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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query palin. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, November 09, 2008

George Will - Irony's Sycophant a Swell Contrast to St. Augustine

Unlike the radicals on the right who want to upend American traditions, Will seeks to conserve them. Despite his habitual caution, however, even Will seems to have made at least one concession to modernity that may leave some of his admirers reeling. The bow tie has vanished. For the cover photograph of “One Man’s America,” he’s donned a necktie. New York Times Review of Books by Jacob Heilbrunn

Heck George, Tucker Carlson did that years ago!

George Will is Irony's Sycophant - wordy parser posing as an authentic voice. Shoot Will required research assistants, from what I hear, to scoop up baseball facts and figures in an attempt to become 'a real fan.' Now that's ironic. Today George Will worms his words through the loam of the new Washington, D.C.- the New Athens built from the Spartan helots of Daley's Chicago. Will wants in.

The door might be open to a parser. Thus, Will explains conservative America rotting like the corpse of a Marine gunned down in the surf off Tarawa in 1943:

More irony: September's financial storm probably sealed Obama's victory by raising the electorate's anxieties while lowering its confidence in Obama's opponent. John McCain's responses -- suspending, sort of, his campaign; ratcheting up his rhetoric about Wall Street "greed and corruption" -- suggested a line spoken solemnly by the Capitol Steps' George W. Bush impersonator: "Uncertain times call for uncertain leadership." But the storm's aftermath -- $1 trillion or so of government resources siphoned away -- will severely constrain Obama's presidency. So, this year the conditions conducive to the election of liberals, with their baroque plans and rococo dreams, have put a polar frost on most such ambitions.

Indeed, Obama's first problem will be drawing lines to circumscribe bailout promiscuity. The Bush administration, having executed a swan dive, or perhaps a belly-flop, into the financial sector, now seems to be flinching from extending the interventions into the industrial sector. Democrats in Congress, feeling their oats and hearing clamors from local corporations, will be Obama's first affliction.

Some of the Republicans' afflictions are self-inflicted. Some conservatives who are gluttons for punishment are getting a head start on ensuring a 2012 drubbing by prescribing peculiar medication for a misdiagnosed illness. They are monomaniacal about media bias, which is real but rarely decisive, and unhinged by their anger about the loathing of Sarah Palin by similarly deranged liberals. These conservatives, confusing pugnacity with a political philosophy, are hot to anoint Palin, an emblem of rural and small-town sensibilities, as the party's presumptive 2012 nominee.

These conservatives preen as especially respectful of regular -- or as Palin says, "real" -- Americans, whose tribune Palin purports to be. But note the argument that the manipulation of Americans by "the mainstream media" explains the fact that the more Palin campaigned, the less Americans thought of her qualifications. This argument portrays Americans as a bovine herd -- or as inert clay in the hands of wily media, which only Palin's conservative celebrators can decipher and resist.

Which George Will offers to. . . to offset, with milquetoast oil, and usher in a backdoor to principle! The Lap Dog's Return! George Will is seaching for a warm lap and a comfy chair. What a jerk!

George, the bovine herd? Well, Will there are herds and hoards. Hoards sweepin change. Herds remain static until herded, or is it lead? Ironic, that.

In Roman Hippo, a suburb of Carthage, the Bishop worried about Change and Hope as the Vandals and the Goths swept out the corruption of Old Rome. Augustine was no George Will. Augustine, was rooted in conservative principles that outlasted the Vandals and the Goths and took a hard look at political change as merely a vanity.

George Will is all about vanity. Augustine wrote:


22. I ask, Father, I do not affirm. O my God, rule and guide me. "Who is there who can say to me that there are not three times (as we learned when boys, and as we have taught boys), the past, present, and future, but only present, because these two are not? Or are they also; but when from future it becometh present, cometh it forth from some secret place, and when from the present it becometh past, doth it retire into anything secret? For where have they, who have foretold future things, seen these things, if as yet they are not? For that which is not cannot be seen. And they who relate things past could not relate them as true, did they not perceive them in their mind. Which things, if they were not, they could in no wise be discerned. There are therefore things both future and past.

George Will denies these points. The Irony being - that is a very good thing.

Keep yapping Georgie, someone will pick you up!

N.B. - Speaking of Principles and parsing for wiggle room: Nancy Pelosi, one of the Goths in Congress tried to parse St. Augustine over Abortion and received a clip on the snout from Bishop Chaput.

In the summer of 2008, this aspect ( condemnation of abortion) of Augustine's thoughtt (i.e., the gravity of abortion vis-a-vis the ensoulment of the fetus) was used by the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, in defence of her pro-choice political stance. She quoted one of his works, in which he wrote:

"The law does not provide that the act [abortion] pertains to homicide, for there cannot yet be said to be a live soul in a body that lacks sensation.'[64]

In the week following her comments, she was corrected by numerous American bishops, such as Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver, who wrote: "In the absence of modern medical knowledge, some of the Early Fathers held that abortion was homicide; others that it was tantamount to homicide; and various scholars theorized about when and how the unborn child might be animated or "ensouled." But none diminished the unique evil of abortion as an attack on life itself..."[65]

Now, That's Ironic!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Birthers? Don't Know One. Now, Divorcers? Palin-aphobia Distraction.

Keith Olbermann is bathtubbing, or some such marination. Butch Maddow is tanking. Big Ed Schultz is looking more Hermann Goringesque each episode. Milky Chris Matthews just back from a fudge finding tour of Africa is paler than the foam on the White House Lawn.The pencil neck Limey,as well as Mel Brooks impersonator Howard Dean, is filling in for Olbermann on Countdown. MSNBC is the Toolshed yet, but has been at the tip of the "Birther" Spear.

"Birther's" are folks who continue to ask for President Obama's Birth Certificate. They are out there somewhere, but I have yet to meet one. I run into many,many people in my job as a fund raiser for an inner city Catholic high school for African American young men - Leo High School! I am in the Loop three to five days a week. I meet the entire canvass of the American landscape (CEO's, middle managers, cops, fire fighters, City Hall operatives, journalists, tradesmen, nurses, clergy of all denominations, men, women and little kids. No Birthers.

The Birthers MSNBC and the Astro-turf Roots Boiled Beets Progressives are shouting out warnings about the Birthers!!!!! Dang. Where are they?

Yesterday, I met three new configurations of the Conspiracy Folks - The Divorcers, two women and one man, while I ambled about Beverly Park during the Play for Maeve event. Upon seeing my harmlees, but ruggedly handsome and contemplative self, they swarmed a-buzzing! All three worked mightily against George W, Bush and all he stands for, Racism, War and the heart-break of Psoriasis. The two women were especially strident "Mr. McCain-loser (me) . . .looks like your Eskimo-pie VP is not so Family now?"

"Ladies, you have me at a disadvantage. What news, pray tell, is the germ of your question?," I asked after Doffing my green Pat Mac's Pack ( Paddy McNamara is my cousin's little boy who suffers from returning brain tumors) baseball cap - I always wear a hat so I can tip it to a Lady!

"Palin the Quitter is quiting Todd!"

" Honor Bright, Skirts?"

" It's in Alaska Report if you can read, or do you get all your news from FOX?"

" Why, yes, I read some and no some of my best news sources are delicate flowers of the 19th Ward like yourselves. I shall avail myself of this broadsheet post haste."

The Progressive gentleman agreed and seethed -and on such a nice day.

Returning to my Yeoman's cottage some few blocks from Beverly Park, and after making a sandwich of heroic proportions as I did not get to sate myself on hot-dogs at the event, I searched and found this -

A National Enquirer story exposing previous affairs on both sides led to a deterioration of their marriage and the stress from that led to Palin's resignation as governor of Alaska last week.

The Palins were noticeably not speaking to each other for most of last Sunday's resignation speech in Fairbanks. Sarah ditched Todd (MSNBC) right after the speech and left without him. Sarah removed her wedding ring a couple of weeks ago.

Sarah has recently purchased land in Montana and is considering moving the family there. Sarah Palin is originally from Idaho.

What Ho! Them 'Hoes have hit the mother load! The National Enquirer no less!

The sinking Progressive barge is baling ballast!

It turns out that Palin and Todd are not, in fact, considering divorce. Given the Health Reform Clown Opera, with Nutmeg Jan Schakowsky piping melancholy mad for Government Medicine, the Flat Beer Summit, Double Digit Unemployment, Clunkers, and the expanding War in Afghanistan -the graveyard of Empires - I expect that some misdirection plays are afoot. Thus, the woman most feared by Second Wave Feminists, Salonistas, Academic Fakirs, and Boiled Beets Progressives is Target One.

The Divorcers will dominate the Cable as well as the chimera of the Birthers! Glory Be!

They are throwing spit-balls at a battleship. Palin will be fine.

Birthers -meet the Divorcers - now have fun and don't soil yourselves too much.

Friday, August 29, 2008

John McCain: "Sarah Barracuda" & "Maverick"

It is early Friday Morning - Happy Birthday John McCain! You picked the right person for your running mate - I believe that it is Governor Sarah Heath Palin of Alaska!

The tough point guard for the Wasilla Warriors, 1982 Alsaka State Basketball Champions, is an effective executive.

Palin has been rumored as a candidate for the vice-presidency with Republican presumptive nominee Senator John McCain in the 2008 election.[55][56] Due to her gender, youth, background in government reform, pro-life stance, fiscal and social conservatism, and an approval rating in Alaska generally in the range of 80 to 90 percent, Palin could become the second female vice-presidential nominee of a major party. Palin is supported by a community of online groups.[57][57][58][59][60][61]

On Friday, August 29, Fox & Friends reported that Palin's family departed hastily from Anchorage, Alaska aboard a Gulfstream jet that landed near Dayton, Ohio, site of McCain's planned vice presidential announcement. They cited the website Change&, which also had correctly leaked travel details for Sen. Joseph Biden to Springfield, Illinois for Barack Obama's announcement

Great Choice!

I believe that you made the absolute best choice - now, Senator, announce Sarah Palin this morning!

Friday, September 26, 2008

“Bad manners make a journalist.” Oscar Wilde on Sarah Palin

“A true gentleman is one who is never unintentionally rude”

Allow me, Governor.

Sarah Palin, though a resident of Alaska lives in my neighborhood. Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, Chris Rock, Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Campbell Brown, Chris Matthews and all of your critics do not.

Sarah Palin, like my neighbors, Democrats largely, white and black, Catholic and Protestant,. . . Danny Levi who owned the Irish Temple Pub died last year, so Jews are scarce immediately - alot of Muslims near by.

They are great people with wonderful manners, even during Little League . . .not so much during softball, or Catholic League Games - can get contentious.

People in my neighborhood, like in Kankakee, IL, Elyria, OH, Bettendorf, IA or Moscow, WI are unfamiliar with creepy people. We pay Cable, Satellite and DISH companies for that. That is the only way boors get in our homes.

The gottcha game on TV is understood. Like I said Sarah Palin, is unfamiliar with jerks. People in the media capitalize on the good nature and manners of people. The more off-putting or ridiculous statement or lie tossed in the face of good person like Sarah Palin, stuns and is meant to stun. Good manners and propriety in a social setting, like an interview keep good people from responding to a stupid, misleading or offensive question.

The more stupid, misleading and offensive the jerk happens to be, the bigger the geek ( once freaks in side-shows who performed disgusting acts for pay) the bigger the network cache.

There will be plenty of time for Vice President Sarah Palin to let Katie, Keith, Rachel, Chris, Charlie and the others in on 'what makes her tick.' That will be must see TV.

In the mean time allow me to offer a sound byte you may wish to employ in the mean time:

Katie: 'Governor what makes you think . . .'

Sarah: 'Why, We call that a thought muscle up in Wasilla Katie.'

Keith: ' William Howard Taft . . .'

Sarah: 'The poor guy is dead, Keith. He left an empty space in many hearts. And in his environment. Really. Are you still biting the bubbles in the bathtub, Keith?'

Charlie: 'What is the Bush Doctrine?'

Sarah: ' It is the codification of beliefs, attributed to George W. Bush our 43rd President that holds that pussies in pinz nez glasses acting like Rex Harrison after a sponge bath by Paul Begala have about three seconds before my husband Todd reenacts Sonny kicking Carlo's ass from Godfather - that's a film Charley . . .here's Todd now!'

Rachel: 'With . . .'

Sarah: 'Not even With an Act of God Rachel. But bless you for asking!'

Chris Matthews: 'How . . .'

Sarah: 'Answer the Question Chris this is Hardball! This isn't Funny! Answer! "What Are You Stupid? My God ! "He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.” Winston Churchill said that about You Chris!'

Monday, July 18, 2011

This Time Last Year - The Journolist; This Year - Let's Get Rupert!

I am never disappointed in the Media, though I am generally appalled by the Media. The Media ( not individual reporters, copy editors, or investigative professionals) tend to be the pampered children of privilege, or protected creatures who spout contrarian opinion to common sense, human dignity, and reality.

The Media are America's collective "the makers of fashion" in pop culture and politics. Would, for example a Lady Gaga be a finalist on America's Got Talent? Likewise, who creates a Congressman Weiner, other than the Media? The Media made academia a safe have for the likes of terrorist and droning gasbag Billy-boy Ayers and his odious Old Lady - Northwestern Law Prof Who Can't Practice Law Bernardine Dohrn. The Media decided that police officers are the universally brutal systemic racist Simon Lagrees of post-Racial America. Bullying is the sole property of the Media.

Last year, at this time, the Journolist Scandal bubbled, but never really boiled with anything like fury. The Jounolist is a cabal of rich, privileged Blue Chip university grad-punksters that the Media graces with license. This Licentious Journo-List played havoc with the truth all through the 2008 election cycle and beyond.

Who are the Jounrolistas? One gent identified this cadre with sharp and witty accuracy - they are largely nerds, dweebs, and gents who are repelled by the thought of conjugal affection with any female. They took particular delight in their attempted ravaging of the Palin Family. Sarah Palin is a beautiful woman who happens to be happily married to a union man and the mother of universally welcomed children. Palins don't abort. Moreso, they breed.

Last summer, Mark Judge, a writer for The Daily Caller ( liberal journalist, attorney, Fox TV News legal analyst, and Leo High School Board Member Tamara Holder also contributes to DC) offered this dandy assessment of the core of journolist ire

Andrew Sullivan’s obsessive hatred of Palin goes far beyond the cynicism of a journalist; there is a kind of primordial spasm of rage against something so marvelously lovely, so downright awesome. It’s like that guy a few years ago who took a hammer to Da Vinci’s sculpting of David. The beauty was unbearable! Palin is an archetype that the left does not know how to contain or control: the hot female jock who also happens to be cool. The left hates good-looking Republican women and jocks, so combining the two is like an exorcist hitting a demon with not only prayers, but water blessed by the Pope.

There’s usually one hot female jock like Palin in every school. It’s a girl who is so stunning that even teachers find themselves staring, yet she is too modest to acknowledge her beauty. She plays it down or changes the subject when someone brings it up. It may be because she was raised with good values, the desire to be humble, but it could also be because she wants to be taken seriously as a jock. Palin is a triple threat: a pretty jock who is also incredibly sexy (pretty and sexy are two different things). In high school she was the kind of girl that the school newspaper nerds – the future Journolisters – despised. Pummeled with so much raw beauty, athleticism and sex appeal – and she’s nice, too, goddamn her – these fearless chroniclers of reality were left sputtering – and seething.

Like the plot of a Tina Fey script, Ezra Klein's Kommandos controlled the Media narrative, until called on it - by the non-Media. That would be anyone or thing that stands opposed to full agreement with AV-Club/'We Are So Much Smarter' Cabal of Gleeks.

The Journolistas howl, "Fox and Breitbart must be behind this bullying! Therefore, let's get some pusillanimous payback!"

Welcome to summer of Rupert. Rupert Murdoch is an Empire of Opinion that runs counter to the Nerdocracy that is the American Media. The American Media has political pit-poodles like Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois who began yapping for Congressional Hearings aimed at Murdoch's problems in Perfidious Albion.

Sen. Dick Durbin is always a contrarian delight, whether he is parsing for Planned Parenthood, calling American miltary folks Nazi's, or trying to make things just a bit more comfortable for our Gitmo guests. If Durbin is for it, I generally feel that it is a really bad idea. Sen Durbin is a Tapioca Bernie Sanders. Any digging at great Federal expense for Murdoch Muddy Water will be a dry well, here in the Colonies. It will probably happen, because Murdoch represents the Yin to the Media's Yang; therfore, the Progressive Pit Poodle will go on his nerdy Fox Hunt.

The Media is a abuzz with the arrest of Titian Tress ed Murdoch Babe*, who was married to the Shrek-like Ross Kemp until his Rainbow Randy Roisterings ( Ross, it seems batted from the other side of plate) were cause for marital infidelity divorce proceeding, much objected to by an openly Gay MP. This homophobic harpy had to go! The Rebekkah Brooks titillation's will take up the balance of summer, until the lady is released.

All in all, the Media is a hypocritical band of nerdy Mean Girl Boys. They will always have a place at the table, until people decide to not accept their nonsense. Get a load of these dweebs! Rupert Agonistes! Miss Brooks - I know a cohort of lusty males who would vie for this maiden's affections, or as Roofer/Philsopher Eddie Carrol might offer, " I'd take a hard run at her."

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Mark Kirk Begs Sarah Palin -" I like Fancy Sauce!"

Cap'n Trade Mark Kirk is an oily kind of jerque*. He moves like mercury. He voted for the Waxman Markey Global Warming Stick-Up of America for General Electric! Kirk was the ONLY Republican in the Illinois Delegation to vote for this creepy and dangerous Bill.

Illinois Lion Representative Jim Durkin gave Kirk the tune-up he deserves after that vote - let's all say it together!

"I think he is going to regret that vote," Durkin said. With decisiveness, Durkin told the that he is "not interested nor disinterested" in a run, but adds "If I decided I wanted to run for statewide office I feel comfortable I could put together a team." from Illinois Review

Mark Kirk sneered at Sarah Palin. I like the former Governor of Alaska. I liked Palin before she hitched her star to John McCain's Campaign. I was delighted that she joined that Campaign. Palin energized McCain and McCain - it seemed to me - quit after September 19th 2008. Palin played hard until the whistle blew and kept her head up while all others went hang-doggy and nuzzled up to MSNBC.

Mark Kirk is tailor-made for the Tool Shed -MSNBC. However, Kirk wants to be Senator. That's nice.

I am voting for Alexi Giannoulias.

Kirk reminds me of the charcter in the movie Step Brothers. John C. Reilly's guy. Click my post title for that great scene.

Now, Mark Kirk is pestering everyone at the big table for Fancy Sauce ( Palin's Endorsement).

"Hey, I like Fancy Sauce! I Like Fancy Sauce!"

Sure you do, Mark. Ask Keith Olbermann for some fancy sauce - he'll give you some Fancy Sauce.

*The searching of a ship for unentered goods. [Eng.]

Friday, October 03, 2008

Sarah Palin's Genuine Decency Confounds People Like Couric

Governor Sarah Palin confounds the phonies and the mediocrities who dominate public debate.

Sarah Palin connects with Americans in a way unseen in politics since Truman and IKE. They too were sneered at by the Madly for Adlai pipe-smokers.

Truman vowed to punch a 'delicate' music critic in the mouth over an unnecessarily snotty review of his daughter's piano debut. He also 'Fired' the American Caesar for insubordination to the Commander in Chief. The artillery Captain fired the big general.

Sarah Palin is a force that the louses in public debate can not touch, but with whom Americans connect with ease.

Katie Couric, for all of her chipmunk cheek chirpiness, is a typical passive aggressive punk trying desperately to right her sinking career- a career that requires a dearth of talent and cargo of aggression.

The MSNBC Doublemint Twins of Propaganda Olberbore and Maddow have not the wit nor the substance to disarm Sarah Palin.

Change has come and it is long overdue in American Public Discourse. Sarah Palin brings back decency.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Here's Who Hates Sarah Palin - Glad I'm With Her!

They really Hate Sarah Palin!

Heck, I ain't mad at nobody. Hate beets.

POTUS SATELLITE RADIO; AIR AMERICA: MSNBC - The Tool Shed; NPR; PBS; Gwen ' Books to Sell' IfillCNN- Wolf's Pack; Hollywood - except for the one's with genuine enduring talent; Bruce 'I'M Woody Guthrie!' Springsteen; most of the really bad tippers at Keegan's Pub -both of them; The View - except for the skinny blonde broad; Kathleen Parker?; the New Yorker; Rolling Stone; THE GDs; The Stones (not Rolling -the gang-bangers) Vice Lords; Four Corner Hustlers; Mikey Cobras; all seven operators of the open and active Crack Houses on Morgan between 87th & 79th Street; community activists everywhere; Hugo Chavez; SEIU; Catholic School Girls Against The War; and Michael Moore in between meals HATE SARAH PALIN!

That makes me feel good. I care not a fig for most of those yamheads- can't say that I hate 'em. Bored by, yes. Irriated by their volume, to be sure. Tickled by their intrisicly humorless self-absorbtion, all the time, but hate is for losers. Looks like Obama has a huge problem - the Hate/Loser demographic in his corner is bigger than Michael Moore's snack! Here is a great article from last month by Dave Kahanne that sums up the idiocy of group think.

But she’s not a Democrat, which despite her va-va-va-voom appearance, means she’s not really a woman, which is one of the reasons we’ve spent the past four days since McCain unveiled her trying to tear her limb from limb. Just because she’s the governor of a state sandwiched between two obscure and unimportant countries, Canada and Russia, and spent more time in her first five minutes visiting American troops in Iraq than Evita Barry did during his entire Rainbow Tour, what could she possibly know about foreign policy? It’s not like she’s John Edwards or something.

So that’s why we’re having our Wellstone Funeral Moment at the moment. We mean well; we promised ourselves we wouldn’t go over the top with our outright loathing of the Neanderthals who preach “Christian” values while practicing Wiccanism and child sacrifice and who hate black people and gay people and want to destroy the environment just because they can, and want to amass more money than even John Kerry or Jon Corzine or Herb Kohl or Jay Rockefeller or Dianne Feinstein — the five richest senators — or Ted Kennedy or John Edwards or Nancy Pelosi have. That, usually, is the Kos Kidz’s job. Along with speculating exactly how Bush got from My Pet Goat to planting the depth charges that blew up the levees in New Orleans.

But sometimes the mask slips and you can see — whoops! — how much we hate you. Normally we’re against hate in all its forms, and embrace tolerance as one of our defining moral attributes. But when it comes to you conservatives, well, with the best will in the world, we just can’t tolerate you. You’re elitist, you’re judgmental, you’re hypocritical, and we know that deep down you hate us even more than we hate you. Therefore, by any means necessary, we will defeat you this fall. Voter fraud, “walking around” money, legions of lawyers, as many recounts as it takes — bring it on!

Because we need to take back our country. We need to take it back from fascists like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, and give it back to its rightful proprietors, patriots like Henry Wallace, Sidney Hillman, Norman Thomas, Gus Hall, Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, Saul Alinsky, William Kunstler, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, David Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Bobby Seale, and, yes, my guy, the Talking Parrot, you know who.

And Sarah Marshall Palin stands in the way of all that. After we sent Bill n’ Hill packing with their twin gold watches in Denver, we thought we had a clear playing field. The sunshine of the uplands was ours. Mother Gaia had opened wide her arms to embrace us, shunning the Orcs and the Uruk-hai of the Anti-Slavery, Anti-Segregation, Anti-Secularism, Anti-Sedition and Anti-Surrender Party. We were going up against Bob Dole and Jack Kemp, Herbert Hoover and Whoever, Daddy Bush and Dan Quayle, Gerald R. Ford and, well, Bob Dole.

Piece of cake, walk on the beach, a Renaissance Weekend in a non-denominational heaven for atheists. Until Sarah Marshall Palin showed up, bringing with her 10 million bucks for the bad guys in three days, a level of enthusiasm not seen since Ronnie was a pup, and a clear shot to Republican dominance with her and Bobby Jindal and whatever seduced and corrupted minority group is coming next for eons to come.

So that’s why we hate you, Sarah Marshall Palin. We hate you because you remind the other side of their wives, their girlfriends, their daughters, and make them want to fight for you against our sneers and our smears. We hate you because you’re smart and accomplished and didn’t make your bones on the back of Monica Lewinsky. We hate you because you’ve made us forget that our last two candidates for vice president were Joe Lieberman and John Edwards, whoever they were.

We hate you because you’re smart and beautiful and we wish we had women like you on our side.

We hate you.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

McCain Palin: Obama is Dull, But He is Really Shrill

There's Atheists and then there's atheists. The other day I read a piece in Newsweek, an organ of Camp Obama, by Sam Harris. Sam Harris is the leader of the Reason Project dedicated 'to encourage critical thinking and wise public policy. It will convene conferences, produce films, sponsor scientific research and opinion polls, award grants to other non-profit organizations, and offer material support to religious dissidents and public intellectuals — with the purpose of eroding the influence of dogmatism, superstition and bigotry in the world.'

Harris and HBO bigot Bill Maher a key player in the Reason Project smear and assault any and all religion. Harris attacked Sarah Palin as an icon of all Harris and Maher consider to betoo stupid to live. We are breathing their rarefied air it seems.

Harris is a punk philosopher, born in the age of 'don't hit him, he's weak.'

“Let me confess that I was genuinely unnerved by Sarah Palin's performance at the Republican convention. Given her audience and the needs of the moment, I believe Governor Palin's speech was the most effective political communication I have ever witnessed. Here, finally, was a performer who—being maternal, wounded, righteous and sexy—could stride past the frontal cortex of every American and plant a three-inch heel directly on that limbic circuit that ceaselessly intones "God and country." If anyone could make Christian theocracy smell like apple pie, Sarah Palin could.

Theocracy? What manner of coinage does Brother Harris Use? Still says 'In God We Trust' behind George Washington's neck on all the U.S. Minted quarters that I toss into theparking meters. Sam Harris and Bill Maher hate religion like the Inquisistion hated heresy. 'Bastinado, for you Mrs. Murphy!'

Well Sam Harris is an atheist. Thene there's Chris Hitchens, the British wit and critic of religion. Christopher Hitchens has no truck for Church-going, Psalm-singing Rubes, but he genuinely loves them.

Where Harris and Maher have entered the lists as God Mocking Knights of the Woeful Countenance, Christopher Hitchens observes the battle from the grandstands of intellectual inquiry.

He is not 'unnerved' by Governor Palin, but he is bored by Barack Obama, who is not a Muslim, but a devout Christian without a Church, until after the election.

Why is Obama so vapid and hesitant and gutless? Why, to put it another way, does he risk going into political history as a dusky Dukakis? Well, after the self-imposed Jeremiah Wright nightmare, he can't afford any more militancy, or militant-sounding stuff, even if it might be justified. His other problems are self-inflicted or party-inflicted as well. He couldn't have picked a gifted Democratic woman as his running mate, because he couldn't have chosen a female who wasn't the ever-present Sen. Clinton, and so he handed the free gift of doing so to his Republican opponent (whose own choice has set up a screech from the liberals like nothing I have heard since the nomination of Clarence Thomas). So the unquantifiable yet important "atmospherics" of politics, with all their little X factors, belong at present to the other team.

The Dukakis comparison is, of course, a cruel one, but it raises a couple more questions that must be faced. We are told by outraged Democrats that many voters still believe, thanks to some smear job, that Sen. Obama is a Muslim. Yet who is the most famous source of this supposedly appalling libel (as if an American candidate cannot be of any religion or none)? Absent any anonymous whispering campaign, the person who did most to insinuate the idea in public—"There is nothing to base that on. As far as I know"—was Obama's fellow Democrat and the junior senator from New York. It was much the same in 1988, when Al Gore brought up the Dukakis furlough program, later to be made infamous by the name Willie Horton, against the hapless governor of Massachusetts who was then his rival for the nomination.

By the end of that grueling campaign season, a lot of us had got the idea that Dukakis actually wanted to lose—or was at the very least scared of winning. Why do I sometimes get the same idea about Obama? To put it a touch more precisely, what I suspect in his case is that he had no idea of winning this time around. He was running in Iowa and New Hampshire to seed the ground for 2012, not 2008, and then the enthusiasm of his supporters (and the weird coincidence of a strong John Edwards showing in Iowa) put him at the front of the pack. Yet, having suddenly got the leadership position, he hadn't the faintest idea what to do with it or what to do about it.

Look at the record, and at Obama's replies to essential and pressing questions. The surge in Iraq? I'll answer that only if you insist. The credit crunch? Please may I be photographed with Bill Clinton's economic team? Georgia? After you, please, Sen. McCain. A vice-presidential nominee? What about a guy who, despite his various qualities, is picked because he has almost no enemies among Democratic interest groups?

Yep, Barack Obama is dull, but he is also shrill. Obama is negative - The Surge Can't Work! The Economy is Doomed! Americans Cling! Americans are Bitter! Americans Are Racist! Americans Are Not Elite!

Dull, but Shrill. There's Atheists and then ther's atheists.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Katha Pollitt - Palin Hater for America and One Ugly Broad! Chicago Tribune Thinks She's Swell!

Katha Pollitt is one ugly woman - this past Halloween the kids at the door gave her candy; in Katha's photo album there's only negatives;beauty is only skin deep but ugly is to the bone (Dangerfield. New York).

Click my post title for the article - it is pretty standard hate stuff but very badly written and certainly worthy of the Chicago Tribune editorial board.

I read Miss Pollitt's op-ed piece with great interest this morning. The Tribune did not provide a photo of Miss Pollitt but I managed to match the face with the message. Miss Pollitt is also not all that bright it seems to me thata demitasse would fit her head like a sombrero. Miss Pollitt is also rather . . .shall we say offensive? I've come across decomposed bodies of two fishermen tossed up on the beach at Holland Michigan that were less offensive than Miss Pollitt.

Miss Pollitt would scare a starving dog off a meat wagon, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As Progressive are wont to say 'Who's to judge?' As I am wont to say, 'Me.' That is one ugly broad. Beauty works it's way up from the heart and Miss Pollitt's words of unnecessary invective match her tiny heart.

But shucks, don't take my word for it I am a dedicated and devout sexist.

My favorite Lesbian/literary critic Camille Paglia thinks not much of Miss Pollitt*. as well.

Feminist author Camille Paglia described Pollitt as a "whiny troll, an unscrupulous and unreliable critic and a cultural philistine...She's a good example of the phony prep-school/trust-fund leftism suffusing the incestuously interwined Ivy League cliques who run the corrupt East Coast literary and magazine establishment."[6]

Yet, the Chicago Tribune's editorial board sees fit to use a 'whiny troll' to smear Sarah Palin. Pollitt is a feminist. One of those feminists who can not seem to develop a happy life and Billy-bedamns any woman who is everything that they are not. Pollitt tosses hate on Sarah Palin like Englewood Napalm ( a horrific concoction of boiling water and bacon grease that is infamous for branding domestic disputes.

Sarah Palin will be fine. The Radical Feminists are scared witless - I believe that is the word I wish - of Sarah Palin.

The Chicago Tribune has become as sad a joke in journalism as the soon to closed Chicago Sun Times.

Katha Pollitt is married ( her second and his third) to Marxist critic Steve Lukes.

Sarah Palin is Governor of Alaska and happily married to the man she met in high school.

This is list from Mother Jones by Katha Pollitt Her Ten Must Reads - Yeah, I'll get around to those hits . . .when it snows in the Philippines.
Katha Pollitt is a columnist for The Nation magazine and author of Reasonable Creatures: Feminism & Society in American Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century (New York: Vintage, 1994). In the early 1980s, she reviewed books for Mother Jones. Her choices, listed chronologically:

1976 Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture & Society, by Raymond Williams (London: Oxford University Press). The great Marxist scholar of English literature analyzes the history of 131 crucial words, from "aesthetic," which has always meant the opposite of "social" and "practical," to "work," which did not always mean paid employment.

1978 For Her Own Good: 150 Years of the Experts' Advice to Women, by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English (New York: Doubleday). This feminist classic is still the most elegant and spirited dissection of received medical wisdom -- a.k.a. sexism.

1983 Imagined Communities, by Benedict Anderson (London: Verso). A brilliant and erudite investigation of the concept of national identity -- a modern invention whose psychological power lies in denying that it is one.

1984 Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, by Pierre Bourdieu (Cambridge: Harvard University Press). With subtlety and sophistication, the great French sociologist analyzes the way social and economic classes are shaped and preserved by myriad tiny but amazingly precise differences -- from preferences in food and art to body language and hairstyles. The data are French, the implications universal.

1984 Not In Our Genes: Biology, Ideology, and Human Nature, by R.C. Lewontin, Steven Rose, and Leon J. Kamin (New York: Pantheon). Three prominent scientists debunk genetic determinism and sociobiology so thoroughly it's amazing The Bell Curve got published.

1988 A Small Place, by Jamaica Kincaid (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux). A beautiful, furious essay about the author's native Antigua, tourist mecca and postcolonial slum -- the modern world in a nutshell.

1990 City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles, by Mike Davis (London: Verso). I learned something from every page of this bold social history of Los Angeles as the prototype of a new kind of city, the world megalopolis.

1991 Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, by Susan Faludi (New York: Crown). The book that woke American women from their Reagan-era "post-feminist" nap. Faludi shows how the media operates as a kind of Möbius strip, endlessly recycling half-truths and distortions to "prove" that feminism has made women miserable.

1991 Mao II, by Don DeLillo (New York: Penguin). A Pynchon-like writer leaves his study to explore a world of cults, terrorists, dilapidation, and drift. A tragic meditation on post-modernity as alternating currents of isolation and mass hysteria.

Adolph Reed Jr.'s essays are not collected in a book, but he is the smartest person of any race, class, or gender writing on race, class, and gender. (His writing appears in the Progressive and Village Voice.)

Rather have my gums scrapped, Katha!

Cammy, with words such as yours about Katha ('She's a good example of the phony prep-school/trust-fund leftism suffusing the incestuously interwined Ivy League cliques who run the corrupt East Coast literary and magazine establishment.') I am proud to call myself a Lesbian too!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Joe Epstein - Progressive Feminist Screamers -The Loathing of Sarah Palin

My career in teaching high school English is a lunch-bucket version of academics. Real teachers rarely become community activists, much less political polemicists. They are far too busy.

They get shuffled off to 'workshops' by the very people who could not hack it in the classroom and became Administrators with degrees in Education from the community college at best or mail-in diploma mills in order to hear Academics from the Colleges of Education who never once set foot in a classroom.

Teachers toss the hand outs and get in forty-winks, or grade papers while some tweedy jerk struts the stage and lights up the video.

Real teachers teach English, History, Business, Physical Education, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Languages. They are Jim the Physics Teacher; Donna the Volleyball Coach.

Seth the Fourth Vice Principal for Curriculum Development sets up Workshops and is paid seven times what real teachers make per year.

A Real Teacher from Northwestern University, Joe Epstein*, has recently scaled down his teaching load and written another book - this one on Fred Astair The Hoofer!

Today, Joe the Writer, presents an essay on the great shout-down: Joe The Plumber is being assaulted by the American Media, because he asked a question of Sen. Barack Obama and managed to pin Obama to the mat on his Redistribution of Wealth Agenda.

Joe Epstein concentrates on the Progressive pile-on by Progressive Feminist of Sarah Palin. The Progressive Feminists loath Sarah Palin, because the Governor of Alaska is a happy person. She is beautiful, successful, active, healthy, married, centered and powerful. Most of all they hate her because Sarah Palin is very happy. Most Americans are happy- beset by troubles, heartbreak, worry to be sure, but essentially happy. Progressive Feminists like Salon's Joan Walsh demand their Female Icons be as battle-damaged as she herself seems to be, but Sarah Palin, Doggoneit, is too happy!

Here is the nub of the rub from Joe the Writer:

Strongly liberal women get most agitated over the issue--though of course to them it is no issue but a long since resolved matter--of abortion. Abortion, to be sure, is the great third-rail subject in American politics. But when a male politician is against abortion, these women can write that off as the ignorance of a standard politician, if not himself a Christian fundamentalist, then another Republican cynically going after the fundamentalist vote. A woman not in favor of abortion is something quite different.

And it is all the more strikingly different when the same woman not only holds this opinion on abortion but acts on it and knowingly bears a child with Down syndrome, a child that most liberal women would have thought reason required aborting. What else, after all, is abortion for?

A few months ago Vanity Fair ran an article about the discovery that the playwright Arthur Miller, with his third wife, the photographer Inge Morath, 40 or so years ago had a Down syndrome son. Miller promptly clapped the boy into an institution--according to the article, not a first class one either--and never saw the child again. Most people would have taken this for a heartless act, one should have thought, especially on the part of a man known for excoriating the putative cruelties of capitalism and the endless barbarities of his own country's governments, whether Democratic or Republican. Yet, so far as one can tell, Arthur Miller's treatment of his own child has not put the least dent in his reputation, while Sarah Palin's having, keeping, and loving her Down syndrome child is somehow, by the standard of the liberal woman of our day, not so secretly thought the act of an obviously backward and ignorant woman, an affront to womanhood. "Her greatest hypocrisy," proclaimed Wendy Doniger, one of the leading feminist lights at the University of Chicago, "is her pretense that she is a woman."

*Joseph Epstein (born January 9, 1937) is a Chicagoan essayist, short story writer, and editor, best known as a former editor of the Phi Beta Kappa Society's The American Scholar magazine and for his recent essay collection, Snobbery: The American Version. He was also a lecturer at Northwestern University from 1974 - 2002. He is a Contributing Editor at The Weekly Standard and a long-time contributor of essays and short stories to The New Criterion and Commentary. The late William F. Buckley, Jr. in his review of Snobbery called Epstein the wittiest writer alive.
Essay collections and books
Divorced in America: Marriage in an age of possibility (1974)
Familiar Territory: Observations on American Life (1979)
Ambition: The Secret Passion (1980)
Middle of My Tether: Familiar Essays (1983)
Plausible Prejudices: Essays on American Writing (1985)
Once More Around the Block: Familiar Essays (1987)
Partial Payments: Essays on Writers and Their Lives (1988)
A Line Out for a Walk: Familiar Essays (1991)
Pertinent Players: Essays on the Literary Life (1993)
With My Trousers Rolled: Familiar Essays (1995)
Life Sentences: Literary Essays (1997)
Narcissus Leaves the Pool: Familiar Essays (1999, paperback 2007)
Snobbery: The American Version (2002)
Envy (2003)
Friendship: An Exposé (2006)
Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy's Guide (2006)
In a Cardboard Belt!: Essays Personal, Literary, and Savage (2007)
Fred Astaire (2008)

[edit] Short story collections
The Goldin Boys: Stories (1991)
Fabulous Small Jews (2003)

[edit] Short Stories
My Brother Eli appearing in The Best American Short Stories 2007 pp. 85-112.

[edit] External links
"The Culture of Celebrity: Let us now praise famous airheads" in The Weekly Standard
"Friends Aren't What They Used to Be: The New Ethos of Intimacy" a review of Friendship: An Exposé, in Slate
"Kid Turns 70: And Nobody Cares" in The Weekly Standard
"Golden Juggler" a review of In a Cardboard Belt! by Joseph Tartakovsky, in the Claremont Review of Books

From the Good Folks at Wikipedia

Thursday, October 02, 2008

McCain/Palin: Palin Will Be Great and So Will Joe Biden

This will be a politcal event unmatched in viewership. The Debate between Senator Joe Biden and Gov. Sarah Palin will be a study in two political agenda's. Palin* will will excite her audience with direct and intelligent appeals to common sense public service and Biden will display a mastery of issues with sparkle of wit and charm.

Katie Couric will continue to scratch for her political life at CBS; Gwen Ifill will cash-in her credentials as a 'career journalist' for a book deal; the Debate Commission will have revealed itself as hack-dominated clown opera; the Obama propaganda organ ( MSNBC, CNN, ABC,CBS, and NBC as well as the brokered print corporations) will whirl dervishily to cloud what everyone in America already understands about the Presidential Race; Hollywood will continue to act as if it matters; American voters will act according to the dictates of their hopes and commitment to their country.

Tonight's debate will be a great study of two dedicated public servants.

* Click my post title for a nice account of Palin's debating skills

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Rachel Maddow -Palin Drone: 'Butch You Got the Show! Try and Pretend to Read the News Anyway.'

I caught a snatch of Rachel 'Butch' Maddow on the radio coming into work this morning. As the only voice on MSNBC giving off any trace of testosterone, Maddow works up the volume and speed in wall-papering over any pretensions of dialog on MSNBC.

Now, it seems that her sole task is to bring down Sarah Palin.

Butch, you're in over your head - out of your element. Palin is not some back-slding guest of Ellen Degeneres or one of the geldings with whom you work! Palin hunts Griz! Hunts Oil Companies! Takes down, dresses and mounts the heads of Republican and Democratic pocket stuffers.

Cheerleading for Kid Hope is one thing, but Sarah Palin will eat your liver. Which might be a fine learning experience for you.

Monday, September 08, 2008

McCain/Palin:McCain Crosses the T – on Obama Armada

Like Nelson at Trafalgar, Togo at Tsushima, Jellicoe at Jutland and Oldendorf at Surigao, John McCain brought all of the heavy guns in his fleet to bear upon the mighty Obama Armada lined up in rigid order of battle.

John McCain crossed the T with his patient and calculated choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on August 29th. It is all over. That move was the game changer. Dean of Chicago Journalism, Robert Novak wrote this:
. . . not only because Palin appears to be an outstanding candidate but also because McCain in his first test as party leader came through with a unique and responsible decision.
The party faithful had feared the worst, in view of McCain's long record as a maverick who enjoyed violating Republican dogma.
As recently as two weeks before Palin's selection, McCain's closest aides feared, in the words of one of them, "McCain would be McCain," by choosing liberal independent Sen. Joseph Lieberman, which would have deflated the convention and indeed the party on the eve of an uphill battle for the presidency.
But on this occasion, McCain made a politically ingenious selection. Whether the presence on the Republican ticket of a woman for the first time actually will attract disaffected supporters of Hillary Clinton is doubtful.
Gender politics aside, she is an ideal running mate. On the one hand, she shares McCain's loathing for earmarks, which are ingrained in the corruption-tainted politics of Alaska. She also has a good record in fighting off big oil, which plays a major role in the politics of Alaska.
Her election as governor broke the hold of the Republican "Alaska gang," whose senior members have been under criminal investigation.
On the other hand, she meets conservative requirements as an opponent of abortion and member of the National Rifle Association. That is much more than most people in St. Paul were hoping for.
Senator Obama, David Axelrod, Howard Dean, the DNC and their money machines are caught in the searchlights turned on by Media attempts at ‘night action’ on Governor Palin’s family and her character. Clown anchors like Olbermann, Madow and Matthews at MSNBC and Campbell Brown, Wolf Blitzer and Jack Cafferty at CNN have exposed themselves as partisans and not journalists.

The McCain Campaign is on target and firing salvo after salvo and the impact is serious on Obama:

Monday, September 08
Race Poll Results Spread
USA Today/Gallup
McCain 54, Obama 44
McCain +10
Rasmussen Tracking
McCain 48, Obama 47
McCain +1

Obama is sunk, not for lack of brains, but lack of guts. He could have and should have asked – begged Hillary Rodham Clinton to shore up his well-heeled but doctrinaire campaign handled entirely by Progressives. Instead, his rarified soul demanded a lesser light in durable, affable, malleable Joe Biden (D-Delaware).

Obama is perceived, and rightly so, to be a snob and a disdainful prophet of redistribution of wealth. Obama’s Armada and all of its legions of tax-payer funded foot-soldiers (SEIU, Public School Lobby, Teachers Unions, AFSMCE, ACORN & etc.) is sunk.. Obama has been hoisted to Olympus on the hemp and pulleys of the Progressives – kind of a reverse deus ex machina and can only talk down to Americans. He uses nice carefully chosen words but he still talks down to us in litanies of imperative sentences.

McCain steamed right across Obama’s bow and his Armada lined up like baby ducks behind him and Joe Biden. The Armada is shattered.

Waxing biblical, as they did in Denver, I might add from Douay Rheims - Pharao's chariots and his army he hath cast into the sea: his chosen captains are drowned in the Red Sea. Exodus 15:4

Saturday, August 30, 2008

MSNBC-The Tool Shed: Helping McCain/Palin - You Clowns are the Kings ( You Especially, Butch) of the Sideshow!!

"John McCain's mate - Cindy McCain - and his running mate - Sarah Palin - are beauty pageant ladies, which may tell us something that we didn't know before about what John McCain likes in women." Butch Maddow -Rhodes Scholar with an eye for the ladies

Tubby and Butch and whole gang over at MSNBC have come down with rampant Palin-phobia!

That is all to the good. Chris Matthews looked like his Milky noggin was going to explode. David Shuster, Team nebbish, had the buck-toothed gnome Roy SomethingCoff from Huffington Post pre-loaded with Poison for Palin, but the main course, or course - aside from trencherman and Satisfied faux baseball cap wearer, The Thing That Ate Flint ( Come on Altar Boy! It was You! You Blamed GM, but you ate that town!) Michael Moore - was the Tubby and Butch attempted tag team.

Both hit the canvass and missed Governor Palin by a mile. Come on Practice! Butch, looks like she spent dome time in gym. Get Keith out of the tub and into the park. Get him some exercise and let him talk to other kids! Really, Butch!

Are you nodding and have that 'I Care Smirk?' Good!

MSNBC - Bang Up Job!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

McCain/Palin Will Upset Chicago Tribune, Hollywood,MSNBC,ACORN, Ayers, Wright, . . .

John McCain and Sarah Palin are poised to pull off a victory over a completely artificial construct - Senator Barack Obama. From the day, that Senator Obama announced his run for the White House in Springfield, IL -in shadow of Abraham Lincoln's Myth, Obama has been choreographed, scripted, produced and marketed by a powerful force that is no friend of the Middle Class.

However, voters are quietly gearing up to send a message: John McCain will be President of the United States. The stakes are too great to simply go along with Oprah, Barbra Steisand, P-Diddy, MoveOn. Org, Daily KOs, Huffington Post, Newseek, NBC, Campbell Brown, SEIU, ACORN, the DNC, Billy Ayers, Tony Rezko, Allison Davis, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Ward Churchill, Chris Mattews, Jonathon Alter, Colin Powell, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, CNN, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and 84% of the Eurpeans Polled by Camp Obama. Obama has played Race and will continue to do so.

Newsweek's Jonathon Alter has done this for months and wants to scare the kids with more:

the three fifths of the electorate that shows up once every four years to vote for president but mostly hates politics. These are the 75 million folks who didn't vote in the primaries. They don't read newsmagazines or newspapers, don't watch any cable news and don't cast their ballots early. Their allegiance to a candidate is as easily shed as a T shirt. Several million moved to Obama through September and October; they'd heard he handled himself well in the debates. Then, in the last week, the LIVs swung back to the default choice: John McCain. Some had good reasons other than the color of Obama's skin to desert him; many more did not. In October, a study by the Associated Press estimated that Obama's race would cost him 6 percent. The percentage was smaller, but still enough to give the presidency to McCain.

Nope. Cry Race all you want. Obama is perceived to be a good script reader and dandy presence and that is all. Chicago news media, with two exceptions Tim Novak and John Kass, have been Obama's propaganda arm.

Obama has Propaganda and the threat of Race and that won't do it.

Against this we had a guy in Ohio ask a question of Obama and watched the Media try to destroy him with the help of Ohio State agencies. Voters heard Obama - unscripted, off-message and without spinners. He is out to take away the Middle Class. No debate and no exceptions. Obama Ayers Democrat and his record with Woods Fund and Chicago Annenberg Challenge prove that - former Chicago Schools CEO Paul Vallas outed Obama and Ayers. They did nothing to Reform Chicago Public Schools.

I have polled my neighbors and witnessed the McCain/Palin signs in this traditional blue collar community. Cops, firemen, nurses, bank employees, teachers, skilled tradesmen, small business operators and service employees are voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

McCain will carry my precinct and the Country.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Mitt Romney's Hit to the Fence

Bendix was The Babe and Mitt played both last night!

I believe that people generally come to look like what they do for a living. English teachers look like English teachers; cops, cops; firemen, like smoke eaters; plumbers, like neurosurgeons.

Mitt Romney looks like a movie star, from the 1950's. Another star of that by-gone era, was William Bendix. Bendix could play a cab driver, a sailor, a cop, a stagecoach driver, a mob enforcer, a priest, or Babe Ruth. Mitt Romney would have been type-cast as jilted-lover, a playboy, the executive officer of a destroyer hunting a Nazi sub, the co-pilot of a Pan Am flight in a storm, or a movie star in a movie about Hollywood. Babe Ruth?

Newt Gingrich looked like Cliff Arquette, the Old Charlie Weaver character

Michele Bachmann played Polly Bergen without the sex appeal

Rick Perry was Jack Palance

Hermain Cain was the handsome, tough dependable black guy in all the old Korean War movies James Edwards

Jon Huntsman was Speedy Alkaseltzer

Ron Paul again chewing up the scenery as Pa Kettle

Rick Santorum played Jimmy Olsen, again.

I watched the GOP debate expecting the sleep-inducing platitudes and mild gottchas, but was delighted to see Mitt Romney not only play the Bambino, but gesture his bat to the far fence and knock one over the cheap seats and out into Armour Park.

Mitt morphed into William Bendix as The Babe, after helping Jack Palance up after a huge group beat-down over his Texas Med Mandate with this -

Right now, we have people who on this stage care very deeply about this country. We love America. America is in crisis. We have some differences between us, but we agree that this president’s got to go. This president is a nice guy. He doesn’t have a clue how to get this country working again

It's Outta Here!

If Rick Perry is to keep up with Mitt he needs to shed Jack Palance and become Ward Bond. Ward Bond trumps William Bendix 24/7!

I still hope Ava Gardner walks on stage - not even Ward Bond can upstage that beauty.
Sarah Palin is Ava Gardner with Judy Holliday's voice, God help her.

UPdate - "I wish Sarah Palin had Ava Gardner's smoky voice, I think that's what will ultimately kill Sarah Palin's chances, is her high pitched screechy voice. I love everything Sarah says, just can't stand listening to it." Chicago Renaissance Man and cinema auteur Mike Houlihan wishes that Gov. Palin's voice could match the smoky allure of Miss Gardner. Alas, take what God provides, Michael.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Herman Cain is a Threat to the Womanish - David Brooks, Pat Quinn, & etc.

OMG! “That’s because we’re in the silly season,” I'll Hit You Back!

Definition of WOMANISH
1: associated with or characteristic of women rather than men
2: suggestive of a weak character : effeminate
— wom·an·ish·ly adverb
— wom·an·ish·ness noun

Herman Cain is obviously a threat to the womanish. Governor Pat Quinn is womanish. When he was called out for supporting the Illinois abortion industry's Personal PAC, last week. Governor Quinn went all womanish. Quinn answered the bishops by ducking behind the skirts of the Directors of Personal PAC, saying that giving an award to a rape victim is "a proper, Christian thing to do." The rape victim is a Director of Personal PAC.

A guy with a set on him would have said, " These are my friends and I stand with my friends."

Nope, Quinn turned to his Boss Cosgrove for advice, put a rape victim in front of him as a shield and deftly changed and controlled the narrative.

Male Politicians, these days, tend to be the most womanish of creatures. Unlike Sarah Palin, who has taken more blows to the kidneys and the short ribs than middleweight Craig McEwan last week, never once beefed about Charlie Rose, Katie Kouric, SNL, MSNBC.

Governor Palin, like the Veterans who attended the Leo Veterans Observances last Friday, hours before Peter Kid Chocolate Quillen turned Edinburgh's Craig McEwan into shepherds pie, has fallen seven times and gotten up eight. Craig McEwan kept coming at Quillen with nothing and the ref had to stop the fight.

Pat Quinn turned to his Boss Terry Cosgrove, a past master at bitch slapping and ducking for cover, for his narrative voice. Pat Quinn is womanish.

Herman Cain is a threat. He is not a politician and he is a sho' 'nuff male. Herman Cain worked all of his life, because that is what a man is supposed to do. He has been married to the same woman for two score and more years, because that is what a man is supposed to do.

Now, the national bitch slappers - Politico, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times and their conservative girl friends like David Brooks have trotted out a blond dowager to say that Herman Cain groped and grabbed and then drove her to her boyfriend during a job search.You can not find a more Womanish Male than David Brooks - he is the conservative gadfly who blessed Obama in 2008 because of the razor sharp crease in Obama's britches. How's that for gravitas, Girls? Que Hombre!

Here was David Brooks on Herman Cain when the harassment smears hit the Twitters -

Herman Cain-mania has captivated the political media for the last three to four weeks, but Brooks said it will inevitably fizzle.

“There was no beginning,” Brooks said. “He was a TV show that lasted for a little while. Let me stand up for elitist insiders — this is a job for professionals. Running for office is a job for professionals. Governing is a job for professionals. What Herman Cain did this — let’s leave aside the harassment, his handling of this was completely unprofessional. Every amateur candidate knows how to do a better job than this. You find the information, you lay it out clearly. And he couldn't’t do the ABCs of running for office. So, as far as I can tell, he is what he has been — an entertaining, very likable TV show, who will — when it actually comes time to cast votes — people are going to go with the only one candidate who seems plausible.”

As for his success to date, where he is either tied or winning in many polls, Brooks chalked that up to it being the early going in the nomination process.

“That’s because we’re in the silly season,” Brooks said. “Why not go for the guy who makes you feel good? It’s free and it’s easy.”

No sweet-heart, men do not take a stand to 'feel good.' Nothing, unless your character is that of a four year old Fairy Princess, is free or easy, at least not on the streets where men stride. Men put in a straight eight, take care of the wife and kids and meet their obligations. David Brooks scorns Herman Cain and that is more than good enough for me. I do not know if I will vote for Mr. Cain, but if he is on the ballot, I certainly will.

Herman Cain has yet to display any characteristics of a contemporary male politician.

Herman Cain can't do what Illinois Governor Pat Quinn can do 24/7/365. Herman Cain is as much of man as Sarah Palin, it seems to me. Sarah Palin took more hits than Craig McEwan in the square ring and like Craig McEwan argued with the ref to not stop the fight.

Herman Cain is a threat - not to women - but to the womanish. Herman Cain is too busy doing what he believes to be the right thing to look for a narrative voice, or to use a rape victim as a body shield.

The smart set believes that Herman Cain is finished. Women and men with the metaphorical pair on them, tend to disagree. Down is no where near out . . .unless one is womanish.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

McCain/Palin: Sen.Obama - Get Bernardine Dohrn to Explain Your Friendship to Billy Ayers, As Long As You Are Trotting Out The Girls to Help You!

The Sun Times reports that Senator Obama and Senator Joe Biden are trotting out the Gals! 'The Gals,' sanctioned by N.O.W., The DNC, MSNBC, CNN, P.P, SEIU, and the veterans of the SDS, will help 'Their Fellas' stay on message and protect them from Sarah the Barracuda and her kids.

HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Barack Obama's campaign plans to employ high-profile female supporters in an effort to blunt GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's potential to persuade women to vote Republican.

Hillary Clinton, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius all were scheduled to campaign for Obama in the coming weeks. Republicans say they hope Palin could put some female voters in play.

If you need to hide behind a skirt, make sure it is a big one! Get The Gal with a Skirt that has been shielding your Pal - Billy Ayers! Get Bernardine Dohrn to really set up a sharp 'culturally smart' contrast with Gov. Sarah Palin! I'll bet nickels to Necco Wafers that stooge nebish Jonny Alter would slap up another Obama cover story on Newsweek! 'Heroic! Transparent! Out Front with Obama!'

Dig it!

1. Like Palin - Dohrn is familiar with guns but also adept with bombs!

2. She's a Mom. Also, the two Fat Broads from Heart would let you use Barracuda!
3. She's a Small-town Gal with a Big City Attitude!

4. She's helped you before

5. She has her Dude to watch the kids while she is on the road

6. She can answer all those questions you have avoided about your long association with Billy Ayers

7. Brings strong academic credentials . . . I think.

8. Really Rad Views - Milky Matthews, Tubby Olbermann and Butch Maddow will love it!

9. You and Bernardine could car pool from Hyde Park and save on gas

10.She was a Cheerleader!

Bernardine Dohrn was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1942 and grew up in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, an upper-middle-class suburb of Milwaukie.[1] Her father, Bernard Ohrnstein, changed the surname to Dohrn when Bernandine was in high school.[2]. Her father was Jewish and mother was Christian Scientist with a Swedish background.[3][4]She graduated from Whitefish Bay High School where she was a cheerleader[5]. . . A founder of the Weatherman group, Dohrn was a member of the "Weather Bureau" (name later changed to "Central Committee"), the committee that controlled the group, and is considered to have been one of the top leaders of the organization. Larry Grathwohl, an FBI informant who was in the Weatherman from the fall of 1969 to the spring of 1970, considered her one of the two top leaders of the organization, along with Bill Ayers.[12]

While Dohrn was top leader of the Weathermen, the group organized the October 1969 Days of Rage riot in Chicago, which Dohrn led,[13] and in the 1970s conducted a series of bombings against the U.S. government and symbols of authority, bombing federal buildings and police stations.[14] In the two months before the March 6, 1970, Greenwich Village townhouse explosion in which three members of the group were killed as a bomb was being constructed, all members of Weatherman went underground. At about the same time, the group changed its name to Weather Underground.

While Dohrn was leader of the group,went underground in early 1970, and engaged in a series of bombings. Its activities have often been described as terrorism,[15] although some, including Dohrn's husband, Bill Ayers, also a leader of the group, have disputed that description.[16][17] The FBI, on the same Web page in which it describes organization as a former "domestic terrorist group", includes a picture of Dohrn.[18] The Encyclopedia of Terrorism has an article on Dohrn.[13]

In a 1994 interview, Dohrn said that while the group carried out some bombings of buildings, it did not target people, and the group's actions were justified as a proper response to violent government actions: "We only did a couple, and they were carefully done. They involved property and were not meant to harm anybody. They were symbolic and done so that everyone would instantly recognize what was being said. It was 'armed propaganda'. Sure, it was violent, and it's hard to justify twenty years later, but it was extremely restrained and a highly appropriate response to the level of violence being rained nationally and internationally.".[19]

Dohrn has been suspected of involvement in a February 16, 1970, bombing of the Park Police Station in San Francisco, which kllled a police officer and partially blinded another, who was forced to retire on a disability.[20] At the time, Dohrn was said to be living with a Weatherman cell in a houseboat in Sausalito, California, unnamed law enforcement sources later told KRON-TV.[21] An investigation into the case was reopened in 1999,[20] and a San Francisco grand jury looked into the incident, but no indictments followed,[21] and no one was ever arrested for the bombing.[20] An FBI informant, Larry Grathwohl, who successfully penetrated the organization from the late summer of 1969 until April 1970, later testified to a U.S. Senate subcommittee that Bill Ayers, then a high-ranking member of the organization and a member of its Central Committee (but not then Dohrn's husband), had said Dohrn constructed and planted the bomb. Grathwohl testified that Ayers had told him specifically where the bomb was placed (on a window ledge) and what kind of shrapnel was put in it. Grathwohl said Ayers was emphatic, leading Grathwohl to believe Ayers either was present at some point during the operation or had heard about it from someone who was there.[22] In a book about his experiences published in 1976, Grathwohl wrote that Ayers, who had recently attended a meeting of the group's Central Committee, said Dohrn had planned the operation, made the bomb and placed it herself.[23] In 2008, Grathwohl's testimony was quoted by David Freddoso in his book The Case Against Barack Obama. "Ayers and Dohrn escaped prosecution only because of government misconduct in collecting evidence against them", Freddoso wrote.[22]

[edit] Role in policymaking, ideology and public statements for Weather Underground
Dohrn was a principal signatory on the group's "Declaration of a State of War" in 1970 that formally declared "war" on the U.S. Government, and completed the group's transformation from political advocacy to violent action. Dohrn also co-wrote and published the subversive manifesto Prairie Fire in 1974, and participated in the covertly-filmed Underground in 1976.

In late 1975, the Weather Underground put out an issue of a magazine, Osawatamie, which carried an article by Dohrn, "Our Class Struggle", described as a speech given to the organization's cadres on September 2 of that year. In the article, Dohrn clearly stated support for Communist ideology:[24]

We are building a communist organization to be part of the forces which build a revolutionary communist party to lead the working class to seize power and build socialism. [...] We must further the study of Marxism-Leninism within the WUO [Weather Underground Organization]. The struggle for Marxism-Leninism is the most significant development in our recent history. [...] We discovered thru [sic] our own experiences what revolutionaries all over the world have found — that Marxism-Leninism is the science of revolution, the revolutionary ideology of the working class, our guide to the struggle [...]"
According to a 1974 FBI study of the group, Dohrn's article signaled a developing commitment to Marxism-Leninism that had not been clear in the groups previous statements, despite trips to Cuba by some members of the group before and after Weather Underground was formed, and contact with Vietnamese communists there.[24]

Leaving the underground
While on the run from police, Dohrn married another Weatherman leader Bill Ayers, with whom she has two children. During the last years of their underground life, Dohrn and Ayers resided in the Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago, where they used the aliases Christine Louise Douglas and Anthony J. Lee.

A sketch of
Dohrn from 1970In the late 1970s, the Weatherman group split into two factions — the "May 19 Coalition" and the "Prairie Fire Collective" — with Dohrn and Ayers in the latter. The Prairie Fire Collective favored coming out of hiding, with members facing the criminal charges against them, while the May 19 Coalition continued in hiding. A decisive factor in Dohrn's coming out of hiding were her concerns about her children.[9]

The couple turned themselves in to authorities in 1980. While some charges relating to their activities with the Weathermen were dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct[25] (see COINTELPRO), Dohrn pled guilty to charges of aggravated battery and bail jumping, receiving probation.[26] She later served less than a year of jail time, after refusing to testify against ex-Weatherman Susan Rosenberg in an armed robbery case.[25] Shortly after turning themselves in, Dohrn and Ayers became legal guardians of the son of former members of the Weather Underground, Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, after they were convicted of murder for their roles in a 1981 armored car robbery.[citation needed]

This would be . . . . EXPLOSIVE! The BOMB!

Dig it! Senator call Billy's Old Lady up and get her to join you and the Gals!

Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain/Palin: The Obama Bounce Got Stuffed by the Point Guard - Old # 22 Sarah Palin!

The Hollywood Squares of Huffington Post in an attempt to 'damn with faint praise' helped Sarah Palin 'Stuff' the much awaited and 'ain't Happening' Obama Bounce!

Thanks girls!

I'll bet Sarah the Barracuda never rolled a gutter ball!

Click me post titles for some Fav Rave PIX at HuffPo! N.B. - Denver Dems: Do not eat the left overs - them oysters will kill you after a day out in the heat!