Showing posts with label Boss Terry Cosgrove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boss Terry Cosgrove. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pulitzer Prize Cartoonist Jack Higgins Defines the Quinn Campaign

My Legion of Reader will note that Paul Vallas was my neighbor and boon chum. I love Paul and his family.

Pat Quinn is no Paul Vallas.  Pat Quinn is Governor of Illinois because Rod Blagojevich went to jail.  Once Governor, Pat Quinn depended solely on the kindness of strange rangers -  Dawn Clark Netsches, Dr. Quentin Youngs, Boss Terry Cosgroves, Ralph Martires, and the canoe guy, Quinn keeps hiring.

Sun Times Cartoonist and Pulitzer Prize recipient Jack Higgins nails the entire Quinn strategy (above).  Quinn could not lead a glutton to a free lunch counter.

Pat Quinn proves the cockroach rule of Darwinian longevity.  Pat Quinn is a dyed in the wool, pure gospel, snake handling Progressive. He survived politics in much the same way that lamprey eels enjoy long and healthy life cycles.  Someone provides an electoral ride, dies, or goes to jail and Pat Quinn . . . well, you get the idea of my sentiments.

Anyway, I am not alone among voters who supported Pat Quinn in his run against Pat Brady and bought all of his 'workingman's best pal and loyalty is my middle-name" BS.   Pat Quinn is only loyal to the Hyde Park Progressive agenda - always was and always will be:  contrarian doctrinaire (if it sounds stupid Quinn is all over it) on law and law enforcement, pro-criminal, pro-radical, abortion happy and tax fabulous.

Pat Quinn has stuck his pinkies in the eyes of African American Democratic voters.  Quinn arrogantly assumes he has 'them' all locked up.  Quinn needs blue collar ethnic white voters, again.  He arrogantly assumes that they will follow the dictates of parish culture and neighborly obligation and vote for a one of them - the Tall Greek with Gorgeous Dutch Wife.

The very people for whom Pat Quinn scorns for their loyalty, their faith and their sense of civic duty - same as the black voters.

Pat Quinn needs Paul Vallas.  The very last thing Illinois needs is Pat Quinn. I love Paul Vallas, as I love myself.

I would not for Pat Quinn, if I were on the ticket with him.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Feeding the Watchdog after Waking Andy from His Snooze - It's a Shakman Thing

Pre-Metra Madigan Missive (above); Immediate Above Andy Epic Fail Shaw of The BGA!

If Andy Shaw told me that I was ' the coolest guy, that is what am,'  I'd leap as lordly as my lard-ass would allow away the pit of Despair and hit the nearest confessional and hope that the priest could talk me out of taking a Brodie off of the Skway Bridge into the 10th Ward.

More so, I have empirical knowledge of Andy Shaw's capacity for in-depth reporting, dating back to Terry Teel's resignation announcement.  Andy and his poor but amused cameraman for ABC burst into the Department of Planning and Development on the 10th floor of City Hall and Andy bleated to the patient woman manning the sign-in desk, " Andy Shaw, ABC 7 for the Teele Resignation."

The lovely woman smiled, " You are on the wrong floor."

Andy shrilled, as is his wont, " Terry Teele!!!  The Mayor's Zoning and Development Man!" and again the lovely woman softly informed the news hound, " Mr. Teele works for the Mayor and that would be on the 5th Floor?"

Can you say MICROPHONE!!!????

Of course not; nor would you.  Andy Shaw is the media, writ nasty,. . .well, the media without work which means a padded sinecure - The BGA. What set me on the Shavian Media-tation was Andy's cuddles with 560 Am- WIND's Joe Walsh Show which struck my fancy while returning from a wake in Indiana.  Giggled me up no end, it did.

On June 24th, as the saga goes Andy of BGA knocked the Bosses of Illinois to canvas with his exclusive Sun Times write up breaking wind all over the Land of Lincoln! I remember it like it was three weeks ago.
It's Metra scandal, I guess.  The California CEO Alex Clifford was sent packing with a chute full of moolah.

Heavens.  It turns out that patronage is the root of this evil. Mercy sakes.

Alex Clifford lawyer ed up with Goo-Goo Mogul and past master Machine Baiter Michael Shakman, LLc.

Michael Shakman is founder of Shakman Industries based upon the fairy tale notion that Government can be good and Politics well-scrubbed . . . of people who actually know what the hell they are doing. I can well imagine plutocrat Good Seal of Shakman kicking wideawake Andy to another Call to Doody,   " Howdy Andy, Andy, Andy Shaw!  Rouse yourself, gird your loins . . .your loins . . .there's mischief afoot and scoundrels abounding the rails . . .open wide; here's your feed. Now, scurry and scat!"

Alex Clifford has Michael Shakman and Andy Shaw on his side, which means that he has deep thinkers like Carol Marin, WTTW, WBEZ, and the Abner Mikva Coalition of Hand-Wringers, Whistle-Blowers and Ambulance Chasing Bottom Feeders with his back Rep.Deb Nepotism (LGBTQ and 33rd Ward Landfill Blind Girl) with his back.

The way I see the Metra mess is this.

  • A CEO with an Italian name does the Dutch Act
  • Metra needs a Goo-Goo approved suit -Alex Clifford
  • IL GOP is so screwed up it will nod with conviction when Andy announces a chance to hack Mike Madigan 
  • The IVI-IPI already agreed to play nice with the IL GOP to beat the BossesIllinois newspapers will have Mike Madigan bon fire until Labor DayAlex Clifford will speak nasty about Metra Board, Madigan, Ward Bossism, Culture of Corruption
  • Gov. Pat Quinn will attempt to kick Mike Madigan ala Charlie BrownThundering Dick Simposn will join Andy Shaw with a press conference about the latest UICC study Metra Bad/Mell Good/Mikva Good/ Paul Simon Institute polling
  • The Red Line will be closed to working folks, without access to millionaires and lobbyists
  • Andy Shaw will Pullman with the banjo activists Sheila Simon and Eric Zorn doing BoxCar Willie Hits in a display of Railroad Solidarity with Hobo-sexual panhandlers - A two disc set and video of this event for donations to BGA's RTA
  • Carol Marin will narrate The Life of Alex Clifford by Michael Shakman
  • Metra will provide transportation for summer travelers and working folks just the people Pat Quinn buys beers for at Stash & Stella's Stardust Saloon over by Midway.
  • Mike Madigan will cut his lawn, go by the  Jewel on Pulaski over by Midway, smile wryly, because he is the only non-dope in Illinois government.
  • Illinois Dems will continue to back dopes like Deb Mell, Toni Preckwinkle, Pat Quinn and whomever Boss Terry Cosgrove deems suitable to screw up Illinois further - Out of Chaos Comes More Chaotic Orders
  • Illinois GOP will back dopes with less gravitas than Democrats.  BTW_ Personal PAC is pumping tons of moolah into the coffers of souless suburban GOP phonies (38.8%).
  • Francis Cardinal George will continue to lead with his heart and head and maintain grace, calm and dignity amongst a Brookfield Zoo of ninnies clerical and lay
  • Mount Carmel/St. Rita/Loyola and west suburban Montini will begin double sessions in August

I will continue to recover my breath after scanning the my pay stub choc full of Obama care padding to tune of less-$145 than the previous two weeks after taxes and marvel that a nice salary ain't what it used to be, while awaiting the next property tax payoff to Karen Lewis and Speed cameras every twenty feet on Western Ave..  

Like I said, if Andy Shaw said that it was hot today, I'd bundle up like Quinn the Eskimo . . . no relation to  Quinn the Governor. If Andy Shaw informed me that a bird pooped on my head, I'd say, "Call Me Blondie!"

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Illinois Coal: President Flat-Earth of Cook County USA.

 " QED, BITCHES!" Obama demonstrates the effects of global warming. Now, it's personal!
Illinois coal resources hold more BTUs (British thermal units, a measure of heat) than all of Saudi Arabia's and Kuwait's oil reserves combined. The electric industry is by far the largest user of Illinois coal. In the United States, 52% of the nation's electricity comes from coal generation. Coal makes up nearly 85% of the U.S. fuel resources and, at present rates of consumption, should last for more than 250 years. Thus, coal is expected to be an important part of the energy mix for a long time to come. By year 2020, electricity consumption is expected to grow by 35% in the United States and by 70% worldwide. Much of this increase is due to computer use, proving that even in this modern computer information age, we still need coal! Finally, coal provides nearly $1 billion dollars a year to the economy of the state, and continued study of coal resources is needed to improve the overall economic outlook of Illinois.
Yet, we elect Quinns, Durbins, Kirques, Schakowskys and President Flat-Earth Obama.  These folks are controlled not only by the death-industry (Planned Parenthood), but also the Green Mafia ( Sierra Clubs and Eco-facsists). Durbin can not remember what he said, or what happened five minutes ago, let alone gauge the tracks to the future, unless the high-speed rail lobby gets his ear, or Boss Terry Cosgrove is on the blower for Fred Eychaner, or Kermit Gosnell.  Illinois GOP champion noodle Senator Marque Kirque is equally as pliable as Silly Putty.

At Georgetown University ( following the removal of Catholic, or Christian iconography)  President Barack Obama went on a Captain Planet screed, in order to appear toughest of all cupcakes.

President Obama angrily blasted climate change skeptics during his energy policy speech Tuesday at Georgetown University, saying he lacked "patience for anyone who denies that this problem is real."
"We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society," Obama said. "Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it's not going to protect you from the coming storm."
Earlier in his remarks, Obama said the "overwhelming judgement of science, of chemistry, of physics, and millions of measurements" put "to rest" questions about pollution affecting the environment.
I wonder how that played with United Mine Workers? 

Gas prices in Illinois, especially in Cook County are the highest in the country ( $4.19) with petrol/ coal counties of the Illinois Basin not very far behind ( all at or above the national average of $ 3.19 a gallon).

At the event, the president announced a timeline for setting new environmental regulations that will limit how much carbon pollution can be emitted from both new and existing power plants. The White House is directing the Environmental Protection Agency to write draft rules on carbon emissions from existing power plants within the next year, with the expectation they will be completed by June 2015.
Obama also said the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline should only be approved if the project would not “significantly exacerbate” greenhouse gas pollution.
Seriously.  The Illinois Basin makes the Keystone project seem a piker, but Obama will read whatever is put in front of him by his handlers and they are like monkeys  playing hockey ( noisy, mean and unfocused). . . at best.

With Vlad Putin, Chairman Xi, El Jefe Castro, Hugo-lite and Fighting Illini Alum Presidente Correa of Ecuador passing Eddie Snowden from dictatorship to banana republic in to yank down Obama's shaprly creased bitches for the ultimate hinder-binder of his sad-clown leadership, it was very important that Valerie Jarrett put Brand Obama up front with rock, bug and wind crowd.

Illinois is great resource that gets dusty in the political attic. Soybeans, corn and politcial nitwits are not the only commodities, there is oil, natural gas and most of coal under interdiction by the Illinois Eco-Torquemada's. Like gay marriage, saving our planet by eliminating jobs and revenue through Springfield is in league with abortion industry.

It makes perfect sense.  If one can without twinge of conscience murder the innocent, why not redefine marriage as a soley emotional ( 'the heart wants what the heart wants') transaction, while nailing the coffin of our economy?  President Obama is pure Cook County - too expensive, getting way out of hand and no longer amusing.

I am sure that Barack Obama never visited Coal City as his Campaigm site indicates that he never got closer than thirty miles from that moon-scape community of closed strip mines. Coal City has been that in name only for decades,  Coal Could be King in Illinois agin only when President Obama departs.  Barack Obama lost 88 of Illlinois 102 Counties in his US Senate run against Allan Keyes, a Catholic African American carpetbagger brought into Illinois by GOP goofball Judy Barr Topinka, when Cook County and the Chicago Tribune destroyed the Democrat and GOP primary challenger and winner. Allan Keyes won over rural and coal counties of Illinois, while Obama applied County County muscle to the collar counties. Obama has always hated coal with the level of contempt he has for most Americans.

No to coal, no natural gas, no to cheaper gas at the pump and no to Illinois.  

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Nice Try, Mr. Zorn, but Kermit Gosnell is Abortion in America.

 Eric Zorn - If You are evolved, you gotta go along with him . . .or else.
Gosnell, 72, is charged with running what amounted to a squalid abattoir where he performed late-term abortions and severed the spines or otherwise killed outside the womb fetuses who showed signs of being able to survive.
He’s charged with first-degree murder in four such alleged incidents and with third-degree murder in the death of a patient who allegedly received a fatal overdose of anesthesia from Gosnell’s poorly trained staff.
I don’t mean to minimize the disturbing nature of these incidents and other stories out of Gosnell’s clinic that are not part of the remaining charges against him.But Gosnell is not the face of abortion in America, as opponents of abortion rights are suggesting. He is the face of illegal abortion in America. Eric Zorn, Planned Parenthood Shill and Chicago Tribune Vox de Abortus

The Chicago Tribune is and has been in bed with the abortion industry for quite some time.  Abortion is the litmus test for the evolved - Sexual revolutionaries,  Feminist hair-splitters, PETA hand wringers, Environmentalist Earth Firsters,  Marijuana activists, Gaza activists, Anti-America Exceptionalists, Public Education Bolivarists (Klonsky et al), Marriage Deconstructionist and Government apologists.

If one is okay with abortion, one is evolved and all the other non-sense doctrines make perfect sense.

People who lose sleep over the bugs that, might, just might, be depressed by the Keystone Pipeline are perfectly at home with Dr. Kermit Gosnell's butcher shop and only upset that the monster outed abortion for what it is - wholesale murder of the innocent for profit.

Eric Zorn is fully evolved and today let fly his dart of affection for the nature of Dr. Gosnell's labors, but not his methods.  He says that Dr. Kermit Gosnell is a face of illegal abortion.

Abortion is perfectly legal, Eric, wholesome, well funded, politically le plus approprié.  Dr. Gosnell operated, not in the shadowy alleys, but in the full light of day on the corner.

I imagine that Illinois Personal PAC's Boss Terry Cosgrove has been packing the e-mail and twitter accounts of Change of Subject and perhaps proferred a noon snack at one of Chicago's Clubs, or A-list eateries to discuss the impact of Gosnell on contributions and the political effect his knife work might have on the Gay Marriage vote.  Gay Marriage and Abortion are twin civil rights memes demanding the evolved to get in line and the unevolved punished.

Yep, Personal PAC invested in new Senators and State Reps. in Illinois on the condition that they vote for Gay Marriage.  My Senator, from a district that is not exactly Boystown (19th Ward & Worth Township in largely traditional Catholic and breeders) voted the Greg Harris Anti-Marriage Law up the chute.

My Representative, Fran Hurley, has take Personal PAC's coin and will obey Boss Cosgrove, just as Gov. Pat Quinn has made a career of doing so.  Personal PAC funds Greg Harris, as well as the usual plastic Evolutionaries like Barbara Flynn Currie, and so many other people in government who created Our Illinois.
Abortion funds the Progressive.

Abortion is murder for profit, Eric. You can call abortion Womans' Reproductive Choice Health Care, or a swell 5lb Whitman's Sampler for Dowagers, but euphemisms do nothing to sponge up the blood children, much less a selfish and thoughtless side of history that would make Stalin and Hitler blush with envy.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Illinois Gay Marriage (AKA Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act - Onions and Garlic

 Scratch the back of any swine who roots up gold for me?

Tickle the horns of Mammon with my left hand, while my right, too proud to know his partner's business, takes in the fee? No thank you! Cyrano De Bergerac

The Senate passed the bill with one Republican vote. The House will likely pass it this spring sometime. And the world will not end. Rich Miller Daily Southtown

Congressman Jesse Jackson, Junior resigned and the world did not end. Illinois was ranked last in the nation 'on so many levels' and the world did not end.  I used one cup each Onion and Garlic and I thought my world would end. It was a mistake of gargantuan gastronomical grief.

I love onions. I love garlic.  They are wonderful together,  No matter how much I try, the two flavor staples do not come out equal.  Imagine, I prepare a big boiling pot of pasta and I chop/mince/dice equal parts and marry a blend of  1Cup- Onion and 1Cup -Garlic in a sizzling skillet of unsalted butter.

Onions, Garlic what's the difference? They don't work.

People are not food stuffs!  I know and outside of certain districts of Papua New Guinea, or marooned Rugby teams in Andes, people are not food stuffs.  People are people who need people!

Needing something does not change the definition of something else. That is poetry, metaphysics, or Springfield, Illinois.  Politicians have been paid to vote that Gay Marriage can't wait.  Gay Marriage - which is civil unions with greater clout to bring lawsuits against individuals, corporations and churches -is declared a human right.

Human Rights, previously argued according to the preamble of the American Constitution are granted by God, are now created by Greg Harris, Heather Steans, Mike Madigan, Dan Burke, Billy Cunningham & etc. and signed by Gov. Pat ( 25%) Quinn.

Marriage is a sacrament and the only one of the Seven Sacraments that is shared by two persons - a man and woman.  The sacramental intent is to bring about a family - have kids.  Guys are onions - they bring tears  to one's eyes and more onion is required to be effective.  Girls are garlic- flavorful, aromatic and delightful and less is often so much more. They work well together according to their individual natures.

When we pretend that an onion, or a clove of garlic are the same, we have people running to nearest receptacle.

My guess is that Gay Marriage will pass in House, just as it did in the Illinois Senate.  My Representative has already tickled the horn of Mammon*.

The marriage of equal parts garlic and onion Illinois!

Next up - playing football in hockey gear.

*Mamona; the spelling Mammona is contrary to the textual evidence and seems not to occur in printedBibles till the edition of Elzevir. The derivation of the word is uncertain, perhaps from mmn as seen inmtmwn, though the Targums, which use the word frequently, never regard it as the equivalent ofmtmwn, which the Greek always renders thesauroi, cf. Job 3:4; Proverbs 2:4. But cf. also HebrewSirach 42:9, bth l'b mtmnt sqr where the margin reads mtmwn, "to the father his daughter is as ill-gotten treasure." In the New Testament only Matthew 6:24, and Luke 16:9-13, the latter verse repeating Matthew 6:24. In Luke 16:9 and 11 Mammon is personified, hence the prevalent notion, emphasized by Milton, that Mammon was a deity. Nothing definite can be adduced from the Fathers in support of this; most of their expressions which seem to favour it may be easily explained by the personification in Luke; e.g. "Didascalia", "Do solo Mammona cogitant, quorum Deus est sacculus"; similarly St. Augustine, "Lucrum Punice Mammon dicitur" (Serm. on Mt., ii); St. Jerome in one place goes near to such an identification when (Dialogue Against the Luciferians 5 ) he quotes the words: "No man can serve two masters", and then adds, "What concord hath Christ with Belial?" But in his "Commentary on Matt," and in Epistle 22.31, he lends no countenance to it: "'Ye cannot serve Godand Mammon.' Riches, that is; for in the heathen tongue of the Syrians riches are called Mammon." But Mammon was commonly regarded as a deity in the Middle Ages; thus Peter Lombard (II, dist. 6) says, "Riches are called by the name of a devil, namely Mammon, for Mammon is the name of a devil, by which name riches are called according to the Syrian tongue." Piers Plowman also regards Mammon as a deity.The expression "Mammon of iniquity" has been diversely explained, it can hardly mean riches ill-gotten, for they should of course be restored. If we accept the derivation from 'mn we may render it "riches in which men trust", and it is remarkable that the Septuagint of Psalm 37:3, renders 'mwgh by plouto, or "riches", as though hinting at such a derivation. The expression is common in the Targums, wheremmwn is often followed by sqr corresponding to the adikias of Luke, thus see on Proverbs 15:27; but it is noteworthy that Sirach 5:8 "goods unjustly gotten" chremasin adikois, reads in Hebrew nks-sqrand not mtmwn. For the various explanations given by the Fathers see St. ThomasII-II.32.7 ad 3um.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

State Senator Bill Cunningham Voted Yes on Gay Marriage

My State Senator, William Cunningham, entered the Illinois Legislature as a replacement for Illinois State Representative Kevin Joyce who represented the voters of the our district with courage, integrity and profound commitment to fighting abortion, the American Holocaust.  Our Senator retired and William Cunningham moved into that position.

Kevin Joyce was a rarity, an elected official who actually listened to voters, but voted his convictions.  More so, Kevin Joyce was very upfront and honest about legislation that he would support, or oppose.  No one knows what position William Cunningham holds on anything. My State Senator voted with the herd.

Mr. Cunningham voted for the Religious Freedom and Gay Marriage Bill, which overwhelmingly passed the Senate -34-21-2 .
I am a Catholic.  I believe that this legislation is political theater of the absurd.  It is power politics playing at social justice.  I guess Mr. Cunningham disagrees with the Catholic Church and saw nothing wrong the civil union aftermath. William Cunningham voted for Gay Marriage.

State of Illinois
98th General Assembly
Senate Vote
Senate Bill No. 10
Feb 14, 2013
 . . . Y Cunningham Y Koehler Y Muñoz Y Trotter
Y Delgado Y Kotowski N Murphy P Van Pelt
N Dillard N LaHood Y Noland Y Mr. President
N Duffy Y Landek N Oberweis . . .

I wrote several notes to Mr. Cunningham expressing my concerns that Gay Marriage Illinois would become a political weapon against my Church, as the Religious Freedom and Civil Unions law proved to be just that -immediately upon Gov. Pat Quinn's signing that bill into law Catholic Charities was bullied out of decades of care for families wanting to adopt children.

Mr. Cunningham, to my knowledge, has never stated his position on Gay Marriage publicly or privately.  In fact, my notes to him were merely acknowledged by his secretary without comment, or an attached position of this important legislation.

Mr.Cunningham has made a career in public service, rather he has had political jobs. I will not vote for or support Mr. Cunningham, or any of his political allies.  He has a right to his vote and I still have a right to my own.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The Sad State of the State Stem-Winder:Pat Quinn's Bartlett's Moment- "Hard is not impossible,"

"Hard is not impossible,"  Next, Gov. Quinn gave the old defilbrillator a go and the dummy died.

Charles Alexandre de Calonne (1734-1802), appointed finance minister by Louis XVI in 1783: si cʾest possiblecʾest fait; impossible? cela se fera, if a thing is possible, consider it done; the impossible? that will be done (quoted in J. Michelet Histoire de la Révolution Française (1847) i. ii. 8).

And then there is the Governor of Illinois!  Old Squeazy Himself!  Pat Quinn, ladies and gentlemen, he'll be here for a while and boy is he ever winded after today's State of the State stem-winder!  

Here's some highlights:

“Do we want, in the years to come, a prosperous Illinois where working people continue to have good jobs, where businesses thrive, and where all our children have a world-class education?” Quinn told the House and Senate. “Or do we want to stop the progresss (sic) and watch our economic recovery stall?”

Well????  Waiting for answer, Here! Oh, Rhetorical Question.

Like this dandy, ". . . doing what's hard isn't always what's popular at the moment, but we must remember that hard is not impossible." 

How about these? -"$10 is the new 25 % . . . .I mean $ .25 " - Why should only big industry move to Wisconsin and Indiana?

                    "Squeazy is the new Caterpiller!"                   
                   " LaShawn Ford is the new Dawn Clark Netsch!"
                   " Pensions is the New. . . Catholic Doctrine."
                   "Gay is Black; Marriage is Selma"
                   " I am Dr. King and Dan'l Webster!"

Monday, January 14, 2013

Illinois Gay Titans of Industry - Fewer than the Manteno Chamber of Commerce

Hoping to nudge stalled legislation that would legalize gay marriage in Illinois, a group of business leaders on Sunday framed their argument around this simple notion: It’s a smart business decision.
Local industry titans cited the ability to recruit top talent as a top reason to pass the legislation. Sun Times
 Meet The Titans!

Chicago Urban League.
Illinois Science & Technology Coalition.
Knight Engineers & Architects.
Curt Bailey, president, Related Midwest.
Andrew Bluhm, founder and principal, Delaware Street Capital.
Norm Bobins, former CEO, LaSalle Bank; Chairman, PrivateBank and Trust Co.
Bill Brandt, president and CEO, Development Specialists, Inc.
Carole Brown, senior managing director, Barclays Capital.
Lewis B. Campbell, chairman and CEO, Navistar International.
Lance Chody, CEO, Garrett Popcorn Shops
Philip B. Clement, global chief marketing and communications officer, Aon.
William M. Daley.
Laura Desmond, CEO, Starcom Mediavest Group.
Fred Eychaner, chairman, Newsweb Corp.
Paul S. Fisher, president and CEO, CenterPoint Properties.
Albert M. Friedman, CEO and President, Friedman Properties, Ltd.
Peter Gottlieb, president, North Star Investment Management Corp.
David A. Helfand, CEO, Helix Funds.
Carrie Hightman, executive vice president and chief legal officer, NiSource Inc.
Fred Hoch, CEO, Illinois Technology Association.
Mark S. Hoplamazian, president and CEO, Hyatt Hotels Corp.
Kym Hubbard, CIO and treasurer, Ernst & Young.
Ron Huberman, executive chair, TransitPro Logistics Inc.
William Lawless, President, The Gage & Henri Restaurants
Joseph Mansueto, founder and CEO, Morningstar Inc.
Matt Moog, founder and chairman, Built In Chicago.
Maura O’Hara, executive director, Illinois Venture Capital Association.
Sarah Pang, senior vice president, corporate communications and public affairs, CNA Financial Corp.
Richard S. Price, chairman and CEO, Mesirow Financial.
Quintin E. Primo III, chairman and CEO, Capri Capital Partners LLC.
Gigi Pritzker Pucker, OddLot Entertainment.
Doug Regan, Midwest regional director, J.P. Morgan.
Judith C. Rice, senior vice president, BMO Harris Bank.
Desiree Rogers, CEO, Johnson Publishing Co.
John W. Rogers, Jr., chairman and CEO, Ariel Investments LLC.
John W. Rowe, chairman emeritus, Exelon Corp.
Michael Sacks, CEO, Grosvenor Capital Management.
Harrison I. Steans, chairman of the executive committee, Financial Investments Corp.
Jay Stieber, executive vice president and general counsel, Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises Inc.
Rich Stoddart, president, Leo Burnett North America.
Estelle Walgreen, founder, Hispanically Speaking News.
Tony Weisman, Regional President, Digitas.
Chicago's business community ?  Oh, there is more business than that.  However, the Gay Marriage narrative fit within which our local media operates is quite snug.  A score and change ( 25) Church persons came out in favor of Gay Marriage and thousands of Illinois clergy who might not agree were ignored.  Likewise, the two score (43) business Titans above are eclipsed by the membership of the Manteno, IL Chamber of Commerce by thirty. Meet the Manteno Magnates! From Aaron's Alarm Company, Inc. to Yanni's Cafe, these magnates have not yet to heard trumpeting a clarion call for Gay Marriage. Nor, have the Chambers of Commerce of  Mokena. Giant City, Utica, Ladd, Beaverville, Martinton, L'Rable, Monmouth, Custer Park . . .Who do issue clarion call?
These Titans.

Fred Eychaner and Heather Steans' Pa are Gay Titans pushing Reps. Greg Harris and Heather Steans' Religious Freedom and Marriage Equality (Gay Marriage IL HB 5655) with economic power - $$$$$$$$.

Fred Eychaner is a Husky Philanthropist and Captain of the the print and communications industry. Heather's Pa is Harrison Steans - he-bull of the Steans Family Foundation and Concentric Equity Partners, LP.

They are economic ( $$$$$ & etc.) engine driving Illinois HB 5655.  In fact some believed that Rep. Heather Steans did not count the Democratic lame ducks taking a duck on the recent vote; thus stalling the most important and crucial and can't wait some more legislation of our times!.

There are more 18,000 heavy industry operations in Illinois and 39 % of those operations ( metal fabricators & etc.) are located right here in north eastern Illinois - Cook, Will, Grundy, Lake Counties.  Gay Marriage is important to some people.  Gay Marriage seems to be more of problem for more people.

I agree with Fred Eychaner and Heather's Dad that this is important legislation.

I agree with Cardinal George that this is very dangerous legislation.

Once again, "Local industry titans cited the ability to recruit top talent as a top reason to pass the legislation. Sun Times"

Top Reason?

Top talent is gay?  Or, is it Gay Talent is tops?

Monday, December 31, 2012

Manya Brachear -An Intellectual Bag of Hammers on Gay Marriage

Religion in Chicago Media - Bags of Hammers: Manya Brachear and Cathleen Falsani (emerita)

Supporters of gay marriage call the renewed effort to highlight natural law a clever but disingenuous appeal to the masses. Manya Brachear, The Seeker, of The Chicago Tribune

Let's see, you got invited for tea for an update on the man's cancer therapies and then you wait ten days and called your host a liar?

She's The Seeker!

Here's the deal, on December 10th Cardinal George invited members of the Chicago media over to his house for tea.  Illinois Reps. Greg Harris and Heather Steans are bursiting bowels, theirs and the usual Springfield chattel, old and new, to rush through the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act exactly one year after somehow living through the the Religious Freedom and Civil Union law, which was signed by Governor Pat Quinn, who will sign anything Personal Pac President and Illinois boss wrangler Terry Cosgrove tells him to sign. When Terry Cosgrove opens his yap, Planned Parenthood and Fred Eychaner's dollars pour out; when he clams up so do the dollars.

Among the doyennes and dowagers  of pop culture, religion, economics and of course politics, balancing tea-cups above their cankles, was Chicago's own Seeker, Manya Brachear, the religion/well-spiritualist one-time columnist and extant religion scribbler for The Trib, who somehow managed to convince Chicago that Cathleen Falsani, formerly of the Sun Times, was not just surfing in Nebraska. Yep, Manya Brachear is an intellect to cause hushed awe and reverence among the appliance at Sears Hardware.

Cardinal George explained to this congress of viragoes, yet again, that the Catholic Church and those who attend it maintain that the sacrament of marriage was instituted by Christ to give grace -Will and Grace not withstanding:

"Marriage comes to us from nature," Chicago's Cardinal Francis George said in a recent interview. "That's based on the complementarity of the two sexes in such a way that the love of a man and a woman joined in a marital union is open to life, and that's how families are created and society goes along. … It's not in our doctrine. It's not a matter of faith. It's a matter of reason and understanding the way nature operates."

So, for next twenty days,  The "now moved-on" Seeker , Terry Cosgrove/Fred Eychaner rolo-dex and caught up with the voices necessary present a slam-dunk Gay Marriage New Years buffet of outrage:

"On sexual ethics, nature is neutral," said Bernard Schlager, executive director of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, Calif. "We're moral beings. We may look to nature for some aspects of how we are in our lives, but we answer to a higher standard. Sexual behavior is an expression of human love."
According to the tradition of natural law, every human being must seek a fundamental "good" that corresponds to the natural order to flourish. Natural-law proponents say heterosexual intercourse between a married man and a woman serves two intertwined good purposes: to procreate and to express a deep, abiding love. . . . And . . .Other people of faith disagree. Last Sunday, more than 250 Illinois clergy members, mostly Protestant and Jewish, endorsed the gay marriage bill as "morally just to grant equal opportunities and responsibilities to loving, committed same-sex couples. . . .
Alice Hunt, president of Chicago Theological Seminary, said the natural-law argument seems like a "strategic move."
"They quickly saw biblical marriage wasn't going to work," she said. "It doesn't work for me because you're still depending on one person or some group of people's interpretation of natural law. When you look at the history of marriage, there are many ways marriage has taken shape over time."

  • Nature is neutral?   Tell that, Bernie Schlager, to Old John Stuart Mill who noted that “It (Nature) impales men, breaks them as if on the wheel, casts them to be devoured by wild beasts, burns them to death, crushes them with stones… starves them with hunger, freezes them with cold, poisons them by the quick or slow venom of her exhalations, and has hundreds of other hideous deaths in reserve…. All this Nature does with the most supercilious disregard both of mercy and of justice.” 
  • Marriage has taken shape in many ways? Concubinage? polyandry?  polygamy? Good old beer-goggled fornication?

Ten days and that was all Manya could come up with.  Manya, Gay Marriage Illinois is a political power play controlled by our elected officials in Springfield, Santa leaves toys for kids, the Easter Bunny is always seen in the company of former Gov. Pat Quinn, the Red Sun of Krypton turns green on reaching the earth's atmosphere,Oliver Stone has a history show on cable and big old bag of hammers has nothing on you.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Babe Leaped In Her Womb - Older Children of Men Get It

People dispute the idea that they have a nature, given to them by their bodily identity, that serves as a defining element of the human being,” he said. “They deny their nature and decide that it is not something previously given to them, but that they make it for themselves.” Pope Benedict XVI

We had a very nice Mass this morning.  Babies and toddlers were sporting their Christmas togs and jabbering all through the service, which to my old hairy ears is what going to Mass is all about. They do not, as some of my more devout friends and neighbors hold, distract from the sanctity of the Mass, but adorn it.

I am a baby sap from a very long line of Hickey males, who delight in the innocent and encourage the cacophony.  My Grandfather, father and many uncles were like minded "children of men."  Little guys of three were tapped on the shoulders by an Uncle Bud, Mike, Pat, Jack Bart, Sy, or Donnie during Mass with nod to celebrant in all of his liturgical splendor and asked, ' Hey, Pad'jeen. . . How about that guy's dress up there?  What gives with that?  Thinks he's Milton Berle?'

There followed a flow of questions from the targeted cherub concerning the guy up on the altar getting all the attention -" Fa'r Garrady got a dress on, Mom!  Why he got dress, Mom?  Mom, He wear'nah dress!"  There followed good-womanly remonstrances to 'Hush, Clam up, Let it Alone, Pay Attention!'

It is good to go to Mass.  Kids fiddle with Golden books, grab toys from siblings, reach for whatever the hell they see and want but have yet to verbally identify, punch, shove, hug, nap and eat dry Cheerios like they were truffles.  These babies will soon conform into devout little ladies and gents of the pew -midget Moms and Dads and will also Hush, Knock It Off and quiet the human voice and heart at its best.

Suffer the older Squares and and Biddies, but  revel in the reason for God's Being -babies.  God's Will, as understood in Paradise Lost is the promise of Life and that is tied to love between a guy and girl that allows babies to join us in adoring Him.

After Mass, I read the papers.  No joy there.  One goof in the Tribune decided to mock Pope Benedict's Christmas message. That is because the Pope refuses to roll over on what constitutes a marriage - a man marries a woman and go half's on babies.  The goof in the Tribune is as doctrinaire as we Catholics, but his faith is grounded not on rock but on paper - Dewey's thoughts, Windy City Times, Boss Cosgrove's e-mails and Eychaner's currency.

Today's gospel which I had absolutely no trouble hearing above the jabber of many babies and toddlers, is very clear in its language - Mary is expecting a child.  A Babe is leaping in Mary's womb, just like all three of my babies, aged 17-26 in 2012, battered and bumped and treated my wife Mary's innards like an inflatable play zone for the better part of her 'confinement.'

Christmas would not be much with this Immaculate Conception.

Luke 1: 39 - 45

39In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a city of Judah,
40and she entered the house of Zechari'ah and greeted Elizabeth.
41And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit
42and she exclaimed with a loud cry, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!
43And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44For behold, when the voice of your greeting came to my ears, the babe in my womb leaped for joy.
45And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her from the Lord."

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Who Do It Prophet?

Niebohld  Stor Drittsekk of Evanston, Illinois has take the bull by the short and curlies and pre-empted any and further discussion of the End of Days.

In response to the Mayan Calender controverse du mois,  the past Chairperson of Progressive Choices PAC, regular open mic-night dulcimer perfomer and Norwegian folk singer and Present Guidance of The New Brown Cross Services  predicted  An End to Doomsdays, subject to change and sexual preferences, on 12, 21, 2012 at 12 seconds after midnight CST.

Mr. Stor-Drittsekk, a leader in Illinois Personal PAC since its conception, was member of the famous 1960's garage band group Michael and Messengers, while he attended Winona High School in Minnesota. Curiously,  his membership in that ground-breaking hits cover band has been purged from current webites and group histories.

When questioned about his Midnight Hour prophetic pronouncement the Present Guidance, asnwered, ' I get tired of this apocalyptic wiz-bang theory of the universe.  Somebody needed to stand up and end Doomsday and I'm just the boy to do it and see it through. Vote Progressive! Can have the rest of that apple if you are not going to finish it?"