Science, My Boy, Science! More Tax Dollars for More Marshmallow Guns!
"There is far more danger in a public monopoly than there is in a private monopoly, for when government goes into business it can always shift its losses to the taxpayer. The Government never really goes into business, for it never makes ends meet, and that is the first requisite of business. It just mixes a little business with a lot of politics, and no one ever gets a chance to find out what is actually going on." Thomas A. Edison* - The Wizard of Menlo Park and the guy who invented General Electric. Did not win Nobel Prize, but Edison was awarded 1,368 separate and distinct patents during his lifetime. He passed away at age 84 on October 18th, 1931 - on the anniversary date of his invention of the incandescent bulb -without Federal Funding.
Then there is our Mr. Science President!
"We’re (Obama Regime)** making new investments in the development of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel that’s actually made from a plant-like substance, algae -- you've got a bunch of algae out here," Obama said at the University of Miami today. "If we can figure out how to make energy out of that, we'll be doing alright. Believe it or not, we could replace up to 17 percent of the oil we import for transportation with this fuel that we can grow right here in America." President Barack H. Obama who has yet to publicly display his academic records and was himself invented by General Electric.
Algae, grown right, by God, here in America!
Imagine all of the pond scum that went to waste before this Nobel Prize laureate was given some copy to read. Imagine all of the pond scum laying around the White House! Eureka and Bonanza!
*1847 Born on February 11th at Milan, Ohio.
1854 Moved to Port Huron, Mich.
1857 Set up a chemical laboratory in the cellar of his home.
1859 Became a newsboy and "candy butcher" on the trains of the Grand Trunk Railway, running between Port Huron and Detroit.
1862 Printed and published "The Weekly Herald," the first newspaper ever to be typeset and printed on a moving train. The London Times features a story on him and his paper, giving him his first exposure to international notoriety.
1862 Saved - from otherwise certain death in a train accident - the young son of J. U. Mackenzie, station agent at Mount Clemens, Mich. In gratitude, the child's father taught him telegraphy.
1862 Strung a telegraph line from the Port Huron railway station to Port Huron village and worked in the local telegraph office.
1863 Obtained his first position as a regular telegraph operator on the Grand Trunk Railway at Stratford Junction, Canada. Later, is resigned by them to help develop a duplex system of telegraphy
1863-1868 Spent nearly five years as a telegraph "tramp operator" in various cities of the Central Western states, always experimenting with ways to improve the apparatus.
1868 Entered the office of Western Union in Boston as a telegraph operator. Becomes friendly with other early electricians - especially a later associate of Alexander Graham Bell named Benjamin Franklin Bredding - who was much more knowledgeable than both himself and Bell on the state-of-the-art of telegraphy and electricity. Entered the private telegraph line business on a very modest scale. Resigned from Western Union - was about to be fired anyway - in order to conduct further experimentation on multiplexing telegraph signals.
1868 Came up with his first patented invention, an Electrical Vote Recorder. Application for this patent was signed 0n October 11, 1968. Because the invention was way ahead of its time, it was heartily denigrated by politicians... He now becomes much more oriented towards making certain there is a strong public demand and associated market for anything he tries to invent.
1869 Landed in New York City by way of a Boston steamship, poor, penniless, and in debt. While seeking work, chanced being in the operating room of the Gold & Stock Telegraph Company when their ticker apparatus broke down. No one but he was able to fix it, As a result, he was given a job as superintendent at the remarkable wage of $300 per month.
1869 Went into partnership with Franklin L. Pope as an electrical engineer. Radically improved stock tickers and patented several associated inventions, among which were the Universal Stock Ticker and the Unison Device.
1870 Received the first cash payment for one of his inventions, a $40,000 check. Sent money back to his financially desperate parents. Opened a manufacturing shop in Newark, where he made stock tickers and worked on developing the quadruplex telegraph.
1871 Assisted Sholes, the inventor of the typewriter, in making the first successful working model of that device.
1872-1876 Worked on and patented several of his most important inventions, including the motograph and automatic telegraph systems such as the quadruplex, sextuplex and multiplex telegraph which saved Western Union many millions of dollars in wiring. Also invented paraffin paper (which was first used for wrapping candies), the electric pen, the forerunner of the present day mimeograph machine, the carbon rheostat, the microtasimeter, etc.
1876-1877 Invented the carbon telephone transmitter "button", which finally made telephony a commercial success. Significantly, this invention not only led to the development of the microphone, which made early radio possible, but the solid state "diode" or transistor which makes so many of today's electronic devices possible. Invented the phonograph. (The patent on which was later issued by the United States Patent Office - within two months after its application - without a single reference.)
1878 Continued to improve the phonograph. Later in the year, went with an astronomical party to Rawlins, Wyoming for rest and to test his new microtasimeter during an eclipse of the sun. Associates key him in to the world-wide need for a workable incandescent light bulb. Upon returning, he began to investigate the "electric light problem in earnest."
1878 Became the first to apply the term "filament" to a fine wire that glows when carrying an electric current. In a prophetic article in the North American Review he foreshadowed ten prominent uses for the phonograph - all since accomplished - including its combination with the telephone, which became a reality in 1914 with the perfection of the Telescribe.
1879 Invented the first commercially practical incandescent electric lamp. The lamp itself was perfected on October 21st, 1879, on which day there was put into circuit the first bulb embodying the principles known as the "Edison modern incandescent lamp." This bulb maintained its incandescence for over 40 hours.
1879 Made radical improvements on the construction of dynamos, including the mica laminated armature and mica insulated commutator. Also constructed the first practical generators for the systems of distribution of current for lighting. Invented and improved upon numerous systems of generation, distribution, regulation and, measurement of electric current and voltage. Invented sockets, switches, insulating tape, etc. (Meanwhile, he also invented gummed paper tape now commonly used in place of twine or string for securing packages.)
1879 Constructed the first electric motor ever made for a 110 to 120 volt line at Menlo Park, N. J. This device is still in existence and operative, and is located in the Edison Historical Collection in New Jersey. On December 31, gave the first public demonstration of an electric lighting system in streets and buildings at Menlo Park, N. J., utilizing underground mains.
1880 Invented further improvements in systems and details for electric lighting and laid the first groundwork for introducing them on a commercial basis. Established the first incandescent lamp factory at Menlo Park, N. J.
1880 Invented a magnetic ore separator. Invented and installed the first life-sized electric railway for handling freight and passengers at Menlo Park, N. J.
1881 Opened business offices at No. 65 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Established his second and improved commercial incandescent lamp factory at Harrison, N. J. Also organized and established shops at 104 Goerck St., 108 Wooster St., and 65 Washington St. in New York City, for the manufacture of dynamos, underground conductors, sockets, switches, fixtures, meters, etc.
1882 On September 4th, he commenced operation of the first profit oriented central station in the United States in New York City, for the distribution of current for electric lighting.
1882-1883 Designed and contracted for the first three-wire central station for distributing electric light, power, and heat - in standardized form - in Brockton, Massachusetts. By October, had completed construction of that station. Discovered a previously unknown phenomenon that later came to be known as the "Edison effect," but he called "Etheric Force." Specifically, determined that an independent wire, grid, or plate placed between the legs of the filament of an incandescent lamp acted as a "damper" or valve to control the flow of current. The associated Patent No. 307,031 was issued to him later that year. Twelve years later these previously unknown phenomena were recognized as electric waves in free space and became the foundation of wireless telegraphy. Most significantly, this discovery - along with his carbon button - involved the foundation principles upon which the diode was later invented, and upon which radio, television, and computer transistors are based. Moved from Newark to a new laboratory at Menlo Park...
1883 Constructed the first, relatively crude, three-wire central system for electric lighting in a simple wooden structure in Sunbury, Pa.
1880-1887 Underwent his most strenuous years of invention as he extended and improved greatly upon his electric light, heat, and power systems. Took out over three hundred patents, many of which were of extraordinary and fundamental importance. The most were those relating to "dividing" electric power and standardizing the three-wire system and improving its associated generation and feeder system.
1881 - 1887 Invented a system of wireless telegraphy, (by induction) to and from trains in motion, or between moving trains and railway stations. The system was installed on the Lehigh Valleys R. R. in 1887, and was used there for several years. Invented a wireless system of communication between ships at sea, ships and shore and ships and distant points on land. Patent No. 465,971 was issued on this invention, the application having been filed May 23, 1885 - two years prior to the publication of the work of Hertz. Most significantly, this patent was eventually purchased from Edison by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company.
1887 Moved his center of experimentation to the laboratory at West Orange, New Jersey.
1887-1890 Made major improvements on the brown wax and black wax cylinder phonograph. Obtained over eighty related patents, while establishing a very extensive commercial business in the manufacture and sale of phonographs and records, including associated dictating machines, "shaveable" records, and shaving machines.
1891 Made a number of inventions associated with improving electric railways.
1891 Invented and patented the motion picture camera. This mechanism, with its continuous tape-like film, made it possible to take, reproduce, and project motion pictures as we see and hear them today.
1891-1900 Developed his great iron ore enterprise, in which he did some of his most brilliant engineering work. One of his most important inventions of this period was a giant roller machine for breaking large masses of rock and finely crushing them. Invented the Fluoroscope...realizing the necessity and value of a practical fluorescent screen for making examinations with X-rays, he made thousands of crystallizations of single and double chemical salts and finally discovered that crystals of Calcium Tungstate made in a particular way were highly fluorescent to the X-ray. Also made many several improvements on the X-ray tube.
1900 - 1910 Invented and perfected the steel alkaline storage battery and made it a commercial success.
1900 -1909 Established his once famous Portland Cement Co. and made many important inventions relating to the processes involved in the production of pre-cast buildings. In 1907, he introduced the first concrete mold for making one-piece houses called "single piece cast concrete homes." The unique type of kiln he developed for making these houses proved to be of great importance in the cement industry.
1902-1903 Worked on improving the Edison Primary Battery. Continued to invent improvements to his phonograph - his favorite invention - and associated cylinders.
1905 Introduced a revolutionary new type of dictating machine, which enabled the dictator to hear repetitions and make paper scale corrections.
1907 Introduced the Universal Electric Motor which made it possible to operate dictating machines etc. on all lighting circuits.
1910-1914 Worked on - and much improved - the disc phonograph, resulting in the production of records and playing instruments which reproduce vocal and instrumental music with overtones that had relatively "extraordinary fidelity and sweetness." Introduced the diamond point reproducer and the "indestructible" record, thereby commencing a new era in phonographs.
1912 Having spent many previous years in its general development and perfection, finally introduced the Kinetophone or talking motion picture.
1913 Introduced an important automatic correction device for the dictating machine.
1914 Being the largest individual user in the United States of carbolic acid (for making phonograph records), he found himself at the onset of World War One in danger of being compelled to close his factory by reason of a related embargo placed on exporting said substance by England and Germany. The basic issue was that carbolic acid was in great demand for the purpose of making explosives. He now devised an alternative method for making carbolic acid synthetically, and finally put crews of men to work twenty four hours a day to build a related plant. By the eighteenth day, was producing carbolic acid, and within four weeks was turning out a ton of it per day.
1914 On the night of December 9th his great plant at West Orange, N. J. was the scene of a spectacular fire. As soon as he saw the scope of this conflagration he enthusiastically sent word to several friends and members of his family, advising them to "Get down here quick.... you may never have another chance to see anything like this again!" Within hours after the fire had been extinguished, he had given orders for the complete rehabilitation of the plant. Early the next morning he arrived with a gang of men and began to supervise the task of clearing the debris. Hundreds more workers were added throughout the day, and the project continued around the clock for several months until an even larger and more efficient facility than the original had been completed.
1914 Invented the Telescribe, combining the telephone and the dictating phonograph, thus permitting - for the first time - the recording of both sides of a telephone conversation.
1915 Because military conflicts in Europe had created an enormous demand for phenols, and supplies were uncertain, he invented the first synthetic form of carbolic acid (C6H6O). Next, after evaluating all of the literature available on the erection and operation of benzol (C6H6) absorbing plants, he drew up plans for
benzine-making facility that could be readily installed. Although it had previously taken nine months to a year to install such a facility, his first such structure was put into operation in just forty five days. A larger plant designed for the Woodward Iron Company at Woodward, Ala., was completed in only 60 days. At about this time, he also built two other large benzol plants in Canada, each of were was put into operation in less than sixty days. All these plants became highly successful commercial operations, producing benzol, toluol, solvent naphtha, xylol, and naphthalene.
1915 In the early months of this year, he conceived the idea of helping out the struggling textile and rubber industries of America by making myrbane, aniline oil, and aniline salt, which, are still important commercial substances, and which had been previously imported from Germany. Following his usual procedure, he first exhausted the literature on the subject, and then laid out the plant. By bringing great pressure to bear on his workers - and by working day and night himself - he constructed the plant in just forty five working days, commenced deliveries in June, and was soon turning out over 4,000 pounds of these products per day.
1915 During World War One, the dyeing industry was suffering from a great scarcity of paraphenylenediamine, formerly imported from Germany. Since he was using the chemical in the manufacture of records for his Diamond Disc Phonograph and was no longer able to procure it, he experimented until he found a way to synthesize it. Much pressure was now brought to bear upon him to supply some of it to fur dyers and others. He equipped a separate plant for this purpose and ultimately manufactured over a ton a day.
1915 The great scarcity of carbolic acid in America now brought innumerable requests to him to sell some of this product. His first such plant worked well, producing about 7,000 pounds a day. This, however, soon proved to be insufficient to supply the demand. He now projected and installed another plant with a capacity of about 7,000 pounds additional per day. As he devised improved processes for use in the latter plant there were a vast number of difficult problems to overcome. However, with his usual energy and dogged perseverance - involving many weeks of strenuous work - he finally prevailed.
1916 Worked several months making important improvements in the manufacture of disc phonograph records and new methods and devices for recording. Worked on improved methods and processes producing his chemical products. Worked out processes for making a paramidaphenol base, hydrochloride benzidine base, and sulphate and constructed new plants for their manufacture. As President of the Naval Consulting Board, he did a great deal of work connected with national defense.
1917-1918 Worked on special experiments relating to defense for the United States Government. See below.
I Locating positions of guns by sound ranging.
2 Detecting submarines by sound from moving vessels.
3 Detecting, on moving vessels, the discharge of torpedoes by submarines.
4 The faster turning of ships.
5 Strategic plans for saving cargo boats from harm by enemy submarines.
6 Development of collision mats for submarines and ships.
7 Methods for guiding merchant ships out of mined harbors.
8 Oleum cloud shells.
9 Camouflaging ships.
10 Blocking torpedoes with nets.
11 Increased power for torpedoes.
12 Coastal patrol by submarine buoys.
13 Destroying periscopes with machine guns.
14 Cartridges for taking soundings.
15 Sailing lights for convoys.
16 Smudging skyline.
1 17 Underwater searchlights.
18 High speed signaling with searchlights.
19 Water penetrating projectiles.
20 Airplane detection.
21 Observing periscopes in silhouette.
Edison was awarded 1,368 separate and distinct patents during his lifetime. He passed away at age 84 on October 18th, 1931 - on the anniversary date of his invention of the incandescent bulb.
** Obama Regime is no WE. We is they ( GE, Planned Parenthood, GM, Dave Corzine, Hollywood, ACLU, MSNBC, DNC, Dabbie Wasser-Schultz, Van Jones, Occupy Grassroots & etc.)
Read more:
Friday, February 24, 2012
Remember to Vote in November - Thomas Alva Edison and Barack Algae Obama
Posted by pathickey at 4:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Algae, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama, Thomas A. Edison
Whoever Intends to Beat Obama Should Play These Videos Over and Over and Over
"It is not over,' Obama said in an interview with Univision Radio when asked about his failure so far to push through an immigration bill.
'I've got another five years coming up. We're going to get this done.' Daily Mail
Mr. President, you have done plenty, in my opinion. You have done more than enough. Time to get to work on that Presidential Library in Hawaii.
Fronting for Planned Parenthood, General Electric, Green Everything, Sierra Club, Media Matters and Hollywood has been exhausting. Kick back, permamnently, Sir.
Unless the GOP continues its time-honorted proclivity to blow off the old toes you just may be right and manage to dodge a loss next November.
If your opponents were serious about getting more votes than President Obama they should loop these videos of pre-school children doing a Kim Il Song to President Obama and flash all of this White House regimes works: war on religious liberty, political use of Justice Departments, Health and Uman Services, Dept. of Education, the Military, the golf outings the parties, the vacations, the NY city Fly-over of Air Force One & etc.
These videos say it all.
Mm, mmm, mm!This was filmed at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ and uploaded on June 19, 2009.
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama
Song 2:
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say “hooray!”
Hooray, Mr. President! You’re number one!
The first black American to lead this great nation!
Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country’s economy number one again!
Hooray Mr. President, we’re really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!
So continue —- Mr. President we know you’ll do the trick
So here’s a hearty hip-hooray —-
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Good Lord. Here's pallete cleansing, while we can
Posted by pathickey at 3:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: American Idol, Obama's Choice Mandate, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Governor Ramblin' Pat Quinn and Lt. Governor Sheila "G-String" Simon Sing Budget Worries Away "Talking Union Pension Good Times Blues!"
Welcome to Soundstage - Live from WTTW and broadcast LIVE over NPR - This is Soundstage - Tonight Ramblin' Pat Quinn and Sheila "G-String" Simon! Brought to you by a grant from Personal PAC and SEIU - when babies need killin' and Purple Ts need fillin'!
Chords G/C/D tuning and frailing and futzing about - Ramplin Pat and Sheila G!!!!!!!!!!( the fans is screamin'!)
Q- Hello Ilini!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m here today to tell you the truth!
This budget contains truths that may not be what you want to hear! ( C-Tuning Sheila? Well, Alright Then!)
But these are truths that you do need to know! ( Capo up to G two past me, there)
And I believe you can handle the truth. ( G! Sheila, this should not be your first polka - there it is!) Lt. Governor Sheila Simon, Everybody! Let's get to it! (hard strumming and picking)
( Chorus) Good mornin', captain; Good mornin', son;
Good mornin', captain; Good morning' son;
Do you need another child-skinner out on your new road line?
Now, down to business
Truth is these past 35 years/ Too many governors Too Many Beers/
Members of the 'ssembly have clung to budget Hopes (Well,fantasies, Thar Pat) "stead a'confrontin' our pensions on the Ropes!
(Chorus)Good mornin', captain; Good mornin', son;
Good mornin', captain; Good morning' son;
Do you need another kid -skinner out on your new road line?
” Old Quinn said. “I'm proposin' a budget that includes spendin' cuts/ Reductions 'n reforms to restore fiscal Struts!
Stability to our state,buildin' and a growin' economic Kale/ Ypu can travel down to Dwight/ On my new high speed rail.”
( Chorus) Good mornin', captain; Good mornin', son;
Good mornin', captain; Good morning' son;
Do you need another brat-skinner out on your new road line?
Since I’ve been Governor, we already nixed the doubters/ by working all together to enact reforms, Ye Pouters.
Like no-nonsense ethics standards Like reforming the workers’ comp/Unemployment insurance systems/ Let's Do the Pat Quinn Stomp!
( Chorus) Good mornin', captain; Good mornin', son;
Good mornin', captain; Good morning' son;
Do you need another breed-stopper out on your new road line?
In WWII The sailors said: “We Stick—We Win!? Terry Cosgrove says that every day Hear what I'm Sayin Jim?
Yanks kno 'stick together'and 'work for the common good?'/ It's Land o'Lincoln Rube, We do the stickin in!
The sailors had a motto: “We Stick—We Win!”
Americans know when we stick together and work for the common good, we all come out ahead. We all win.
Loyalty to the common good is far more important in Illinois today than loyalty to your caucus or loyalty to your lobbyist
Banjo Solo - Guitar Riff ( shave and hair cut/Two-bits!)
Join Soundstage next week when Billy Corgan Plays Uncle Fester
Posted by pathickey at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Boss Terry Cosgrove, Former Governor Pat Quinn, Former Lt. Governor Sheila Simon, Illinois is SO Screwed
An Idea That Just . . .wait a minute . . . I'll get back to you
There’s demand for more luxury housing in Mumbai, India, and the architecture firm of James Law is pitching its design for a huge residential complex. Among its features are small pools off the balconies that seem to hang in mid-air.The beautiful Aquaria Grande residential towers, currently undergoing construction, will be equipped with one of the most stunning architectural feats when the project is completed, transforming standard balconies into swimming pools.
The residential location consists of two 37 story towers located in Mumbai, India. The Aquaria Grande Tower was designed by Wadhwa Group, and will feature several different amenities including a car park, fully equipped clubhouse, and a sustainable podium garden.
Let's see. You walk out on the balcony and take a dip. You are on the top floor and the 36 floors under you are residents.
Wrap this around your tiny brain, there, Hickey. Okay. Glass pools. In the photo the residents look like swimsuit models.
Picture this for apartments along 111th between the Metra east and Kmart to west, or down Pulaski from 111th to let's 103rd.
"Hello (frosty and abrupt) . . .Mrs. Nelligan. This is Mrs Tansey from cross the street. First it was your Bill and now all of your kids and their friends? Every morning? You people don't seem to understand what exactly a balcony is for . . . I am minding my own business! You should mind you. . . (click)."
Think Thompson Center when your kid says he wants to be an architect.
Other than that, should be a hit. . . .In Mumbai.
Posted by pathickey at 4:30 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The Devil You Say? Yep. Santorum Against the Later-Day Pharisees
Joshua Bar Joseph of Carpenters Local 1 Nazareth confronted by Media Matters
The clown opera that is the national media trots out a video of a speech given by Rick Santorum in 2008 at Ave Maria University in Florida. Okay.
Ave Maria University is a Catholic University funded and founded by Tom Monahan, a devout Catholic millionaire who like many Catholics was troubled by schools of high education and universities traditionally identified as Roman Catholic morphing into University of Chicago.
I still can not get my head around Notre Dame's conferring an Honorary Degree upon Planned Parenthood's only President. Likewise Jesuit Georgetown's spineless removal of religious iconography in compliance with the most secular White House since Woodrow Wilson. It was not my call, to be sure, but I don't need to like it.
Tom Monahan's Ave Maria University is the real deal. In a few years, Ave Maria will give the PR and PC driven school in South Bend, Indiana a sound drubbing on the grid-iron.
Sen. Santorum was in the wilderness in 2008. He was out of the Senate, but in-demand as an intelligent voice of orthdox Christian principles. Sen. Santorum is now the front-runner for the GOP and Media target for duration.
Maureen Dowd is a clever but silly woman with a perch at the New York Times. Raised a Catholic, but evolved a Feminist Progressive. Maureen Dowd has pushed to front of the crowd of Pharisees taking shots at Santorum's very sound Satan analogies and historical consequences of secularism. In fact Santiorum sounds like GK Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc and CS Lewis much more than Dowd's Savanorola - Dominican Preacher in 15th Century Florence who condemned the Borgia and the Medici 1%-ers who controlled banking and the Papacy. Savanorola was torched by the media of his day -literally and figuratively.
Rick Santorum has been called a latter-day Savonarola.
That’s far too grand. He’s more like a small-town mullah.
“Satan has his sights on the United States of America,” the conservative presidential candidate warned in 2008. “Satan is attacking the great institutions of America, using those great vices of pride, vanity and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that has so deeply rooted in the American tradition.”
Mo don't like the Satan bit. Shoot, Satan even a had a part in Jesus Christ Superstar, as well as those "big-nosed garlic eaters" that Rev, Jeremiah Wright hated, Mo.
Feminists and Progressives hold that belief in sin is a sign of the 'unevolved.'
To be evolved one must accept every manifestation of sexual procilivity as a'Oh, So Human and the Way One was Born.' Mo goes on -
Santorum, who is considered “too Catholic” even by my über-Catholic brothers, clearly believes that America’s soul wounds include men and women having sex for reasons other than procreation, people involved in same-sex relationships, women using contraception or having prenatal testing, environmentalists who elevate “the Earth above man,” women working outside the home, “anachronistic” public schools, Mormonism (which he said is considered “a dangerous cult” by some Christians), and President Obama (whom he obliquely and oddly compared to Hitler and accused of having “some phony theology”).
Well, yeah. That might be what one might believe Maureen might one not? Jesus of Nazareth, not the Godspell Clown Jesus, said to the woman 'caught' in adultery - " I shall not condemn you, but, go and sin no more." BUT! For Dewey/Hegalian hair-splitting 'Yeah, But-ters' that is a tough conclusive clause.
The Pharisees were the Biblical Progressives, the puritans. They constantly harped at Jesus of Nazareth with Yeah But-ing. Pharisees believed in ORAL LAW - you, know, the crowd that holds with adjunct professor Obama that the Constitution is a LIVING document. No matter what is written or held as true, Pharisees (past and present) caper nimbly over any truth, just like the Father of Lies - Old Nick, Scratch, Satan.
Satan comes from the Jewish word meaning to turn away, or "to evolve."
Posted by pathickey at 5:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ave Maria University, Maureen Dowd, Pharisees, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama, Rick Santorum, Satan, Tom Monahan
How Could President "Beer Summit" Turn Down A Keystone?
The Keystone XL pipeline project will ensure energy security, job creation and stimulate the economy. Keystone XL is a critical energy infrastructure project
JAY CARNEY -White House: But the president didn’t turn down the Keystone pipeline.
The pipeline must not have gotten the meme, there Jay.
Must have been something in the aquifer.
President Obama has been scripted since 2007 to have only a nodding acquittance with wage-earning, beer swilling, gun-toting, Bible-thumping, Lent Friday fish-eating, Abortion hating, stump-jumping, tax-paying Esses, Homies, Micks, Polacks, Moojis, Loogans, BoHunks, Dagos, Hebes, and Hillbillies.
These are folks who generally purchase beers like Keystone Light in the handy Hold My Stones Cool Pack, and top-off the tank of 1991 Ford Taurus hatchback at Thornton's, Safeway, Speedway, Food For Less and Singh's Gas and Go.
The bonus cold can crowd are most anxious to hear from President Obama why he deigned to eschew the bounty of Canada's natural gas and petro pipeline - Keystone.
Keystone should be the rally cry for Americans.
Religious liberty assaults from the Obama regime, notwithstanding, the cavalier cave-in to radical soul-patched Redfern Greens and tree-huggers; thus, making the pump prices equal to a pint of vanity beer at a chic Micro-Craft Beer salon is a huge assault on all Americans - except the 1% ers who fill Obama 2012 Campaign PACs and coffers.
If one were serious about regime change, and I most certainly happen to be thus inclined, Keystone would be the touchstone and the national beer summit.
Let Keystone return America to greatness! Hold My Stones for four more years . . .?Oh, I think not, President Obama!
Posted by pathickey at 4:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Keith Stone American, Keystone beer, Keystone Pipeline, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama
Elvis and the Prioress - What Are You Giving Up for Lent?
The first woman to kiss Elvis on the big screen was Mother Prioress Dolores Hart
Skinny Sheahan asked, " Hickey, have you read the article about Dolores Hart? Read it."
Skinny suggests and this dude abides. Read it, Mr. Skinny. Thought about what I had read, too. Here it is.
What will I give up for Lent? Whatever it will be by the end of today, Ash Wednesday, will be as nothing compared to what Dolores Hart gave up decades ago.
Dolores Hart was a movie star who played in films with Anthony Quinn and Elvis. Dolores Hart is now Mother Prioress Dolores of Regina Laudis Abbey in in New England. She is a contemplative Roman Catholic nun.
Let's see, Hollywood, Stardom, Riches given up for a life of prayer,silence, contemplation and service.
Dolores Hart set the bar pretty high. I will no doubt give up something like oatmeal cookies from the Leo Cafeteria, third helpings of pierogi, or blaspheming every time I see that CTA photo of Forrest Claypool looking for the L in the wrong direction.
Mother Dolores, as she is now known, is the subject this year of an Oscar-nominated documentary short, "God Is the Bigger Elvis," which airs April 5 on HBO. The documentary chronicles her life as a nun after a Hollywood career that saw her costar with Elvis Presley ("Loving You" in 1957 and "King Creole" in 1958), Anthony Quinn ("Wild Is the Wind," 1957) and George Hamilton ("Where the Boys Are," 1960). Her favorite is "Lisa," from 1962, in which she played a Jewish refugee after World War II. Before the documentary, she last appeared on the big screen in 1963's "Come Fly With Me," a comedy about flight attendants looking for love.
Not only does "God Is the Bigger Elvis" explore Mother Dolores' life in Hollywood and at the monastery, but it also chronicles the day-to-day life of the nuns at the abbey, which is also a working farm. Like Mother Dolores, a lot of the nuns had previous occupations, including the law and science, before they changed vocations.
Imagine MSNBC's Chris Matthews -Trappist Monk. "HA!!!."
Better yet, Pat Hickey IVI-IPO Goo-goo. Now, that would be one Hell of a Cross to bear anywhere. . . . and I don't have a hair-shirt.
Posted by pathickey at 4:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dolores Hart, Elvis, James Skinny Sheahan, Roman Catholics
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
G-8/NATO Fest Here? Why I'm Just Chickled Titless!
Chicago is Rahm Emanuel's foot-stool that he will use to step up to the White House. If we all just listen very carefully skippingover the no longer bubbly waters of Bubbly Creek you can almost hear Mayor Rahm chirping these words:
"I can not wait to get the #$%^ out of this Hick Burg. For #$%^'s sake he had to keep is #$%^ing mouth shut ever since Bert Odelson dragged his #$%^-ing a$$ in front of Sister Queen and Joe Morris.
Cops and their #$%^ing Coon Eyes, Firemen, 'Oh Bob Hoff! Bob Hoff!' Hey, #$%^ Bob Hoff! Skinny Sheahan's South Side Parade down in that vast-waste land of Mackeral Snappers, Where's Jewish Parade???? Whiny Mick #$%^s! Karen Lewis and News, Dope Smoking . . . . don't say it. Local School Councils, Mr. Corruption Dick Simposn our éminence chauve of do-nothing Goo-goos, Oh Yeah! Forrest "CTA Wheels" Claypool (. . .is there a #$%^ing job that clown #$%^ can do?), LaLaPalooza, Holy Name Cathderal, Andy Thayer Thounth like Theam Ethcaping!! #$%^ Me! Gay Pride Palestinianth, Water, Sugar, Cameras!!!!!!!!!!! #$%^, Me!!!!!!!!!! Come on G-8! Come on May! Come on NATO! Get me out of this #$%^ing Hick Burg!"
I feel his pain.
Why I am just Chickled Titless about the billion and change the twin riot venues will cost this city. Rahm is out of here in three. It will be easier if President Teleprompter Jarrett . . .I mean Obama, wins. Good luck with that. Rahm is going to the White House. It's a done deal. After the riots and lawsuits from anarchists, we get a billion dollar bill and Euro trash agree to say Chicago is No Longer the Al Capone City. Rahm runs for President. Everything is staked out.
Here is how I see Rahm pounding the stakes:
1. Toni Preckwinkle will be Mayor
2. Dart can stay at Sheriff
3. Quigley gets the County Board and Forrest Claypool's next appointment
4. Lisa Madigan or Tom Tunney can fight it out of Governor unless Quinn gets himself impeached
5. Sheila Simon stays as LT. Guv
6. Danny Hynes gets Treasury
7. Jan Schakowsky gets Kirk's Senate Seat
8. Joe Moore gets Durbin's - trhey are identical
9. Quinn, if he manages to stay out of jail, goes to the BGA with Andy Shaw, or Team Teaching at UICC with Progressive éminence chauve Thundering Dick Simpson
10. Obama builds his library in Hawaii
11. Chicago gets fully absorbed into Hyde Park and becomes a suburb of the University of Chicago. . . .FINALLY!
12. That #$%^ing squatter that Mr. Residency Bert Odelson dug up gets a long swim along the shores of Old Man Chicago from Bubbly Creek to McCook. Call Deb Shore and get the blue MWRD tug.
I could not be more . . .Chickled Titless!
Total Security Spending for the 2010 G8 & G20 Summits Department/Agency Spending
1.Royal Canadian Military Police $507,459,400
2.Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness $278,310,228
3.National Defence $77,570,000
4.Canadian Security Intelligence Service $3,137,483
5.Health $2,266,619
6.Canada Border Services Agency $1,180,070
7.Transport $1,240,581
8.Canadian Air Transport Security Authority $399,399
9. Public Health Agency of Canada $583,330
10. Industry $2,839,000
11. Contingency Reserve (Fiscal framework) $55,000,000
Total $929,986,110
And that's in Yankee Dollars!
Posted by pathickey at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chicago G- and NATO Fest Mayor Coon eyes, Rahm's White House
President Bar Frack Obama - The Key To Regime Change? Be Smart Like a Democrat
GOP Candidates -Lay off the President! He's has enough enemies.
President Bar-Frack(ing)* Obama. That's the ticket. He's no Fracking Hero to the Birkenstock Leftist Tree Huggers more worried about the one tree standing in Wyoming -"Dude we must save Big John from the Gas Man's Ax Man! Fracking will kill us all,"
The GOP knows how to lose an election. Democrats know how to win. The GOP needs to tap into the ideas and inclinations of Democrats disgusted with the people around President Obama - not President Obama, much less his wife and kids. President Obama fronts for some nasty and smart people who do not like religion, people who toil and pay taxes, people who really believe that America is the greatest nation on God's green earth, people who are appalled that we as a people consider the murder of children to be a civil right and health issue. You know what many, many many of those people happen to be Democrats.
The GOP, to this Democrat anyway, is the party that blows off its own toes with the regularity of Monsoons in Asia. The Elephant in the straw kelly still wears tasseled loafers and has acute memory loss - The Plutocratic Pachyderm forgot all of the lessons learned from Ronald Reagan - a Democrat most of his life.
Respect Real, Genuine Labor, people of all Faiths and people of little or know faith, and welcome them.
In 2008, I wrote an article for Chicago Daily Observer about a John McCain campaign event in Wisconsin. McCain was introduced by a dynamic young Congressman named Paul Ryan. During the Q & A, I had an opportunity to ask about School Choice. I prefaced my remark with "I'm a Chicago Democrat . . ." The boos flowed like it was Fat Tuesday.
Senator McCain did a head toss, followed by a smile of welcome that betokened an expectant hostility from me. I explained, should not have or had to do so, that I was a fan. Senator McCain quoted chapter and verse from his Campaign website's issues page. I was underwhelmed.
While the event was billed as an open forum, with no questions barred, the crowd Thursday was clearly in McCain's corner.
The only boos came when Pat Hickey stood up and identified himself as a Chicago resident and a Democrat. He quickly noted to applause: "There are a lot of us supporting Senator McCain."
Hickey, a teacher at a private school in Chicago, asked McCain about school choice, which McCain supports.
Other questions ranged from college affordability to the appointment of Supreme Court justices. All brought familiar responses.
One woman questioned McCain on the war and its cost to the economy.
"It's succeeding," McCain said of the war. "I can look you in the eye and tell you it's succeeding."
Thursday's visit included an evening fund-raiser in Milwaukee, one of several held this week by the campaign in the days before the close of a reporting period Saturday.
McCain has languished behind Obama and Clinton in fund raising, though the national party has more in the bank than Democrats.
Money does not win an election. Political smarts and, or if absolutely necessary, basic honesty win an election. Barack Obama is President because of political smarts - he stayed on message - each day and every day. Since taking the oath
The GOP is bait. They are bait for the media, because they think that they can win them over. Not a chance. You have about as much chance of being media darling (Democrat or GOP), if you embrace the virtues of my first paragraph, as the establishment of a Knights of Columbus Charter at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or University of Chicago.
The media revels in the mythology of Mencken. Every silly little Medill School of Journalism wants to play at being an atheist/agnostic sojourner for truth. Therefore, if it is religious it is bad - Jewish, Catholic, or Protestant Evangelical.
Therefore, Rick Santorum, or Paul Ryan or Congressman Dan Lipinski (D.Chicago) will always be treated like lepers. Bart Stupak was UP Michigan Mossback Rube until his Come to Barack Moment in 2009.
You will not get anywhere with social issues - avoid them; get in the White House.
Never apologise and never explain. Rick Santorum has created a Cuisinart of Spinning Vegetables over this past weekend, when every one else wants to know how much longer the turkey will be in the oven. Meat first! Spoon vitals to pour on!
Stick to this GOP wannabees - President Obama is a nice guy with sharply creased britches and a taste for waffles. He is surrounded by Marxist ( but don't say Marxist - why belabor the obvious) courtiers, viziers, sneaks and bootlickers who are the Obama Regime. Obama is like King Louis in the Three Musketeers. He knows not what he does. His centurions are doing the scourging and the crucifying in his name.
THEY - are killing the economy! Bar Fracking Greenies! The X-line Pipeline Kids! Check the PUMP! NO Budget! Eric Holder! Van Jones! Anna Dunn! Samantah Power! Planned Parenthood Stooge Sec. Kathleen Sebelius, Nambla's Kevin Jennings, President Obama's Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug FreeSchools at the U.S. Department of Education ... & etc.
The Regime not the Man!
As the great Chicago Democrat James "Skinny" Sheahan once told me, " You will never win the debate over abortion, because you are on the right side. Abortion is murder. Do not get trapped explaining your convictions with 'what if your daughter were raped? What if there was a bomb attached to the baby in the womb? The abortion issue will not be won on a Campaign trail. Stay away from it. Win the war one step at a time."
Santorum needs to fire some people and hire some Democrats who are not happy with the Obama Regime. Avoid Contraception! Let Cardinal Dolan bat that one into the cheap seats. Stay on the Regime, ignore the man.
Demand a budget! Demand a look into the Justice Department! Hammer away at Media Matters! It was handed to you guys use it! Stay away from stupid - short term subjects that matter only to Maddow, Matthews and MSNBC.
Back the Commander in Chief! You have the President's back on all foreign entanglements. Don't try to get cute; you're a goddam elephant, for Crissakes.
The economy is bad. That's it. The Bar Frack Obama Regime killed the oil and gas in Canada that is going to Red China and pumps will be $5 a gallon by Memorial Day. Say no more.
* and this from lefty goofballs ala HuffPo, Michael Moore and Crown Heights Al Sharpton:
Get this straight, humans: President Obama is a friend of the oil and gas industry. The recent denial of the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline does not mean that Obama has changed his tune on unconventional natural gas. Obama himself has bought the industry hype that unconventional natural gas will liberate us from the “tyranny of oil.”
Ah, the poor man! Free him of this burden, November 12, 2012.
Posted by pathickey at 6:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: GOP BLOWS TOES OFF AGAIN, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama
Cardinal Timothy Dolan - Cardinal George Dove on Most of the Barbed Wire For You
Cardinal George of Chicago Lives the Sacrifice of the Eucharist 24/7 - So will Cardinal Dolan of NY
When the doctrines and practices that support religious consciousness are dismissed—as they so often are in contemporary secularism—the moral convictions born of that consciousness are imperilled. This is the massively important point missed by those who so blithely say, “it doesn’t matter what you believe, as long as you’re a nice person.” Father Bob Barron
I'm a Catholic, a sinful, vain, lazy, shiftless, filthy-minded, one, but a Catholic nevertheless. The Church is stuck with me and I try as best I am able to stick with the Church. It is not easy; nor is it supposed to be.
I pretty much know when I have sinned, but there are always loving people around me to reinforce what jerk I have been; therefore, a trip to the penalty box and confession and also some tasks and words to make things right again. The elevation to Cardinal this past Sunday of New York's Archbishop Timothy Dolan is an especially happy event for this raggedy-man. Cardinal Dolan is a reflection of what an American Catholic should be - a very happy warrior of Christ.
Francis Cardinal George and his predecessor Joseph Cardinal Bernardin paved the way for young men like Timothy Dolan. Dolan, it seems to me, is a composite of Cardinals Bernardin and George. Bernardin was welcomed to Chicago with balloons and tears of joy and exited to tears of sorrow upon his death. Cardinal Bernardin had it made, compared to Cardinal George. Cardinal George walked into minefields laid by politicians, activists and their media purse-puppies one after another - Racism with Father Pfleger, Gay everything, Abortion patsy politicians like Quinn, Daley and Durbin. Cardinal George was confronted with more gotcha moments than any polticians by a very hostile secularist news media. Cathleen Falsani, religion writer of the Chicago Sun Times helped the radical priest activist pastor of St. Sabina's orchestrate a months long faux-Selma racist polarizing of south side parishs over Athletics, where there was none to be found. Fox WFLD anchor sneaks Mike Flannery and Dane Placko walked the Cardinal into the Gay Mafia's pre-packaged outrage over the route of the Gay Pride parade. Gay activists have staked out Holy Name Cathedral for years, as have the same members of Gay Liberation Network's Pro Palestinian cadre (Catholic School Girls Against the War) who tossed fake blood on worshipers on Easter Sunday. Cardinal George inhereited a chancery that had stood watch and protected priests from public scrutiny while they abused little boys and girls. Cardinal Bernardin had been falsely accused of abuse himself, but more of hero himself, by virtue of his gentleness and the kind opinion of the the Chicago media. During Cardinal Bernardin's tenure Catholic Schools closed, like neighborhood saloons under Richie Daley. Cardinal George stopped the bleeding.
That media tired of the Catholic Church as a the only bastion of certainty over abortion and move to Gay Marriage.
Cardinal George inherited not only the priest abuse scandal, but the network that allowed it. Cardinal George inherited a Media Spiritus Mundi that is hostile to the Catholic Church and all that it defends.
Cardinal Bernardin was a sweet and saintly fellow. Cardinal George is a very sweet guy in the tough role of teacher, pastor and public figure who gets nowhere near a break. Cardinal Bernadin had it made; Cardinal George found himself in an empty foxhole.
Not really. I have not always been happy with decisions the Cardinal makes; he didn't ask my opinion. Cardinal George acted for millions more than Pat Hickey -D+ Catholic.
Cardinal George will be remembered for being a happy warrior, during very unhappy time for his Church in Chicago. A lesser soul would have gone Postal on the media, his daffy priests, and his whiny flock.
Thanks to Cardinal George whose leadership with the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops confronted the abuse scandal, pushed Catholic Schools, fought the powerful Abortion Industry of Planned Parenthood, stood for the sanctity of marriage, and itegrity of the Church during a time of secularist persecution.
Cardinal Dolan can thank Cardinal George for falling on most of the barbed wire for him. The Cardinal Bernardin part he is handling easily and with aplomb; the Cardinal George part will really test his place in American History.
Personally, I think that Cardinal Tim Dolan will do us all proud. Almost as proud as Francis Cardinal George.
Posted by pathickey at 4:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Anti Catholic Progressives, Francis Cardinal George, Timothy Cardinal Dolan
Monday, February 20, 2012
News Man Tim Novak - The Only Eye-on Allison Davis
It’s been six years since five Chicago government pension plans hired DV Urban Realty — a start-up investment firm founded by then-Mayor Richard M. Daley’s nephew Robert G. Vanecko and President Barack Obama’s friend and former boss Allison S. Davis — to manage $68 million in retirement funds.(emphasis my own)
Those investments haven’t gone well for the pension funds that represent Chicago teachers, police officers, other city employees and transit workers. The funds have paid DV Urban a total of $7.2 million, including $4.7 million in fees to manage the small share of the pension funds’ money and another $2.5 million for a sister company to oversee the operations of three buildings bought with pension money.
Pension officials — including Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s two top financial advisers — are unhappy. By their estimation, the value of the funds’ real estate investments with DV Urban has fallen by 28 percent, or about $19 million.
President Obama's pal and former boss ripping off the folks? Well, hush my beak!
That is news Goo-goos, Go-Alongs and their Media cheerleaders want hushed up.
I never hear Thundering Dick Simpson rail against real corruption around this burg. I never hear Abner Mikva beef about the cozy Progressive bed-bugs that have dominated the bad old Democratic Machine's mattress for decades.
Blago, Rezko, and Daley relatives get plenty of news ink, but only the great Tim Novak of the Chicago Sun Times keeps his choppers locked on the butts of IVI-IPO champion boondoggler Allison Davis.
God Bless Tim Novak! Now, if only an editorial board in this Crossroads of Crusading Crooks would grow a pair on tenth the size of the set Tim Novak is packing, we'd be informed.
It seems, Allison Davis is everywhere Federal, State and Local tax-dollars get dumped into a sanctioned cache of cash - HUD Money, Pension Funds, and Save the Children coffee cans. The Sun times Editorial Board did Old Allison a solid and did not post his photo along with Tim Novak's report. That Allison Davis up above with post shine -box President Obama.
Allison Davis is bullet-proof with Medill School Power Rangers and Bruce Dold's Chicago Tribune Editorial Morning Zoo Crew.
Davis Père ( his boy Cullen was briefly in the jackpot when a toddler was crushed by Cullen's rusty gate) might be bullet proof, but if turns around and down he will find Tim Novak's choppers locked on his rump.
DV Urban turned a small profit — about $500,000 — when it sold one of the most valuable properties, a 344-unit apartment building at 1212 S. Michigan Ave., for $65.5 million last Nov. 30, county records show.
DV Urban bought the building using $9.9 million in money from the pension funds, records show. The pension funds will get back about $9 million from the sale, according to DV Urban’s countersuit.
Davis, 72, and Vanecko, 47, both of Chicago, founded DV Urban in 2005. Vanecko has given sworn testimony in a legal deposition that his father, Dr. Robert M. Vanecko, introduced him to Davis, a well-known lawyer and developer.
Every Chicagoan knows the names of Patrick Daley and Mr. Vanecko, but I'll be a Sacajawea Gold coin that less than a tennis double in each word has heard of Allison Davis.
Davis ran a small Chicago law firm that hired Obama after his graduation from Harvard Law School. Davis eventually left the law firm and became a business partner with one of his clients, Tony Rezko, in a venture to build affordable housing with taxpayer money.
Davis became a central figure in the trials of Rezko, a top fund-raiser for former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, and William F. Cellini, a longtime fund-raiser for Illinois Republicans, who were both convicted on corruption charges.According to testimony, once, during a meeting with Rezko and another Blagojevich fund-raiser, Christopher Kelly, Davis suggested they could raise money from Thomas Rosenberg, a Hollywood movie producer who also owned an investment firm that managed state pension money. Rosenberg tesified he was told he would lose his state deal unless he gave money to Blagojevich’s campaign. Cellini was convicted in the shakedown of Rosenberg. Davis was never charged with any crime.
Gee, Thundering Dick Simpson, one might get the idea that things aren't all on the square, on the up-and-up. Speak on it, Son! Testify!
Readers might also like this one from Tim Novak
Posted by pathickey at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Abner Mikva, Allison Davis, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama, Thundering Dick Simpson, Tim Novak
Friday, February 17, 2012
A Celebration of Diversity from County Kerry, Ireland : Polish Lads and the Pikeys
Our International Celebration of Diversity! It's always fair weather, when great folks get together!
Poles charged over fight with Travellers*(emphasis my own) Aye, so and like the shtory.
TWO Polish men appeared in court in Listowel on Thursday last charged in connection with an alleged altercation with members of the Travelling community on the previous weekend
Jan Bieszczanin (24) of 30 Cluainín, Listowel and 28-year-old Piotr Jaron of 89 Fairway Heights, The Kerries were each charged with possession of a baseball bat and three pickaxe handles, with intent to cause harm to members of the Mccarthy family.
The court was told that both men were initially arrested in Lisselton on Monday afternoon, February 6, and taken to Listowel Garda Station. However, both men were re-arrested and charged before Thursday's siting. The arresting garda said that in reply to the charge against him, Mr Jaron said: "I didn't have a baseball bat.'Both men were released on bail, subject to a number of conditions, to appear again on March 8. Solicitor Pa Daly was granted legal aid for the men, who are both in receipt of social welfare.
Pikeys:Folks of no Fixed Abode -More recently, pikey was applied to Irish Travellers (also known as tinkers and knackers) and non-Roma Gypsies.In the late 20th century, it came to be used to describe "a lower-class person, regarded as coarse or disreputable."
Pikey's most common contemporary use is not as a term for the Gypsy ethnic group, but as a catch-all phrase to refer to people, of any ethnic group, who travel around with no fixed abode.
Posted by pathickey at 11:38 AM 1 comments
Labels: Knackers, Pikeys, Polish of County Kerry, Riped from the Pages of the Kerryman, Tinkers, Travellers
Help Kick Off South Side Parade This Saturday at Bourbon Street - The Benefit and Charity Headquarters of the South Side
The South Side St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee has one goal and this to celebrate the parishes and families of Chicago's south side and the contributions of Irish Americans to our city, state and country. President Obama said this is “one of the great events in America.”
Bourbon Street is a party venue and restaurant that really captures the spirit of this community. There is not a weekend that goes by without a benefit to help a struggling family or fight a disease that is not conducted at Bourbon Street. In fact on the night before the parade Leo Boxing Coach and Fox WFLD newsman Pat Elwood will host a Leo Boxing Card to Benefit the St. Baldrick's Camapign Against Cancer. Therefore it is most fitting that the Parade Committee chose Bourbon Street to rev up support for this celebration on March 11, 2011.
South Side Irish Saint Patrick's DayClick my post title and read the Great Mark Konkol's piece on the South Side St. Patrick's Parade.
Pre- Parade Fundraiser at Bourbon Street
"Tradition Marches On" Step Off
The South Side Irish Parade Committee and Bourbon Street will co-host a Pre-Parade fundraiser Saturday, February 18, 2012 from 6 until 10 p.m. in Marionette Park.
Regarded as the first official celebration marking the return of the South Side Irish Parade, the Bourbon Street fundraiser will help the committee meet the mounting costs earmarked for barricades, porta-potties, marketing, security and clean up.
"Everyone's rolling up their sleeves or reaching in their wallets because they know the return of the parade with a zero tolerance campaign is a winner for the neighborhood," said Joe Connelly, parade chairman. "Our pre-parade party celebrates the accomplishments of all those who have worked hard to recast this parade and those who want to contribute now to help defray costs."
Advance tickets will be $25 ($30 at the door) for food, beverages, live music and door prizes. The Larkin and Moran Brothers will perform traditional Gaelic music. The evening will include silent auctions, raffles, split the pot and more.
Tradition Marches On is the theme for the March 11, 2012 South Side Irish St. Patrick's Day Parade, a bookend finish to Sunday's Family Fest at the Beverly Arts Center and a grand culmination of a 10-day celebration of Irish heritage in the Beverly/Morgan Park community.
"The parade committee salutes the many businesses who exhibited creativity and monetary pledges to support the return of the parade," said Jim Sheahan, a volunteer. "The desire to retain and enrich this 32-year tradition has proven worth it."
Tickets can be purchased in advance at O'Brien Pub or the South Side Irish Parade offices at 10934 A South Western Ave. Chicago, IL 60643.
For more information, call: 708/388-8881.
You and the family pop in for some giggles and support the South Side St. Patrick's Parade.
Posted by pathickey at 5:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: James Skinny Sheahan, Leo Boxing Coach Mike Joyce, South Side St. Patrick's Day Parade
Ultra -Slaughter by Planned Parenthood Trends Up - Our Dowager Holocaust Gets an Ultra Sound from Jill Stanek
More babies are alive and kicking because of this lovely woman -Jill Stanek
While Eric Zorn beefs that new Ultra-Sound Legislation is Ultra Creepy, because it warns expectant mothers lured into an abortion mill by presenting her with her child.
That will sure kill off a Choice to kill the child; unless of course one is doctrinally prone to clubbing baby harp seals, tossing kittens into a Weber, or shooting baby ducks and chicks with a 12 gauge.
A heroic nurse from Oak Lawn, Illinois, Jill Stanek has done more to help save children from the flames of a Planned Parenthood crematorium, than any battalion of firemen could hope to save with her work at Life and her own website linked belwo. Jill Stanek has made Planned Parenthood's abortion lust her personal vocation. God Bless this heroic woman. Jill Stanek rubs the jelly and holds the paddles to Planned Parenthood's swelled belly.
Abortion is what Planned Parenthood is all about - making money off of the slaughter of children. WaPo Pulitzer recipienet Eugene (Eugenics) Robinson told MSNBC empty vessel Rachel Maddow that conception is "insane." Eugenious's Insane Clown Posse includes our own Abortion Mencken Eric Zorn. Zorn warns fellow Insane Clown Posse Patriots-
This month Republican majorities in both chambers in Virginia's Legislature passed one of the strictest mandatory pre-abortion ultrasound bills in the nation — a measure that's certain to require women seeking early-stage abortions to submit to being vaginally penetrated by a condom-covered electronic probe before the abortion is allowed to proceed.
The procedure is called a "transvaginal ultrasound," and it's the best and sometimes only way in the first stages of pregnancy for physicians to obtain images that "contain the dimensions of the fetus, and accurately portray the presence of external members and internal organs of the fetus," as the bill requires.
Such ultrasounds are common medical procedures. But make no mistake. The proposed regulation, which Republican Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell previously indicated he will sign if, as expected, legislators send a final version to his desk next week, has nothing to do with the practice of medicine.
OMG, E! But make no mistake, Goernor Quinn will never sign such legislation here in Personl Pac Man, Terry Cosgrove's Illinois. Until Quinn sent back to his Spartan kitchen to whipup some tasty eggs in his forty year old skillet, Abortion is safe and sound -Ultra Sounds notwithstanding.
In Fact Abortion Industry USA -Planned Parenthood is fat and sassy -abortions account for 51.5% of its income and lards in another hefty 46.5 % from Gummint Muny. In a very recent Article in LifeNews Steven Ertelt reports on the pregnant financials at Planned Parenthood.
Check the charts E.
Abortions are UP UP UP! Ultra-Plenty! Kids shell out dollars at the behest of skeletal but botoxed Cougars and cashmmere wrapped Dowagers who read The Female Eunuch and other feminist tones, along with their issues of Cosmopolitan and the Neiman Marcus catalogs and with the same intellectual gifts and rigor.
“By comparing PP’s abortion income with its clinic income, we get a much more accurate picture of Planned Parenthood’s business model. In 2010, Planned Parenthood’s abortion income was 51.5 percent of its clinic income.”
Government funding accounts for 46.5 percent of Planned Parenthood’s income — to the tune of $1.3 million per day,
It is pretty hard to parse an ultra-sound. What's on the screen is what a woman is expected to kill there, EZ. T'ain't so easy.
Posted by pathickey at 4:17 AM 2 comments
Labels: Abortion's Dowager Class, Eric Zorn, Jill Stanek Champion of Life, Planned Parenthood - Abortions Best Pals, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama
Thursday, February 16, 2012
MSNBC's Pulitzer Prize Eugenics Robinson -"Catholics Insane"
By God there were black Nazis.
Serial Mumbler and real Pulitzer Prize Eugenics Robinson explains everything to contraceptively superfluous Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.
So, I mean, the only thing I can figure out, Rachel, is that’s based on a wrong and frankly insane belief that a fertilized egg is a fully formed person and has personhood and that, you know, preventing the implantation of that egg is some-, is murder.
Catholic are Insane, quoth he. ACLU? Nah. Stupid is as Stupid Be.
Ein Reich for the Right Folks, Eugenious? I guess not everyone is cut out to be a Tuskeegee Airman.
Progressive Polonius -Thundering Dick Simpson on Corruption? When the Statutes of Limitation Run out?
Now, Here's A Pair of Aces to Draw to! Simpson of UICC follows Shaw of BGA -"Two Guys Corruption Plumbing" - Open for Bids!
‘Hath there been a time — I would fain know that —
That I have positively said ‘ ‘Tis so’,
When it proved otherwise?’ Polonius - The Master P of Hamlet
Alderman Dick Simpson was 44th Alderman between 1971 and 1979 - the tumultuous fin de siècle of Mayor Richard J. Daley's Rule of Chicago.
Eddie Vrdolyak and Ed Burke were the Young Turks. Billy Singer and later Marty Oberman ran the 43rd Ward. Radical eminence gris Leon Despres, who, along with Marty Oberman were the last lions of genuine integrity claimed by Progressives, continued as the voice of Hyde Park. Ald. Depres was the real deal and genuine gentleman.
Dick Simpson was part of the 44th Ward encompassing Lakeview from Diversy to the Cemetery and the Lake to Clinton - jogging in and out some. It is an affluent, transient land of restaurants, amusements, nightclubs and apartments, so attractive to single, childless and cash-handy professionals, students, activists and boutique capitalists.
The 44th was run at one time by John Merlo who could trace his political lineage back to Al Capone, which Dick Simpson artfully noted in his latest 'study.'
Dick Simpson tossed off the mortal coils of politics in 1979 and paved the way for Bernie Hansen, who begot Tom Tunney at the say so of Mayor Richard M. Daley, in order to don the gown at Cement City - University of Illinois Chicago Campus UICC -in order to articulate his political wisdom to kids needing a Poly Sci credit.
Dick Simpson, whose public record is buried Googlishly somewhere in the cybersphere, or in the dusty but pricey archives of our great metropolitan newspaper, surfaced on occasion to burnish his Progressive Street Cred and take picture s with Billy Ayers. Dick Simpson wrote pieces for the Sun Times under Cheryl Reed's Spanish Civil War Reenactment phase and occasionally trotted out studies of his own, like that dandy one a few years ago trumpeting the new age of Aldermanic Independence in 2006.
For frame of refernce, dear reader, Ald. Joe Moore is Dick Simpson these days, at least until he gets that new gig with the State. See? Okay.
The always accurate Russ Stewart noted Daffy Dick's fatuous 2006 study of Chicago's Fighting Bob LaFollete City Council, after Stewart had noted that the Joe Moore-varietal aldermen were as compliantly perky as the hungry puppies under Daley Père ( 1954-1976):
Dick Simpson, a University of Illinois professor and a former 44th Ward alderman, thinks otherwise. He has released a seriously flawed study that heralds a "newly found" council independence. Citing resolutions on such nongermane matters as the Iraq War, slave reparations and the Patriot Act, the Simpson study mixes the symbolic votes with the substantive. "We're the Chicago City Council, not the Council on Foreign Relations," said Alderman Tom Allen (38th). "It is not our job to make foreign policy."
Wasn't That a Time? A Veritable Golden Age of NPR Goodness! Brought Bush to his knees and added more Vitamin C to our diets!
Now, thunderous Dick, post Daley Le Fils of course and no doubt with the tacit nodding approval of current Mayor Racoon Eyes, proclaims that Chicago is the Most Corrupt City in America! Thunderous Dick trots out the glaringly obvious with his latest Jeremiad bouillon.
Simpson and Jim Nowlan, a senior fellow with the University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs, released the report as Mayor Rahm Emanuel's ethics task force prepared to hold its first public hearing Wednesday night.(emphasis my own)
Simpson generally praised Emanuel for early steps on ethics, but said the city's top attorney should release documents he has refused to provide to the city's inspector general on the basis of attorney-client privilege.
The professor also wants the inspector general to be able to investigate aldermen and their staffs. And he would like to see better city ethics training.
"The city's ethics training is a joke," Simpson said during a City Hall news conference. "We need real ethics training because people in this building don't seem to have it."
ETHICS TRAINING???????? Gee, could our Progressive Polonius have a pre-packaged Political Ethics Adjunct Professorship cum Grease and Lube Job behind the curtain . . .'for a fee, always for a fee . . .Pestas! Siempre!'
The news media today operates on collective memory loss and the repetition of memes and themes. We remember Dick Simpson as a camera happy ineffective hack of an alderman. The expensive media archieves should bear that fruit, children, if you care to partake of it.
Grey old gummers like me don't really need such reminders of the fatuous ninny, the Progressive Polonius whose mitts are now out trolling for more public dough - The Dick Simpson Ethics Coalition and Bed and Breakfast Summer Camp.
One Question,, Thundering Dick! Where the . . .where the . . . where the Helen Shiller were you back when the pies were getting cut up and dished up to every jackal with a tongue and teeth?
Shakman killed the Machine, Bub. Corruption is rooted in the Gordian knot created by the Progressive over the last forty years. Corruption . . . adds millions in Federal Housing dollars to lefty lawyers who now snatch up housing project bones and mill more fertilizer for Green Growth Industries, as well as pad sinecures for mopes who run our buses and trains off the rails, buy parking meter slot machines and one-eyed bandit traffic cameras.
Thundering Dick, our Chicago Progressive Polonius! He is a giggle. Unless of course you absolutely are void of any memory, historical and political context, or common sense . . .not to mention a smidgen of Ethics.
Posted by pathickey at 4:12 AM 0 comments
Labels: Aint He/She Great Progressives, Andy Shaw, Dick Simpson, Forrest Claypool Progressive Protected Species, Mayor Richard M. (arbles) Daley, Richard J. Daley
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
A Catholic Founding Father Speaks to the Obama Regime
"Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments." Charles Carroll* (September 19, 1737 – November 14, 1832)
Save it, Charlie. Too much money in abortions -the original hate crime - and our President is all for it. President Obama compromises in an empty room. We'll need to vote his regime out.
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
Representing Maryland at the Continental Congress
by Ole Erekson, Engraver, c1876, Library of CongressBorn: September 19, 1737
Birthplace: Annapolis, Md.
Education: Jesuits' College at St. Omar, France; seminary in Rheims; Graduate, College of Louis the Grande; Bourges; studies in Paris; Studies, apprenticeship in London. (Scholar, Lawyer)
Work: Member of first Maryland Committee of Safety, Provincial Congress, 1775; Delayed member of Continental Congress, August, 1776, Signed Declaration of Independence; Appointed to board of War, 1776; Elected to Senate of Maryland, 1781; Elected U.S. Senator from Maryland, 1788, returned to Maryland Senate 1789-'99.
Died: November 14, 1832
Charles Carroll was born into a wealthy Roman Catholic family in Annapolis Maryland. He began his rather remarkable formal education at the age of 8, when he was packed off to France to attend a Jesuit College at St. Omer. He graduated the College of Louis the Grande at age Seventeen and continued practical studies in Europe until, at the age of 28, he returned to his home. Into the radical climate produced by the Stamp Act, walked a Highly refined Gentleman with all of the education and experience that might be expected of an emissary of the finest courts in Europe. Charles Carroll is said to have identified with the radical cause at once, and he proceeded to work in the circles of American patriots. In 1772 he anonymously engaged the secretary of the colony of Maryland in a series of Newspaper articles protesting the right of the British government to tax the colonies without representation.
Carroll was an early advocate for armed resistance with the object of separation from Gr. Britain. However, his native colony was less certain in this matter and did not even send a representative to the first Continental Congress. He served on the first Committee of Safety, at Annapolis, in 1775, and also in the Provincial Congress. He visited the Continental Congress in 1776, and was enlisted in a diplomatic mission to Canada, along with Franklin and Chase. Shortly after his return, the Maryland Convention decided to join in support for the Revolution. Carroll was elected to represent Maryland on the 4th of July, and though he was too late to vote for the Declaration, he did sign it.
He served in the Continental Congress, on the Board of War, through much of the War of Independence, and simultaneously participated in the framing of a constitution for Maryland. In 1778 he returned to Maryland to participate in the formation of the state government. He was elected to the Maryland Senate in 1781, and to the first Federal Congress in 1788. He returned again to the State Senate in 1790 and served there for 10 years. He retired from that post in 1800.
Charles Carroll was the last surviving member of those who signed the Declaration. He died, the last survivor of the signers of the Declaration, in 1832 at the age of 95.
Posted by pathickey at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Abortion - The Original Hate Crime, Anti Catholic Progressives, Charles Carroll, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama, Rock Solid Hypocrisy
Real Power Has No Public Face , Nor Wants One. Chicago Magazine Notwithstanding - These Eight Determine the State
Judge Richard Posner is easily my pick as the most powerful person . . .anywhere around here. Numero Uno! El Jefe!
"Power is a measurement of an entity's ability to control its environment, including the behavior of other entities."
"Power is not alluring to pure minds."
Thomas Jefferson
"All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."
Friedrich Nietzsche
"If any place breeds power, it’s Chicago. “Clout” and the city have gone together since the early 1900s, when our Irish Catholic forefathers clapped a stranglehold on the levers of authority that they have been loath to relinquish in modern times." -Chicago Magazine
Christ have mercy! Who wrote this? Ald. Dick Simpson? Well, he says the same thing in his latest prouncement on Corruption . . .Bad.
Chicago Magazine listed series of people believed be the most powerful in Chicago and the Illinois hinterlands. It is a vanity piece.
Only one face of the 100 persons in the article is what I would call powerful and that is # 67 Federal Judge Richard Posner. He should be # 1. - the most powerful single individual in the Federal Northern District. Judge Posner is the force in business, moral and legal policy. Everyone else is a piker.
Judge Posner scares the breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner out of every Black Robe, and I don't mean Jesuit, within a tankful of Premium of Lake Michigan.
Judge Posner overturns any other judge's ruling ( the sentencing of Eddie Vrdolyak e.g.) with a call to the editorial boards of our great metropolitan newspapers.
Absent as well are the Progressive Political Machine* that have so thoroughly dismantled the Democratic Political Machine that most people think snitching nickels is corruption. Policy, Law and of Course Wealth is power.
Along with Judge Richard Posner at # 1,
These folks should be in the magazine's top ten and are my Huge Hickey Eight.
2. Terry Cosgrove - The President of Personal PAC commands the political muscle and money of Planned Parenthood, LGBTQ Activists and owns Governor Quinn.
3. Dr. Quentin Young - Progressive leader of Hyde Park and Health Policy foundation architect of Obama Care
4. Arthur Loevy - Leftist Labor and the architect of Police Abuse Lawsuit Policy - Loevey made the marriage of left-wing public labor and politics a reality
5. G. Flint Taylor- Peoples Law Office - From Fred Hampton to tommorrow's Burge Headline this lawsuit lootery lawyer has helped bankrupt Cook County and Chicago, but has undermined any and all public faith in law enforcement and law itself.
6. Abner Mikva - The Progressive King of Policy and Progressive Government - if Mikva gives no imprimatur it does not happen - Abner Mikva is Michael Shakman's Chinaman - Now THAT is clout. No one in Cook County can ever say, " I'll call my guy!" " My Guy, or any Guy" is now an exhibit at the Field Museum.
7. Dawn Clark Netsch -from the ERA to Personal PAC every piece of legislation that has been an unfunded mandate on education, health and labor begins and ends with DCN>
8. Tie Fred Eychaner
and John Rogers -
Money Talks and now owns the TelaPrompter - Ariel Capital Management and Fred Eychnaer created Congressman Mike Quigley, CTA's Forrest Claypool, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and President Obama, as well as powerful GLBTQ political operatives - Debs Mell & Shore and Greg Harris, yet only Rogers' Ex gets the props in Chicago Magazine? Desiree , for real?
Whether it is the fees we pay, how safe we are from thugs, what our kids learn and not learn in public schools, our ability to petition for redress of grievances from government, who gets elected and our very freedom to worship is determined, not by Irish Catholic whitemen, or Swedes.
The Democratic Party exists in name only. Illinois, Cook County and Chicago are corrupt, or really wonderful places to live, because of eight powerful people
"Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another." John Dewey
They have the power.
Read more:
*Throughout the twentieth century, middle-class progressives embraced visions of democracy rooted in their relatively privileged life experiences. Progressive educators developed pedagogies designed to nurture the individual voice within egalitarian classrooms, assuming that collective action in the public realm could be modeled on the relatively safe small-group interactions they were familiar with in their families, schools, and associations. Partly as a result, they remained blind to (and often denigrated) the democratic aspects of working-class organizations, such as unions and community action groups, which found strength in solidarity. In this article Aaron Schutz argues that progressives must integrate into their models the often brutal lessons about power learned by those with less privilege. Until they do so, their approaches to democratic education will continue to have limited capacity to support social transformation and empowerment in the world as it is.
Aaron Schutz*