Jeanne Ives and Illinois have Math Problems. Last night's Primary Election numbers fell short of removing Bruce Rauner from the general election in November. That was the goal. I am proud to have had a very small part in helping Jeanne Ives.
I predicted a Chris Kennedy v. Jeanne Ives November dust-up. I was never good with numbers, or money. Rauner and JB are very good with both.
Wishful thinking and belief in my neighbor's intrinsic good nature can not change outcomes.
Jeanne Ives fit a great fight. She still has plenty of fight left over.
I believe that people can learn from their mistakes. I do not know if Illinois is capable.
Illinois is facing many days of reckoning
- Pensions will collapse
- Property and Income Taxes will Increase
- People and businesses will exit this State
- Jobs will continue to vanish
- Abortions will increase
- Drug Abuse will spike - recreational marijuana is on the way
Jeanne Ives did not get enough votes to help change the politcial culture in Illinois. People are chanting Jeanne, Jeanne 2022.
Bruce Rauner is unelectable in November. Rauner is toxic to both Democrat and Republican voters. He and Pat Brady managed the right numbers in the key population counties of Central Illinois. South of Will County, Rauner maintained the GOP votes in Kankakee and Irogouis Counties which really shocked me, haing lived many years downstate. Bruce and Brady could buy clutches of votes, but not buy love.
JB Pritzker can and did. He will be Governor of Illinois. 

Jeanne Ives, in few short months, ignored by the media from November through February used shoe leather to bring common sense message to Illinois. She was fearless, gracious and thoughtful.
Jeanne Ives will support the man who ignored, villfied and scorned her efforts for common people. This petty man will serve out his days , be badly beaten November and move to Italy.
What will be left of Illinois in 2022.
Mike Madigan will still be Speaker of the House and Chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party. JB Pritzker will continue making a few people rich and many more thousands of families poor.
Illinois asked for more.
Here it comes.