Showing posts with label Anti Catholic Progressive Weenies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti Catholic Progressive Weenies. Show all posts

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Bob Woodward- What's Real; What's Not & Moue Progressive Power

Listen to the hand! Let's get Real!  The Truth. Moue Power!

I voted for Nixon. It was the the first vote that I cast as a citizen. I was a sophomore at Loyola University which meant that, like my schoolmates, I took the L from 63rd & Ashland ( Englewood & Howard) and got off at Chicago and walked to Lewis Towers Campus on Rush Street.  Loyola was rigorous.  The professors were dead-on serious and exacting.   Everyone had a job outside of taking classes and many had two or three.  If you were late for a class you often found yourself locked out of the room.

I helped out with the 18th Ward Regular Democratic Organization.  1972 was a very weird election. In the Illinois Presidential Primary votes were cast for individual delegates to the convention.  They were not tagged as generic McGovern, Humphrey, Kennedy, or Ribicoff delegates.

A particularly oily gent by the name of Ald. Bill Singer, who won his Progressive spurs with Abner Mikva's imprimatur and would later rat-out Dr. Scholl Land Deal partners and avoid a Federal Time-out, was feeling his youthful oats and leagued up with the to-be Dean of American Shakedown Artistry, Rev. Jesse Jackson in voiding all of Illinois's duly elected delegates to the convention.and grabbing political power from the clutches of people who actually knew what they were doing.

I was young and disgusted with National Democratic Party.  If George McGovern needed to steal the convention in order to get elected, why would I vote for someone with such low self-esteem?  I held my nose and down my lunch and voted for Tricky Dick Nixon.  Shortly, I began reading excerpts from the Washington Post's reports about Cuban burglars, black bags of dough, a crash near Midway*, CREEP, and GOP rat-sex-ting.

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, Woodstein, took Nixon to the woodshed.  Shoe-leather reporting and pains-taking attention to facts and numbers unmasked a self-serving phony. Journalism became a sacred institution.

Oddly enough, the same institution that feted Woodstein would become the mask-manufacturers of self-serving phonies from the Chicago Wards all the way to the White House.

The 1972 Democratic Convention and its bloody Irish-twin Roe v. Wade (1973) was the nativity of the national and local idiocies identified as Progressive/Liberal Democrat policy. The term Liberal Democrat has faded into history and Democrat is too often associated with the power mad folly that is American Progressive thought.  If it is Progressive it either encourages State-sponsored murder (abortion/euthanasia) or manages to screw up everything from budgets to traffic.

I am a Democrat; same as I was in 1972.  98% of the votes that I have cast have been for Democrats.  I can not vote for a Progressive; especially after having voted for Pat Quinn and Toni Preckwinkle, as part of doing a solid for some pals.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel is what being a Progressive is all about.  He'd burn a library full of pre-schoolers to teach them a lesson about reading the fire code.  Most Progressives in public office and appointed pay-rollers are "ain't she/he greaters"  wealthy dopes with nothing much else to do - you find them running the CTA, serving as Lieutenants Governor, manning the seats on paid commissions, getting facetime on MSNBC while screwing up things in Congress, or at the Department of Education, or building a Sequester.
 The President and the Vice President-practiced Moue Men

Half of Woodstein, 50% of the guys who brought down Nixon, Bob Woodward has gotten himself in the jackpot with the Obama White House for getting his facts straight.  President Obama talks out of whatever side of the mouth Val Jarrett tells him to use and it seems to me does not fully understand what he puts out from that side of his oral cavity. Rahm Emanuel became Mayor of Chicago, because he could no longer even suggest a moue from the President. Bill Daley found that out too. What's the point of being a progressive when you are not allowed to at least torch a village or two.Progressive is all about power.

Hence Mayor Rahm.  Last night, true to the Progressive Code of Etiquette introduced Mr. Woodward  at a Holocaust Museum event at the Hyatt with an attempted Hyde Park Pimp Slap. The Mayor made reference to the e-mails from Gene Sperling at the White House, warning Woodward to beware his 'Obama moved the goal-post' on Congress remarks.

I am a reactionary.  I am never pre-emptively snotty.  However, once the crack against me or mine is made for no other purpose than to denigrate, I am more than happy to oblige. e.g. A Progressive is the loudmouth who tries to embarrass someone -

  • Mr. Sumner Quickbritches of the IVI -"Hey, everybody here comes the Biggest Fat-assed Catholic, Racist Homophobic, Wrong Side of History, Breeder Loser in the world!"
  • Me, All of the Above- " Runner up."
  • Sumner Quickbritches of the IVI - " Hateful! Hateful, on so many levels . . .and sad."

Progressives never learn the sobering and wholesome effects of a slap in the puss, when an off-hand remark, fib, gross-exaggeration, lie or calumny gets blown forth.  Most other folks learned the lesson early often that it does not cost you nickel one to be a good guy.
In response, Robert Woodward offered this salient truth - that Rahm was a player and his play helped cause the division in our nation. Here is nugget of Woodward's  wisdom - “There is so little focus on what’s real, what’s true.”  

 From the 1972 Democratic Convention, to the Watergate burglaries, to Roe V. Wade, through Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Surf-Dog Millionaire John Kerry, Hillary's Benghazi, and Obama's moues, America lost much of its greatness to play the Progressive.

What's real - America is broke and it is being bullied by a fat kid in Korea and a hillbilly with a Koran in Iran; what's true is we can do so much better, but we will not for at least three more years.

* Down the block from my cousin Larry Hickey's home in Queen of the Universe parish - watch the neighbors help the firemen:

It was at 2:29 PM on Friday, December 8, 1972, during the height of the Watergate scandal that United Airlines flight 553 crashed just outside of Chicago during a landing approach to Midway Airport. Initial reports indicated that the plane had some sort of engine trouble when it descended from the clouds. But the odd thing about this crash is what happened after the plane went down. Witnesses living in the working-class neighborhood in which the plane crashed said that moments after impact, a battalion of plainclothes operatives in unmarked cars parked on side streets pounced on the crash-site [High Treason 2 (1992, Carroll and Graf); Harrison Livingston; p426] . These so-called 'FBI types' took control of the scene and immediately began sifting through the wreckage looking for something. At least one survivor recognized a "rescue worker"--clad in overalls sifting through wreckage--as an operative of the CIA [op. cit.; p428]

Nixon whitehouse asserts control of Investigation

One day after the crash, the Whitehouse head of Nixon's "plumber's" outfit--Egil Krogh, Jr.-- was made undersecretary of transportation, a position that put him in a direct position to oversee the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Agency which are both authorized by law to investigate airline crashes. Krogh would later be convicted of complicity in the break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's Psychiatrist's office along with Hunt, Liddy and a small cast of CIA-trained and retained Cuban black-bag specialists.
About a month after Krogh's new assignment, Nixon's appointments secretary, Dwight Chapin, was made an executive in the Chicago office of United Airlines [op. cit.; p429], where he threatened the media to steer clear of speculation about sabotage in the crash. On December 19th--eleven days after the crash--Nixon appointed ex-CIA officer, Alexander Butterfield, as head of the FAA. Students of Watergate will remember Butterfield as the Whitehouse official who supervised Nixon's secret taping system and who exposed the existence of the infamous tapes that ultimately would force Nixon to resign.
Ostensibly traveling with Mrs. Hunt on flight 553 was CBS news corespondent Michelle Clark who, rumor had it, had learned from her sources that the Hunts were about to spill the proverbial beans regarding the Nixon whitehouse and its involvement in the Watergate burglary; Clark also died in the crash.

A large sum of money (between $10,000 and $100,000) was found amid the wreckage in the possession of Mrs. Hunt. It was during this time that Dorothy Hunt was traveling around the country paying off operatives and witnesses in the Watergate operation with money her husband had extorted from Nixon via his counsel, John Dean. Hunt had threatened Nixon and Dean with exposing the nature of all the sordid deeds he had done.

Could it be that the fuel for Hunt's blackmail of the president had little to do with the so-called "third-rate burglary" of the Democratic headquarters? Could it have had more to do with the fate of John F. Kennedy and of Nixon's awareness of who was really behind the planning and deployment of his demise? In the Watergate tapes, Nixon displays a malignant paranoia to his chief-of-staff, H. R. Haldeman, concerning E. Howard Hunt and the Bay of Pigs operation. He decides to use this paranoia to force the CIA to help cover up the Watergate affair:
"...just say (unintelligible) very bad to have this fellow Hunt, ah, he knows too damned much, if he was involved -- you happen to know that? If it gets out that this is all involved, the Cuba thing, it would be a fiasco. It would make the CIA look bad, it's going to make Hunt look bad, and it is likely to blow the whole Bay of Pigs thing which we think would be very unfortunate - both for the CIA and for the country..."
In his memoir, The Ends of Power (1978), Haldeman claims that all the references in the tapes to "The Bay of Pigs thing", were coded references by Nixon:
In those Nixon references to the Bay of Pigs [in the White House tapes] he [Nixon] was actually referring to the Kennedy assassination...After Kennedy was killed, the CIA launched a fantastic cover-up...The CIA literally erased any connection between Kennedy's assassination and the fact, Counter Intelligence Chief James Angleton of the CIA called Bill Sullivan of the FBI (Number Three man under J. Edgar Hoover, who later died of a gunshot would) and rehearsed the questions and answers they would give to the Warren Commission investigators."

In The Haldeman Diaries (1994), editor Stephen Ambrose wrote that Haldeman, in the latter years of his life, attributed the above revelations to his ghost writer, Joseph Di Mona; by 1990, Haldeman was repudiating the entire book. One must remember that from the time Nixon fired Haldeman (1973) until December 1978, the two men were not on speaking terms; it was during this time--coincident with his prison term--that Haldeman released his book.

Monday, March 04, 2013

As Concerned as Ald. Cappleman, I provided a Tasty and Wholesome 'Disincentive' for the Kids Last Night!

"I was concerned that the Mobile Food truck was providing a disincentive to those in need to receive sustained help," Cappleman said.

Man, Chicago Sun Times columnist Mark Brown has boated a 'Keeper' - rather a Cappleman - that could fry up a 'disincentive' for the remaining season of Lent.

Mark Brown also skeeted the pigeons released from the  Progressive "Ain't He Great" Rookie Alderman of the 46th Ward's NIMBY Feathered Boa.

Feed not the pigeons; Feed not the Poor - Chicago Values as deep-fried as those of the other nit-wit Rahm toe-dipper Proco Joe Moreno.

If any one believes that either one of these jamokes initiated a move on fried chicken breasts, wild squab, or the Red Kettle homophobes of Salvation Army without the say-so the 5th Floor Baryshnikovlet me tell you about my romantic exploits with Dean Martin Dancers.

After a long weekend ofCappleman tears and shifting of narrative, Mark Brown has boated the fowl-foe and chow wagon obstructionist.The Cappleman Couple in Happier Times

The beauty of the wiggling apologia from this wall-eyed payroller is the Progressive nuance with deconstruction -Providing a meal to the Hungry is now 'providing disincentive.'

You see, my beef with Progressives is, was and shall ever be, not with their opinions, policies and power proclamations, but their inability to allow any point of view but their own upon pain of being declared racist, stupid, uneducated, fat, homophobic, sexist, ultramontane, lazy, low-self esteem happy, or members of the Insane Deuces. I want every one to be happy, loved, fed, successful and tolerated, with the requirement of swallowing dissembling nonsense ( AKA horseshit, bullshit, parsed verbiage, memes) as if it were  deep-fried pate de fois gras .

I discussed the Cappleman Crusade on pigeons and poor people with two of my children last evening.  They were appalled by the Progressive pronouncements of this once obscure rookie time-server.

"What a creep," they chorused with varying degrees of outraged antipathy.  However, when I suggested that there just might . . . might mind you . . .be more than a bid of Gay agenda power play behind this particular assault up the Salvation Army, much as there was great Hoo and Ha directed against Cardinal George when he twisted Rahm's ears over Chicago Values, they said , "Fine, Dad . . .good one.  how about dinner?"

Unbeknown'st to me at the time, as I had not yet read of Alderman James Cappleman's descant on feeding the homeless via a Salvation Army wagon, I provided the following disincentives for my bairns!

I baked potatoes.  Purchased a tub of County Fair vinaigrette cole slaw and made garlic bread that turns an old man's hair to its original luster.

Our neighborhood's  most valuable Irish Import, head-butcher Mike Benson (left), who hails from County Adair, Ireland. 

Oven Back Baby Back Ribs - Pre-heated oven 300 degrees/Extra Large Roasting pan with rack

  • 2 racks baby back ribs marinated over night in Apple Cider Vinegar with whole pepper corns, cloves, cinnamon sticks and bay leaves: take out of marinade -Carefully remove the membrane for the back of the ribs :  Dump the marinade - use it again with something else and you'll get sick as hell.

  • 6 tablespoons Hickey Rib Rub spice blend -  from the jar in the cabinet that Conor uses on frozen pizzas and gets his ass-chewed when there is not enough of the stuff when I want to use. . .there.  Okay, here's the stuff that I'm talking about - which I stole from Charlie Olson of Lindenhurst Illinois and he uses when he slow smokes ribs and he has another one for fish. I added basil, so its mine now.

  • 8 tablespoons paprika
  • 3 tablespoons cayenne
  • 5 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper
  • 6 tablespoons garlic powder
  • 3 tablespoons onion powder
  • 6 tablespoons salt
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons dried oregano
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons dried thyme & 1 1/2 tablespoons dried basil
  •  Rub the hell out the ribs and do not -repeat do not listen to your brother in-law and add brown sugar/cane sugar/Domino's sugar to the dry rub.  Trust me.
    Place the Pigcicles meat side up on the rack in the roasting pan cook the hell out of them covered for two hours. Remove, the pan using oven mitts.

    Now, slather the meat side up with Argia B's Mumbo Sauce - The Sauce That's Boos - with a clean mopping utensil or culinary brush.  Return to oven for twenty minutes and repeat. Remove from oven and flib the slats, slather the backsides and return to oven for ten minutes.  Remove and flip the slats re-slather and return of ten more minutes. Patience.  2hrs at 300 + post slather 20min. + 20min + 10 + 10.
    Remove and set aside.

    Serve with Baked Spuds prepared earlier, garlic bread ditto and cole slaw as well.

    Back the hell out of the way!  The kids is disincentivizing up a storm.

    Sunday, March 03, 2013

    Is Cappleman's War on Pigeons and the Salvation Army the Prelude to Gay Marriage Illinois?

    Alderman James Capplemans ( back left) and his fiance Richard Thale are hugged by Lauren Peters on the Cappleman Victory Night -signalling war most terrible upon pigeons, Red Kettles and Catholics.

    Didn't a great community activist once say, "For the poor you have always with you: but me you have not always?"  Why, yes, he did.  He was Jesus.  He did not however make much comment on pigeons; Doves, or rather dove salesmen he did -"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the chairs of them that sold doves."

    You see Chicago Values often come into clash with our feathered friends almost as often as people of faith.   It seems that everything comes down to feathers and faith.

    Our Chicago Bird Cage (  la cage aux folles) is very noisy.  One of Chicago's father's is civilly united to another 'father' - Ald. James Cappleman ( 46th Ward) and he is a bona fide Progressive with rock-ribbed Chicago Values.  He is a graduate of the Jane Addams College of Social Work at UIC and old Jane was romantically inclined to towards her own gender, as well.

    The Salvation Army feeds poor people and some of those poor people feed pigeons* and pigeons are no doves.  The Catholic Church feeds the poor, but are less mobile in its operations than the Red Kettle heroes. The Catholic Church began with St. Peter and the Salvation Army with General Booth. Both are religions and both institutions. The Salvation Army and its members, like the Roman Catholic Church, holds to the traditional and natural definition of marriage

    The Salvation Army's Red Kettles offended Illinois Gay Pope Rick Garcia most recently:
    The Salvation Army uses donated money to oppose gay rights, wrote Garcia, a senior policy adviser at The Civil Rights Agenda, attaching a photo of a fact sheet. He suggested that his friends "pass the kettle" and give their money to other groups instead."Serving a gay or lesbian person that needs help with food or housing or clothing is laudable," Garcia said. "But you can't feed them and then stab them in the back."The Salvation Army has grown accustomed to fielding such charges each year as it launches into its most aggressive fundraising season, said Lt. Col. Ralph Bukiewicz, commander of the Salvation Army's Chicago Metropolitan Division. The group also has been criticized for its theological stance on homosexuality and accused of discrimination in shelters and the workplace. . . .For at least six years, gay activists have encouraged supporters to keep their cash and slip printed protest notes into the red kettles instead. The campaign resurfaced this year, gaining more momentum than ever through social media. ( emphasis my own)
    Gays stabbed in the back after having been fed by Red Kettle thugs?  No, but pigeons must be sacrificed for the greater good, according to City Significant Other Cappleman.  Now, comes a more telling conflict between organized religion and Chicago Values. Salvation Army Mobile Food Pantries.

    Sun Times columnists has offered a number of very straight-forward facts based reports on Ald. James Cappleman's crusades.  Here is the latest:

    Ald. James Cappleman (46th) informed the Salvation Army on Friday that it is no longer welcome to feed the poor in Uptown from its homeless outreach trucks.
    Cappleman gave the social service agency one month to find a new North Side location — outside his ward — before ceasing operations, said Capt. Nancy Powers, who oversees the Salvation Army’s homeless program in Chicago. . . .While Salvation Army personnel serve up bowls of hot soup, two social workers specializing in substance abuse and mental health mingle with the crowd and try to forge relationships with the homeless to identify those who are ready to get off the street.
    A “chaser van” goes along to immediately transport anyone who is ready to enter rehab or go to the hospital.
    Operating from a location at Wilson and Marine, the unit feeds 100 people on average at midday Monday through Friday, Powers said. In recent years, most of those lining up for food have been residents of nearby single room occupancy buildings who can’t afford to eat, she said.
    Cappleman informed the Salvation Army it was welcome to continue to provide the social workers, but not to feed anybody.

    Poor people with food are the gateway to pigeons with a bomb-load -Now, that's Chicago Progressive Thought and Chicago Values: Gay Marriage, Real Estate, and Power Politics!

    My own jesuitical 19th Ward Democrat Roman Catholic values lead me to connect the dots between the pigeon drops - The Salvation Army is no friend to the soon-to-be Mr & Mrs. James and Richard Thale-Cappleman and certainly not the Gay Pope Rick Garcia who with dollars from Fred Eychaner and Henry Van Amerigen helped purchase the Governor and both houses of the Illinois Legislature which will soon pass the the Religious Liberty and Marriage Equality Bill.

    The future Ald. & Mrs James-Richard-Thale-Cappleman ( 46th) will marry, but they will still need to kill pigeons, knock over Red Kettles, ban rolling food pantries and continue to craft ordinances and push legislation to destroy the Catholic Church.

    Chicago Values - fighting pigeons and the Paraclete - another bird.

    My Pal John Rubbery has more on Alderman 'Pigeons' Cappleman

    Monday, February 11, 2013

    Eric Zorn calls the Papacy Dysfunctional Institution

    In less time than it usually takes for Eric Zorn to say something really stupid, quicker than a Forrest Claypool job- hop and faster than a Tony Preckwinkle denunciation of some dead white man from Western Culture, EZ beat the Las Vegas Odds Makers with his latest Anti-Catholic musing on the occasion of the Pope's retirement announcement:
    I was shocked to learn that he's the first to resign rather than to die in office (is office the right word?) since 1415. And I would think that Catholics would be glad, at least in general terms, at the violation of this dysfunctional tradition. Not only does it seem to increase the likelihood that the Pope will rule with clarity and vigor, but also the likelihood that the transitions will be smoother.
    I am not shocked to learn that Eric Zorn is shocked. Eric strikes me an opinionated opinion-slinger whose sum total understanding of history and culture is gleaned from PBS premium gift discs of Ken Burns and Bill Moyers lectures, rounded out with solid HBO viewing.

    Not having had the pre-packaged melange of intellectual stuffing gobbled up by the Chicago Tribune's editorial cabal and its house mice (EZ & Scmich), another person with a robust appetite for learning might counter with this -" well Eric, I mean Mr. Zorn, you may be interested to learn that while the Pope is bishop of Rome, he is also the Head of State and the last Pope to call it quits did so to end the Avignon Schism. That was a dispute with real political repercussions like war and stuff.  Gregory X!! resigned and the Council of Constance ( a place not a girl) selected Martin V over the three contestants Gregory Benedict and John. There was Teutonic issues and Hussite heresy as well as the vote for Marty.

    Subsequent Popes, likewise had all of this historical stuff too - alliances with Austria ( Holy Roman Empire) against Italian States, and Norman Naples and Spain and Reformation Protestants and Enlightenment goofballs like Rousseau who begat Italian secularists of the 19th Century who attacked and sacked Rome, and later Bismark who hated Catholics like a Medill and more sieges and riots and then the Nazis and Joe Stalin kind of kept Popes busy.  Too busy to think about retirement.

    Manya Brachear The Seeker is an adept at hooting off her anti-Catholic bazoo only seconds after she chips the china along with "journalists" of her gender in the Cardinal's parlor.

    The dysfunctional tradition????  You mean like the Supreme Court, or being Andy Shaw?

    Naw, Popes stay on the job because they have quite a bit to do. The Popes I knew Pius XII, John XXIII ( for real one; not the anti-Pope of Council of Constance), Paul VI, Pope John Paul and Pope John Paul II  all displayed remarkable wit, charm and intelligence all the way to the end. Benedict XVI resigned a step or two ahead of "the Final Call."  None displayed the ravages of senility so evident in Congressman Jan Schakowsky, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, or Richard Roeper.

    To mime Eric, "Dude, Popes don't have an Illinois Pension."

    Tuesday, November 13, 2012

    Meatless - Monday or Friday? Go Reconcile Yourself.

    Was that you, Ma?  Good Lord.

    I am saving Mother Earth.

    I can't get the window with this bum stepper.

    It's Organic, Pa and it's Monday.

    In a unanimous 12-0 vote, the council approved a resolution Friday endorsing the "meatless Monday" campaign and asking residents to make a personal pledge to ditch meat for one day a week.
    The resolution makes L.A. the largest city to     sign on to the international "Meatless Mondays" campaign, which aims to reduce meat consumption for health and environmental reasons. L.A. Times
    Fifty years ago, we ate fish sticks of Friday.  When the Old Man could be home for a Friday dinner we had halibut.  A couple of years later, we were told that Friday fish was out and we could have meat from animals that  " walked the earth" on Friday as well.

    We were called Mackerel Snappers, Fish Eaters and Friday Pork Dodgers by our ecumenical pals who either went to public school, Timothy Lutheran, or kopped a plea and attended Little Flower Grammar School with us Cat Licks.

    We did not swim at YMCA either. We went over by Leo High School, or to Ridge Park and very often took CTA and Sunburban transit to Blue Island's Memorial Park.  The YMCA preached 'birth control' and the older gents swam in the nude - very Progressive.  We swam elsewhere in swimming trunks and ate fish on Fridays.

    Friday was a day of abstinence - a adjunct to the Sacrament of Penance - in preparation to a visit to the confessional box on Saturday afternoon.

    The Sacrament of Penance was nuanced into Reconciliation 'Forget God, it is our human community with whom we must atone.'

    The lines to the confessional box vanished.  Hey, sorry . . .heartily sorry. Sin vanished.

    Now, we hear of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops returning the faithful to the purpose of Penance.  As part of this evangelical consideration, Catholics will be asked to again abstain on Fridays.

    Not to be eclipsed by the Bishops, the Los Angeles City Council asks its citizens to reconcile themselves to obesity and the environment.  Meatless Mondays are Progressive Doctrine.

    I get the lard legislation. Wide loads are a burden on the eyes of the lithe liberal and legislion ladlers -  Be like Us, Your Betters! Reconcile yourselves to the fact that WE know better. 

    I have also heard the flatulent fantasies of the Eco-radicals holding that hoofed and cloven creatures fart up a storm and blow holes in the ozone -They, preach, "WE (you) must ALL (you) go and consume less meat, and MOTHER EARTH will have fewer eructations from bossy and Old Major splitting the pastoral sound barrier and wafting heaven-ward.  Be Vegan!"

    Well, husbanded cows, pigs, sheep, and foul are Vegans.  They eat no meat with their feed - only vegetables and wholesome grains.

    Moreso, I have been in the proximity of Vegans of all shapes and sizes in the produce sections of Whole Foods and let me tell you the methane atmosphere could not be attributed to Slim Jim consumers.  I was once part of a line at the checkout for Whole Foods immediately behind a pony-tailed hottie of twenty or so with a basket loaded with organic beets, beans, brown rice, tofu, carrots, kale and cabbages.  This athleticly toned and tanned young siren proceed to staccato caps of noxious rounds that would gag a hungry maggot.

    In words of Kipling's Peachy Carnehan from the Man Who Would Be King, the Gwenth Paltrow look alike seemed to "break wind at both ends simultaneous - which is more, I reckon, than any god can do."

    With watery eyes, but good manners I backed off and broke ranks, fitting in behind a solid-looking Bavarian Burgher clutching an expensive ham which perfumed the queue removed a safe distance from yon Vegan Vestal.

    I choose to do Penance on Friday and abstain from my four-legged and feathered friends of Mother Earth.  I need to do Penance.

    As to the LA Inquisition?  Go reconcile yourselves!

    Thursday, September 20, 2012

    Caitlin-O'Soith -Bar Joseph - The Wife of Jesus for Cook County Judge


    "Jesus said to them, 'My wife… ( the papyrus continues)  . . .  My Wife Is a stone-bitch! A  thick-ankled Xanthippe, shrill, nagging, opinionated, cold, nasty, humorless,  hyphenated Irish bitch!  Get me to Pilate, ASAP.  The Cross is looking comfy."   Gospel


    Hi!  Thank you, Women!  . . . And the few evolved men.

     I'm Caitlin O'Soith- Bar-Joseph and my husband is proud union carpenter and faith-based community activist. We,  Jesus, or Josh as I call him, well in truth I have decided not to have any biological children and rather consider all of you our children. He's Jewish and I'm, well you know, Irish!  Bridget Loves Bernie goin' on!

    I am running for Cook County Judge of Everything -It is time for Josh to step out of the shadows of my father-in-law Yaweh.  He's a dear, dear man but hopelessly Old Testament and believes he knows everything!

    You ladies know exactly what I am talking about - (chants and chirps) Obey! lay down and do exactly what I say/Obey! lay down and o exactly what I say!

    Cheerleading Camp is over girls! Our bodies are our own!

    I know my husband has evolved! We are co-equals and exactly the same! I am a strict  “abolish women”  Feminist Catholic Woman!  Ask my husband!  Go er Mother, . . .I hate that word! husband - breeding; think about it and wife -in the proto-German wībam, or woman, but rooted ( another male priapism) in Indo-European root ghwībh- "shame; pudenda" with of its clearly sexual stigma.

     I went to Mundelein - yes, I am a Mundle Bundle-, but I am also a Georgetown Law grad and partner in the all WOMAN law firm of Noball, Payne and Leach.  We are here ladies! That is My Gospel for today!

    I asked Josh to be with me here today but he and his boyfriends are fishing.  Whenever real issues  like ordination of women and LGBTQ hegemony come up, it's " I must be about My Father's Work!" Then it is off to Sea of Galillee for a walk on the Lake; take Mother to Wedding's and do the wine trick, or Sermons on the Mounts, or tenting with Pete, John and Andrew and Elijah and Moses, visit Hairy-backed John the locust eater in Prison, forgive sluts. . .Oh, don't get me started about donkey rides!

    While He's away, let's empower us!  His father and the bird are supposed to be watching, but I don't see them, girls.

    I have been endorsed by the Illinois Progressive Alliance, Planned Parenthood's Illinois Personal PAC, Governor Pat Quinn who is as much of a woman as I am . . .let's give it for Quinn, Women! . . .Deb Mel, Deb Shore, the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun Times, Call to Action, Rainbow Sash, and Voice of the Faithful.

    I was discovered by Harvard Feminist Scholar - Karen King! This could never be a hoax! I am no Shroud of Turin!

    I'll be the judge! I judge everything!  Hear ME roar!,0,2451217.story,0,2451217.story

    Thursday, July 19, 2012

    Dude, The Obscure

    TapasenBarcelona.JPGThat Obscure Object of Desire

    I have been posting on the Internet, information highway, blogs, Al Gore's invention # 107, web magazines and newspapers, since the dawn of this our millennium.  I got me a computer. To date, I have published 2,065 blog posts here on With Both Hands.  These posts cover everything that I find interesting, disturbing, poignant, hum-bugging and amusing.  I am never bored. 

    This follows a practice of morning daily prose-ing with pen and ink, pencil, lipstick and crayon on paper (typing, legal and notebook) going back to my college days. It's fun and at times it pays cash money.

    Yesterday a pal in California who possess one of the finest Blog sites going - The Scratching Post - commented on one my Dick Simposn posts . KTCat posts insights and observations with a wicked wit, underscored by a feline soul. Take a gander at this cat's blog which I link below.

    This week, two of my posts opened their claws on Thundering Dick Simpson ( former Chicago Alderman, Political Science Prof at UIC, and Progressive Tax-dollar jackal) over his recently media ballyhoo-ed Cliff's Notes of Corruption - Green Grass and Greed: Corruption in the Suburbs.  This latest work is intended to 
    1. Fire up the usual dependable media gas-bags to howl about Corruption universal and squeal like a hog on gelding day about suburban political ne-er-do-wells
    2. Get Pat Quinn to use more phantom Illinois tax-dollars to have Thundering Dick's associates compensated for panel-time in the endless work of rooting out Bosses, Bagmen and Blackguards in the 'Burbs -publicly execute the Girodins( Regular Dems and Tassled Loafer GOP-ers) - Dick's Committee for Public Safety from Suburb Corruption-COMITÉ de la Sécurité publique de la corruption en dehors de la ville
    3. Get more Progressive branded goofballs, ninnies, grifters, nutbags and abortionists elected to public office
    Thundering Dick Simpson used to be hilarious, but time and memory loss have made him dangerous.

    My pal from the sinister coast ( facing true-north, west is left and right, or dextra is east) sent this note to me here in centralis ora - you know, over by the Lake: 

    K T Cat said...
    Your topics are obscure and your writing is splendid. I loved it!
    7:12 AM 
    The chap believes my offerings to be Obscure and Splendid.  I do not know about the splendid part, but I be obscure.

    Obscurus in Latin means Dark.  The word now tends to mean ambiguous, mysterious, or not easily known.  Beginning with Edmund Spencer, who married the daughter of an Irish chieftain, the renaissance English poets valued the dark conceit, allegory - the darker the better.

    Allegory is used to explain something metaphysical ( love, marriage, courtship, patriotism, or Faith) by using a bunch of physical objects - a heart becomes a hand grenade under the pen Abraham Cowley (1618-1687).  

    Dude, Obscure I must remain.

    The heart is dark.  The mind is clouded.  The voice, though certain, stutters attempts at truth.

    Let me explain.

    It all had to do with a train ride from Madrid to Seville, or was it Seville to Paris? I was trying to distance myself from this young girl,  Conchita. As my train was ready to depart I  found that a bruised and bandaged Conchita was pursuing me. From the train I  poured a bucket of water over her head. I  believed this might deter her, but she climbed aboard.
    My  fellow compartment passengers witnessed this rude act. These included a mother and her young daughter, a judge who is coincidentally a friend of Thundering Dick Simpson, and a psychologist who coincidentally is a dwarf - looked a great deal like Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Lakeview). They inquired about my motivation for such an act and I then explained the history of my tumultuous relationship with Conchita.  
    I'm a middle aged, widowed, white guy, who when sporting a beard bears a strinking resemblance to that great actor Fernando Rey - Frog One from the French Connection. Women find me attractive for some reason, in part due a my boyishly Celtic self-deprecating manner with the dark eyes of Tyrone Power if he had lived as long as me and because I keep my pockets full of spending loot and change my "vines" nine times a day.  Conchita was drawn to me like flies to a crowded Archer Avenue bus in August  - that and the fact chicks dig the obscure.
    Conchita, claims to be 18 but looks older, vows to remain a virgin until marriage. She tantalized me with sexual promises but never allowed me to satisfy sexual desire, which I was plenty used to, let me tell you.   Conchita's antics caused us to break up and reunite repeatedly, each time frustrating and confusing this middle-aged widow guy.
    Eventually, I  found Conchita dancing nude for tourists in a Seville nightclub. I was enraged. Later, however, I  forgave her and bought  her a house - a nice raised ranch like my own back in the States, but drier during rain storms, because there were no Goddam #$%^ing Tree Roots raping into the sewer ejection pipe going out to Rockwell Street thanks to the sonsobitchin' parkway trees. 
    Soon after moving into the house, Conchita refused to let me in at the back door, tells me that she hates me, and that kissing and touching me make her sick. I get that alot. Then, to prove her independence,  she takes up with a hair-dresser who sings in the community male chorus and dances in summer productions of Pippin.
    After this, Conchita attempted , insisting that the sex was fake and that her "lover" is in reality a homosexual friend. However, during her explanation, I decided to  beat feet and  then says "Now I´m sure you love me,", causing her bandaged and bruised state spoken of earlier.  
    I jumped trains, while she slept and when once the train's lights were fading toward Paris, I remembered that I had not had anything to eat and went to one swell Tapas joint and me a big old plate-fulla Queso con anchoas, pulpo de gallegos,papas bravas ( love them spuds) and pinchos de encurtidos. Mighty tasty.

    Them flamenco dancers got nothing on a big old plateful of Tapas.


    Friday, April 27, 2012

    "Analyze This! " - God Responds to Latest Scientific Study: People of Faith Don't Think

    Scientists have revealed one of the reasons why some folks are less religious than others: They think more analytically, rather than going with their gut. And thinking analytically can cause religious belief to wane — for skeptics and true believers alike.
    I was awakened again, thanks be to God. Said my prayers, fed the cat, and got to it.  Read the Tribune and the posted article and asked God what he thought of it. Here HE is!

    God ( aka - Supreme Being, Dominus, Lord of Hosts, Yaweh, Allah, Prime Mover, Triun God, Original Gangstah! & etc. )

    Hickey, do you know what time it is ?  Oh, ME!  You got Company? Sorry about the get-up,folks,  this goof wakes before I intended man to rise.  Hickey, you are really lucky I turned-in early, or you'd really be up $hit-creek for fair, Paddy Me Boy!  As it is you just added a few semesters to your stay in Purgatory. Take a walk or something - I sure Hell don't need you staring over my shoulders. Now, Blow!
    Hi, everybody!  Again, sorry about my state of dress; I'm God for Crissakes, not Adolph Menjou.  He really is an inconsiderate pain in the ass, but he means well, I know. . . .before we get to the meat of the matter, let me first congratulate all the Leo Alumni who will be celebrating their commitment to Leo High School ( 1928-2012 Anno Mine) at the Lexington House in Hickory Hills tonight.  The doors will open at 5:30 P.M. and cocktails will be served between 6:30 - 7:30 Post Meridian central Standard Time.  If any of you guys are thirsty, just wait; there will be plenty of time to toss back a few and remember DUI laws are enforced.  I created the each human body differently - age, weight, gender, food intake prior to consumption of one ounce of alcohol must be considered.  For some of you gents who slept through Brother Finch's chemistry and physics class, which I dou . . .am certain never happened, remember an ounce of booze is an ounce of booze - beer, wine, or loudmouth.  Have fun but if you plan to whack down an inappropriate amount of cold ones, have a sober driver.  Remember to eat.

    Leo Men!  You are my sons in whom I am very well pleased!

    The weather is going to be a bit odd - Hey, you live in Chicago! 

    That's about it.

    Now, a group of smart kids used grant money to justify the current war on Faith.  This is a political gimmick that Bismark used in the 19th Century in order to consolidate the 101 German States and principalities under Prussian control.  Kant and Hegel were and still are used to make a case against me.  Knock yourselves out, Lads.

    This current study is meant to Balkans folks.  If you believe in Me, all to the good.  If you choose to not believe in Me . . .see you in a few years; right Mr. Hitchens?  Any way. 

    This new study, which is really as old as human arrogance, holds that Doubters are smarter than Believers. They use math and science to prove this using a series of John Dewey's tests and measurements.  These are the same class of  talented youngsters who measure and calibrated the wheels on the very expensive Bombardier Rail Car Wheels that the City of City bought like a pig in a poke last November.

    Measure twice; cut once works only if the carpenter has learned which end of the rule which - remember that scene in This is Spinal Tap?  That was great!  The Stonehenge scene.  Where the stage manager wrote down inches ("s) instead of feet (')? Here, Watch This!

    You guys kill me . . . and then I Resurrect!
    Anyway, ever since Moses took his sandals off when I lit that bush on fire ( Charleton Heston!  Take a bow, Son!) you need proofs. Thomas the Apostle, that was a close one for you, Kiddo. No matter what I say, do, or demonstrate there will always be doubt - supposed to be.  I don't want you clowns stumbling around in the dark, or depending upon your trust of Kellogg's that there is exactly 16 ounces of corn-flakes in the box, or worse allowing science alone to be your guide - looks at how much weight Al Gore put on since he obsessed with glaciers and penguins.  That and his pretty wife gave him the gate.

    I am perfect. Sorry, the job's taken.  Everything else is limited ( you can only drink so many beers, guys), fallible, disappointing, and in exact.  The earth is nice and round.  Water freezes at a some point, given certain circumstances, and it boils at some point, again given certain circumstances.  The NBA does not draft Pygmies - is that certainty, or what if Shorty Mnumbaka has a hang time measured in 0.58 minutes X Two and standard English yard ( 3') s times Seven?   Shorty will go into his freshman year at Brother Aman Prep School in Gungu, Uganda just a bit north central of Lake Albert.  Don't believe me?  Got Proof? just kidding.

    Look, you have computers and they are all coded using 0s and 1s. You have DNA coded A, T,G, C with three billion of these letters in every human cell - math is limits.

    I have been talking to you all for millions of years; some choose to believe on a few thousand of years, Whats a few numbers off between friends?  I AM. . . .don't just take my  Word for it. Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winner for quantum electrodynamics, said, "Why nature is mathematical is a mystery...The fact that there are rules at all is a kind of miracle."

    Here's the deal. No matter how many numbers, proofs, or tests, you all have Free Will.  No Charge! 
    One caveat - There really is only One test, all the rest are Old Styles and Slim Jims, really.  It is Pass/Fail and really can not study for it - call it The Final.,0,7996681.story

    Thursday, March 08, 2012

    Ask David Axelrod - Is Misericordia Home Really Necessary?

    "People with developmental disabilities need places like Misericordia to live fulfilled lives, to live happy lives," said Axelrod. "I've seen it in my own daughter's life, and I want to see that available for many, many others." David Axelrod April, 2011

    This year, the Catholic Church in the United States is being told she must "give up" her health care institutions, her universities and many of her social service organizations. This is not a voluntary sacrifice. It is the consequence of the already much discussed Department of Health and Human Services regulations now filed and promulgated for implementation beginning Aug. 1 of this year.
    Francis Cardinal George in Catholic New World - February 26, 2012

    “The reduction in the number of pregnancies compensates for the cost of contraception,” Sebelius said. She went on to say the estimated cost is “down not up.” Kathy "One Child Policy" Sebelius HHS Secretary March 1, 2012
    Bucks, or Babies? Breeders, Wafer Catholics and Bible toting Gun Hugging Rubes say "Babies, Kathy." Sophisticated Secular Progressives shout, "dollar savings of course. No Babies , No Bucks, No Problem and cleaner, Greener Earth."

    Misericordia Home is Chicago's place where special needs children and adults have been cared for since 1921. David Axelrod runs the Obama 2012 Campaign - Greater Together. Ironically enough, David Axelrod has a special needs child in the care of Miseridcodia Home and David Axelrod is not a Catholic. This is ironic because Axelrod's candidate and our Chief Executive,President Obama, is at war with Catholics, because the Catholic Church as an institution is powerful, but only remains powerful in so far as it stands for its doctrines. Doctrines can not be sold like a commodity, or Green Future, or Shares in GE, unless of course one happens to be an elected official who calls himself/herself Catholic but promotes any and all agendas that conflict with the doctrines of the Catholic Church.

    The Catholic Church as an institution has physical assets, developed through the course of American History via the support of individual Catholics and some friends who admire the good works those assests support - like Misericordia Home.

    There are schools, hospitals, and family support centers of all kinds and types.

    I am not familiar with a John Dewey Center for Childeless Couples, or a Planned Parenthood Fetus Drop-Off Station, but I know that John Dewey's Hegelian discipuli demand that Catholic Hospitals perform abortions and that Catholics get in line with China's policies toward big families.

    Special Needs children are the focus of a new medical paper that is all the rage in Europe. Children born with special needs should be put to death, "in order to spare the mother and other family members a psychological burden" that the child's place as a living carbon foot-print might pose.

    Catholics, traditional Catholics, breeders and wafer swallowers,as they are deemed by Catholics for Obama, fear for the future. Catholics for Obama say this:

    Is Obama Pro-Life?The answer is “yes.” Looking through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching, Senator Obama has spent his entire career striving for the common good. He supports health care programs that will cover all Americans, a living wage for working families, and solutions that allow distressed families to stay in their homes. And rather than trying to overturn Roe v. Wade, an ineffective strategy for 40 years, Senator Obama will reduce abortions. How? By promoting health care for pregnant women and better infant care, day care and job training. In fact, data has shown that social and education programs actually reduce abortions.

    Catholic Social Teaching? Whose? Nevermind. Oh, that one is dated 2008. Could be because there is not a Catholics for Obama 2012 . . .yet.According to this same standard of reason posed by Catholics for Obama - Adolph Hitler was a member of PETA. Loved Blondi, He Did!

    Obama Catholics need to tweak that gusher above because President Obama is clearly pro-abortion and not any way near pro-life.

    Push has come to shove. Obama will not yield on his Mandate for Contraception and Abortion ( morning after pills for Ms. Fluke)because Planned Parenthood would go all Bill Maher on his butt.

    Unless President Obama gets fewer votes than . . . anyone not Obama, the Catholic Church's institutions like Misericordia will close, as will Catholic schools, hospitals, Catholic Charities, any Catholic mission surrounded by bricks and mortar.

    I gotta ask, Did David Axelrod actually mean what he said about Misericordia in April 2011? Ask him yourselves, folks.

    Thursday, February 16, 2012

    MSNBC's Pulitzer Prize Eugenics Robinson -"Catholics Insane"

    By God there were black Nazis.

    Serial Mumbler and real Pulitzer Prize Eugenics Robinson explains everything to contraceptively superfluous Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

    So, I mean, the only thing I can figure out, Rachel, is that’s based on a wrong and frankly insane belief that a fertilized egg is a fully formed person and has personhood and that, you know, preventing the implantation of that egg is some-, is murder.

    Catholic are Insane, quoth he. ACLU? Nah. Stupid is as Stupid Be.

    Ein Reich for the Right Folks, Eugenious? I guess not everyone is cut out to be a Tuskeegee Airman.

    Thursday, February 09, 2012

    City, County, State and Federal "Take it and Like It." South Side Parade, Progressive Government and All of Us

    President Obama and the Lawn Rangers

    Mayor Rahm Emanuel's administration indicated this week that it doesn't think the group trying to resurrect the South Side Irish Parade, shut down three years ago because of drunken violence, is prepared to pull it off Chicago Tribune

    You set your watch by our elected officials - Gay marriage introduced - 'kill the parade where the breeders live . . .they also object to abortion . . .and are racist . . .and pay taxes.'

    One Parade in the City of Chicago, one only, is a 'drunken' monstrosity. That is the South Side St. Patrick's Day Parade. Only one parade in the City of Chicago is bad and all others are good, no matter what.

    In the past ten years, the South Side St. Patrick's Day Parade in the Beverly, Morgan Park, and Mount Greenwood neighborhoods has morphed into the South Side Chirish Parade thanks to the news media. Not only has the name been changed but the very location - a Catholic conglomeration of Catholic Parishes, schools and a university - has been tagged as intrinsically racist and bigoted.

    Phil Kadner of the Sun Times Group wrote an article immediately after the 2008 Parade in which he attempted to mislead readers with a real stretcher that the genesis of the parade was no more than white flight Irish Catholic racism.

    According to neighborhood legend, the South Side Irish Parade was launched by two families that fondly recalled the original St. Patrick's Day Parade on 79th Street.

    It seems to me it really grew in popularity about the time the Daley clan was out of power, Harold Washington was mayor, and the Irish of the 19th Ward decided to secede from Chicago.

    The parade was begun long before Harold Washington decided to run for Mayor of Chicago and really took off in popularity when Mayor Jane Byrne pulled Chicago Police Department security to punish the striking firefighters who live in this Ward. Like this year, only the South Side St. Patrick's Day enjoys no official support and the media does as it is told.

    Sadly, Alderman Matt O'Shea finds himself opposing a neighborhood event that at one time needed to shore up security denied by the Mayor with private volunteers and could have used his skills and leadership. When Mayor Byrne tried to kill the Parade as a message to city workers, Alderman Mike Sheahan led the neighborhood keeping the Parade safe and sober without Chicago Police. The Parade was even more community minded than years previous. Politicians and news creatures broke their knee-caps crawling to and from this very Catholic community event every year subsequent.

    Every politician from Mayor Washington to Governor Blagojevich participated in this 'drunken and racist' event. President Obama, while running for State and U.S. Senate made sure he was given proper place in the march route down Western Ave., as did Bill Clinton, Jerry Brown, Al Gore and even Pat Buchanan.

    The South Side St. Patrick's Day Parade stands a good chance of being aborted by Rahm Emanuel. Security is the issue. Curbing drunken behavior and white ethnic Catholic racist highjinx that never happened at any past parade in this neighborhood will be Emanuel's meme. Parade Denied. Like the Obama HHS Choice Mandate, this is Progressive government writ large. Take it and like it and vote Democratic this March!

    James "Skinny" Sheahan, brother of Alderman and Sheriff Mike Sheahan, provided leadership and is to be commended, whether the Parade marches on or not.

    Sheahan demands 100% community intolerance of public consumpstrion of beer and booze. We don't want this neighborhood to be like Wrigleyville on a home game.

    Every Cubs home game is a mini-south side Chi-rish Bacchanalia, but it is sanctioned and supported by Annie Sather's Cinnabon Alderman and Mayor alike.

    The South Side St. Patrick's Day Parade was made into a political football by the 19th Ward Alderman, the news media, and the Mayor of Chicago. Football is a one tough game.

    The Parade was brought back for the very same reasons the parade was begun - to celebrate the identity - Faith, Family and Friendship -of the Irish Catholics who live here. No other reason. The bar owners are hardly a powerful lobby and many are barely scratching out a living thanks to City, County and State taxes and regulations and the always one-way relationship with elected officials - take it and like it and buy some tickets.

    Opposition to the parade is sometimes genuine. I live three short blocks west of the parade route. The north side and suburban fern-bar buses drop off revelers from outside of the neighborhood right in front of my house at 7AM on parade days and do not pick up the disoriented and tummysick youngsters until 7PM.

    I end up picking up few empties from my lawn, but that is about it. I have helped a few mopes, who missed the pick-up back to Bucktown and River North, call for cabs, or Mommy. Not exactly a Gethsemane.

    If the Parade is killed it will be an act of the usual politically correct and very Progressive hypocrisy that controls the public debate - Take it and Like It!

    Writing in this morning's Wall Street Journal about the Obama Choice Mandate -pills, abortifacients and rubbers for all of God's Children no matter what God says -the author writes a summary of Progressive Government -
    So here we are, with the government demanding that the church hold up its end of a Faustian bargain that was supposed to permit it to perform limitless acts of virtue. Instead, what the government believes the deal is about, more than anything else, is compliance.

    Politically bloodless liberals would respond that, net-net, government forcings do much social good despite breaking a few eggs, such as the Catholic Church's First Amendment sensibilities. That is one view. But the depth of anger among Catholics over this suggests they recognize more is at stake here than political results. They are right. The question raised by the Catholic Church's battle with ObamaCare is whether anyone can remain free of a U.S. government determined to do what it wants to do, at whatever cost. .
    WSJColumnist Dan Henninger on the Catholic church and government

    This is the secularist Progressive Seamless Garment -ObamaCare, Gay Marriage, No School Vouchers, Abortion and more taxes for the middle class have the South Side St. Patrick's Day to be a litmus test.

    If we need to sacrifice the South Side St. Patrick's Day Parade to let the Catholic homophobic breeders and racists and drunks know -what's what - so be it.

    Greg Harris introduced the Religious Liberty & Gay Marriage legislation in Springfield only yesterday, in order to allow the lame duck Democrats to high speed rail another bill that will be signed by the always compliant Progressive stooge governor. Take it and like it.

    Wednesday, February 08, 2012

    News Black Out in Chicago - Catholic Bishops Make Huge Statement on Obama Choice Mandate and No Coverage

    President Obama,Our Secular Science President, loads up and aims more than marshmallows at Fish Eaters.

    Yesterday, the Chicago news media avoiding mentioning the powerful statement on Obama's Health and Human Services Mandate. Cardinal George wrote this:

    Our parents and grandparents did not come to these shores to help build America’s cities and towns, its infrastructure and institutions, its enterprise and culture, only to have their posterity stripped of their God given rights. All that has been built up over so many years in our Catholic institutions should not be taken away by the stroke of an administrator’s pen. This order reduces the Church to a private club, destroying her public mission in society. In generations past, the Church has always been able to count on the faithful to stand up and protect her sacred rights and duties. I hope and trust she can count on this generation of Catholics to do the same.
    (click my post title for the text in full)

    The Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun Times have much invested in Obama 2012, as in 2008. Barack Obama is a Chicago resident and has and continues to enjoy the full partnership of the Progressive Machine that helped him dance on the lily pads to the White House - State Senate of Illinois after an ignominious defeat for Congress at the hands of Bobby Rush, the media driven character assassinations of competition ( Democrat Blair Hull and Republican Jack Ryan), GOP's Judy Barr Topinka's deft selection of Amb. Alan Keyes as a general election opponent, elevation to the United State Senate, the stem winder in Boston 2004 at the DNC and tingle in Chris Matthews' leg 2008-Present.

    Only John Kass, Steve Huntley and Dennis Byrne have criticized President Obama - rather they have refused to ignore his very obvious short-comings.

    The HHS Obama Choice Mandate, crafted by Planned Parenthood and others, has awakened a sense that President Obama represents folks with absolutely no tolerance for Catholics.

    Chicago is the most Catholic of American cities. . .no really.

    John Powers of Chicago Daily Observer, for whom I occasionally offer my prose, lit into our supine media.

    So how did the Chicago incumbent media react?

    Op-eds from Dennis Byrne and Steve Huntley, both are against the intrusive HHS ruling and the denial of religious liberty. Yet, both columns look to be written before the Catholic Bishops letter was published by the Archdiocese of Chicago.

    No mention in the Sun-Times; No mention in the Chicago Tribune; No mention on WLS-7 or any other media outlet, as far as I can search. As Peggy Noonan says, this may be the issue that gets President Obama defeated this fall, but the incumbent Chicago Media has chosen to stifle the opposition to the incumbent President on this one.

    Anyone surprised?

    I am sure many are surprised. That is the pity of it all.

    Tuesday, February 07, 2012

    Civil Liberties Are Not Afforded to Catholics - Dennis Byrne Explains the "The Yeah-Butters."

    The Yeah, Butters are secular Progressive meme-mummers. The talking points (memes) are churned in the well-larded cash cows that produce the "The Yeah, Buts" - arguments and shout downs meant to silence any and all opposition to anything.

    The "Yeah, Butters" created the "little liberty free zones" - no smoking, no trans-fatties, no goose liver, no nothing landscape that are the hall mark of Progressive America's laboratory schools of thought.

    Progressives hate large families

    Progressives hate smokers

    Progressive hate people with pot-bellies

    Progressives hate talk radio

    Progressives hate you-name-it

    Progressives hate schools that work ( Washington D.C., Catholic Schools and private schools)

    Is hate too strong a word? Gosh, yes. Rather let's say that the above are Verifiably Unsatisfactory targets for elimination. Everybody Dance Now!

    Progressives ( American Dewey/Hegelian Secularists - think Bill Moyers) really hate Catholics and always have done so. From Lyman Beecher - to Thoreau - to Jane Addams - to Roger Baldwin, Progressives have worked like Mexicans with family to eliminate Roman Catholic American influence and existence.

    In the last fifty years, Catholic Democrats have done their heavy lifting. Funding from the big Yeah, Butter Dairies - Planned Parenthood, ACLU, 501 (c) 3 Family Foundations with boards backed with Lefties, public service unions and lending institutions helped baptized Catholic politicians, become born-again Henry Wallace/Margaret Sanger mouthpieces.

    The result is the looming battle against religious liberty - going the way of cigarettes, sugar and butter. Catholics are the target for tonight and everynight.
    Dennis Byrne, in his Chicago Tribune column answers the Yeah, Butters in their own words.

    Radical secularists spit out their usual canard about how "Catholics seek to impose their morals on everyone else." This is the goofiest of upside-down arguments. In truth, it should be clear to anyone but the blindly ideological and anti-Catholic bigots that secularists are imposing their beliefs on Catholics. As the Rev. Robert Barron, a Catholic priest, scholar and author, noted: "Who is using the law to impose morality on people? It ain't the Catholic Church. It's the secular state."

    Secularists will drag out plenty of diversionary arguments to the central issue, most typically: Many Catholic couples use artificial birth control, so it doesn't matter if the government tells the church what to do about contraception. As if the government can decide what church teachings are valid and constitutionally protected by taking a poll. If church membership disagrees with the church's beliefs, that's a problem for the church and its members, not the government. Government already has enough problems of its own.

    In his controversial appearance at the University of Notre Dame, President Barack Obama promised a sensible approach to matters of conscience. He now touts how he draws from his Christian faith when crafting public policy.

    It's all campaign rhetoric, and Catholics who fell for it by giving him a majority of their votes in 2008 have cause for regret and anger.

    Yeah, but there is so much more coming.

    Sunday, February 05, 2012

    Cardinal Barry Obama's Church of The Missing Context

    "I actually think that's going to make economic sense," said Obama. "But for me as a Christian, it also coincides with Jesus' teaching that 'for unto whom much is given, much shall be required.'" From John Kass Chicago Tribune on Preacher Barry

    Man, the President will read anything put in front of him "Here, Mr. President, this has you quote from Jesuah, Mathews, Maddow, Luke . . . St. Paul . . .who cares . . .it's biblical and it makes great copy and context for your getting the rich to pay more - the rich. . .no not GE. or George . . .the other rich people . . .pipefitters and Local 150 Operators. Yes, sir it is working perfectly and it is off camera. . . Go get 'em!"

    John Kass's column this morning reminded me of that. The President was given Luke 12:48 and today's gospel at Mass was Mark 1: 29 - 39. It's good one.

    Jesus, Simon, Andrew, James and John, his Million Loaves and Fishes Quartet, performed a a miraculous cure of Simon's mother-in-law and good woman got up from her fever bed and good the lads some lunch. Jeuss then cured the folks in the neighborhood and cast out demons. People were as screwed up then as they are now, but at least then they didn't drink donkey squirtings on NBC's Fear Factor and call that entertainment.

    NBC and GE are huge investors in President Obama's vision of America.

    John Kass reminded me of President Obama's Prayer Breakfast preachifying this past week.

    The President occupied the podium with Biblical parsings for taxing us much more. By "us" I mean all of us - United States taxpayers. We are blessed! However, I do not believe that Luke's passage (Luke 12:48), all Dewey'd up by President Corinthian Barry Obama at the prayer breakfast is in any way, shape or, form about taxes. Nope that Luke pastoral piece is about getting your ass smote -

    "But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." New International Bible

    or, King James -"But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

    Then there's the Douhy-Rheims used by us Fish Eaters and HHS Traitorous Dogs -
    But he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more.

    You see, them 'stripes' have to do with cuts of the old bullwhip. Deuteronomy 25:3 called for no more forty good-and-sound on the backs of servants and stewards who screwed up.

    A whack with a bullwhip can be taxing on the soft, supple milky flesh of young handmaiden. . .sorry. How the mind do race.

    Context Folks! Here's the full Luke -

    40 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

    41 Then Peter said to Him, “Lord, do You speak this parable only to us, or to all people?”

    42 And the Lord said, “Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his master will make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season? 43 Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. 44 Truly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has. 45 But if that servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and be drunk, 46 the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.

    47 And that servant who knew his master’s will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

    48 But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.
    (emphasis my own)

    No taxes. No 1% and no 99%. Stewards, whips, and portions of stripes for servants who knew their job descriptions, but screwed up.

    Luke's gospel tells us that as Catholics, or Christians we come into this world with a set of instructions. That is called VALUES. We get taxed later.

    We know that abortion is murder, because the rules we agree to as Catholics, or Christians or Jews, state just that and also that birth control can be a chemical abortifacient - something that causes an abortion. If we know the rules and screw up, we face the "stripes" down the road.

    Our Faith is what has been given to us and if we give that Faith over to Political Correctness, Weakness, Self-loathing, or Opportunity, Jesus warned us that "much" would be given.

    The President might want to consult with Congressman Jan Schakowsky about taking a whip to the help.

    In other news, Carmel of Mundelein Alumnus Rick Santorum is ahead of President Obama in the latest Rassmussen Poll.

    In a potential Election 2012 matchup, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum is at 45% while President Obama earns 44%. This is the first time in any poll that Santorum has led the president. Several other GOP challengers have led the president a single time in the polls including Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich. Each man briefly held the lead while they were surging in the polls, only to fall quickly. It remains to be seen what will happen to Santorum’s support.

    Santorum gets 78% of the Republican vote and leads by ten among those not affiliated with either major party. President Obama get 83% of the Democratic vote in that matchup. Santorum leads by 16 points among men but trails by 12 among women. As is typically the case in all matchups, the president leads among those under 40 while the GOP hopeful leads among those who are over 40.