St. Gregory the Great High School in Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood is closing at the end of the school year, the school has announced on its Website.St. Gregory, 1677 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., was the Archdiocese of Chicago's first co-ed high school. This marks the school's 75th year, but it has been plagued by declining enrollment and large deficits. In recent years, the school, which prides itself on its diverse student body, has made several moves toward survival, renting out part of its building and focusing on a technology-heavy curriculum.Chicago Tribune -12/08/2012
But in recent years, St. Gregory's had fewer than 150 students, and in some years, the Archdiocese subsidized its operations to the tune of more than $500,000.
Richard Craig Friedman · Top Commenter · Washington University in St. Louis
Had the Church had a more contemporary attitude about homosexual couples adoption, this result might have been avoided.
This Result? A Catholic School is closing after 75 years of service to Chicago. The closing of a Catholic high school that takes care of immigrant children and special needs kids? Here is what happened immediately after Pat Quinn signed the Religious Liberty and Civil Union legislation:
After passage of Illinois’ civil union law, Catholic Charities refused to alter its long-standing policy of not placing foster children in the homes of co-habiting adults including those in civil unions. After a legal and legislative struggle – during which the Governor said he could not “condone discrimination” – the state refused to continue foster care and adoption contracts with Catholic Charities and forced the Church out of the foster care and adoption business. Similar outcomes could extend to theChurch’s other public ministries such as the provision of affordable and senior housing, parochial schools, medical services, counseling, youth groups and facilities management. Illinois Catholic Conference
Civil Unions came to Illinois with the stroke of the pen of a governor educated in Catholic schools from grammar school to college and seemed to undo those years at Northwestern Law. Quinn has always been much more comfortable with fashionable Leftists than with his Church. Governor Quinn listens and acts according to the dictates of Fred Eychaner, Boss Terry Cosgrove and the Commie Guru of Illinois Dr. Quentin Young. Faith matters, but not any where near as much as campaign money and agenda politics voters to this sad example of a Governor.
A few states made homosexual marriage happen and Civil Unions is and has been the goal for gay activists in Illinois. The goal is not so much making sure that gay partners have all of the legal rights as spouses, as it is to allow the State to define marriage. Any disagreement, much less opposition to that goal is pilloried as hateful.
The comment by Mr. Friedman was the very first kick at the cat and the Catholic Church. Is this the gay position? to whirl dervishly on the grave of a Catholic school? Well, why not. The pedophile scandal is applied to every mention of the Catholic Church and is done with invoked vigor and glee by Rainbow Sash Catholics and Chick Fil A abstaining doctrinaire politicians who deny that priests who raped little boys were not homosexual. That's the fact, Jack.
No one wants to deny two men, or two women the right to partner up, live with each other and love one another. A partner is not husband or a wife outside of marriage and marriage is about the natural development of a family. That requires a one man and one woman. Calling it whatever one wishes does not make it so.
Mr. Friedman is a an MD who specializes in the psychiatric nature of homosexuality and a man who has written 'groundbreaking books' and articles and landed academic posts with Columbia University and now at Washington University in St. Louis . A very well educated and successful person, Mr. Friedman. Yet, Dr./Mr. Friedman gleefully attributes the closing of a venerable Catholic school to homophobia - not so. Catholic Charities allows married couples to adopt children - not even civilly united heterosexuals may adopt.
Mr. Friedman is not unlike many columnists, activists and politicians who take great delight in developing the tautology of hate for people who do follow their inclinations, opinions and goals. This is nothing new, but it is more commonly accepted in our society to poison every well and gleefully celebrate any and every opportunity hone their argument with unrelated facts. One particularly fatuous Chicago ink-slinger did so only this weekend in a very strange article that at once mocks the United States Supreme Court as irrelevant, while attempting warn the justices of dire consequences were they to rule in any way unfavorable to Homosexual marriages, or allowing government to define marriage itself. This puffed-up gent proclaims that unlike everyone who disagrees with him, he lives' in a fact based world'
For instance, the United States Supreme Court announcing Friday that it will take up the issue of gay marriage — ruling on a pair of cases, one in New York, one in California, that go to the heart of the matter — is both dramatic and meaningless.Dramatic because this is the first time the high court has weighed in on this. And meaningless because the issue has already been decided. To realize that the gay marriage question has been settled, all you have to do is look at the way public opinion breaks down into a direct relationship between age and approval. The younger a person is, the more comfortable they are with the idea of gay marriage. The older a person is, the more likely they are to be uncomfortable with the idea that homosexual citizens should be allowed to marry and form families.. . .Why am I so sure?Because I live in the fact-based world. They weren’t bad swimmers. Women, it turned out, could cast ballots just fine. Jews paid their hotel bills like everybody else.
There is no factual basis to keep gays from getting married. They don’t make worse husband or wives, they aren’t inferior parents on any measure. The data just isn’t there.
Zero sum. Zero is a number and that equals the number of children born to two gents who co-habitate. There are no birth control products in a lesbian home; likewise, a devout married Catholic heterosexual couple, to be sure; the outcome differs, however: husband and wife procreate - they have children and create families.
Homosexual couples must step out of nature to acquire children.
Homosexual couples must step out of nature to acquire children.
Unlike laws, there are permanent things -marriage is between a man and woman, always has been. Procreation is the object - you know to build a family: e pluiribus unum. A man and a woman become one and that is until death. There are permanent things and no matter how manner pieces of legislation, or polls, or op-ed pieces, or snotty self-serving cracks attempting to vilify others will undo this fact.
Gay Marriage will no doubt slide in safe here in Illinois. We can expect many more such graveyard polkas from the likes of Richard Craig Friedman.
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