Thursday, June 19, 2008

John McCain: Meet Your Obama National Security All Stars! Yikes!

Secretary of State Madeleine " "Bill Clinton lied, but nobody died." Albright

Senator David “I think it is a disservice to the American people.” Boren, former Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Secretary of State Warren "I don't want to talk about intelligence matters."Christopher

Greg "I welcome this opportunity to speak for President Clinton" Craig, former director of the State Department Office of Policy Planning
Secretary of the Navy Richard " “I think we need to treat our leaders and our enlisted people the same way. "Danzig

Representative Lee “That's common sense. We're not there yet.” Hamilton, former Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

Deputy Attorney General Eric " "In some ways, I came in as prepared as I could have been because of my 12 years in Public Integrity," Holder

Dr. Tony "I hope that when we do run into incidents involving casualties, there is not then a great outcry for pulling back. It is terribly important that when you use military power and send American soldiers out, you do it unflinchingly so you don't invite such attacks.” Lake, former National Security Advisor

Senator Sam "Leadership must be established from the top down."
Nunn, former Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Secretary of Defense William "I do not have for you at this time anything that I might characterize as a definitive response to this idea."Perry

Dr. Susan "I plead guilty as charged to wanting to move and get things done and occasionally being impatient." Rice, former Assistant Secretary of State

Representative Tim feels “strongly that a person who opposes a woman's right to choose should not chair the Democratic Party.”Roemer, 9/11 Commissioner

Jim "As you know, Barry, under the current rules of engagement, if SFOR comes across war criminals, they can detain them. "Steinberg, former Deputy National Security Advisor

All Quotations Belong to each Player on Team Obama: NSA!

John McCain: A Democrat's Support of John McCain by David R. Carlin

I have been supporting John McCain with my time, treasure and talents, small though they be, since last Spring.

Other like minded Democrats saw in McCain his capacity for leadership and talent for righting the course of America.

A young Democratic (twenty-something) Korean American woman, Lisa Hwang of Chicago's Lincoln Square community admires McCain, but is still on the fence about her vote.

Nevertheless, Ms. Hwang sent along a Commonweal Op Ed essay by Democratic veteran legislator David R. Carlin.

Here is the sum and substance of a Democrat's support for John McCain:

Still, I think the Democratic contenders are wrong and McCain is right about the things that matter most. They’re wrong because they are beholden to the ultras who have seized control of the national Democratic Party. I mean the wing of the party: people who have good educations, good jobs, good incomes, good neighborhoods, good wine, good coffee, etc., plus a disdain not only for traditional morality and religion but for those Americans-we boobs, nincompoops, and potential fascists-who approve of traditional religious-moral beliefs and values. Obama is more beholden to these folks than Hillary is, but if she becomes president she won’t be able to defy many of their wishes, so great is their power in the party.

But what are the big issues as I see them? For me the single biggest issue is, and has been for many years, abortion. For those who believe, as I do (and as the Catholic religion does), that abortion is unjustifiable homicide, there is no logical way to vote for the presidential candidate of a party committed to the preservation and extension of abortion rights. As for the common argument given by a certain kind of Catholic-namely, that the Democrats are right on so many other things, and together these outweigh abortion-that seems to me to be an argument that is either intellectually careless or downright disingenuous. For how can anything outweigh the slaughter of innocents? Catholics who make this argument may say they believe abortion to be homicide, they may even actually think they believe this; but they can’t possibly believe it. For how could anybody really hold such contradictory beliefs? McCain has a prolife voting record in the Senate, Hillary and Obama have prochoice records. On this count, then, it’s easy for me to choose McCain.

Another important issue is Iraq. I agree with McCain that the 2003 invasion was justified. For me it wasn’t simply, or even mainly, a matter of weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein was a chronic and incorrigible troublemaker in one of the most sensitive regions of the world. He had waged a terrible war (with, it must be admitted, U.S. encouragement) against Iran; he had invaded Kuwait; he was a vicious tyrant who oppressed his own people (most notably Kurds in the north and “marsh Arabs” in the south); after being defeated in the “mother of all wars” (the first Gulf War), he repeatedly violated agreements he had made with the victors; he allegedly plotted the assassination of a former American president; again and again he defied United Nations resolutions; and if he did not in fact possess weapons of mass destruction, he gave the proverbial “reasonable man” every reason to believe that he did. Since I don’t believe that every troublesome nation has an inviolable right to sovereignty and noninterference (this perhaps made sense in the good old days of Woodrow Wilson but makes little sense in the days of Rwanda, Bosnia, Iraq, and a few other places), I felt that the U.S. policy of “regime change” in Iraq made sense: a policy adopted, it should be remembered, during the Clinton presidency and implemented during the Bush presidency.

But I also agree with McCain that the postinvasion occupation has been a disaster. This is due to at least two things: a great deficiency in the number of occupation troops (a point McCain has emphasized again and again), and a profound ignorance of Mesopotamian history and culture. During World War II it occurred to somebody in the U.S. government that our occupation of Japan might go more smoothly if we first took the trouble to learn something about Japanese culture. And so the government hired the famous anthropologist Ruth Benedict, who produced her classic study The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, which contributed to the tremendously successful American occupation of Japan. Apparently nobody in the Bush administration had a similar thought about Iraq.

I also agree with McCain that the “surge” has been successful, proving that he was right when he insisted, against Donald Rumsfeld, that many more “boots on the ground” were needed. Rumsfeld deserves grades of A-plus for the invasion and F-minus for the occupation.

Most of all I agree with McCain when he says that, regardless of the merits of having invaded in the first place, the United States cannot afford to be defeated in Iraq. Such a defeat would hand a tremendous victory to Al Qaeda. I realize, of course, that if we “lose” in Iraq it won’t be due to Al Qaeda alone; it will also be due, and even more so, to Sunni-Shiite animosities. But it will be almost universally perceived as a victory for Al Qaeda.

For better or worse, the United States is seen as the world’s number-one “policeman.” We are expected by nearly everyone-even our European friends who love to find fault with us-to take the lead in maintaining international order (remember Kosovo?). If we are driven out of Iraq, it will be a defeat not just for our national prestige but, more important, for the cause of international order. Maybe we should never have accepted the call to be the world’s policeman in the first place, but having accepted it we are not free simply to abandon our post in Iraq, which is what Hillary and Obama want us to do. They believe (or profess to believe) that by doing so we will force the Sunni and Shiites to become friends. This seems to me a stunningly unrealistic expectation.

Then there is McCain’s proven ability to work “across the aisle.” The United States is badly polarized along ideological lines, red-state conservative ideologues versus blue-state liberal ideologues. McCain is not an ideologue, and he has a strong track record of defying the ultras of his own party. Hillary and Obama are not ideologues either. But Obama has no track record of defying Democratic ultras, and Hillary has only a slight record of doing so-I refer to her vote (which she’s been trying to explain away for the last year or two) giving George W. Bush permission to invade Iraq. If elected, neither of the two will be able to do much to mitigate the nation’s ideological divide, for they both have their feet firmly planted on one side of that divide. Obama is likely to lessen the nation’s racial divide, and to do this would be no small achievement; but the racial divide is no longer America’s number-one division.

Finally, there is McCain’s tough-minded patriotism. I don’t doubt that Hillary and Obama are patriots. I don’t even doubt that the upscale secularists who have taken over the Democratic Party are patriots; but theirs is a “soft” patriotism, a patriotism twice diluted, once with the waters of cosmopolitanism, and again with the waters of something tasting of pacifism. McCain, by contrast, is a “hard” patriot, not in the least a pacifist. But isn’t there a danger that a patriot of this stripe will prove to be a warmonger? Yes, some danger. But George Washington wasn’t a warmonger, and neither was Dwight Eisenhower, and neither, I think, is McCain. Retired warriors are willing to fight, but rarely do they yearn for another battle (think of Colin Powell).

At this confusing moment in history, a far greater danger, I submit, is to have the world’s most important nation led by a political sect (the Democratic ultras) whose patriotism is soft and whose commitment to a strong military is dubious. So two cheers for Senator McCain-and three loud raspberries for Democratic ultras!
Click my post title for the full text of Mr.Carlin's great essay.

Thanks Lisa! I hope that your instincts and wisdom will give John McCain another vote!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

John McCain: Patti Solis - Doyle's Boot - 'Hit the Door HRC and Hello BHO!' Here's Your Hat. What's Your Hurry?

Like a drunk with a fresh beer, Patti Solis-Doyle is as happy as a kitten with cream flavored rump.

Patti Solis-Doyle and David Axelrod got way back here in Chicago. Does give anyone beyond a Casper Milquetoast pause to consider the mighty tall possibility that Patti and Dave might have intended to micturate in the Clinton Campaign's Wheaties from the get-go. Nasty.

Some former supporters of Senator Clinton are less than pleased with the Clinton Campaign's imperious and high strung former Communications Director who told Progressive Talk Host Ed Schultz back in May, "But I'm a Democrat and if Obama's the nominee, I will do whatever I can to get him elected and make sure the party is unified."

Some like Texas Radio Host Taylor Marsh suggest that maybe Patti Solis Doyle got a start early in the 'do whatever I can' department:

Patti Solis Doyle Gets Even

...or has her day, you pick. It's all the same in the end.

Now I can say it. Ms. Doyle was in over her head from the start. Chief of staff is much more to her skill sets. Not that that job is easy, but running a campaign takes something Solis proved she didn't have and couldn't do.

Obama's already taking incoming on this one.

... Other Clinton insiders also seethed. "Who can blame Obama for rewarding Patti? He would never be the nominee without her," one person who has worked for both Clintons and remains close to them said. The sentiment reflected what another person in the immediate Clinton orbit described as "shock" that Obama would send such a strong signal that he is not considering Clinton as his running mate so soon.

Although she devoted her adult life to working for Clinton, Solis Doyle left the Clinton world surrounded by a cloud of acrimony, blamed by some close Clinton loyalists -- and reportedly Clinton herself -- for failing to keep the campaign in order heading into Iowa. After being yanked from her role, Solis Doyle had said she would travel with the campaign and remain on as an adviser, but Clinton effectively cut her off and she was not seen on the road again....
Clinton Insiders Take Umbrage at Solis Doyle Move

It's also important to remember that Solis Doyle has known David Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist, for two decades.

CQ Politics confirms, complete with f-bombs, that Doyle stayed on at $12,000/month and she and Clinton supposedly didn't speak again after she was ousted. Doyle sat atop a disastrous strategy that left Clinton in debt in early '08, loaning herself money, and unprepared for the February caucuses. Mark Penn thinking the primaries were winner-take-all didn't help. Could it have gotten any worse? Clinton lost, so the answer to that is no.

Let the tea leaf reading and recriminations begin.

UPDATE: To add, if you ever wondered what kind of veep Obama will have the hiring of Solis Doyle seems to send a strong message. Her loyalty and friendship is to Axelrod. So whomever Obama picks he will have an ear into the veep's office, because Solis Doyle will really be reporting to Axelrod. Translation: no Dick Cheney on Obama's watch. Food for thought.

More Democrats who supported Senator Clinton are outraged - Click my post title for the thoughts of Democrats Over Nominating Elitists D.O.N.E. - So much for the 'politics' of Hope it seems.

Welcome to Straight Talk. John McCain has worked for and with us Democrats for years.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

John McCain: Teddy Roosevelt/McCain v. Imperialism/Marxism in Venezuela

I had several great history teachers ( Tom Fanning and Fr. John Gavin O.S.A. in high school and Fr. Ronan, S.J and Dr. Larry McCaffery at Loyola University. Of all the American Presidents, Teddy Roosevelt was mu favorite. The Big Stick Policy ( adapted from a West African aphorism and applied to American Foreign Policy) gave rise to the Roosevelt Corollary to The Monroe Doctrine: America would intervene anywhere in the Western Hemisphere to insure protection of American interests. Lefties like to call this Imperialism or, if they feel generous, Paternalism.

Dismissing with a wave of my two-by-four any added Ward Churchillian litanies of American bully atrocities, let's just agree that America played played fair in its own backyard.

In 1902, the Leader of Venezuela was a tin-pot cattle rustler with a private army by the name of Cipriano Castro - a real piece of work. When not looting his country six ways to Sunday, he was borrowing oodles of boodle from bankers in Great Britain, Germany and Italy. Like most deadbeats the foreign powers sent the fleets to make Cipriano buck up.

Kaiser Bill's Fleet in a display of uproarious German humor bombarded a few harbors.

Teddy dispatched Admiral Dewey and the Great White Fleet out of Caribbean and tipped off Kaiser Bill that the guy who sent Spain's Navy to the bottom of Briny deep was more than temperamentally inclined to toss some ordinance over the bow of Kriegsmarine- Carib. Theme Squareheads were along way from a friendly coal station and the Panama Canal was Teddy's Pet Project.

The Germans, The Brits, the Italians and later the Dutch were served up the payoff by The Hague.

Teddy controlled Imperialism and walked it out of the Caribbean and the Western Hemisphere - Kaiser Bill did not learn and his Zimmerman Note helped bring America into WWI and himself into Dutch retirement.

Teddy Roosevelt had only to contend with foreign Imperial powers. Back then, the losing Party were loyal opposition. They had Teddy's back. Not so today.

Today, the opposition talks about a President with whom they disagree and violently disrespect, like an obnoxious drunk talks about the woman he married like she was a pathetic and miserable as himself. Suckers beef. The loudmouth does little to make a happy home for his kids and the poor girl who married him, for better or worse, but likes the sound of his own voice.

America ( which includes our loudmouth opinion Alkies)has to contend with Marxists in power in South America and Cuba and their fan club comprised of elite American Progressives - who happen to control, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, MSNBC, the DNC and Senator Barack Obama.

I read an interesting take on the sharp differences between Obama and McCain by a young guy from Georgia named Jeff O'Bryant. Here's what Jeff writes:

Fidel Castro recently praised Obama for his “great intelligence,” “debating skills” and “work ethic” and wrote that Obama is “the most progressive candidate to the U.S. presidency.” So Obama is the favorite choice of Castro, a Communist dictator that has been responsible for thousands of human rights abuses.

Castro realizes he has nothing to fear from Obama.

Hugo Chavez didn’t exactly endorse Obama when he recently claimed that Venezuela’s relations with Washington would worsen if McCain were elected. “Sometimes one says, ‘worse than Bush is impossible,’ but we don’t know,” Chavez said, according to Reuters. “McCain also seems to be a man of war.” Still, even lacking an outright statement of support, Chavez, the authoritarian communist who has trampled basic rights, severely weakened both Venezuela’s economy and democracy, and helped to destabilize global oil prices, would rather see Obama than McCain in the White House.

Chavez realizes he has nothing to fear from Obama.

Obviously, we do not want the whole world to fear us. But the fate of Saddam as an example of the good U.S. power can do in the world is not lost on those of a like kind, an example Obama clearly isn’t prepared and indeed has no inclination to make of others. He has offered to talk with no preconditions. Like Neville Chamberlain meeting with Hitler, Obama has no idea what he is doing.

I fully agree Jeff; Senator Obama and Neville are both snappy dressers and given to chatting up bounders. I believe that John McCain would take a busted beer bottle to Hugo - Que Hombre!

Way back last Spring the Tinhorn Later-day Cipriano Castro, Hugo Chavez, who is bankrupting his country in way that would make the loutish Castro envious, stated his fear and hatred of John McCain.

CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a socialist and fierce U.S. critic, warned on Tuesday that relations with Washington could worsen if Republican candidate John McCain wins this year's presidential election.

Chavez said he hopes the United States and Venezuela can work better together when his ideological foe, U.S. President George W. Bush, leaves the White House next year, but he said McCain seemed "warlike."

"Sometimes one says, 'worse than Bush is impossible,' but we don't know," Chavez told foreign correspondents. "McCain also seems to be a man of war."

Chavez -- who has called Bush "the devil", "a donkey" and 'Mr Danger" -- accuses the United States of having imperial designs in Latin America and says the White House has plotted his overthrow.

McCain calls Chavez a dictator who wants to emulate retired Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

Although Venezuela remains a key supplier of oil to the United States, relations have steadily deteriorated since Bush took office in 2001.

Chavez is an outspoken critic of the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and has accused Washington of stirring unrest in Tibet to destabilize China.

Obama would sit down for coffee with Caudillo Chavez. John McCain would let Chavez and any other tyrant - in the Americas, Asia or the Middle East - learn American History - The Roosevelt Corollary and the McCain Principles: Straight Talk and Matching Methods for Good Folks and the Occasional Louses.

Thanks Mr. Fanning, Fr. Gavin, Fr. Ronan, and Dr.McCaffrey

Click my post title for Jeff O'Bryant's fine essay.

Monday, June 16, 2008

John McCain: Obama - Planned Parenthood's Purse Puppy

This one ought to give any American pause about Senator Obama's judgment and capacity to lead the country.

This is an exerpt taken from the full transcript of Obama's Oath of Fealty to Planned Parenthood - The People who Abort.

Huge Hat Tip to Laura Echevaria - Transcribed by Laura Echevarria: Click my post title for the full transcript!

Read carefully.

Barack Obama: Well, the first thing I’d do as president is, is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. [Applause.] That’s the first thing that I’d do. Um, but the, okay, but, but your question about the federal courts is absolutely on target. I taught Constitutional Law for ten years and I have to say after reading this latest decision and the series of decisions that the Supreme Court has been putting forward that I find it baffling.

Because sometimes they are striking down acts of Congress like the Violence Against Women’s Act showing very little deference to Congressional decision making and that somehow when it comes to a piece of legislation that is not taking into account clear doctrine that the Supreme Court has laid out, they say, “Oh, that’s fine. Congress can make those decisions.” There is an inconsistency and I believe a hypocrisy in terms of how we see many of these decisions issued.

That’s why I think it’s important for us obviously to get not only a Democratic White House as well as a stronger Congress to protect these rights. But I also think it’s important to understand that there’s nothing wrong in voting against nominees who don’t appear to share a broader vision of what the Constitution is about.

I think the Constitution can be interpreted in so many ways. And one way is a cramped and narrow way in which the Constitution and the courts essentially become the rubber stamps of the powerful in society. And then there’s another vision of the court [sic] that says that the courts are the refuge of the powerless. Because oftentimes they can lose in the democratic back and forth. They may be locked out and prevented from fully participating in the democratic process. That’s one of the reasons I opposed Alito, you know, as well as Justice Roberts. When Roberts came up and everybody was saying, “You know, he’s very smart and he’s seems a very decent man and he loves his wife. [Laughter] You know, he’s good to his dog. [laughter] He’s so well qualified.”

I said, well look, that’s absolutely true and in most Supreme Court decis--, in the overwhelming number of Supreme Court decisions, that’s enough. Good intellect, you read the statute, you look at the case law and most of the time, the law’s pretty clear. Ninety-five percent of the time. Justice Ginsberg, Justice Thomas, Justice Scalia they’re all gonna agree on the outcome.

Emphasis my own. The Words are Obama's - he means them.

Parse up a storm Progressive! Abortion is murder. Choice is rhetoric. Obama is rhetoric. John McCain is genuine Change.

John McCain: Catholic Bishops Conference John Carr Hikes Skirts Over McCain Meeting

The Beard -" Jaimie, have Carbron Juan Carr, pull out of the zone - Walk McCain: Ahora! - Me no gusta McCain! es un hombre muy furioso y feo, Jaimie. No es Bueno! Si, Jaimie, Tu es muy simpatico y mi compapre - siempre, Cabron!"

The American Hairless - ' Si, Jefe! Subito!'

A MEETING by McCain with several Catholic bishops, including Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, in Orlando, Fla., Friday was canceled by the Republican candidate's campaign after the US Conference of Catholic Bishops got cold feet.

John Carr, a former Carter administration official who is the conference's director of social development and world peace, questioned whether the meeting seemingly would put the church in the GOP corner. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn next privately expressed concern, which spread to other bishops expected to attend.

McCain's campaign, which has experienced trouble courting evangelicals, had made better progress with Catholic outreach prior to cancellation of Friday's meeting.

Here's John Carr! Que pendejo!
John L. Carr

For the last decade, John Carr has served as director of the Department of Social Development and World Peace of the U.S. Catholic Bishops� Conference. In this role, he assists the bishops in sharing and applying Catholic social teaching, advocating on the moral dimensions of key domestic and international issues, and building the Catholic community�s capacity to act on social mission.

John oversees the Conference�s policy development and advocacy efforts on poverty, health and housing; human rights, religious freedom and development, environment, arms control and peacemaking. He has staffed the bishops in the development and implementation of a number of significant statements: Communities of Salt and Light, Sharing Catholic Teaching, Called to Global Solidarity, Confronting a Culture of Violence, and Putting Children and Families First.

John writes frequently on Catholic social teaching and the moral dimension of public issues. He speaks regularly on the social mission and message of the Catholic Church and the demands of faith in public life. He is the editor of Full Employment and Economic Justice and co-author of Housing and Mediating Structures.

He has represented the U.S. Conference at the Vatican and in visits to the Middle East, Northern Ireland, Southern Africa, Russia, Central America and Vietnam.

For 25 years, John has been involved in Catholic social ministry, serving in the 80�s as Cardinal Hickey�s Secretary of Social Concerns in Washington, DC, as Education Director of the Campaign for Human Development, as Coordinator for Urban Issues at the USCC, and a Legislative Coordinator for the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis.

Outside the Church, John has served as Executive Director of the White House Conference on Family and as Director of the National Committee for Full Employment.

He currently serves as chair of the Board of the Center for Community Change, on the board of Bread for the World, the National Religious Partnership for Environment, and the Catholic Health Association. He is a regular participant in Preaching the Just Word retreats offered to priests around the country.

John is a graduate of the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota and has received honors and awards from Barry University, University of St. Thomas, Crosier Seminary, the Roundtable of Social Action Directors and the Archdiocese of Washington.

John and his wife, Linda, have four children.

Lovely, John. Now, how about some Straight Talk? Bishops can't meet Republicans? They did OK meeting JFK and every Democratic Presidential Candidate since Polk.

Cut the Baloney, Carr! Your old boss Jimmy Carter nixed the meet. Great work Bob Novak.

Catholics will vote for McCain. Catholics want Vouchers and School Choice. Catholics want an end to Abortion. How about the Conference of Catholic Bishops?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dr. Steve Sauerberg: Happy Flag Day, Senator Durbin! The Progressive's Purse Dog Dick Durbin!

The Progressive's Purse Dog Dick Durbin! He'll Never make Keith Olbermann's List! Good Boy, Dick!

With The United States SupremeCourt proving John McCain's point that activist judges put Americans in Harm's Way; Justify Show Trials like one's the Japanese comducted in WWII; allow enemy combatants the same habeus corpus rights as American citizens and bringing up Senator Dick Durbin's charge that American servicemen are no different than Nazis, the clowns are doing the Billy Ayers tap dance all over this Flag Day.

Dr. Steve Sauerberg, M.D. is running against Senator Durbin. Senator Durbin has been a Progressive/Moonbat lapdog ever since he ate Planned Parenthood's salt and turned his back on his conviction that Abortion is wrong. Click my post title for Dick Durbin's oath of Fealty to Daily Kos.. What a Schi

Doc Saurberg sent me a reminder of Senator Durbin's speech made three years ago - I remember:

Contact: Chris Barron
Office - (630) 424-3490
Cell - (630) 215-9118 or (202) 297-9807

Three Years Ago Today:
Dick Durbin Compares our Troops to Nazis

Steve Sauerberg, M.D. - "Three years ago today, Senator Dick Durbin committed an unforgivable sin against the brave men and women who serve our country in uniform. Dick Durbin's comments on the floor of the Senate, in the middle of a war, comparing our troops to Nazis, were a total betrayal of those who serve our nation."

(Lombard, IL) - Three years ago today, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) took to the floor of the Senate and compared U.S. troops serving in Iraq to the murderous regimes of Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and Pol Pot's Cambodia. "Three years ago today, Senator Dick Durbin committed an unforgivable sin against the brave men and women who serve our country in uniform," said U.S. Senate nominee Steve Sauerberg, M.D. "Dick Durbin's comments on the floor of the Senate, in the middle of a war, comparing our troops to Nazis, were a total betrayal of those who serve our nation."

On the floor of the Senate, Durbin stated, "If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners."

Durbin's comments sparked a national fire-storm, and dozens of prominent leaders on the national stage called on Durbin to apologize. Initially, Durbin defended his remarks. Durbin even claimed that it was the administration - not him - who should apologize. "This administration should apologize to the American people for abandoning the Geneva Conventions and authorizing torture techniques that put our troops at risk and make Americans less secure."

"Instead of admitting he was wrong, Dick Durbin's instinct was to try to shift the blame onto someone else," continued Sauerberg. "It was classic Dick Durbin - avoid taking responsibility at all costs - whatever happens try to pass the buck to someone else."

Unfortunately for Durbin, his strategy of sticking by his comments and trying to place the blame on someone else didn't work. After the Jewish Anti-Defamation League called on him to apologize, and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley criticized his comments, Durbin was forced to issue an apology.

"It took Durbin almost a week to issue an apology. His crocodile tears and forced apology didn't fool anyone," said Sauerberg. "Military families, and the people who support our military, have waited three long years to make Dick Durbin pay for his outrageous comments - and that's exactly what I intend to do by defeating Dick Durbin in November."

"Today I am meeting with mothers who have sent their sons and daughters off to fight for our country in the global war on terror. For months and months, Dick Durbin has refused to meet with these mothers and refused to support our brave men and women in harm's way. Today, I will deliver a message to those military moms - when I am representing Illinois in the U.S. Senate, I will always have an open door for you. Instead of standing up for, Code Pink and the rest of the blame-America-first crowd, I will stand up for you and for our troops," concluded Sauerberg.

Sauerberg for U.S. Senate - P.O. Box 667 Lombard, IL 60148. For more information on Steve's campaign please visit our website at

Senator Durbin needs time to write his memoirs - Vote for Dr. Steve Sauerberg!

John McCain: Senator Obama, Come on. Let's Talk to the American People. Leni Riefenstahl Concerts for Obama's Talking at Them Won't Do

Barack Obama is a rock-star. Like The Who in Cincinnati's Riverfront Coliseum in 1979, Obama's fans pack any venue. Dave Axelrod 'papers' the house with 'new voters.'

By the way, with all of them 'New Voters,' How come Obama's numbers are so crumby?

I was at John McCain's Townhall in Greendale, Wisconsin - the place was crowded and needed to accommodate folks with overflow rooms - but, it was comfortable and very friendly. I got and earful from Obama supporters who expect John McCain to take a pasting here in Illinois. I said,"I'm not too sure about that. I believe that John McCain will make it a squeaker or even take Illinois." The tall Democratic voters from Racine said, "You are Nuts!" Coals to Newcastle, my friend, I hear that alot.

It was a nice venue for People to see "Just how much straight talk Americans will get from John McCain:

The only boos came when Pat Hickey stood up and identified himself as a Chicago resident and a Democrat. He quickly noted to applause: "There are a lot of us supporting Senator McCain."

Hickey, a teacher at a private school in Chicago, asked McCain about school choice, which McCain supports.

Other questions ranged from college affordability to the appointment of Supreme Court justices. All brought familiar responses.

One woman questioned McCain on the war and its cost to the economy.
"It's succeeding," McCain said of the war. "I can look you in the eye and tell you it's succeeding."

Leni Refiensthal was young film maker and today she would be a contributor to Huffington Post. She was mesmerized by a hitherto unknown politician from Bavaria.

She had exactly the same reaction to this hypnotic orator as Chris 'Tingle Thighs' Matthews:

Riefenstahl heard Adolf Hitler speak at a rally in 1932 and was mesmerized by his talent as a public speaker. Describing the experience in her Memoiren, Riefenstahl wrote: "I had an almost apocalyptic vision that I was never able to forget. It seemed as if the earth's surface were spreading out in front of me, like a hemisphere that suddenly splits apart in the middle, spewing out an enormous jet of water, so powerful that it touched the sky and shook the earth."[9]
Wikpedia Entry.

Reifenstahl filmed and helped orchestrate the Rock Star of Reich's massive events.

History proved Townhalls are might have had a much more positive impact on history.

John McCain has asked Senator Obama to join him for Straight Talk with the American People in Townhalls. McCain also asked Senator Obama to join him for a trip to Iraq - no dice. Obama's surrogates and especially Dave Axelrod want no part of smaller, free-wheeling and unorchestrated events - especially a Townhall.

People get tired of being talked at. Americans are chatty folks. Just try ducking a talk with your neighbors. Americans are genuinely interested in one another.

Progressives? Not so much. They like to talk at you, smile pityingly, shake their heads and then turn up the volume. Senator Obama is the Progressive Politician in marble - the audio is extra.

For Immediate Release
June 13, 2008 Contact: Press Office

McCain Statement Accepting Invitation to Hold Joint Town Halls

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released the following statement by Communications Director Jill Hazelbaker after accepting the invitation by the Ronald Reagan and Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Libraries to hold joint town hall meetings with John McCain and Barack Obama, and responding to the Obama campaign:

"We are proud to accept the invitation from Mrs. Ronald Reagan, Lynda Johnson Robb and Luci Baines Johnson to hold joint town hall meetings at the Ronald Reagan and Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Libraries. As Luci Baines Johnson said in her invitation, these meetings offer an opportunity to 'deliberate the great issues of our time.' The American people deserve a great debate about the future of our country, and we hope that Barack Obama will join us for these important events at these historic venues."

Letter Sent To The Obama Campaign:

Dear Mr. Plouffe,

Thank you for responding to our proposal. Just to reiterate, we have proposed at least ten joint town hall meetings once a week until the week before the Democratic Convention begins. As we understand your counter-proposal, you have proposed only one town hall meeting before the Democratic Convention.

In keeping with our original proposal, we are planning a joint town hall meeting in Minnesota next Thursday evening (June 19, 2008). We will hold time on our schedule for joint town halls every Thursday night until the Democratic convention. I hope Senator Obama would reconsider his position and agree to join Senator McCain as early as next week.

We have also today accepted the invitation from Mrs. Ronald Reagan, Lynda Johnson Robb and Luci Baines Johnson to attend town hall meetings in July at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library. As Mrs. Johnson said, these town halls will truly be an opportunity to "deliberate the great issues of our time." Their sponsorship certainly meets our standards for a positive and productive opportunity for voters to interact with the candidates. I hope you will agree.

However, at this moment, we fear that our negotiations over joint town hall meetings are turning into a debate about process. That is exactly what we have always hoped to avoid, and why we proposed a town hall format that would render many of these process issues moot. As Senator Obama has said, he is prepared to meet "anywhere, anytime" for a town hall.

We remain committed to this idea because joint town hall meetings offer the best format for presenting both candidates' visions for our country's future in a substantive way. We have a chance to change the way presidential elections are run and elevate the political dialogue. Americans deserve this kind of opportunity, and we hope that Senator Obama will join us at town hall meetings throughout the summer months.


Rick Davis

Thursday, June 12, 2008

John McCain: Cammy Paglia is Bullish for Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as Obama VP Gal Pal!

But I've come to feel that Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius is Obama's best bet. She is a polished public presence who epitomizes that cordial, smoothly reassuring, and blandly generic WASPiness that has persistently defined the American power structure in business and government and that has weirdly resisted wave after wave of immigration since the mid-19th century. An Obama-Sebelius pairing would be visually vibrant and radiant, like a new day dawning.
Camille Paglia

That old bull dyke can write! When an in-your-face lesbian feminist with the brains of Tolstoy and the ability to make John Donne something more than a dead old white guy speaks, the trendy elites perk up their ears. Joe Biden my Aunt Bridgey! That tired speech lifter will always be a back bencher. I was huge Joe Biden fan until I learned that he was even lazier and more ambitious than the plungers in my Honors English Class back in 1988. Joe, they were grade hungry, but fought the inclination to lift passages without citing them according to MLA standards.

Paglia gives Biden and Jim Webb the brush off and really lays into Senator Clinton - according to the same script followed at MSNBC,, Daily Kos and teh Obama Campaign. Stayed tuned to U.S. Attorney Pat Fitzgerald - Obama might be turning in his elegant wardrobe for the same orange jump-suit that Bob 'The Kite Runner' Creamer of Huffington Post wore in Terra Haut, Indiana. From what I hear Tony Rezko is singing like a canary - or that Brazilian babe that you write about at the close of your essay.

Do, clique my post title for Camille's fine piece ( too sexist?) on Barack's VP choice.

Camille, like the weasely little Stanly Fish who was OH, SO! collegial with Billy 'The Bomber' Ayers and his odious old lady Bernadine Dohrn while looting the State of Illinois as titular smart guy for University of Illinois at Cement City ( Chicago. Campus), wears Obama's pledge pin.

John McCain, thank God, has no such BOHOs hanging around his Campaign. McCain does not need parsers to explain talking points to his supporters.

We are the working stiffs who read the news and make judgments about some candidate on merits of his/her words and deeds.

I know firemen who read Salon, Back Hoe Local 150 Operators who have season tickets to the Chicago Lyric Opera and CSO, school teachers who summer in the Illinois National Guard, Chicago Cops who teach boxing to black kids in Englewood, when they are not ignoring daily slanders in the Chicago Sun Times, and Pulitzer Prize winners who are voting for John McCain.

Camille, I Loved - Break Blow Burn, but remember Sweetie, what Wallace Stevens said,

People are not going
To dream of baboons and periwinkles.
Only, here and there, an old sailor,
Drunk and asleep in his boots,
Catches Tigers
In red weather.

Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock: Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

John McCain: MSNBC - I Can Not Fold Laundry to It Anymore

Chris Matthews hates McCain! Olbermann is bloatedly self-absorbed. MSNBC is so in the tank for Obama! Not a newsflash - just tiresome, like Shemp Howard episodes on Three Stooges Marathons. 'When is this over?'

Not since Goebbels and Riefenstahl has one candidate for National Office had so blatant a propaganda mill.

I used to fold laundry with MSNBC on because it mildly amused me and I took its message and method as seriously as I do four year old Patrick McCann. Patrick McCann is now Iron Man. Why? 'He's really strong and does things.' Which comes mighty handy when doing things.

Iron Man McCann limits his powers to tossing bits of rock and sticks down the sewer behind my garage. 'That's another one! That's another one! That's another one . . .' ad infinitum! Much like the Tool Shed of intellectually and morally limited personalities who dominate MSNBC - Chris 'Milky' Matthews - now, I'd bring the yokel to Rainbow Beach with me, as my see-through Irish pallor looks like The Rock by comparison; Keith Olbermann - America's # 1 Juice Bag; Rachel Maddow - America's loneliest Swamp Donkey; Dan ' Nepotism' Abrams - Dad Sues for NBC - Boy Works & the balance of its Obama shock troops.

What put the starch in my boxers was Milky's pile on of John McCain with women voters by bringing in Townsend-Kennedy, Planned Parenthood and some other Third Wave Feminist for a balanced discussion on how McCain can not possibly get suburban white women to vote for him. Three harpies and a loud dim-wit - I can not believe that Tip O'Neill allowed this Yam-head withing forty feet of him.

Watching Olbermann is like being water-boarded for days on end with non-stop Shemp Howard Videos. Abrams must have bodyguards 24/7 to keep from getting hinder binders by Americans unalloyed by drugs and alcohol. The others??? Some one pays them?

Pretend to mean something. Click my post title for a story that ran in New York Observer during the primaries - it was funny then - now, it is hilarious. MSNBC is sad.

Hickey's laundry folding gets done to the Discovery Channel!!!!! Clique!

John McCain: Scarlett Johansson says"I am engaged to Barack Obama,"

Uh, Uh! No, You Don't, skinny White Girl! Barack is Married! And, Barry, as your Kansas-bred maternal forebears would be wont to say, 'Dance with who brung, you, Bub!'

What's all this in the Denver Post? While squirreling around Al Gore's invention for an update on P-Diddy's Paeon to Obama ( HuffPo dogged it off the website quicker than Keith Olbermann can wolf down a 32 oz. sack of Frito Flamin'Hots) I came upon this touching, albeit self-serving, bit of cheesecake from the actress her own bad self.

"My heart belongs to Barack," she told an Associated Press reporter in January. "I am engaged to Barack Obama," she joked.

Now, you know how these hateful and vicious rumors like, ' Hey, Barry! When didn't you not refuse to blow up the Pentagon with Billy Ayers?' or ' Senator, where is your birth certificate?' I'd say something like, 'I left it ( Birth Certificate) in my jeans after biking and Michele washed them and it's in pretty bad shape. Not the Birth Certificate I remember.'

Hell, Scarlett Johansson is your e-mail buddy, Senator? Dang. I get e-mails from the good folks at Colon Cleanse, or announcements that I am the only person in the world that Nigerian Blood Diamond Martyrs trust with conducting a bank account securement - in THIS country. Here's what Obama gets:

Actress Scarlett Johansson says she is stunned that Barack Obama has the time to answer her e-mails. But he does, often, with fan messages of his own to the 23-year-old film star, the New York Daily News reports.

Johansson, star of such big-screen hits as "Lost in Translation" and "The Nanny Diaries," has campaigned tirelessly for Obama and did a turn in his celebrity-packed "Yes We Can" Internet music video.

"My heart belongs to Barack," she told an Associated Press reporter in January. "I am engaged to Barack Obama," she joked.

The New York-born actress told she has swapped friendly e-mails with the Democratic presidential hopeful for months.

Johansson expressed shock that Obama finds time to respond to her with messages she described as "thoughtful" and more than a brief line or two.

"You'd imagine that someone like the senator who is constantly traveling and constantly 'on' - how can he return these personal e-mails?" she told the Politico website. "But he does, and in his off-time I know he also calls people who have donated the minimum to thank them."

Here's mine from a Solicitor Mark Evans in Old Blightey:
Mr. Mark Evans.
Private Email:


We do not know each other, but you are one of the three persons I sent this email with hope to get a positive and sincere response, in order to go into a deal that would bring life fortune to both of us.

I am Barrister, Mark Evans solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney to Engr. Morris Haddad nationality of your country, who was a Contractor and has spent most of his life in my country (Spain).

On the 19th of April 2004, my client, his wife and their only son were involved in a ghastly car accident along Pinto express road. All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives. Since then I have made several enquiries to his embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives but all efforts was unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to contact you and solicit for your assistance as a foreigner to execute the claim of this fund.

I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the assets and Capital valued at US$10.5million left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the BANK in, Madrid Spain where these huge deposits were lodged. The said Bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of Kin or have the account confiscated within the next twenty-one Official working days.

Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 2 years now, I seek the consent to present you as the Next of kin to the deceased since no-one has come for the fund, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you. The request of a foreigner as the next of kin in this transaction is occasioned by the fact that my client was a foreigner and it will be better for you to stand as the next of kin to my client. Therefore, on receipt of your positive response, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for transfer. I have all necessary information and legal documents needed to back you up for claim.

All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please reply via e-mail at;

Waiting to hear from you

Best regards,


Cheers, Mark. You can set your Rolex by my reply!

I can imagine what John McCain gets from Wilford Brimley:

Dear John,

I caught you on TV in New Orleans last week. Must say, you looked mighty peekid. Seriously, Mr. President, I thought I was watching Bill 'Now, Wait a Damn Minute' Clinton with that nauseating Green Back drop and all.

Now I helped millions of Americans get healthy. Well, we all are what we are, I guess you might say by an accident of birth.

Try a week or two of Quaker Oats, Mr. President - John as your friend, but most of as one of your troops. As a man much wiser once said "It's the right thing to do and the tasty way to do it." Now that's the By God Truth, my Friend.

Any truth to the rumors, John, that Scarlett Johansen is engaged to that Obama kid? Just asking.

My Best to Cindy and kids!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

John McCain: Jan Schakowsky Goes Capt. Queeg on HuffPo: ' a command is a lonely job. It isn't easy to make decisions.'

Last Saturday I sent a letter, along with Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Judiciary Subcommittee Chairman, Jerald Nadler and 53 other members of the House of Representatives to Attorney General Michael Mukasey asking him to "appoint a special counsel to investigate whether the Bush administration's policies regarding the interrogation of detainees have violated federal criminal laws." It goes on to say, "We believe that ...serious and significant revelations warrant an immediate investigation to determine whether the President, his Cabinet, and other Administration officials are in violation of the War Crimes Act (18 U.S.C. 2441), the Anti-Torture Act, (18 U.S.C. 2340-2340A), and other U.S. and international laws! They were all disloyal. I tried to run the ship properly by the book, but they fought me at every turn. If the crew wanted to walk around with their shirttails hanging out, that's all right, let them! Take the towline - defective equipment, no more, no less. But they encouraged the crew to go around, scoffing at me and spreading wild rumors about steaming in circles and then 'Old Yellowstain.' I was to blame for President Bush's incompetence and poor seamanship. Lieutenant McCain was the perfect officer, but not Captain Jan. Ah, but the strawberries! That's, that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, and with, with geometric logic, that, that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox did exist. And I would have produced that key if they hadn't pulled the Congress out of action. I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officer. (Jan pauses - looks at all the questioning faces that stare back at her, and realizes that she has been ranting and raving. Steven Webber Chirps " Iwish I wrote This! It is So . . . Bobbyesque! Roy Secoff gnaws on walnuts and giigles like Olbermann in the bathtub!) Naturally, I can only cover these things from memory...

Jan, and You Want to My Latex Salesman! I mean Senator.

John McCain: Chavez, Castro & Morales - Ayers' Pep Boys of Revolution

We have backyard problems that Senator Barack Obama seems incapable of handling. In South America, Fidel Castro's pup, Jefe Hugo Chavez has made a path to Communism in South and Central America unparalleled since the 1950's when the Soviet Union brokered World Revolution.

Yesterday, Reuters reported on an assault of the U.S. Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia by 'protesters' orchestrated by Bolivian President Evo Morales - the Amerindian Strongman.

Morales is a charismatic leftist who has managed to Balkanize Bolivia by 'championing' Diversity!

Evo Morales has declared himself the first Amerindian president, a controversial claim due to the Amerindian heritages of such prior Bolivian presidents as Mariano Melgarejo (1864), Carlos Quintanilla (1939), René Barrientos (1964), Juan José Torres (1976), Luis García Meza (1980), and Celso Torrelio Villa (1981).[citation needed] While the claim is a potent symbol to many people who have seen themselves as disenfranchised and oppressed by a European minority, this claim has been challenged publicly by the novelist Mario Vargas Llosa,[65] who accuses Evo of fomenting racial divisions in an increasingly mestizo Latin America.

The Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano responded to Vargas Llosa saying: "I see what is happening in Bolivia as a very significant act of affirmation of diversity [which is opposite to] racism, elitism and militarism, which leave us blind to our marvellous existence, to that rainbow that we are".[66]

However, on June 3rd, Morales sought to defeat a vote giving indidvidual states in Bolivia autonomy - Celebrating Autonomy is one thing but Democarcy quite another to Jefe Morales:

LA PAZ, Bolivia - The fractious outcome of a vote on autonomy for Bolivia's states and the government's apparent failure to win enough backing to rewrite the constitution could dampened the leftist agenda of President Evo Morales.

Voters in Bolivia casts ballots on both issues Sunday. The wealthier eastern half overwhelmingly endorsed autonomy while those in the poorer and heavily indigenous western highlands, Morales power base, vigorously rejected it.

The results make it likely that Morales will face stiffer opposition as he seeks to improve the lot of Bolivia's Indian majority by more evenly distributing wealth and exerting greater state control over the economy.

An Aymara Indian and coca-growers leader elected in December with a strong populist mandate, Morales campaigned against autonomy, saying it would benefit the traditional elite.

He and his Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) party were able to persuade most voters - 55 percent nationwide according to unofficial results - to reject autonomy by portraying it as a catastrophic harbinger of dissolution for South America's poorest country.

Morales said that he would respect the outcome of the autonomy vote, but that no state would be permitted to gain control of natural resources such as natural gas.

But the endorsement of greater political and fiscal autonomy by voters in Bolivia's wealthiest states could slow Morales' political crusade, particularly if those states succeed in keeping a greater portion of their tax revenues at the central government's expense.

Morales has articulated the driving force behind MAS ( (Movimiento al Socialismo - Move Toward Socialism) in the following terms:

“ The worst enemy of humanity is U.S. capitalism. That is what provokes uprisings like our own, a rebellion against a system, against a neoliberal model, which is the representation of a savage capitalism. If the entire world doesn't acknowledge this reality, that nation states are not providing even minimally for health, education and nourishment, then each day the most fundamental human rights are being violated. ”

He has also stated:

“ … the ideological principles of the organization, anti-imperialist and contrary to neoliberalism, are clear and firm but its members have yet to turn them into a programmatic reality.[21]

Protesters shot fireworks at a U.S. flag flying just beyond the compound's concrete wall, as helmeted Marines looked on from the embassy's roof. When crowds tried to push through a police line, officers cleared the street with tear gas.

Bolivia's government called the use of tear gas excessive. "Security is one thing, repression is another," Government Minister Alfredo Rada told reporters.

La Paz state's police commander was fired Monday night along with top policemen in Bolivia's eight other states. But government officials said the change had been planned since a new national police chief was named last month.

The 2003 "Black October" protests were initially sparked by a government plan to sell Bolivian natural gas to the United States by building a pipeline through neighboring rival Chile. The idea angered El Alto's poor, who often struggle to obtain their own gas for cooking and heating.

The protests quickly snowballed as the city's largely Aymara Indian population vented centuries of anger over bitter poverty and political marginalization.

The uprising eventually drove then-President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada from office, fortifying a growing indigenous political movement that brought President Evo Morales to power two years later.

Sanchez Berzain's lawyer, Howard Gutman, declined Monday to confirm whether his client has been granted political asylum. But he and other lawyers acknowledge and cite Sanchez Berzain's asylum status in a motion filed last month in a Miami federal court to dismiss a U.S. civil case against him.

Accusations of deadly force
Plaintiffs, including families of the 2003 victims, accuse the former defense minister and the ex-president of authorizing the use of deadly force against protesters and say they are liable for the deaths.

Lawyers for the two exiled politicians say protesters instigated the violence and that their blockade of La Paz, which cut the capital off from food and fuel, justified a military response.

Their legal team includes Washington attorney Greg Craig, an adviser to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Asked for comment, Phillip Goldberg, the U.S. ambassador to Bolivia, said the legal proceeding is "not a political matter, it's a judicial matter, and we have to respect the independent judicial branch in the United States."

President Evo Morales repeated his demands that Washington send the two men home to face trial.

"We want the United States to help us to bring to justice those who have done so much harm to Bolivia," Morales said Sunday.

Obama is handled by Progressives; Progressives control the DNC; Progressives for Obama are in Solidarity with Castro, Chavez and Morales. Click my Post Title to Progressives for Obama and witness Obama's Foreign Policy for South America. It is a mini-course in political folly.

William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn are enthusiastic laborers in the Revolutionary Vineyards. This is not McCarthyism, kids. This is in hard copy. Billy Ayers lavishes his talents to Jefe Hugo.
John McCain has a clearly articulated Foreign Policy

Monday, June 09, 2008

Cathleen Falsani Moves From Pfleger to Benson

Not long after Cedric Benson showed contrition Monday for his latest arrest, the Bears showed him the door.

The team released the troubled former first-round draft pick Monday as a result of Benson's arrest early Saturday morning in Austin, Texas, on a charge of driving while intoxicated. It was Benson's second alcohol-related arrest in five weeks and enough to convince the Bears he just wasn't worth the headaches.

"Cedric displayed a pattern of behavior we will not tolerate," general manager Jerry Angelo said. "As I said this past weekend, you have to protect your job. Everyone in this organization is held accountable for their actions. When individual priorities overshadow team goals, we suffer the consequences as a team. Those who fail to understand the importance of 'team' will not play for the Chicago Bears."

Chicago Tribune Click my post title for the real full story.

Now, the Chicago Sun Times fabricated news update!

They print news like it almost happened.

Cathleen Falsani Religion Editor of the Chicago Sun Times had this to say about Benson 'Time Out.'

There's something painfully ironic about Cedric's (if temporary) ouster.

He's been thumbing his nose at authority -- secular and sacred -- for years in pursuit of what he believes God has called him to do: fight for the poor yardage and the press coverage; battle injustice in whatever form it appears to taxing him at the moment, be it racism, sexism, or classicism; and to above all present the God of revolutionary love and radical grace to the world around him like he did when those cracker Texas Gomers boarded his boat. That sometimes has meant disobeying civil and Man law.

Benson has been arrested several dozen times over the last five weeks for civil disobedience. He's taken on drug dealers aboard his boat, big alcohol content while driving, the tobacco products when needed, Jerry Springer for his posse, the guns in lobby of Executive Suites, and gun-toting gang-bangers from his own entourage. He's also run afoul of three splendid theologians of Chicago, beginning with Bishop Manning, who drove no where near him in 2001 and called him ' A Long-legged Mack Daddy,' and who threatened to 'open a can' on him in 2006 when Benson blamed Grossman for all his fumbles.

After three seasons of clashes with authority, Benson's tripping points arrived in a three-minute video clip from a powerful, 47-minute-long sermon on race to the line of scrimmage. In those few moments, Benson, who is not white, made snarky comments about Grossman, who is white, that many people -- the Bear Organization has been inundated with complaints since last week -- thought were racist or sexist or both.

He apologized, but it was too late.

So in the days after Obama became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president -- the first African American to do so in the history of our nation -- Benson, a man who has spent his life fighting for his kind of racial justice, is looking for a place to play.

Beson told me he plans to take his 'Dog,' Armani, whose name is an Italian word for " Glossy Loud and Garish Suit," with him. For company, and, perhaps, as a reminder of what sustains him in good times and in bad. The Bling! God's cool with Cedric and I'm Cool with God! Sin Boldly and Stay Thirsty My Friends!

The Chicago Sun Times will devote 85% of its columns and print space to Justice for Cedric Benson. Carol Marin is expected to make her thoughts public, as far as that goes, on Chicago Tonight. National Public Radio will devote a portion of its taxpayers dollars to the Cedric Beson Recidivist Foundation.

The Faith Community of St. Sabina will hold a news conference in five days announcing Cedric Benson's return, without restrictions, to Bears Camp in Bourbonnais.

Praise Jesus!

John McCain: ImPerfect Storm & Brit Writer Sees McCain Victory - So do American Voters

Given the ecstasy of his own followers and the support he has had from the mainstream media in the United States, that event should have brought with it a sense of inevitability, an overwhelming tide of belief that he was now unstoppable: that the future belonged to him. It should, in short, have given him a real bounce in the polls. But it didn't. What he got was a very small spike.

The two polls taken immediately after Hillary's withdrawal speech (and her effusive expression of support for him) gave Obama leads so small as to be virtually within the margin of error.

Some of this could be put down to the disappointment of Clinton followers, which may be expected to dissipate over the coming months. But the other explanation is that Obama's support has peaked: that his coalition of the young, the urban liberal and the black community has already max-ed out at its highest point and is going nowhere from there.

We are having us some kind of storms here in the Midwest. Working men are fighting to put power back in the homes of working people. Many in Obama's camp are locked in with the Utility Giants here in Illinois. Billy Ayers' silver-haired Pappy was the CEO of ComEd. You say you wanna Revolution?

Every time a huge Public Utility (ComEd and Peoples Gas) gets its ears pinned back in Springfield by the State Legislature, corporate stooges like the over-paid fashionista ex-wife of Obama financial funder John Rogers - Desiree goes on TV and decries over paid Union Workers. ComEd has Illinois Senate President doing the boo-hooing for the profit devouring Utility and does not need Desiree - well, neither did John Rogers, but that is . . . another story. Desiree was a laugh riot a few years back when Peoples Gas was called on the carpet at City Council - she made the traditional blond look like a Phi Beta Kappan.

These 'over-paid Union stiffs,' like my pal Gino Ford, have not been home since Friday night. They are restoring power. They are skilled blue collar union tradesmen - And Women! They do not cause the rate-hikes, but they get blamed for them.

They earn their money, in the most exhausting and dangerous manner. They work with electricty - God's way of letting us know that you've gone too far: turn off the circuit before working with wire; don't commit murder in 1930's gangster movies; put the 9 iron down when the storm starts.

Electrical High Tower linesmen are not joined for beers after work by John Rogers, Emil Jones, Tony Rezko, or Desiree Rogers, let alone Senator Barack Obama. I have seen John McCain break bread and wind with blue collar men and women. John McCain, while a privileged son of an Admiral, has a deep and abiding respect for the trades and all working people.

Barack Obama gets along swell with academics and political players and that's nice.

A British Journalist, Janet Daley, records this fact and predicts a McCain Victory In November.

But it is also true that John McCain is not a market leader on economics. He, too, is from a privileged background. Interestingly, however, he seems more able to relate comfortably to ordinary working people than Obama.

This may well be a function of his background as a military officer who was conspicuously loyal to his men, having refused to abandon them when he was offered release from a Vietnamese POW camp.

And this brings me to what may still prove to be the most significant fact about McCain: he is a war hero. (Indeed, in this respect, he bears more of a resemblance to John Kennedy than does Obama.)

He has proved himself to be unflinching in danger and courageous under fire. When people (especially Americans, who still regard military bravery as an exemplar of virtue) come to choose the man to lead them through a crisis, that will count for a lot.

To European eyes (and to some American ones, too) this is an election to determine how America sees itself: can it elect its first black president? Can it present itself to the world in an entirely new guise - as a member of the modern European club of social democratic societies?

But to most Americans - the ones who are less beguiled by rhetoric and more concerned with financial survival, and those who need practical reassurance more than inspiration - this election will be about proven character and tested judgment.

Gino Ford is probably ass-dragging tired right about now, but certainly not bitter or clinging - he has a strong safety belt well-secured. At least the rain has put some gas money in his pocket. Gino Ford likes John McCain. Like me, Gino votes Democratic in almost all local races.

Janet Daley of the Telegraph ( U.K.) is sensitive to Gino Ford, unlike the loud-mouths on cable T.V. and radio - that's one good thing about a power outage.

Ms. Daley predicts a McCain Victory in November and so do I!

John McCain: Man Versus Afflatus: Secular ἐνθουσιασμός

The Democrats have extraordinary enthusiasm on their side.

There is a sour US mood, mostly directed at President Bush. John McCain has had to walk a fine line in terms of distancing himself from Bush, and has, so far, done well. Obama's challenge will be to sustain the mood of enthusiasm over the summer

Many polls have shown the race is dead even - but there are a lot of variables. Pew Polls, for example, have shown John McCain ahead on handling Iraq. The issue of national security will be seen as his strength.

However, there is less attention focused on Iraq at the moment. It's on the back burner and there is a steady simmer but the economy is the strongest issue.

Many Americans feel that the country has gone off on the wrong track, with inflation etc. There are certainly concerns over Barack Obama's inexperience.
Karlyn Bowman of the American Enterprise Institute.

John McCain calls himself ' a flawed servant.' You may say. John McCain is all too human - by his own admission. Huffington Post, MSNBC, Daily Kos, DNC, and Obamamaton Bloggers are a great source for McCain Pain.

To them ( especially daffy Chris Matthews and bloated baritone Keith Olbermann), Barack Obama is a secular god - a rock-star deity - an ubermensch (Superman) and so far the kryptonite has been working slower than a teenage boy with long driveway full of snow.

American Progressives have helped create the Obama Nation - that throng of Americans (voters and enthusiasts)which seems to fill every Obama event venue like a Leni Riefenstahl Spectacle.

Progressives grew out of the 19th Century tradition of religious enthusiasts and shed the God centered 'nonsense' for the secular welding of the world to their will.

Enthusiasm (ἐνθουσιασμός) root - en-theos = in God. An enthusiast is a person inspired by god. *see: Biblical inspiration - (inspiration Greek - θεοπνευστος - Theopneustos = literally God breathed) When the early Christians would see someone convert to Christianity there was this overwhelming joy that followed the gift of Salvation but they had a problem there was no word to describe this feeling so they combined the two words (in God) creating the word (entheos) from which we get the English word Enthusiasm.

Its uses were confined to a belief in religious inspiration, or to intense religious fervour or emotion. Thus a Syrian sect of the 4th century was known as the Enthusiasts. They believed that by perpetual prayer, ascetic practices and contemplation, man could become [inspired] by the Holy Spirit, in spite of the ruling evil spirit, which the fall had given to him. From their belief in the efficacy of prayer, they were also known as Euchites. Several Protestant sects of the 16th and 17th centuries were called enthusiastic. During the years immediately following the Glorious Revolution, "enthusiasm" was a British pejorative term for advocacy of any political or religious cause in public. Such "enthusiasm" was seen in the time around 1700 as the cause of the previous century's English Civil War and its attendant atrocities, and thus it was an absolute social sin to remind others of the war by engaging in enthusiasm. The Royal Society bylaws stipulated that any person discussing religion or politics at a Society meeting was to be summarily ejected for being an "enthusiast."[citation needed] During the 18th century, popular Methodists such as John Wesley or George Whitefield were accused of blind enthusiasm (i.e. fanaticism).
From Wikpedia.

The American Great Awakening which brought about the Abolitionist Movement, Womans Suffrage, Abortion Rights, Prohibition, Antiwar Activism and Gay and Lesbian Activism through the activism of William Lloyd Garrison, John Brown,Matilda Bradley Carse, Frances Willard, Margaret Sanger, Jane Addams and Roger Baldwin is root of the Progressive grip on the Democratic National Committee. Catholic politicians who 'personally oppose Abortion, Gay Marriage etc.' publicly worship at the altar of Progressivism.

These secular Inquisitors made the Dominican lads in Spain seem like Quakers.

Their descendants have held control of Democratic National Committee since 1972, when the McGovernites staged a coup of the Democratic Party. The Enthusiasts have called the tune and Barack Obama's Campaign dance like Isadora Duncan on Bennies!

Watch the scarf.

I'll take a 'flawed servant' one who has record of heroism, independence, courage and service: John McCain!

Click my post titel for Obama Enthusiasm

Sunday, June 08, 2008

I Deleted My Previous Post: Juan Carlos of Tennessee Does Not Help Senator Obama

I was sent a link to the site operated by some one named, or calling himself Juan Carlos: Socialist for Obama. This may be dirty tricks being played on the Obama Campaign. In fairness, I deleted a previous post, because it does not seem likely that Senator Obama, given his sound counsel and political instincts would allow such a hate filled post.

Click my post title for that link.

John McCain: The Audacity of Truth - McCain Family Walks the Talk

I received an e-mail from Miss Vicki Hampton of Alabama which I post in Full.

My Parish, neighborhood - in largely Irish Catholic Democratic Chicagoese - st. Cajetan's has its former pastor and scores of its young men and women serving Iraq. There is hardly a tree on any block unadorned by Yellow Ribbons in support of the kids in harm's way: McGarry, Ford, Hayes, Burke, & etc. These are the folks our junior Senator, Barack Obama, snidely referred to as 'Bitter and clinging.' In 2001, Obama's pal Pastor Pfleger smeared our parish and all the others, St. Barnabas, Christ the King, St. John Fisher, St. Christina, St. Bede, Queen of Martyrs and Holy Redeemer with his broad race-baiting brush in a now forgotten bit of National Press coverage. None of my neighbors ever got so much as a smirk from Tony Rezko and more than enough contempt from Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn - most of cops around here remember them very well!

Here is why McCain will get many Democratic Voters.

This was an email message I got earlier from a friend of mine, so thought I would put it on here for all to read. I know for a fact that this is all true.

John McCain's Sons

Talk about putting your most valuable where your mouth is! Apparently this was not "newsworthy" Enough for the media to comment about. Can either of the other presidential candidates truthfully come close to this? .... Just a question for each of us to seek an answer, and not a statement.

You see...character is what's shown when the public is not looking. There were no cameras or press invited to what you are about to read about, and the story comes from one person in New Hampshire.


One evening last July, Senator John McCain of Arizona arrived at the New Hampshire home of Erin Flanagan for sandwiches, chocolate-chip cookies and a heartfelt talk about Iraq. They had met at a presidential debate, when she asked the candidates what they would do to bring home American soldiers - - Soldiers like her brother, who had been killed in action a few months earlier.

Mr. McCain did not bring cameras or press. Instead, he brought his youngest son, James McCain, 19, then a private first class in the Marine Corps about to leave for Iraq. Father and son sat down to hear more about Ms. Flanagan's brother Michael Cleary, a 24-year-old Army First Lieutenant killed by an ambush ... A roadside bomb.

No one mentioned the obvious: In just days, Jimmy McCain could face similar perils. 'I can't imagine what it must have been like for them as they were coming to meet with a family that ......' Ms. Flanagan recalled, choking up. 'We lost a dear one,' she finished.

Mr. McCain, now the presumptive Republican nominee, has staked his candidacy on the promise that American troops can bring stability to Iraq. What he almost never says is that one of them is his own son, who spent seven months patrolling Anbar Province and learned of his father's New Hampshire victory in January while he was digging a stuck military vehicle out of the mud.

Two of Jimmy's three older brothers went into the military. Doug McCain, 48, was a Navy pilot. Jack McCain, 21, is to graduate from the Naval Academy next year, raising the chances that his father, if elected, could become the first president since Dwight D. Eisenhower with a son at war.


I chose to share this with those who I believe will pass it on, to others who will pass it on. We hear so much inflated trash out there. How about a simple act of kindness .... And dedication to others placed above oneself?

Has anybody heard if Barack Hussein Obama has served in The American Armed Services?

This is for all you Barack voters.

From Barack's book, Audacity of Hope:

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."


Click my post title for more on McCain.