My saviour rolled back a huge rock that denied God's promise to all men - "I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage" (Exodus 20.2).
The specific people He bonded with are Semites - Jews. His covenant was fulfilled from the House and and Family of David, the Root of Jesse, the Seed of Abraham. We Christians believe that, but forget that and we tolerate and often parse the Jew hatred of Muslims, atheists and others. Jews are targets 2018 years after Jesus rolled back that stone.
2018 years after Jesus triumphed over death, sin and despair, a huge hunk of the earth's population want Jews dead. In Paris and Berlin the issue of how to get a grip on the thuggish, intellectually and politically sophisticated, right wing and left-wing interpretations of Jew Hate fill pages of the world's newspapers. The German police call 90% of the attacks on Jews 'right-wing' crimes, even though evidence points to Arab and Turkish immigrants doing the attacks.
Less vicious in America? Not the rhetoric.
Our spineless, American media makes mild mention of the repulsively racist rhetoric of Louis Farrakhan without drawing a gurgle of outrage from Pussy Hat wearing, marching members of the pan-Resistance, or the gun-hugging Roseanne viewing Deplorables. The media will not hound Farrakhan, because he gave Obama his first boost and a ground campaign from Fruit of Islam in 2000 against Bobby Rush. Obama didn't forget and posed happily America's number One Jew Hater in 2005, when Dan Hynes handed the US Senate seat to him.
Obama also was knotted around the political rhetorical genius of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, “Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck or in eight years when he’s out of office. They will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. I said that from the beginning. He’s a politician; I’m a pastor. He’s got to do what politicians do.”
I have heard these nuggets from Americans (white, black, Hispanic, educated) people
Jews own the news
Israel is not the 51st State
Free Gaza from Homophobes
They bring it on themselves
Jews began racism
What's the Holocaust? A Good Start
These same people wept at Schindler's List and cite The Diary of Anne Frank as their favorite book from high school.
My people, the Irish, especially the younger Irish, now seem to exceed the British in their Anti-Zionist Jew-baiting. The Norman Conquest is over - the Irish are now fully British, thanks to OxFam Marxists and the BBC's ugly step-child RTE.
Due to a virtual broadcasting monopoly, the way in which RTE treats contentious issues of major social concern, such as terrorism, migrant waves, the resurgence of European anti-Semitism, etc., arguably has a greater impact on the thinking of the Irish Nation than equivalent broadcasting institutions in other countries, such as the United Kingdom’s BBC, that compete with a strong private sector.
RTE’s audience reach extends beyond the Irish Republic, with media saturation in Northern Ireland, and its radio and television channels are viewed quite widely abroad, particularly in the UK mainland.
Just before all of the St. Paddy's Wearing of the green the Irish Seanad (Senate) passed the most vicious anti-Semitic legislation in Ireland's history.
The Irish and Jewish people share a common history of both suffering cruel persecution, and achieving national redemption against immeasurable odds. But today, modern Ireland is one of Europe’s fiercest critics of Israel. This tension was on display last week as the Irish Senate was considering legislation aimed at criminalizing trade with Israeli settlements.
The legislation, titled “Control of Economic Activity (Occupied Territories) Bill 2018,” would “prohibit the import and sale of goods, services and natural resources originating in illegal settlements in occupied territories,” according to Senator Frances Black, the bill’s sponsor.
While the vote on the legislation was eventually postponed, many in Israel saw it as another example of the growing effort in Europe to single out and boycott the Jewish state.
President Trump told Irish that if they boycott Israel, America boycotts them and he is the deplorable one. Hell, I didn't like Trump, until he became President. Anti
Jesus rolled back the stone and went to Galilee, where he ended His days on earth with a bunch of Jews.
Obama wears a Shinola watch; of course he does. "While the main reason for President Obama's visit to Detroit on Wednesday was to shine a light on the recuperating auto industry, he also made a point of stopping by the city's finest watchmaker. Since 2011, Shinola has been crafting American-made timepieces in the Motor City, helping transform its image and neighborhoods along the way. "Esquire. President Obama is waiting to help destroy Israel and burnish his progressive legacy.
"Does Mr. Obama want to be remembered as the President who criminalized Israeli citizenship," asks the Wall Street Journal
Yeah, I think that he would be perfectly fine with that. He and Israel's Prime Minister have not been two for a four-some.
Israeli diplomats gird for the possibility that President Obama may try to force a diplomatic resolution for Israel and the Palestinians at the United Nations. The White House has been unusually tight-lipped about what, if anything, it might have in mind. But our sources say the White House has asked the State Department to develop an options menu for the President’s final weeks.
One possibility would be to sponsor, or at least allow, a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction, perhaps alongside new IRS regulations revoking the tax-exempt status of people or entities involved in settlement building. The Administration vetoed such a resolution in 2011 on grounds that it “risks hardening the position of both sides,” which remains true.
But condemning the settlements has always been a popular way of scoring points against the Jewish state, not least at the State Department, and an antisettlement resolution might burnish Mr. Obama’s progressive brand for his post presidency. Wall Street Journal
Have I mentioned that I am of Irish Catholic descent?
No Shinola, Sherlock. I am as Catholic as Tim Kaine, maybe more so. I know American Catholics who hate Jews and really hate Israel. I never understood that? These days, the salt-water Irish I chat with who have come to America from Kerry, Clare, Mayo. Galway and Derry, really seem to hate Israel. To a person they are very well educated, hard working, fair-minded and generous, but they all seem tained with the Noam Chomsky contrarian mindset, so fashionably sophisticated and European.
That I follow, but can not for the life of me understand.
The Irish and the Jews have had a long and firm grip on one another's suffering, history and contribution to Western Civilization. The Israeli Defense Forces, fighting for the nation's existence, was formed on the tactics and strategies of the Irish Republican Army of 1921.
Not only were many of the Zionist military tactics in 1940’s Britain and Palestine drawn from pre-war IRA bombing campaigns in Britain but the Irgun was re-organized “on IRA lines”, according to Walton, by Robert Briscoe, father of Fianna Fail TD and Mayor of Dublin Ben Briscoe, who travelled secretly to Britain in the pre-war years to meet and advise Irgun representatives.
Briscoe Senior, himself a Fianna Fail TD for many years, had impeccable IRA credentials. He accompanied Eamonn de Valera to the USA on a lengthy fund-raising trip during the Anglo-Irish war and also was sent by Michael Collins to Germany in 1919 to procure arms for the IRA. A former Chief of Staff of the IRA’s boy scouts, na Fianna Eireann, Eamonn Martin was Briscoe’s best man at his wedding and he hated the British, describing himself in a memoir as a self-appointed professor holding “the chair of subversive activities against England”.
Another Irish Jew who strongly supported both Irish Republican and Zionist terrorism was Isaac Herzog, the former Chief Rabbi of Ireland who emigrated to Palestine in 1936 where he was appointed to the chief rabbinate, the most powerful clerical position in the Jewish world. MI5 kept him under close surveillance and asked the Irish police to keep tabs on Briscoe.
He wrote in his memoirs that he elected himself “to a full Professorship with the Chair of Subversive Activities against England,”
(See more at: )
These facts have been Progressively white-out-ed and erased from historical considerations. Note well, British MI-5 after WWII was run by the Kim Philby and the Cambridge Five's Marxist affections and the Soviets were no friend of Israel.
Over the years, younger Irish people ( under 75) came to believe that Palestinians never slaughtered Jews in 1920s, that the Grand Mufti was a Quaker and that the survivors of Holocaust were everything Hitler said they were in the Nuremberg Laws. They forgot that Sean MacStiophan and Menachim Begin were pals. This was the result of the Irish Government's BBC culture that sprouted post-DeValera.
However, even after Kim Philby was proven to be a Soviet mole, the Old Boy OxBridge affections for Animal Farm rooted in academia and the BBC nestled in Old Blighty and Old Erin's bogs.
Israel morphed from a harbor from the Holocaust to Nazi Germany in the memes of the elites.
Irish politicians are seem unanimously anti-Israel: Michale Higgins, Enda Kenny, Mary Robinson & etc. Yanks are as bad.
America apes every Etonian fashion from Carnaby Street and Beatlemania to a World Without Borders and the Garden of Gaza. aways a few years behind. The Brit anarchists were burning tires under viaducts, while Kurt Cobain was learning to string his own Silvertone. Long before Occupy and the Battle of Seattle, Sophisticates, love Occupy and Black Lives Matter.
I am not that sophisticated.
I know Jews, love Jews, admire Jews and hung around with Jews. From Danny Levy, Little Flower High School Class of 1970 to Phil Scharf, second violin Chicago Symphony Orchestra, to Si and Shirley Blitzstein who hired Catholic kids from Leo, Brother Rice and Little Flower at Mr. Lee's in the old Evergreen Plaza, I have known only honesty, humor, talent and American patriotism from my Jewish friends and neighbors.
President Obama is sophisticated,
His cabinet is full of sophisticates, like Valerie Jarrett who has done more for Persian hegemony in the world than Cyrus and his Celtic United Nations Ambassador Samantha Powers, who only recently took the side of Israel against the emerging nations dictators and sheiks.
“When we see bias, injustice or the continuation of strife within the United Nations, it is not because the UN created all of this, it is because the UN gathers governments and gathers problems, and being in the UN doesn’t change the biases of those governments,” she said.
Power, whose visit was seen by some analysts as a sign of renewed US interest in jump-starting peace talks, admitted that the situation was not ripe for new negotiations, though the US would continue to pursue a two-state solution.
“I would expect that pursuit to continue, and right now we hope the parties will take steps to move them closer again to restart negotiations, which is not a position they are in now,” she said. “We will dedicate ourselves to that as long as we are in office.”
Power also expressed hope that students participating in the Model UN would soon be able to sit behind a “Palestine placard,” backing the importance of a two-state solution.
“You must strive to wade side by side into the toughest issues, because it is you and your children and the generations following them who will reap the benefits of the peace you’ve built, or else endure the suffering of ongoing strife,” she urged the students.
Things change. Putin is about to shell Aleppo into dust, the Presidential election is seven days away, Iran and Valerie Jarrett want to make sure President Obama rolls up the carpet on Israel before he leaves office.
The worst option would be an effort to introduce a resolution at the U.N. Security Council setting “parameters” for a final settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. The French have been eager to do this for some time, and one option for the Administration would be to let the resolution pass simply by refusing to veto it. Or the U.S. could introduce the resolution itself, all the better to take credit for it.
As the old line has it, this would be worse than a crime—it would be a blunder. U.S. policy has long and wisely been that only Israelis and Palestinians can work out a peace agreement between themselves, and that efforts to impose one would be counterproductive. Whatever parameters the U.N. established would be unacceptable to any Israeli government, left or right, thereby destroying whatever is left of a peace camp in Israel.
The Palestinians would seize on those parameters as their birthright, making it impossible for any future Palestinian leader to bargain part of them away in a serious negotiation. Arab states would find their diplomatic hands tied, making it impossible to serve as useful intermediaries between Jerusalem and Ramallah. It could refreeze relations with Israel even as they finally seem to have thawed.
President Obama may be the last man on earth to get the memo, but after decades of fruitless efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict it might be wiser for the U.S. to step back until the Palestinians recognize that peace cannot be imposed from the outside. If Mr. Obama is still seeking a Middle East legacy at this late stage in his presidency, his best move is do nothing to make it worse.
Samantha Powers is an accomplished person who actually wrote her own books and President Obama is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Powers has been in the United Nations since August 2013. Perhaps she has learned to see the world differently. President Obama is the same man who took the Oath of Office in 2009 - the exact same man. Valerie Jarrett never leaves his ears.
Many American Catholics who buy into the Social Justice Warrior facade detest Israel and support the Obama Palestinian gambit. Catholic Activists like Kevin Clark, a member of International Solidarity Movement went Israel and encourage American students to throw themselves in front of IDF bulldozers in Gaza. The blood of Rachel Corrie, for whom the Irish OXFAM Gaza Flotilla flagship was named, is not on the hands of Israel, but on Clark the Social Justice Warrior. This guy is bad and he has the ear of Catholic social justice sheep.
I grew up believing that deeds and not words marked the character of people.
We all can be fooled, tricked, gulled, anesthetized, or made oblivious. A few of us don't mind any of the afore mentioned conditions.
My Irish cousins forgot that Israel is not Nazi Germany. My Catholic coreligionists need to leave moral equivalency to the Unitarians and too many of the other Mainline faiths.
I know that Shinola can be a watch and a swell shoe polish. I know that Israel is our best friend on the planet. President Obama? Not so much.
He has also insulted President Obama and the U.S. ambassador in Manila. Duterte has prompted international criticism for pursuing a harsh crackdown on the drug trade in the Philippines, one that has left thousands of people dead. Some of Duterte's headline-grabbing insults have been defiant reactions to criticism — real or hypothetical — over an initiative that many say violates human rights. NPR
I can not turn-on NPR or PBS without a cooing voice with a faux BBC accent or reptilian lisp lick-spittle-ing a yarn about 'anything' from an emerging nation. Thus, 'This is Nigel Brow in Wogrograd - we are soon talking with Mbnbi Al-Offis-Rockah. a bi-sexual father of fifteen and devout Muslim-Unitarian who isa craftsman and dealer in illegal AK-47 display cases much desired by Euro-American plutocrats. Offis Rockah's signature-edition cabinets are in-laid with Rhino tusk and soaked in the vanishing creature's musk, due to climate change upon our emerging world and Polar Ice flows. . . .'
That seems to be the 24/7 chant on our government funded Mini-Tru, but we do still have Prairie Home Companion to balm the souls of hemped-up AARP Birkenstock-ers, retired from Goldman Sachs and spooning up Ben & Jerry's.
This week in our sinking nation, Americans are aware of the fact that Trump is a disgrace to HBO and Hillary Clinton can't lose on November 8th.
Meanwhile the Russian Fleet sailed triumphantly on both sides of the United Kingdom: English Channel and Irish Sea. Many of my BBC addicted Irish kinfolk are as delighted with Putin's mooning of NATO and the United States like this gobshite, known in Chomsky-troll circles as PeaceGroupie:
The terrorists' groupies( the West) would have us believe almost all houses in east Aleppo are hospitals and schools. They have claimed on multiple occasions that the last hospital/doctor had been hit/killed. The rebels looted all the hospitals they captured. In Mosul and elsewhere, they executed medics who did not collaborate with them. They slaughtered medics and patients alike in Kindi hospital in Aleppo. The US and NATO who regularly murder Syrian civilians (the Belgians killed more today) are in a soft war against Russia and so they accuse them of bring naughty. Contrary to what Michael Martin said, Russia did not bomb that UN convoy. The rebels did. They have a history of doing such things. Russia is doing a noble deed in Syria. Several of its soldiers have paid with their lives for their heroism. They have stopped the USA and its ISIS proxies doing a Libya/Iraq/Yemen on Syria and for that they are heroes. (parenthetical my own)
The BBC and NPR love the academic-contrarian parsing of things. Putin is wagging his willy at Obama, whose spineless and Bizarro-world view matches the BBC and NPR Derridavan weltanschauung . Goodness! Barack Obama is now GW? Emerging!
Well, we must break a few eggs in the global omellette pan.
The old global omelette pan welcomed the Philippines last week as well!
Rodrigo Duterte was elected President of the Philippines in June, 2016. Between June and October, the foreign policy collective of the Obama White House managed to condescend to, mock, alienate and insult Duterte enough that the entire Pacific Rim stands to fall under Red China's hegemony.
Brand Obama sneers at people who get upset when they are 'talked-down to' by an elegant community organizer with razor sharp pants creases and an obtuse Daily Kos world view.
Again, turning to the Plain People of Ireland, besotted with the BBC/OXFam anti-Semtism and fashionable MetroMarxism, we pick up on the spiritus mundi -
The Filipinos have a long and living cultural connection to China and have only benefited from its American connections in becoming a sweatshop, whore house and secutity buffe, which has only caused them strife and harm.
I've talked to Africans who have nothing but praise for the Chinese set ups in their homelands. Consistently, they tell me that, unlike westerners, the Chinese treat them as equals/ Like Africans, Pinoys have a decent level pf education and a keen work ethic.
Via one of my hobbies, I've a fair few Pinoys that I talk to and they are stoked by Duterte after the false start that was the corrupt Aquinios. Filipinos are not Americans nor even western but have been forced to wear systems that are not reflective of their ancient cultures, which emanate from places as far away as ancient Persia and as close as Indonesia. The common connection of those 2 influences is direct justice.
A few years ago, the Filipinos made the film Amigo, a reminder of the American regime at the start of the last century. Duterte has brought the massacres of Pinoys by Americans back to the agenda including what was done in Mindanao and even further south. This has been well received and is having a healing affect throughout the archipelago whereas Aquino et al inflamed the struggle in the south
In a country where police corruption is just the done thing, Duterte has appealed straight to the people and given them the right to do what must be done because the Filipinos are not the whores and weak people that the west has made them, they are the people of Lapu lapu, the spirit that sent Magellan to his death.
Mabuay(sic) Duterte!
Mabuhay means - Be Spirited in Tagalog - sort of a Google Translate Viva Duterte!
The same sentiments abounded with my Irish cousins and compadres, when Hugo Chavez was Bromantic with Barack Obama. Brits as well. The BBC, RTE, the Guardian and Irish Independent speak the same propaganda as our NPR and PBS - tweedy, snotty and elitist non-sense.
Obama and John Kerry and Hillary Clinton are fabulous dopes.
Nevertheless, they have destroyed America's place on the world stage, retreated cravenly from every challenge by tinpot and crack pot dictators. bloomed and manicured ISIS from the last dying cuts of the Muslim Brotherhood, turned the Pacific over to China and have given Putin the global gangway!
Our response? Well, the fabulous dopes are baffled and called Duterte the Filipino Donald Trump.
How do you like your global omelette?
Mabuhay America, we have a tough row to hoe, before breakfast.
Progressives constantly call people to dialog with them. Most human beings converse, share ideas, do the old verbal gambit. There is give and take. The Progressive opens with previously drawn conclusion
Police torture black people 24/7 and use Homan Square as their Racist Gitmo
Marriage is only about emotion
President Obama errs not
Bicycles and their riders are above the law
Blackhawks Patrick Kane raped a girl, because it was in the news and he is a sports figure and right-winger . . .on the ice
Disagree and get dismissed. I was told by a very talented and well educated young man with sterling career as a journalist and with whom I have spent some very happy moments, to stay off of his Facebook and other means of communication, because I said that it seemed like the accused but not charged hockey player was being set up for extortion according to eye-witnesses. That is disappointing. An educated man not just uninterested in one side of story, but censorious
That is the current spiritus mundi and that person's problem. Emotions are not facts and pre-drawn conclusions not truth. Truth has always a moveable feast for Progressives from the day John Dewey shared his treacle become gospel.
You see, nowadays. there is only group thought ( read Daily Kos or other Progressive site commentaries) and no grey area, no doubts and above all there certainly is no God. Progressives also reject 'shared truths' -apriori. Shared truths are what bring people together. Without shared truths, politics and government can provide millions of dollars to people who teach, advocate and legislate for the final solution to shared truths.That is why my Eurpean blood kin the Irish people, who in reality are most welcoming generous and loyal people, rail against the Jew Media and Israel, support Hezbollah, smuggle weapons into Gaza along with Palestinian relief and agree that Pre-Obama America must be brought low. It is a head-scratcher, reading the Kerryman, or the Irish Examiner to find that school children in my grandmother's hometown, Cahirciveen were trained by a teacher to be Jew baiters at Christmas time in 2013.
Israeli journalist, Sarah Honig, was in Ireland to celebrate the mutual love for freedom between the Israelis and the Irish an and learned that the worm had definitely turned. Trocaire a thickly Marxist organization is much like the hijacked former charities here in Chicago ( MacArthur Center for Justice & etc.) dedicated to dividing people and damn the cost. I read for a living and tend to remember what I read. More importantly, many former 501(c) 3 charities were boarded and seized by Marxist buccaneers in the late 1980's and 90's and redirected the money of MacArthurs, Annenbergs and others from charitable purposes to identify and agenda political cooperatives. The news media paints these Marxist in inoffensive pink and purple and yellow pastels and the dodge works. Most people believe the philanthropic dodge and dismiss any thought of chicanery. Most people are so much nicer than I happen to be, " The Easter Bunny in front of the Walgreens is really an axe-murderer, but he looks so cute! Let's take the kids to play with him."
Santa hat wearing school kids were raising money to be given to Trocaire to plant olive trees for the Palestinians in the town of Daniel O'Connell - The Liberator, explained that Palestinians were suffering at the hands of the evil Jews. Their teacher had shared his OxBridge BBC Talking Points with these children, which happen to be reinforced by RTE ( Irish Radio and Television) and too many in the Irish Government especially President Michael Higgins, a fierce enemy of Pre-Obama America and Israel.
Presenting ideas to Progressive, much less gaining any hearing whatsoever, is like collecting water with a beachball.
Dad always said that I couldn't find my butt with both hands. I can. Allow me to add this imperative -“Defend the unborn against abortion even if they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you." - Pope Francis to celebrate Pro-life Mass, Vatican
"You stand up for what you believe in, even if it gets in the way of what other people think. You are proud of yourself and your accomplishments and you enjoy letting people know that."
A peach of a guy with all the sweetness one could expect from a life well-spent and in good company: short on brains but a terrific dancer!
Every Heart and Hand: A Leo High School Story
The Chorito Hog Leg, Book One: A Novel of Guam in Time of War