Was that you, Ma? Good Lord.
I am saving Mother Earth.
I can't get the window with this bum stepper.
It's Organic, Pa and it's Monday.
In a unanimous 12-0 vote, the council approved a resolution Friday endorsing the "meatless Monday" campaign and asking residents to make a personal pledge to ditch meat for one day a week.Fifty years ago, we ate fish sticks of Friday. When the Old Man could be home for a Friday dinner we had halibut. A couple of years later, we were told that Friday fish was out and we could have meat from animals that " walked the earth" on Friday as well.
The resolution makes L.A. the largest city to sign on to the international "Meatless Mondays" campaign, which aims to reduce meat consumption for health and environmental reasons. L.A. Times
We were called Mackerel Snappers, Fish Eaters and Friday Pork Dodgers by our ecumenical pals who either went to public school, Timothy Lutheran, or kopped a plea and attended Little Flower Grammar School with us Cat Licks.
We did not swim at YMCA either. We went over by Leo High School, or to Ridge Park and very often took CTA and Sunburban transit to Blue Island's Memorial Park. The YMCA preached 'birth control' and the older gents swam in the nude - very Progressive. We swam elsewhere in swimming trunks and ate fish on Fridays.
Friday was a day of abstinence - a adjunct to the Sacrament of Penance - in preparation to a visit to the confessional box on Saturday afternoon.
The Sacrament of Penance was nuanced into Reconciliation 'Forget God, it is our human community with whom we must atone.'
The lines to the confessional box vanished. Hey, sorry . . .heartily sorry. Sin vanished.
Now, we hear of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops returning the faithful to the purpose of Penance. As part of this evangelical consideration, Catholics will be asked to again abstain on Fridays.
Not to be eclipsed by the Bishops, the Los Angeles City Council asks its citizens to reconcile themselves to obesity and the environment. Meatless Mondays are Progressive Doctrine.
I get the lard legislation. Wide loads are a burden on the eyes of the lithe liberal and legislion ladlers - Be like Us, Your Betters! Reconcile yourselves to the fact that WE know better.
I have also heard the flatulent fantasies of the Eco-radicals holding that hoofed and cloven creatures fart up a storm and blow holes in the ozone -They, preach, "WE (you) must ALL (you) go and consume less meat, and MOTHER EARTH will have fewer eructations from bossy and Old Major splitting the pastoral sound barrier and wafting heaven-ward. Be Vegan!"
Well, husbanded cows, pigs, sheep, and foul are Vegans. They eat no meat with their feed - only vegetables and wholesome grains.
Moreso, I have been in the proximity of Vegans of all shapes and sizes in the produce sections of Whole Foods and let me tell you the methane atmosphere could not be attributed to Slim Jim consumers. I was once part of a line at the checkout for Whole Foods immediately behind a pony-tailed hottie of twenty or so with a basket loaded with organic beets, beans, brown rice, tofu, carrots, kale and cabbages. This athleticly toned and tanned young siren proceed to staccato caps of noxious rounds that would gag a hungry maggot.
In words of Kipling's Peachy Carnehan from the Man Who Would Be King, the Gwenth Paltrow look alike seemed to "break wind at both ends simultaneous - which is more, I reckon, than any god can do."
With watery eyes, but good manners I backed off and broke ranks, fitting in behind a solid-looking Bavarian Burgher clutching an expensive ham which perfumed the queue removed a safe distance from yon Vegan Vestal.
I choose to do Penance on Friday and abstain from my four-legged and feathered friends of Mother Earth. I need to do Penance.
As to the LA Inquisition? Go reconcile yourselves!