" You seem like a fine lad, Billy. . .er, Mimi Alford, an intern here at the White House. Yes she is . . . Mimi is 19 and might be a bit old for you, son. "Get them before they grow teeth," my Daddy always told me. Keep at it, Billy. Pleasure." A Camelot Moment.
Rick Santorum's sweep of the three primary/caucus States( Colorado, Minnesota and Missourri), by huge numbers, should harbinger the following events up to and through this weekend-
Wednesday -Newt Gingrich will get the full MSNBC Chris Matthews Camelot Treatment Ala Mimi Alford - "take care of Dave Powers and Teddy, Mimi. They're tense."
Thursday- MSNBC Mensa Member Meghan McCain will remain on 24 hour suicide watch. ( “If he (Daddy) would’ve endorsed Santorum, I mean, I would be, like, slitting my wrists.” Meghan with Noodles O'Donnell 1-5-2012)
Friday, the Obama Administration will dump HHS Choice mandate along with thousands of incriminating Fast and Furious and Solyndra e-mails.
Saturday -Axe and the lads will explain the troubling numbers to the Science President.
Sunday President Obama family will attend to Mass and attempt to take the Eucharist . . . under advisement.
Catholics have a clear choice for President and he does not have an Honorary Degree from Notre Dame, or Georgetown, let alone a Nobel Prize.
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Santorum Sweep - No Camelot Moments Here; Move On ! MSNBC Analyst Meghan McCain on Suicide Watch
Posted by
7:25 AM
Labels: Chris Milky Matthews, Meghan McCain Mensa Member, Mimi Alford Camelot Orgies, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama, Tension Free Dave Powers
Sunday, June 27, 2010
MSNBC Chris Matthews - Tea Party Violence at G-20 Summit - These Old White Women Hate Obama!
Boy was Chris "Milky" Matthews on this one, or what?
Police said they have arrested more than 500 demonstrators, many of whom were hauled away in plastic handcuffs and taken to a temporary holding center constructed for the summit.
Thousands of police in riot gear formed cordons to prevent radical anti-globalization demonstrations from breaching the steel and concrete security fence surrounding the Group of 20 summit site.
Toronto Police Sgt. Tim Burrows said police made at least 50 arrests in a Sunday morning raid on a building on the campus of the University of Toronto, where they seized a cache of "street-type weaponry" such as bricks, sticks and rocks.
"We think we put a dent in their numbers with this and with the arrests that happened overnight," Burrows said.
The disorder and vandalism occurred just blocks from where U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders were meeting and staying.
"What we saw yesterday is a bunch of thugs that pretend to have a difference of opinion with policies and instead choose violence to express those so-called differences of opinion," Prime Minister Stephen Harper's chief spokesman Dimitri Soudas said Sunday.
The streets of downtown Toronto were quiet at daylight, but protesters gathered Sunday morning at a park near the detention center — about 2.5 miles (four kilometers) east of where the leaders are meeting.
Police went into the crowd and made some arrests, adopting a more aggressive strategy than the previous day when they stood back as protesters torched four police cars and broke store windows.
These Tea Party folks are just a shudder, ain't they Milky?
Posted by
11:33 AM
Labels: Chris Milky Matthews, MSNBC The Tool Shed
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
MSNBC Chris Matthews Poised to Increase Tea Party Membership!
Chris Matthews is an Irish Catholic Urban Icon - the guy you can not avoid. Matthews is the mope every Big City Irish Catholic guy meets in grammar school, pummels on the playground for ratting you out to Sister. Milky Matthews somehow survives high school, shows up in the local saloon, tavern, or neighborhood gin-mill on his breaks from Mount Holyrood College for Dweebs and loudly recalls all of the fun you guys and he had together.
He invents tales of neighborhood adventures that happened to someone else, usually performed by your older cousins, or brothers; yet, Milky wedges himself into the tale, having told it repeatedly at college to mopes who have not been snitched on by Matthews.
Years later, when you have sweated and humped and labored and found a woman far above your worth to marry and begin a family he re-appears -night, after, night, after #$%$^ing night!!!!! " Can't you make him go-away?" your bride begs. "Daddy, he is creepy and scary." the wee-ones whimper.
You are too old to take him out to St. Cajetan's Parking Lot near the school, yank down his Dad N' Lad slacks and toss them over the utility wires. Life is not that simple. We all have a Chris Matthews.
Tonight, Milky micturates in America's Wheaties!
Chris Matthews has talked to a range of conservative thinkers for the special “Rise of the New Right,” which debuts at 7 p.m. Wednesday on MSNBC.
The cable news channel says that Mathews asks: “Who are the people on the New Right? What do they want? And how do they intend to get it?”
Matthews interviewed former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, Orly Taitz of the Birther movement and Internet radio host Alex Jones.
Will you watch?
Not a nano second. He might start showing up at Keegan's Pub again. We can ignore the goof as these folks tell the gent who asked the question above in the Orlando Sentinel
Why in the world would I watch (another) hate-filled angry diatribe centered around the President, his birth origins, his color, health care, and a gazillion other things when I know no solutions will be promised?
This is what I want. Solutions to our problems. Right or wrong, that’s what the President is giving us…not the right wing.
Reply Posted by: Howey | Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 11:38 AM
Will I watch?——- Oh, hell no I won’t.
Reply Posted by: RockfordFiles | Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 1:28 PM
I won’t watch, either…Ms. Taitz only recently stopped looking like a panda after a style consultant took her makeup down two notches…that doesn’t give her any more credibility. And no one can wipe that sneer off Dick Armey’s face…
Reply Posted by: Jeff | Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 2:27 PM
Infowars.com Receives “Rise of the New Right” Script :: Watch out friends, this is going to be a hit story- http://bit.ly/daiHb2 #tcot #tlot
Reply Posted by: TruthSearching | Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 3:33 PM
You guys won’t watch because the truth hurts don’t it.
Reply Posted by: Dustin | Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 4:07 PM
Watch that disgusting hate monger slander his fellow citizens. Not on your life. Chris Matthews is a disgusting human being.
Reply Posted by: James | Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 5:59 PM
Thanks for the info, “truthsearching”! (LOL!)
Looks like I was right.
Reply Posted by: Howey | Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 6:37 PM
I watch Chris Matthews and I find his programming and line of questioning interesting.
His stance is NOT about hating Obama, rather it is lifting the veil of hypocrisy of the Left and and exposing their hate filled dogma towards those they consider OTHERS! It is very important for all of us to be aware of the hate that is around us and not be fooled.
Reply Posted by: m. | Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 1:05 AM
Chris Matthews blows.
As do Gabriel and the crowd at the World Cup - Blows Big Time!
Posted by
6:24 AM
Labels: Chris Milky Matthews, MSNBC The Tool Shed, Orlando Sentinel
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Essay - Quam Videri: Spy Wednesday & Judas and Judy Outrage on MSNBC & the Progressive Media
``Where the Bishop is, there let the multitude of believers be;
even as where Jesus is, there is the Catholic Church'' Ignatius of Antioch, 1st c. A.D
I went to Catholic grammar school for eight years; attended a Minor Seminary ( St. Augustine's in Holland Michigan) for three years; graduated from a Catholic neighborhood high school ( Little Flower at 78th & Honore); took my Bachelor of Arts at Loyola University; taught at a Catholic high school ( Bishop McNamara in Kankakee); received my Master of Arts at Loyola University; taught and coached at a Catholic boarding school ( LaLumiere School in LaPorte, IN); worked in development at two Catholic high schools ( Bishop Noll Institute & Leo High School) and never once personally encountered or witnessed clergy sexual abuse.
While in the Minor Seminary at Holland, MI run by the great Augustinian priests and brothers I slept in two- tiered bunks in a barracks-like dormitory with forty of my classmates and a priest occupied an adjacent room. Nothing.
At Bishop McNamara, one student, among the many hundreds of boys and girls with whom I had daily contact, reported to me and several of my male colleagues about sexual abuse by a priest in in the rectory of St. George's parish six miles from Kankakee. We reported the abuse to our Principal Father Ken Yarno.
Father Yarno, a graduate of Bishop Mac and varsity football star on the fighting Irish, took direct, immediate and very public action. The priest was arrested in the public eye, cuffed, perp-walked and punished.
The abuse of a child is the most horrific thing human beings are willing to inflict in this life.
The Catholic Church is scourged. But that is not enough for too many who find the Church in adamant opposition to abortion, sexual libertines, financial predators, and political animals.
Yesterday, was Spy Wednesday* in the Catholic Faith's Holy Week that began last Sunday.
I was treated to faux Catholics on MSNBC Hardball - Chris Matthews and Joan Walsh - two the most fatuous and oily fatheads walking on shod feet.
Holy Week and the continuing sex-abuse scandal allowed the French-kissing Judas and Judies of the corporate media - self-styled reformed Catholics - to spew, shout, interrupt and howl calumnies about their points of view ( Walsh shrilled,wailed and keened about the Partiarchy of Male Prelates, because a WOMAN should be the Pope! Mathews did his usual Charlie McCarthy musings and drones) that the insitutional Catholic Church is intrinsically evil. This is the place for politics as the MSNBC Progressive Cheerleading Squad of Matthews, Schultz, Olbermann, Maddow, O'Donnell and their fellow lesser lights taut and taunt as MSNBC ratings plummet.
Pope Benedict XVI has been targeted by the corporate media since long before the Holy Spirit led him to the Chair of Peter - He was Ratzinger - the Pope's bully boy; the Nazi Flak Gunner; the foe of Feminism and dauntless shepherd of the unborn children.
A gutless, but politically correct and protected Bishop, Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee, protected pedophile priests and tossed the sins of these lice to Rome and into claws of the enemies of the Catholic Church.
I detest all my sins. One of my biggest sins is the sin of Anger. I would have every child-predator executed - publicly. That's how I roll, I guess and will face my God for that stiff-necked point of view.
I detest the hypocrites of the corporate media who collect huge bags of silver by calumnizing the Church in order to 'Change the Narrative.'
Pope Benedict XVI will survive his Gesthemane and the Church will long outlive the idiot box Judas and Judy shows on MSNBC.
For thirty pieces of silver was Our Lord betrayed, as prophecied by Zacharias: 1Click my post title for a wonderful web page Fish Eaters
Zacharias 11:9 -12
I will not feed you: that which dieth, let it die: and that which is cut off, let it be cut off: and let the rest devour every one the flesh of his neighbour. And I took my rod that was called Beauty, and I cut it asunder to make void my covenant, which I had made with all people. And it was made void in that day: and so the poor of the flock that keep for me, understood that it is the word of the Lord. And I said to them: If it be good in your eyes, bring hither my wages: and if not, be quiet. And they weighed for my wages thirty pieces of silver.
St. Luke explains how this vile betrayal happened: a devil entered into Judas:
Luke 22:3-6
And Satan entered into Judas, who was surnamed Iscariot, one of the twelve. And he went, and discoursed with the chief priests and the magistrates, how he might betray Him to them. And they were glad, and convenanted to give him money. And he promised. And he sought opportunity to betray him in the absence of the multitude (see also John 13:2).
But Jesus already knew this would happen, as we know from this earlier exchange with His Apostles, after He revealed that we must eat His Body and drink His Blood. He knew what Judas would do with the free will God gives to all men:
John 6:64-72
The words that I have spoken to you, are spirit and life. But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning, who they were that did not believe, and who he was, that would betray him. And He said: Therefore did I say to you, that no man can come to Me, unless it be given him by my Father.
After this many of his disciples went back; and walked no more with Him. Then Jesus said to the twelve: Will you also go away?
And Simon Peter answered him: Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we have believed and have known, that Thou art the Christ, the Son of God (see also John 12:26-29 and Matthew 26:25).
Jesus answered them: Have not I chosen you twelve; and one of you is a devil? Now he meant Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon: for this same was about to betray Him, whereas he was one of the twelve.
Posted by
5:03 AM
Labels: Chris Milky Matthews, Father, Joan Walsh, MSNBC The Tool Shed, Pope Benedict XVI, Spy Wedenesday
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Salon's Blubbery Joan Walsh Wants You to Know That She Is Outraged - Outraged
Getting Showered and Shaved a bit ago, in order to attend to local Democratic Party functions ( good people one and all and nothing like the National Nitwits of the DNC) my son Conor was power surfing the cable and left on MSNBC, before heading to the door and work at Di Cola's Fish on Western Ave.
As I completed my wardrobe assessment for the evening Tweed Ride - frock, shirt and collar cravat, sword-cane and Churchill Waterproof, I noticed that damn his eyes - the lad had left the station tuned to MSNBC.
Salon's Joan Walsh, plumped up from the Holiday Feasting and appearing to have gone 'Double Dutch' with the Mashed Spuds ladles, was rehowling her morning's 'Props' to the Commander-in-Chief with MSNBC Meathead and resident flannel-mouth Chris Matthews. Joan and Milky were doing "the dozens" on the cross-eyed, Black Dude who sounds like steam escaping - the guy had worked for Dick Cheney. MSNBC always invites Republican or Blue Dog Democrat Victims -as opposed to guests.
In essence, Plump and ever weepy Joan had this to say:
" President Obama's candor Tuesday describing the mosaic of warnings . . ." . . . that's enough.
Posted by
3:33 PM
Labels: Chris Milky Matthews, Joan Walsh, MSNBC The Tool Shed
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Chris "West Point" Matthews - Talkng to the Enemy and Channeling Buck Laughlin
I'm Chris Matthews - tonight on Hardball - I have General Petraeus - he was in the audience at West Point last night and yeah I said it - the President was in Enemy Territory with A Bridge Too Far and Cheney under the bridge biting his ankles and our kids are staked out on anthills with the Berbers attacking like in Beau Geste.Obama "went to maybe the enemy camp last night. You were in Camp General. General, Welcome. The Surge whats with the surge, a serge used to be a fabric for men's suits - What's a surge?
Gen Petraeus - "It is to disrupt al-Qaeda and its ability to conduct sensational attacks and to try to continue the cycle of violence, which they have been trying to do all along. In addition, they are attempting try establish a real al-Qaeda sanctuary in Iraq, a caliphate."
Matthews - Excuse me if this off the subject a little bit, but just take a guess at how much I can bench press. Come on, what do you think? Take a guess. 315 pounds, at the top of my game, maxing out at 500!
Gen Petraeus - “There is a period of omnipotence. There was a period in the beginning when there was a ‘golden hour’. Inevitably, it does not matter how much you were viewed as a liberator, over time you will be seen as an occupier. The interesting dynamic here is that we have been here long enough to become liberators again for certain sectors of the population, those that are affected by extremism.”
Matthews - Doctor, question that's always bothered me and a lot of people: Mayflower, combined with Philadelphia - a no-brainer, right? Cause this is where the Mayflower landed. Not so. It turns out Columbus actually set foot somewhere down in the West Indies. Little known fact. Look at Scott! He is prancing along with the dog! Man, I tell you something, if you live in my neighborhood and you're dressed like that, you'd better be a hotel doorman.
. . . and there will always be more.
Posted by
2:20 PM
Labels: Chris Milky Matthews, Gen. Petraeus, MSNBC The Tool Shed
Monday, November 23, 2009
MSNBC Whited Sepulchre of Planned Parenthood
"Democracy is finished in England. It may be here," Joe Kennedy 1940 -tragic
“The bishop instructed me not to take Communion and said that he has instructed the diocesan priests not to give me Communion" Patrick Kennedy 2009 - Comic
Fatuous Loudmouth and History Clod Chris Matthews attempted Theology. Today he insulted all Catholics and Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence on Hardball.
Chris Matthews, an UberBoor, shouted and interrupted Bishop Tobin. MSNBC is shilling for the Planned Parenthood owned and operated Kennedy Clan.
Rep. Patrick Kennedy made a public pronouncement against the Catholic Bishops over ABORTION - Kennedy had his ear pinned back and whined to the media that Grampa Joe paid good money for with revenues from bootlegging and shilling for the Third Reich - they were well into eugenics and Planned Parenthood as well.
The Kennedy's are very played-out; Chris Matthews hosted some MSNBC prayer card to Camelot over the weekend; MSNBC is very played out.
Bishop Tobin was treated with great disrespect and acted with poised dignity.
Click my post title for Bishop Tobin's Statement - it is too early to post the
transcript of Idiot Matthews and his Nailing his Ninety Five Feces to His Hand.
Posted by
3:03 PM
Labels: Abortion, Chris Milky Matthews, MSNBC The Tool Shed, Rep. Patrick Kennedy
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Eric "We are a Nation of Cowards" Holder says, "Nothing to Fear, Chickens! Scaredy Cats! Victims in Waiting!"
Note to my Prgressive Readers - Some of this is Real and the Rest of it is Eric Holder and Chris Matthews.
"We need not cower in the face of this enemy," Holder says. "Our institutions are strong, our infrastructure is sturdy, our resolve is firm, and our people are ready. Look to Our Institutions -MSNBC and Chris Matthews for purpose and resolve." Attorney General Eric 'A Nation of Cowards" Holder ( played by Stedman Graham).
Roll Clip,Please -
Urine Hardball with Chris Matthews! I got Rep. jan Shakowsky who makes sense and Reo. Judy Biggert who is coward. Let's play Hardball!
Matthews: Back in the beginnings of our country, we had a trial for the soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre, and we gave those soldiers a real trial, and John Adams was their defense attorney. And a lot of them got off. Do you think that was a mistake to give them a real trial, or should we have just executed them. What should we have done?
Biggert: Well, I’m talking about having a real –
Matthews: Was it wrong to give a real trial to people who shot down our people in the Boston Massacre, or was that a good emblem of the kind of country we were going to be, a country of laws?
Biggert: I think –
Matthews: John Adams was their defense lawyer. Should he have not taken that job? Not defended the enemies of our country, and shown that we have a good system of law in this country? Was that a mistake? What are you some kind of woman? Chicken? Fear the Reaper, Girly? I'm from Scranton, Philadelphia and we are tough. . .plenty tough. Look I don't take anything from a middle aged woman from Hinsdale - what is that some suburb? Say you are from Chicago for God's sake! I eat Philly Steaks like John Adams and the Continental Congress did when the Nazis had their way and Blitzkrieg stank and the Bodies rode a Tank. Beau Geste! That was a great movie! Like Afghnistan and Cheney a troll under the bridge on the River Kwai over in China where the President is facing down our debtors and bowing to them Japanese Guards in Beau Geste! Cowards! Hey, This isn't funny! What are you smiling about? This is Hardball are you going to Cry? Hey, Bill Ayers is a great guy! This is really about history and Mamifests Our Destiny as real Nation where real men can pick onmiddle aged dolls. What? You got battered wife syndrome, or something? Come on! Speak Up! I'm talking here! I remember . . .
Posted by
5:04 AM
Labels: Chris Milky Matthews, Eric Holder of Leading American A$$hole Award, Judy Biggert, MSNBC The Tool Shed
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Rep. Judy Biggert - Will She Call for an Apology for MSNBC Abuse?
Rep. Judy Biggert (R.IL) walked into a Chris Matthews ambush, prodded no doubt by local nitwit Rep. Jan Schakowsky and MSNBC Stable Pony and wife of convicted felon Bob Creamer. Click my post title for offensive Matthews. He only does this with women.
Judy Biggert was verbally abused by gutless loudmouth Chris Matthews concerning the usurpation of the Office of President by Eric Holder - the deft switching of the trials of enemy combatant terrorists to criminal trials and afforded all the rights of American citizens. MSNBC. a sponsor of the Obama White House. thinks it to be a keen idea.
The always imbecilic Matthews, who manages to make the Pet Show Sportscaster in the movie Best in Show seem like David Suskind, set up an ambush, no doubt pre-planned with the soulless Schakowsky well in advance "Hey, Judy let's do Hardball!"
Chris Matthews attempts to parallel Eric Holder to John Adams with his moronic historical allusion to the trial of British soldiers after the 1770 Boston Massacre. Get this -
Matthews: Back in the beginnings of our country, we had a trial for the soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre, and we gave those soldiers a real trial, and John Adams was their defense attorney. And a lot of them got off. Do you think that was a mistake to give them a real trial, or should we have just executed them. What should we have done?
Biggert: Well, I’m talking about having a real –
Matthews: Was it wrong to give a real trial to people who shot down our people in the Boston Massacre, or was that a good emblem of the kind of country we were going to be, a country of laws?
Biggert: I think –
Matthews: John Adams was their defense lawyer. Should he have not taken that job? Not defended the enemies of our country, and shown that we have a good system of law in this country? Was that a mistake?
America, was a Crown Colony Milky, and not a sovereign nation you pompous jerk.
Representative Biggert went deer in the headlights and seemed to look to self-absorbed Shakowsky for help -'Dead Chick Limping!"
Rep. Judy Biggert must demand a public apology from MSNBC and the oafish Matthews.
She's owes that to the people who voted for her.
Posted by
5:01 AM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
MSNBC Smears Gen. Stanley McCrystal - Boudin Brained Chris Matthews -"It's Beau Geste!"
Beginning on Oct. 7th and continuing unabated fatuous forty-Watt flannel mouth Chris Matthews has outshouted every carbon-footprint to appear with him on Hardball with his latest shout-point -'Beau Geste' in order to smear President Obama's Commander in Afghanistan.
MATTHEWS: Let me ask you, what does the president need to know that he doesn't know now before he decides on whether to give General McChrystal his requested 40,000 more troops?
MITCHELL: Well, White House officials are saying to me that, in fact, go back to the Bruce Riedel report, which led to the decisions of last March. We've all been saying the conventional wisdom in Washington has been that March is now moot, that the initial Afghan strategy is now being supplanted because of the changes, the decisions on the ground, and perhaps the political realities, although they will deny that.
MITCHELL: But in fact, if you go back to the original questions that Bruce Riedel, a former CIA and NSC official, answered-on loan to the White House-it was, How do we come up with a strategy that will disrupt and end al Qaeda's influence and protect the United States? What we want to do is get into Afghanistan and disrupt al Qaeda.
And so the questions that the president is asking, to get to your point, are, How will these various recommendations lead to our goal? That goal remains to disrupt al Qaeda, to protect the security of the United States, and to enhance regional security, as well. Those are the questions he's asking. And right now, what he's getting are answers. At least-we don't know whether he's accepting the answers, but he's getting an intelligence briefing on how it relates to Pakistan today, followed by a regional diplomatic briefing from the secretary of state and her advisers. Obviously, Richard Holbrooke and others would be part of that. And then Robert Gates would give the military's perspective.
And what has changed today is that the Pentagon announced-Geoff Morrell announced from the Pentagon today, Chris, that they've actually given the president, officially given him...
MATTHEWS: Right. I know.
MITCHELL: ... the troop recommendations.
MATTHEWS: My concern is, as an American watching this, learning that Americans are building outposts of-to be manned by 140 people, it begins to look like "Beau Geste," one of these old French Foreign Legion movies, where we're putting troops, Western troops, our guys and women, out in the middle of these outposts...
MITCHELL: Exactly.
Yeah, exactly Balloon Girl. Remeber when that genius was overpowered by balloons at the DNC?
However, Milky always re-roasts his favorite chestnuts - be they Birthers, Guys Carrying Guns at Teabag Parties & etc. - and Matthews last used Beau Geste on General Petreaus. Here was Milky Matthews in 2007 doing his schtik on the Surge:
RIECKHOFF: Absolutely, and that‘s exactly the type of work that we did when I was there in 2003 and 2004. And then we had this period where we pulled back, went into these giant forward operating bases, and didn‘t mingle within the community like we had been. Now we are going back to kind of where we were in late 2003 and 2004, and for our guys and girls on the ground, it is incredibly dangerous.
You do not know who your enemies are, who your friends are. You are greatly outnumbered. You‘re already probably there for a second and third tour. It is extremely dangerous. You‘ve been bringing it up all week. And I think you have to put yourself in the shoes of those soldiers, just for a few days. Imagine how dangerous it is to be in a remote downtown outpost, where you are surrounded by Iraqis, and you do not know who is trying to kill you or not. It‘s incredibly dangerous. And that‘s one of the things that I try to do, is just try to communicate that personal experience. Think about how tough this is for our American soldiers and Marines on the ground. It‘s incredibly difficult.
MATTHEWS: This is “Beau Geste” all over again, fortresses out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by Arabs who don‘t want you there. Anyway, thank you Paul Rieckhoff for joining us, and giving us this insight. We‘re going to come right back with the “Politico‘s” Roger Simon, one of the best columnists around. We‘ll talk about the debate coming up, also the Democrats and their big fight now with the president over the war funding issue, which is coming to a head tonight, as the president has vetoed the bill. It‘s all happening tonight, the big fight between the Democrats and the president over Iraq. We‘ll be right back.
Milky Chris Matthews -The Whitest Guy on the Planet - a faux tough guy Dinny the Dimwit who attempts to toss off his altar boy Suscipiat* when he justifies abortion, is now doing his Masters' biddings by undermining the integrity and motives of the very man President Obama tasked with developing a strategy for the Graveyard of Empires.
Milky - the outpost was manned some time ago and the tribes are coming at the troops. Try not to get any more of our troops killed with that moronic maw of yours.
MSNBC - More Tools Than True Value!
* This is how the Suscipiat goes "Suscipiat Dominus sacrificium de manibus tuis, ad laudem et gloriam nominis sui, ad utilitatem quoque nostram, totiusque ecclesiae suae sanctae."
Posted by
4:17 PM
Labels: Chris Milky Matthews, General McCrystal, MSNBC The Tool Shed
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Watch MSNBC Flannelmouth O'Donnell Get His Come-up-ance - Not That He Understands What That Means
You Got That Right, O'Donnell!
Lawrence O'Donnell is filling in for Chris "Milky" Matthews, another Mick Loud Mouth, on MSNBC's Hard Ball.
MSNBC is what I have on when doing the laundry for House Hickey. It is white noise that goes positively Albino when Matthews is on - now, I have see-thru Irish skin,but my God Matthews looks like one of those scary dudes in the Matrix movies or the poor kid Milky in Me, Myself,& Irene.
Matthews usually has on a cavalcade of Irish-American cartoon characters that anyone who attended a parish grammar school in America can recognize - Joan Walsh and Lawrence O'Brien the sure fire Rat-out Everyone else in Class Ass-Kissers and phonies who were sure to let SISTER know that 'Everyone else in Room 304 was talking and not acting as the Blessed Virgin would expect of Catholic children.'
Joan Walsh is afflicted with a perpetual slow-head-shake employed when an opposing point of view's representative is speaking,in order to visually poison the well of dispute for MSNBC.
O'Donnell is the Loud-Mouth Faux Tough Guy Son of the On-the-Pad Police Captain Who Will 'Have Your Old Man Pinched When He Comes Out of B&H Liquors' and only hits a guy when three of his toadies are holding his arms. He is the type of guy who wears his high school Letterman's jacket for the balance of his life though he never played a down of football or got his Chuck Taylor's dirty.
MSNBC has managed to coral every jerk-stereotype from every Catholic grammar school in America into its Democratic Progressive Irish Cartoon Panel. If you remember a creep from St. Malachy's, St. Gabe's, Little Flower, St. Brendan's or St. Columbanus, watch MSNBC and you catch that creep shouting or doing the weepy phoney act.
MSNBC is a propaganda mill. No News is Their News. MSNBC sports Tamron Hall who could not find a Chinaman on 22nd Street while reading news copy at Fox in Chicago; David 'Shay It Don't Shpray It - Fountainmouth' Schuester, a nebbish of the 1st Order; Fatboy Keith Olbermann -nuff said on that nut-job; Butch Maddow, the GLBT show dog of MSNBC and Herman Goring Wannabe Ed Schultz. A Ship of Fools. Volume does not mean quality. Birthers, Palin-Is-Satan, You are a Racist and We Are Not, You Are a Redneck and We Are Not is the full battery of MSNBC opinion slingers.
Lawrence O'Donnell had the sound tech pin back the arms of dispute with a Texas Congressman over the Health Care Debate - which MSNBC is working overtime to help derail. Real Clear Politics offered a video of the shout-down by O'Donnell, which really is Milky's shtick, of Rep. Cullbertson (R,TX) who manages to wedge in this shot on flannel-mouth O'Donnell:
Rep. John Culberson (R-TX): "You know, Lawrence, for your listeners, you're illustrating why MSNBC's viewership is in the tank because you don't allow your people you're interviewing to answer questions. And, you know Lawrence, this is why Katie and everybody else is going to Facebook, everyone's going to the Internet because why listen to MSNBC when you won't even let the people you're interviewing answer the question?"
Click my post title for the full treatment.
Anyone -Democrat, Republican, or any thinking bi-ped who goes on MSNBC should have his/her head examined. It was the first time that I have witnessed am abused guest on that idiotic channel punch back at a bullying creep - neither O'Donnell, nor Matthews would have graduated from high school with a full set of buckers on the south side of Chicago. Creeps of all faiths, races and political persuassions ( though most are Real Democrats) would have been treated to a sound, thorough and wholesome ass-kicking -for starters.
Huge thanks to Tom Bevan's Real Clear Politics for the Head's Up!
Posted by
7:34 AM
Labels: Chris Milky Matthews, David Schuester, Ed Schultz, Fatboy Olbermann, Lawrence O'Donnell, MSNBC The Tool Shed, Public Health Care -Guv'mint, Rachel Maddow, Real Clear Politics
Friday, July 24, 2009
Culture Clash Writ Large - The Academic and the Cop
"I mean, if I was trying to jigger into -- well, I guess this is my house now, so -- it probably wouldn't happen.President Barack Obama June 22, 2009
"But let's say my old house in Chicago -- here I'd get shot."
President Obama is getting cover for his Stupid Cop remarks from MSNBC, which is going flat-out with faux news tinsel about 'Birth-ers' - the new 'Truthers,' or 'Swiftboaters' supposedly worried that President Obama was born in Kenya. Really? The only place in this vast city of Chicago that I have heard about 'birth-ers' is on my 17" Panavision TV set in the basement - when somehow channel 52 MSNBC on WOW cable trips on and Milky Matthews, Big Ed or Fountain Mouth Schuester, sitting in for Fat Boy Olbermann get a howling.
The balance of the howling deals with Dick Cheney, or Sarah Palin. What's up with that? Cover, Sweetheart. The President is tanking.
The Big Story is President Obama's stupid joke and subsequent smear of the Cambridge, MA Police and Sgt. Crowley in particular.
This incident of Wednesday Night's Presidential Press Conference tells more about the Obama Administration than if T.H. White had written the Making and UnMaking of a President 2008-2009. The President decided when asked by Sun Times White House correspondent Lynn Sweet (who this very morning dedicates her ink to kopping a plea that she had not tanked the question with the White House prior to the News Conference)to slap the helots, rubes and working stiffs by showing the cops his big stick and bully pulpit. Oh, It's On! The President jokingly implied that Chicago Cops would shoot him. Chicago cops are detailed at City of Chicago expense to watch out for his 'old house' in Hyde Park.
Chicago Cops have long been the target of people close to President Obama - lawyers suing Chicago over alleged police abuse, torture and mayhem; most newpaper columnists and TV news readers; editorial boards; academics and old timey 60's radicals in the 'Hood.
What President Obama displayed is the very nature of elitist meanness and small minded will to belittle the broad American middle class. This presentation marks the ground. The Academic and the Cop will be the metaphor in the days to come.
Sgt. Crowley represents the small-town rubes who cling to their guns and religion.
Skip Gates is a resident of the Universal Hyde Park. The folks with whom the President is at home.
Like Skip Gates, President Obama just might have locked himself out of our homes. He had a good night with a hundred or so well-heeled donors. Behind the doors of the American middle class homes millions of Sgt. Crowley-like Americans watched Mark Buehrle reach perfection by doing what American workers do so well - they're jobs.
Those jobs are vanishing, because President Obama's Academic pals, like Skip Gates, want the government to force its will upon all of us doing our jobs. That is the essence of Stimulus Packages and Government Run Health Care.
Americans believe that President Obama was elected to the Presidency on the level.
Americans are learning, rather quickly, that President Obama's plans for them are not on square.
Ask Sgt. Crowley; ask any cop.
Posted by
4:43 AM
Labels: Chris Milky Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Lynn Sweet, MSNBC The Tool Shed, President Barack Obama, Sgt. Crowley, Skip Gates
Friday, June 12, 2009
It Takes a Philly Lady Lawyer to School the Left -On Abortion! Christine Flowers, Esq.
Milky Matthew and Olberbloat have somersaulted and minced the murder of Abortionist Dr. Tiller for the gals at Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood wants women to kill their kids, but Old Maggie Sanger said that it was a great way to clear the path of ugly, wrong-race, dumb, and bothersome human beings. It's a Progressive thing.
Planned Parenhood has even tweaked the English language - abortion is now 'women's health.'
Planned Parenthood and its satellite loud-mouths demand that abortion continue.
I have yet to meet a self-labeled Progressive who was not at core a to-the-bone self-absorbed jerk. Especially with regards to abortion. Most people find killing a child at any stage in human development to be abhorrent. One of the best people I know, Christine Flowers, a lawyer in Philadelphia who has championed the unborn for years, writes a column for Philadelphia Daily News that smacks back at the Progressive group think in her neck of the woods. Planned Prenhood can not get to this smart, tough and centered woman!
In all the goofiness surrounding Dr. Tiller's murder by a a guy with more than a few bricks shy of load, we occasionally get a sound and thoughtful voice. MSNBC is working OT on this one. Goofball, Chris 'Milky' Matthews went so far as to link Sarah Palin to Tiller's murder and then stretched it out to the 88 year old anti-Semite Von Braun.
Tip O'Neill tolerated Matthews? Can't see that.
Yet, Ms. Flowers cuts deeply into the body of 'the facts' tossed by Matthews and other Agenda shills. This is an especially poignant cut from Christine Flowers' very sharp analysis of the Tiller milling:
The manipulation began the minute the news came out of Kansas. First was the nomenclature - the conspicuous absence of the word "abortionist." Tiller was described as an "abortion provider" (when he wasn't being canonized as a martyr). When is the last time a dentist was described as a "root-canal provider?" Or a cosmetic surgeon described as a "breast-enhancement provider"? Or a shrink as a "peace of mind provider"?
Apparently, "abortionist" still conjures up unsavory images of back alleys and bloody hangers, so the powers that be decided to sanitize the whole issue and present Tiller as the Albert Schweitzer of the (another great euphemism) "reproductive-health" movement.
Which brings me to the next bit of manipulation. Ignoring the fact that Tiller made a more than healthy living plying his trade, women's-rights activists waxed poetic about his "heroic" work on behalf of the most vulnerable.
Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood want them 'most vulnerable' dead.
Here is Philadelphia lawyer an columnist Christine Flowers:
Click my post title for more from this honest and tough woman.
Posted by
5:16 AM
Labels: Abortion, Chris Milky Matthews, Christine Flowers, Dr. Tiller, MSNBC The Tool Shed