Showing posts with label Salon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salon. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

The Joan Walsh Evolution: Wall Flower to Shrill Hag To Spartan Fascist

Be nice to homely girls, always; for if you do not, they may become dangerous. 

In another attempt to define normal people as dysfunctional and Republican candidates as what they are,  spineless dummies, Joan Walsh has mapped out her personal journey from porky wall-flower to Spartan Fascist -

Joan Walsh, the poor door full of woman, not only demands women abort a child to feel fresh, but now has gone full Spartan.

Parents own kids.  Most cultures hold that to be true and self-evident.

The Spartans, as goofy a gang of homoerotic zenophobes as ever raped a helot, did not believe that chldren belonged with their parenst; neither, did Plato; neither did The Utopians; neither did Hitler nor did Hooky Sanger and Planned Parenthood Movement of America.

Joan Walsh must have been treated very badly by my male contempraries at whatever sock-hops, dances or socials Miss Walsh hugged a wall.  Hurt can lead to bitterness and bitterness to savagery - Spartan savagery.

 The Spartan family was quite different from that of other Ancient Greek city-states. The word "spartan" has come down to us to describe self-denial and simplicity. This is what Spartan life was all about. Children were children of the state more than of their parents. They were raised to be soldiers, loyal to the state, strong and self-disciplined.
It began in infancy. When a Spartan baby was born, soldiers came to the house and examined it carefully to determine its strength.The baby was bathed in wine rather than water, to see its reaction. If a baby was weak, the Spartans exposed it on the hillside or took it away to become a slave (helot). Infanticide was common in ancient cultures, but the Spartans were particularly picky about their children. It was not just a matter of the family, the city-state decided the fate of the child. Nurses had the primary care of the baby and did not coddle it.Soldiers took the boys from their mothers at age 7, housed them in a dormitory with other boys and trained them as soldiers. The mother's softening influence was considered detrimental to a boy's education. The boys endured harsh physical discipline and deprivation to make them strong. The marched without shoes and went without food. They learned to fight, endure pain and survive through their wits. The older boys willingly participated in beating the younger boys to toughen them. Self-denial, simplicity, the warrior code, and loyalty to the city-state governed their lives.Spartan children were taught stories of courage and fortitude. One favorite story was about a boy who followed the Spartan code. He captured a live fox and intended to eat it. Although boys were encouraged to scrounge for food, they were punished if caught. The boy noticed some Spartan soldiers coming, and hid the fox beneath his shirt. When the soldiers confronted him, he allowed the fox to chew into his stomach rather than confess, and showed no sign of pain in his body or face. This was the Spartan way.At the age of 20 or so, they had to pass a rigorous test to graduate and become full citizens. Only the soldiers were received the aristocratic citizenship. If they failed their tests they never became citizens, but became perioeci, the middle class. So to some extent class was based on merit rather than birth.

The Spartans hated eveyone - not just Darius' Persians.Haters gonna Hate.  Joan Walsh is full-Spartan: cool with infanticide, hates everyone not herself.

Thus, the damage done to life's unplucked flowers - the nunnery, or Spatan fascism.

Man and child, it is a bitter thing to witness what happens when a girl can go from walllower to harpy.  Spartan, almost 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

'Just Playin' - My Salon-ic Leap to a Conclusion in Boston Blast

In the hoary halls of my beloved Leo High School, one is likely to hear laughter, loud-talking, shouts of greeting and at times the sound of the scuffle.  They are adolescent males.  Rarely is there an actual fight, as they guys get along with one another very well.  What might sound like a fight ends up being 'Just Playin'"

Just Playin' is the 21st Century euphemism for 'kidding on the square.'  Taunts, fake fighting and such constitute 'Just Playin!'

" Well knock it off, gents, I had get my fat ass out of the chair, climb the stairs and evaluate the hubhub," I tend to admonish.

"Sorry, Hickey"

Just Playin' is also weasel word for " I insult you in the name of journalism, art or entertainment and you may not object."


Salon is a way cool site.  It is edited by Sr. Joan Walsh, PPA, the abortion nun who appears on MSNBC with epic nit-wit Chris Matthews.  They are two former Irish Catholic school kids who shed the Holy Cards for Planned Parenthood, ACLU, SLPC, DNC and GE VIP Gold Cards.

Salon is the quality and moral equivalent of The Nation (William Lloyd Garrison's anti-immigrant and radical reconstruction playbill) For Dummies.  Salon is edgier and hipper and appeals to the arm-chair thinkers of Manhattan, Cape Cod and Hollywood who like their intellectual digests morsel sized as opposed to the lengthier and more esoteric The Nation.

Salon is pretentious and handy.

Immediately after the Boston Marathon terror attack, Salonista David Sirota, who has long campaigned for a national White Man Profiling Department of Homeland Security, prayed to Roger Baldwin and Jane Addams to interceded for us with Rev. Wilberforce that an epidermis of paler hue be perp-walked.

“White privilege is knowing that even if the bomber turns out to be white, no one will call for your group to be profiled as terrorists as a result, subjected to special screening or threatened with deportation,” writes author Tim Wise. “White privilege is knowing that if this bomber turns out to be white, the United States government will not bomb whatever corn field or mountain town or stale suburb from which said bomber came, just to ensure that others like him or her don’t get any ideas. And if he turns out to be a member of the Irish Republican Army we won’t bomb Dublin. And if he’s an Italian-American Catholic we won’t bomb the Vatican.”

Daaaaaaaaave, chill. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D,CA) is a trunk-stuffer and I am quite sure that she would have absloutely no problem droning St. Peter's Dome. MSNBC"S Larry O'Donnell, the Mad 'Hoor of an MSNBC Peacock, would not be above the C-4-ing of the odd Knights of Columbus Hall.

Being WHITE don't make it Right.  Shucks, God Father's Pizza and all?

The bomber fits the profile of a person who would be willing to set bombs at a hard, or soft target crowded with people he, or she, or they do not know, or care a fig about. Could be an Arab. Could be a Dutchman, Could be a gent from a cargo-cult of hills of Papua New Guinea.

The cops will get the bad guys - plural or singular.

I am concerned that the bomber might prove to be a disgruntled media dweeb.

Consider.  CNN just fired Soledad O'Brien and what a diversity package she is!  Not only that CNN cashiered the chocolate Poppin' Fresh of Black Liberation Journalism, the doughy WEB DUBOIS his own bad self, . . .  Roland S. Martin!

Since joining the millions of Americans on Unemployment, Soledad and Roland S.  are in constant communication - track this twitter for the codes, Maties

Why am I wearing my #APhiA black and gold colors on @Soledad_OBrien's last day on@StartingPtCNN? Our slogan is Onward and Upward!2 weeks ago  reply  retweet  share

They ain't  happy.  Consider their positions.  They are out of the news; why not make history?

Who runs Marathons?  Thousands of pale, health conscious, affluent Whities of both genders.

Who wins Marathons?  Kenyans.

Set the bomb at the finish hours after the Kenyan, Solamalian, Ethiopian and Ghanan brothers and sisters have toweled off and hit the pasta bar. Target rich environment.  Then set off the next one and watch all of the affluent Honkies Loot the Marathon Swag Bags!

See?  No Soledad, No Martin No CNN!  CNN devoured itself butt first shortly before the Wolf Blitzer Show!

One suspect was said to have worn a grey hoodie. Roland?

Just Playin'!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

We Have a Problem! Burr Oak Cemetery and Someone Else's Troubles

Father Dan Mallette blesses the desecrated grounds at Burr Oak.

So I asked the undertaker what it took to make him laugh/when all he ever saw is people cryin'

first he hands me a bunch of flowers that he received on my behalf/he said, "Steve business just gets better all the time

Steve Goodman -Somebody Else's Troubles

Max Weismann of the Center for the Study of Great Ideas is an architect and a philosopher.

He designs. Max Weismann thinks. He thinks because he reads and he reads what is great. Max wrote to me in response to the horrific desecration of the dead Americans at Burr Oak Cemetery in Alsip, IL

"We are under Siege!Aside from the plethora of current inequities and iniquities being perpetrated on the citizens of this nation, we have now reached the nadir--Congress now passes massive bills of profound and long lasting consequences, without even reading them.

That said, we are ultimately at fault--whenever something is wrong in our communities, cities, states or country, it's because we let it get that way."

We are responsible. Max Weismann is using the 1st Person Plural in its archaic form. Thanks to Progressive PC obfuscation of the common language ( O, Let's Ban Midget!)The first person plural however now means You. Thanks to Victimhood and Identity Politics. Many thanks. Like the name of that old Hippie/Yuppie bar Fred Holstein's - Somebody Else's Trouble , people like to talk of the revolution that someone else fights and spreading the wealth that someone else pays for.

I grew up in a blue collar world where free lunch ends when Mom stops making it. If someone at the bar buys me a beer, I am duty bound to buy the next one. It all evens out, unless you happen to be the type of louse who stands around caging drinks and smile with your short arms and deeper pockets when the round comes to you. I don't do those things, because I have had my ass kicked repeatedly and with great gusto by my elders and betters. You don't get away with that too much around Western Avenue, though I have seen it done. I called such a person a louse, an insect who feeds on others; but, who's to say? One man's louse is another man's cause celebre.

The bane of my outlook in all things over the last four decades has been a dominance of earnest people who speak in hushed measured tones and affect a look of pained recognition but intolerant disgust with all other people. Joan Walsh a Progressive writer and editor of Salon and all too frequent guest on MSNBC ( the Tool Shed) comes to mind. Joan Walsh and folks like her have a mantra - 'Who's to Say?'

e.g. Michael Jackson was not only the greatest entertainer of all time, the 21st Century Dionysus who danced in a Golden Age; a John the Baptist who announced Barack Obama. Who's to say?

Me. I don't do group think and neither do most Americans. I voted for Barack Obama when he ran against Bobby Rush in my Congressional District - Obama lost. I like Barack Obama.

I worked for John McCain. John McCain lost, because he seemed to want to lose, after September 19th 2008 - the day the American Economy tanked. My Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Aunts and my hundreds of cousins voted for Barack Obama.

Barack Obama is my President. I still feel that he was no where near ready to be President and that he will be the Jimmy Carter of the New Millennium - too bad. Nice guy.

I belong to the We - 99% of the Hickey/Winters/Brennan/Donahue/Cleary family voted to make Barack Obama Our President. Pronouns matter. Possessive Pronouns really matter. My guy lost, We won. That is America! Thanks be to God!

Who's to say? Me. I read and seem to understand history. I read and seem to understand poetry,drama, fiction and essays. I taught literature with some success for decades. I occasionally even get paid to write something, because I have something to say. Somethings I managed to learn on my own -from great books.
The rest I learned by getting the odd slap when needed, or from the silent treatment for being a jerk.

I work for and with black teenagers at Leo High School in Gresham neighborhood - in fact a black kid was shot over at 1400 W. 78th Place early this morning by a clown in dred-locks firing from the sun-roof of the car in which he was riding. Some mother has a kid at Advocate Hospital in Oak Lawn with his guts shot out and tubes in every orifice - my kids are asleep. This kid could be a Leo Man, I hope and pray not. The Kids at Leo High School are all black, but the guys helping pay their tuition are nearly all white guys.

Race relations issues are talked about by Joan Walsh-like head-shakers on WTTW who never drop a dime to help kids at Leo. Race Relations happen every day and race relations are pretty damn good. Leo High School is a safe place for Black Kids - they study, meet old white guys, play sports and succeed. Their folks pay heavy tuition bills and old white guys buck up plenty to ease their pain.

Gresham District Chicago Cops protect the kids once they are out of the school and help to see that they get home, without some clown throwing shots at them.

Sheriff Tom Dart unearthed the horrific desecration of My Neighbors at Burr Oak Cemetery. We have a problem. We are under siege, as Max Weismann wrote to me with heartbreakingly succinct clarity.

A Joan Walsh can write for Salon and shake her jowls with disgust at all of us, while making a case for Abortion about white on black systemic racism on MSNBC. Great.

The bones of a child are as precious to me as the bones of Emmett Till, Ezzard Charles, Dinah Washington and the hundreds of people who struggled and laughed and provided for their children and were back-hoe-ed by three morons at the bidding of some others.

We have a problem. Sheriff Tom Dart and all of us are now doing something about what was done. We need to start taking care of Someone Else's Troubles by calling out the dopes who continue to say 'Who's to Say?' We Do.

We need to Read what is Great and not just what is rammed down our throats, by Group Thinkers. We can read Dead White Men and still honor the thoughts of living women of color - honor bright; it can happen.

We need to say that killing Children is not a Woman's Reproductive Health Issue; murder is not the result of systemic racism, but an individual act selfish contempt for everyone else; suffering is not Some Else's Trouble; help is not always the result of more taxes.

Who's to say? Me. I don't need to be right; I just need to live like I might be correct.

Go to The Center for the Study of Great Ideas and get some Great Ideas from people who had them.

The CENTER has two primary missions:

One, to help awaken citizens from their moral and intellectual slumbers and to help them understand why philosophy is everybody's business: the possibility of finding sound and practical answers to questions about the good life and good society. And philosophy's ability to answer the most basic normative questions, WHAT OUGHT WE SEEK IN LIFE? And HOW OUGHT WE SEEK IT?

Two, to promulgate the insights and ideals embedded in Dr. Adler's lifelong intellectual work in the fields of Philosophy, Liberal Education, Ethics and Politics. To continue functioning as THE resource for, access to, and the on-going interpretation of his work.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

McCain/Palin: Sarah Palin's Ok with Us - Salon Should Sell Beer.

Billy Ayers and his odious Old Lady were members of University of Illinois Chicago Dean Stanley Fish's 'salon' - a gathering of guys who wear turtle-necks and tweed and their wives and significant others dedicated to frank and open discussions of 'how stupid and inconsequential Americans tend to be.' Rawley!

Joan Walsh*, the Irish Honors Student editor of Salon, has a flat-out assault on Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. Salon is a literary extension of the wine and brie-sotted set discussing 'how stupid and inconsequential Americans tend to be.;

Joanie Walsh is a WOW -N.O.W. WOMAN and an MSNBC sneer-caster.

She sent Juan Cole** ( the Anti-colonialist author and smart guy that Yale took a pass on) out to tell us that Sarah Palin is the head of the Alaska Taliban.

You know Alaska, where the celebration of Diversity has led to massive castrations of pre-teen girls, where opposition candidates are garroted, where non-moose diets are proscribed, where 80% of the Alaska Population wails and gnashes teeth.

The Tweedy Twerps want all of 'stupid and inconsequential Americans' to know that,

' Contemporary Muslim fundamentalists, however, generally oppose abortion.

Palin's stance is even stricter than that of the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In 2005, the legislature in Tehran attempted to amend the country's antiabortion statute to permit an abortion up to four months in case of a birth defect. The conservative clerical Guardianship Council, which functions as a sort of theocratic senate, however, rejected the change. Iran's law on abortion is therefore virtually identical to the one that Palin would like to see imposed on American women, and the rationale in both cases is the same, a literalist religious impulse that resists any compromise with the realities of biology and of women's lives. Saudi Arabia's restrictive law on abortion likewise disallows it in the case or rape or incest, or of fetal impairment, which is also Gov. Palin's position.

Theocrats confuse God's will with their own mortal policies. Just as Muslim fundamentalists believe that God has given them the vast oil and gas resources in their regions, so Palin asks church workers in Alaska to pray for a $30 billion pipeline in the state because "God's will has to get done." Likewise, Palin maintained that her task as governor would be impeded "if the people of Alaska's heart isn't right with God." Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei of Iran expresses much the same sentiment when he says "the only way to attain prosperity and progress is to rely on Islam."

Not only does Palin not believe global warming is "man-made," she favors massive new drilling to spew more carbon into the atmosphere. Both as a fatalist who has surrendered to God's inscrutable will and as a politician from an oil-rich region, she thereby echoes Saudi Arabia. Riyadh has been found to have exercised inappropriate influence in watering down a report in 2007 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.'

The article links Time magazine's earlly broadsides against Palin that go nowhere. Juan Cole tries to scare the bejabbers out of us 'stupid and inconseqential Americans' with a twice told tale about book banning. The problem is that the story, linked to Time, concludes that there is no there there.

Salon should sell Slim-Jims, Have-A-Hanks, Old Style Beer, and feature a wall shelf of fine Frito Lay Products in individual sized servings, which drunks can purchase by the fist full to stave off false hunger.

Joan Walsh and her staff of tweedy Obama Goebbels provide much less nourishment than a bust-out saloon.

Click my post title for Salon's Juan Cole attack on Sarah Palin and do . . .do click the links to the Time-Warner chips and pretzels.

* Here's Joan Walsh and her stated agenda - check out the balance in the articles:

About Me
I joined Salon in 1998 to become our first full-time news editor, and succeeded the irreplaceable David Talbot as editor in chief in February 2005.

Before that I spent many years as a freelancer -- including for Salon; Scott Rosenberg taught me how to use e-mail in 1995 so I could send in my stories -- and I also ran my own business, consulting to national foundations and nonprofits on education, community development and urban poverty issues. In the 1980s, I was California bureau Chief for In These Times and editor of the Santa Barbara News and Review (now the Independent).

I've written for everyone from the Los Angeles Times and Washington Post to Vogue and the Nation. I love baseball, Bruce Springsteen, Stephen Colbert and long walks on the beach. I live in San Francisco with my daughter, Nora, the best teenager ever.
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Glenn Greenwald
Blogs I read
Andrew Sullivan
Boing Boing
The Corner on National Review Online
Crooks & Liars
The Daily Howler
Daily Kos
Digby's Hullabaloo
Fire Dog Lake
Glenn Greenwald
How the World Works
The Huffington Post
Informed Comment
James Wolcott's blog
Real Clear Politics
Rising Hegemon
Roger Ailes
Talking Points Memo
This Modern World
Unqualified Offerings
Video Dog
The Volokh Conspiracy
War Room
Political Animal
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