My State Senator Billy Cunningham voted for Same Sex Marriage SB 10 and State Rep.Fran Hurley seems about to do so.
“SB 10 will force religious people and organizations into years of legal fights, likely against the Illinois government, to defend their rights to practice their faith.” Thomas More Society letter to Illinois House of Representatives May 29, 2013
If passed, SB 10 would allow same-sex couples to marry in Illinois. The bill passed the Senate and a key House committee, but has not yet been debated or voted on by the full House. While this bill extends legal marriage rights to Illinois’s same sex couples, religious institutions would not be required to recognize same-sex marriage or perform same-sex marriage ceremonies. State Rep Fran Hurley June 28th 2013
On this Gay Pride Parade Sunday, I was was struck by the gospel message at Mass.
When the days for Jesus to be taken up were fulfilled, he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem, and he sent messengers ahead of him. On the way they entered a Samaritan village to prepare for his reception there, but they would not welcome him because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem.
When the disciples James and John saw this they asked, "Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?" Jesus turned and rebuked them, and they journeyed to another village. As they were proceeding on their journey someone said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go."
Jesus answered him, "Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head."
And to another he said, "Follow me." But he replied, "(Lord,) let me go first and bury my father."
But he answered him, "Let the dead bury their dead. But you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God."
And another said, "I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say farewell to my family at home."
(To him) Jesus said, "No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God." Saint Luke 9:51-62.I'm one of those guys, "I will follow you Lord, but first let me check my Beverly Bank bank balance - Wells Fargo mortgage, Peoples Gas, ComED, County Fair, Gas, walking around money, Rahm's Water bill, vehicle plate sticker, Rahm's sticker, . . .sorry, pal, can't make the trip. Catch me after next year's tax return and we'll do some good."
I do some small good, I think. Pay day is every two weeks. Money matters, especially if you have kids living at home. My income for the last forty years has been as a Catholic school teacher and a pretty good one at that - never been fired and never did any gypsy job hopping. As a Catholic, I believe in the teachings of the Church, despite the flaws, scandals and the opinions of others. I am also a Democrat.
I remain a Catholic, because I believe in what it teaches despite the folly and crimes of the past. I remain a Democrat in the hope that the party will snap out of its folly and crimes past current and future. I voted Republican in 2008 and 2012, because I believe the candidate and President is summation of those follies and crimes. Same sex marriage, which is not about civil rights, much less personal fulfillment, is the worst example of folly with the crimes against faith and conscience only months away.
My State Representative, from the time I moved back to Chicago was Democrat Kevin Joyce, who resigned to take a position with Ave Maria University in Florida and feed his wife and eight children. Kevin represented our community, which is largely Catholic, without apology and without the support of Planned Parenthood and its allies. Kevin was never replaced - he was succeeded by State Sen. Billy Cunningham and now Fran Hurley. Both support the initiatives of Illinois Boss Terry Cosgrove. Cunningham voted for Senate Bill 10, which is the most hostile bill of any same-sex marriage bill in the country. Fran Hurley sent this response to my letter asking her to vote against this bill in the Illinois House:
Dear Pat,Thank you for reaching out to me about the same-sex marriage legislation proposed in the Illinois legislature.If passed, SB 10 would allow same-sex couples to marry in Illinois. The bill passed the Senate and a key House committee, but has not yet been debated or voted on by the full House. While this bill extends legal marriage rights to Illinois’s same sex couples, religious institutions would not be required to recognize same-sex marriage or perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.I continue to listen to constituents on this important and contentious issue. I will keep your thoughts in mind as we debate these issues in Springfield and will keep you updated as this issue progress.Again, thank you for contacting me about this very important issue. I appreciate your feedback and hope that you will contact me if you would like to discuss this or any other issue facing the state.Sincerely,Fran HurleyState Representative, 35th District
Candidate Fran Hurley took money and the endorsement of Illinois Personal PAC ( the abortion industry and same sex marriage) , I would assume because she believes in its mission, or that someone or some people directing her career told her to do so. Kevin Joyce would never have done so.
Rep. Fran Hurley clearly will vote for Senate Bill 10. Why, because she is using the language of the Party Meme - the one used by Steve Chapman and the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune. The Supreme Court decisions last week did not so much clear the way for conjugal happiness universal. as it did setting the tone for the redefinition of marriage and the national legal defining of bigots, haters, traitors, mopes and dummies - thought criminals. I am a Democrat and a Catholic and a citizen.
I will not be defined by Justice Kennedy, Windy City Times, Terry Cosgrove, or IL Senate Bill 10. I will have my liberties challenged.
True dissenting faiths will not be compelled to perform non-Euclidean Marriages, but Catholics, Calvinists and Contrarians will be compelled to swear that the circumferance of circle is a right angle alone.
SB 10 would make Illinois the most hostile state in the country to the religious freedoms of people of faith,” says Peter Breen, vice president and senior counsel of the Thomas More Society, a national public-interest law firm. “SB 10 would generate years of litigation and cause those who faithfully practice their religion to be mislabeled as ‘discriminators,’ stripped of government benefits, and subjected to fines and penalties simply because they abide by their sincerely held beliefs. Legal scholars have urged on a bipartisan basis that SB 10 in its current form be rejected. Illinois legislators should heed this bipartisan call.”
The letter cites numerous examples of businesses and organizations that are being sued around the country for actions taken in compliance with their religious beliefs. The letter concludes by stating, “Instead of being a ‘Religious Freedom’ bill, SB 10 will devastate the liberties of individuals, businesses, religious organizations and religious charities all across our state of Illinois.”
The Party meme holds that I will not be forced into a same sex marriage, nor will my parish be forced to sanctify a same sex marriage and therefore I and my co-religionists have nothing to fear.
St. Cajetan Parish does, if it does not 'permit' a gay marriage party in its hall - woe betide St. Cajetan.
Little Company of Mary sure does if it does not provide full same-sex insurance benefits to employees
Leo High School, Brother Rice, Mount Carmel, St. Rita and Mother McAuley will face penalties if state mandated approval of same sex marriages in curriculum and instruction.
If any citizen or institution refuses to accept same marriage that person will be judged a 'discriminator.'
If the Illinois House votes to pass Senate Bill 10, there will be a great deal of discrimination against religion and religious people.
Jesus took a tough path to Jerusalem and warned us - that's gospel.