Sunday, February 01, 2009

John Fritchey - The Best to Replace Rahm Emmanuel in the 5th District

Il. Representative John Fritchey describes Cook County Commissioner Mike Quigley to Speaker Mike Madigan - Speaker wonders, 'They really stack it that short?'
Rep. John Fritchey ( D -17th District) warned about Blago years ago, when Sara Feigenholtz was busy lining up to smooch the impeached/convicted and booted Governor Rod Blagojevich' s clout pimpled fanny.

Yesterday the Sun Times reported that Sara Feigenholtz not only grabbed favor from Blago, but from Gov. George Ryan as well - sic semper Progressives!

Progressives tend to be people who wear their hearts on their sleeves while digging their own greasy fingers into public coffers. IVI-IPO beauties like Hyde Park Porkers Bill Singer and Larry Bloom always give me a giggle.

Now, Jan Schakowsky ( whose hubby did a few semesters in Terra Haute Federal Pen for Check Kiting and later ran Camp Obama) has a play mate running for the Progressive boodle and endorsements.

She was endorsed by baby slayers of Emily's List and Blago's List:

State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz is positioning herself as a progressive Democrat in the race to succeed Rahm Emanuel in Congress representing the North Side of Chicago and some of the west suburbs.

But one of her opponents is making sure voters know Feigenholtz's name appears on two "clout lists" -- lists of people who allegedly secured jobs for friends from then-Secretary of State George Ryan in the 1990s and from then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich's administration.

State Rep. John Fritchey, a rival in the 5th Congressional District race, has been highlighting that connection in calls to voters.

Feigenholtz noted that Fritchey doesn't mention that many elected officials in Illinois -- including Emanuel, who is now President Obama's White House chief of staff -- also found their names on the list for acts as small as writing a letter of recommendation for people who got state jobs. That's what Feigenholtz said landed her on both clout lists.

In 1996, Feigenholtz's name appeared on a list made public in Ryan's corruption trial in which her name was linked to getting Gina Pianetto a job with the Secretary of State. On the Blagojevich list, Feigenholtz's name, misspelled "Sara Fagenholtz," appears next to a notation regarding the hiring of Suzanne Maso as a $40,000-a-year public aid intern in 2003.,CST-NWS-fifth01.article

Not only that, Sara Feigenholts is dollars over the Uriah Heep of Illinois politics - Mike Quigley - The Terror of Tiny Town!
In an early measure of strength, several candidates trying to succeed Rahm Emanuel in Congress reported fundraising totals today that suggest the brief but competitive primary campaign will attract plenty of money.

An aide to state Rep. Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) said she would report raising nearly $325,000. She had not yet filed with the Federal Election Commission late Saturday.

Cook County Commissioner Mike Quigley raised $138,000 and had nearly all of it to start the year.

Quigley also has signed up Chicago businessmen Bill Brandt and Henry Feinberg as his fundraising chiefs, a spokesman said. Brandt played a prominent fundraising role for Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, and he has longtime ties to former President Bill Clinton. Feinberg is a former chairman and CEO of Rand McNally.

More John Fritchey can distance himslef from the boiled beets Progressives the better voters will like him. John Fritchey was early and often in his criticism of Blago.

Quigley would take the ring-pop out of the mouth of a pre-schooler and blame someone in the 19th Ward.

Sara Fegeinholz is genuine Progressive nitwit with tons of ugly money in her fanny pack. Dines on clout and sups with Grassroots.

Voters ought to back John Fritchey! Hey, Geraldo Rivera Hates Him! That should beworth a few thousand votes.

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