Dorothy Rabinowitz has written very sober warning to any Republican with the tripes to run against Barack Obama in 2012. President Barack Obama has been a lousy President, in my opinion, but he is a very formidable politician with more money than he needs, and an adoring corporate media that has cashed in its integrity for investment in Green Energy Initiatives. Green Wall Street has gone the way of the Dodo bird, but engineering firms (they always seem to be Sierra Club members), lawyers, and venture capitalists - with heart-breaking sincerity and moral weltanschauungs continue to pump millions of dollars in the Obama 2012 Campaign in the hope of Cap'nTrading, stop oil drilling, kill coal, fund Rube Goldberg automotives, build windmills, and rake in some profits -all for a Greener Planet.
Ms. Rabinowitz writes,"The Republican who wins will have to know, and show that he knows, that most Americans aren't sitting around worried to death about big government—they're worried about jobs and what they have in savings."
Correcto! However, the GOP, especially in my home of Illinois, has a propensity for blowing its own toes off. In the last Illinois gubernatorial race, the GOP candidate Bill Brady used all of the rhetorical force that swept Democrats out of the Congressional House of Representatives in November and lost to Rod Blagojevich's Lt. Governor Pat Quinn. The GOP had only one candidate in the big field for governor who understood that all labor is not SEIU and that was Dan Proft. The tasseled loafer Illinois GOP refused to support Dan Proft and opted for small-business, pro-life, anti-union zealot Bill Brady.
Pat Quinn campaigned like a blue collar guy and now governs like a Trotskyite from Berkley. Bill Brady did all of the hot-button Tea Party razz-matazz and got himself beaten by Pat Quinn. Pat Quinn wrapped himself up as the savior of the working man. I voted for Quinn, God help me.
Pat Quinn was elected because the skilled trades and not radical leftists of SEIU got out front for Quinn. Brady blew his toes off by attacking unions -all unions. The GOP would not know a working man if the guy were three feet away fixing his toilet.
Public Service monster unions ate up labor in the last forty years with the rhetorical teeth of Marxist Andy Stern's One Big Union bullshit. Join Us or Die!
Sadly, too many skilled trade and industrial unions played ball with SEIU. However, SEIU is no friend of labor.
The GOP tags all unions as corrupt and evil - Stupid as well as false. Take a look at Wisconsin, while public service unions need to have the reigns tightened on them, Gov. Walker and the GOP managed to alienate blue collar trades people in the bargain. These are people who are doubly burdened by SEIU tax-aholic degenerates. They reap not the benefits that suck up tax dollars and are vilified and threatened by the GOP as well.
A Republican for President must get union smart and play fair with the American working man.
This candidate should spend a month or more with business agents, apprenticeship officers, and apprentices in some of the American industrial and skilled trades unions.
Go home with a young guy who is paying for his classes, working with journeyman, paying a mortgage, maybe even private school tuition and municipal, county, state and federal taxes that eclipse his income, before he pays out in pension, medical, grocery, utilities, and tries to top off the used car he drives to and from the job.
Take a look at what it costs out of pocket to earn a salary that is touted to be inflated by the very media that demands greater tax-burdens.
The GOP, in Illinois and across America, pays lip service to the memory of Ronald Reagan. Reagan won over blue-collar votes, because he took the time to understand blue collar values. The working man is not a fan of abortion for example. The tasseled loafer Republican, like Illinois' U.S. Senator Mark Kirk, is abortion friendly.
The Tea Party is not a right wing conspiracy, but a genuine national voice of frustration aimed at the pompous and smug voices that have hogged the pulpits and microphones for too long.
Barack Obama will win the White House again in 2012, unless some candidate has the tripes to learn about real American labor and give voice to their concerns. Attacking unions is stupid as well as incorrect.
Friday, June 03, 2011
The Only Way a Republican Can Win The Presidency - Get Smart About Real Labor
Posted by
8:29 AM
Labels: Bill Brady, Dan Proft, Dorothy Rabinowitz, Gov. Pat Quinn, Real Labor
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I wonder- just how strong a headlock SEIU has on Capitol Fax Blog?
Capitol Fax is the top political news clearing house and clubby chat-room ($300 annual admission*) in Illinois. Rich Miller, who also jots out a column for Chicago Sun Times publishes Capitol Fax Blog.
Some years back Mr. Miller was kind enough to offer me a spot on his Illinoize adjunct site, but I became concerned when Miller deleted my commentary and opinions concerning the activities and the nature of SEIU – a powerful pact that managed to co-opt the term Labor, from our supine Media in Illinois. We parted company. I do not and will not comment on Capitol Fax Blog and I asked that Mr. Miller remove me fro Illinoize.
Rich Miller invites snark (a word no one over the age of ten should use) ,gets his nose out of joint when a snarking japer tweaks his plums or those of his sponsor and goes hunting for the Snark IP. I believe that Rich Miller is wildly beholden to SEIU – especially Keith Kelleher. Keith Kelleher directs the activities of SEIU and President Tom Balanoff, a genuine labor man gets the subpoenas. Keith Kelleher comes from the Andy Stern/Anna Burger school of power politics and was instrumental in perfecting the ACORN political trick bags that were exposed this year by a young man with a camera.
Here is some of Keith Kelleher’s ACORN Manifesto referring to ACORN/SEIU agitation in Chicago’s 15th Ward in 1999–
“ACORN and Local 880 leaders held a weekend retreat last spring to think and talk about the issue of accountability. They were learning new things all the time, and wanted time to assess what they had learned and plan for the future.
Out of that weekend came a number of ideas that are guiding our planning to win accountability from public officials. They include:
Turning up the heat. There is no substitute for being able to move large numbers of people in direct action tactics in the public official's district. Where an official is refusing to act, or has strayed from the fold, there is no substitute for confrontation on his own turf; but even where the official is friendly, a strong presence is the best insurance that he will remain so.
Developing more community leadership. It is much harder to hold a few leaders accountable to a community and labor agenda than a majority. With only a few, we are asking people to take stands on issues that may often lose in city council for want of a majority. It would be better to develop many more grassroots community and labor leaders who have the base and track record on community accomplishments that they need to win.
Developing a proactive agenda for progressive leaders. ACORN, Local 880 and our many collaborative partners need to put our elected officials to work on issues that will mobilize an increasingly large base. If we fail to continually move an agenda that we want our elected leaders to carry, someone else will always be happy to fill the void. We need to get much better at developing such a program - with our own elected officials at the table helping to develop it.
Copyright 2000
Keith Kelleher is the head organizer of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 880 and has been a field organizer, lead organizer and head organizer for ACORN, the United Labor Unions (ULU), and SEIU Local 880 for over 20 years.
Madeline Talbott is the head organizer for Illinois ACORN and has been a field organizer, lead organizer and head organizer in many ACORN cities across the country. She recently celebrated her 25th year as an organizer with ACORN.”
SEIU attempted to buy a Senate seat and later stepped far and away from ACORN – like it never happened. Marxists erase history.
That is the Marxist tune to which Rich Miller jumps. Regularly, Capitol Fax Blog attempts to smear both Governor Pat Quinn and his rival Rep. Bill Brady. Fair enough.
However, Rich Miller uses a Progress Illinois (SEIU sponsored site) tweak piece from The New Yorker that condemns the billionaire Koch Brothers (Oil, Dixie Cups, Brawny Paper Towels & etc.) for doing exactly what SEIU cash-cow and Obama sponsor George Soros has done for years as well as ‘bring it on home’ with a pathetic attack on Republican philanthropist Ron Gidwitz. And dovetailing a Progress Illinois jab at the Koch Brothers. Progress Illinois linked an article from Americans for Prosperity that discussed the Koch Brothers and Ron Gidwitz. (clck my post title for yesterday's CFB offering)
It appears that Ron Gidwitz likes the Tea Party folks. He is supporting them. I am a Democrat and I like the Tea Party Folks too. I am also in favor of Civil Unions for homosexuals and oppose Gay Marriage. I detest Planned Parenthood and its sole purpose –abortion. They help sell contraceptives as well, but abortion is the meat and all else spoon vitals.
Progress Illinois (SEIU) is all for homosexual marriages, as gay as they may be, abortion all of the time, and the death of the American Middle Class.
I plan to vote for Pat Quinn, but I could vote for Bill Brady. I like news that is presented honestly. I admire an honest hack who tells you – “Folks I am SEIU purple! No snark here!” . . . Then there is Rich Miller’s Capitol Fax Blog.
* A CFB subscriber noted that the membership is now $350.
Posted by
7:15 AM
Labels: Bill Brady, Capitol Fax Blog, Governor Pat Quinn, Koch Brothers, Mandarin Andy Stern's SEIU, Ron Gidwitz. Illinois GOP, SEIU Mandarin Keith Kelleher, Snark, Tom Balanoff
Friday, August 20, 2010
Governor Quinn and Comb Over Dave Axelrod Quits! Watch Quinn Overtake Brady in Two Weeks
I like Pat Quinn. The only thing keeping Pat Quinn from being a great Governor is his faith in the Easter Bunny, that Pie-Chart Pirate Ralph Martire has not helped loot Illinois more than Blago wanted to do, that Progressives will watch your back ( ask the President), and that Panjandrums like Chris Kennedy, Stan Ikenberry, Sheila Simon, Deb Mell and others matter one damn bit to anyone, other than career glue-sniffers.
Pat Quinn jettisoned AKPD - Comb Over Dave Axelrod's Progressive Sluice gate from the Federal Trough. Axelrod - though no long a partner -makes oodles of dough being socled away for his Post-White House Nest Egg somewhere off of AKPD ( sounds like a Soviet acronym don't it?).
Yet, Comb Over Dave's firm pumps out this example of parsed nonsense about Quinn's toe in their rump -
“We and the Quinn campaign agreed that our divergent approaches to disciplined, professional communications are incompatible. We wish Pat well.”
Not exactly Strunk and White.
Quinn just locked my vote! I was voting for Pat anyway. Rep. Bill Brady is a nice guy, anti abortion and everything, but he is an Illinois GOPer - a moss-back -and will lose.
Watch Quinn soar!
Posted by
10:09 AM
Labels: Bill Brady, Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Governor Pat Quinn
Friday, March 05, 2010
Governor Pat Quinn Will Win - The Media and the "Umm-ers" Are All Over Brady Like A Cheap Suit
Bill Brady won the Illinois Republican Primary for Governor and that is like kissing your sister - not that that is a bad thing mind you - just in case the Sex is Politics and Morality Crowd ( GLBT Advocates) are monitoring my helot's thougts. I have been meaning to ask if Incestuous Relationships fit in as an undeserved sexual morality minority group in need of the standard Progressive Hegelian Makeover. Most sexual peccadillo's have been Botox-ed Beautiful in this manner and are given a loud powerful voice and re-written histories in the Media.
Poor Bill Brady. In a year when Illinois should sweep a GOP Governor into the job, the "blow your toes off" DuPage Dimwits will lose the race.
Pat Quinn needs only to leave the Lt. Governor's Slot empty and allow the SEIU paid for Illinois Media to beat up on the Kid who won the GOP Lt. Governor spot and pour manure on Bill Brady. The "Ummers" are already all over Brady - "Ummers" are Progressive columnists and Snark Assenting Bloggers who charcteristically begin every snotty and irony drenched faux question or observation with the antecedant "Ummmm...,"
The Ummers are especially hard on Brady. Brady, even before Kerque Dillard, Marque Kerques twin, was treated to a daily rhetorical kick in the nuts by the poor man's moss-back Huffington Posters. These Midol gulpers think that they are on MSNBC and that they can create their own Illinois Sarah Palin - Palin would have their guts for garters. Dan Proft would do far worse to the Ummers.
Dan Proft would have blow-torched the Ummers.
Pat Quinn should catch a wave and tall tropical iced beverages until November.
Bill Brady will look like that poor broad in the first Aliens Movie before the critter ripped out of her chest -"Pleeeaaassse! Just kill me."
Here's just a sample of what the GOP Governor Primary Winner can expect.
Bill Brady Gaffes Again: Attack On Quinn's Early Release Program Unfounded (VIDEO)
Huffington Post (blog) - 57 minutes ago
With a final vote count in the Republican primary for governor expected today, Bill Brady revved up the campaign engine. Expected to be declared the primary ...
Brady misfires on governor Chicago Sun-Times
Brady swings and misses at Quinn Chicago Tribune
Brady Tries to Bring Early Release Program Back Up WGIL Radio News
Chicago Daily Herald - MyFox Illinois
I like Pat Quinn and he will win a walk. Poor Bill Brady.
Posted by
9:52 AM
Labels: Bill Brady, Governor Pat Quinn