Showing posts sorted by date for query Sarah Palin. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Sarah Palin. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, March 05, 2010

Governor Pat Quinn Will Win - The Media and the "Umm-ers" Are All Over Brady Like A Cheap Suit

Bill Brady won the Illinois Republican Primary for Governor and that is like kissing your sister - not that that is a bad thing mind you - just in case the Sex is Politics and Morality Crowd ( GLBT Advocates) are monitoring my helot's thougts. I have been meaning to ask if Incestuous Relationships fit in as an undeserved sexual morality minority group in need of the standard Progressive Hegelian Makeover. Most sexual peccadillo's have been Botox-ed Beautiful in this manner and are given a loud powerful voice and re-written histories in the Media.

Poor Bill Brady. In a year when Illinois should sweep a GOP Governor into the job, the "blow your toes off" DuPage Dimwits will lose the race.

Pat Quinn needs only to leave the Lt. Governor's Slot empty and allow the SEIU paid for Illinois Media to beat up on the Kid who won the GOP Lt. Governor spot and pour manure on Bill Brady. The "Ummers" are already all over Brady - "Ummers" are Progressive columnists and Snark Assenting Bloggers who charcteristically begin every snotty and irony drenched faux question or observation with the antecedant "Ummmm...,"

The Ummers are especially hard on Brady. Brady, even before Kerque Dillard, Marque Kerques twin, was treated to a daily rhetorical kick in the nuts by the poor man's moss-back Huffington Posters. These Midol gulpers think that they are on MSNBC and that they can create their own Illinois Sarah Palin - Palin would have their guts for garters. Dan Proft would do far worse to the Ummers.

Dan Proft would have blow-torched the Ummers.

Pat Quinn should catch a wave and tall tropical iced beverages until November.

Bill Brady will look like that poor broad in the first Aliens Movie before the critter ripped out of her chest -"Pleeeaaassse! Just kill me."

Here's just a sample of what the GOP Governor Primary Winner can expect.

Bill Brady Gaffes Again: Attack On Quinn's Early Release Program Unfounded (VIDEO)
Huffington Post (blog) - ‎57 minutes ago‎
With a final vote count in the Republican primary for governor expected today, Bill Brady revved up the campaign engine. Expected to be declared the primary ...
Brady misfires on governor Chicago Sun-Times
Brady swings and misses at Quinn Chicago Tribune
Brady Tries to Bring Early Release Program Back Up WGIL Radio News
Chicago Daily Herald - MyFox Illinois

I like Pat Quinn and he will win a walk. Poor Bill Brady.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Mrs. Obama, MSNBC and Mr. Creosote Battle Obesity

President Obama is tanking. More Americans are hip to just how really pompous news pundits happen to be - ask Scott Lee Cohen. Sarah Palin is still popular. Iran is near Civil War. Progressive Agenda is everything it is cracked up to be - a Ponzi Scam. Global Warming has given us the greatest National snowstorm ever! Mrs. Obama needs help getting fat kids to lay off the pop, salty snacks, and Mickey D's that their folks sate them with and has MSNBC going Flat out for Her!

MSNBC went Flat-Out for Cap 'N Trade and Single Provider Health Care for President Obama. Mrs. Obama might have done better asking the League of Elk Hunters or Emu Ranchers to lend a hand. As it is . . .MSNBC with Tamron 'Too Smart' Hall and Dave 'Fountain-mouth' Schuester and the MSNBC Tool Shed regulars.

After shoveling metric tons of the new fallen snow, I cable surfed and caught an unlimited litany of guest Fat Pros on MSNBC taking the Tac Du Jour ( Tea Party Secessionism/Sarah Palin/Chris Matthews' Racial View-Finder) on obesity is akin to Terrorism and a dose of the crabs. MSNBC is dedicated to . . .? I'm not sure.

Just replay this scene of Monty Python's Meaning of Life and even the most dedicated lard-asses might opt for the waffer thin truffle.

Bon apetite!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Coming Soon! Sarah Palin – Scott Brown Ticket for 2012?

This will have the Marthas ( President Martha Obama, Martha Emanuel, Martha Axelrod, Martha Dean, Martha Pelosi, Martha Reid, Martha Olbermann, Martha Schultz & etc.)crying in their Mojitas!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

McCain Goats Palin: McCain Lost the Election Because He Quit

I went bollocks to the bulwark for John McCain starting in the Spring of 2007, through his summer of discontent, into the Primaries and all the way to the election of Barack Obama. Barack Obama ran a disciplined and masterful campaign and really wanted to win.

Barack Obama won the Presidency and John McCain quit the race on Sept 19th 2008. He quit on TV. He was being asked about the collapse of the American Economy, when all the Maverick wanted to talk about was "Service before Self."

Sarah Palin was fighting to win. John McCain, the man that Commies could not torture and make him go home early and abandon his Mates in the Hanoi Hilton, spit out the bit.

My daughter won the race in the 3rd Congressional District as a McCain Delegate. I wrote many articles and hundreds of Blog posts. I made Speeches for John McCain. Rang doorbells; stuffed mailboxes in Illinois, Indiana and Michigan. I was glad to do so - until the last few days.

John McCain has allowed his Campaign to smear Sarah Palin.

If John McCain's Campaign ( Steve Schmidt et al) had done one tenth of the Black Bag work on Barack Obama that they have been doing on Sarah Palin and with one one thousandth of the energy - John McCain would have been POTUS.

Schmidt cited an ethics report on the then-Alaska governor from her home state on an investigation into whether she had improperly used her government position.

I read this in the other day. McCain Campaign Manager Steve Schmidt ( a bald guy who puts his glasses on his forehead like he was William Kunstler - Hey, There's that Billy Ayers Magic! McCain tossed that one too.) is helping water-eyed Mark Halperin - a genuine weenie - sell is loathsome book. It is a tell-all Reality TV epic about the Campaign - I read some excerpts. Not much. This sparrow hearted turd Halperin is no Ted White, let me tell you.

Schmidt tossed out this crappy and gutless charge against Sarah Palin.

“She went out and said, you know, ‘This report completely exonerates me,’” Schmidt said. “And in fact, it — it didn’t. You know it’s the equivalent of saying down is up and up is down. It was provably, demonstrably untrue.”

That is pure unadulterated bullshit. An Alaskan Ethics report is the Up from Down?

I expect Sarah Palin to be spit at by the clowns, louses and losers - John McCain joined them.

Schmidt is a paid political sneak and doing his job. John McCain is a disgrace. I am sorry I voted for him.

I worked very hard for John McCain. I'm a Democrat. I knew that on Sept. 19th 2008 John McCain no longer cared to win the nomination - it was all over his face. The Economy tanked as did McCain's 'fire' and his campaign decided to make Sarah Palin the goat.

Jonathon Martin is one of the barbecue journalists who love the Maverick they created and play out of both sides of their mouths.

I voted early for and against Democrats here in Chicago, Illinois, yesterday. I will vote for Sarah Palin. McCain is no different from John Kerry - two men who never really wanted to win -it seems to me.

John McCain keeps lousy company, as far as I can tell. Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Martin and Mr. Halperin are indistinguishable and while I honor John McCain's military service I am disgusted by his crawfish political style.

I genuinely like and admire Sarah Palin. She is a happy, centered and good person.

I will work for and possibly even vote for Sarah Palin, if she runs for President - I rather doubt that she will do so.

I turn the channel when John McCain shows up. He is now as appalling to me as MSNBC - The Tool Shed.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Kathleen Kennedy Crows on Her Dungheap of Entitlement - Abortion Kills Children, Moron.

Why is it that the bishops are more concerned with restricting millions of American women from making health care decisions that are best for them and their families than they are with ensuring that millions of Americans — women, men, children, immigrants, the poor, the middle class — get much-needed health insurance?

As a Catholic, I dare say it’s because the Conference of Catholic Bishops has lost its way. For example, in Missouri, the Catholic Conference issued an e-mail alert urging “those who are opposed to health care reform but are also pro-life” to “stay focused on the abortion issue and get the Stupak-like amendment adopted in the Senate.”
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend

The Public Kennedy Family Members are indebted to Planned Parenthood. They owe nothing to the Catholic Church and requite the Faith with Thick Dividends of Contempt.

One Kennedy, Patrick, whined that he was being taught by Bishop Tobin what exactly a public smear of Doctrine is all about and its consequence. Kennedy barked that the bishops were wrong on Abortion. Kennedy wants to go to Communion - receive the sacrament of the Eucharist. Bishop Tobin explained that Catholics who hold beliefs outside the Faith should not receive Communion.

Kennedy pissed himself over the thought that Catholic Rhode Island might agree with Bishop Tobin and took his whine National. He outsourced his complaint to the ever compliant Media. MSNBC, New York Times, you name it, all oiled Kennedy's complaint. Bishop Tobin remained tough.

Now, another Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy-Townsend, a former Lt. Governor - akin to being named Kentucky Colonel - takes pen in hand to ensure that more babies get a surgical probe in the noggin. She sells books that smear Catholics.

Hey, it's Family Thing! Old Joe lobotomized a daughter whom he deemed not worthy to be a Kennedy due to mental challenges. The Kennedys seem to fully understand and embrace the Planned Parenthood disgust with Governor Sarah Palin's motherly caress of her Downs Syndrome child.

The Kennedy Brand is bloody. Abortion is the killing of a baby. Drop the Catholic bullshit and dance with WHO brung you. The Kennedy Family can embrace any imbecilic stand that they choose. They will make fine Christian Non-Sectarian leaders - or Non-Christian Secularists.

Choose. It's all about choice. I choose to be a Catholic American. I will not support Abortion, nor any parser who plays with Planned Parenthood.

The Public Kennedy Loudmouths can do with out communion - as they are not clearly in Communion with the rest of us. These morons believe it is all dress up - make-believe. Faith has no requirements.

John F. Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy were the last Catholic Public Kennedys. Old Ted played at it, when convenient and bullied and bribed the cowarldy Catholic clergy.

The rest of them, the Public Kennedys ( who hold for Abortion and want things their own way) can just hop up and kiss my broad manly Irish ass!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

North Korea Has G.I. Divas and We have Desiree Rogers.

The North Korean goofball Kim Jong Il has him an Army of leggy G.I.'s - no Sad Sacks They.

We have Desiree Rogers. Hey, my fault, I know. I am posting almost exclusively on the Desiree Rogers Agonistes. It keeps me from going to Lardo's Scottsdale Hobby Shoppe and buying kits of Schooners and Galleons in bottles, or waiting for my Green Chicago Parkway trio of trees to insinuate their roots deeper into my sewer egress lines -Both wonderful ways to pass my quality time.

One has only a thin wedge between the window and sill of opportunity to place a thorn in the thong of a self-absorbed Thimble-Rigging Job Jumper like Mardi Gras Chicagoan Desiree Rogers. As I noted, my animus stems from, but certainly not limited to, Ms. Rogers' revelation of character when she scooped Corporate Contributions form Peoples Energy Corporation's annual education grants to poor Black Kids attending Leo High School in Auburn Gresham and plumping up her Fash Bash - Fashion Show featuring Desiree Runway Rogers.

I liked this Rockefeller Center photo rendition of North Korean Military Hi-Jinks that came from my pal Mr. G of Chicago: This put me in mind of the New York Times piece I read before Mass this morning by Maureen Dowd - the bottled Mick Red-head wit and harridan.

Crazy Aunt Maureen Dowd - the bitter and marinated fifty and change spinster aunt who has given up meeting a nice man at St. Patrick's Novenas - has linked Desiree Rogers and Tiger Woods. Aunt Mo is generally all "Hey You Bitch Get Over Here!" about Sarah Palin, who could kick Mo's Rump from here to Nome and Back, in her cocktail and Virginia Thins Menthol throaty skirl*.

Both Tiger and Desiree hid and stayed silent because they mistakenly thought they were protecting the Brand. But despite their marketing savvy, these two controlling players spiraled out of control. They made the same colossal error in opposite ways.

She mistook herself for the principal, sashaying around and posing in magazines as though she were the first lady, rather than a staffer whose job is to stay behind the scenes and make her bosses look good. (Even if Barack Obama is a brand, Desiree shouldn’t talk like the First Marketer or call him a brand — and she definitely shouldn’t refer to it in a proprietary way as “we.”)

He is the principal. But he forgot that he’s no longer a solo brand. He has been marketing himself since he turned pro and 21 in 1996, becoming a billionaire with endorsement deals with Nike, American Express, Titleist and the two Generals, Mills and Motors.

Tiger has abilities -tons - not as a husband,or father mind you (Real Men Don't Tom Cat- my neighborhood? Not Done -Everyone is married to his/her high school pal until the trip to Sheehy's Funeral Home.) Desiree?

Give me these North Korean Gorgeous Grunts any day.

*skirl (skûrl)
v. skirled, skirl·ing, skirls
To produce a high, shrill, wailing tone. Used of bagpipes.
To play (a piece) on bagpipes.
1. The shrill sound made by the chanter pipe of bagpipes.
2. A shrill wailing sound: "The skirl of a police whistle split the stillness" (Sax Rohmer).
[Middle English skrillen, skirlen, probably of Scandinavian origin.]

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Lynn Sweet Flaks for Flake - Defense of Desiree Rogers?

Let's be clear - I learned what a self-absorbed dim-witted Diva Desiree Rogers happens to be years ago. When Desiree Rogers was ushered away from her post as Illinois Lotto Ball watcher and seated in position at People Gas that oversaw corporate citizenship by the utility the Diva turned that citizenship ( Corporate Charity) on herself.

Desiree Rogers ended Peoples Energy Corp.'s long standing annual grants to the Black kids at Leo High School.

Leo High School received $ 3,000 annually following a formal written request ( all that 501(c)3 stuff) to help families in need of financial assistance. Desiree Rogers ended that and told me that she going to do "more systemic good."

That year Peoples Gas funded a Fashion Show that featured Desiree Rogers. It was in ALL the columns, Magazines, Janet Davis & Features and Mary Cameron Frye stuff! Desiree was said to be Gorgeous! The Fash Bash did more "systemic" good for the kids from Englewood, Gresham and Brainerd who wanted an education in a high school where they could avoid getting Lit Up. That is Desiree Rogers, Boys & Girls! Leo Alumni many of them Peoples Gas workers themselves made up the grant - thank God.

Oh, so that's what clouds my opinion of Ms. Rogers? Yep.

Lynn Sweet* has a reputation for being a serious reporter. Today she writes, "The Rogers I know is down-to-earth. She grew up in New Orleans, graduated from Wellesley College, picked up a MBA from Harvard, and then built a successful, lucrative business career in Chicago, starting at AT&T. I met her around 1991, when she was the director of the Illinois State Lottery." Pravda?

Today Lynn Sweet offers a flak-catching puff piece on Desiree Rogers - the Diva with a Government Job.

President Obama was put in harm's way, not because of the Secret Service, but because Desiree Rogers' ego can be powered by her limited mental capacities and moral compass.

Two goofballs crashed America's 1st State Dinner in Honor of the Indian Prime Minister at the Obama White House.

Rogers' Social Secretary Policy placed President Obama in danger of harm and the Secret Service has been ordered to wear the jacket.

Chicagoans know Desiree Rogers. Chicagoans continue to be asked to 'really admire' Desiree, even though the pretty, wealthy and protected dimwitted woman can not handle a simple task - Rogers left a simple job at Illinois Lottery under cloud, at Peoples Gas, Rogers oversaw gas-shut offs to the elderly, explosions in Mount Greenwood and insulted skilled tradesmen. Rogers holds appointed positions on charities, business and civic boards and tax-funded sinecures, due to the authority of her ex-husband John Rogers.

Lynn Sweet is giving Desiree Rogers cover that she neither deserves nor appreciates.
It appears in Politics Daily and not in The Chicago Sun Times.

Maybe the Sun Times should hire April Ryan, who seems to ask real questions concerning the very limited capacities of Desiree Rogers and her responsibilities to our President.

What is sad is that Lynn Sweet's flack-jacket woven for the Dimwitted Diva appears only out of town. Chicagoans should read this. Click my post title.

* No Defense of Desiree by Lynn Sweet here in Chicago! Blackout?


Obama taps Victoria Kennedy, Ted's widow, for Kennedy Center board (12/04/2009 5:45:01 PM)
Obama approval at 48 percent: CNN poll (12/04/2009 1:22:39 PM)
New jobless rate: 10 percent, a tick down (12/04/2009 8:04:10 AM)
President Obama official schedule and guidance, Dec. 4, 2009. Going to Allentown (12/04/2009 4:00:12 AM)
Obama family light national Christmas tree. Transcript. (12/04/2009 0:21:38 AM)
Chicagoans at Obama White House Christmas party; tighter security checkpoints (12/03/2009 11:33:12 PM)
Giannoulias first 2010 Illinois Senate race commercial (12/03/2009 12:00:52 PM)
Obama Afghanistan speech cable ratings (12/03/2009 11:01:01 AM)
Obama's war (12/03/2009 10:45:47 AM)
Secret Service agents who allowed Obama party crashers placed on leave (12/03/2009 10:33:38 AM)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Party crashers Salahis face subpoenas Desiree Rogers does not
WASHINGTON -- Reality TV show wannabees Michaele and Tareq Salahi face a subpoena from the House Homeland Security Committee after skipping Thursday's hearing on how they passed through Secret Service checkpoints to crash President Obama's Nov. 24 state dinner and ended up shaking hands with him.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
State delegation divided on Thomson
Members of the Illinois congressional delegation -- after an unusually long meeting Wednesday -- were divided over the possibility of the Obama White House transferring inmates at the Guantanamo Bay military prison to a nearly vacant prison in northwestern Illinois.
This D.C. invite turned down
The Obama White House on Wednesday blocked social secretary Desiree Rogers from testifying today before the House Homeland Security Committee hearing on how wannabe reality TV stars Tareq and Michaele Salahi whizzed by Secret Service agents and crashed the Nov. 24 state dinner.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Obama's friends on left wrestling with policy
Lynn Sweet: President Obama's decision to escalate the war in Afghanistan by adding 30,000 U.S. troops -- at the same time announcing an exit strategy to start in July 2011 with no firm end date -- was clearly difficult for many of his most ardent supporters. This is not a popular policy with an important segment of Obama's base.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Rogers asked to testify about party crashers
WASHINGTON --White House social secretary Desiree Rogers has been asked to testify at a Thursday hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee about how wannabe reality TV stars Tareq and Michaele Salahi crashed the Obama's first state dinner last week.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
State dinner gate-crashers met Obama
WASHINGTON -- The White House confirmed Friday that President Obama met the couple who crashed Tuesday's state dinner --wannabe reality-show stars Michaele and Tareq Salahi -- releasing a picture of Michaele Salahi shaking hands with the president in a receiving line that included first lady Michelle Obama, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his wife, Gursharan Kaur.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
State dinner, Obama style
WASHINGTON--President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama hosted their first state Tuesday night, including their closest friends from Chicago among the guests honoring India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his wife Gursharon Kaur, with Chicago songsters Jennifer Hudson and Kurt Elling performing.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Burris heads for Iraq in wake of panel's rebuke
WASHINGTON -- A day after the Senate ethics committee handed him a stinging rebuke, Sen. Roland Burris on Saturday voted to advance the Democratic health-care bill to the Senate floor and then departed for an official visit to Iraq.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Illinois' Gitmo could bring 3,000 jobs: White House
Lynn Sweet: A White House analysis of a federal purchase of the nearly vacant northwestern Illinois prison to house Guantanamo detainees and other federal prisoners, obtained by the Sun-Times on Saturday, concludes that in the first year 2,290 to 2,960 jobs would be created, and local residents would be "excellent candidates" for 1,240 to 1,410 of those jobs.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Senate ethics panel admonishes Burris, but no charges coming
Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) was admonished today by the U.S. Senate ethics committee over his testimony in Springfield concerning how he got appointed to Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat. But his actions following his appointment by then Gov.-Rod Blagojevich did not rise to level of pursuing ethics charges against Burris, the committee ruled.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Trials: 'Failure is not an option'
WASHINGTON -- Trying terrorist suspects now detained at Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba in U.S. federal courtrooms -- rather than military tribunals, which operate under different rules -- met with skeptical questioning by some senators at a Wednesday Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
If you like Sarah Palin, you’ll like 'Going Rogue'
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's Going Rogue is really two books: about half an interesting telling of growing up in Alaska, an outdoor and sport-filled life -- and a good chunk of the second half whacking her McCain campaign crew of handlers.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Dems at risk of losing Obama's old Senate seat
WASHINGTON -- About a year ago, thousands jammed Grant Park in Chicago to celebrate Barack Obama's election to the White House, a communal civic defining moment. But those giddy days are long gone as Democrats in Illinois face the potential of losing the Senate seat President Obama once held next November.
Durbin, Quinn see economic boon
WASHINGTON -- Detainees at the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba may be transferred to a nearly vacant maximum-security state prison in northwest Illinois, the Obama White House said Saturday.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Exclusive interview with Sam Kass White House chef
WASHINGTON -- A lot of lives have changed since Barack Obama won the presidential election one year ago last Wednesday, none so much as the life of Chicago's Sam Kass, the engaging, shaved-head assistant White House chef and food initiative coordinator, a crusader for healthy eating who has shot to fame in the almost 10 months the Obamas have been in the White House.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Could Palin Unleash a "Schooler" Movement - Over the President's Invisible Academic Records?

I hope to see her on fire swinging like a boxer seeking blood.If she demands his university records are made public,and goes to the offense this will be a great battle.I like her energy, if she can pivot to an all out attack she can push this on his lap effectively.His BC is not the issue,she and everyone knows he is American.This is her moment for a cuda attack to force his university records into the public eye.He must be hiding his Marxist thesis or something of that nature, to keep hiding these records.Its time she goes after the issues Mccain didn't and calls him on his records, all of them.That includes the campaign donations list of those under 200 dollars.Mccain released there list so should Obama.
from Politico

I have yet to meet a Birther - I only hear about Birthers on Cable TV - usually after someone with the Obama White House screws up - so I hear Birther on an almost daily basis. President Obama is the POTUS.

I believe that his Campaign to make it to the White House provided Barack Hermeneutics Obama ( That Hussein stuff is SO offensive) with wonderful camouflage, while MEDIA slept all through the Campaign anyway.

President Obama may have had Combover Dave Axelrod and his network of propagandists take one too many kicks at Sarah Palin.

My God - they are deathly afraid of this woman. I like her and her husband.

Now it appears that a comment about the Birther Movement ( people who believe Obama is foreign born) might lead to real scrutiny and demand a peek at President Obama's Academic Records. Yikes!

We are all told at every possible waking moment that President Obama is brilliant. However, all of his glittering prizes remain locked up like Keith Olbermann's bowels.

Americans are told that President Obama is 'the smartest man since Jefferson flunked Anglo Saxon' in much the same way that my precinct captain tells me about a candidate for judge -" She's really a terrific gal and one of the nicest persons you will ever meet." Tommy I went to high school with her Hyphenated-Highness and she was a gold-plated bitch back then - long before she went to Haymarket House in order to get her law license back. I hear that she has family of five in her deep freezer in the basement. " Naw, Come on! Hickey! She's great! She's humble, Hickey." She should be.

Sarah Palin might be well served to demand that these records be made public. I'd like to sneak a peek at the President's GPA and have the same giggles as did when President GW Bush made his public. C students run the world. Let's see some of the young Mr. Obama's work.

The Schoolers are Afoot!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Di Di Mao! Anita Dunn Gone!

The Dipwad Goof Mao-Mao-ing Communications Director for President Obama's Original Amateur Hour White House called it Qs!

Dunn also came under attack in recent weeks from conservatives over a speech she gave in which she described Chinese leader Mao Zedong as one of her “favorite political philosophers.” Fox TV host Glenn Beck said Dunn’s comment about Mao, who is considered responsible both for the modernization of China and for the deaths of millions of Chinese, was the equivalent of expressing admiration for Hitler.

A White House official said Dunn’s departure was unrelated to the battle with Fox.

Dunn, whose career in Democratic politics dates back to the Carter White House, served in a top role in Obama’s presidential bid, overseeing policy, communications, and research. Dunn had long been a consultant to Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.) and stayed on the sidelines until he opted against a run.

Anita Dunn a sparkling nit-wit from the Carter Years ( President Obama's Dumbell Dore - Jimmy Be) who wowed school kids with her Wikpedia Symbiosis of Mother Theresa and Chairman Mao - with the camera's rolling mind you - has resigned, while President Obama goes to Fort Hood to parse the "Man-Made' Disaster by Major Hasan.

These people mock Sarah Palin?

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Mark Kirk Begs Sarah Palin -" I like Fancy Sauce!"

Cap'n Trade Mark Kirk is an oily kind of jerque*. He moves like mercury. He voted for the Waxman Markey Global Warming Stick-Up of America for General Electric! Kirk was the ONLY Republican in the Illinois Delegation to vote for this creepy and dangerous Bill.

Illinois Lion Representative Jim Durkin gave Kirk the tune-up he deserves after that vote - let's all say it together!

"I think he is going to regret that vote," Durkin said. With decisiveness, Durkin told the that he is "not interested nor disinterested" in a run, but adds "If I decided I wanted to run for statewide office I feel comfortable I could put together a team." from Illinois Review

Mark Kirk sneered at Sarah Palin. I like the former Governor of Alaska. I liked Palin before she hitched her star to John McCain's Campaign. I was delighted that she joined that Campaign. Palin energized McCain and McCain - it seemed to me - quit after September 19th 2008. Palin played hard until the whistle blew and kept her head up while all others went hang-doggy and nuzzled up to MSNBC.

Mark Kirk is tailor-made for the Tool Shed -MSNBC. However, Kirk wants to be Senator. That's nice.

I am voting for Alexi Giannoulias.

Kirk reminds me of the charcter in the movie Step Brothers. John C. Reilly's guy. Click my post title for that great scene.

Now, Mark Kirk is pestering everyone at the big table for Fancy Sauce ( Palin's Endorsement).

"Hey, I like Fancy Sauce! I Like Fancy Sauce!"

Sure you do, Mark. Ask Keith Olbermann for some fancy sauce - he'll give you some Fancy Sauce.

*The searching of a ship for unentered goods. [Eng.]

Monday, October 05, 2009

With a Full Court White House Press On ( Late again) Public Option is Deader Than Kelsey's Nuts!

Close on the heels of his soaring rhetoric and thigh tingling personal appearance in Copenhagen, President Barack 'Amateur Hour' Obama is going to treat the Left with a full-court press on the Public Option! Best believe that this is now deader than Kelsey's Nuts, Cupcakes.

Bughouse Nancy Pelosi, Happy Boy Harry Reid, Teabagger Townhalls, 100% Racist White folks from everywhere America and Sarah Palin shooting up heroin Live on the Letterman Show, could not do more to help the foolish public option on health care more than the swell folks who gave the Chicago Olympics to Rio -Barack Obama's Orgnal Amateur Hour White House! Now, the same folks who gave their all in Copenhagen - sort of - will scuttle the Public Option on Health.

WASHINGTON - -- Despite months of seeming ambivalence about creating a government health insurance plan, the Obama White House has launched an intensifying behind-the-scenes campaign to get divided Senate Democrats to take up some version of the idea in the weeks just ahead.

President Barack Obama has long advocated a so-called public option, while at the same time repeatedly expressing openness to other ways to offer consumers a potentially more affordable alternative to health plans sold by private insurers.

But now, senior administration officials are holding private meetings almost daily at the Capitol with senior Democratic staff to discuss ways to include a version of the public plan in the health care bill that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., plans to bring to the Senate floor later this month, according to senior Democratic congressional aides.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Seth Moyers -Birkenstock of Huffing Let's Me Have It!

I dare you to print this -
Seth Moyers -Birkenstock*

Hickey , if that is really your name,

You are one of so many urban Catholic racist relics. You think that life is like a 1930's movie. Well it's not.

Life is like a real way for active citizens to get real in the dynamic world of social justice.

Sarah Palin hates Kanye West and so do you and you think that Tea Baggers and Birthers are not the same people who make nooses in trees on schoolyards in Louisiana and that Rev. Wright makes you nervous so must destroy him like you would Robert Gabriel Mugabe or Bobby Kennedy.

Well, maybe if you tried reading something other than the TV Guide you'd know that Obama was elected by the hugest mandate in American History by a broad coalition of faith-based initiatives and working people who bowl. Yeah, that's right we bowl. President Obama is now bowling a steadying 302.

The thing with diminished returns is that you need time. You need time to have a beer in the White House Rose Garden with cops and soul stirring black historians. But the only cops that matter to you is Jon Burge and his midnight crew of white Nazis who never really actually had the testicle tingler box but Sasha Abramsky wrote that there might have been one in Vietnam in 1967 and so G. Flint Taylor had one built and brought it into the court-room and wowed every reporter there - but that is lost on you. That's right it's all in Mother Jones (Do Clique my poste Title)!

America will be a better place when people like you appear before the Death Panels that do not exist.

Let's have a civil debate built upon reason you toxic fascist.

This is a facsimile of an actual comment that was deleted by me due to homophobic, anti-Semitic and howlingly funny idiocy.

* Seth Moyers-Birkenstock is writer/activist/Falatalist-Falangista/actor/ and grass roots organizer living in LaJolla, CA and Custer Park, IL.
Moyers-Birknstock played Danny in the 1970's Quinn-Martin (QM) Production of Mom's Gums. He was recently quoted by Senator Al Franken (D.MN) as saying 'This Obama Health Plan . . .Dude!' He is a regular contributer and member to the Pasedena Men and Boys Bell Choir.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Abortion is Health Care Reform:"We are God's partners in matters of life and death," Obama said to the Rabbis

Abortion is not a 'faith based initiative.' It is in the planned and pushed Health Reform Package and it will stay tucked in there until Illinois atheist Rob Sherman starts doing the collections at Sacred Heart 10:30 Mass on Sunday.

President Obama told a group of Rabbis,"We are God's partners in matters of life and death"
From Politico's Ben Smith:

A reader points out that President Obama's call with the rabbis today — as recorded in Rabbi Jack Moline's and other clerics' Twitter feeds — freights health care reform with a great deal of religious meaning, and veers into the blend of policy and faith that outraged liberals in the last administration.

"We are God's partners in matters of life and death," Obama said, according to Moline (paging Sarah Palin...), quoting from the Rosh Hashanah prayer that says that in the holiday period, it is decided "who shall live and who shall die."

The president ended the call by wishing the rabbis "shanah tovah," or happy new year — in reference to the High Holidays a month from now.

Shanah tovah - unless you happen to be the kid the womb.

Yep, President Obama is as beholden to the gals of Planned Parenthood as he is to the Purple Gang of SEIU and Brazilian Oil Tycoon Georgie Soros. It's the Chicago way to remember and do the bidding of your Chinaman (plural in this case).

Catholics voted heavily for President Obama and politicians gave them the will to do so and so did many trades unions and the old school operation of politics. It is very understandable.

I voted for many politicians who are beholden to Planned Parenthood - Dick Durbin, John Kerry, and many more. Now, it does not seem right to do so. There are too many Catholic public servants like Rep. Kevin Joyce, Sen. Ed Maloney and others who refuse to take the abortion coin and they are good Democrats. These gents stay true to their faith.

The fact is that abortion is and will remain a very important virtue of the President's Health Reform push.

I read these six points at American Papist.

1. The House bill specifically includes it. The Capps amendment explicitly allows abortion coverage in the public health plan and subsidizes health plans that cover abortion. (Passed 30-28 in the House Energy and Commerce Committee, July 30)

2. Senate Democrats admit it. "[The health care bill] would include, uh, it would include, uh, Planned, uh, Parenthood clinics." (Sen. Barbara Mikulski, July 9, Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions-HELP-Committee meeting-Planned Parenthood is the No. 1 U.S. abortion chain.)

3. Senate Democrats refused to ban it. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah): "Madam Chairman, would you be willing to put some language in [about] not including abortion services? Then I think you would have more support."Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.): "...No, I would not, uh, be willing to do that at this time." (July 9, Senate HELP Committee meeting)

4. The mainstream media confirms it. ("Government insurance would allow coverage for abortion," Associated Press, August 5, 2009).

5. The Obama administration includes it in its definition of reproductive health care. "Reproductive health care includes access to abortion." (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, July 19)

6. Every amendment to exclude it from health care legislation was defeated by the liberal sponsors. The following is a list of pro-life amendments that would have prevented abortion funding or prohibited abortion mandates for covered services. (For vote tallies and details, see our complete list at here)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Former Alaska Governor Palin Did Nothing to Keep Chicago's City Hall Open Yesterday

Yesterday was opening day for freshmen at Leo High School and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin could not be bothered to drop by and give the African American young men attending this venerable Catholic inner city high school a Howdy! Not only that Chicago City Hall was closed for business and Palin lifted not one finger to help.

Sarah Palin is the cause of all the problems President Obama has had since his historic election.

In Afghanistan, American troops face the Taliban, with whom we should be dialoging, but nowhere is Palin to be found.

When the late Michael Jackson was gulping down white gloved handfuls of crazy pills, did Palin intervene? 'Zounds - she did not!

Did she save Vick's Dogs? Nope.

MSNBC Chris "Milky" Matthews suggests with every breath in his thigh that Palin is ordering folks to strap on the shooting irons and attend Townhalls.

Sarah Palin is goading Americans to attend Townhalls in order that they may be infected by the H1N1 - Pig Puker Virus.

Every voice in electronic media devotes every level of volume in damning Palin, but her pernicious influence on the lives of all Americans continues unabated - like the nemesis of Sherlock Holmes, Professor James Moriarty The Napoleon of Crime, Sarah Palin is La jeune fille à l'agneau.

Yet, considered unlettered and unwholesome to Salonitas and their lap-dogs like David Brooks and Kathleen Parker, Palin weaves a web of calumny and intrigue with the dexterity of Kali -Palin's tawny and sinew-ed Diana-like arms snake in and out of every aspect of the Life American!

Woe unto this Land! Unscrubbed of Palin.

Only this morning, I counted the bills in the silver clip inscribed with the honorific -#1. Dad ( Father's Day 1999) and was shocked to see that I had ten dollars fewer than the previous morning.

Palin is Afoot in this Land of the Free! The Game's Afoot!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dr. Camille Paglia Knows That Sgt. Jimmy Crowley Will Have Another Beer at the White House Before Obama's Public Option Gets Articulated

Salon is a pretentious word for a beer and wine guzzle and gum flap. Its roots are in the Italian neoclassical age ( late 16th century) when everyone who was anyone was agog over Horace, Cicero, Virgil and Catalus.

Groups of people who could read met in a big open room and read Latin poetry and discussed the beauties of the tropes and truths of the sentences. The French went apey over the salone gatherings of the Italians and aped the tradition from the 17th Century on and then the children and grandchildren of Yankee Puritans and immigrant swell-wannabees played Salon. They still do.

I attend a Salon every morning up at Kean Gas where worthies gather to exercise their gums over events and ideas large and small. This gathering includes teachers, lawyers, ComEd workers, Peoples Gas clerks, Cops, Firefighters, Nurses and Ward precinct captains. Invariably my faults and peccadillo's are tossed back upon my positions to poison the well of dispute -nonetheless, my helot's thoughts get free voice. Last Friday, I had the pleasure to 'salon' with Beachwood Reporter and NBC Chicago web-meister Steve Rhodes - a rock-ribbed liberal of the old school and young man with a lode of intellectual and literary gold to mine. I was bested in dispute and at Eight Ball no end by Rhodes and other 'bright young things' - and that is as it should be. It was the best of salons.

Salon ( Clique my Post Title) is also a slick magazine that features agreed upon smart-set contributors and sanctioned opinion-slingers. Ever-weepy and whiny Joan Walsh, an endlessly dull harpy and MSNBC head-shaker, holds this tent's center-post. However, the absolute best writer and only original thinker at this salone ( in deference to the Professor's Italian Heritage) is Camille Paglia.

I know of Dr. Pagila due to my trade as a has-been English teacher. Camille Paglia always extends the context - the breadth and depth of her reading never posts limits on her mind's ability to articulate without cant or bigotry.Dr. Pagila is openly gay yet not given to strident agenda netting. She is a former Catholic who respects the beauty, mystery and majesty of the Faith. She is a feminist who never allows simple-minded association to grab for the broad brush and repaint the house.

This week Dr. Paglia went right to the root of the Obama White House's failure to articulate why Health Care Reform must be accepted by every American without a careful examination of the guts of the agenda. Paglia writes that Obama Care's root problem could be witnessed a few weeks ago in the Gates/Crowley nonsense and distraction. Pagila states,

As a libertarian and refugee from the authoritarian Roman Catholic church of my youth, I simply do not understand the drift of my party toward a soulless collectivism. This is in fact what Sarah Palin hit on in her shocking image of a "death panel" under Obamacare that would make irrevocable decisions about the disabled and elderly. When I first saw that phrase, headlined on the Drudge Report, I burst out laughing. It seemed so over the top! But on reflection, I realized that Palin's shrewdly timed metaphor spoke directly to the electorate's unease with the prospect of shadowy, unelected government figures controlling our lives. A death panel not only has the power of life and death but is itself a symptom of a Kafkaesque brave new world where authority has become remote, arbitrary and spectral. And as in the Spanish Inquisition, dissidence is heresy, persecuted and punished.

Surely, the basic rule in comprehensive legislation should be: First, do no harm. The present proposals are full of noble aims, but the biggest danger always comes from unforeseen and unintended consequences. Example: the American incursion into Iraq, which destabilized the region by neutralizing Iran's rival and thus enormously enhancing Iran's power and nuclear ambitions.

What was needed for reform was an in-depth analysis, buttressed by documentary evidence, of waste, fraud and profiteering in the healthcare, pharmaceutical and insurance industries. Instead what we've gotten is a series of facile, vulgar innuendos about how doctors conduct their practice, as if their primary motive is money. Quite frankly, the president gives little sense of direct knowledge of medical protocols; it's as if his views are a tissue of hearsay and scattershot worst-case scenarios.

Of course, it didn't help matters that, just when he needed maximum momentum on healthcare, Obama made the terrible gaffe of declaring that, even without his knowing the full facts, Cambridge, Mass., police had acted "stupidly" in arresting a friend of his, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. Obama's automatic identification with the pampered Harvard elite (wildly unpopular with most sensible people), as well as his insulting condescension toward an officer doing his often dangerous duty, did serious and perhaps irreparable damage to the president's standing. The strained, prissy beer summit in the White House garden afterward didn't help. Is that the Obama notion of hospitality? Another staff breakdown.

Both Gates and Obama mistakenly assumed that the original incident at Gates' house was about race, when it was about class. It was the wealthy, lordly Gates who committed the first offense by instantly and evidently hysterically defaming the character of the officer who arrived at his door to investigate the report of a break-in. There was no excuse for Gates' loud and cheap charges of racism, which he should have immediately apologized for the next day, instead of threatening lawsuits and self-aggrandizing television exposés. On the other hand, given that Cambridge is virtually a company town, perhaps police headquarters should have dispatched a moderator to the tumultuous scene before a small, disabled Harvard professor was clapped in handcuffs and marched off to jail. But why should an Ivy League panjandrum be treated any differently from the rest of us hoi polloi?

Class rarely receives honest attention in the American media, as demonstrated by the reporting on a June incident at a swimming pool in the Philadelphia suburbs. When the director of the Valley Swim Club in Montgomery County cancelled its agreement with several urban day camps to use its private pool, the controversy was portrayed entirely in racial terms. There were uninvestigated allegations of remarks about "black kids" made by white mothers who ordered their children out of the pool, and the racial theme was intensified by the director's inept description of the "complexion" of the pool having been changed -- which may simply have been a whopper of a Freudian slip.

A salon is a big open room. Camille Paglia seems to be the only Salonista willing to welcome the helots who drink coffee with me at Kean.

God Bless, Dr. Paglia.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Progressive Columnist Yale Butler-Munchen Explains "Just How Stupid Americans" He Feels Them "To Be!" Really!

As a columnist who regularly dishes out sharp criticism, I try not to question the motives of people with whom I don't agree. Today, I'm going to step over that line.

I'm the bad guy for saying it's a stupid country, yet polls show that a majority of Americans cannot name a single branch of government, or explain what the Bill of Rights is. 24% could not name the country America fought in the Revolutionary War. More than two-thirds of Americans don't know what's in Roe v. Wade. Two-thirds don't know what the Food and Drug Administration does. Some of this stuff you should be able to pick up simply by being alive. You know, like the way the Slumdog kid knew about cricket.

Not here. Nearly half of Americans don't know that states have two senators and more than half can't name their congressman. And among Republican governors, only 30% got their wife's name right on the first try.

Sarah Palin says she would never apologize for America. Even though a Gallup poll says 18% of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth. No, they're not stupid. They're interplanetary mavericks. A third of Republicans believe Obama is not a citizen, and a third of Democrats believe that George Bush had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, which is an absurd sentence because it contains the words "Bush" and "knowledge."

People bitch and moan about taxes and spending, but they have no idea what their government spends money on. The average voter thinks foreign aid consumes 24% of our federal budget. It's actually less than 1%. And don't even ask about cabinet members: seven in ten think Napolitano is a kind of three-flavored ice cream. And last election, a full one-third of voters forgot why they were in the booth, handed out their pants, and asked, "Do you have these in a relaxed-fit?"

And I haven't even brought up America's religious beliefs. But here's one fun fact you can take away: did you know only about half of Americans are aware that Judaism is an older religion than Christianity? That's right, half of America looks at books called the Old Testament and the New Testament and cannot figure out which one came first.

And these are the idiots we want to weigh in on the minutia of health care policy? Please, this country is like a college chick after two Long Island Iced Teas: we can be talked into anything, like wars, and we can be talked out of anything, like health care. We should forget town halls, and replace them with study halls. There's a lot of populist anger directed towards Washington, but you know who concerned citizens should be most angry at? Their fellow citizens. "Inside the beltway" thinking may be wrong, but at least it's thinking, which is more than you can say for what's going on outside the beltway.

And if you want to call me an elitist for this, I say thank you. Yes, I want decisions made by an elite group of people who know what they're talking about. That means Obama budget director Peter Orszag, not Sarah Palin. Now, people who don’t know that Medicare is a government program probably aren’t reacting to what President Obama is actually proposing. They may believe some of the disinformation opponents of health care reform are spreading, like the claim that the Obama plan will lead to euthanasia for the elderly. (That particular claim is coming straight from House Republican leaders.) But they’re probably reacting less to what Mr. Obama is doing, or even to what they’ve heard about what he’s doing, than to who he is.

That is, the driving force behind the town hall mobs is probably the same cultural and racial anxiety that’s behind the “birther” movement, which denies Mr. Obama’s citizenship. Senator Dick Durbin has suggested that the birthers and the health care protesters are one and the same; we don’t know how many of the protesters are birthers, but it wouldn’t be surprising if it’s a substantial fraction.

And cynical political operators are exploiting that anxiety to further the economic interests of their backers.

Does this sound familiar? It should: it’s a strategy that has played a central role in American politics ever since Richard Nixon realized that he could advance Republican fortunes by appealing to the racial fears of working-class whites.

Many people hoped that last year’s election would mark the end of the “angry white voter” era in America. Indeed, voters who can be swayed by appeals to cultural and racial fear are a declining share of the electorate.

But right now Mr. Obama’s backers seem to lack all conviction, perhaps because the prosaic reality of his administration isn’t living up to their dreams of transformation. Meanwhile, the angry right is filled with a passionate intensity.

Let’s face it: This is no party of Einsteins. Really, it isn’t. A Pew poll last month found that only 6 percent of scientists said that they were Republicans.

Democrats should be leading this discussion. Instead, they’re losing control of it. That’s unfortunate because the debate is too important to be hijacked by hooligans.

Click the Post title for a Genuine Progressive Hero - Rep. Brian Baird ( D- Wash) a Champ; Smart Guy MSNBC Withit -Hep Cat.

Yale Butler-Munchen writes an amalgamae of many thoughtful auteurs, my pets. Arianna Huffington is DYING to get Yale!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Birthers? Don't Know One. Now, Divorcers? Palin-aphobia Distraction.

Keith Olbermann is bathtubbing, or some such marination. Butch Maddow is tanking. Big Ed Schultz is looking more Hermann Goringesque each episode. Milky Chris Matthews just back from a fudge finding tour of Africa is paler than the foam on the White House Lawn.The pencil neck Limey,as well as Mel Brooks impersonator Howard Dean, is filling in for Olbermann on Countdown. MSNBC is the Toolshed yet, but has been at the tip of the "Birther" Spear.

"Birther's" are folks who continue to ask for President Obama's Birth Certificate. They are out there somewhere, but I have yet to meet one. I run into many,many people in my job as a fund raiser for an inner city Catholic high school for African American young men - Leo High School! I am in the Loop three to five days a week. I meet the entire canvass of the American landscape (CEO's, middle managers, cops, fire fighters, City Hall operatives, journalists, tradesmen, nurses, clergy of all denominations, men, women and little kids. No Birthers.

The Birthers MSNBC and the Astro-turf Roots Boiled Beets Progressives are shouting out warnings about the Birthers!!!!! Dang. Where are they?

Yesterday, I met three new configurations of the Conspiracy Folks - The Divorcers, two women and one man, while I ambled about Beverly Park during the Play for Maeve event. Upon seeing my harmlees, but ruggedly handsome and contemplative self, they swarmed a-buzzing! All three worked mightily against George W, Bush and all he stands for, Racism, War and the heart-break of Psoriasis. The two women were especially strident "Mr. McCain-loser (me) . . .looks like your Eskimo-pie VP is not so Family now?"

"Ladies, you have me at a disadvantage. What news, pray tell, is the germ of your question?," I asked after Doffing my green Pat Mac's Pack ( Paddy McNamara is my cousin's little boy who suffers from returning brain tumors) baseball cap - I always wear a hat so I can tip it to a Lady!

"Palin the Quitter is quiting Todd!"

" Honor Bright, Skirts?"

" It's in Alaska Report if you can read, or do you get all your news from FOX?"

" Why, yes, I read some and no some of my best news sources are delicate flowers of the 19th Ward like yourselves. I shall avail myself of this broadsheet post haste."

The Progressive gentleman agreed and seethed -and on such a nice day.

Returning to my Yeoman's cottage some few blocks from Beverly Park, and after making a sandwich of heroic proportions as I did not get to sate myself on hot-dogs at the event, I searched and found this -

A National Enquirer story exposing previous affairs on both sides led to a deterioration of their marriage and the stress from that led to Palin's resignation as governor of Alaska last week.

The Palins were noticeably not speaking to each other for most of last Sunday's resignation speech in Fairbanks. Sarah ditched Todd (MSNBC) right after the speech and left without him. Sarah removed her wedding ring a couple of weeks ago.

Sarah has recently purchased land in Montana and is considering moving the family there. Sarah Palin is originally from Idaho.

What Ho! Them 'Hoes have hit the mother load! The National Enquirer no less!

The sinking Progressive barge is baling ballast!

It turns out that Palin and Todd are not, in fact, considering divorce. Given the Health Reform Clown Opera, with Nutmeg Jan Schakowsky piping melancholy mad for Government Medicine, the Flat Beer Summit, Double Digit Unemployment, Clunkers, and the expanding War in Afghanistan -the graveyard of Empires - I expect that some misdirection plays are afoot. Thus, the woman most feared by Second Wave Feminists, Salonistas, Academic Fakirs, and Boiled Beets Progressives is Target One.

The Divorcers will dominate the Cable as well as the chimera of the Birthers! Glory Be!

They are throwing spit-balls at a battleship. Palin will be fine.

Birthers -meet the Divorcers - now have fun and don't soil yourselves too much.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Culture Clash Writ Large - The Academic and the Cop

"I mean, if I was trying to jigger into -- well, I guess this is my house now, so -- it probably wouldn't happen.

"But let's say my old house in Chicago -- here I'd get shot."
President Barack Obama June 22, 2009

President Obama is getting cover for his Stupid Cop remarks from MSNBC, which is going flat-out with faux news tinsel about 'Birth-ers' - the new 'Truthers,' or 'Swiftboaters' supposedly worried that President Obama was born in Kenya. Really? The only place in this vast city of Chicago that I have heard about 'birth-ers' is on my 17" Panavision TV set in the basement - when somehow channel 52 MSNBC on WOW cable trips on and Milky Matthews, Big Ed or Fountain Mouth Schuester, sitting in for Fat Boy Olbermann get a howling.

The balance of the howling deals with Dick Cheney, or Sarah Palin. What's up with that? Cover, Sweetheart. The President is tanking.

The Big Story is President Obama's stupid joke and subsequent smear of the Cambridge, MA Police and Sgt. Crowley in particular.

This incident of Wednesday Night's Presidential Press Conference tells more about the Obama Administration than if T.H. White had written the Making and UnMaking of a President 2008-2009. The President decided when asked by Sun Times White House correspondent Lynn Sweet (who this very morning dedicates her ink to kopping a plea that she had not tanked the question with the White House prior to the News Conference)to slap the helots, rubes and working stiffs by showing the cops his big stick and bully pulpit. Oh, It's On! The President jokingly implied that Chicago Cops would shoot him. Chicago cops are detailed at City of Chicago expense to watch out for his 'old house' in Hyde Park.

Chicago Cops have long been the target of people close to President Obama - lawyers suing Chicago over alleged police abuse, torture and mayhem; most newpaper columnists and TV news readers; editorial boards; academics and old timey 60's radicals in the 'Hood.

What President Obama displayed is the very nature of elitist meanness and small minded will to belittle the broad American middle class. This presentation marks the ground. The Academic and the Cop will be the metaphor in the days to come.

Sgt. Crowley represents the small-town rubes who cling to their guns and religion.

Skip Gates is a resident of the Universal Hyde Park. The folks with whom the President is at home.

Like Skip Gates, President Obama just might have locked himself out of our homes. He had a good night with a hundred or so well-heeled donors. Behind the doors of the American middle class homes millions of Sgt. Crowley-like Americans watched Mark Buehrle reach perfection by doing what American workers do so well - they're jobs.
Those jobs are vanishing, because President Obama's Academic pals, like Skip Gates, want the government to force its will upon all of us doing our jobs. That is the essence of Stimulus Packages and Government Run Health Care.

Americans believe that President Obama was elected to the Presidency on the level.

Americans are learning, rather quickly, that President Obama's plans for them are not on square.

Ask Sgt. Crowley; ask any cop.,w-obama-police-arrest-gates-07.article

Monday, July 13, 2009

GOP - Screw- Pooch Adviser Mike Murphy (MSNBC Shill) - If Palin's a Loser, Let Her Go!

As a bartender of many years, I listened to marinated mopes go through the stages of Drunkenness:

1. Witty and charming (part 1)
This is after one or two drinks. Mr. Booze is coursing the old brain pan and you are now Robert Wagner. Often Self- deprecating at the on-set to show what a sweet-natured but with it guy you are! "C Students Make the World Go-'Round!"

2. Rich and famous
By the third drink, " Hey, I can get You in to See Daley! No Kidding, I Know Cheeks Malone on the Mayor's Detail!"

3. Benevolent
Here's a twenty for your bar-maid, Pal. She's single Mom I hear too. It's only money.

4. Just one more and We'll eat Boys -On Me!
a stall tactic

5. Are We Men or Campfire Girls ? Fornicate Dinner ! A Round, Chief! Everyone,from the Street to the Shithouse!Just one more and then we'll eat!Honest!

6. Patriotic
The war stories Begin " Yeah, I was One A, but They Never Called me Up For 'Nam! I'da Gone Too!"

7. Warm up the Enola Gay !

" I'dA Gone To 'Nam But I Had a High Lottery Number
"We would have won in 'Nam, but..."

8. Invisible
You flip the finger to the Biggest Biker in the Bar - "No Dude! The Librarian Behind You!"

9. Witty and charming (part 2)
"You know, I Like a Girl with a Head on her like a Boulder in a Roy Rogers Movie"

10. Bulletproof
" Ged On Yer, Triscull, Na'cy boy . . . You go ta Carmuhl? . . .Hi' me agun 'n see what happens!"

GOP - Spin Doctors are Stage 10 on Palin!

GOP Political Operatives want Sarah Palin's pelt on the door before the Congresional Races of 2010 get started. Palin will be a huge influence. Murphy and Harp Harpy Noonan are Palin Drunk and Bullet Proof. Watch the Dipsos chase the pink elephants!

Chick Magnet and MSNBC lap-dog Mike Murphy is the loudest. The geek Mark McKinnon with the Miami Vice thing going on Butch Maddow's show is good too.

MSNBC cuts checks to people who will read their scripts.

Here's Mike Murphy:

"Professional operatives keep their eye on a broader horizon and understand, without independents and swing voters, she can't win," Murphy said. "She's a stone-cold loser in a general election. . . .Some blame sexism, though again there is sharp disagreement between Palin's supporters and detractors. Some think the former beauty queen has always been hurt by her looks, whereas others think her appearance has helped her considerably. "If Sarah Palin looked like Golda Meir, would we even be talking about her today?" Murphy asked."

Sarah Palin will draw Democrats and grass-roots Republicans and Independents to vote out Congress Bozos in 2010. Hell, folks like her! I like her. She's like the Moms on my block and like them could run government like Eamonn Coglan.

Mike Murphy and other over-paid GOP loser advisers are pooping themselves like a DQ Soft-Serve dispenser on an August Night in Gila Bend, Arizona - that's hot!

Girls, if Sarah Palin is such a loser, why all the fuss?

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Houli is Back - Writing on Cook County: Mike Houlihan's Cook County Buzz at the Examiner

Chicago Renaissance Man, writer, film director, actor and political prognosticator Michael Houlihan is writing and mentor, long-time Chicago News legend, Jim Strong giving sound journalistic advice, at the Chicago Examiner! Recent Forbes Magazine profile subject ( 31st Wealthiest Man Around) Philip Anschutz is the publisher of The Examiner chain.

Mike's monthly Hooliganism for the Irish American News is no where near enough blue collar value point of view for a Metropolitan Area living in a veritable Honesty Desert. With Houlihan there is -No Nuance, No Parsing, No Smarm ( south side culture allows No Smarm - only hot-blooded invective, malediction and blasphemy) and No Group Think Whining that the Pencil Neck Progressives offer. Thus, " We were ALL of Us made better people the day Michael Jackson decided to become Diana Ross - all of us!"

Now, the Chicago Examiner provides writers like Mike Houlihan to present the unvarnished and un-PC truths to readers, wasting away to intellectual nothingness for lack of solid opinion fiber. Houli got Fiber, Y'all!

Houli is fiber rich and chock full of the real McCoy. Here's a taste of Houli's declamation on Goo-Goos ( Good Government Progressive Feebs in Creeps Clothing):

Many goo-goo’s in Cook County are Democrats, but they chafe at the reputation of their party. They elected Blago, but won’t admit it. They love Governor Pat Quinn for his record as a goo-goo, but they reserve disdain for Daley.

Goo-goo’s are so much more than simple good government people; they are patronizing peddlers of pabulum. Like Zorn in the Tribune, Carol Marin in the Sun-Times, or that brilliant seasoned journalist Katie Couric who so intellectually took Sarah Palin to task on what magazines she read during the campaign.

Goo-goo’s belong to Planned Parenthood and PETA and the “Society for the Prevention of Jimmy Pushing Johnny Out of Line”.

Goo-goo’s believe that our new President walks on water and if we don’t see it we are racist luddites.

Goo-goo’s fear Palin more than Putin, Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Il, and the Pope. She’s the antithesis of the goo-goo worldview, and she just might get elected President someday. That’s what scares them more than anything.

Chicago thanks the Examiner.Com for the return of sense to scene. Houli will be an imporant part of my great breakfast!