Outnumbered. Out- Idioted. Out-Lawyered. Out-Politicianed. Out There. Chicago Police Officers are the real heroes.
They helped me look for a lost 4 year old.
They were loudly abused by drunks from early Sunday morning and well into the night.
World Class Scum Bag - G. Flint Taylor appeared on a Cable TV show called the Professors ( I caught this at about 1PM yesterday) who said that systemic racism and brutality is what Chicago Police Officers are all about -'They wield nightsticks on the backs of blacks, shrilled G. Flint. They have not used nightsticks in YEARS! None of the 'Professors' picked up on that fact however and most talked liked they were using words they learned that morning -'The Conflagration of the community rubrics are Tantamounted to the Proliferation of Police Powers on the Community.'
Nope. Cops are heroes.
During the Parade which brought 325,000 people together on the pavement around Western Ave., Chicago Cops put down two good sized brawls - the biggest at 111th and Western in the CVS parking lot the home to the Coach/Bus tourist louts from the fern bars up North and from suburbs who got boiled on booze early in the day and stayed hard at it until dark and the Metra Mopes from down-town, lofting cases of cheap domestic ( CHI-RISH MILLERS primarily) beers and smoking Weed Dude! One at 105th and Talman was put down with less violence, from what I heard.
Most of the outside revellers were great and respectful people. However, the ones who got all geezed-up to get their Irish Freak On - the sloppy drunk girls were the most sad and obnoxious of this variety - should be ashamed. Shame comes from the recognition of consequences for actions. These mopes do not understand consequences - they file lawsuits when they fall on someone's driveway and bust out a few teeth that have just passed the contents of their stomachs. Nice. These are the clowns who Bus It Down to the Parade. The Cops deal with them.
Granted we have enough of our own home grown dummies, but the Exodus from Look Down On The South Side Land of Oafs is too much.
Chicago Police Officers handled the situation with good humor, common sense and, when that failed, muscular application of Professional Standards. G. Flint Taylor was no doubt skulking about the drunks and Weed Citizens trolling for a lawsuit.
Well done, Officers! Mary Beth Sheehan and The South Side Parade Committee did a wonderful job as always in organizing a magnificent parade.
However, it is to the credit of the Chicago Police Officers who stood good for the South Side neighborhoods of Beverly, Morgan Park and Mount Greenwood in interdicting the imbeciles - Homegrown and Imported.
Thank you, Officers!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Chicago Cops - Heroes Every Day, but Especially on Parade Days
Posted by
8:19 AM
Labels: Chicago Police Officers, G. Flint Taylor, South Side Irish Parade
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Every Cop should send this to the Mayor and J-fed.
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