Saturday, September 24, 2016

President's Britches Ablaze and Smoking Like the Choom Gang "in a White Classmate's Sparkling New Van,"

Image result for barack obama pants on fire

“I remember distinctly an image of–we were sitting on his couches, and I was looking at his pant leg and his perfectly creased pant,” Brooks says, “and I’m thinking, a) he’s going to be president and b) he’ll be a very good president.” David Brooks of National Public Television, Radio and Sartorial Club

Image result for david brooks goofball
President Barack Obama (1.) do have sharp Hart Schaffner and Marx britches, Dave, and (2.)they are and have been ablaze for some time. That must be a rule with the 'Right Side of History' crowd - the Howard Zinn addicts who despise anything and everything about being an American -Sharp pants creases and and an inability to recognize the truth, even it falls like an Acme safe on one.  David Brooks appreciates those things. He and George Clooney are Dope!

Me ? I don't think that the tailor makes the man, nor do I believe fabricating slick sentences makes good government.  President Obama certainly does, as do far too many people, because he is living the life mapped out in Thomas Carlyle's Sartor Resartus - the tailor, re-tailored, a goofy tale of fact and fiction tripping over themselves. Inconvenient truths need not apply.

President Obama is the guy who was transformational - he is - Charlotte, Raton Rouge, Tulsa, Chicago, Brooklyn, owe so much to the man who burned racial bridges in America from Henry Louis Gates to Charlotte, North Carolina.

Obama said that he only knew about the Hilary Clinton e-mail kerfuffle from watching the evening news.  Really?  None of the Big Three networks covered that at all. Well now it turns out that the cool kid from Hawaii and leader of the Choom Gang had some fire to his smoke screen:
President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday.
The disclosure came as the FBI released its second batch of documents from its investigation into Clinton’s private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.
The 189 pages the bureau released includes interviews with some of Clinton’s closest aides, such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills; senior State Department officials; and even Marcel Lazar, better known as the Romanian hacker “Guccifer.”
In an April 5, 2016 interview with the FBI, Abedin was shown an email exchange between Clinton and Obama, but the longtime Clinton aide did not recognize the name of the sender.
"Once informed that the sender's name is believed to be pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: 'How is this not classified?'" the report says. "Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president's use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email."
Huma said, 'What?"    Huma said, 'How is this not classified?'

If that is not a 'smoking gun,' it most certainly is a pair of snappy worsted wool's a'creased and a smoking!

It has been this south side Chicago Irish Catholic (end abortion) Democrat's opinion since meeting Barack Obama in 1996, that the man is not terribly bright - glib, self-important and corporately polished like many middle management suck-ups, sneaks and sycophants, but not all that smart.

Not very smart people do very well in our secular political society - we stopped being a culture in 1973 - by sticking to the script and doing and saying exactly what the public relations cats instruct.
Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk are two examples.  President Obama is the top of this pyramid.

The smoking strides of our President will not matter much.  It will be a wedge for some and an annoyance to most.

I will say this -President Obama has never let me down.  He has lived up to and exceeded my expectations.


Friday, September 23, 2016

Alderman Anti-Politics, DNAinfo's Ted Cox and Grassroots Collaborative Cover Rahm's Retreat

Image result for Rahm Emanuel cringes

  ' . . .   impoverished black families don’t want white people and bourgeois African-Americans lecturing them about fatherhood." Mary Mitchell Chicago Sun Times

Image result for mary mitchell sun timesMmmm! Mmm!~ Mmmm!  Chicago Sun Times Mary Mitchell is angry . . .24/7.

Rahm Emanuel was bullied away from holding a mirror up to the root problems determining Chicago's ever-soaring Black on Black killings ,  You know all that racist myth spouting about Fatherless Families.

Rahm was bullied by Mary Mitchell, the wired-in community clergy and of course Chicago's Regular Democratic Activists.

Read what Rahm hath wrought - post skulk of course.

So, Rahm invited only nice and compliant, but really, really, really concerned Goo-goos and Alder-critters, to his latest PPPP Preacherized Pistol Philippic* at Malcolm X college on the West Side.  

DNA info Chicago's Ted Cox is always nice and compliant. He knew that Rahm would not criticize the African American Community, Family, or  Individuals - No Way and No How.  Therefore, Ted Cox appeared to be fully fully-loaded to have other nice, compliant and really, really concerned person to off Progressive narratives on Rahm's crawfish far from the core issues.

Ted had Alderman Ameya Pawar of the 47th Ward.  Ald. Pawar is "anti-politics Alderman". In Chicagese, an ineffective gasbag loved by the press and Channel 11.Ameya Pawar 2014

Ald. Ameya Pawar (47th) challenged the factual basis for the "myth" of the fatherless African-American family."I don't know that we'd go to . . .

Now this is Beautiful!

. . . Appalachia and talk about absent parents," Pawar said. "If we're going to be serious about talking about what's going on with families in poor communities, the mass incarceration has to be at the top of the list, and a failed war on drugs."

Forgive Ameya, Chicago; he is an Alderman and prone to saying really dumb things and added to the fact that he is the Anti-politics Alderman.  Well . . . knowing that Ted Cox trotted out an Activist from Grassroots Collaborative ( love that Lefty Lingo)
 Amisha Patel of the Grassroots Collaborative says the mayor is better off sticking to economic policy.
"I think the mayor should focus on economic policy," said Amisha Patel, executive director of the Grassroots Collaborative. "Blaming fathers and blaming families for crime is really disingenous. (sic)"
Hey, Alderman Appalachia is no Englewood.

IN Appalachia, the majority of families living in poverty are headed by married couples.
Poverty rates in Appalachia's rural counties far exceed the poverty rates in metro areas.
In part, these patterns reflect the lower levels of racial and ethnic diversity in the region, but they also reflect the low wages and lack of jobs in remote, rural areas.
Gee, the same . . .but really different!  And this is from social science, Progressives!

Who is being disingenuous?  You, Miss Grassroots Collaborative, Alderman Anti-Politics and Ted Cox. Yeah Ted, Alderman Anti-politics challenged the hell out of  the factual basis for the "myth" of the fatherless African-American family.  "We have a lot of corporate philanthropy and corporate activism that we need to tap into," he said.

Yet Pawar warned that "philanthropy lets rich people choose what's worthy and what's not," and instead urged the mayor to act as a "counterbalance" to Gov. Bruce Rauner, "a guy who is cutting programs [and] basically destroying what little safety net there is in Illinois."

Pawar went on to say that "a counterbalance to that is a strong mayor who's going to say this is wrong," adding, "We have a moral imperative to tax appropriately and serve everyone."

The nice and compliant Ted Cox concludes not with Retreating Rahm but Alderman Anti-politics on the grift for himself and Grassroots CollaborativeImage result for angry mary mitchell

"We have a lot of corporate philanthropy and corporate activism that we need to tap into," he said.
Yet Pawar warned that "philanthropy lets rich people choose what's worthy and what's not," and instead urged the mayor to act as a "counterbalance" to Gov. Bruce Rauner, "a guy who is cutting programs [and] basically destroying what little safety net there is in Illinois."
Pawar went on to say that "a counterbalance to that is a strong mayor who's going to say this is wrong," adding, "We have a moral imperative to tax appropriately and serve everyone."
And that will end Gun Violence!  

There is no such thing as Gun Violence.  There is violence caused by people - demographics - you know, Voters. 

Alderman Anti-politics, Chicago!  He'll be back!  

Rahm stays fetal - It's all good!

*policing, prevention, penalties and parenting - well maybe not parenting.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Charlotte's Web - Woven by America's Enemies and Wearing Man Buns in Solidarity

Image result for white radical with man bun in riots

Charlotte shooting protest

People are shot and injured, stores are looted and the guilty get grants.

That is how it goes.  The poor, the ignorant, the victimized, the angry and the frustrated will never see their lives improved, but that is just fine and dandy, because they must continue to live in the imaginary world of institutional racism. The people behind the rioting will head home to Grosse Point, Kenilworth, Ann Arbor, Chicago's Hyde and Wicker Parks, just they did after Ferguson, Baton Rouge and St. Paul.  It's all good.   Charlotte shooting protest

The American news media never connects the dots in matters of politics, social justice, race relations, or law enforcement.

Greek Comedian Aristophanes wrote three hundred years before Christ, "The ignorant serve cruel masters."  By this he meant those of us kept ignorant of things, like a huge cliff awaiting our midnight stroll on a perfectly moonless night were miss served by those who not only knew the route but encouraged us to stretch our legs.

In the same way, the news Media ( CNN, ABC, PBS, NBC, MSNBC, CBS and most newspapers) completely ignore the deft hands of America's homegrown terrorists- Howard Zinn-ophlie academics, CPUSA, ISO and the many social media affiliates funded by George Soros - in the roiling blood spilled and to come.

Riots and lynch mobs are not spontaneous.  They are orchestrated by creeps.   One of the great saints of my Faith was a creep.  Saul of Tarsus (aka- Paul) was a huge fan of mob violence and like most agitators was a son of privilege, highly educated and bullet-proof by the powers that was - until he fell off of his horse on the rad to Damascus.

Today, no responsible member of the media questions the black balakava'd or masked white middle class lads in man-buns goading the white-shirted lad with more than a few hits of 'Loud' to hurl bricks, bottle and bull jive at police officers.

When the tear gas settles only the residents of slums and the cops are there to put things back to normal.  The Man-Bun Bolsheviks are on to the next site, or home for brie and shellfish with Mater and Pater in Kennilworth, or Portland.
Charlotte shooting protest
The linguistically challenged rage-loaded street Brother of the Struggle interviewed by CNN is what America is offered as an explanation for the blood, arson and looting in Charlotte. Don Lemon never chats up the career -street guerrilla,who put away  Grand Theft Auto and other childish things, sort of, for the manly art of provoking violence in others without consequence.  God forbid young Seth is dragged into a Paddy wagon with Lamon and J'amal, but Peoples Law Office and ACLU are already in the cop house with fists full of writs and media camera's.

Why are the same pasty-faced and slack-jawed urban guerilla's always ignored by the media?

I believe we know why.  It keeps this stuff going. 

Until responsible reporters push back at editors and serve up the creeps behind the rioting - expect more.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Send Up Some Prayers for Ryan Rusch and His Family, Today

Image result for ryan rusch beverly

There is nothing more heart-breaking for parents than any child suffering. Those of us who are parents do and should feel for anyone's child, no matter the age, when major health problems threaten their time with us.

Ryan Rusch lives in West Beverly ( The west of Western Ave. - the Cape Cod, raised ranch and Georgian home Beverly working stiff tribe of the 60642 Zip Code).   Ryan was born with a rare heart disorder where only one artery supplies blood flow instead of the standard two.  He and his family have fought for life from the moment of birth.

Ten years ago, three teens decided to beat Ryan nearly to death.  It was a horrific beating, racially motivated by the attacker own words, but not deemed to be a Hate Crime.    Well, that is blood under the bridge.Image result for ryan rusch beverly

Ryan added brain damage and all that goes with that, vision impairment, seizures, struggles with attention to studies, to his struggles with the aid of those, but he is one tough kid.  He played football, graduated from St. Rita High School and attended college.  Then heart problems resurfaced.

He is undergoing dramatic surgery as I hit these keys.

We have prayed for Ryan and his family for weeks at daily services in St. John Fisher and at Sacred Heart.  At Sacred Heart, we conclude the readings and prayers of the faithful in preparation for the Celebration of Eucharist with the Memorare.Image result for memorare

This very special prayer to Our Lady is a miracle worker.  I taught it to many of the guys at Leo High School who are not Catholic and they said saying this prayer seemed to help them anyway. The words were stange to them, as it is to too many Catholics these days.

REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
Do me a favor. Send up a couple of Memorares over the next few days for the Rusch Family and all children who suffer from health problems. Send some up for yourself, as well.

It won't kill you and it just might ease some family's burdens.  Say the words,  even if you hate God, religion,  or sentiment.

Send some up for Ryan.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Career Grifter and CPS Boss Forrest Claypool's Trail of Slime Pointed Out by Juan Perez!

CPS inspector looking into $250,000 contract for board attorney's old firm

The Chicago Tribune's Juan Perez, Jr. is asking the questions about the Rula Lenska of Progressive Chicago Politics, that I have asked for years.  My heart is warmed.  Mr. Perez has a nice set of teeth. 

Forrest Claypool, the Rula Lenska* of Chicago politics,  has had one helluva run!  For decades this fading beauty has been treated to quality moisturizers, Dior Air-Flash foundation, blot & powder and just the right blush on those apple cheeks, by the stooge propagandists at WTTW, ABC 7, NBC5, and . . .oh, what the hell CBS2.

About the time Rula Lenska was bombarding the TV airwaves hawking  Alberto Culver products and stunning millions of Americans into raising the question " Just Who IS Rula Lensaka?"  Forrest Claypool was brushing the Saluki moss from the back of his grey worsted Brooks Brothers and insinuating his way into the corridors of power on La Salle and Clark between Washington and Randolph.  Soon, Chicagoans were saying, " Just Who IS Forrest Claypool?"

No one seemed to have the insight, or the gumption to say," He's a grifter and damn well-practiced one, Rubes."

Nope, we are too nice.  We swallow anything, because our news papers and electronic media is as much a part of the political anatomy of Chicago, as the 14th Ward Regular Democratic Liver, Bacon and Onions Boosters.

Forrest Claypool oozed into Chicago Power Politics with David Axelrod, Judson Miner,  and Rahm Emanuel.  Image result for Claypool Emanuel and AxelrodThey helped Abner Mikva and Michael Shakman remove the City That Works' political limbs, leaving a Progressive torso that requires much more monetary sustenance, than the once functioning apparatus had ever dreamed of stealing.

The old time political crooks never stole everything.   Progressives do.

Progressives are loyal only to power and those who bring more power to the table. Claypool is master of the game. He requires short memories and no interested inquiry on the part of people who should know better.  Do any Progressive a favor and a politician will soon find a six inch blade where his kidneys once functioned.  The political landscape is littered with corpses of once trusting and effective public servants.

Claypool gets appointments via his network.  If he runs for office, he generally gets his ass handed to him - County Board President and Cook County Assessor. He did manage to squeak by Ted Lechowicz  and grab a comfy seat on the county Board

He has been appointed
  • to Cook County Board of Appeals
  •  as Deputy State Treasurer
  • Mayor Daley's Chief of Staff
  • Head of Chicago Parks
Succeeding where?  Rula Lenska has more chops.

Now, with digital media some people begin to ask " Who Exactly IS Forrest Claypool?"  Even the always pliable Chicago Tribune has turned its blind but gimlet eye on Forrest Claypool and his modus operandi.
The inspector general for the Chicago Board of Education says his work has been obstructed and duplicated by a better-funded arm of CPS chief Forrest Claypool's office, according to a report that lays out a political scuffle between the legally mandated watchdog and the mayoral-appointed administration.
In his report, Nicholas Schuler accuses auditors for Chicago Public Schools of "significant interference" with his investigation into the alleged theft of tens of thousands of dollars worth of CTA fare cards by a district employee.
A "parallel investigation" of that case by CPS' Office of Internal Audit and Compliance last year "compromised a criminal investigation by prematurely alerting a main subject, and sowing fear and confusion in the minds of key witnesses," Schuler said in his report, which was sent to Claypool and the school board. 
Auditors also contacted Cook County prosecutors in an effort to inject their department into the inspector general's fare card investigation, Schuler's office said. He said "very troubling issues remain" with other investigations being undertaken by the auditor's office.

Gee, who'd a thunk?  Carol Marin? Jay Levine? Neil Steinberg?  Mark Brown? Jamie Kalvan?

No one worried too much when Rahm made Claypool the CTA Boss and got Rev. Pfleger to do a politcial hatchet job on the Presidentod Amalgamated Transit Workers Local 308, or about Bombardier contracts, or the Ventra Card Boondoggles. Why should WTTW worry about the fighting Progressive beaten by Joe Berrios, when he took over CPS, after Triple B sold the store to SUPES?

Forrest Claypool pads himself with dollars and silence afforded by trhe compliant media.  Now, that same padding is getting shredded. Lookee H'yar!

The district's internal audit team is led by Andrell Holloway, who previously worked with Claypool in a similar role at the CTA. The unit has received significant funding increases since Claypool took office.
CPS budgeted a little more than $958,000 for the audit department in 2015. This year, the budget for Holloway's office is roughly $4.4 million, not including up to $14 million worth of consulting contracts that he manages. 
This year's budget for Schuler's office is about $2 million, relatively unchanged from recent years. The office perennially asks the school board for more money and staff.
"I think there's a fundamental disagreement, at some level, about the importance of the IG's office," Schuler said in an interview. "I've been told that at the end of the day, nobody's going to stand in our way. We're free to do what we can. But I see that as something different than a wholehearted embrace of the inspector general's function and the idea that there's going to be independent and transparent investigations. CPS declined requests to interview Claypool and Holloway about Schuler's report." (emphasis my own)

Forrest managed to drag poor old Frank "The Mailroom Guy" Clark -former CEO of ComEd into the bed of Claypool's making

Frank Clark, the school board's president and a mediator in the dispute, said Holloway's unit needed more firepower after "not meeting even the minimal obligations of an internal audit department."
"Of course he would like more people," Clark said of Schuler's office. "That could be said for almost every office in central office. But it's unrealistic."
CTA and CPS, like Chicago Park District all seem to have the same players and same grift.  The IG's concern now is the connection between Claypool's CTA Boss-Time and his CPS Boss-Time.
Schuler's office concluded the CPS employee "participated in a criminal conspiracy" in which he would steal transit passes from his office, then distribute them to accomplices who sold them on the black market.
Schuler's investigators believed the employee, who has not been charged with a crime, took at least $72,700 worth of transit passes over about seven months.
The CPS employee was fired in November, according to Schuler's report, which said Holloway's audit department conducted an "improper separate and parallel investigation" into the theft.
Schuler's office said the audit team "disregarded repeated requests … to refrain from simultaneously and separately investigating the matter."
According to the report, Holloway and other members of his team instructed one person interviewed by the IG's office to contact the audit department about the investigation, and conducted separate interviews that Schuler said "prematurely alerted" the suspected employee.
"This investigation implicated a subject who had been hired from the CTA," said a summary of Schuler's investigation.
"Thus, so as to avoid the mere appearance of any impropriety or undue influence on any investigation into the theft of CTA transit passes purchased by CPS, Internal Audit clearly should have stepped aside and let the (IG's office) — the statutorily independent investigative body — undertake its own investigation," the report said.
The IG's investigation applies the Bounty to the slug trails going back to Claypool's Boss-time at CTA and his Boss-time for the children at CPS.
Schuler's office concluded the CPS employee "participated in a criminal conspiracy" in which he would steal transit passes from his office, then distribute them to accomplices who sold them on the black market.
Schuler's investigators believed the employee, who has not been charged with a crime, took at least $72,700 worth of transit passes over about seven months.
The CPS employee was fired in November, according to Schuler's report, which said Holloway's audit department conducted an "improper separate and parallel investigation" into the theft.
Schuler's office said the audit team "disregarded repeated requests … to refrain from simultaneously and separately investigating the matter."
According to the report, Holloway and other members of his team instructed one person interviewed by the IG's office to contact the audit department about the investigation, and conducted separate interviews that Schuler said "prematurely alerted" the suspected employee.
"This investigation implicated a subject who had been hired from the CTA," said a summary of Schuler's investigation.
"Thus, so as to avoid the mere appearance of any impropriety or undue influence on any investigation into the theft of CTA transit passes purchased by CPS, Internal Audit clearly should have stepped aside and let the (IG's office) — the statutorily independent investigative body — undertake its own investigation," the report said.

Back in Jaunary of 2016. Juan Perez wrote a brilliant study of Claypool's long and slimy trail of grift in public service.

The career grifter has the Winston Strawn attorney Ron Marmer and the mega donor Ron DeNard and all of the old gang in his wagon train.  Now, it's in a tight defensive circle.

Juan Perez is attacking the wagons!  Watch you back, Juan. Bruce Dold has long ridden in Claypool's wagons.

Just who is Forrest Claypool?  He's no Rula Lenska.  Better ask Juan Perez!  Tell it, Son!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Closing Neighborhood Schools, Like Daley Closed Neighborhood Saloons, Is Part of the Small Global City Plan

Image result for mount greenwood school chicago19th Ward parents packed the Beverly Arts Center to help find a solution to CPS' problems.

Richard M. Daley closed more saloons than Billy Sunday, Frances Willard and Carie Nation combined.

Daley closed neighborhood bars and used 'public safety' as an excuse.  He gamed the ordinances that would permanently void a liquor license, citing residential complaints, noise and public urination. Fights happen in bars to be sure.  But they also happen anywhere. There are more brawls in Walmart than saloons and Chuck-e - Cheese is the place to go for a swell brawl. Daley closed taverns so people would no longer have a place talk sense over a pitcher, or two.

Rahm Emanuel is closing neighborhood schools to kill neighborhoods.  CPS has been ignoring 'residency' rules for decades.  Kids from Austin attend Morgan Park High School, no biggie.

Well when CPS closes neighborhood schools within cross-over Disciple/Gangster Disciple/ Stones/ Four Corner Hustler turf in Gresham, Brainerd, Chatham, Washington Heights, & etc., there are problems a plenty.  A grammar school aged kid living in an apartment in a two flat on 7900 S. Morgan may have to cross four gang turfs to one of the five ( Oglesby, Stagg, Wescott, Cuffee, or Gresham).

Now, there is a growing concern of parents in the 19th Ward about CPS closing and consolidating neighborhood schools that work the way schools are supposed to work.

Rahm Emanuel's City Hall and Forrest Claypool's CPS dictum is the same - if it works and not fixed break it.
 Parents and teachers say this -

Stop the closing of neighborhood schools. It may not be happening in your area now, but you never know when it's coming. We were blindsided by a proposal to close a high performing neighborhood school to relieve overcrowding at another. Let's make sure ALL students get the space they need, while not sacrificing our neighborhood schools! 19th Ward News

The 19th Ward is one of very places in this city where black and white neighbors get along very well and behave like neighbors to one another.  No rules, or ordinances; just civility and Christian charity.

Can't have that in a Global City!

Here's the thing - Mount Greenwood School has a capacity for 990 kids and it is at over 1,100 kids.

There is no undeveloped earth upon which to expand the campus. It is over-populated - way past filled up.

Alderman Matt O'Shea offers this solution in Howard Ludwig's solid report for DNAinfo Chicago:
O'Shea said there is no more room to build at Mount Greenwood Elementary, which can accommodate 990 students. That's why he's proposing the school take over the campus of the Keller Regional Gifted Center, which is just 3½ blocks away at 3020 W. 108th St.
Keller would be moved to 9241 S. Leavitt St., now the home of Kate S. Kellogg Elementary School. O'Shea has said that Kellogg and nearby Sutherland elementary school in Beverly have seen declining enrollment by neighborhood residents in recent years. So O'Shea wants to merge the two schools on Sutherland's campus at 10015 S. Leavitt St.
The merger would be phased in over roughly three years. O'Shea said he believes Sutherland, built to accommodate 504-756 students, can handle the merger, particularly as enrollment is projected to continue to decline.
I don't know where these projections come from but I can tell you that my daily polling of little guys, toddlers, infants and  moms large-with-child from my wide neighborhood perambulations, indicate that 19th Ward neighborhood schools will continue to swell like a thirsty tick for good decade or more.  School crowding should be a happy concern, but this is Rahm's Chicago, where neighborhood means racism and community means 'it's all good!'

The charge of racism is answer to every problem.  Because Kellogg is 83 % African American and suffers a declining enrollment, while its immediate neighbor Christ the King Catholic School is majority and doing nicely, racism must be at the core.  The Chicago Tribune launched into race-baiting immediately.
Ald. Matt O'Shea, whose plan to reconfigure schools within the 19th Ward has drawn criticism from some residents, took a different tack when explaining the controversial proposal Monday — presenting it as crucial to freeing up money to renovate crumbling Esmond Elementary, a nearly all-black, low-income school in Morgan Park that he called "the greatest need in our community."
He opened the evening's presentation of his plan to relocate or consolidate four elementary schools in his district by rolling out staff from Esmond, which is not part of the restructuring plan, to detail the substandard conditions at their building and plead for help. . . .Community members expressed alarm that the plan — which seeks to merge two high-performing majority black schools in Beverly to accommodate a predominantly white school in Mount Greenwood — had concerning racial overtones.
"I can tell you our community, yet diverse, is also very segregated," Shanya Gray, a Kellogg parent, said. "One of the things that it truly appears is that you are sacrificing black students because of the white students, which may not be the case, but I will tell you it appears that way."
Parents also argued that the racial and economic diversity of a merged school would suffer since, under O'Shea's plan, the Options for Knowledge program, which currently enables non-neighborhood kids from more impoverished areas to attend either Kellogg or Sutherland, would be discontinued.

Lindbloom was a neighborhood high school; it is now a 'selective enrollment' high school for the children of privilege.  Try getting your kid into Lindbloom and good luck.  CPS works for the Magnets and selective enrollment academies and lab schools.  Neighborhood schools can go pound sand, until they close.

Like Daley with saloons, Rahm's destruction of neighborhoods cuts brush for  Chicago -A Global City.  Empty of middle class.

As things stand, Alderman O'Shea and parents of the schools want to see a fair and intelligent solution to overcrowded schools in Mount Greenwood and schools with declining enrollments a few miles to the east.  Bad schools, closed schools and no schools help destroy neighborhoods for the community.  The community of bankers, real restate players and race hustling creeps also want a Global City   The people of the 19th Ward neighborhoods want to do right by their children. But, this is Chicago and Rahm wants Chicago on the fast track to Small City Global Village on the Lake.  Real Estate, banking and race-baiting creeps will do all in their to help the little man get what he wants.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

If Rahm Wants to Help, He Needs to Support What Works - Celtic Boxing

Our society is addicted to bullshit.  

We believe that legislation, ordinances, programs and policies will eliminate the seven deadly sins.

Sorry. Not gonna happen.

People do not behave solely in reaction to societal circumstance.  People steal, kill, rape, cheat, lie, gorge, gulp and envy out of human nature.  Society reacts to human nature and not the other way  around.  We build walls, fences, write laws, authorize enforcement of said laws because some human beings feel comfortable taking from others, raping others and killing others, if gorging, drinking to excess and paralyzing body, mind and soul with drugs if not enough.

Once the walls, fences, written laws and enforcement of said laws have been eliminated, people are not going to change their human natures - they get worse.  Read the papers.

Thuggery is not a health issue.  It is a condition created by a complete destruction of civility - civic obligation. Government helped destroy civility.

In much tougher times than our own, parish and neighborhood initiatives became part of the culture of civility.  Tough, hungry, angry and hopeless kids were introduced to boxing and other healthy activities by a priest - Msgr and later Bishop Bernard Shiel.  Image result for Bishop Sheil

Bishop Shiel was no social engineer, he understood human nature.  Shiel invited everyone to step into the ring and change their lives. Catholic, Protestant, Jewish  kids - white, black brown and yellow - became the citizens who defeated fascism and created the greatest standard of living in human history.  Bishop Shiel is all but purged from Chicago and American history by the social engineers who co-opted and then destroyed his work with government programs.

Programs gave us the blood soaked streets of Chicago. There is a clarion call to not only maintain failure but reintroduce its most expensive lead balloon - Ceasefire.

For the last few months, the Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune have printed op-ed pieces by former journalists, academics and the usual gold standard voices of "Same Old/Same Old," calling for the return of tax dollars to Ceasefire - a post-incarceration job opportunity for gang-bangers and street pharmacists.

Government Money (GM)gets tossed only to political players, political preachers and political pandering people in print ( formerly called hacks).

What works and receives no GM is neighborhood initiatives.   Neighbors need to go get Private Funding from local businesses, private foundations and people with the capacity to give.

Violence, like all addictions, is a symptom of a human problem, a personal problem and not a disease that be cured by removing inanimate objects.  Violence is the exercise of power over other people by people who feel powerless.  Violence is prima facie unjustifiable.

The frustrated shout and scream. The frightened lash out and destroy.

Violence can be beaten, only when people no longer feel powerless

Celtic Boxing in Mount Greenwood is one such program.

Founded in 1993 by Mike Joyce a Chicago attorney and lifetime resident of Chicago. The club was started to give neighborhood kids a place to learn the art of boxing and to offer a positive outlet.

Mike Joyce also started an on site boxing program at Leo High School where Mike attended high school. The club was started to inspire inner city youth to enable them to build confidence and the skills to compete in the modern world. Over the years, Coach Mike Joyce has mentored many troubled youth and has helped make them better, more confident adults.
The Celtic Boxing Club is an Illinois State Crime Commission/Police Athletic League sports program. The Club is open to all ages and has sponsored numerous boxing events throughout the city especially for police and fire departments and public safety causes.

To Inspire - to give breath where no none exists
To Enable - to provide the means to achieve
To Build Confidence - to construct the heart and mind toward a goal
To Compete - to defeat despair

Next Saturday, Celtic Boxing and the West Point Boxers will compete in an exhibition at the Italian American Sports Hall of Fame and Museum.  Prior to that they will conduct neighborhood workshops, workouts and sparring demonstrations at Leo High School in Auburn Gresham neighborhood and Celtic Boxing in Mount Greenwood from 10AM until 12 PM.

September 24th is an opportunity for Chicago to witness what works.  If Mayor Emanuel really wants to change the atmosphere of thuggery and despair in Chicago, he needs to close the windows on what has and continues to fail- marches, shout-fests and social -engineer lab experiments like Ceasefire.

He needs to open the doors to what works. Chicago needs to walk through those doors.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Chicago Oikophobia and Mary Robinson in City Council

                        Image result for mary robinson and mayor emanuel

         Oikophobia "the repudiation of inheritance and home."

Mary Robinson -first female president of Ireland in 1990 but refused to be a figurehead like her predecessors. Lacking formal power, she used the “moral authority” of her office to rally public opinion. A former lawyer (who once thought she’d be a nun), she went on to serve as the United Nations high commissioner for human rights and now leads her own foundation. Harvard Business Review
Like Ireland, the cheerleaders for the EU and other globalist IFM banking, climate changing and Soros funded social engineers, Chicago is run by people who fear our home, its traditions, its history, its voice and its very existence. Such people fall into the category of Oikophobes - people who hate who they are - deniers of American exceptionalism and Howard Zinn infected readers.

The Sun Times, Chicago's most consistently oikophobic news paper,  chirps its editorial 'Hi[, Hip Hoo-rahs' for former Irish President Mary Robinson's OXFAM, BBC, Eyeless on Gaza summation of Chicago Thug Violence.

The Chicago City Council didn’t see this one coming.
The aldermen invited Mary Robinson, the former president of Ireland, to the Council’s chambers Wednesday to accept Chicago’s Medal of Merit, only to listen to her call out the city for its mounting murder toll.
I don’t need to tell you that there is a blot on the landscape here in Chicago in the very high murder rate,’’ Robinson told the council members – or “councillors” — as the Irish Legal News reported in describing what it said “should have been a mere diplomatic function.”
Perhaps more importantly, Robinson urged the city to look beyond “criminal law, gangs and policing” in attempting to address a murder count that already has surpassed the 500-mark this year.
The “social sustainability” of Chicago depends on tackling the city’s violence problem, warned Robinson, who cut short her term as Ireland’s president in 1997 to become the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
“I would encourage you to look at the poverty and inclusion elements of this very serious problem and to see it in terms of something to tackle,” she said.
Robinson’s pointed words were yet another wake-up call to Chicago to get serious — deeply and thoughtfully — about the city’s horrendous level of violence. 
Yes, yes!   Hear, hear! Rahthur, What? Damn thing sounds like Sneed wrote a good part of it " A wake-up call for Chicago from across the pond" -sneedless to say.

Being the President of Ireland is like being the Fighting Irish mascot at Notre Dame games. In fact, Noter Dame hosted a conference for the Celtic oikophobes in 2007

Joining our esteemed former President in Indiana, is David Begg of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Philip Watt of the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism, and the Secretary of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland, Ali Selim. Yes, that is the same Ali Selim who last year declared that ‘Sharia law should rule in Ireland in the event of a Muslim majority’.
The conference is, moreover, packed with postcolonial, pseudo-Marxist professors from all the major Irish universities. It is being organised by the Professor of Irish Studies at Notre Dame, Luke Gibbons. Gibbons, a former lecturer at Dublin City University, is a fanatical postmodernist who thinks that Irish identity can and must be debunked. . . .
Those who demand that we unconditionally ‘accept the world’, are what one philosopher calls ‘oikophobes’. ‘Oik’ is the Greek word for ‘home’ or ‘dwelling’. Hence, oikophobia, in contrast to xenophobia, means ‘the repudiation of inheritance or home’.
As George Orwell observed, left-wing intellectuals ‘take their cookery from Paris and their opinions from Moscow’. In other words, they despise their homeland, their common culture and traditions. As such, they are the quintessential oikophobes, whose principal aim is to ‘reinvent Ireland’.
Mary Robinson merited a medal and exercised her jaws like a President of Ireland.  No power, but cheer on the side and agitate: 
  • Say happy things about the European Union, 
  • Create Narratives for Bank of Ireland,
  •  Cheer Climate Change and Damn those who Doubt, 
  • Advocate Universal Abortion and Gender Grievance Goading
  •  Bash Israel, 
  • Welcome Floods of Immigrants, 
  • Bash Dialogue with any but Group Thinkers
  • Re-write History,
  •  Bash the Catholic Church (what little is left), 
  • Cheer Obama and Bash Bush pere et fil.
  • Equate Travellers, Pikees, Tinkers, Gypies at home, to Michael Brown, Laquan McDonald and other poor murdered Black Fellas in Yank Land.

As far as Mary Robinson's words to the Fifty Nappers, I heard Lamon Reccord and J'amal Green say the very same things. Get them lads a Medal of Merit each!

Mary Robinson is New Ireland's BBC approved Mary Poppins got-up like Maureen O'Hara, who pitched Mary Poppins to Walt Disney, by the way.

New Ireland is the facade of the Celtic Tiger* which spit out its teeth in 2008 and has gone back to pulling Yanks home to shore up the economy.

The Sun Times editorial board cheers lustily for Mary Robinson's advocacy of " same-old-same-old."  jobs, programs, more gun laws and a swift and well financed return of Cease Fire - the Chicago Gang-Banger.

Mary Robinson was called in and presented the Chicago Medal of Merit by the spin-doctors and Alderman Eddie Burke to help take the heat off of Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago Oikophobes - the oligarchs creating the Tiny City of Tiny Dancer, eliminating neighborhoods and erasing our home.

Mary Robinson, the City of Chicago and the Sun Times wants Chicago to stay the course -geld the cops, throw more money and. gosh darn it, bring back millions of dollars to help Ceasefire - there's Hobos on trial and they will need a place to go, when G. Flint Taylor finds a judge to spring them.

* Three-and-a-half years ago, the Republic fell into a hole that was dug by bankers, but their fatal work went unstopped by the very inspectors appointed to protect us. The idle but nonetheless pensionable delinquency of these “public servants” has brought about the ruination of our economy, and despair for hundreds of thousands. So, have we not learnt that such a failure to do one’s duty can have abominable consequences?
It was bad enough that we have done the ignoble and unprincipled deal of the peace process to bring Sinn Fein in from the cold. That we are now allowing the cultural warr-iors of Sinn Fein to sedulou-sly create a false narrative about the terrorist tragedy of 1969-1996 is a criminal folly that might in the longer term match anything done by the feckless banking inspectorate.
For remember this: we are entering a new and quite terrible era. The capital transfers from England that have sustained the fiction that is the Northern Ireland economy will soon be coming to an end. The island of Ireland is facing a future of unimaginable hardship, and unlike any time since the 1930s, there is almost nowhere abroad for the unskilled to find work. We cannot allow false narratives to emerge that will lure the poor, the deluded and the impressionable into a return to violence. Otherwise, war will once more be our true Sinn Fein harvest, as self-righteously, self-pityingly, and self-indulgently, we again destroy ourselves alone. Kevin Myers

Thursday, September 15, 2016

First Wave Feminism: Mary of the Sorrows - Beata Maria Virgo Perdolens

Image result for Mary the True Feminist

Women are the superior gender.

Women are tougher than men. Tougher means - can take it. Not faster. Not stronger. Not as warlike. Not as in-your-face competitive, nor as instinctively feral.

Men are feral in the same way that a chihuahua thinks it is a Rottweiler.  Image result for Men  are feral boysWe like to think of ourselves as wild, independent and fierce, until we get a cold, or the Cubs blow another year into the records.Image result for Men  wallow in our own filth

The ideal woman is Mary, Mother of God.  Even the Islamists bent on attacking her churches in France pay her grudging tribute in doing so.  Mother Mary seems to scare the holy hell out of them. Devout Muslims  honor Mary, in the same manner that they respect the faiths of their neighbors.

Mary is the First Wave Feminist, not the Madame DeFarge vampire attributed to French Revolutionary nonsense and feminism itself - that should get the gals with unshaven legs and Park Avenue Planned Parenthood harpies yowling. Mary Mother of God, Mother of Jesus and wife to Joseph the Carpenter showed the power of women through bearing the sorrows that no man could endure.

Nope, 1789 years before the French slaughtered their neighbors wholesale, in Roman occupied Palestine a woman suffered seven sorrows.

Today is the feast of Mary of the Sorrows and her sorrows are commemorated in the Rosary.
The Sorrows are these:

The Prophecy of Saint Simeon. (Luke 2:34–35)
The escape and Flight into Egypt. (Matthew 2:13)
The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem. (Luke 2:43–45)
The Meeting of Mary and Jesus on the Via Dolorosa.
The Crucifixion of Jesus on Mount Calvary. (John 19:25)
The Piercing of the Side of Jesus, and His Descent from the Cross. (Matthew 27:57–59)
The Burial of Jesus by Joseph of Arimathea. (John 19:40–42)
Mary was no Scarlett Johansson kick-boxing her way out of a jam in some Marvel comic movie.  Mary taught women, the superior gender,  that suffering is our lot and not some annoyance.
There was not a damn thing Mary could do to change, put off, or ignore any one of her sorrows - there was no contraception for the words of a prophet, fleeing oppression, losing a little boy at church any more than confronting the sacrifice her Son chose to carry on his head and back like Roman lashes and cruciform timbers

Mary could not lawyer-up.  Legislate agony out of her way.  Her way, the Romans later called the Via Dolorosa - the street of sorrow.
Image result for Feminist harpies
Faux Feminism objects to a woman enduring anything - an unwanted child,  a place in line,  tepid water at the place setting, men who hold doors open and ask ' allow me?'  Unendurable.

Real women suck it up and order their 'boys' husband and sons to 'cowboy up, for Crissakes!' women can take it. Women endure and men medicate.Image result for Men  wallow in our own filth

Women are the superior gender, even the feminists who embarass side with crass, selfish and vain materialism.Image result for beautiful mother

Women are superior to men, but their natures disallow the quick fix, the easy path, or the evolved solution to suffering.  Women should never want to be like us.  Thank God and His Mother for that.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Musings Before Mass on 9/11 2016

Image result for 9/11 2001 in Chicago
Image result for mass at sacred heart church in chicago
Fifteen years ago, Islamist Terrorists, mostly from Saudi Arabia, hijacked four jet airliners and crashed them of them into planned targets, one was plane was knocked out of action by heroics Americans who sacrificed their lives to save others.
Image result for 9/11 2001 in Chicago No contrails for months over Chicago

The skies over America were empty of air planes for months.  Safety measures were taken in all cities, towns and villages to meet a potential terror strike.

Americans waved flags, for a while.  They thanked firemen, firefighters, paramedics and priests, for while.

Now, such heroes are villains.

Americans got bored again and Noam Chomsky, Susan Sontag, Ward Churchill. Bill Ayers and Keith Oberman started have a real vibe.  Between 2001 and 2016, the number of public nitwits swelled like tick on a fat man's rump - Anthony Weiner, Michele Bachman, Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink, Ward Churchill, Al Gore, Glenn Beck, Joe Scarborough, Toure, Man Buns . . .

Some Americans returned to self-loathing.  Some people seemed to lose common sense.  Scab yanking and self laceration became institutionalized - no wants to be a bully.  The heart wants what the heart wanted and that is all that matters.  The test of political correctness became the level and intensity in levels of offense given to the vast majority of people,

However, the vast majority of people continue to be good neighbors, to help sick kids, to teach good citizenship to young people in a society that valorizes empty gestures and materialism,  to care for the elderly, to help the needy, to protect the unborn and the living and manage to encourage the broken hearted.

I will stand at Gospel with people who do those very things.  After the Gospel we always pray the Memorare - that seems to us Catholics a prayer that never fails to lift one over fire, failure, frustrations and finance.  It don't cost nothing, either.  No one cares who you are voting for in the coming election - that is your problem.  We all have bigger things to think about than elected goofs and NFL showboats and celebrity converts to anything that will keep their name in People Magazine.

We have a job of work to do.

Remember 9/11  and behave accordingly. 

Friday, September 09, 2016

John Kass has been Denounced by the Politburo of Small Minds

 Image result for stalin secret policeImage result for John Kass

Inventing the Enemy uses stories of personal relationships to explore the behavior of ordinary people during Stalin's terror. Communist Party leaders targeted specific groups for arrest, but also strongly encouraged ordinary citizens and party members to “unmask the hidden enemy.” People responded by flooding the secret police and local authorities with accusations. . . . every work place was convulsed by hyper-vigilance, intense suspicion, and the hunt for hidden enemies. Spouses, coworkers, friends, and relatives disavowed and denounced each other. People confronted hideous dilemmas. Forced to lie to protect loved ones, they struggled to reconcile political imperatives and personal loyalties. Work places were turned into snake pits. The strategies that people used to protect themselves – naming names, preemptive denunciations, and shifting blame – all helped to spread the terror. Inventing the Enemy , a history of the terror in five Moscow factories, explores personal relationships and individual behavior within a pervasive political culture of “enemy hunting.”   intro to Inventing the Enemy by Wendy Z. Goldman 2011
“I denounce because though implicated and partially responsible, I have been hurt to the point of abysmal pain, hurt to the point of invisibility. And I defend because in spite of all I find that I love. In order to get some of it down I have to love... too much of your life will be lost, its meaning lost, unless you approach it as much through love as through hate.”Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man

"Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one's own habits, and from time to time one can even, if one jeers loudly enough, send some worn-out and useless phrase — some jackboot, Achilles’ heel, hotbed, melting pot, acid test, veritable inferno, or other lump of verbal refuse — into the dustbin where it belongs."  George Orwell

The Muhammad Ali of the canon of African American writers is Ralph Ellison; never the less, Black writers from James Baldwin and Leroi Jones to the second raters of our day detested Ellison as one who would not play group think.  Artificial outrages couldn't make Ralph Holler.

I love it when Progressive voices begin to rise to the level that only mutts can hear.  That is almost a daily event.

Yesterday, some writer named Stephen Gossett wrote an Old Timey Joe Stalin Amalgamated Textile and Cash Register Workers DEE-NUN-SEE-Ay-SHUN of Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass. Citing no less authoritative voices as Wonkette,

Stephen Gossett does total Battle of the Cowshed on Mr. Kass:

"John Kass' lodestar is provocation—and that has taken the Tribune columnist into some pretty ugly, even quasi-racist territory. But his latest incitement represents a new low.
First off, here's how Kass chose to introduce the column, titled "Murder numbers don't tell the story in Chicago. Shootings do," and published Thursday morning . . .
"The feral boys of #Chicago with their death sticks, a direct product of the #Democratic welfare state." Just let that rattle around for a second, then try to compose yourself.
As former Chicagoist editor Marcus Gilmer* pointed out, "feral" has become a preferred epithet for the alt-right, along the lines of "thug." And "boy," well, that sad, racist history precedes itself. This is, of course, the Trump-ian mode of public communication, borrowing "nationalistic" language and turning the dog whistle into a megaphone. But its familiarity makes it no less virulent.
The piece itself begins right away with more reprehensible language, particularly after mentioning Chicago's undoubtedly awful murder statistics"

Reprehensible language like this, " nihilistic feral boys, brandishing their guns in cars, waving their death sticks in rap videos, young African-American men who believe they have no future, waiting to die."

Nihilistic is dog whistle language for someone or some people with nothing to guide them - like a lodestar, or good Old Polaris, Stephen Gossett, but to be too provocative,myself.

Brandishing guns and waving death sticks is dog whistle language for props used in Face Book selfies by nihilistic feral boys.

You see, friends and neighbors, words matter.

When people are blocked from using the words in our language and culture by prissy little pundits with precious little to offer in the way of talent or impact,  as if a word's very existence caused genocide, famine and Skittles on the sidewalk, we end up with Hillary v. Trump.

The denunciation is a journalistic form of shunning.  It can be effective, especially when the readers have limited scope in their reading and experience, or are just dopes. It is especially effective when pleonastic sesquipedalians toss out them big words and studied up facts/

Post-factual race-baiting has been made the new normal in 2016; and now Kass seems all too content to join the worst of the fray. That's the true feral nihilism. And it's especially loathsome when its delivered by a messenger parachuting from the outer suburbs. Notice the location stamp on his tweet: the hard front lines of Berwyn.

Post-factual race-baiting has been the new normal in 2016 - hundreds of thousands of people have said so, during the global warming/climate change costume change and red carpet show.  Hey, Stephen Gossett, I read Variety, as well as Salon.

Well John Kass has been denounced as a writer of the English Language and as a suburbanite.  I know Joe Epstein lives in Evanston, but I do not think that Joe knows, or has read Stephen Gossett.

You are denounced John Kass. You and John Dos Passos, Camille Paglia, Ralph Ellison, Mark Twain. Saul Bellow,John Steinbeck, H.L. Mencken, Russell Kirk, Joseph Epstein, Walker Percy, John Kennedy Toole, P.J. O' Rourke, . . .**

* ??????????Marcus Gilmer - related to Jimmy Gilmer?

** Denunciation Alumni

Thursday, September 08, 2016

“You and the other officers will not make it to court.” - The Voice of the Unschackled in Judge Tharp's Court

Image result for Intimidating Jurors

Yesterday, a 71 year old gentleman was shot in the stomach by two thugs on bikes in the Marquette Park neighborhood.  Though a security camera caught the act taking place, I seriously doubt if the youths will be brought to book.

Yesterday, six of the magnificent seven dressed in suits and Bill Cosby sweaters had the opportunity to study the faces of "anonymous" jurors in Judge John "Jay" Tharp's courtroom in the Dirksen Federal Building in the Hobo Trial.  Last week, Judge Tharp deemed it too prejudicial to shackle the members of the Hobo super-star coalition of gangs, even though Federal Marshalls asked that they be so restrained in the interest of safety and justice.  Judge Tharp took the Atticus Finch approach - the high-minded, think-out-of box, Yankee spit in the face of common sense, ACLU approved self-focus.
Image result for Judge John "Jay" TharpFar left -Judge John "Jay" Tharp nominated to the bench by Mark Kirk (R, Durbin) - Never Right

Appeals Court Chief Judge Richard Posner could not have done better than Judge Tharp and Posner is always playing Brutus, Clarence Darrow, or Larry David,  in the court of public opinion (media), it seems to me.

Now, people who are doing their civic duty in the American Justice system are imperiled by Judge John " Jay" Tharp's play acting To Kill a Mockingbird.

Still, the potential jurors found themselves facing the six accused Hobo gang members in Tharp’s courtroom. The allegedly violent gang members* wore suits, dress shirts and chunky sweaters as they studied the men and women who could decide their fate. Federal prosecutors have accused the men of committing nine murders, as well as a series of brazen robberies, home invasions and other crimes.
The final group of jurors will sit through a trial that is expected to last months. . . . The judge took roughly five hours to question the first 16 potential jurors from Chicago and its suburbs — a group that included a handful of retirees, a bartender, a college student and a man who has spent nearly four decades as a puppeteer. (emphases my own)

The trial will take months - that is plural sets of four weeks.  Judge Tharp is deliberate.  Now, it seems to me that in a number of months the Unshackled Hobos and their families, friends and well-wishers will manage to lift the veil of anonymity from the imperiled nine good citizens and true.  Notice that they Hobos studied the men and women who could decide their fate, from the get-go.

The Unshackled Hobos and the Hobo coalition will be in the unprejudiced position to nod signals and gesticulate interests in particular jurors to friends and family.  It does not take a Nero Wolfe, or August Dupin to come up with an identity in this City - unless of course one might be in proximity to an old man watering his lawn when two thugs bike up and shoot him.

I would rather be Nero's Mom than a juror in the Unshackled Hobo trial in Judge John "Jay" Tharp's court.

Gee, what could possibly go wrong?

*  Federal prosecutors say the Hobos, a “renegade group” of Gangster Disciples, Black Disciples and other gangs, terrorized Chicago’s South and West sides between 2004 and 2013. Among the defendants headed to trial are alleged Hobo leader Gregory “Bowlegs” Chester and alleged assassin Paris Poe.
Poe is accused of participating in the slayings of federal informant Keith Daniels and Chicago police informant Wilbert Moore. The feds also say he once threatened a police officer scheduled to testify against him, standing within two feet of the officer in a Cook County courthouse and saying, “You and the other officers will not make it to court.”