Thursday, October 27, 2016

American Halloween: Satan is dressed like Atticus Finch

Image result for atticus finch is the devil

"The real Satan however will look just like Jesus Christ (Revelation 13), he shall come in peaceably (Daniel 11) and he shall work wonders in the sight of mankind in order to deceive them into believing he is Jesus Christ (Revelation 13)." comments from Times of Israel
The ACLU vigorously defends the rights of all Americans to practice their religion. But because the ACLU is often better known for its work preventing the government from promoting and funding selected religious activities, it is sometimes wrongly assumed that the ACLU does not zealously defend the rights of all religious believers to practice their faith. The actions described below – over half of which were brought on behalf of self-identified Christians, with the remaining cases defending the rights of a wide range of minority faiths – reveal just how mistaken such assumptions are. ACLU

America has a devil of problem.  We believe that everyone has a right to practise their faith.  Americans have a poioumenon problem - in over two hundred years we have decided to take the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and The Devil and Daniel Webster as a metafictional taffy pull.

My twenty dollar words  roughly translate to a 'product' in which the story is about the process of creation.   Pure John Dewey - the play is the thing and it is all about the inquiry, Yo!

Take a text, an article of faith, a statement. a word, or even a gesture and make something huge out of it.  Think of a social justice defense lawyer, - a protester has a constitutional right to exercise his free speech (verbally, artistically, dramatically and confrontationally); ergo, the charges against a protester must be dropped, unless they embarrass the mayor who blesses the actions of said attorney.

It is not what the Bill of Rights actually says in the document, but what a press protected, politically paid up pettifogger can make the public go along with at the moment.

Feelings help. Appeals to the breast of a public television subscriber can't miss in America.

America no longer trusts in God and it bans prayer, religious iconography ( unless Muslim for the time being, anyway), rosaries, crosses, or even solemn looks.

However, amid all of this civitas in bella Dei,  quasi-quack collegia et Satanas Wicca vocati sunt. Satan and Wicca are welcome.

I travel to the great State of Wisconsin as often as possible.  The people the grace and simple courtesies offered statewide above the Illinois border are a tonic.

I tend to go to Monroe, Green, Lafayatte and Madison counties, lands settled by sturdy Swiss, German, Nordic and Celtic immigrants before the Civil War.  There are United Churches of Christ, Catholic parishes, and every Evangelical and Mainline Protestant houses of worship up and down the rolling hills of Dairyland.  There is at least one synagogue in Madison and more than few Mosques and Muslim Circles. It is the UCC Swiss and Mennonite Dutch and others whose dairy barns in the Swiss/Nordic counties that sport Hex signs.  Image result for hex signs

The word Hex is believed to have come from the Teutonic word Hexe, or "witch." The signs are elaborate Rosetta's, circles with interior designs of geometric shapes.  They are beautiful examples of folk art. Some believe they have more to do with flowers, than witchcraft.  Most acknowledge the pre-Christian designs as part of the Alpine German " Sun of the Alps."

I was told by a Swiss blooded American that farmers placed Hex Signs on their barns to ward off Satan - he explained that many built round barns " so the Devil had no corner to hide in."

Actually, they were very practical and sound structures.  Here is one in Dane County near Mount Horeb that was converted into a magnificent home
Mount Horeb is home to Circle Sanctuary's many tribes of 'witches' and Wiccans, shamanns, circkes of drummers and Indigenous Peoples practitioners along what is collectively called The Spirit Pathways.  

In Mount Horeb,  the "Circle comprises a network of Pagan, Wiccan, Goddess and Shamanic gatherings from around the country and the world. Directed, more or less, by Selena Fox. The Circle home page is an extensive informational site, to say the least."  That it is.

The ACLU has no beef with The Circle whatsoever. The ACLU is all over Catholics, Jews and Evangelicals ( Main-liners are totally NPR and Muslims have yet to experience the Roger Baldwining of their beliefs).

The ACLU has no problem with Satan, but sure has one with the Decalogue.

Satanists have found a haven and coven in Salem, Massachusetts , home to full-blooded nut job and 1/2,6789th Cherokee Senator Bessie Warren.  Salem was where deplorables and abolitionists burned witches at the stake in 17th Century, inspiring Hawthorne's Hester Prynne to proudly sport the Big A and causing Arthur Miller to attack McCarthyisms with the Crucible. Roger Baldwin's ancestors ran Catholics and Baptists to Maryland and set the tone for  ACLU the American bed and breakfast industryunnamed-1  lead

Located one-mile from historic sites tied to Salem’s 1692 witchcraft hysteria, the building — a former funeral home — was inaugurated last month by activist Malcolm Jarry, a self-described “secular Jew” who co-founded The Satanic Temple (TST) in 2013. Jarry is a pseudonym, and he refuses to be photographed.The temple houses an art gallery in honor of Baphomet (see above), a “sabbatic goat” representing the universe. Behind the two-story building, an eight-foot tall statue of Baphomet sits in a plain shed, where visitors can pay to view it.
With up to 50,000 members in chapters around the world, TST has garnered colossal media attention in the last three years. Chief among Jarry’s causes are marriage equality and women’s reproductive freedom. Any issue related to the government using religion to restrict individual freedom is also likely to engage temple leaders, some of whom staged a 2014 “Black Mass” at Harvard University to push the envelope on religious freedom.
Outside of New England, TST has taken legal action against the placement of edifices of the Ten Commandments in civic settings, including statehouses. To illustrate how such displays violate religious freedom, the temple has insisted it be allowed to erect goat-headed Baphomet statues in the same locations. TST is also planning to take on some schools’ use of isolation, denial of bathroom access, and corporal punishment of children. Times of Israel (emphases my own)
Man, talk about outdoing the public relations of NPR and the Unitarians!  Satan is a Progressive and dresses up like Atticus Finch for go-to-meeting duds, I'll Elizabeth Warrant !

The establishment of a religion?  No. the State sponsored destruction of religious liberty.

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Ticket Whiners "Hit Back' for Chicago and then 'Ditch School' Get Real News from Second City Cop, before you go to Chicago Rags

Image result for homicide near wrigley

“You’ve hit Chicago numerous times. . . . When you hit Chicago, Chicago hits back.” Ald. Anthony Beale Image result for anthony beale chicago

Mos Def, G! No slippin' dis area code, Yo!*

Alderman Beale is not warning the GDs, Vice Lords, Mickey Cobras, Four Corner Hustlers, Latin Kings, or even the ethnically cleansed Irish Deuces. Beale is really giving it to Donald Trump, he and the 49 other amoebas with plush chairs in the Chicago City Council.

The Chicago 50 - the City Council, not its collective I.Q. - hit back at Donald Trump and took down the brown sign that anyone with the ear of an Alder-creature can get hung up.  Legend has it that some have even been a 'taste' for a deal, but Andy Shaw's BGA would been all over that, like a four year old boy on bowl of steamed cauliflower. Yes Sir!

Fran Spielman, the voice of the Chicago Banana Republic, takes a delightful swipe at the oafish plutocrat, erstwhile reality show star and Presidential candidate.

The City Council’s Transportation Committee unanimously agreed to strip Trump of a recognition he covets: “Trump Plaza,” the honorary designation for the east side of Wabash Avenue between Illinois Street and the Chicago River, outside the 96-story Trump International Hotel & Tower. . . .As for the honorary street designation, one of the Trump Plaza signs already has been stolen. So only one more needs to be removed. That will be done post-haste, if the full City Council approves the punishment, thanks to a so-called “pending passage” letter that (Ald.)Beale promised to sign.(Ald.) Reilly said Trump no longer deserves the honor after making political hay at Chicago’s expense in a way that has damaged the city’s reputation on the global stage.
Trump’s decision to portray Chicago as a “war zone” that needs stop-and-frisk during the first presidential debate was the final straw.
Image result for beale reilly and pawar
Yeah, Brendan, we live in Honeysuckle Vinewater Way,you mewling turd.

In December 2010, Trump contributed $50,000 to Mayor Rahm Emanuel and $5,000 to Reilly.
That was two years after the opening of Trump Tower with the vanity sign touting the Trump brand.
On Tuesday, Reilly was asked about the hypocrisy of accepting Trump’s money, only to bite the hand that feeds him.
He promised, once again, to send the money to back.
“I will be doing that on Nov. 9, the day after the election — so Mr. Trump can’t spend it,” Reilly said.

More important Chicago's Aldermen Approved, Sanctioned and Abetted Thud Comfort Zone will bleed mightily while the Cubs and some of our Aldercritters hire a bus and 'road trip' to Cleveland for game # 2. of the World Series.  After whining like pimps shorted by street walkers, when the Chicago Cubs Organization withdrew its proffer of free tickets to 50 moochers, Progressive Cop-Hating loudmouth Alderman Anwar Pawar beefed about the hit he tookImage result for anwar pawar chicago
Three aldermen on Monday confirmed that the team had withdrawn the offer after the Board of Ethics on Friday sent out new guidance to aldermen, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and other city officials on the issue. Some aldermen were upset, contending that the ethics board and its new chairman, William Conlon, were making much ado about nothing.
"This whole thing is a circus," said Ald. Ameya Pawar, 47th, whose North Side ward includes part of Wrigleyville, the area that's home to the team's iconic ballpark. "Rather than celebrate the Cubs, the Cubs now are going to have to comment on something when we as a city should be celebrating going to a World Series." Chicago Tribune

N.B. -Attribution goes to Second City Cop, as I always read my news there, before the media cheerleaders.

Also, SCC offers a pithy assessment in vernacular concerning this city's two-score and ten hypocrites:

 "Remember, that's an alder-asshole who decided he was going to threaten the LOCAL Lodge for an endorsement that a NATIONAL Lodge made. Never let actual ethics get in the way of a corrupt deal."
The gobshites are 'ditching school today' -
The City Council chambers will be emptier today, during the important budget hearings because a large number of aldermen, who cannot get tickets to the games in Wrigley Field, have gotten a bus and are going to Cleveland to watch the game, after getting tickets on Stub Hub scalping site.
Thank goodness the Budget Hearings can take care of themselves. SCC
Stronger Together!!!!!!!

Keep voting for morons, neighbors.

* A breathy affirmation and editorial.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Secretary of State John Kerry - Global ReMax Agent

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It's clear that China is intent to claim all of the South China Sea as its own, and for its exclusive use. Their recent agreement with the Philippines will embolden them further even though the Philippines has not officially given up their claim, they made it clear that it is "for sale". When you understand the Philippines, this makes sense. And to be fair to Filipinos, Hillary Clinton put the US State Department up for sale to the highest bidder and profited personally from her time in office. It's easy to look at the Philippines and blaggard them, but Sec. Clinton did the same thing - only worse. Retired American Intelligence Office

I was flabbergasted by the universal scorn, contempt and low-opinion of John Kerry in the remarks on a Face Book site of  Chicago Council on Foreign Relations touting the appearance of Secretary of State John Kerry.

From negotiating the Iranian nuclear agreement to reopening a US Embassy in Cuba, US Secretary of State John Kerry has shaped historic foreign policy directives. In an increasingly complex international system, growing challenges such as a progressively assertive Russia and China, the global refugee crisis, climate change, and terrorism have all had an impact on US national security and are reshaping America's role in the global arena. How will America continue to respond and engage in a changing world?
Join the Council on Global Affairs and Secretary Kerry for a major speech highlighting America's current international objectives and discussing our country's role in the world moving forward.  (emphases my own)

And John Kerry will explain exactly what?

  • How has the Obama Doctrine ( bowing) helped keep the Ukrainian military and merchant fleets bottled up in the Black Sea?
  • Why is Syria going to remain in the hands of a chinless psycho path for next few decades?
  • Where is China's territorial limit in the South China Sea, the Philippine Sea, the Sea of Japan and Lake Michigan?
  • Who is responsible for the Philippine Islands embrace of Red China after 100 years of blood forged alliance and strategic mutual interests?
  • What do you have to say about your roll in making Iran a nuclear power and Geo-political player?
Long John Kerry was a lousy Presidential Candidate and allowed Planned Parenthood and a wind sail win the White House for two terms of globalist Neo - Conservatism venture capitalism.

Kerry and most other Progressives of his ilk are corporatist couch-change hunters and Foundation lap dogs who parlay place and position for access.

In short, like Hillary Clinton before him, John Kerry is the global ReMax agent, rather than a steward of American strategic interests - let's negotiate - make a deal!

What deals were managed to allow Red China the control of Pacific, or Putin's the boorish navigation of the English Channel and the Irish Sea?

John Kerry took orders from Valerie Jarrett, just like President Obama, and she knows real estate - local slums and global totalitarian property. Kerry talk is Free.    Nothing else is.

What else is for barter?     Not my time. I would not go, if they handed out Milk Duds at the door.

John Kerry will flap-doodle before an eager crowd of Selfie artists exchanging Kerry's parses for a snap-chat at his is the fourth annual Louis B. Susman Lecture for the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations  

If you want to learn something about what is being done to American interests, read Virtual Mirage. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

I am Voting Today - Deplorable, For What It's Worth

Image result for Voting Booth Great McGintyYeah, that's right Hickey. With two Rs. H.I . . .Rockwell.

People get their shorts in a knot because I will not vote for Hillary R. Clinton, Jill Stein, or Gary Johnson. That leaves only Mr. Deplorable Himself, the Gettysburg Groper.

I do not care for whom you vote; you vote for thee - not me.Image result for Proud Voter Poster

This is the terrible truth of a republican democracy - we must choose. Maybe, we will choose wrongly.

In my career as a voter ( 1972- Present)- here are my votes:
 1.( W) Richard M. Nixon: I worked for the 18th Ward Regular Democrat Organization to help elect McGovern Delegates.  In Miami, Jesse Jackson, Abner Mikva, Michael Shakman and Bill Singer challenged those delegates and the DNC tossed them - my first Progressive Rig-job. The Roe V. Wade easily put America on its death spiral.  I voted for Tricky Dick, who resigned and good old Gerald Ford pardoned the crumb - that nixed any vote for Jerry. I went to GOP dominated Kankakee, IL and began teaching in 1975.

2. (W)Jimmy Carter: Boy was that fun and then Mr. Peanut put on sweaters and gas went through the roof and Iran went crazy and rabbits attacked him and Brother Billy brewed beer and took bribes from the Libyans and I thought Ronald Reagan was scary and so . . .well, Ted Kennedy who drowned a girl popped up every election cycle like a legacy whack-a-mole and teased Gov. Moonbeam and Jimmy.

3.(L) Jimmy Carter got smeared and Ronald Reagan softened the hearts of blue collar Catholic voters, by fighting for the unborn, fighting the Reds, taking a bullet and behaving with dignity, but he was still a GOP, Protestant left-footer. Abscam, the Ruskie Afghanistan bleed out, Star Wars, Commie in Central America and Grenada, Lebanon and now , (l)Fritz Mondale

4. ( L) Fritz Mondale, sweet guy.  Road kill.  The Reagan Years - Pax Americana.

5. Then George Herbert Walker Bush emerged from the shadows of the Vice Presidency, CIA and Huge Oil and sounded like Aunt Nancy from Chebanse and we had TED Kennedy again, and finally   ( L) Mike Dukakis - Snoopy Drives an Abrams and the  Desert Storm of Poppi of Kennibunkport and then Bubba showed . . .upin 1988 at the DNC!   I had taken a job in Indiana and watched the world get goofier  beyond the pines and spring fed lake of La Lumiere School.

6. ( W.W.)William Jefferson Clinton and Albert Gore were the first two non-WWII veteran, baby-boomers to run for President and they seemed like great guys - one with a homely wife and one with a stunner. The guy with the pooch-Frau was the top of the ticket and word got around that he was quite a hound himself.  I remember pushing my son Conor in a stroller at the 1992 South Side Irish Parade and seeing Gore and Clinton work the crowd on Western Ave. two tall good looking guys in black topcoats. I voted Clinton over Dole in 1996

7.  Bubba had the chops and his two terms mired by repeated scandals about money and sex and finally the national humiliation of unveiling the truth about a President who could eat a pizza, enjoy a fellation from a young White Staffer and chat with a congressman about Bosnia all at once. Our moral soul fit like OJ's gloves.  I needed a shower. and ( L) John Kerry did not help with his I Had an Abortion  pinking up the Boston DNC, while he wind-sailed to the camera's - What and A$$hole!. GW Bush was gearing up for a royal coronation, because Kerry was as lame as he has been as Secretary of State and got hammered.  We went to War on Terror and I like the way GW Bush responded to the 9/11/2001 attack on America, until he took Poppi's phone call and allowed the Saudis to jet away scot-free and then sent our kids to Afghanistan and then Iraq.

8. (L) Al Gore 'invented the internet' and brought all of the excitement and energy of a glutton at Weight Watchers to a challenge to GW and my vote for the last Democratic Presidential Candidate of my career in the polling booth ended on the hanging chads.

9.( L) John McCain should have easily beaten Barack Obama in 2008: he had a great VP choice in Governor Palin, a great message, experience and the media behind him for the most part against a callow, not-very-bright, prickly, self-absorbed community organizer who was whiter than Clarence Thomas and pals with the very people who made me cast my virgin vote for Nixon.  The Mortgage Investment Bubble blew and the economy tanked.  McCain who had endured horrible dangers and excruciating torture at the hands of Communists, ran away from a capitalist bump in the road and all but stopped campaigning after September 2008. He allowed Sarah Palin and her entire family to become a target for ridicule and never stood up for her.  Obama handed him his ass.

10. Barack H. Obama with Valerie Jarrett handing him orders and orchestrating his every move is the most protected, petted and pitiful President in our nation's history.  Obama is the 501(c) 3 President and PAC powerful clothes-horse.  The GOP is a party of cowards, sycophants, martyrs and zealots interspersed with a few genuine men of integrity and ability. (L) Mitt Romney, the Walter Mondale of the GOP, was offered up in sacrifice to Obama, in order to save and even increase numbers in House and Senate.

Bringing me to Election 2016.  I really need a shower.  I would have voted Democrat for Jim Webb, Republican Scott Walker, or Independent Rand Paul.  Instead we have the current choices, a Shameless Abortion Happy Medusa and a Shameful Braggart and Groper.  The others are toys for the Never/Never crowd of moral fiber eaters.

I am voting when the early polls vote. I stand at 4-7.

W - Nixon, Carter, Clinton (2) = 4
L. Carter, Mondale, Dukakis, Kerry, Gore, McCain. Romney =7

Here goes my ballot 2016!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Voice of "Emerging Nations" Parses Obama's Philippine Blunder

Image result for idiots of NPR parsing Nonsense

He has also insulted President Obama and the U.S. ambassador in Manila.
Duterte has prompted international criticism for pursuing a harsh crackdown on the drug trade in the Philippines, one that has left thousands of people dead. Some of Duterte's headline-grabbing insults have been defiant reactions to criticism — real or hypothetical — over an initiative that many say violates human rights. NPR

I can not turn-on NPR or PBS without a cooing voice with a faux BBC accent or reptilian lisp lick-spittle-ing a yarn about 'anything' from an emerging nation.  Thus, 'This is Nigel Brow in Wogrograd - we are soon talking with Mbnbi Al-Offis-Rockah. a bi-sexual father of fifteen and devout Muslim-Unitarian who isa craftsman and dealer in illegal AK-47 display cases much desired by Euro-American plutocrats.  Offis Rockah's signature-edition cabinets are in-laid with Rhino tusk and soaked in the vanishing creature's musk, due to climate change upon our emerging world and Polar Ice flows. . . .'

That seems to be  the 24/7 chant on our government funded Mini-Tru, but we do still have Prairie Home Companion to balm the souls of hemped-up AARP Birkenstock-ers, retired from Goldman Sachs and spooning up Ben & Jerry's.

This week in our sinking nation, Americans are aware of the fact that Trump is a disgrace to HBO and Hillary Clinton can't lose on November 8th.

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Meanwhile the Russian Fleet sailed triumphantly on both sides of the United Kingdom: English Channel and Irish Sea.  Many of my BBC addicted Irish kinfolk are as delighted with Putin's mooning of NATO and the United States like this gobshite, known in Chomsky-troll circles as PeaceGroupie:

The terrorists' groupies( the West) would have us believe almost all houses in east Aleppo are hospitals and schools. They have claimed on multiple occasions that the last hospital/doctor had been hit/killed. The rebels looted all the hospitals they captured. In Mosul and elsewhere, they executed medics who did not collaborate with them. They slaughtered medics and patients alike in Kindi hospital in Aleppo.
The US and NATO who regularly murder Syrian civilians (the Belgians killed more today) are in a soft war against Russia and so they accuse them of bring naughty. Contrary to what Michael Martin said, Russia did not bomb that UN convoy. The rebels did. They have a history of doing such things.
Russia is doing a noble deed in Syria. Several of its soldiers have paid with their lives for their heroism. They have stopped the USA and its ISIS proxies doing a Libya/Iraq/Yemen on Syria and for that they are heroes. (parenthetical my own)
The BBC and NPR love the academic-contrarian parsing of things.  Putin is wagging his willy at Obama, whose spineless and Bizarro-world view matches the BBC and NPR Derridavan weltanschauung .  Goodness!  Barack Obama is now GW? Emerging!

Well, we must break a few eggs in the global omellette pan.

The old global omelette pan welcomed the Philippines last week as well!
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Rodrigo Duterte was elected President of the Philippines in June, 2016.  Between June and October, the foreign policy collective of the Obama White House managed to condescend to, mock, alienate and insult Duterte enough that the entire Pacific Rim stands to fall under Red China's hegemony.

Brand Obama sneers at people who get upset when they are 'talked-down to' by an elegant community organizer with razor sharp pants creases and an obtuse Daily Kos world view.

Again, turning to the Plain People of Ireland, besotted with the BBC/OXFam anti-Semtism and fashionable MetroMarxism, we pick up on the spiritus mundi -

The Filipinos have a long and living cultural connection to China and have only benefited from its American connections in becoming a sweatshop, whore house and secutity buffe, which has only caused them strife and harm.
I've talked to Africans who have nothing but praise for the Chinese set ups in their homelands. Consistently, they tell me that, unlike westerners, the Chinese treat them as equals/ Like Africans, Pinoys have a decent level pf education and a keen work ethic.
Via one of my hobbies, I've a fair few Pinoys that I talk to and they are stoked by Duterte after the false start that was the corrupt Aquinios. Filipinos are not Americans nor even western but have been forced to wear systems that are not reflective of their ancient cultures, which emanate from places as far away as ancient Persia and as close as Indonesia. The common connection of those 2 influences is direct justice.
A few years ago, the Filipinos made the film Amigo, a reminder of the American regime at the start of the last century. Duterte has brought the massacres of Pinoys by Americans back to the agenda including what was done in Mindanao and even further south. This has been well received and is having a healing affect throughout the archipelago whereas Aquino et al inflamed the struggle in the south
In a country where police corruption is just the done thing, Duterte has appealed straight to the people and given them the right to do what must be done because the Filipinos are not the whores and weak people that the west has made them, they are the people of Lapu lapu, the spirit that sent Magellan to his death.
Mabuay(sic) Duterte!  

Mabuhay means - Be Spirited in Tagalog - sort of a Google Translate Viva Duterte!

The same sentiments abounded with my Irish cousins and compadres, when Hugo Chavez was Bromantic with Barack Obama. Brits as well.  The BBC, RTE, the Guardian and Irish Independent speak the same propaganda as our NPR and PBS - tweedy, snotty and elitist non-sense.

Obama and John Kerry and Hillary Clinton are fabulous dopes.

Nevertheless, they have destroyed America's place on the world stage, retreated cravenly from every challenge by tinpot and crack pot dictators. bloomed and manicured ISIS from the last dying cuts of the Muslim Brotherhood, turned the Pacific over to China and have given Putin the global gangway!

Our response? Well, the fabulous dopes are baffled and called Duterte the Filipino Donald Trump.

How do you like your global omelette?

Mabuhay America, we have a tough row to hoe, before breakfast.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Obama and Kerry May Have Given the Pacific to Red China, Along With the Philippines

Image result for china and duterte

Unusually sharp comments from Earnest earlier Friday about a Filipino official's attempts to clarify Duterte's "separation" remarks may reflect White House uneasiness about the implications of the country's stance.
Philippine Trade Minister Ramon Lopez said Friday that his country would not stop trade and investment with the US. "The statement the President made maintains the relationship with the West. What we are saying is that there will be less dependence just on one side of the world," Lopez told CNN.
Asked about Lopez's comments, Earnest said "I've dubbed that person the Filipino Mike Pence," a reference to the Republican vice presidential candidate, who has often walked back or cleaned up comments by GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. CNN
Yes, indeed, Philippines is a blessed nation,
The one thing it lacks is diligence and
God loves this country and understands our pain,
So if we strive harder, all our lost will become
our gain.
Philippines might become a better country one
Because with God’s help, we know that there’s
still a way. Ramon Amancio Estanque

There once was a Filipino hombre
Who ate rice pescado y legumbre;
His trousers were wide, and his shirt hung outside,
And this, I may say, was his costumbre.
He lived in a nipa bahay
Which served as a stable and sty;
He slept on a mat with the dogs and a cat
And the rest of the family near by.
His daddy, un buen' Filipino,
Who never mixed tubig with bino,
Said, "I am no insurrecto - no got gun or bolo,"
Yet used both to kill a vecino.   Carl Sandburg's American Songbag

Gee, Old Carl had me running for my safe space amid those verbal microaggressions, colonialist jibes at indigenous peoples and misapplication of Limerick stanzas delivering lame sounds and sensibilities.  I do believe I have the vapors!

Thank God, Carl did not write those offensive words himself - no need to re-name Carl Sandburg High School's continent wide.

For now, anyway.

Sandburg's offering from the American Songbag  is attributed to a U.S. Navy Captain in 1900 - a few short years after Americans liberated the Philippine Archipelago from Spain, subsequently screwed the liberated with the Treaty of Paris, causing our ally Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo to treat McKinley like Obama and began 'civilizing thim (the indigenous people) stiff' in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.  The most violent resistance to American largesse and democracy took place in the South Philippine island of Mindanao which has had a traditionally large Muslim population in the traditionally much larger Roman Catholic Philippine Islands.   Mindanao has been the home of current Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and his family sine 1947.

President Duterte is a very complex man, abused by an American Jesuit priest in the 1950's, a lawyer, former Mayor and District leader, a tough law and order guy who admits to shooting more than few people who have crossed him, a man of his word and most of those words are beyond salty. 

He is a plain man.  Duterte will never take home a Nobel Prize.

His people love him; the United Nations hates him.

He is a leader of a nation with great strategic and economic importance to globe and President Obam and John Kerry may have lost partnerships with the Philippine people forged in fire and blood for more than 100 years.  They have done so with 'pimp slap' diplomacy.  Kerry and Obama have shown no regard for the Philippines, much less their President.

When asked to 'show the flag' in the South China Sea, where the Red Chinese Navy has built artificial atolls with anchorages and airfields for military vessels and aircraft, as well as muscled out territorial claims of not only the Philippines, but Vietnam, Indonesia and others.
Image result for Obama and Kerry and Duterte
When the Philippines brought a case against China at the Hague over China's artificial islands in its territorial waters, the U.S. supported the Philippines diplomatically.
In July, the Hague's Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled in favor of the Philippines. This would have been an opportunity for the U.S. to turn the screws on China. But instead the Obama White House encouraged China and the Philippines to resolve the matter themselves after the ruling of the international tribunal.
At the end of August, Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters that the U.S. was not interested in "fanning the flames of conflict but rather trying to encourage the parties to resolve their disputes and claims through the legal process and through diplomacy."
Duterte has now taken Kerry's advice. After announcing his country's new alignment with China, Duterte signed a series of trade agreements worth $13.5 billion, along with a promise to continue bilateral negotiations over the South China Sea.Image result for Obama stares at  Duterte
President Obama lectured Duterte on human rights over the Islamist-Drug wars in the Philippine Islands
His anti-U.S. rhetoric flared last month when he declared Mr. Obama shouldn’t lecture him on human rights. In an aside directed at no one, he used an exclamation of frustration meaning “son of a whore,” which some in the international press interpreted as a dig at the U.S. president. Mr. Obama then canceled plans for a one-on-one meeting with him at the regional summit in Laos. It was two days later that Mr. Duterte approached Mr. Obama there.
In recent weeks, Mr. Duterte has canceled U.S.-Philippine military exercises. He said he might annul a 2014 U.S.-Philippines defense pact, a key aspect of Mr. Obama’s “Asian pivot,” that lets the U.S. deploy soldiers to Philippine bases. And he has threatened to “cross the Rubicon” and ditch the countries’ 65-year-old treaty in favor of accords with Russia and China.
The American Media, notably CNN, want to make political hay out of another international disaster at the hands of Obama and the patrician Kerry. They have taken to calling Duterte the Filipino Donald Trump and Obama sneers that President Duterte is 'colorful.'

Fifty seven years ago, another Spanish American War Prize was lost to our enemies - it still is but Obama erased that inconvenient fact with flourish of his executive pen - in Cuba.  American snobs lost China to Communism after World War II and Cuba in 1959.  Our snobs are managing no different - but the Philippines is much more important than Cuba had been to our geopolitical survival.
 Duterte went to Beijing.  “I’ve realigned myself in your ideological flow,” Mr. Duterte said in the Beijing speech, “and maybe I will also go to Russia to talk to Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world—China, Philippines and Russia.”

Kerry and Obama are doing their best, yet again, as they had in IRAN Deal, to make sure that this will be the outcome.

Back to my safe place.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Obama Loses the Philippines to China and Russia

 Image result for obama philippines riotsImage result for snob obamaImage result for obama philippines riots

"The United States-Philippines alliance is built on a 70-year history of strong people-to-people ties, including a vibrant Filipino- American diaspora and a long list of shared security concerns. So the focus of the Obama administration right now is on the broad relationship with the Philippines and our work together in the many areas of mutual interest to improve the livelihoods of the Filipino people and uphold our shared Democratic values." White House Flak Josh Earnest 10/5/2016

Both in military, not maybe social, but economics also, America has lost,” he said to the crowd of over 200, later adding, “There are three of us against the world -- China, Philippines and Russia. It’s the only way.”

"I will not go to America anymore. We will just be insulted there. So time to say goodbye my friend," President President Rodrigo Duterte.

More than 250,000 Americans have settled in the Phillipines, many former service men and women opening businesses and putting down roots near Subic Naval Base.   

The residents of Olongapo are also fearful that one fine day, Duterte might decide to throw them out of the country because they are Americans. "The biggest fear is that one day he's going to wake up and say 'everybody from the U.S., get out of town' and we'd have to leave our loved ones behind," Jack Walker, a retired Marine sergeant who has lived in the city for five years, said.
President Obama's soaring rhetoric and parsing poetics have created a dire situation in the most important Pacific Rim strategic outpost of American military and economic power.  

President Obama surrendered the Philippines without a Bataan, or Corregidor.  He does not even know what he has done - he is baffled. 

President Obama does not like plain people and especially plain spoken people.  He also dislikes with great enthusiasm anyone that Valerie Jarrett tells him to be really bad - a person who might be called 'a colorful guy' who wants to be supported in the fight against Islamist Terrorists, whom Valerie Jarrett identifies as drug dealing Narco-terrorists.  Obama and Obama's folks have repeatedly condemned Duterte as a human rights violator for killing Islamist terrorists, whom Obama deems drug traffickers. His State Department and stripped pants boys are and have been baffled:
 One U.S. official, who did not want to be identified, said there had been an active internal debate in recent months on how far to go in criticizing Duterte's government on human rights and that the measured tone adopted was not as strong as some aides would have liked.
U.S. attempts to raise questions about Duterte's campaign against drugs, in which more than 3,000 people have been killed since he took office in June, have drawn angry denunciations by Duterte. He has derided Obama as a "a son of bitch" and said he should "go to hell."
"It doesn't seem to help to say anything because the minute you say something, he just lets loose his barrage of obscenities," said Murray Hiebert, deputy director of the Southeast Asia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "I think for the U.S. to just blast him constantly is probably not very effective."
Obama taunted and painted the popular President of the Philippines into a corner with 'pimp slap diplomacy.'  Duterte is a plain man and plain men 'don't play.'

President Duterte, 'colorful guy,' has been insulted by President Obama on many occasions is not baffled at all. 

The People of the Philippines who embraced democracy, after decades of American occupation and heroically withstood and welcomed liberation from Japan, sent their sons to Korea, Vietnam and the endless Wars on Islamist Terror are now rioting against America.  That is tragic. They are great people.  Abusing great people is an American Progressive's past time. 

President Obama's White House is and has been Valerie Jarrett's tool in efforts to make Iran a world player.  She has won and America has lost another ally.  Pooh says, the stripped pants boys:

"There is no question that Duterte is...trying to play the well-worn game of playing us off against the Chinese," another U.S. official said, on condition of anonymity.
State Department spokesman John Kirby said on Thursday that the United States will seek an explanation from Duterte over his "separation" announcement, which he made during a visit to China. But he limited criticism to calling the remarks "baffling" and "inexplicably at odds" with close ties between Washington and Manila.
Plain people do not play. Duterte is pissed and he has not parsed his piss.  He will do what he says, he will do.

Someday, soon, many Americans will realize that President Obama had no business taking the oath of office.  The Americans living in the Philippines are getting it. 

Put this way by a American expatriate in Subic Bay, just off the naval base that Americans controlled until 1992 and began reusing in 2014 to help with the maritime patrols: “I am going to keep safe inside at night for this period. Keeping your nose clean is the solution.”
Treating friends with respect is another good idea.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Putin Pants-es Obama

Image result for russian fleet to embarrass obama

A little-known alliance between the US and Tsarist Russia led to the Russian fleet showing up in force in New York and San Francisco. It arrived at a crucial time in 1863 when Britain and France were on the verge of intervening in the Civil War on the side of the Confederacy. An actual world war was on the horizon that would “wrap the world in flames” as Secretary of State William Seward put it. The mighty Russian presence deterred the Anglo-French from invading, and the Union was saved.  History
Who is driving the good ship Lollipop? That is one question all Americans should ask. Better question: Which direction is the country headed?  Pravda 10/18/2016

I was pants-ed by my students after football practice at La Lumiere School, along with the head coach and our school priest/coach Chaplain.  All in good fun - embarASSing fun..

Memories of  kids getting pants-ed ( the act of pantsing) from Kindergarten through high school stirred when I read about Putin's fleet taking the long way to incinerate what is left of Aleppo in Syria - through the English channel and into the American Lakes.  Image result for russian fleet to embarrass obamaWhy pantsing?

Yanking down one's britches in public was and is mostly it was good clean; sometimes it was hostile and cruel.  Only jerks would pants a shy, inoffensive, lonely, or special youngster and they would be dealt with by their betters in due course.

I remember a little guy who was so afraid getting pants-ed at school that he would actually make himself sick about it.  As a coach and teacher it was my job to speak to several of the school's more infamous Myrmidons and ne'er-do-wells and they kept a sober and loving watch out for jerks lurking to terrorize the boy. No one pantsed him in four years; nor did he deign to pants anyone.

The global jerks, the Russians, were at one time kept in check by kids that I taught at Bishop McNamara, La Lumiere and Leo who exchanged letterman jackets for Kevlar vests and helmets.  Pat Donnelly, Jim Buck, Marvin Carey. Mario Bullock and Mike Van Weigel went to sea as sailors and marines.  The Russkies behaved.

After eight years of President Obama's daffy foreign policies, the Global Bully Putin is yanking down the britches of President at this very moment.

Russia has begun its biggest surface deployment since the end of the Cold War as it aims to effectively end the war in Syria on the eve of the US election, Nato officials warned last night.
The Kremlin is sending the full might of its Northern Fleet and part of the Baltic Fleet to reinforce a final assault on the city of Aleppo in a fortnight, according to Western intelligence.
The final bombardment is designed to shore up the Assad regime by wiping out rebels – paving the way for a Russian exit from the civil war. . . .
Royal Navy warships are due to escort a group of eight Russian warships, including the country’s only aircraft carrier, as they sail past the UK on their way to the Mediterranean.
Senior Royal Navy officers expect the task force to sail past the UK as early as Thursday in a show of strength dismissed as “posturing” by defence sources. . . .
But a senior Nato diplomat said the deployment from the Northern Fleet’s base near Murmansk would herald a renewed attack in Aleppo.
“They are deploying all of the Northern Fleet and much of the Baltic Fleet in the largest surface deployment since the end of the Cold War,” the diplomat said.
“This is not a friendly port call. In two weeks, we will see a crescendo of air attacks on Aleppo as part of Russia’s strategy to declare victory there.”
President Obama has smirked, shrugged and bowed for eight years and today Valdimir Putin yanked down his pants in front of the whole world.

The whole world is watching this Obama Legacy moment.

Senator Dick Durbin is a Huge Fan of Bob Creamer and His Riotous Tactics!

Image result for Dick Durbin and Jan SchakowskyImage result for robert creamer check kiting2005: Bob Creamer and his Life Partener Rep. Jan Schakowsky listen as Federal Judge James Moran gives Bob the 'long goodbye'

"I will never again allow my passion for that goal to overwhelm my good judgment or my respect for the law," Creamer said after the sentencing hearing 2005

"I still oppose abortion and would try my best to convince any woman in my family to carry the baby to term. But I believe that ultimately the decision must be made by the woman, her doctor, her family, and her conscience." Pro Life Dick Durbin

" Does Leo have a football team?" - Dick Durbin confused by the facts before him.
Image result for Dick Durbin and Jan Schakowsky
One of the dopiest people in government is U.S. Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois.  Really.

After an hour long tour of Leo High School in late October of 1996, by President Bob Foster who played on the 1956 City Championship football team, a pleasant chat with the head football coach who had just landed the second playoff berth in IHSA post-season in as many years, and marvelled at all of the football memorabelia in the Hall of Fame including Dick Boyle and Eddie Ryan 1956 bronzed cleats, Dick Durbin's first remark to President Foster was, " Does Leo have a football team?"

President Foster, no mixer of messages, or slick parser of the obvious, repled, " Jesus Christ!  What? Are you soft?  You're running for Senator?"

Yep.  And re-elected time and again.

Robert Creamer had his pants yanked down this week, so to speak, when James O'Keefe offered up Creamer in his words and deeds

Creamer was convicted in 2005, " Robert Creamer, a leading Democratic consultant and the husband of U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), pleaded guilty Wednesday to a federal bank fraud charge for engineering an elaborate check-kiting scheme to keep afloat the Illinois consumer group he formerly headed.. . .In addition to the bank fraud charge involving Illinois Public Action, Creamer also pleaded guilty to a federal tax violation for failing to make income-tax withholding payments."

After more than a few semesters in Terra Haute Federal and months as a Federal halfway-house  guest.  Bob Creamer wrote a strategy book for Democrat Operatives -Listen to Your Mother: Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win.
Image result for Dick Durbin and Jan Schakowsky
He had just gotten out of the joint and he was doing swell with help from Pat Quinn and the man who beat Pat Quinn in 1996 Primary - Senator Dick Durbin. He opened a boutique consulting firm SCG, got a gig with Huffington Post, a place on the Obama Brand and eventually a key to the Oval Office.

Creamer's book was a DNC wow.

Durbin read, or had someone read Creamer's book, Listen to Your Mother: Stand Up Straight to him and immediately penned this sweet endorsement of Bob Creamer and all of his works.

If Progressives are ready to move beyond the "Age of W" into a winning era, they can start with Stand Up Straight. This is more than a call to arms. This is a battle plan from one of the best campaign minds in America. Bob Creamer takes his readers from values to votes with practical tactics and insight gathered over decades of experience. This book is for players...spectators need not apply.
Senator Richard Durbin (D-Illinois), Senate Democratic Whip

We are well beyond the "Age of W" and swirling  down the drain of the "Obama Legacy" in no small part to Bob Creamer and Dick Durbin.

Yet, not one Chicago journalist for any news outlet cares to have a conversation about Bob Creamer, the dopes he puts in power, or the rigging of elections.

BTW - Durbin is not cleint of Strategic Consulting Group.  Why is that?  One wonders.

Lynn Sweet and Sun Times Lift the Chicago News Embargo on Bob Creamer

Image result for Lynn Sweet and Jan SchakowskyImage result for Lynn Sweet and Jan Schakowsky
Robert Creamer, a leading Democratic consultant and the husband of U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), pleaded guilty Wednesday to a federal bank fraud charge for engineering an elaborate check-kiting scheme to keep afloat the Illinois consumer group he formerly headed. In addition to the bank fraud charge involving Illinois Public Action, Creamer also pleaded guilty to a federal tax violation for failing to make income-tax withholding payments.

O’Keefe is known for his  highly controversial tactics and selective edits that create untrue storylines, notably in videos about Planned Parenthood and ACORN, a national community organization. Lynn Sweet Sun Times Today
 A union that represents University of Illinois at Chicago police officers is lashing out at the university, saying last week's canceled Trump rally put officers and attendees in danger. Creamer's Work at the March Trump Rally Riot

Project Veritas has 'untrue storylines?   How's ACORN doing?

Planned Parenthood?  Not as badly as its poster-boy for Women's Health Issues - Dr. Kermit Gosnell.

For two days, people in Chicago could re-read RedEye and go blind looking for any mention of  Robert Creamer, who organized a riot* at a Trump Rally at UICC Arena this past March. Why?

Because Bob Creamer, like Bill Ayers is a Progressive hero.  He's bullet proof now.

Lynn Sweet of the Sun Times, who as major access too all of the Progressive players broke the Chicago News Embargo on Creamer with this shadow box of a pulled punch on Check Kiting Bob Creamer, the significant other of Jan Schakowsky:

Trump set his sights on Creamer earlier Wednesday, too, retweeting a Daily Caller story about Creamer headlined, “Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times.”
White House visitor logs show Creamer has made 340 visits since Obama took office in January 2009.
Creamer told the Sun-Times, “The Obama White House has regular meetings of progressive organizations every week. Lots of people go, including me.” ( a Convicted Felon and Check Kiter)
Explaining the video scenes that included him, Creamer said he thought he was talking to a man who was a potential large donor to Democratic causes. In reality, that man was posing as a donor and secretly recording Creamer.
In the video, Creamer says he is part of a daily call with the Clinton campaign “to go over the focuses that need to be undertaken.”
Project Veritas also was able to plant an intern in Creamer’s Washington, D.C., office to secretly video workers. Creamer said she posed as the niece of the fake potential donor, who asked Creamer to give her a job.
The sting operation ended last Friday, Creamer said — as far as he knows — when, after a lunch with the fake donor at Tosca, in downtown Washington, a video crew from Sinclair, a conservative outlet, appeared outside the restaurant, wanting to interview him. The fake donor disappeared and the “intern” was gone when he got back to his office, Creamer said.
Most of the allegations of triggering incidents with Trump backers in the video came from Scott Foval, a Creamer subcontractor fired in the wake of the video being released. Foval was taped by a Project Veritas undercover operative posing as a Democratic activist, Creamer said.
On the video, Foval claimed to have arranged for mentally ill people, homeless people and . . .(Parenthetical my own)

Creamer gets a pass. The Sun Times offered something, not much but something related to the oafish Creamer's far-too-long and dangerous access to power


Ain't none.


Lynn Sweet, like CNN, the DNC, MSNBC and the other tanked-up Media outlets, takes a squirt all over the messenger, James O'Keefe and Project Veritas, toss out the same nonsense at the White House via Josh Earnest - Mr. 'Kidding-On-the-Square,' gives Creamer range to run for deeper cover until Arne Duncan needs a voice, or Forrest Claypool a new pension.

THAT"S the Chicago Way .

The Washington Post's David Weigel's report on things was pasted by in some dark corner of the Tribune late October 19th:

Both "scalps," as O'Keefe refers to them, drew new attention to a campaign that had become viewed very skeptically by political reporters. O'Keefe's 2009 sting of ACORN led to the destruction of that group; a 2011 sting of NPR executives led to two resignations. Subsequent investigations found discrepancies between how the undercover journalists approached their targets and how they packaged what the targets said. In the latter case, then-NPR executive Ron Schiller quoted a Republican who viewed Tea Party activists as "racist"; the edited clip made it appear that Schiller himself held that opinion.

Oh, Bruce!!!!!  The Tribune can come out now. . .really.  It's Okay.  So is Bob Creamer.

* Lynne Sweet calls a 'riot' a 'flap,' Sneedless to say.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

To Celebrate Another Debate I Will Not Watch, I Made 10 Layer Chop Suey!

Image result for clowns debating

Vote.  Vote and then keep it to yourself.

I can not make America Great, again.  I can make Chop Suey in the Slow Cooker. Chop Suey is as American a dish as Turkey and Stuffing - Trump and Hillary. Some believe chop suey was first mixed up for the transcontinental railroad workers, others that it was a joke on Americans.  One visitor to the U.S. in 1904 wrote that Americans ate a dish prepared by Chinese restaurant owners called chop suey, but that Chinese would not eat themselves.  Either way I am and have been a huge fan.

The greatest Chop Suey joint was George's located at 79th Street just east of Ashland, back in the 1960's.  Nothing matched George's, but he gave my Mom his recipe ( so he said) and I share it here - no wok; pig pot.  Kinda like me.

Two Lbs. of cubed pork shoulder meat and chuck beef - marinated in a dry mix of salt, white pepper, cinammon and ground star anise.

I cup of chopped celery
2 chopped onions
2 cups of mung beans sprouts
1cup of water chestnets
1- cup of chopped mushroom
3- chopped garlic cloves
2Tsps of grated ginger
1 generous pinch of crushed red pepper

I half cup of Hoisan Sauce
several manly dashes of Kikkoman Teriyaki Sauces

Layer as follows

 1. celery
 2. onions
 3. marinated meat
 4, mung bean sprouts
 5. water chestnuts
 6. chopped musrooms
 7. Chopped garlic
 8.grated ginger
 9. Hoisan sauce over all
10. Crushed Red Pepper

Cook on High for two hours
Cook on Low for four hours

Serve over good sticky white rice

Day Two of NO News ABOUT BOB CREAMER - Spineless Chicago Papers

Image result for Bruce Dold and Jan Schakowsky

"Bruce runs a vigorous editorial page, one that engages seriously and constantly on issues that matter," says an admirer. If he has baggage, it might be a couple of things in combination. An ardent champion of Governor Bruce Rauner, Dold's editorial page hasn't wrestled with the possibility that Rauner, however sound his grasp of Illinois's fiscal crisis, is an overreaching jerk and his own worst enemy. Furthermore, Dold is perceived to be vastly more plugged into the city and state power structure than Kern ever was. Can he draw a line between his connections, his editorial beliefs, and the need of the newsroom to be unfettered by either? Chicago Reader
Citizen, Please! The guy is a Progressive politician's purse puppy.

Neither Chicago newspaper wasted any ink on Bob Creamer, because he is a protected Progressive species in the delicate ecosystem of American Oligarchy.

The Pre-Dold Tribune was a pretty fair paper and even allowed real reporters to give readers the full story. Like Laurie Cohen's great piece that tore the cover off of Bob Creamer. 

Bruce Dold's Tribune and the gang at Sun Times are "This" cozy with Mr. Schakowsky and Frau Creamer and have long ago tossed Bob's 'check kiting' thefts from an ecology scam into the memory hole.  Neither paper mentions the fact that James O'Keefe's Veritas Project caught the Terra Haute Federal Pen Alumnus bragging up his street cred and Trump thumping on camera. Even the Clintonista CNN offers this with an opening smear of Mr. O'Keefe

Illinois0 W. Hubbard St. Ste. 200Chicago 

Washington (CNN)A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.
Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

CNN at least tried to smear James O'Keefe for doing exactly what CNN, CBS, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, ABC-DISNEY, Chicago Tribune and Sun Times do every day.

Bruce Dold's Tribune and the editorial crowd at Sun Times have a long history with Bob Creamer and his wife Rep. Jan Schakowsky and they are power players in the American Oligarchy.

A Chicago Cop offered this on Second City Cop

 Anonymous said...
I knew Creamer and worked for him. Creamer and Jan had an organization called "citizens for a better environment"on the 1980-1990s. What they did was get young black men and women, called producers, in a van and go to the far suburbs, door to door, and solicit money "for the environment". They would write a check to get rid of you. Typically$ 25 . You would get a very small percentage of what you kept. I did this . Creamer went to prison for ten years. In prison, he wrote a book, "Stand up straight". Worth reading,.some say it defined Obamacare. I met schakovsky once, she was surprised when I told her I knew creamer and worked citizens with him. It was the 80s, people were desperate and would do scammy shit like this for a dollar. I did. Later in life, I would drop a yellow slip for time and a half. Creamer exploited a lot of young black people with this scam.
10/18/2016 07:17:00 AM
CNN wen to great pains to discredit O'Keefe and mentioned his conviction and never said that Bob Creamer is a . . .Convicted Felon.

Senator Dick Durbin is tight with Creamer.

Stand Up Straight was oozed over by Senator Dick Durbin, because Creamer oozed all over Dick Durbin. 

To the Chicago Tribune and Sun Times - NO NEWS - Is Good news - for a very few, powerful, nasty, thieving and creepy people.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Chicago News Embargo on " Bird Dog" Bob Creamer and Jan Schakowsky

Image result for jan schakowsky husband
Celebrated Congressional Nitwit Nancy Pelosi with ex-con Bob Creamer and Jan Schakowsky - protected by the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times here in the Land of Lincoln and Spike Lee's ChiRaq!

Managing the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times, as well, it appears - they are used to it.

I always read Second City Cop and then Beachwood Reporter for an honest presentation of news.

Then I verify with a glance at Chicago's cooperative newspapers to see if they are 'just NOT interested in laying some facts found everywhere but Chicago and, sure enough, I am never disappointed.

Both Chicago papers ignored the fact that Bob Creamer, significant other of Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, was caught on camera by journalist James O'Keefe the same way that the Sun Times won it's Pulitzer back in the 1970's - with a sting operation.

from Second City Cop:

Yes, the democrats. Specifically the husband of communist plant and Alinsky-ite representative Jan Schakowsky:
"Democrats have used trained provocateurs to instigate violence at Republican events nationwide throughout the 2016 election cycle, including at several Donald Trump rallies, using a tactic called “bird-dogging,” according to a new video investigation released Monday by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.
The goal of “bird-dogging”: to create a sense of “anarchy” around Donald Trump that would undermine his political support. Often, the tactic uses the most vulnerable people — including the elderly and disabled — to maximize shock value.
O’Keefe’s extensive video investigation reveals that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) are involved in “bird-dogging” and other provocative tactics through a web of consultants led by Robert Creamer, a veteran Chicago activist and convicted felon who is thought to have planned Democrats’ political strategy during the push for Obamacare in 2009 and 2010.
It was during the rally in Chicago that two CPD Officers were injured, most likely by paid protestors of the democratic party, and organized by Schakowsky's convicted felon husband.
 Chicagoans, especially the police officers injured and placed in danger by the political 'bird dogging of Donald Trump and the subsequent rioting around the UICC arena, this past summer, deserved to be treated with the news.

Not here in the Fixed City.

Nothing in either paper. The hand-wringing hypocrites will protect a lightweight, nasty and thoughtless couple like Jan and Bob, rather than show Chicago citizens and voters the respect and dignity of a simple mention of their deeds.

The cops had to go to the alternative sites so, scorned by the people at the Tower and the Kennedy Mart as inferior news sources.

Inferior, like Donald Trump, is better than corrupt and contemptuous.