Chicago's Clubs, or A-list eateries to discuss the impact of Gosnell on contributions and the political effect his knife work might have on the Gay Marriage vote.  Gay Marriage and Abortion are twin civil rights memes demanding the evolved to get in line and the unevolved punished.

Yep, Personal PAC invested in new Senators and State Reps. in Illinois on the condition that they vote for Gay Marriage.  My Senator, from a district that is not exactly Boystown (19th Ward & Worth Township in largely traditional Catholic and breeders) voted the Greg Harris Anti-Marriage Law up the chute.

My Representative, Fran Hurley, has take Personal PAC's coin and will obey Boss Cosgrove, just as Gov. Pat Quinn has made a career of doing so.  Personal PAC funds Greg Harris, as well as the usual plastic Evolutionaries like Barbara Flynn Currie, and so many other people in government who created Our Illinois.
Abortion funds the Progressive.

Abortion is murder for profit, Eric. You can call abortion Womans' Reproductive Choice Health Care, or a swell 5lb Whitman's Sampler for Dowagers, but euphemisms do nothing to sponge up the blood children, much less a selfish and thoughtless side of history that would make Stalin and Hitler blush with envy.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Obama 2016 Calling - Illinois House Dems Make Marriage Null and Void!

 "Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” - You know Who!!!!!!! from Matthew 4: 1- 9-10

Obama's 2016 Campaign ( watch for 3rd term!) demands Illinois House of Reps vote for the nullification of Marriage in Illinois - 

Chicago Sun Times White House Reporter Sweet Tweets this info: 
Obama's "Organizing for Action" pushing Illinois House to legalize gay marriage
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WASHINGTON--President Barack Obama's Organizing for Action--the outgrowth of his re-election campaign--is jumping in the fight to legalize gay marriage in Illinois, on Tuesday sending an e-mail to Obama's Illinois activists and supporters asking them to lobby Illinois House members to vote yes on the marriage bill, already passed by the Illinois Senate.
Obama already has urged the Illinois General Assembly to legalize gay marriage. Gov. Pat Quinn wants to sign a bill making Illinois the tenth state with gay marriage.
Last month, an Illinois House Committee advanced the bill to the full House floor, but so far the measure lacks the votes to pass the chamber, Sun-Times Springfield Bureau Chief Dave McKinney reports.This is the first attempt by OFA to get involved in an Illinois issue. The OFA, to have offices in Chicago and Washington was created to support the Obama agenda--and local issues that activists might want to work on.
Below, the text of the e-mail from Organizing for Action.....If you care about marriage equality, here's something really important you can do right now.As early as this week, the Illinois State House could vote on a bill -- already passed by the state Senate -- that will give all couples the legal right to marry. If it passes, Governor Quinn says he'll sign it into law. That's huge for all of us in the OFA family who care about this issue.Right now, reports say the bill is short of the votes it needs to pass, so these calls matter.
Take two minutes and look up your state representative right now -- then give them a call to let them know that you want them to vote YES on the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act.
It's really easy: Just use that website to look up your address, click "confirm your address," then scroll down to find your state representative's information.
Like President Obama said last year, he believes that marriage equality is a question of fairness -- of treating others the way you want to be treated.
Right now, his home state is just one step away from becoming the 10th state in the nation to approve same-sex marriage -- and making sure that gay and lesbian families in Illinois are treated equally in the eyes of the law.
We've heard from OFA supporters here in Illinois that this issue matters to you, and that's why we're teaming up with Illinois Unites for Marriage -- a joint project of ACLU Illinois, Equality Illinois, and Lambda Legal -- to add our voices to this fight.
This House vote is the final hurdle to making sure this historic legislation becomes the law of the land. Right now, a number of state representatives are still undecided, and we know this vote's going to be close.
Take a few minutes to look up your state representative today and urge them to vote YES in allowing all loving couples to share in the freedom to marry:

To which I reply. 

To Il Rep. Fran Hurley,
If you really care about the people you represent, do not make the choice that Senator Bill Cunningham made to help promote the nullification of marriage in Illinois.  He voted YES !!!! for the Greg Harris\/ Heather Steans Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act. 

Fran you are at bat. Let's see which side of the plate you hit from on this important legislation.

Here's the pitch. Our district is comprised of people who married in same manner as they did after eviction from the Garden of Eden - Adam and Eve.  Not only that, Pope Francis is not a fan of same sex marriage and I suppose that Greg Harris, Fred Eychaner, Terry Cosgrove and Smell Mogul Henry Van Amerigen, as well as Heather's Dad want this legislation jammed through before Pope Francis has people jumping over to this side of history again.

Read a few of your e-mails from me and the neighbors and Catholic Coalition of Illinois.
Vote your conscience Fran.

We'll do the same.

Organizing My Garage - Hickey Cooperative Coalition Institute and Faith-based Plumbing

Monday, January 30, 2012

My Own Anti-Abortion and Traditional Marriage PAC Anti-Endoresements

This is gal is all Personal PAC. I'm agi'n it.

I would like to thank the Infanticidal Dowagers and their handmales at Illinois Personal PAC, a subsidiary of Planned Parenthood Abortion Industries, or Kidz R Dead! This group of wealthy secularist harpies and dandified fops provided a swell palm card on whom to vote against in the March Primary.

In my neighborhood, Rep. Kevin Joyce (35th D.) was a fierce warrior for women and children and therefore opposed to Illinois Personal PAC. In fact, Kevin Joyce, now the Athletic Director for Ave Maria University, demanded that his replacement be anti-abortion.

I was disappointed to see the name of the candidate for my Illinois (35th) Representative District accepting an endorsement for Personal PAC - Fran Hurley. Love the young woman! Can't give her my vote. Choice, as they say, is about health. I have two other vote choices - Andy Hodorowicz and Anthony Martin. Don't know Anthony, but I know the Hodorowicz Family. Great folks.

This last Saturday, the former Employee of Year for Texas Planned Parenthood Abby Johnson* spoke to anti-abortion voters and citizens in Oak Brook. Abby Johnson, author of Un-Planned her story of the abortion industry that is Planned Parenthood smartly challenged the myth that Planned Parenthood is anything but an abortion mill universal.

Fran Hurley should have attended Speakout Illinois 2012; Kevin Joyce would have done so. Accepting an endorsement by Personal PAC is a deal breaker.

However, it does provide a swell reverse palm card for Illinois voters!

Here is a list of candidates for whom one should not cast a vote -ever . . . for anything.

2012 Primary Election Endorsements
Personal PAC Endorsements
March 20, 2012 Primary Election

Additional endorsements will follow in the coming weeks

Cook County
Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court: Dorothy Brown (D)
Cook County Recorder of Deeds: Karen Yarbrough (D)
Cook County State’s Attorney: Anita Alvarez (D)
Illinois House of Representatives

HD 001 – Daniel Burke (D)
HD 002 – Edward Acevedo (D)
HD 003 – Luis Arroyo (D)
HD 004 – Cynthia Soto (D)
HD 005 – Ken Dunkin (D)
HD 009 – Art Turner (D)
HD 010 – Derrick Smith (D)
HD 011 – Ann Williams (D)
HD 012 – Sara Feigenholtz (D)
HD 013 – Greg Harris (D)
HD 014 – Kelly Cassidy (D)
HD 016 – Lou Lang (D)
HD 017 – Laura Fine (D)
HD 018 – Robyn Gabel (D)
HD 019 – Robert Martwick (D)
HD 021 – Rudy Lozano (D)
HD 024 – Elizabeth Hernandez (D)
HD 025 – Barbara Flynn Currie (D)
HD 026 – Christian Mitchell (D)
HD 027 – Monique Davis (D)
HD 028 – Robert Rita (D)
HD 029 – Thaddeus Jones (D)
HD 030 – Will Davis (D)
HD 034 – Elgie Sims, Jr. (D)
HD 035 – Fran Hurley (D)
HD 038 – Al Riley (D)
HD 039 – Maria “Toni” Berrios (D)
HD 040 – Deb Mell (D)
HD 043 – Keith Farnham (D)
HD 044 – Fred Crespo (D)
HD 050 – Kay Hatcher (R)
HD 056 – Michelle Mussman (D)
HD 057 – Elaine Nekritz (D)
HD 058 – Scott Drury (D)
HD 059 – Carol Sente (D)
HD 059 – Sidney Mathias (R)
HD 061 – Ed Erwin (D)
HD 067 – Charles Jefferson (D)
HD 068 – Carl Wasco (D)
HD 071 – Mike Smiddy (D)
HD 078 – Camille Lilly (D)
HD 080 – Anthony DeLuca (D)
HD 084 – Alex Arroyo (D)
HD 084 – Stephanie Kifowit (D)
HD 084 – Carol Cheney (D)
HD 085 – Emily McAsey (D)
HD 092 – Jehan Gordon (D)
HD 097 – Tom Cross (R)
HD 098 – Natalie Manley (D)
HD 103 – Naomi Jakobsson (D)
HD 114 – Eddie Lee Jackson (D)

Illinois Senate
S 01 – Tony Munoz (D)
S 02 – William Delgado (D)
S 03 – Mattie Hunter (D)
S 04 – Kimberly Lightford (D)
S 05 – Annazette Collins (D)
S 06 – John Cullerton (D)
S 07 – Heather Steans (D)
S 08 – Ira Silverstein (D)
S 09 – Daniel Biss (D)
S 09 – Mark Levine (R)
S 10 – John Mulroe (D)
S 11 – Martin Sandoval (D)
S 13 – Kwame Raoul (D)
S 14 – Emil Jones, Jr. (D)
S 16 – Jacqueline Collins (D)
S 17 – Donne Trotter (D)
S 20 – Iris Martinez (D)
S 22 – Michael Noland (D)
S 23 – Tom Cullerton (D)
S 26 – Amanda Howland (D)
S 28 – Dan Kotowski (D)
S 29 – Julie Morrison (D)
S 30 – Terry Link (D)
S 31 – Melinda Bush (D)
S 39 – Don Harmon (D)
S 40 – Toi Hutchinson (D)
S 42 – Linda Holmes (D)
S 46 – David Koehler (D)
S 52 – Mike Frerichs (D)
S 57 – James Clayborne, Jr. (D)

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District
Debra Shore (D)
Stella Black (D)
Kari Steele (D)


Judge of the Supreme Court – 1st District, Fitzgerald Vacancy: Mary Jane Theis (D)

Judge of the 1st Appellate Court – 1st District, S. Cahill Vacancy: Mathias Delort (D), Mary Brigid Hayes (D)

Judge of the 1st Appellate Court – 1st District, Gallagher Vacancy: Marguerite Anne Quinn (D)

Judge of the 1st Appellate Court – 1st District, S. O’Brien Vacancy: Jesse Reyes (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County, Moran Vacancy: Russell Hartigan (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County, O’Mara Vacancy: Diann Karen Marsalek (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County, Pucinski Vacancy: Lorna Ellen Propes (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County, Simmons Vacancy: Michael Forti (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County, Stewart Vacancy: Deidre Baumann (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 8th Subcircuit, Chiola Vacancy: Celia Louise Gamrath (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 8th Subcircuit, Cole Vacancy: Brad Trowbridge (D), John Ehrlich (D), Helaine Berger (D), Ellis Levin (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 8th Subcircuit, Durkin Roy Vacancy: Deborah Gubin (D), Sharon Finegan Patterson (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 8th Subcircuit, A Vacancy: Laura Liu (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 9th Subcircuit, Epstein Vacancy: Mary Trew (D), Abbey Fishman Romanek (D), Larry Axelrood (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 10th Subcircuit, Locallo Vacancy: Thomas Allen (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court – Cook County 12th Subcircuit, Rochford Vacancy: Andrea Schleifer (D), James Murray (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court - 16thJudicial District 2nd Subcircuit, A Vacancy: John Dalton (D)

Judge of the Circuit Court - 19th Judicial Circuit 2nd Subcircuit, A Vacancy: Patricia Fix (D)

Additional endorsements will follow in the coming weeks - I will be looking forward to them!

If it is Personal PAC, Terry Cosgrove's Powerhouse of Planned Parenthood Plunder, I am against it. Nothing good comes from abortion or those who accept their bloody nonsense.

HT to a commenter at 19th