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Showing posts sorted by date for query Sarah Palin. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2011

Why Is Peggy Noonan No Longer an Obama Girl?

Dance with who brung you, Peggy. The poor guy is not sleeping a wink, so Val Jarrett tells us. The Ceiling is caving in and you call him Mr. Loser! Peggy, was it so long ago that you keened that Barry was the Cat's Nuts? Fickle.

Peggy Noonan, who along with the tasseled loafer Republicans, helped elect the most singularly potential man as President of the United States in 2008. Barack Obama was and remains Our Potential President - great gifts; no delivery. As the great Bishop McNamara HS track coach Kenny Klipp used to say "Losers have Potential."

Today, I learn that Peggy Noonan has not only given back her ring to Barack Obama, but gone positively Play Misty for Me on the poor unprepared President.

Peggy Noonan was an Obama Girl, just like P.G. Wodehouse's Christopher Buckley and columnist and trouser aficionado Davie Brooks. There were many more.

I am a Democrat, but I could not get behind President Obama. I enthusiastically backed John McCain and was disgusted to see him quit the campaign when the economy tanked. McCain, his family and surrogates went on to heap blame on Sarah Palin, who was the only person who fought to win from September through November 2008.

Shucks I remember when Peggy Noonan was all over MSNBC with fellow Obama Girl Mike Murphy singing,

I cannot wait, 'til 2008
Baby you’re the best candidate
I like it when you get hard
On Hillary in debate
Why don't you pick up your phone?
'Cause I've got a crush on Obama
I cannot wait, 'til 2008
Baby you’re the best candidate
Of the new oval office
You’ll get your head of state
I can’t leave you alone
‘Cause I’ve got a crush on Obama

Now, it's all,
Mr. Obama seemed brilliant at politics when he first emerged in 2004. He understood the nation's longing for unity. We're not divided into red states and blue, he said, we're Big Purple, we can solve our problems together. Four years later he read the lay of the land perfectly—really, perfectly. The nation and the Democratic Party were tired of the Clinton machine. He came from nowhere and dismantled it. It was breathtaking. He went into the 2008 general election with a miraculously unified party and took down another machine, bundling up all the accrued resentment of eight years with one message: "You know the two losing wars and the economic collapse we've been dealing with? I won't do that. I'm not Bush."

The fact is, he's good at dismantling. He's good at critiquing. He's good at not being the last guy, the one you didn't like. But he's not good at building, creating, calling into being. He was good at summoning hope, but he's not good at directing it and turning it into something concrete that answers a broad public desire.

And so his failures in the debt ceiling fight. He wasn't serious, he was only shrewd—and shrewdness wasn't enough. He demagogued the issue—no Social Security checks—until he was called out, and then went on the hustings spouting inanities. He left conservatives scratching their heads: They could have made a better, more moving case for the liberal ideal as translated into the modern moment, than he did. He never offered a plan. In a crisis he was merely sly. And no one likes sly, no one respects it.
Peggy 'Did Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind?" NoonanWall Street Journal

Well, gee, Peggy, remember when you said this about Sarah Palin?

Americans don’t want, as their representatives, people who seem empty or crazy. They’ll vote no on that. It’s not just the message, it’s the messenger.

Which is it? Never mind, Peggy.

Monday, July 18, 2011

This Time Last Year - The Journolist; This Year - Let's Get Rupert!

I am never disappointed in the Media, though I am generally appalled by the Media. The Media ( not individual reporters, copy editors, or investigative professionals) tend to be the pampered children of privilege, or protected creatures who spout contrarian opinion to common sense, human dignity, and reality.

The Media are America's collective "the makers of fashion" in pop culture and politics. Would, for example a Lady Gaga be a finalist on America's Got Talent? Likewise, who creates a Congressman Weiner, other than the Media? The Media made academia a safe have for the likes of terrorist and droning gasbag Billy-boy Ayers and his odious Old Lady - Northwestern Law Prof Who Can't Practice Law Bernardine Dohrn. The Media decided that police officers are the universally brutal systemic racist Simon Lagrees of post-Racial America. Bullying is the sole property of the Media.

Last year, at this time, the Journolist Scandal bubbled, but never really boiled with anything like fury. The Jounolist is a cabal of rich, privileged Blue Chip university grad-punksters that the Media graces with license. This Licentious Journo-List played havoc with the truth all through the 2008 election cycle and beyond.

Who are the Jounrolistas? One gent identified this cadre with sharp and witty accuracy - they are largely nerds, dweebs, and gents who are repelled by the thought of conjugal affection with any female. They took particular delight in their attempted ravaging of the Palin Family. Sarah Palin is a beautiful woman who happens to be happily married to a union man and the mother of universally welcomed children. Palins don't abort. Moreso, they breed.

Last summer, Mark Judge, a writer for The Daily Caller ( liberal journalist, attorney, Fox TV News legal analyst, and Leo High School Board Member Tamara Holder also contributes to DC) offered this dandy assessment of the core of journolist ire

Andrew Sullivan’s obsessive hatred of Palin goes far beyond the cynicism of a journalist; there is a kind of primordial spasm of rage against something so marvelously lovely, so downright awesome. It’s like that guy a few years ago who took a hammer to Da Vinci’s sculpting of David. The beauty was unbearable! Palin is an archetype that the left does not know how to contain or control: the hot female jock who also happens to be cool. The left hates good-looking Republican women and jocks, so combining the two is like an exorcist hitting a demon with not only prayers, but water blessed by the Pope.

There’s usually one hot female jock like Palin in every school. It’s a girl who is so stunning that even teachers find themselves staring, yet she is too modest to acknowledge her beauty. She plays it down or changes the subject when someone brings it up. It may be because she was raised with good values, the desire to be humble, but it could also be because she wants to be taken seriously as a jock. Palin is a triple threat: a pretty jock who is also incredibly sexy (pretty and sexy are two different things). In high school she was the kind of girl that the school newspaper nerds – the future Journolisters – despised. Pummeled with so much raw beauty, athleticism and sex appeal – and she’s nice, too, goddamn her – these fearless chroniclers of reality were left sputtering – and seething.

Like the plot of a Tina Fey script, Ezra Klein's Kommandos controlled the Media narrative, until called on it - by the non-Media. That would be anyone or thing that stands opposed to full agreement with AV-Club/'We Are So Much Smarter' Cabal of Gleeks.

The Journolistas howl, "Fox and Breitbart must be behind this bullying! Therefore, let's get some pusillanimous payback!"

Welcome to summer of Rupert. Rupert Murdoch is an Empire of Opinion that runs counter to the Nerdocracy that is the American Media. The American Media has political pit-poodles like Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois who began yapping for Congressional Hearings aimed at Murdoch's problems in Perfidious Albion.

Sen. Dick Durbin is always a contrarian delight, whether he is parsing for Planned Parenthood, calling American miltary folks Nazi's, or trying to make things just a bit more comfortable for our Gitmo guests. If Durbin is for it, I generally feel that it is a really bad idea. Sen Durbin is a Tapioca Bernie Sanders. Any digging at great Federal expense for Murdoch Muddy Water will be a dry well, here in the Colonies. It will probably happen, because Murdoch represents the Yin to the Media's Yang; therfore, the Progressive Pit Poodle will go on his nerdy Fox Hunt.

The Media is a abuzz with the arrest of Titian Tress ed Murdoch Babe*, who was married to the Shrek-like Ross Kemp until his Rainbow Randy Roisterings ( Ross, it seems batted from the other side of plate) were cause for marital infidelity divorce proceeding, much objected to by an openly Gay MP. This homophobic harpy had to go! The Rebekkah Brooks titillation's will take up the balance of summer, until the lady is released.

All in all, the Media is a hypocritical band of nerdy Mean Girl Boys. They will always have a place at the table, until people decide to not accept their nonsense. Get a load of these dweebs! Rupert Agonistes! Miss Brooks - I know a cohort of lusty males who would vie for this maiden's affections, or as Roofer/Philsopher Eddie Carrol might offer, " I'd take a hard run at her."

Friday, July 01, 2011

I was Born This Way and Worked on It - Christine Flowers Serves up the Progressives

I have been blessed to know some great people. Christine Flowers is a Philadelphia attorney and journalist who happens to be one tougher-than-calculus and gorgeous woman.

Today, in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Miss Flowers offers takes a a rhetorical cutlass to the thin-witted rapiers of Progressive meme-enschanz.

Christine M. Flowers: My right-wing views are part of my DNA

By Christine M. Flowers
Philadelphia Daily News
I'VE COME to believe that conservatism is genetic, not environmental.
After all, to take a page from the gay community, why would I choose a lifestyle that subjects me to criticism, discrimination and general vilification if I wasn't born that way?

Now, allow me to dislodge my tongue from cheek, and I'll explain how social conservatives have become the new Nazis for some people. In fact, we've been lumped together with the SS by disgruntled citizens from Wisconsin to New Jersey, most of whom pay union dues and seem to have a particular penchant for depicting their governors as Hitler.

(And don't get me started on Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann, either of whom can't make a slip of the tongue without the New York Times, MSNBC and the rest of the media lynch mob turning them into a cross between Aimee Semple McPherson and Leni Reifenstahl.)

Some like to say that a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged, but that's simply a way to denigrate those of us who believe in personal responsibility. Liberals tend to sympathize with the mugger, and have a hard time waking up to the fact that not every miscreant on the street is a Jean Valjean looking for bread to feed his starving family. Sometimes, if it walks like a thug, talks like a thug and looks like a thug, it is a thug - and no amount of social engineering will make the thug sympathetic.

Social conservatives, as opposed to their fiscal and foreign-policy neocon cousins, have had a particularly hard time of it.

While the mainstream media drums up grudging appreciation for a guy like Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who says we should abandon our fixation on social issues - and even had a (temporary) crush on Rudy Giuliani, who balanced his law-and-order creds with moderate views on abortion and gay marriage - anyone who is pro-life, anti-gay marriage, supports religion in the public square and thinks that the Equal Rights Amendment was a savvy scam is anathema to the Fourth Estate.

And when the media is agin' ye, thee has a problem, Pilgrim - because most of the Pulitzer-winning opinionators out there are unabashedly liberal, and seemingly incapable of believing that a rational being can ever be against abortion, same-sex unions, institutional atheism and anything else opposed by evolutionary amoebas like me.

So that's why I'm convinced social conservatism is a matter of DNA, not GOP, since anyone with a sense of self-preservation wouldn't willingly choose to live a life where you are considered a bigot, racist, misogynistic or, my very favorite, hopelessly stupid. Even those of us with advanced degrees, like Bachmann, a tax lawyer, are ridiculed as clueless simply because we don't sound like subscribers to Ms. magazine.

Our brothers and sisters in the gay community have made great inroads with the idea that they were born with their particular sexual orientation, something they neither acquired nor necessarily desired. They just "are," which helped reach the recent decision legalizing same-sex marriage in New York.

And while I used to struggle against that interpretation, given my strong belief that we are not slaves to biology, I have to admit that it makes life an awful lot easier if we can just say, "Hey, it's not my decision that I'm this way, so don't hate me for it!"

That's why I've decided that the next time someone writes a snarky comment after one of my op-eds calling me a mean-spirited "rhymes-with-witch," I'll try to convince them that believing in the sanctity of life from the moment of conception is as much a part of me as my attraction to men.

And the next time I get an email telling me I'm a coldhearted "rhymes-with-punt" because I don't think that the homeless should be able to use the sidewalk for a toilet, I'll argue that wanting to keep innocent citizens safe from unpredictably dangerous mental patients is as much a part of me as my Italian heritage.

And the next time I get a voice mail wondering why the Daily News employs a disgusting "rhymes-with-trucker" like me, I'll leave a return message explaining my belief that you can't give constitutional cover to same-sex marriage is as much a part of my inherited identity as my brown eyes and freckles.

I'm not sure it will work. But given the recent results in New York, I'm optimistic.

Christine M. Flowers is a lawyer.

There is nothing sexier than a smart woman!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Sarah Palin Is America," Michael Moriarty Calls It Correctly

Any people who agree that the killing of a child is choice, will also agree that two gentleman can procreate, that America can only win by losing, that up is down and round is square have been educated pretty badly.

When Washington sent Cornwallis and his redcoats out of the trenches at Yorktown, the Crown forces bandsmen played a song -"The World Turned Upside Down." The Monarchy was sent packing. The colonists fought to become Americans. The Americans fought the British again, as well as Napoleon's Navy and the Barbary Pirates to maintain a flawed but free democratic republic that eventually ironed out the slavery issues with the blood of Americans.

After two World Wars, a catastrophic economic and climate disaster in the 1930's, the America meant to be was built in the 1950's - a revolution in life style. That lifestyle brought ease and comfort to the Nation. Wars were no longer declared, but remained horrific. Korean and Vietnam war veterans returned to comments from neighbors and even family members, "Where have you been?" Bleeding.

"No matter, we have a new two-car garage, color TV, and free college tuition. Only dummies go in the Service."

Perhaps that ease gave us too much time to worry about ourselves. I know that I am about self-absorbed as one can get - well, maybe not always.

We allowed Roe v. Wade. To me that is akin to question asked of returning servicemen -"Where have you been? Out of sight; out of mind." Out of mind can mean madness.

Actor, musician, journalist and defender of the innocent unborn Michael Moriarty wrote a powerful endorsement of Sarah Palin in Big Hollywood. I agree with Mr. Moriarty.

Lincoln predicted that America would not be destroyed by a foreign power. If she dies, it will be by suicide.
Sarah is the only life raft America has right now. Any other candidate for the Republican Party, Romney in particular, will eventually be in the back room cutting deals with a virulently Progressive Democratic Party, a radically Leftist’s poison that has, with Obama, proven its own promise: “the fundamental transformation of the United States of America.”
After four years of Obama, the Dr. Jeckyll of America has already become Mr. Hyde. This radical experiment with a known Marxist in the Presidency?
Ms. Palin has said she will announce in the near future.
Should she even announce her withdrawal, I trust these words and those of others might help her to reconsider.
Sarah Palin is America.
America at her most beautiful, her most honest, her most simply eloquent and her most resilient.
Resilience is what America needs now.
Without Sarah Palin as President, America cannot bounce back.
Many might call a President Palin “bold medicine”.
With America on the edge of suicide, Sarah Palin is the “shock treatment” needed by the entirely moribund, self-defeated and suicidally depressed world.
The human race must either be pro-life or pro-death. Those “enlightened despots” who think otherwise and are certain we can “split hairs” into whole crops of Progressive New World Order Thinking?

Sarah Palin reminds me of the women that I admire. She is a happy person. She is happy because she is honest and unafraid. I always thought that Barack Obama was a pretty good politician, until he ran for President. He was elected to be sure. You can't take that from the man. Why he was elected will be the subject of history.

Well stated, Mr. Moriarty. I do not believe that Michael Moriarty is too much concerned about criticism. We still have the vote.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Now Crowd Sourcing: WaPo and NYT Request for 'Help' With Trash-Bin Journalism Make Weiner Look Like Harry Truman

I was laughing at Anthony Weiner months ago. Like Illinois embarrassment Congressman Jan 'Turkish Bath' Schakowsky, this goof kicks his way up to any microphone and howls non-sense.

To me, Schakowsky and Weiner are what Progressives are all about. I admire liberals, but have yet to encounter a Progressive who was ever anything but a dull, mean-spirited opportunist. Liberals like Don Rose and Jim Carville always do the heavy-lifting cleaning up the mess created by Progressives.

However, the corporate media gives Progressives their scripts - Hegelian/John Deweyesque memes for group think.

Today, I read about a story I heard at earlier in the week that the New York Times and Washington Post were recruiting 'volunteers' to read Sarah Palin's e-mails from before 2008. President Obama has no more Osama Bin Ladens to sic Navy Seal Teams on and his "I Shot the Shariff" bump in the polls is under water. Well, time to go after the woman again.

Sarah Palin gives Progressives the heeby-jeebies and really brings out their natures. Sarah Palin had the Audacity to bring a Downs Syndrome baby into the world and she manages to be a very happy person. That galls the Hell out of progressives, more than the news that Cop, or Fireman won the Illinois Lottery.

Weiner was a disaster waiting to happen - it did. However, this crowd sourcing by the lazy yet smug Media makes Anthony Weiner
look like Harry Truman.

Today at 9 a.m. Alaska Time (1 PM EST), the Alaska state government released some 24,199 e-mails between Sarah Palin, Todd Palin and Alaska public officials from Palin’s days as governor—the emails were on paper and in boxes, still needing to be scanned. Sites across the web, from the New York Times (NYSE: NYT) and the Washington Post (NYSE: WPO) to Mother Jones and MSNBC, swung into action. Details from the e-mails hit Twitter within minutes and the first batch was scanned within half an hour. Already, we’ve learned that the Palins wanted to install a tanning bed in the governor’s mansion in Juneau.

But there’s something else—beyond the salacious nuggets—that’s notable about the Palin e-mails.

UPDATE: We have had a strong response to our crowdsourcing call-out on the Palin e-mails. We've reconsidered our approach and now would like to invite comments and annotations from any interested readers.

Here’s how to participate:Over 24,000 e-mail messages to and from Sarah Palin during her tenure as Alaska's governor will be released Friday . We’ll be posting them here, and are inviting you to comment on the most interesting or most noteworthy sections. Please include page numbers and, where possible, a direct excerpt. We'll share your comments with our reporters and may use facts or related material you suggest to annotate the documents displayed on The Post site. We may contact you for further details, by way of your registered e-mail with the Post, unless you specify otherwise in the comments.

For micro-updates as tomorrow unfolds, check out our new Twitter feed .


Over 24,000 e-mail messages to and from former Alaska governor Sarah Palin during her tenure as Alaska's governor will be released Friday. That's a lot of e-mail for us to review so we're looking for some help from Fix readers to analyze, contextualize, and research those e-mails right alongside Post reporters over the days following the release.

We are limiting this to just 100 spots for people who will work collaboratively in small teams to surface the most important information from the e-mails. Participants can join from anywhere with a computer and an Internet connection.

If you need inspiration before getting started, take a look at what to expect from the e-mail drop. For micro-updates as tomorrow unfolds, check out our new Twitter feed.

Index of e-mails (in chronological order):

- Alaska Records Request

- Alaska Records Request

- December 4th, 2006 to February 20th, 2007

- February 20th, 2007 to March 9th, 2007

- March 9th, 2007 to March 30th, 2007

- April 27th, 2007 to May 4th, 2007

- May 4th, 2007 to May 14th, 2007

- May 14th, 2007 to June 1st, 2007

- June 1st, 2007 to June 13th, 2007

- June 13th, 2007, to June 19th, 2007

- June 19th, 2007 to July 3rd, 2007

- July 3rd, 2007 to July 17th, 2007

- July 17th, 2007 to July 30th, 2007

- July 30th, 2007 to August 9th,. 2007

- August 9th, 2007 to August 21st, 2007

- August 30th, 2007 to September 7th, 2007

Click here for the updating list of e-mail documents and stories.

Have you read the Palin emails? Share the interesting or noteworthy sections in the comments below, including the date of the e-mail and an excerpt.
By Ryan Kellett | 10:56 AM ET, 06/09/2011

Mom and Dad can be real proud there Ryan! Why not join a flash mob and beat up kids from Misericordia?

Well, the response form Americans is less than approving. Here's a few ( all unedited and as they appear).

Top Comments (158)All Comments (2536)
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Greg was noting that Post is seeking help in reading the emails. I'm not sure what they're paying.
6/10/2011 1:33:02 PM CDTRecommendRecommended by 1 readerReplyReport
1 more (expand)

It is pure sexism the way Palin is being attacked. I remember how Hillary was attacked, too. The idea of calling on readers to dig through her emails is outrageous. Why don't you do your own job? And why don't you dig through Obama's past in the same way? I guess you're afraid of powerful women.
6/10/2011 8:09:12 AM CDTRecommendRecommended by 53 readersReplyReport
29 more (expand)

Y'all liberals sure do go to a lot of trouble to try and smear someone you consistantly say is an idiot.
Why are y'all so afraid of Sarah Palin?
6/10/2011 5:32:12 AM CDTRecommendRecommended by 61 readersReplyReport
28 more (expand)

So we're going to spend our valuable time (in my case - $370/hr consulting fee) doing WAPO's job, for no monetary return? Why? I'm way left, have no patience with moron Palin, but I wonder why you think we'll all work for you for neither credit nor money.
6/10/2011 12:57:26 AM CDTRecommendRecommended by 22 readersReplyReport
21 more (expand)

Rake your own muck. Disgusting that you call on readers to join in your festivities.
6/9/2011 2:04:25 PM CDTRecommendRecommended by 238 readersReplyReport
74 more (expand)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Frat Boys at Yale, Hollywood Producers, TV Pilot Jockies, Clothing Industry Need to Meet Dad.

" I'm not a Yale Man, but I can Tell Time, Me Old Son. Midnight. Later is no option. Am I right, Son? Say, I'm right! That's a Good Boy! Have fun."

Dad is the guy, that I met on many occasions. He was the guy who allowed me to escort his daughter to the Beverly Theatre, Chuck Cavellini's Buffet in Midlothian, The Four Top with Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band at the Auditorium Theatre, various proms Longwood Academy of our Lady, Queen of Peace in Burbank, and my own at the Blackstone Hotel for Little Flower.

Dad was always politely appraising with eyes, and probing with nose to determine signs of sexual intent, or after odors of the great taste of Schlitz. " Be home by midnight or before, I gotta big tomorrow working the lock-up of Gresham - did Peggy tell you I was a cop?"

Once, I picked up a gorgeous Italian girl from River Forest, Illinois, with whom I shared a science lab bench at Loyola. Her dad was cleaning a Smith & Wesson of large caliber it appeared. " What's the Clancy Bothers? Why not catch a good show at the London House? Forget about it. Carla says you are from the south side. I got alotta cousins down there around 1755 W. 75th Place: phone number Stewart 3-1570, where Pat, Ginny, Kevin and sweet little Joanie live with you . . . and that great red bearded dog of your's Leroy. Have a great time, kids! See you soon." Now, that's a Dad what am a Dad!

I never had car trouble. Respect does not begin with Dad, but it should in the best of all possible worlds end with Dad, if decency, morality, common sense and fundamental honesty can not prevail. Respect begins with the human being who fundamently resembles your mother, sister, and aunts, but also signals a chemical and emotional reaction in males that filters sounds, words, images and impulses in an elemental and wonderful way. That is why sappy songs get sold.

Women are not at all like us thanks be to God. They are better. They are magnificent!

There have always been creeps and louses of my gender who abused and misused and frightened and threatened and deployed charm in order to have one's wicked way with a young lady.

Dad, my Dad, taught respect for women by displaying genuine affection for my mother with words, gestures, and by taking on the cooking, cleaning, diaper changing, laundry, as well as the plumbing, carpentry and furnace maintenance. Moreso, I caught the two of them 'making out' on any number of occasion, returning earlier than expected from my date.

I hate the sight of clothing ads that present young girls and boys as sexual predators, sexually ambiguous. I am no fan of TV sitcoms written by morons for imbeciles that make light of love. I am appalled by the news of the Yale Frat Boys: "No Means Yes, Yes Means Anal." that is the least objectionable chant by these privileged punks.

Sorry sweetheart, me and your Dad agree that Calvin needs a face-to-face with Dad. The ads are stupid and make perfect sense to stupid people.

Yale is getting close scrutiny by the Nanny Press and now the Nation of Cowards Justice Department. Yale is a great school that is the Alma Mater for several of my dearest friends - Vigorous and intelligent Dads themselves.

Boys are dogs, if they wish to be and the tolerant eyes of a society that bases all of its Hegalian assumptions upon " Who's to Say" as the 1st Commandment. The same society that valorizes Tupac as the new Andrew Marvell and places his idiotic utterances in the canon of literature at Yale, Brown, Harvard, Columbia and Princeton, because some loud mouth with an alphabet after his name plays the race card, is now huffing and puffing that Yale Men are sexists?

Many of those poor louts have been raised without Dads, or at best weekend Dads, I venture to say. Marriage is so . . .sexist and patriarchal and hard work.

I am blessed to live in a neighborhood that for a widower like me is a dating desert. Everyone is married and stays married - for better or worse, in sickness and in health, and until death do they part. The women are often tougher than the men, though they look like movie stars. They were Daddy's Girls and had brothers with hands like meat-hooks who started for Mt. Carmel, St. Rita, Leo and St. Lawrence. These women respected themselves and demanded the same from us knuckle-draggers. Several of those knuckle-draggers hold degrees from Yale, BTW. They sit next to their brides at Mass. At the kiss of Peace, after the Pater Noster, these men gently kiss the women who are their lives. These gentle men are Dads and not above giving a lout who speaks disrespectfully, much less lays hands on a daughter a thorough and pious tune-up.

Many of those poor Yale louts Tweet for Obama and about the MILF Sarah Palin in the most vile and unworthy ways possible. The same clown opera that is MSNBC and CNN and the networks is hand-wringing about the Yale boys, but calling Mrs. Palin and other women out of their political circles in the same manner as the Yale Men.

Louts are louts. Louts need clouts. Yet, the smarm merchants chant against violence. The Yale Men and Hollywood and the Music Industry and Calvin Klein and Snoop Yo'Dog Gangstah Sex Pimp and Abercrombie and Fitch need a good session with a Dad.

A gentle man similar in inclination to Carla's Pop . . .the huge knuckled second generation Italian-American with the comfortable home in River Forest, IL would be just the ticket.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

On Wisconsin -"Get Christie, Love!"

The Madison hullabaloo is not about 'collective bargaining.' It is a get out the vote, stir the base, and marshal the ground forces for the 2012 President Obama Presidency.

The key issue is destroy New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who is the biggest thing to hit that State since the Zeppelin. Governor Christie is the anti-Obama. He speaks plainly and allows deeds to follow his words. Christie is not a 'teaching moment' kind of guy, because he understands the frustrations of hard working people who know exactly what causes economic disaster - a pipe fitter's paycheck can not keep pace with subsidizing other peoples necessities. Taxes are the bubonic plague of our times. Taxes come from political opportunists seeking to broaden their constituencies by having their jobs, food, medicine, schooling, and behavior paid for by working people.

Chris Christie has succeeded where other elected officials have failed,from Barack Obama to Sarah Palin. Both President Obama and Sarah Palin are effective preachers to the choirs. Chris Christie is a mechanic.

In order to destroy the Christie work ethic, the choir masters of both parties need to discredit Governor Walker's work to fix Wisconsin's debt by addressing the role of public employee constituencies that form the base of the Democratic National Committee and the President's agenda - which is playing rope-a-dope ( i.e. Obama's budget) with Congress, while attempting to mirror democratic efforts in the Mid East.
Likewise, the GOP powers that be - the folks who love to blow their own toes off with gusto like John McCain -will allow Walker to 'dangle.'

Anyone who has read even a Classic Comics version of labor history knows that when the United Mine Workers under John L. Lewis eclipsed the American Federation of Labor's power by dint of numbers of members and the dues that came along Big Labor has been more than a player in American life, it was the obstetrician who gave birth to the American middle class and the American Standard of Living. The ALF-CIO was born in 1886 when the Knights of Labor organized the skilled workers of America - skilled tradesmen: meat cutters, carpenters, electricians, engineers, drovers, and teamsters, glaziers and boilermakers. The Congress of Industrial Organization organized the factory, mine and mill workers - often considered unskilled labor.

Both labor forces were pitted against -not their neighbors, but the owners of American Capital - Carnegie, Rockefeller, DuPont, Vanderbilt and Armour. Private capital was forced to bargain -collectively- with labor.

Public salaried and tax-fueled unions came into being in the 1970's. The SEIU was born in 1973,out of the old Chicago Janitor's Union Local 25, when Toronto-based Trotskyite and former aide to George Meaney,Eugene Moats forced out President Tom Ryan and raided the local. Moats called the janitors, not Brothers and Sisters, but Comrades. Soon the union was run, not by union men and women, but by University of Pennsylvania sociologists - Andy Stern and his acolytes. Public labor grew and so did the debt of governments along with the power of numbers and dues -like John L. Lewis. Andy Stern is no John L. Lewis -Lewis was a coal miner and threw the communists out of the CIO. Andy Stern is the polar opposite. Soon government employees clerks, secretaries & etc. were organized and they got their pay from their neighbors - carpenters, auto-workers, machinists & etc.
Taxes fuel debt and the political power of Stern's Unions. The Democratic National Party and at the State levels made alliances with Tax-salaried unions. Interestingly, Moats was ousted for corruption -or charges of corruption.* The media played a big role and agreed to identify Labor universally as SEIU -or Big Labor. The skilled trades went along with that - some power was still some power. (NPR is going after Walker and the critics of Planned Parenthood as well -click my post title)

Andy Stern's PAC Power is not about the American Standard of Living won by the blood and bruises of Real Labor - it is a web that uses Palestinian/Israel misery/Gay Marriage/Green Eco-Nonsense/Race/Gender/ and anything else that wants to be co-opted in the web of power.

Chris Christie succeeded in putting the brakes on this run-away train of propaganda and power.

Wisconsin, Governor Walker, and the circus in Madison are all about 'Get Christie, Loves.'

I admire and respect real, genuine and honest American Labor - private sector, skilled, industrial workers made the American Middle Class. Andy Stern's SEIU model PACS are killing the middle class and American Labor, in my opinion.

FDR realized this and warned against public unions, but seems lost on the power players. John L. Lewis had nothing to do with Marxists, but times change and people ignore history - with the help of Bill Moyers and others.

The cat-calls in Wisconsin are familiar, but Madison is not Henry Ford's Flint, Michigan, or Republic Steel's slaughter of union families in Chicago, 1937 - the cat-calls are against genuine union people and their families, as well as Walker and especially Chris Christie.


Service Employees International Union. Eugene P. Moats was ousted from his position as President of the Service Employees International Union Local 25 in August 1996. Moats was charged by the International Union with misappropriation of funds and nepotism. It was alleged that Moats raised his salary without the permission of the Local Board. In addition, he was charged with converting union funds for personal use and bypassing more qualified candidates for well-paying union positions in favor of his family members. Secretary-Treasurer Richard Malkowski and 35 other Local officers were also suspended with pay. The 13,500 member Local, representing janitors and maintenance workers, many of whom are Eastern European immigrants and female, is one of the biggest Locals in Illinois.
Guess Who that might have been the gent bringing charges against Moats?

Janitors Union Chief Under Fire
March 01, 1996|By Stephen Franklin, Tribune Staff Writer.
Zdzislaw Lagodzinski was one of the angriest of the angry Thursday. The dark-haired, broad-shouldered 70-year-old janitor didn't just want the head of union boss Eugene Moats; he wanted his whole body.

"If this were Eastern Europe, we would walk in, put him in a wheelbarrow and take him out of his office," he grumbled in Polish as his co-workers eagerly nodded in agreement.

Lagodzinski makes $5.45 an hour cleaning suburban office buildings. Moats, who is a year older and is president of Service Employees International Union Local 25, makes $250,000 from two union jobs.On Thursday, Moats, one of the state's most influential union leaders had security guards and lawyers to protect him from any form of harm at a hearing on his future.

His reputation among many of the 16,000 Chicago-area janitors in the local already is tarnished, and his 22-year reign as its leader is at stake. Dissident members see him as a symbol of union extravagance and indifference. They say he has padded his payroll with family members and let the local to fall deeply in debt to its parent union. They put the figure at over $600,000. Moats says it is lower.

Thursday's session was to have been the second convened in recent weeks by the international union on internal charges filed by Moats' opponents. When it was abruptly canceled over legal questions raised by Moats without a new date being set, the anger among onlookers stayed at a boiling point.

Some janitors jeered and shouted and tailed Moats as he left yelling, "We are poor people. What are you doing to us?" Moats' supporters growled back, telling the others they are being deceived.

Feelings are strong, the janitors said, because the local has imposed a special dues collection effort to help pay off its debt. "Why take the money from me, those people have it all," said one middle-aged women, referring to Moats and other union leaders.

The squabble is ironic in that the SEIU likes to portray itself as a new, progressive voice for woman and minorities and low-wage workers.

Nearly two-thirds of Local 25 members are from Eastern Europe, mainly Poland. The rest are largely Latino or African-American. Most of its members are women.

The son of a Chicago janitor, Moats was a former aide to AFL-CIO leader George Meany when he was named a union trustee of Local 25 in 1973.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Aborting a Child is the Essence of Domestic Violence, Wendy Pollack, Abortion is Killing a Child, HBO Not-Withstanding

Bill Maher's writer for his HBO Yawn - Real Time, like his boss needs to have his teeth loosened. This should have been performed years ago by their elders and betters, but . . .no time like the present. In attacking Sarah Palin, the Progressive Pussy ( short script for Pusillanimous) - Letterman, Maher, Moore, Olbermann, Matthews and this Mick half-wit, Chris Kelly, abuse a kid - Bristol Palin.

Here is what the Progressive mind finds amusing -

Bristol's mother, Aimee Semple McFacebook, had thrown her support behind Murkowski's opponent, and cited his position on abortion- - really, really against it -- as the reason.

So, here's Alaska's position as of today: Unwed, pregnant teenagers getting abortions? Bad. Unwed pregnant teenagers doing the Cha-cha-cha? Good.

Got it.

The Republicans do have a jobs plan. And it's all babysitters.

But here's the part where I get confused. The pressure group behind Alaska's new parental notification law said it was a good idea because . . .
Side splitting, Jagoff.

Then, to bring it down a just a bit this JO ( onanist) Kelly offers a Planned Parenthood sober reminder - (aside : how did this asshole grow without a daily ass kicking?)

34 states have laws that require parental consent or notice before abortion, and these laws have led to fewer abortions, lower rates of teen pregnancy and more responsible behavior among teenagers.

Huffington Post, for which Kelly scribbles his Abortion hackery, is full court press for Planned Parenthood which owns Illinois Democrats.

Wendy Pollack who writes for Huffington Post as well as lobbies for The Shriver Center - a Planned Parenthood, ACORN, ACLU and SEIU money laundering operation - writes that Teen Pregnancy and Domestic Violence are bad. Only Abortion can Help.

Remember, 34 states have laws that require parental consent or notice before abortion, and these laws have led to fewer abortions, lower rates of teen pregnancy and more responsible behavior among teenagers.

Illinois is one of them and Bill Maher's Chris Kelly is on the case trashing Bristol Palin!

Now, here is Wendy!

Moving forward, the Shriver Center is working with advocates in Illinois and other states to gain traction for this issue. At the federal level, funding has been designated for state programs to support pregnant and parenting students and young women; Illinois is one of several states that applied for this funding and is awaiting a decision from the newly established Office of Adolescent Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Also at the federal level, Representative Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced the Pregnant and Parenting Students Access to Education Act which reflects much of the goals and the language of the original Ensuring Success in School bill as it relates to expectant and parenting youth. In Illinois, the Shriver Center is working with other advocates on next steps for the task force's recommendations and to create a curriculum to train school personnel on how to recognize and respond appropriately to students who are survivors of domestic or sexual violence and students who are parents or expectant parents. With these and other initiatives, these students who are at risk of poor school performance and/or dropping out have a better chance at being able to stay in school, stay safe while in school, and successfully complete their education.

The teenager who aborts her child will not get slapped around by the boy who knocked her up! WIN WIN WENDY! Task force my broad manly ass, Wendy - these are some worms.

Wendy's eyes must be brown!

No Wendy. Abortion is violence. There are no laugh tracts or Bill Maheresque Bass Thumps. Only that Hump finds Bass Thumps riveting.

Wendy Pollack and the Illinois Legislators who backed this legislation and any legislation that leads to a child's death is a violence enabler.

MSNBC Chris Matthews - Finished - "Let Me Finish - They are like Swedes!"

Welcome to Hardball*

Is he supposed to have anti-aircraft guns? How‘s a mayor of New York stop the incoming airplanes that hit the World Trade Center? This is “Beau Geste” all over again, fortresses out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by Arabs who don‘t want you there. Anyway, thank you Paul Rieckhoff for joining us, and giving us this insight. We‘re going to come right back with the “Politico‘s” Roger Simon, one of the best columnists around. We‘ll talk about the debate coming up, also the Democrats and their big fight now with the president over the war funding issue, which is coming to a head tonight, as the president has vetoed the bill. It‘s all happening tonight, the big fight between the Democrats and the president over Iraq. We‘ll be right back.

Let me Finish - Is Dick Cheeeney - that's how it's prounnced by Me - Cheeeney - everyone else says CHAIN- Knee - is he a troll ready to bite someone's ankle under the bridge? I think so!

Crispus Attucks was gotten off by John Adams, a real community activist and never once did any one check his card.

Sarah Palin is a nut! She kills me. Don't you think so? Tip O'Neill hired me. I can say the Suscipiat. Tea Party. . . that's not the Boston I know!

These people are wearing guns and demanding Birth Certificates! What's with that?Let me ask you, what does the President need to know that he doesn't know now before he decides on whether to give General McChrystal his requested 40,000 more troops?
If he is born in the USA and 70% of the REPUBLICANS say he is from Witchita, Kenya what does that say?

There is mood in this country that will lynch this President and I don';t me Jane Lynch on Glee either, but CHEEENEY -that's how it's pronounced by the way - was at the TEA Party with Glenn Beck saying that Martin Luther King is all for the Birthers!

Let me finish!

LET Me Finish . . .I'M almost Done! With me, is Joan Walsh of of of . . . Salon . . .that's a place. Maybe. the 1st black President was born there in SALON with Dick CHEEENEY, under a bridge, he's like a troll.

Remember, Boys and girls, if you are healthy and robust be just that and if you play at being really,really, really sick for long enough, you can get really, really sick.

The world we live is no laughing matter; however, MSNBC is an entirely different story.

*Treatment of Munchausen syndrome is often difficult, and there are no standard therapies for the condition. Because people with Munchausen want to be in the sick role, they're often unwilling to seek treatment. However, if approached in a gentle, face-saving way, a person with Munchausen syndrome may agree to be treated by a mental health provider.

Although there are no standard treatments for Munchausen syndrome, treatment often focuses on managing the condition, rather than trying to cure it. Treatment generally includes psychotherapy and behavior counseling. If possible, family therapy also may be suggested.

Medications may be used to treat other mental disorders that are also present, such as depression or anxiety. In severe cases, temporary psychiatric hospitalization may be necessary.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Progressives - Piety? Not Feeling it. Ross Douthat Explains

To too many Catholics, piety went out of fashion with Vatican II and the Lay Pontificate took off - fat ugly nuns in polyester Orwellian duds beating tom-tom drums, or doing the Isadora Duncan through the pews in a whirling Liturgical dance & etc!

Piety is rooted in human understanding of a greater good - God. The etymology of piety can be traced through Latin and Greek to the Indo-Aryan languages of Persia and India.

In America, the neo-Romantic grifters Emerson, Thoreau, the Brooke Farm crowd later Jane Addams and the Baby Reds of John Dewey's Age, stomped all over Piety.

Sinclair Lewis laughed at piety in Main Street, Babbitt, and Elmer Gantry.

The Secular Hegalians looted popular culture of piety - well almost.

I can not watch Glenn Beck, but I admire the work he is doing. He gets first rate thinkers like Peter Hitchens, Jonah Goldberg and others to form a context for his feelings. He's a Mormon and seems to be pious man.

As with Beck, I admire Sarah Palin. She is happy in her own skin and as tough as a cob. She strikes me as a genuinely pious woman.

I admire piety. I do not admire smarm or snotty Cliffs Notes Readers who tuck the New York Times under their armpits and slowly shake their heads in sad, sad disbelief that people could ever have voted for George Bush or not believe that Abortion is great.

Here is a snotty example - Ross Douthat of the New York Times damning Beck and Americans with very faint praise.

There was piety — endless piety, as speaker after speaker demanded that Americans rededicate themselves to God. There was patriotism: fund- raising for children of slain Special Forces vets, paeans to military heroism (delivered by Sarah Palin, among others), encomiums to the founding fathers. There was an awards ceremony on the theme of “Faith, Hope and Charity,” in which community-service prizes were handed out to a black minister, a Mormon businessman and the St. Louis Cardinals’ Albert Pujols. And since this was (as you may have heard) the anniversary of the “I Have a Dream” speech, there was a long tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. . . . Now more than ever, Americans love leaders who seem to validate their way of life. This spirit of self-affirmation was at work in evangelicals’ enduring support for Bush, in the enthusiasm for the Dean campaign among the young, secular and tech-savvy, and now in the devotion that Palin inspires among socially conservative women. The Obama campaign raised it to an art form, convincing voters that by merely supporting his candidacy, they were proving themselves cosmopolitan and young-at-heart, multicultural and hip.
( Emphasis my own)

"Americans love leaders who seem to validate their way of life." validate? Like a parking chit? Stop into a Veterans Hospital or a VFW and ask one of these heroes to validate your way of life. Progressives can not admire any virtue - by nature Virtue is manly.

It is time that Americans laughed at these pompous twerps and got themselves pious once again.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Governor Pat Quinn Can Win - Perhaps Bill Brady is Billy Conn; Pat Quinn Should Shed Progressive Goofs for a Joe Louis Punch!

Will Bill Brady or Pat Quinn use this quote from Billy Conn? -
-- "What's the use of being Irish if you can't be dumb?"

Read more:

I believe that Governor Pat Quinn can win in November. He is in the political fight of his life with Bill Brady and also with himself.
Here's the numbers now -

Pat Quinn* (D-inc): 30 (30)
Bill Brady (R): 39 (34)
Rich Whitney (G): 11 (9)
Undecided: 20 (27)

Pat Quinn is a bridge builder and has made a career of amassing support from regular Democrats, who are fiscal and social conservatives and the most numerous demographic in Illinois, but he has also played into the Progressive Cash Cows that require a Catholic politician to jettison his core beliefs for a few nickels.

SEIU, Sierra Club, Planned Parenthood, and Progressive coalitions that co-opt the LBBTQ voters, the radical University Policy think-tanks and Centers, the Socialists and the Communists own too many Democrats. This network has more money than the Vatican. It has wild influence with the Media and with transient,unmarried and very loud crowd. Taxpayers are Regular Democrats, Republicans and some Independents. The Greens are out there . . .way out there.

Pat Quinn's muscle and sinew could and should be the not Purple T-shirt crowd of public trough suckers, the real genuine Middle Class of Illinois - farmers, small-business people, cops, firefighters, skilled tradesmen and genuine property owners.

Last week, I wrote here,

Governor Pat Quinn should model his campaign after the will of the voters of Dan Lipinski's 2rd Congressional District, rather than to continue his unrequited love affair with Progressives. Pat Quinn already has Progressive knives in his ribs - just read Capitol Fax Blog and SEIU's Progress Illinois.

Stay with the folks, Governor. Retired Illinois Represenattive Kevin Joyce enjoyed
wild support, as does Senator Ed Maloney. These guys listened to people who vote and not Pie Chart Pirates like Ralph Martire or Policy Punks from every agenda.

Queer Centric Congressman Mike Quigley** can get away with that due to the fact that most of Illinois's homosexual community resides in his District and LGBTQ Activistas are thick in the Progressive Machine -not so Braidwood, Utica, Mendota, Cobden, or Macomb.

Progressives get good, smarmy and downright unctuous press, but that has a very short realistic shelf life. Ask Barack Obama. Turn to the helots, whom the Progressives always depend upon and then turn on. Skip the middle man. Send the Progressives to the Kiddie Table from whence they came - make sure that the megaphones are without batteries - Hey, it's a tough economy!

Tell the Progressives " Hey, thanks! Can get you a drink? Six Pack to Go?"

Do it before Labor Day, because Pat Quinn needs to start hitting the heavy bags.

Bill Brady scares the bejabbers out the Progressive Network, in much the same way that Sarah Palin does, because Brady is true to his core beliefs and instincts. I do not see Brady to be anywhere near as skilled a politician as Pat Quinn, but he is an honest and forthright man.

This could be the Billy Conn Joe Louis bout with Bill Brady as the Irish Tough Guy and Pat Quinn as the Brown Bomber, only if Pat Quinn gets wise to himself and his core beliefs.

If he really and truly believes that abortion is great, homosexual marriage a right and necessity, and tax-bleeding what government is all about as Ralph Martire, Quentin Young, and Planned Parenthood have always told him, he will go down without throwing a punch.

Raleigh, N.C. – As one of the ten least popular of the 27 governors PPP has polled this
year, Pat Quinn was already on shaky ground, down 34-30 to Bill Brady among
registered voters in June. But among likely voters, Quinn remains at 30% to Brady’s
39%, with Green Party candidate Rich Whitney also slightly increasing his share of the
vote, from 9% to 11%, with 20% still undecided.
Quinn is partly hurt by the presence of Whitney, who gets 10% of Democrats, helping to
hold Quinn at only 60% of his own party’s support, to Brady’s 80% of the GOP. But
Quinn’s job performance does him no favors with his own party. As in the Senate race,
Democrats are not moved by their nominee, with 24% of them undecided, to only 10% of
Republicans unsure of their vote. Whitney also gets more, 19%, of independents than
does Quinn at 15%. Brady has more unaffiliated support, at 40%, than Quinn and
Whitney combined.
Only 40% of Quinn’s party members approve of his job performance, but 81% of
Republicans and 60% of independents disapprove, giving him a dismal 23-53 overall
mark. Brady breaks even with independents, but is slightly more liked by Republicans
than disliked by Democrats, for an overall 25-30 favorability, down from 22-22 in June.
Both Quinn and Brady are more disliked by members of their own party than they are
liked by the opposite party.
“For all the talk of anti-Washington sentiment, governors are in many places the least
popular figures in the country, and Pat Quinn is no exception in Illinois,” said Dean
Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “But he still has more room to improve than
does Brady, who already has his party and independents locked up. As with Alexi
Giannoulias in the Senate race, if Quinn can get his base off the fence to support him and
then turn them out, he can eke out a victory in this blue state.”
PPP surveyed 576 likely Illinois voters from August 14th to 15th. The survey’s margin of
error is +/-4.1%. Other factors, such as refusal to be interviewed and weighting, may
introduce additional error that is more difficult to quantify.
If you would like an interview regarding this release, please contact Dean Debnam at
(888) 621-6988 or 919-880-4888.

In May of 1941 Billy Conn vacated the light heavyweight championship to fight Joe Louis for the heavyweight championship of the world.

Joe Louis wanted a June fight, and since Billy Conn looked to be the only possible opponent, the fight was scheduled for June 18, 1941.

Billy Conn fought Joe Louis in front of a crowd of 54,487 fans at the Polo Grounds in New York City in a fight that turned out to be one of the greatest heavyweight boxing fights of all time. The fight was Joe Louis’ eighteenth title defense and proved to be one of the toughest of his career. And for Conn, he was outweighed by more than 25 pounds and at a further disadvantage in height and reach.

This fight was one of the highest profiled sporting event of the era.. The same night this fight was taking place at The Polo Grounds, home of the baseball New York Giants; The Pittsburg Pirates were playing The Giants at Forbes Field in Pittsburg. When the fight started officials in Pittsburg stopped the baseball game for the fight to be broadcast over the public address system; when the fight was over the ball game resumed.

In his autobiography Joe Louis said, “I made a mistake going into that fight. I knew Conn was kinda small and I didn’t want them to say in the papers that I beat up on some little guy so the day before the fight I did a little roadwork to break a sweat and drank as little water as possible so I could weigh in under 200 pounds. Chappie was as mad as hell. But Conn was a clever fighter, he was like a mosquito, he’d sting and move.” Louis clearly under-estimated the great light heavyweight. Boxing historian Bert Sugar wrote of the fight, Conn carried into the ring, “His consummate boxing skill, his flashy left hand the center piece, (that) made him a lineal descendant of Gentleman Jim Corbett, the first of the great scientific boxers” also with a great defense, “Conn could block punches with his arms, elbows and gloves, and further nullify his opponents punches by ‘rolling’ with them” also having “Remarkable recuperative powers, having been knocked down only twice in his career and haven gotten up both times.”

For the better part of thirteen rounds, the beautiful jabbing, feinting, and maneuvering of Conn gave him the advantage in the fight. Louis did have his moments when he stunned Conn with a left hook in the 5th, cutting his eye and nose. By the 8th round dehydration set in on Louis and he began to tire badly. By the 12th round Louis was completely exhausted with Conn ahead on two of three boxing scorecards.

Then Billy got cocky and overconfident at the part of the fight when he knew he was winning on points. Conn decided to trade punches with the heavy hitting Louis, as the two were slugging it out Louis landed a powerful left hook to the jaw of Conn. He followed that up with an even harder right as Conn was almost ready to collapse. Billy had little left but courage as Louis battered his body with lefts and rights until the crushing right landed with only two seconds on the clock to end the thirteenth round. A finishing right from Louis’ TNT fist brought an abrupt end to the dazzling show. Overconfidence caused Billy Conn’s downfall in the fight.

Even losing the fight by a thirteenth round knockout Billy Conn came close to defeating The Brown Bomber.

The fight went down in the history of boxing as one of the ten greatest heavyweight fights of all time.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Reply to DNC Chair Tim Kaine - Regular Democrat to DNC Variety

I used to send money to the Democratic National Committee until John Kerry wind-surfed into Boston Harbor and blew kisses to the hags and skanks in Pink "I Had an Abortion" T-Shirts.

Since then, my money goes only to Regular Democrats of the 19th Ward - The fierce and fiery Committeeman Matt O'Shea and Abortion Foe Rep. Kevin Joyce - who damanded that his relacement be eqally anti-Abortion.. I worked for John McCain, I am sad to say, as that Warrior quit the campaign when the economy tanked ( September 19, 2008) and then tried to blame Sarah Palin. I was proud to vote for Sarah Palin, because I was disgusted by John McCain's unwillingness to close the deal.

I keep getting notes from Howard The Duck Dean and Governor Tim Kaine - DNC Bundlers and moral bunglers. Case in point - When did we ever play on a first-name basis, Girls? Also, No one ever good-newsed me by calling me Patrick, Timmy.


1973 Patrick, Greetings! report to the Federal Building at 1800 W. 39th Street for your physical!

1998, Patrick, please send a check in the amount of $ 500 made out to IRS . . .
Here's Timmy Kaine gettimg all intimate with me . . .

Quoting Tim Kaine :

The Democratic Party-----------------------
Patrick --

When President Obama promised to bring change to Washington, we made
a choice. We decided to build a new Democratic Party that, more than
ever, was focused on organizing and guided by the support of
millions of Americans from across the country.

We actively chose to take on the special interests and understood
that there would be consequences for that decision -- now, we're
seeing that bear out.

Reporters are filing stories about how financial reform is driving
Wall Street to cut big checks to the GOP.

I guess the President's plan to rein in the big banks struck a nerve.

Republicans are celebrating that fact -- even bragging about it on
Twitter. Conservative 527s are pledging to commit $200 million to
the 2010 election. With the corporate cash flowing in, they think
they have a real edge in the fall. But we have something the
Republicans don't -- supporters like you.

We need your help to offset the corporate cash. Can you please chip
in $5 or more today?

We made a choice when we decided to change Washington; now you have
a choice to make with this election. You can watch the Republicans
as they raise every special-interest dollar they can find, or you
can match the level of commitment shown by the conservatives.

The consequences of this election are huge, and the Republicans
understand that. They've begun convening weekly meetings with GOP
lawmakers and top conservative lobbyists. They're pledging to raise
hundreds of millions to win back Congress. And Wall Street, big oil,
and the insurance companies are ready to do what it takes to help
them win.

We knew this was coming -- it was the risk we took when we decided
to deliver change.

But the fight is far from over. It doesn't matter how many lobbyists
support the GOP -- the Democratic Party has chosen to go a different
direction. The 2010 election is an opportunity to prove that point.
If you stand with us, we'll show the GOP that there are consequences
for their decisions, too.

Can you donate $5 or more to help us remake Washington?


Governor Tim Kaine

July, 27, 2010


What do you mean We? There's no We in the DNC, Timmy! You can go have carnal relations with yourselves! Ouis! You clowns lost me years ago! I still vote Regular Democrat for anti-Abortion Patriots, but you smarmy gobshites have done nothing but kill Labor and the American Middle Class as well as countless children.

Call me and my neighbors when the National Democrat Party wakes up and sends all the half-wits and murdering hags back to the Kiddie Tables.


Pat Hickey
107^& S. Rockwell
Chicago, IL 60655
19th Ward Democrat

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Night Noise - The Golden Rule - Play This Quite Loud!

Some week. Reach out touch someone!

Never once, not even in private — not even as the entire corrupted media was savaging Sarah Palin’s family and reporting on the status of a private citizen’s plumber’s license — not even as the whole of the MSM was spreading lies told by the Congressional Black Caucus about the Tea Party hurling racial slurs — not even after reading what we already knew to be true on JournoList — and not even now as we watch all the hypocritical sanctimony surrounding Shirley Sherrod drip from the same MSM lips that refused to broadcast videos proving the Tea Party had been defamed by members of Congress — never once have I heard a fellow Vast Right-Wing Conspirator even hint at the idea of silencing, quieting, or shutting down the other side.
John Nolte

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Like Tea and Tea Parties . . . for Other Folks

I watch eight seconds of MSNBC celebrated nit-wit loudmouth Chris 'Milky' Matthews and his guests Salon's Joan 'Weepy' Walsh and Mother Jones' David 'Crum Character' Corn doing a stomp on the usual targets Tea Party People and Sarah Palin.

MSNBC is in full panic - The Ship of Fools is going down faster than a Dago battleship.

Pop-eyed, mouth-like-a-fire-bucket Matthews was sputtering on and on about racists, Jim Crow, and signs that don't exist. He then went after Nikki Haley, a gorgeous Indian American running South Carolina with the mope that she defeated-

How do you figure your state out? It's pretty conservative obviously. It's Strom Thurmond country in many ways and, and it has people like DeMint pretty far over and then people like Lindsey Graham who are sort of regular conservatives. But then you nominated, your party has nominated an Indian-American woman, Nikki Haley. Obviously an attractive candidate, she knows how to present herself obviously, but what's that about? Is that just an interesting little aspect? "It's okay to be Indian-American but we got a problem with this black president?" What's that about?
Yeah, Milky, everyone has a problem with this President - he is in way over his head and is surrounded and advised by dummies. The only people calling Barack Obama a BLACK President are the morons of MSNBC and CNN - two tanking cables.

What a moron!

I witnessed several Tea Party demonstrations in Chicago's Loop and they were about as threatening as Disney on Ice.

I am and remain a 19th Ward Democrat - Anti-Abortion, No Gay Marriage -civil unions you bettcha, Seal the border and then talk about Amnesty, reduce taxes.

Can not do the Tea Party. I like them and admire them, but I am pretty buttoned down and square and have been wearing the same fashion template since 1965 - Oxford cloth shirts, short hair-cut Princeton not buzz-cut, wools and cottons.

The Tea Party calls to mind too much Colonial America get-up. I don't do pony-tails, or wigs. Tri-cornered hats? Not a chance.

However, there is no racism. No race hate. Three of my black neighbors in Morgan Park are Tea Partiers and wear the ColonialDon't Tread on Me, Chump! regalia

MSNBC needs to run old movies. Chris Matthews needs a tail to chase to keep him busy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Steve Rhodes - The Only Liberal Who Calls Out the Universal Hypocrisies on Sarah Palin

I am as proud of Steve Rhodes as any man can be and I am as sexist as I am allowed to be.

Steve Rhodes publishes, contributes to and edits what I believe to be the finest Chicago clearinghouse on news, sports, culture, poetry and common sense on the Information Superhighway invented by Al Gore, who also invented Global Warming - The Beachwood Reporter.
Steve Rhodes is a journalist in city where most columnists come off as suck-ups and snitches in a classroom dedicated to suck-ups and snitches.

Steve Rhodes and I share a love of the written word and a reverence for - at least a nod to truth and common sense.

Today, as he does most days, Steve Rhodes holds the Diogenian Lamp over the suck-ups and snitches in the classroom over the treatment of the Thrilla from Wasilla - former Alaska Governor and GOP V.P. candidate Sarah Palin.

I like Sarah Palin. On my basest level ( one to which I cling in spite of my better angels), I think that she is very easy on the eyes. I am a sexist - devout, drooling, but not without shame. I love women almost as much as Rachel Maddow and much more than Sir Elton John. Gee let's see which person would I enjoy hanging around with . . . weepy Joan Walsh? . . . Rep. Rosa DeLauro? . . .( both of whom would sicken a billy goat raised on barbed wire and broken beer bottles) or Sarah Palin?


I also like Sarah Palin as a person - she seems like a fine mother and seems very happy. Happiness really upsets American Progressives - unless of course they happen to be burning witches at the stake or engaging in universal self-loathing.

Voila! Rhodes on Truth!

The Palin Exception
By Steve Rhodes
One thing I learned this week - well, I re-learned, I've faced it before - is that sexist coverage of female politicians is an awful thing unless the pol is Sarah Palin. Then it's perfectly acceptable to at least a certain number of progressive feminists in and out of the media.

Why? Because if you despise someone's politics, they apparently no longer can be defended on any other grounds. Apparently it was always about politics, not principle.

So when I posted Reporting Palin, I shouldn't have been surprised by the depressing responses I got from some quarters.

As I've written before, the whole of America seems to need a civics lesson in how to carry on political discourse, decipher the media, and learn to think for themselves like the actual, independent citizens that democracy calls for.

And much of the media still needs lessons in how to do their jobs.

Here is the simple proposition I was operating under:

"Sexist coverage of Sarah Palin is every bit as despicable as sexist coverage of Hillary Clinton, which is every bit as despicable as sexist coverage of Laura Bush, which is every bit as despicable as sexist coverage of Michelle Obama, which is every bit as despicable as sexist coverage of Kay Bailey Hutchison, which is every bit as despicable as sexist coverage of Nancy Pelosi."

How silly of me. Haven't I learned by now of the Palin Exception?

Her politics are so despised - in part justified in my view, but also in part based on a lot of debunked nonsense akin to Al Gore's never-made claim to have invented the Internet - that certain principles go out the window.

But she has a right to her politics. She also has a right to covered fairly - even if she, like many other politicians, including our president, doesn't always play fair. Make that part of the reporting, but don't demean her because of her gender.

Just to reiterate, here is just a slice of the record.

1. "From Ferraro to Palin: Sexism in Media Coverage of Vice Presidential Candidates." By Caroline Heldman, Occidental College.

"We find persistent gender differences in mention of dress/appearance, mention of candidate family, gendered policy coverage, and negative tone that disadvantage female candidates. Additionally, female candidates are four times more likely to receive sexist media coverage, and the intensity and volume of sexist coverage increased dramatically from Ferraro's run in 1984 to Palin's run in 2008. We also compared Palin's coverage in Old Media (print) and New Media (blogs) and found that sexist coverage and negative coverage are more pronounced in this new medium."

2. "Like Hillary, Sarah Faces Media Sexism." By Marie Cocco.

"[T]he media will continue to subject Palin to the unapologetic sexism that has been directed at her since the very first hours after John McCain announced that she was his pick to be the Republican vice presidential nominee - and which continued to animate coverage of her, right up through a lengthy political profile in the current issue of Vanity Fair.

"Almost as certain, my colleagues will seek to defend the indefensible as something Palin brought upon herself - by being too ignorant, too unpredictable, too touchy, too hypocritical, too loose with facts, too inept at governing, too flirty, even too obviously fertile. Yes, this is one of the assertions made in the Vanity Fair profile . . .

"Almost as soon as she'd finished her breakthrough speech at the Republican National Convention, one columnist for the liberal online magazine Salon called Palin a 'dominatrix' and a 'pinup queen,' referred to her 'babaliciousness' - and described her convention address as having been charged with enough sexual energy to give the partisan crowd a 'collective woody.' Another Salon columnist described Palin as a 'Christian Stepford wife in a sexy librarian costume" who was, for the most ideological Republicans, a 'hard-core pornographic centerfold spread.'

"Palin early on was called 'Stepford Barbie' and 'Caribou Barbie' - terms used even by highbrow commentators, who find it acceptable to liken Palin to the impossibly proportioned fashion doll. The Barbie epithet marked Palin as an object of sexualized fashion fascination well before it came to light that the vice presidential nominee had used Republican Party funds to buy an expensive campaign wardrobe."

3. "Media analyst sees racism, sexism in election coverage." By Holly Jackson.

"Audible gasps filled Ellis Auditorium at MU on Tuesday night, as Pozner played a clip featuring CNBC talk show host Donny Deutsch saying Palin was a woman he wanted to lie next to in bed and Clinton should have put on a skirt."

4. "Geraldine Ferraro Accuses Media Over 'Sexist' Scrutiny of Sarah Palin." By Tom Baldwin.

"Ms Ferraro remains angry at the 'sexist treatment' of Mrs Clinton by the media. 'In New Hampshire, someone put up a sign saying Iron My Shirt. Nobody spoke out. Imagine if Hillary's supporters had said [to Obama] Shine my shoes. Everybody would quite rightly have been jumping on it. Women in politics should not be treated better than men, just fairly.'"

5. "Estrich On Sexist Attacks On Palin." By Jim Lindgren.

"Susan Estrich, former Dukakis campaign manager, just said on Fox that she was appalled by the attacks on Palin [and called them] 'really unfair' and 'really sexist.'"

6. "Juan Williams: 'Centerfold' Palin Successful Because She's Attractive." By Lachlan Markey.

"Fox News contributor Juan Williams, also a reporter for NPR and the Washington Post, was at a complete loss when Sean Hannity told him last night that he would rather Palin be president than Barack Obama. 'Your libido is getting in the way of your thinking,' Williams told Hannity . . . 'I think she is a superstar centerfold for conservative men.'"

7. "Clinton Aides: Palin Treatment Sexist." By John Harris and Beth Frerkring.

"Sarah Palin found some unlikely allies Wednesday as leading academics and even former top aides to Hillary Rodham Clinton endorsed the Republican charge that John McCain's running mate has been subject to a sexist double standard by the news media and Democrats.

"Georgetown University professor Deborah Tannen, who has written best-selling books on gender differences, said she agrees with complaints that Palin skeptics - including prominent voices in the news media - have crossed a line by speculating about whether the Alaska governor is neglecting her family in pursuit of national office.

"'What we're dealing with now, there's nothing subtle about it,' said Tannen. 'We're dealing with the assumption that child-rearing is the job of women and not men. Is it sexist? Yes . . . '

"* Liberal radio host Ed Schultz used the words 'bimbo alert' to refer to Palin, and the Huffington Post featured a photo montage of Palin with the headline, 'Former Beauty Queen, Future VP?'

"* CNN's John Roberts recently pondered on air: 'Children with Down's syndrome require an awful lot of attention. The role of vice president, it seems to me, would take up an awful lot of her time, and it raises the issue of how much time will she have to dedicate to her newborn child?'

"This line of inquiry was echoed by writer Sally Quinn, who in her 'On Faith' column for agreed that Palin is a 'bright, attractive, impressive person," but also asked, "is she prepared for the all-consuming nature of the job?'

"'Her first priority has to be her children,' Quinn wrote. 'When the phone rings at 3 in the morning and one of her children is really sick what choice will she make?'"

8. "'No One Will Ever Be Able to Take Your Place' as a Mom." By Richard Prince.

"'My question to Sarah Palin is this. Who is going to lead your children?' Sidmel Estes-Sumpter, a media consultant and former president of the National Association of Black Journalists, asked on her blog on Friday.

"'I get it when you say you have a supportive husband who is always there for you. I get it when you complain that men aren't subjected to the same kind of questioning as women when it comes to family values. Been there . . . done that . . . got the t-shirt. But Sarah . . . GET REAL. No one will ever be able to take your place as a mother. I'm telling you this not because of what I have heard. I'm telling you this because this is what I know.

"'More than 17 years ago, I was elected the national president of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). . . the first woman in our organization to accomplish that. The biggest heartstring pulling at me was how it would affect my two year old son. That consideration almost forced me not to run.'"

9. "Newsweek Cover Races To The Bottom With Old Photo Of Palin." By Glynnis MacNicol.

"The weekly magazine, which since its relaunch has opted for increasingly blogosphere-like headlines to generate readers, apparently has decided that the best way to cover Sarah Palin's reemergence on the national stage is with an old photo from Runner's World . . . But resorting to a photo like this (and yes I realize she posed for it, though in an entirely different context) to illustrate such a condescending headline forces me conclude that Newsweek thinks Palin is an annoying little problem because she looks good in runner's shorts, and not a problem because, as both the magazine's articles suggest, she is the 21st century's version of Barry Goldwater, and has broad national appeal for a whole slew of reasons, very few of which having to do with how she looks in runner's shorts."

10. "Biden's Gloves Come Off . . . Against 'Sexist' Media." By Matthew Jaffe.

"[T]he truth is, some of the stuff that the press has said about Sarah, and that others have said about the governor, I think, are outrageous," Biden said. "I just think some of the stuff said has been over the top, totally unfair, and has been sexist, and I think the way the governor has handled it has been admirable."

11. "Matthews: Palin Like A 'Mail-Order Bride.'" By Ed Morrissey.

"No one will be surprised to see Matthews do this, but having Newsweek's Howard Fineman busting a gut and joining in the fun may be a bit of a surprise."

12. "From Gloria Steinem to Norah O'Donnell, Misogyny and Sexism Are Fine if the Target (Palin) Is on the Right." By Julia Reed.

"Blogs accused her of faking her own pregnancy with a Down syndrome child to cover up for her daughter. Mainstream journalists - female mainstream journalists - like Norah O'Donnell questioned whether a mother of five could effectively function as vice president. More piled on about her irresponsibility in accepting the nomination with five children, including one with special needs. Alan Colmes suggested on his blog that her airplane travel had possibly contributed to the fact that her child was born with Down syndrome. It went on and on and on. Where was the feminist outcry?

"Plenty of Republican women were sickened over the treatment of Hillary Clinton (hell, even I cried at the video that introduced her convention speech), but there has been no reaching across party lines to defend Palin. Not even when Martin Peretz dismissed and demeaned her by saying, 'I give [Palin] her due: she is pretty like a cosmetics saleswoman at Macy's.'"

13. "Eric Zorn's Sexist Folly." By Steve Rhodes.

"The Tribune columnist today retells the jokes of late-night comics about Sarah Palin without any recognition of how offensive many of them are."

14. "Palin as Pinup." By Steve Rhodes.

"I'm not sure what to do first, re-read Freud or call Susan Faludi."


Again, my simple proposition is this:

"Sexist coverage of Sarah Palin is every bit as despicable as sexist coverage of Hillary Clinton, which is every bit as despicable as sexist coverage of Laura Bush, which is every bit as despicable as sexist coverage of Michelle Obama, which is every bit as despicable as sexist coverage of Kay Bailey Hutchison, which is every bit as despicable as sexist coverage of Nancy Pelosi."

But when it comes to Palin, well, a lot of "progressive" women (and liberal reporters) simply don't care.


Steve remember what the poet and philosopher Al Sweringen from Deadwood told his minions - "You want a donkey's attention, you bring a #$%king pole down between his ears."
Yes Sir!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Progressive Fear Mongering DNC and Their Corporate Media Cheerleaders!

The anger is genuine and needs no mongering. Democrats and Republicans detest the Obama Care Bill. I am a Democrat and my neighbors are Democrats. We do not like this force fed boondoggle any more than a poor goose likes having corn forced down its throat.

Ironically, the very same band of nitwits in public life who hate smoking, fat kids, fois gras and American History crafted the Obama Care Legislation and stand poised to make America go the way of Greece, Ireland and Portugal once the Obama Care Federal Deficit Reduction Commission driven by SEIU’s Andy Stern force feed a Value Added Tax (VAT) down our throats in order to rake in the dough to pay for Obama Care.

In Order to smooth the strokes and grease the tube, America’s corporate media ( ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN & etc.) have been going flat out since last weekend to pattern the landscape of debate with fear – race and cultural wars. Abortion and Civil Rights are the hot buttons pushed. Over the weekend, when the opposition to Obama Care continued its slumber begun with Scott Brown’s victory, the Progressive genius for guerilla theatre laid the trap and Tea Party, Pro-Life Democrats and the always daffy national GOP napped while the trap was sprung.

Racial and homophobic epithets were heard, by the people who made the claims but by no one else, it seems. The media is there to One Note Samba the theme, like wee Ezra Klein of the Washington Post ,” I don't want to exaggerate the importance of the death threats being made against congressmen who voted for health-care reform. Nuts are nuts. But there is a danger to the sort of rhetoric the GOP has used over the past few months.” But “I will and gladly!”

We hear Joe Biden gaffe away 24-7; we see G.W. Bush lay a hand on Bill Clinton’s sleeve in Haiti; cell phones in Chicago pick up a Chicago cop’s N-word and yet no one can replay the wild shouts of race-hate, homophobia, abortion anger, the heart break of psoriasis and Vulcan Mind Melding by Chris Matthews.

Since Obama Care was pushed through, I have heard no real celebration by the media cheerleaders. Odd. I hear only endless reactions to Jim Clyburn’s chilling account of what he heard that John Lewis said he heard and Rep. Cleaver’s dignity spat upon by some phantom spitter.

No arrests, no sound bytes, You Tube replays, and no cell phone journalism has yet to appear; only Ann Curry, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow blaring parsed warnings about impending violence and warm rhetoric.

Obama Care forces played the slumbering opposition like a Stradivarius.

Nancy Pelosi linked arms with Congressman Lewis and evoked Selma! Obama Care is a Civil Right!

Here’s the deal. Obama Care is bad. President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Harry Reid, Jan Schakowsky and all of the Obama Care Selma Signifiers exempted themselves in the legislation from taking Obama Care for themselves. President Obama made sure that none of the toxic taxes squirt all over the taxpayers until after the 2012 Election. Democrats and Republicans and Tea Party People and even some former Obama supporters are angry about Obama Care. Catholics are disgusted by Judas Goat Bart Stupak, who was staked out to help the daffy GOP Sominex “Obama Care is Dead” leadership and Pro-Life Democratic voters ( Catholics, Jews, Evangelicals & etc.), and got himself an airport
The only Illinois Democrat with any integrity is my congressman Dan Lipinski (IL 3rd) who is taking heat from every quarter but the voters of his District.

Meanwhile, our oafish Congresswoman and media hog Jan Schakowsky is moving to stab vulnerable U.S. Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias in the back, force him out of the race that she will lose with aplomb to Republican sneak Mark Kirk. It’s all about Obama Care, right Jan? Sure we are angry. We are not tossing bricks or hurling hockers. We are waiting to vote.

The corporate media stands to make millions with Obama Care and the idiotic Cap and Trade Bill. The only anger being ginned up is being done on TV and in the pages of the usual suspects ( New York Times, Chicago Sun Times, Washington Post and their little sisters), because no President, since JFK, has enjoyed greater sympathy or synergy with the corporate media than President Obama.

President Obama is handled by media savvy Dave Axelrod – the Intolerable Ax! Ax is journalist muy simpatico to the old timey 60’s radicals of the American Progressive Movement which owns the DNC and is pals with PR Maven Marilyn Katz* who is a past master of political guerrilla theatre. It seems to me that the DNC through Dave Axelrod availed itself of these fine practitioners of wildly exaggerated narratives (‘Tea Partiers are wearing guns to town halls!!!! Think! People, our President is in Danger of these white hillbillies!’ and ‘N$%%^er and Fa$%tt were heard!!!!! Link Arms! We Shall Overcome! Get Pete Seeger! Make Patches Kennedy cry about dear old Dad!”). Hey, this was slick and well managed public relations. The GOP dopes walk right into the moral high ground buzz-saw and get torn up. John McCain got bitch-slapped by Ann Curry only this morning. Ann Curry repeatedly hammered the smiling Straight Talker with idiotic self-answering questions about GOP hate rhetoric. Good lord.

If you are serious about fighting Obama Care and what is going to follow, the opposition (Democrat Pro-Life, GOP, Tea Party or Bull Moose) must not only shout Repeal, but also Embargo. Harry Truman had no problem telling an unctuous phony reporter what to pack for a trip to Hell. McCain wants to make nice with the clowns who micturated all over his wingtips since 2007.

If an idiot like NBC’s Ann Curry can ask stupid questions like “ Sarah Palin uses Battleground and Fight Rhetoric –is that not Fear Mongering? - you must say that! Must you Not?” call her question Idiotic! Stupid! Dumb as Hammered Horse Manure! Treat them with the contempt that they show you . . .in a nice and civilized and nuanced manner, of course.

Talk only to serious journalists and have nothing to do with the Gotcha Goofballs. Why any intelligent elected official would spend a nano second talking to any one MSNBC is beyond me. The best of them are half-wits.

I suspect that we (F.B.I. included) will never find the brick hurlers ( Rep. Slaughter- D. NY) or the hocker hurlers (Rep. Cleaver -D. MO) or the epithet hurlers (Lewis and Frank). We will never actually hear a sound byte of Pro-Life Hate or homophobia or race-baiting. Though we can pick up Joe Biden’s Gaffes-a-Plenty and make a case for G.W. Bush passing cooties on Clinton, we will understand GOP Ownership of Hate via Chris Matthews – who could not tell you the color of the tie he is wearing.

Public Relations won the Obama Care battle and are fighting this Pyrrhic Victory’s rear-guard actions with the complicity of corporate media. Dave Axelrod and the City of Chicago has long used Marilyn Katz, who began her career filling bags of poop and pee behind the Conrad Hilton in 1968 – as well as crafting nail bombs to hurl at Chicago Police. She is good. I would bet that Dave Axelrod tapped Marilyn Katz and MK Communications to control the Obama Care Narrative – it is what they do. Below are links to MK – Food for thought and fuel for the dialogue.
The anger is not mongered. It is all too real.

• Marilyn Katz

An aide to then-Chicago mayor Harold Washington from 1983-87, Marilyn Katz is currently a public relations professional who serves on Barack Obama’s national finance committee. In 2005, Katz and the longtime Marxist and Obama supporter Carl Davidson co-authored the book Stopping War, Seeking Justice. In conjunction with Davidson, Katz was one of the two chief organizers of the October 2002 anti-war demonstration in Chicago where Obama first went public with his opposition to the Iraq War. In 1968, Katz was head of security for the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) during the Chicago street riots that took place while the Democratic Party held its national convention in that city.

Katz, who now heads MK Communications and is a registered lobbyist with the City of Chicago, has personally contributed $1,000 to Obama for America, the eponymous candidate’s presidential campaign fund. She is also part of a fundraising team that has committed to raising a minimum of $200,000 for Obama’s campaign.

Katz has long been acquainted with Obama supporter and former Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers. In April 2008 Katz told the Chicago Sun-Times that she had first met Ayers when he was a 17-year-old fellow member of Students for a Democratic Society, "a peaceful group from which the Weather Underground splintered." (emphasis added)
MK Communications – give them a good hard look. Ask about retainers!
Here’s Katz’s prospectus:
• Engage in strategic planning, including crisis management;
• Do media, policy and statistical research;
• Create and implement community, government, investor and other targeted constituency strategies;
• Create and implement media and marketing strategies;
• Create and manage complex databases (we maintain a database of 6,000 press contacts, augmented by a variety of computer based directories);
• Create and manage media events;
• Write and produce media, marketing, educational print materials;
• Write and produce print, television and radio advertising;
• Write and produce newsletters, annual reports and informational materials;
• Create and manage Web sites;
• Write and produce videos;
• Develop and implement legislative strategies and education programs.
While we have in-house capacity for Internet, radio/television and print design, we have developed long-term relationships with outside experts for top-quality, yet cost efficient, final design and production of such materials.