Showing posts with label Chicago Tribune Editorial Board. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicago Tribune Editorial Board. Show all posts

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Chris Kennedy Looking Good For My Vote - Press Going Full Press Michigan Avenue Fats

Chris Kennedy is an exceptionally nice man.  Like many liberals of the old cloth (Don Rose, the late great Phil Krone & etc.) Chris Kennedy belies the conservative mind-set of intolerant automatons in lock -step with Marxism, Planned Parenthood and Globalism.   Rather Mr. Kennedy is an active do-gooder who walks the talk.

In my two decades and change of work for Leo High School, I have encountered Chris Kennedy and his kids quietly delivering goods and services to people in and around 79th Street, right in Pflegerland between Ashland and Halsted.  Unlike the blonde Jesus who rules St. Sabina like a political ward healer, who never clears his throat, nor breaks wind without CBS,ABC,NBC, WGN, Tribune, Chicago Sun Times and Windy City Times acolytes holding back dozen or so nodding activists around Pastor Pfleger, the son of RFK does good without fanfare, applause and hack reporters.

That said, Chris Kennedy tows the Durbin Dogma too much for my liking.

I understand that.  Chris Kennedy, an Irish Catholic, is not like me, or most of the people (white black, Mexican, ethnic) I encounter.  He comes from the Lace-Curtain traditions that eschew rock-ribbed core values as obnoxiously quaint.  He is a PBS Catholic, stamped and approved by Bill Moyers.  His politics is not unlike many of the people in the more comfortable Zip Codes - Chris Kennedy is much more of 60643 than he is a 60620, or 60655.

My temperament has been formed by my faith, family and friends.  Please note, that I might be the only member of my vast to have not cast a vote for Barack Obama and hurled one into the mix for Donald Trump.  I vote Catholic, organized labor and working class values.  Lately, I have voted for Republicans but I largely loathe the GOP as party of the Quisling tasseled loafer crowd ( Bruuce Rauner, Mark Kirk, Judy Barr Topinka, Chuck Percy, John McCain and John Boehner)  and for  Socialists (Bernie and Chewy Garcia).

Can you  say"Property Taxes?"  Chris Kennedy called our Cook County/Madiganistan system "extortion."The Democrats only have them to bleed and nothing else and Chris Kennedy has criticized County and State abuses. The is sucking dry!

The only GOP voice in Illinois that registers with me is Rep. Jeannie Ives.

Jeannie Ives has more balls than a bowling alley, if may hazard an indelicate metaphor in her praise.

Because the media is feasting on Chris Kennedy's liver, because he has offended the Cook County Democratic Titans and shall be cast eternally into the chthonic depths of Tartarus, or Peotone, maybe, that I am moved to shout for all and sundry within my limited sphere to vote for him against JB Pritzker, The Michigan Avenue Fats of the Pritzker pedigree,

Today the Chicago Tribune lifted a story from Ohio that was all the news back in July, in order to gin up some Chris Kennedy hate.  Maybe SEIU can get the huge Rat put up in front of the Merchandise Mart.

It may take the Sun Times a day or two to catch up, because Sneed is working to help Kimm Fox.

If the media is piling on Chris Kennedy, I am all for him

I'd vote for Chris Kennedy.

I probably will take a GOP ballot to make sure that Jeannie Ives takes down Bruce Rauner.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Catholic Schools, Charlottesville and The Idiot in the Classroom

Image result for Chicago Brother Rice High School classroom
One encounters very few 'idiots' in Catholic high schools.  They are led away from folly or disciplined to control their impulses.

Go to any Catholic high school next week.  Really.  Pop in on one. Go to the Office and make your presence known and listen.   You will be astounded by the . . . quiet.

Catholic schools succeed because they are free, for the most part, of idiotic policies that do nothing to help young people learn to master literature, history, math, science,music, art and theology.   The best Catholic schools have empty halls during class periods and the 36 or so actively engaged males and/or females are being engaged by someone with a command of the discipline being taught.

More than often, in single gender and many co-ed Catholic schools, those teachers also coach most of the sports and moderate the extra-curricular clubs and activities.  That is even more conducive to classroom management, because the young people engage the instructor 'beyond the classroom walls' and learn that the guy in the tie, was also struggling to get both legs over the high hurdles, while maintaining a B+ average, working part-time and coping with adolescence.   Shared goals and sweat make easy alliances and seed respect.

Catholic schools are diverse, but not daffy about it.  I have yet to witness a Selma moment at Bishop McNamara, Bishop Noll, or Brother Rice High School.  In 21 years at Leo High School, situated in Auburn Gresham and south edge of Englewood, I watched a dozen white boys from suburbs and Canaryville USA bond with hundreds of black gents from Englewood, Brainerd, Gresham, Chatham, and Grand Crossing.  The Canaryville guys took the Halsted bus from 79th to the Ville without incident, when the school vans were unavailable for transport home.  Two dozen Mexican Americans fared even better.  One white boy graduated from Leo and of the dozen or so Mexican lads, one graduated as a Gates Scholar.

There were dust ups.  The "N" word was used, back and forth in the more heated debates over Hip-Hop artists, Hillbilly music and places in the offensive line.   Some times words came to blows and both colors sat in detention,  " That Irish N@##eer ( redhead from St. Gabe's) said Vic Mensa's from O Street!!!!!   N@##ah' stays near 62nd & Stony Island. "

Such distinctions are very important to sophomore age male egos.

At Brother Rice there was even less attention made to skin and more to ego and placement in the upcoming football line-up.  One Blue-chip African American junior stands 5'6" and already has D-One colleges asking for the diminutive but elusive Seniors season highlight disc and his arch-enemy  a 6'4" offensive lineman and Blue-chip wrestler will challenge one another in every class they over ability, toughness, endurance and appeal to the fair sex.

That is the reality of American racism that I see most days.

Here is what the delicate creatures of the Chicago Tribune editorial board announce, having wached cable news for three days of coverage on the idiots and blood shed in Charlottesville, Virgini, "America does have a problem with racism, with anti-Semitism and many other forms of bigotry and intolerance. That's no secret. The question Americans must confront every day is how will they respond." Bruce Dold et al. 

The Tribune's application of the modal auxiliary assures all and sundry - America has a problem with race . . .and with Anti-Semtism ( when conflated by Zionism, Gaza, Palestinians, neo-Stalinist rhetorical flourishes, or matters of policy).

No. Charlottesville this week was a gathering of idiots left and right with an emphasis on right.

Charlottesville and Chicago Tribune editorials concerning race relations should be treated the same way a good Catholic high school teacher/coach treats someone's cherished and darling nitwit, attention demanding idiot and sophomoric time assassin - chided and isolated with warm sarcasm, until he gets with the program, " Mr. Hickey, our discussion concerns analyzing Steinbeck's monster metaphor from chapter five of The Grapes of Wrath, join us or spend some quality with Kenny moving tables for the Circle of Champions over the next two Saturdays."

The Class was not inattentive.  Hickey was an idiot . . .again. Let us not dwell on idiots, let us learn that Banks to Steinbeck were like the living dead - zombies with an insatiable appetite for human beings.

Racism : "[t]he theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race"  was only used by a human being for the first time in 1930's by Communist, abortion and gay activist Magnus Hirschfeld.

That is the root of the term.  What it truly means is something else and I do not believe that I have witnessed overt acts racism anywhere, but by a few idiots on television.  I used to see Nazi dress-up losers on Kedzie at 63rd Street but they seem to have disappeared.

Lives matter.  Tiki torches not so much.

Go to any Catholic high school and watch lives being lived and one or two malleable idiots getting straightened out.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Chicago Tribune Data Under-Mines CPD

Image result for chicago cops under fire

You can't keep masses of folks in poverty, unemployment, incarceration and in communities looking like Third World Countries. The shooting, murder and disrespect of law enforcement is really not a surprise, they(the police) are the enforcer of America's injustice....but Dr. King also warned us that our fight must not be in the lowest form, using violence....WE must use our MORAL FORCE and dismantle an UNJUST AMERICA ......I understand the anger...but, VIOLENCE: whether by Police or CIVILIANS is NEVER AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION - Pastor Pfleger

I don’t understand how every good cop would not want a very harsh, strong police board,” Pfleger said.

Pastor Pfleger was a member of Daley's first Independent Police Review Authority and he was a on Daley's search committee that hired Jody Weiss in 2007.  The following year, Pastor Pfleger sort of disappeared when a video of his sermon at Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ went . . . viral.

Chicago's Social Justice elite managed to soldier on without Pastor Pfelger for the next eighteen months or so as the fiery and controversial media star clashed with Cardinal George.  Police continued to be undermined, smeared and second guessed in the media that was all agush for Professor Dave Protess and the Wrongful Conviction kids, but that sort of went sour as well.

More and more, calls came for private police services and a national security force as President Obama's Hope and Change Justice Departmemt helped erode confidence in policing nationwides.

I wrote this in 2009 and it has come to pass.
When all of the Horse-manure created and manufactured by bad people and promoted in Chicago's Media Community is weighed and added up -
1. Systemic Racism Get Out of Jail Free Card
2. Police Brutality 24/7
3. Community Control of Everything - thus no Consequences for Anything Crime or Vice
4. Constant Vilification of Police Officers
5. Bleeding Revenue to Lawsuit Lefty Lawyer League ( G. Flint Taylor, Jon Loevy)
6. Advocacy Politics
7. Laughingstock CPD Command

Total Comes to a Privatized Corporate Police Force. 
Since Fahey and O'Brien were murdered by the Wilson Brothers, Leftist Academics, Lawyers, Journalists and Americans who swallow anything, have orchestrated a complete undermining of any and all confidence in Law Enforcement. When Daley pulled Tisa Morris, an African American attorney, off of the responsibility of tracking CR beefs and handed the list of police officers targeted by the Lawsuit Lawyers and created a rubber stamp Board that is comprised of Police Haters, he tipped his hand. 

In 2007, Daley caved to the leftists and tossed out a tough, fair, honest and unbribe-able prosecutor that he had placed in charge of the Office of Professional Standards.  This greased the way for Pastor Pfelger's brief tenure on the newly created IPRA 

Chicago was and is on the way to the elimination of the Chicago Police Department.  It seems to me that Hillary Clinton will complete President Obama's objective of creating a National Police Force, leaving municipalities to hire "rent-a-cop" Private Security Firms, not unlike the Divvy bikes eliminating city parking and Uber taxis, destroying the cab companies.

Today the Chicago Tribune's attempt to coat-tail the success of leftist Jamie Kalvan's Invisible Institute that is on its way to becoming for police and justice, what Shakman has been for politics and government.  Good for a select few and disastrous for everyone else.

FOIA has been a goldmine for the Left and an IRS audit for everyone else.  With Freedom( for the few) of Information the media is able to data for social scientists and come with an excuse to do whatever the agenda demands.

Last month the Chicago Tribune investigative data miners plumped up a series intended to smear pork farmers and help boost pork prices. Today, the Tribune did the very same to ensure the swift demise of urban policing in Chicago.

The tone and the rhetoric of 92 deaths, 2623 bullets:Tracking Every Police Shooting, by Jennifer Smith Richards , Angela Caputo and Jason Meisner, is as set as the conclusions drawn long before the data was mined.

Every five days, on average, a Chicago police officer fired a gun at someone.
In 435 shootings over a recent six-year span, officers killed 92 people and wounded 170 others.
While a few of those incidents captured widespread attention, they occurred with such brutal regularity — and with scant information provided by police — that most have escaped public scrutiny. . . .
The Tribune's analysis showed that Chicago police are the only witnesses listed in most of the shootings, with civilian witnesses identified in just 83 of the incidents.
Alexa Van Brunt, an attorney with Northwestern University's Roderick MacArthur Justice Center, said it's often challenging to prove misconduct or a cover-up when it comes to an officer's word against that of a civilian.
"We don't have video evidence often," Van Brunt said. "And if you have police officers lying on reports, that becomes the official record."
The Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun Times have helped create the daily blood bath that is Chicago - they have been a huge help.   In taking the side of the crusading Cadillac Commie and Buzz-cut Bolshevics of People Law Office and the Northwestern University's Bernardine Dorhn tutored journalism and legal think tanks and Centers For ( MacArthur/Blum/Wrongful) over law enforcement professionals, experienced non-partisan judges like Boyle and Egan and promoting the loud and consistent voices of  Advocacy Politics flim-flamers like Pfleger both papers succeeded in bring the City of Chicago to its daily blood bath.

The Better Government Association covers up the crimes of the powers that be and holds worker bees of the Justice System up for public lynchings. Commander Glenn Evans is one and now there are ten officers denied due process in the Laquan McDonald shooting - none of the ten pulled a trigger. The BGA has the gall to ask for people to think outside the box and throw more money at Ceasefire - the gang-bangers alumni association.

Today, the Chicago Tribune presents another data stew stirred by a pre-cast iron conclusion.

The end game is no more CPD.

Monday, August 08, 2016

Chicago Tribune's Series Porky Agonistes Snouts Out The Facts That Do not Fit Its Narrative

Porky made Captive, Gelded, and now in the Prison at Gaza Farms outside of Kankakee, there to labour as in a common work-house, on a Festival day, in the general cessation from labour, comes forth into the open Air, to a place nigh, somewhat retir'd there to sit a while and bemoan his condition Bbbgweeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppp! (snuffle-snort) Bbbgweeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppp!.   Porky Agonistes
Apologies to old Jack Milton.

Retired Cook County Sheriff Michael Sheahan, the only Cook County Sheriff to retire without a vault full of cash, had been a target of the Chicago Tribune "investigative reporters" and their editorial overlord for the better part of two years.

Fueled by a narrative provided by the MacArthur Center for Justice (formerly of at U of C) and its buzz-cut-Bolshevik attorney Locke Bowman and the now faded from view Jean Maclean Snyder.

Only a very few years ago, the Medill Empire went to war on Sheriff Mike Sheahan. When the MacArthur Center for Justice teamed with the Medill Empire ( Tribune journalists/Chicago Magazine Medill School of Journalism/Bernardine Dohrn & etc.) to prove that Sheriff Michael Sheahan brutalized prisoners at Cook County Jail,  it took a jury less than twenty minutes to toss all charges. Sheriff Sheahan quipped “Tribune Investigative Journalism is BS.” Quite right, Mr. Sheahan.

The Chicago Tribune depends on manufactured thought and leans on University "Centers" for Social Engineering at all levels.   They provide the narrative, the talking points and most of all the conclusions.

Michael Sheahan was plagued a bit by the Combination ( John Kass Owns Combine) of Ink and Agit-Prop and pettifogging Marxist lawyers, but at a time when common sense still had some currency.  The MacArthur Center, like Progressives Universal, went judge shopping to bring down the Sheriff, but Sheahan, unlike most Democrats did not cave-in to political onanists.

The Chicago Tribune would like everyone breathing and in the future to know nothing about this episode. As Mike Sheahan so aptly and succinctly put it, “Tribune Investigative Journalism is BS.

BS is what too many people gobble down but ladle-full.  It is what creates elected officials like Toni Preckwinkle, Mike Quigley, Pat Quinn and Rahm Emanuel.  It is what fuels Tribune Investigative Journalism.

The Illinois Pork Producers, people at the meat counter and people who eschew BS for a healthy diet in all things have been victimized by the Chicago Tribune once again.

Pork is cheap, people buy pork, pork is meat and the UN wants a global Vegan diet by 2050, so the Chicago Tribune decides to one up the Guardian in matters porcine and grab a Pulitzer with a series on the High Cost of Cheap Pork, pork waste is a pollutant, pigs get hurt -mortally so, and family farms are successful:  Gaea weeps, pigs squeal and people are happy and one can not have that.

For a week the articles of Mr. Jackson and Mr. Marx accompanied by photos of pigs in harm's way have treated the sensitivities of NPR/WTTW devotees to Porky Agonistes!

However, the Illinois Pork Producers (IPPA) have responded.

Several months ago, the Illinois Pork Producers Association stood at just such a crossroads when investigative reporters with the Chicago Tribune, David Jackson and Gary Marx, began contacting producers about an upcoming series of articles focusing on the Illinois pork industry. At that time, the association, along with support from National Pork Board and the National Pork Producers Council, made the conscious decision to work with the reporters in order to provide a balanced and educated voice to their story.

Since that time, many of our producers and industry stakeholders have graciously opened their farms to these reporters, spent hours on the phone answering detailed questions and put their reputations and livelihoods on the line for the greater good of the pork industry.

Our efforts were to provide the writers from the Chicago Tribune accurate information about what is happening in Illinois’ pork industry and the dedication and passion our producers demonstrate every day on their farms. We are disappointed that our voice was not heard and that the promised balance was not conveyed to their readers.

I want to personally take a moment to thank those individuals who took the time from their busy schedules to share their life experiences and knowledge about our industry in a positive thought-provoking manner.
IPPA President Bob Frase is in the unhappy position shared by millions of people, who live outside of the editorial though bubble of rarefied academic, legal and journalistic soma - Huxley's master dope that is "Euphoric, narcotic, pleasantly hallucinant!"

NPR/WTTW nodders dig soma, as do the residents of certain Chicago areas like Hyde Park, Evanstson and Oak Park.

Bob Frase writes in the knowledge that his message will be buried by Tribune Editors and that Carol Marin, or the sunshiny chirppers of All Things Considered will ignore every phrase, clause and punctuation mark.

Mr. Bob Frase and Illinois Pork Producer Executive Director Jennifer Tirey have a frustrating job in getting some voice in the big media to to say, " Hold on a minute!  I know Illinois Farmers and they are not about pollute the very waters they drink, much less put out a bad product.  They are not "factory Farms," they are family farms.

Porky Agonistes gets plenty of shout.  It may even get a Pulitzer.  They come cheap these days.

Click the link bellow and read the facts.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Chicago Tribune's War on Cheap Pork: Piggy Move-up Journalism

Herscher, Il family farmer Brian Downs

“One could not stand and watch very long without being philosophical, without beginning to deal in symbols and similes, and to hear the hog-squeal of the universe.... Each of them had an individuality of his own, a will of his own, a hope and a heart's desire; each was full of self-confidence, of self-importance, and a sense of dignity. And trusting and strong in faith he had gone about his business, the while a black shadow hung over him, and a horrid Fate in his pathway. Now suddenly it had swooped upon him, and had seized him by the leg. Relentless, remorseless, all his protests, his screams were nothing to it. It did its cruel will with him, as if his wishes, his feelings, had simply no existence at all; it cut his throat and watched him gasp out his life.”
― Upton Sinclair, The Jungle  

Pigs have their own language; perceptions; primal fears, urges and reactions; social structures and motivators (food, mostly). I think learning to speak their language is more valuable and better from a humane-treatment standpoint than trying to force them into ours and that’s what farmers do. Righteous Bacon.
The late Marietta Frogge would bring the piglets into the Frogge Farmhouse, when Martinon, Illinois went arctic in the late 1970's.  I delighted in watching her husband Calvin whistle the critters into the kitchen and seeing a dozen squealers slide on the linoleum floors and crash into the cabinets to be first up on Calvin's lap.

I am no stranger to hogs.  As a kid, I remember north-easterly breezes meant summertime aroma therapy from the stockyards just to the north of me. Blood, bone, hide, horn and innards from cows, pigs and sheep created an atmosphere of bad smells like no other - well,maybe Gary, IN. On certain humid days in Chicago when it gets hotter than Honduras and buzzes with more big, black flies than Bombay ( Mumbai for NPR doctrinaires), one can still detect that scent thirty years after the Yards closed in Canaryville.

As a young teacher, I taught in French Illinois,  South Will, Kankakee and northern Iroquois Counties. It was there that I met my wife to be and her farmer family on her mother's side.  They are ten generation French American who lived in St. George, Illinois and later moved to Herscher, where they developed four massive farms growing soy and corn and raising hogs.

Hog farming is one tough business - on pigs and on the folks raising them.  One can not be a farm child and not learn that life is cruel, dirty, smelly and bloody and that is decades before they learn about politicians.

Lisa Madigan and Dick Durbin are part of the Chicago Tribune series.  The Attorney General filed suit against one farm three years after an 'environmental disaster' took place and Dick Durbin sails in the direction of media crafted winds.

Life is tough enough without public grifters and their propaganda apparatchiks making misery universal.

Farmers, large and small, are stewards of the land first above all and business people second.  Farms pass from one generation to another and respect for the life is the key to any exchange so sacred.

I spent quite a bit of time on farms and with farmers. I observed, tried my hand at, understood the work and respect it mightily.

Animals are treated like what they were born to be - food. They are handled hygienically and with great care.  Here is what a farm kid raising pigs learns at a very early age.

  • Piglets used to get their needle teeth clipped at birth. Cruel ? How many of us drag around a yard of umbilical chord and dried placenta?  Piglets are born with teeth as sharp as needles and to protect the nursing Mom (Sow) and the piglets themselves the razor sharp buckers get their teeth cut with a tool that looks like a pliers. However , most farmers have ended the practice The verbal "cutting one's teeth" comes from this practice.
  • Piglets get their tails snipped as well.  Newly weaned piglets often get their tails "docked" in order to prevent other pigs from sucking on the tails and chance the biting and infections.
  • Hogs ( male piggies)  get castrated in order to prevent Boar Taint - a strong male odor and taste that makes the appeal of dining less favorable.  More so, hogs are nasty brutish and violent.  Vive le difference! Thank Heavens for Little Sows.  Hogs with all the male juices a bubbling are one aggressive quartet of trotters.
  • Pigs are kept indoors to protect the environment, reduce waste and excessive feeding
  • Sows are kept in two kinds of crates: gestation crates when the sow is 'large with child' for the purposes of monitoring the pig's food and health and the farrowing crates once the sow has given birth - PETA activists like to highlight the crates and give the impression that purpose is to inflict pain and suffering on the animals, which is far from the case and further from the truth.
Farms that are successful become larger.  The Duvals, or Messiers, or Fortins, or Marchands pass their lands, expand their lands and develop new means of growth.  These are French names common to Kankakee and Iroquois Counties and along with their Dutch farming neighbors along the Illinois Indiana border they have succeeded wildly.

The Chicago Tribune series is intended to villainize such names and family success in general. 

The articles give the indication that the pork producers are faceless corporations, via the 'compelling narrative' appellation - Factory Farms.

The reader is astounded to learn that the little pigs are abused and slaughtered by farm hands out of a Steinbeck novel to fatten the bank accounts of soulless plutocrats living in global tax-havens and pleasure-palaces.

You can hate Factory Farms, corporations and deny that they a people. They are corporate persons and subject to the law, however.

The law is the handmaiden of political opportunists, as well as Justice.

The authors combed through State archives from the Attorney General, the Illinois EPA, Sierra Club and Peta. 

Farmers are not going to poison their children, their livestock and their land. Jackson and Marx would have the reader believe that faceless tycoons own Factory Farms and they are raising awareness of ordinary people to the cost of low-priced pork.

Their targets are family farmers.

I have never witnessed idiotic cruelty, like too many urban youths scalding, burning and torturing cats and dogs, by farmers.  I have never heard cruelty to animals approved, much less orchestrated.

Farming is a business and a lifestyle.

The culture of farming is respectful of all living things - plants and animals.

The Chicago Tribune series on Pork Production seemed to me a cutesy, one-sided, pimp-slap by investigators who have concluded their thesis long before the ink hit the paper, reminiscent of Michael Moore's modus operandi of making the facts fit not matter where they might pop-up.   The thesis is simple; cheap pork comes about because of massive agri-corporations and disregard for the torments afflicted upon pools of pigs and rivers of blood and guts and chemicals pumped into our water tables and this is horrible. Or, $ 3.15 per pound for clean, dressed and safe to eat pork loin is only possible because pork producers are 1% er nasty creeps. Cue Andy Thayer's bullhorn! Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho! Low/Low Prices Have Gotta Go!

State EPA and Sierra Club findings with charts and graphs and interviews with alleged pollutants and animal abusers hand-cuffed by the bludgeon of the law appear to be "gottcha-ed" into declining comment or offering vague assent to inquiries like, " The Attorney General has filed suit against you."  

Where is the question, your Honor?

Let me try and answer. If the accused are treated as Factory Farms and Corporations, the reader could care less.  The fact of the matter is that the farms being villainized are where the farmers actually live.

To the charges of polluting the water-ways, Mr. Jackson, you are saying they pollute their own drinking, bathing and cooking water?

The accused are hand-cuffed by law as their cases are "pending." Talk about limiting free speech.  Police officers accused of every barbarity in the media are likewise abused by this breed of journalist.

Things sure seemed that way to me from reading the articles over the last three days, so I decided to call Jennifer Tirey, Executive Director of Illinois Pork Producers in Springfield and get her take on the articles and opinion hits from reporters David Jackson, Gary Marx and editor-in-chief Bruce Dold.

Ms. Tirey told me that she had been contacted by Jackson and Marx and that she had offered a great deal of information to them in answer to their questions and very little of that information found its way into print.

Ms. Tirey and I spoke together over the phone on Thursday and Friday of this week.  She was as baffled by the series as I had been and noted that much of the farm tours conducted for the two reporters were ignored, as well as data concerning farm safety, livestock care and meeting State and Federal standards for water, soil and air safety.

My theory is journalism piggy move-up.

Piggy move-up was a form of softball played in Chicago, when space or players were limited. After tossing the bat and two fingering to the "bottle cap," a batter was chosen.  He needed to make a hit. The pitcher, the catcher (if needed) the basemen and fielders took up the bat in an agreed upon order.

Modern Journalism ( from Dewey on) begins with an assumption and ends when that assumption is satisfied with phrases, narratives, graphs, polls, and charts.  That assumption moves along the great chain of being from Thinks Tank, to Political Action Committee, to newspapers, television and radio,  to politicians and to legislation, until whatever is believed with same level of reverence as if it came from a Burning Bush- Public schools only need more money; homicides are down in Chicago; gender is neutral; Lisa Madigan really, really cares.

Theorists and social engineers come up with an idea to handcuff the planet.  Global Veganism is the agenda soon to replace Climate Change, formerly called Global Warming.  The United Nations came out with a decree in June calling for Universal Veganism, The Guardian ( Glenn Greenwald) wrote a compelling series on Vegan or Death, Chicago Tribune Declares war on low pork prices and Dick Durbin rushes to judgment. Journalism piggy move-up.  It is not baseball.

Neither is the series on pork production in Illinois.  It will only harm one more of Illinois' key industries and in the process vilify people who do not have it coming to them.

*Ms. Appell is currently a member of the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations, a position she has held since 2010, and the USDA Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee for Trade of Animals and Animal Products. She is also a past President of the National Pork Producers Council and the Illinois Pork Producers Association. In addition, she previously served as Illinois State Director for Rural Development for the USDA. Ms. Appell farms in Knox County.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

The Food Chain of Stupid - The United Nations to The Guardian to Bruce Dold to Chicago Tribune To Senator Dick Durbin

Eat What?

The United Nations the big building on the east side of Manhattan that houses scoff-laws, terrorists, slave-traders and OXFAM ninnies and has done one good thing in its existence - voted to send troops to save South Korea in 1950 - wants the globe to go Vegan.

The same global fascists who set up and remodelled the Global Warming Inquisition have succeeded in getting the Chicago Tribune's editor-in-chief to unleash hell on the Illinois pork producers.

Pork is (for the moment) the best value in the meat case. Seafood has been EPA'd off the menu. Beef is going through the rough due to feed and chicken is always under attack by Junior Upton Sinclairs.

As the scion of Vegans, I'd like to ask this, " How the Hell do you think all of the Irish got here?"

My forebears ate nothing but spud, cabbage and seaweed.  The pig went to market, as did the milk and butter from Bossie.

The Vegan life was pretty horrible; hence Paddy and Bridie buggered off to Yank Land.  If the planet goes VEGAN and famines -up, as the old planet is wont to do, where does the population get to bugger off to?  The Moon? Matt Damon would have his hands full on Mars, so real estate there would be a bitch and a half - probably as high as Streeterville.

 Meat kicked the Kaisar!  Chicago's stockyards padded the muscle on the Doughboys who took on the Hunnish kraut-eaters.

Meat is what killed Hitler, a noted non-smoking Vegan.  Meat made Sherm Lollar, Dick Butkus and Artis Gilmore.

Meat kept kids awake in CPS.

Pork is good meat.  My grandparents boiled the hell out of it in fear of 'them germs.' Today, Pig is Big and America's White Meat!  It is cheap and plentiful. Bone-in pork loin goes for $2.47 per pound and boneless pork loin at $ 3.85 per pound*.  Not bad.

To idiots, that is a real problem.  When people have cheap main course food items, idiots snatch the opportunity to change the subject.

The United Nations issued a proclamation calling upon assholes all over the globe to unite in the War on Meat.
A global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change, a UN report said today.
As the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable, says the report from United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) international panel of sustainable resource management.
It says: “Impacts from agriculture are expected to increase substantially due to population growth increasing consumption of animal products. Unlike fossil fuels, it is difficult to look for alternatives: people have to eat. A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products.”
Professor Edgar Hertwich, the lead author of the report, said: “Animal products cause more damage than [producing] construction minerals such as sand or cement, plastics or metals. Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as [burning] fossil fuels.”
The recommendation follows advice last year that a vegetarian diet was better for the planet from Lord Nicholas Stern, former adviser to the Labour government on the economics of climate change. Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has also urged people to observe one meat-free day a week to curb carbon emissions.

Science!!!!!!!  Data proves. Lord Nicholas Stern demands!!!!

Bruce Dold abides.

Here is another gem of a loopy statement from The Guardian's account of the U.N. decree

Ernst von Weizsaecker, an environmental scientist who co-chaired the panel, said: “Rising affluence is triggering a shift in diets towards meat and dairy products - livestock now consumes much of the world’s crops and by inference a great deal of freshwater, fertilisers and pesticides.”

You all know that 'affluence ' is verboten and with money comes meat on thetable!!!!!!  Animals drink water! Animals eat crops!   Damn them to hell. Fertilizers! Pesticides , Oh, Judy Garland!

Almost to the U.N. squeal, the Tribune articulates its own mini-war on porcine meat. The Four Point Program by Bruce Dold's hirelings is thus:

1. The Price of Pork- Cheap meat comes at a high cost in rural Illinois
2. Pig Abuse - Pigs are raised to be slaughtered - there are no Kobe Hogs.
3. Polution - Pigs guts and poop spill into water and hogs fart up a storm
4. The Job - Farmer tells the Trib what it's like to live on a hog farm.  It ain't Chanel # 5 - No, Really.

The United Nations got the Guardian, the template for the BBC/OXFAM/Progressive World Map, to series up.  The Guardian, formerly the venerable Manchester Guardian, is the paper where  conspiracy theorist Glen Greenwald managed to snag a paycheck, and inspired budding John Reeds in Chicago to scream about Homan Square ( a place where thousands are said to be housed  and cahined in shakles awaiting police torture) and has become a Chicago group-thought touchstone for Rad Journalism.  Well, Bruce Dold is no stranger to the thoughts of others and you can bet your Aunt Delia's Hillary Pin that the U.N. decree and the Guardian advocacy sparked the Perry White commands in the Tower with all the looted stones.

Follow the food chain, Kids!

From the United Nations June 2016 Decree to go Global Vegan, to the Guardian, to Bruce Dold's tiny brainpan. to the pages of The Chicago Tribune and into the hands of the master pandering nitwit of the United States Senator Dick Durbin!

Illinois must do more to protect livestock animals from abuse and mistreatment inside the large confinement facilities where they are raised for slaughter, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin told the Tribune on Wednesday.
The Democrat from Illinois, reacting to an ongoing Tribune investigation that found Illinois officials do little to investigate worker allegations of animal cruelty inside Illinois' 900-plus hog facilities, urged more vigorous oversight by state officials and the industry.
"The mistreatment of these animals by the operators identified in the Tribune series hurts smaller farms, their employees, and the surrounding communities," Durbin said. "There's no excuse for the cruelty being reported by the Tribune. Any reports of animal cruelty should be thoroughly investigated and those operators held accountable."
The Tribune used workers' compensation claims, court records and state animal abuse reports — as well as more than a dozen on-the-record worker interviews — to document reports of abusive treatment in some leading Illinois pig confinements.

Durbin was pro-pig and is now Pro-Choice! Choose your vegetables. Durbin was Pro Life, when it was convenient and is now a pawn of Planned Parenthood.

Durbin is a national joke and he is just the right voice to thunder the will of United Nations, Bruce Dold and get pork prices to go the way of halibut, lamb chops and blood diamonds.

When something benefits people, expect the usual gang of morons to speak in step.

* at Mariano's in Evergreen Park,IL

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Chicago Tribune's Complete Blackout of Aurora Planned Parenthood Protest is Another Disgrace by Print News

Last Saturday, August 22, 2015, while I was enjoying myself at the Leo High School Black and Orange Football Kickoff, thousands ( yes, that is correct) thousands of good people protested the massive, fortress -like Planned Parenthood facility in Aurora, Illinois.

This Planned Parenthood abortion mill looks like a blockhouse protected by God's seedlings - trees ironically called the 'tree of life' in its Latin cognomen. Now, these are tall poplar type trees.  Ask a Tribune investigative reporter what the actual name of the tree happens to be.  I know, but I'd rather you ask a Tribune story hound.  Warts will vanish quicker than you will get a response.

You, see is a huge story here and the Chicago Tribune editorial board is run by Bruce Dold and Bruce Dold likes to have mealy mouthed politicians think well of him,  Tribune reader be damned.  This story has roots and limbs and all sorts of living and breathing components, just like the human beings that Planned Parenthood slaughters daily,  Bruce Dold wants this story hidden in the Tribune's 'News Womb"' with the factual umbilical snug around the neck.

This protest is linked to the national outrage over the release of the Planned Parenthood videos, but there is so much more going on in Aurora, Illinois local government and its role in doing the bidding of Planned Parenthood.

The Chicago Tribune ignores a hot story about the dicey manner in which Aurora government officials grease the way for this Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill's development an construction.

This Abortion Mill in Aurora is on thin legal ice.

No Tribune ink-slinger will tell you why, because no Tribune ink-slinger will get the task of asking any questions.

I read John Kass on-line and with Face Book.  John Kass is a heroic enemy of the American Holocaust. There are other great sources of accurate information on this national disgrace smeared with political grease paint, just like Ms. Richards and other Prada drapped dowagers of death.

A nurse from Oak Lawn who has had a Terry Cosgrove, Illinois Personal PAC, Dick Durbin and Eric Zorn pinned to her back for decades tells the accurate story. Read Jill Stanek.and turn to the sports coverage in the two rags that pass for Chicago news daily papers.

As to the Sun Times, I read only articles by Dan Mihalopoulos, Tim Novak and the estimable Natasha Korecki and the sports pages.  They stopped being anything other than Cook County PR sheet years ago.

There is a TOTAL news black out of Saturday's Planned Parenthood protest in Aurora. The Chicago Tribune editorial board is so completely wired into the murderous dowagers who support Planned Parenthood ( Personal PAC Illinois) that there is ZERO mention of this protest in Chicago Tribune on line's front page. The myth that the print media is the only 'real news' and that anywhere else one only obtains dubious reports is no longer' a dog that won't hunt' but dog of an idea that is deader than innocents slaughtered by Cecile Richards, Barack Obama, Dick Durbin and the mealy mouthed Tribune's Bruce Dold.

Bruce Dold - at least admit you will never take up the cause of the innocents.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Can't Miss 'Tribune New Plan of Chicago' - The Escher Template

A challenge to Tribune readers
This can't miss!

Macro Escherian* Plan of Chicago

Busy Chicagoans scurry about their particular . . . what's another word for business . . .walk of life . . .yeah that's good . . .walk of life.  Very secular PC and NPR monotone  Yeah, Walk of Life.

Chicagoans, under the Old Plan, walked with great speed and purpose.   “New York for a moment does not compare with Chicago in the roar and bustle and bewilderment of its street life, ”  wrote the Scottish writer William Archer. The winner of the 1st Pulitzer for fiction was Chicago investment house scion turned Marxist Ernest Poole, wrote in 1940 of the wild Mack Sennett quality of Chicago pedestrians fighting time and the bridges over the Chicago River to meet appointments.

I remember reading accounts of the break-neck pace of Chicagoans in the Daniel Burnham days of the Columbian Exhibition, which produced the first moving sidewalk - now, a feature of most airports.  Also, notable the Parliament of World Religions, absent Roman Catholics and Jews it seems, kick-started the one world-ism  Godless secular spiritualism template for Progressives that is so evident in 2013.

Chicagoans needed to slow-down and reconsider un-born children as a root cause for misery, only equaled by Woman's Suffrage, Prohibition and Theosophical Governance of the many, by the few and for the few

The post-Burnham Chicago saw the American Middle Class.  The post-1972 Democratic Convention Chicago worked for forty years to erase the American Middle Class.  Chicagoans are told what to think and do by people born in Southern Illinois or Highland Park, Illinois.  Real 2013 Chicagoans came from elsewhere with scads of disposable income thickened by shrewd political investments with government sinecures.

Imagine if each individual Chicagoan had the earnest, forthright, vapid and compelling resume of a Forrest Claypool (Parks, Salaried boards, County Board, CTA), moving with unchecked ease up onto another level of sweet-paying  unaccountable walk of life.   Now, that would be something.  Big Plans!

Breeders will be  and should be encouraged to take their walk of life outside of the City proper and enter only when needed to build, clean, serve and protect Chicago - the smaller, smarter safer Chicago.

Micro Escherian Plan of Chicago Small Communities -formerly known as neighborhoods.

Neighborhood is code for homophobic, close-knit ethnic breeders - non minorities; equally Un Evolved Minorities live in Communities: The Un-Evolved whose children get killed on Safe Passages, clamor for better schools for those children, go to church, work at jobs, pay taxes, fees and fines, but get upset about Ventra Cards, Divvy bike terminals taking up parking spaces and cameras. They can take their private schools with them, unless they can turned into Charters or Magnets out of the Smart Sized Esherian Chicago.

In the grand scheme of things, an individual will reside in some geographic garbage grid, unencumbered by a biologically workable spouse and the subsequent spawn . . .with his/her large dog taken out to open air and enclosed cafes on his/her walk of life.

Think big - think Escher; think like Medill.

* M.C. Escher: Maurits Cornelis -Call me "Mauk!" Escher -Dutch Graphic Artist 1998-1972.
aka -Macro Chicago Escher
aka -Micro Chicago Escher

Monday, October 07, 2013

Chicago Tribune Editorial - " Hey, Folks! We Had a Huge Part in Lousing Up Chicago; Now, Let's All Help Planning the Funeral!"

A challenge to Tribune readers

For more than forty years, The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board has been in the vanguard of the coalition of advocates, academics and activists who have helped turn Chicago away from The Machine and towards the Mistake on the Lake! Now, that Chicago has become everything that the Tribune has demanded it become, like a Gold Coast Dowager with a fat divorce settlement and thirty years of Rush Street Cosmo -promiscuity and concomitant liposuction, the Kids on Board want an urban intervention.

The Tribune has poured oceans of ink on Chicago's — forgive the euphemism — urban problems. Treating them as individual diseases is convenient for us, convenient for readers, just convenient: Write another series, then preserve it in a digital folder marked Crime, or Schools, or Jobs, or Family Breakdown, or City Finances.
What we haven't done as rigorously is examine the whole patient: the still-sturdy skeleton of Chicago on which holistic remedies might be built.

Yep, about as appealing as smooching the old Cougar's cold sores, that is.

With decades of patient and gutless group thought,  the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board has achieved everything Abner Mikva learned from Saul Alinsky.   Chief Keef gets more publicity than the Special Olympics and deceased gang-bangers more respect than Francis Cardinal George.

For better than forty years the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board worked to make sure that everyone takes this person very seriously, and questions the values, aspirations and intentions of these people

For forty plus years the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board worked 24/7 to
  • Undermine any and all confidence in the Justice System - see Peoples Law Office, Loevy & Loevy, Bernardine Dohrn, Medill School of Journalism and the Centers for Wrongful Anything
  • Call for every idiotic tax necessary - see  Ralph Martire
  • Back protected political grifters and lightweights - see Forrest Claypool et al
  • Assault the Catholic Church particularly and religion generally - See John Kass' great column*
  • Demand larcenous policies for education - See the Tribune Editorials c. 1968-2013
  • Equate sexual behavior with race - ibid.
  • Denigrate Skilled Tradesmen - Promote SEIU Marxism with Labor -ibid.
  • Censor and obliterate the past -ibid.
  • Promote the Selfish -ibid.
  • Denigrate the Competent - ibid.
  • Examine only the approved point of view -ibid.
  • Ignore Consequences - See Detroit
Now, Hyde Park Mafia's paper of record wants Stella & Stosh, Marty & Maeve, Curtis & Clara, Dash & Dot to come up with master plan that would make Danny Burnham fill his britches!

Here's my plan .. . .Go . . .try to show some respect for people who actually make a difference in lives of people.

Seriously, cite every suggestion proposed by this band of lemmings at Joe Medill's rag and walk things back.

* Best reason to read the Tribune, other than High School Sports

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Metra Board - If the Tribune Editorial Board Demands Your Resignation, It Is a Great Sign to Stay Put

Alex Clifford was plucked from sunny California and plunked down here in the Land of Lincoln where the weather and the politics shifts with the prevailing winds.

The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board would tell Newton that apples grow up from the rich and fertile soil, where toothsome maids gather up the fruity orbs with their delicate alabaster fingers and swaddle them in winsome aprons. Like the BGA, the Chicago Editorial Boards, are where clueless go to strangle common sense and abort the obvious.

The Metra Board, like other Illinois institutions fraught with problems that became editorial grist (CPS FAIL/Cop Bashing/ U of I Pay to Play & etc.) looked to a coast for a Champ.  We got a Ruth Love and Jody Weiss and a Michael Hogan - ubi sunt?  California Alex is yet with us. What passes for Illinois Intellectual Titans never stop to ask, " Will avocadi grow in Peotone; peanuts in Prospects Heights, or cranberries in Hegewisch?

Yesterday, Alex Clifford unleashed his Shakman Avocadonado on the Tribune Editorial and our Blue Ribbon Illinois Obtuse.

To say that California Al unloaded incontrovertible opinion is to do him damning praise.  His opinion was monumental.  The breaking of this wind no doubt sailed away the lithe, but singularly unpleasant husk that is Andy Shaw of the BGA clear in a popcorn field in Iroquois County, shook the mighty jowls of Thundering Dick Simpson.

The Tribune Editorial Board, captained by that former Wildcat disc jockey, Bruce Dold, went all Dutton Peabody in response to the Californian's allegations and  imprecations of Shakman Sinning!
We've seen little to suggest ( apples growing out of the ground again!)  they were unhappy with Clifford's job performance but plenty of evidence that they were aware of the behind-the-scenes acrimony involving O'Halloran and Huggins. One board member gave Clifford a heads-up that there weren't enough votes to renew his contract, then joined in the vote to send him packing.
Four of them have since written letters of recommendation to help him find a new job.
What good are any of them? They're supposed to be keeping the trains running, not taking care of politicians and their pals. But they're patronage employees themselves, handpicked by pols. They do what they're told in return for the paychecks they're clearly not earning. Getting rid of them is a nightmare; we learned that after the last scandal, which seems like yesterday. It takes eight board members to oust one, and it's not even clear whether the pols who appoint them can replace them mid-term. All of this is leading, once again, to talk about a legislative overhaul of the entire four-headed transit system.
Board members, save us all a lot of grief. Resign. Chicago Tribune Editorial

Well they have certainly gotten to bottom of things . . .as always.  Mark Brown of the Sun Times and Phil Kadner of the Southtown Star (Liberals unencumbered by limited I.Q.s) ovver thoughtful insights on the Metra testimony of California Al: each linked above.

California Al could not blossom and grow in Illini loam.  Andy Shaw of BGA, Mickey Shakman of Shakman Enterprises, and the Tribune Editorial board saw a mountain in this molehill, an opportunity bash somebody  and apples growing up betwixt them beans and corn.


Monday, October 08, 2012

Tribune Editorial Board - Repeats the Obama Senate Gambit for Tammy Duckworth

In 2004,the Editorial Board and its Care Kid Columnists of the Chicago Tribune did more* to give Barack Obama Senator Peter Fitzgerald's seat than an army of 11th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 19th & 47th Ward City workers could do with millions of walking around dollars, Michael Shakman and all of his works consigned to the back of UPS 40' trailer bound for Nome and limitless air time on WTTW.

2004. . . Dave Axelrod, one-time kid reporter for the Chicago Tribune, went full smear with help of Northwestern disc Jockey-editor Bruce Dold had four years of practice in the editorial driver's seat.  Sealed divorce records of public people became the thermonuclear detterant to one's decision to remain in a race. Millionaire, Army vet, school teacher, philanthropist and venture capitalist ( yes, he built that life, Barry) was the road-block to Barack Obama. Tammy Duckworth Bruce Dold's editorial page and his rag-rangers went all over Blair Hull like a cheap suit, until he opened his own divorce records.

Danny Hynes ran second to Barack in the Democratic Primary because he did so with the very same enthusiasm and grit that I ran yesterday's Chicago Marathon.

Now, for the Republican Primary.  Jack Ryan, a school teacher, venture capitalist, and Chick Magnet, needed to be eliminated Bruce Dold, sent the Trib lawyers to California to have a compliant judge forcibly 'unseal' the divorce file - because the public needed to know the private life of a would be public man.

The Chicago Tribune made Barack Obama and aside from scrutiny by John Kass and Dennis Byrne and a very few others, this organ played Obama's waltz into the White House.

Today, its shameless folly is played out in its endoresemnt of Tammy Duckworth, the moveable feast for Dem-Progressives. who moves more than an old man's bowels.

2006 article: Illinois's 6th congressional district election, 2006In the 2006 election, Duckworth was the Democratic nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives seat for the 6th congressional district of Illinois which was vacated by long-time incumbent Henry Hyde. Duckworth lost to her opponent, Representative Peter Roskam, by 4,810 votes.[8][34][35]2012Main article: United States House of Representatives elections in Illinois, 2012#District 8In July 2011, Duckworth launched her campaign to run in 2012 for the re-drawn 8th congressional district of Illinois.[1] She defeated her opponent Raja Krishnamoorthi to win the Democratic nomination on March 20, 2012, and will face incumbent Republican incumbent Joe Walsh in the general election on November 6, 2012. Wikipedia

Once an election boundary  pre-drawn, Dawn Clark Netsch and Abner Mikva begin scouting real estate for Tammy Duckworth's entry into the lists.

Tammy Duckworth gave her blood and limbs in the service of America and for that deserves the honor and respect of all.

Since, her heroic recovery Tammy Duckworth has been a government appointee and frequent candidate.  No less a political reformer than Governor Rod Blagojevich appointed Duckworth to the post of Illinois Veterans Affairs Director, where she was duly criticized for using state time and vehicles to make political appearances for frequent election victim Dan Seals, another Progressive card-board cut-out.  Following some bad press, Tammy Duckworth got hereself a Federal appointment and new opportunities to run against Joe Walsh.

Tammy Duckworth's service deserves respect, but certainly not a place at the Progressive trough that is paid for by tax-payers. God bless her, but don't vote for her,

Bruce Dold's endorsement is a re-play of the Obama ascent to power and a term ending November 6th.  The editorial praises Tammy Duckworth because she is not Joe Walsh! Bruce even leads with his patented Axelroding of Tribune enemies -
Then there were the tax liens, the building foreclosure, the suspended drivers license, the court fight over child support …
It's too bad, because the Joe Walsh who showed up for our endorsement interview had a lot more to offer than the Joe Walsh whose antics are splashed all over YouTube. In a face-to-face meeting with Duckworth, he was direct, specific, and even charming.
Walsh pulled no punches about his views. He embraced the plan offered by Rep. Paul Ryan to restructure Medicare. He said he would not raise taxes, period. He said the long-term fix for Social Security is to "put younger Americans in charge of their retirement income." To achieve lower tax rates overall, he would support eliminating deductions for mortgage interest and charitable donations.
Duckworth, by contrast, was noncommittal on some key issues, and largely drew from the Democratic playbook. She said she was not ready to make major changes to either Medicare or Social Security. She would increase taxes for those earning more than $1 million a year. She'd be OK with ending the deduction for second homes and yachts.
Duckworth also said she'd cut oil, gas and agribusiness subsidies, and that better supervision of wasteful defense contracts could save $9 million a day. But Walsh is correct when he says those cuts wouldn't dent the deficit. "We have to reform entitlements, period."
Where he offered solutions, Duckworth too often offered only a promise to search for one.
That all might sound like it's leading up to an endorsement of Walsh but ... it's not.
Walsh has been a congressman made for cable television, but not for his constituents. He has fueled the political vitriol that has paralyzed Washington, that nearly shut down the federal government, that has failed to produce meaningful fiscal reform and economic recovery. We saw something in that endorsement interview — what a congressman Joe Walsh might have been.
Our endorsement in the 8th Congressional District goes to Duckworth.
Here is the tepid, shuck's she's a wounded vet endorsement -

When we supported Duckworth in a 2006 run for Congress, we said she wasn't politically polished. Unfortunately, she has since become a more-practiced politician. Practiced, that is, in not offering her opposition targets by getting too specific on solutions. We have, though, always admired her character and moxie. She risked her life for her country, and lost both legs when an Iraqi grenade struck her Blackhawk helicopter in 2004. So yes, she's a war hero, though she says that label belongs to the comrades who saved her life. She served as director of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs for three years and assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for two. We believe she will draw on all that experience to represent the district well. We hope she will challenge her own party leaders. Duckworth has the capacity to inspire, Walsh tends to antagonize. Duckworth is endorsed.
The Chicago Tribune placed a young inexperienced egoist in the U.S. Senate in 2004 and sky-rocketed that man who America fully saw in contrast to a man of ability for the first time in Denver last week.  That performance  was a Obama's A -Game, folks.  Illinois can not afford another "aint'she great" light-weight in government - We are topped off!

Pat Quinn, Sheila Simon, Jan Schakowsky, Deb Mell, Deb Shore, Mike Quigley, Forrest Claypool, Toni Preckwinkle . . .how they working out for us?
*  But Obama wouldn't have been elected to the U.S. Senate, much less president, without a few more sex scandals yet. In the 2004 Illinois Democratic Senate primary, Obama badly trailed multimillionaire Blair Hull for months. He and Michelle agreed that if he lost that race, he was out of politics. Then divorce papers revealed that Hull's wife had accused him of physically assaulting her. (Hull said he didn't want to "relitigate" his divorce.) Obama was already moving in the polls, and he had to fend off other candidates, but after the scandal he surged into the lead and won the primary.At first the general election pitted Obama against GOP Senate nominee Jack Ryan, a popular banker expected by many to win handily. Until, that is, Ryan's wife, TV actress Jeri Ryan, said her husband pressured her to accompany him to sex clubs and have sex in front of strangers. Ryan withdrew from the race and Obama cruised to victory against fringe candidate Alan Keyes. Daily Beast 2009

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Catholics Forward - The Big Shoulders Fund 25 Years of Success and Opportunity for Poor Kids

The Big Shoulders Fund supports Cardinal George's Lions at Leo High School!

Chicago has the largest Catholic school system in America, led by Francis Cardinal George and Sister Mary Paul McCaughey, O.P..  Catholic schools in Chicago save billions of tax-dollars for Illinois tax-payers.  Catholic schools cost money - cash money, hard dollars, the long-Green difference. The Big Shoulders Fund* is that long ( 25 Years and going strong) difference. The average Catholic grammar school tuition runs in the neighborhood of  $ 5,000 and a  high school cost sits between  $ 7,500 and $ 8,000 per student.

Catholic students receive a solid grounding in college prep course, but also a foundation in values absent in public education.  

Catholic schools focus on the values of faith, hope, love, and community. We talk openly about values and spend time each day giving children an opportunity to learn, share, and understand the consequences of good and bad behaviors. We believe in Jesus Christ and we have a feeling of grace that comes from our beliefs.
Can the school your child attends teach the sort of lessons that will help your child become a good and compassionate person? Is there a clear expectation that all children will be treated with respect by teachers and other students?
How a school handles these issues indicates whether the school is capable of reinforcing the values that you and other parents teach at home. Ultimately, we want your child to grow up to be a good and compassionate person, and we will do everything we can to help you raise your child in the right way. 

The Chicago media would have you believe that Chicago is and always has been a Secular City.  It is not and never has been.  Chicago is was and should be always a City of Faith - founded by French Catholics ( Monsieur Du Sable was a child of Rome).  The Chicago Tribune is and has been an anti-Catholic news organ.  Its editorial board and most of its columnists never give the Catholic Church and Catholics themselves short shrift.  Short shrift is a Catholic term by the way. It is an Anglo Saxon derivation of Latin Scribere(L) -scrifen (OE) -schriven -meaning to possess what has been written, or prescribed for forgiveness.

Back in the day and, yes, even today, Confession, or Penance, was the means by which one could be forgiven by the Church Universal - back in Communion.  My personal door to the Confessional swings like a saloon door on pay day.  I get shriven and then forgiven.  " See you soon, Hickey! Try to make it past the Holy Water font on the way out."

Too many comfortable Catholics are ashamed to be comfortable and Catholic, these days, because the only news about Catholics in the newspapers, especially Know Nothing Joe Medill's Tribune, is a Ha-Ha piece by the always smarmy Eric Zorn - today, ( Abort-Hissy Fit! Abort Hissy Fit!) it happens to be about a kid getting disciplined for a Tebow-moment during a Catholic high school graduation somewhere in this vast Republic of ours - or a Neo Theo Personal Jesus Was a Community Organizer and Abortion Friendly Nun by the loony Manya Brachear, not to be out-done by Bruce Dold, the disk-jockey-cum-editor of course, who regularly churns out chides to Cardinals and Catholics to abandon their Faith and evolve like Dick Durbin and Pat Quinn.

Catholics live under the radar in this media-propped Secular City. They live in neighborhoods defined by Catholic Parishes - St. Tommy More, St. Sabina's, Our Lady of Tepeyac & St. Columbanus. Catholics are civil servants, teachers, nurses, cops, firemen, skilled tradesmen, business leaders and tax-payers.  They pay twice - tuition that keeps taxes down and ever soaring taxes to pay for public education.

Catholics fund the tuition of Muslims, Jews, Protestants and even the children of atheists and agnostics who want their children educated. Catholics have always done that and will continue to do so until the day that laws promoted by the Tribune make that impossible.  That day is looming very quickly.  Catholics can still vote.

Tonight Catholics and people who understand that Chicago would still be a smoking pile of 1871 embers were it not for Catholics celebrate 25 years of really Big Shoulders

The Big Shoulders Fund will host a 25th Anniversary Dinner on Thursday, May 24, 2012 at the Chicago Hilton and Towers.The evening will honor all of the Big Shoulders' Champions with special recognition of the Founders. Dinner committee in formation.

      Founders of Big Shoulders Fund      Mr. James W. Compton
Sr. Mary Brian Costello, R.S.M.
Mr. Lester Crown
Mr. Ronald GidwitzMr. William McIntosh
Mr. Andrew J. McKenna Sr., founding Vice Chairman
Mr. James J. O’Connor, founding Chairman
Mr. Edmund A. Stephan (deceased)
Mr. Barry F. Sullivan
Mr. Arthur R. Velasquez

 Celebrate 25 Years of Carrying Children's Dreams
Celebrate your Faith.  Celebrate your history, not as Joe Medill, Eric Zorn, Bruce Dold and Manya Brachear would have you believe, but as it is, was and should be.

Esse quam Videre, Catholics.  Viva Cristo Rey!  Catholics Forward . . .while you can move.

*Mission StatementThe mission of the Big Shoulders Fund is to provide support to the Catholic schools in the neediest areas of inner-city Chicago.
Big Shoulders Fund is unique in that administrative expenses are supported by an endowment and other income which ensures all funds currently raised go toward programs that benefit the Big Shoulders Fund schools and the students they serve through scholarships, special education programs, instructional equipment, much-needed school facility improvements, faculty support, and operating grants.

Monday, March 12, 2012

2012 South Side Irish Parade Destroys the Narrative of 2009

The Chicago Tribune can not give credit to this community without a return to the narrative that pulled the plug on this tradition:

Here is the Headline and banner South Side Irish Parade returns to its family-friendly roots
Community's St. Patrick's Day event was called off in '09 after violence and drunkenness
350,000 people and 545 arrests?

Violence and drunkenness? There were fights and there were drunks aplenty, but to characterize an event that became a political panderer showcase and a fern-bar bus trip from all over the Midwest is ridiculous.

That said, this year's parade was sensational. There were strollers filled with babies, as opposed to coolers on wheels.

The buses were consigned to a resitricted area. People went to the parade.

I got home from mass at about 12 Noon and the parade was in full form. I parked in my drive way without problem. I surveyed the property of Casa Hickey. No problema. In years past, bus loads of mopes half stiff already would be dumped off on the CSX rail line infron of my house from 6:30 AM - 10 AM. The buses came from Scahumber, River North fern bars, and every abbreviated set of letters before some Mick Name ( D.J. McMopes, T.R. Weinie Wines, Q. T. Mc Toss-Lunch & etc) establishment with a liquor license. They would hail the neighbors with "Lighten up, Dude! Get your Chi-Rish On!"

This year none of that and more so there was a complete abscense of post-boozing detritus. One mope was busted for public pee-ing.

There was not one empty bottle, can or shattered plastic picture. No discarded Solo Cups and no pathetically inebriated hipsters trying to hail a cab in a neighborhood where people take the bus.

James "Skinny" Sheahan affetcted this change and shattered the snotty narrative crafted by a media that had a huge role in making the South Side Irish Parade a feast of all slobs.

Well done South Side Irish Parade Committee and well done neighbors.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Chicago Tribune Editorial Hypocrisy Avoids School Choice, Vouchers, to Plump More U. of Chicago Influence - School Choice is The Metric that Matters

Nepotism, political hiring, crony capitalism, and toe-nail fungal infections get full bleat from Chicago's lily-livered editorial boards.

That tradition continues with today's milk and water editorial on Chicago's permanently hobbled public schools.

School closings, due to complete failure, gets the Hurrumph of the day. The editorial board panda bears of the Medill Empire tout yet another fabulous University of Chicago ( home of John Dewey, the Prospero of our Caliban public schools) study as the silver-bullet cure.

Under the heading of saving poor kids trapped in failing schools, the editorial praises the factory that produced this mess from the get-go:

One in three Chicago students is stuck in an academically feeble school. Scores of public schools languish — some for more than a decade — on academic probation.

We strongly support the CPS effort to close the worst-performing schools and send those students to better-performing schools nearby. We back the CPS plan to send 10 schools next year into what's known as turnaround — an aggressive move in which teachers and administrators are fired, and specially trained replacements are brought in.

Critics say these moves don't work. The critics are wrong. These dramatic reforms pay off in significant student gains, according to a just-released report by the University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research.

The consortium found that 22 lagging elementary schools made dramatic academic progress in four years under several reform strategies, compared with similar schools that didn't undergo reforms.

The highlights:

• Faltering elementary schools dramatically improved in reading and math. The schools cut the gap between their test scores and the CPS average by half in reading, and by two-thirds in math. That's astounding growth in four years.

And what of similar schools that didn't undergo reform? No change. Those schools continued to fail their students.

• Revamping struggling schools generally didn't mean pushing out lower-performing students. By and large, the students who enrolled after the CPS intervention had previously attended the school.

Yes, the schools still fell short of the average CPS school. But the metric that matters here is student growth. The trajectory is up.

Boy, Howdy! The metric that matters is student growth! Please, parse that one.

Here's the deal, Sweethearts - To wax automotively metaphorical, the engine is shot; call a tow; get a new one.

School Choice, Vouchers for all Illinois taxpayers with children would fix the problem, but you already know that.

Nowhere in the hand-wringing of this editorial word are the words -school choice, school reform, or vouchers.

Instead we get another, trumpet blow for Chicago's policy factory -University of Chicago - the same geniuses that gave us the CTA Reforms ( Frank " Too Smart" Krusei and Forrest Claypool, The Garbage Grid, Cook County Reform & etc.) and place for former Mayor Daley to train future policy peddlers.

We need a Shakman Decree or sorts to protect citizens from the tweedy geniuses.

Catholic schools outperform public schools. Catholic Schools, were they collectively placed in an iron lung, would outperform CPS on a snow day following a plague of locusts.

Friday, July 02, 2010

A "Rowdy Taste of Chicago!" Tribune Editorial-ese: Stabbings, Tasings, Wholesome Good Fun!

YeeeHaaaawwww! Tayste A'SheeKawGo! Pardners, strap on on your cleets and buckle your chin straps, We Goin' to The Tayste!

Rowdy night at the Taste: 3 stabbed, 1 Tased

n what onlookers described as a rowdy night as the Taste of Chicago let out, three teenagers were stabbed downtown in two separate incidents, police said this morning. In addition, police said they had to use a stun gun to subdue a man who got into fight with them.

The most serious injury was to a 15-year-old boy who was stabbed in the back in the 200 block of South State Street about 9:25 p.m., said police News Affairs Officer Ron Gaines.

The teen was walking with friends when they encountered a group of fighting males, Gaines said.

The teen felt pain in his back and realized he had been stabbed, he said. The injury was described as serious but non-life threatening.

The teen, who was described by police as a known gang member, was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, but large crowds leaving the Taste blocked the ambulance for a time. The boy was still hospitalized this morning.

About 15 minutes later, two boys, ages 14 and 15, who were leaving a McDonald's restaurant, also in the 200 block of South State, encountered what police described as a melee--perhaps the same one the other boy walked into--and tried to get away, said Police Officer Laura Kubiak.

Before they could, the 14-year-old was cut on his lower right arm and his 15-year-old companion received a two-inch laceration to his lower back.

The two boys ran to a Red Line station, where they hopped on an 'L' train and got off at the 79th Street station. Their parents took them to Little Company of Mary Hospital in Evergreen Park, where they were treated and released, police said.

Some people attending the Taste reported other violence, which apparently brought out a large contingent of riot-clad police to the area.

Taja Jarrett, 20, was getting out of her retail job in the Loop at 8 p.m. when she said she first noticed large crowds in the area. She and Shanice Brown, 17, were planning to check out the Taste festivities when they saw a fight break out near one of the entrances.

The two walked west to Dearborn Street where they encountered another large brawl. They also saw an increased police presence, including officers on horses, ATVs, on foot and in cars. Dozens of helmeted on all-terrain vehicles ushered a large crowd west on Jackson Boulevard away from Grant Park.

In the Tasing incident, also nearby in the 300 block of South State, a 24-year-old South Side man was blocking traffic and refused officers' requests to move, said News Affairs Officer John Mirabelli. The man struggled with officers on the scene, and pushed one of them before being taken into custody. Marabelli said police Tasered the man when he continued to be unruly and began fighting with them.

The man was taken to Mercy Hospital where he was evaluated then turned over to police. He has been charged with resisting arrest and reckless conduct, both misdemeanors.

There was also a small fire at the food fest, with a transformer catching fire near the Art Institute of Chicago. The fire was quickly put out, said Chicago Fire Department spokesman Joe Roccasalva. However, it apparently caused some small power outages in the area.

--David Elsner, Serena Maria Daniels and Liam Ford

Rowdy? As in a Charlie Daniels Fiddle Fest?

Well Torture has a whole new meaning - it's a derivative of Perjury.

Victims are people who strangle two women and two toddlers soak them in gasoline and ignite the corpses; get convicted; have ambulance chasing Commies like Flint Taylor and Locke Bowman as mouthpieces; howl long enough and get sprung from your guilt -that's a Victim, cooked up in Flint's Kitchen.

Makes sense.