Sticky Johnson is doing time. He was a neighbor of Leo High School, who always had smile that could light up a room! "Hey, Coach! Hey, Leo Man! Big Win! Go Lions!. . . .got any change? I'm $.30 away from my 40!" Sticky was known to the kids, the coaches and the leadership of our school. Seemed to be a harmless bust-out on threshhold of turning his life around. Sticky could not catch a break. Sticky is doing hard time.
Sticky should not be left out of our latest national conversation about Race. Conversations about Race always seem to occur whenever President Obama has an especially bad week - like Bibi Netanyahu's Likud victory over the Obama K-Street Commandos ( Jerry Bird's One Voice) sent to Israel to gum up the elections. Enter Starbucks and Mrs. Star Wars!
Should have sent Sticky Johnson! In this latest wake of Israeli obstreperousness, the Starbucks CEO laid out Race Together . . .kind of like One Voice, except racing and not voicing. This gave Chicago's doyen of drivel, Michael Sneed, a great opportunity to pucker up for local monied-powerhouse's keister - Mellody Hobson - Mrs. Star Wars Lucas Museum and Landfill. Mellody Hobson? Is her given name pronouned in the Iberian fashion? MAYOD? Probably not.
Hey, Kids! TRY and find a Starbucks in an impoverished black neighborhood! T'aint any! A Starbucks is Chatham Heights home to septuagenarian Civil Rights activists, retire CPD Commanders and Bankers B Starbucks Hyde Park Lite just east of Clarence Darrow's ashes and C BUCKS in tony Hyde Park Peoples Republic of Obama
Starbucks, Mellody Hobson, David Axelrodian Grassroots and a Likud Victory in Israel can mean only one thing - It's Time for another National Conversation About Race.
As the Director of Development for an overwhelmingly African American place of learning, I take a back seat to no one when it comes to smooching the rumps of already generous folks - most of them are old white guys.
However, I have not been able to guilt people who came by their riches through political pay-to-play and strategic investment of capital in former slum property to send as much as a nickel over to the school on Sangamon. Much shame to me. Most of my failure is rooted in an inability to match flim-flam with faith and guff with gelt.
You see I am no Desiree Rogers, Mellody Honson. Elzie Higgenbottom, much less Robert Redford, a Michael Moore, or a Cullen Davis. White, or Black, my soul recoils from a huge of pile of . . .bunkum.Not so the media, especially butt-munchers like Chicago Sun Times gossip maven Michael Sneed
The talk of the Twitterverse Wednesday began with a cup of Starbucks that brewed up a storm on social media.
And it was Chicago’s own Mellody Hobson — a financial whiz who is president of Ariel Investments and an African-American member of the Starbucks board of directors — who may have started the coffee brewing.
Well, ShhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeIIIIDDDDDDDDD, Sneed, It might have been Me! I could have been Eddie Carroll of Carroll Roofing! You know people say that Eddie came up with the idea of the spitlless harmonica. The Harmonica Lewinsky! Really. Honor bright.
Race together?
Why, it just might have been Sticky Johnson, who is doing time for breaking into Leo's buses for the catalytic converters and pistol-whipped Mr. Haywood, our mechanic, when he came out and caught Sticky, a Section a Housing Alumnus who was staying with friends in an apartment on Sangamon. It just may have been Sticky who may have started the coffee brewing. Sticky! Speak on it, Son!
"the political support of the Irish peasantry in their home country, but only as a means to affect the attitudes of Irish immigrants towards the black population in America. O’Connell and the Irish were only beneficial to the Abolitionist movement as long as they remained an impoverished people, yet when they gained economic and class status, they were quick to dispense with their support for Garrisonian Disunionism and the American anti slavery cause. "
“No people on the face of the earth have been more relentlessly persecuted and oppressed on account of race and religion, than the Irish people. But in Ireland, persecution has at last reached a point where it reacts terribly upon her persecutors. England today is reaping the bitter consequences of her own injustice and oppression. . . . Fellow citizens! We want no Black Ireland in America.” Of course, one could argue that we in fact have what Douglass would have called a “Black Ireland in America,” given the persistence of poverty and oppression for African-Americans. It would probably not be surprising for the abolitionist to discover that some of the loudest voices denying the persistence of racism belong to guys named O’Reilly and Hannity and Lynch. Joan Walsh
Joan Walsh is the editor of Salon, a ubiquitous MSNBC blabber, an educated Irish American Feminist who shills for the abortion industry and someone who reads little and understands less. She reminds me of that Pulitzer Prize winning reporter for the Baltimore Sun on the great television seriesThe Wire - someone who goes for the 'Dickensian Aspect,' in all things, while ignoring the facts.
Nowhere in Joan Walsh's attempt to be a profound analyist can be found the phrase " Garrisonian Disunionism."
Outside of seriously written historical tomes, the attempt by abolitionist grifter, opinion maker and the George Soros of the 19th Century, William Lloyd Garrison's attempt to pull the American union of States apart is rarely memtioned and altogether Un-Googleable. William Lloyd Garrison, like the Beechers, Jane Addams, W.E.B. Dubois, Margaret Sanger and other Progressive icons have had their sins laundered by the academics, textbook publishing houses and the political media. That does not put a stop to the relentless scab-yanking of unctious dummies like Joan Walsh and they should stick to their time-honored templates.
Keep it simple, Joan; make it all about skin and nothing else matters. Instead Joan Walsh tries for intellectual parallel graviats . . .and fails miserably.
Garrison was not only the publisher of The Liberator, America's leading abolitionist and nativist rag, but also the very first Confederate. He was a sessionist, before Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854. Garrison sought Disunion - the northern brand of session.
Joan Walsh ignores, or perhaps has never heard of Garrisonian Disunion. Instead she makes the PC but very lame claim that Frederick Douglas "was a leader of global human rights In today’s parlance, this might sound like the ultimate version of white-centered discourse." Was he the Nelson Mandela, Tupac Shakur, or Michael Eric Dyson of the 19th Century? Nope he was a man of great spirit and heart who was being used by William Lloyd Garrison to enlist the support of Ireland's Martin Luther King - Daniel "The Liberator" O'Connell to instruct Irish peasants who escaped to America that Garrisonian Disunionism was just the ticket.
'The supporters of Garrisonian Disunionism believed that the Irish immigrant population held the key to whether or not union with slaveholders would be abolished.
O’Connell’s first address to an American audi-ence occurred on January 28, 1842 at Faneuil Hall in Boston. While the purpose of the meeting was to advocate for the Abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, the Abolitionists made a concerted effort to advertise the event to a predominantly Irish audience by posting handbills in immigrant neighborhoods and promoting the speech in The Boston Pilot the Catholic paper. While O’Connell’s speech attracted several thousand Irish from Boston and the
surrounding area, it did not have the desired effect that Garrison hoped it would have. On February 5, 1842, ThePilot warned against drawing close connections between the Irish Repeal movement and Garrisonian Disunionism. The Catholic press warned that Abolition would lead to the dissolution of the Union and that the disunionist movement itself “was a British plot to weaken the United States” (Ignatiev 13). The Catholic media argued that if the Irish American community supported the Abolitionist movementthat it would result in greater economic competition and ethnic discrimination among emancipated blacks and working class Irish laborers.
The editors of The Pilot claimed that if IrishAmericans endorsed Disunionism they ran the risk of putting themselves back into the subservient minority position they experienced in their native country. As a result, Douglass and Garrison strategically employed O’Connell as a respected authority to counteract this type of
divisive rhetoric that existed within the Irish American community." Black
Joan Walsh wants American Catholics, Irish American Catholics in particular, to get on the side of the angels - the far left crowd of white-guilt neo-Garrisons like herself.
In the 19th Century,the Irish and black slaves were used by William Lloyd Garrison, a top-ranked historical creep if ever there was one, to destroy the Union and make Garrison a power-player.
Their scions are just as confused and used by the Sharptons, the Dysons, the Walshs and the Lynchs ( I still can't figure that one out. Bill O'Reilly and Hannity, I get - Joan hates them because they have larger audiences). Lynch? Racial buzz-word and Celtic synonym?
Anyway. Joan Walsh and the editors of the Sun Times, who re-printed Walsh's blarney and bamboozle, are wrong again. New Year and the same old, same old.
Racism worked for creeps like Garrison and it pays handsomely for creeps like Sharpton et al.
In the hoary halls of my beloved Leo High School, one is likely to hear laughter, loud-talking, shouts of greeting and at times the sound of the scuffle. They are adolescent males. Rarely is there an actual fight, as they guys get along with one another very well. What might sound like a fight ends up being 'Just Playin'"
Just Playin' is the 21st Century euphemism for 'kidding on the square.' Taunts, fake fighting and such constitute 'Just Playin!'
" Well knock it off, gents, I had get my fat ass out of the chair, climb the stairs and evaluate the hubhub," I tend to admonish.
"Sorry, Hickey"
Just Playin' is also weasel word for " I insult you in the name of journalism, art or entertainment and you may not object."
Salon is a way cool site. It is edited by Sr. Joan Walsh, PPA, the abortion nun who appears on MSNBC with epic nit-wit Chris Matthews. They are two former Irish Catholic school kids who shed the Holy Cards for Planned Parenthood, ACLU, SLPC, DNC and GE VIP Gold Cards.
Salon is the quality and moral equivalent of The Nation (William Lloyd Garrison's anti-immigrant and radical reconstruction playbill) For Dummies. Salon is edgier and hipper and appeals to the arm-chair thinkers of Manhattan, Cape Cod and Hollywood who like their intellectual digests morsel sized as opposed to the lengthier and more esoteric The Nation.
“White privilege is knowing that even if the bomber turns out to be white, no one will call for your group to be profiled as terrorists as a result, subjected to special screening or threatened with deportation,” writes author Tim Wise. “White privilege is knowing that if this bomber turns out to be white, the United States government will not bomb whatever corn field or mountain town or stale suburb from which said bomber came, just to ensure that others like him or her don’t get any ideas. And if he turns out to be a member of the Irish Republican Army we won’t bomb Dublin. And if he’s an Italian-American Catholic we won’t bomb the Vatican.”
Daaaaaaaaave, chill. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D,CA) is a trunk-stuffer and I am quite sure that she would have absloutely no problem droning St. Peter's Dome. MSNBC"S Larry O'Donnell, the Mad 'Hoor of an MSNBC Peacock, would not be above the C-4-ing of the odd Knights of Columbus Hall.
Being WHITE don't make it Right. Shucks, God Father's Pizza and all?
The bomber fits the profile of a person who would be willing to set bombs at a hard, or soft target crowded with people he, or she, or they do not know, or care a fig about. Could be an Arab. Could be a Dutchman, Could be a gent from a cargo-cult of hills of Papua New Guinea.
The cops will get the bad guys - plural or singular.
I am concerned that the bomber might prove to be a disgruntled media dweeb.
Consider. CNN just fired Soledad O'Brien and what a diversity package she is! Not only that CNN cashiered the chocolate Poppin' Fresh of Black Liberation Journalism, the doughy WEB DUBOIS his own bad self, . . . Roland S. Martin!
They ain't happy. Consider their positions. They are out of the news; why not make history?
Who runs Marathons? Thousands of pale, health conscious, affluent Whities of both genders.
Who wins Marathons? Kenyans.
Set the bomb at the finish hours after the Kenyan, Solamalian, Ethiopian and Ghanan brothers and sisters have toweled off and hit the pasta bar. Target rich environment. Then set off the next one and watch all of the affluent Honkies Loot the Marathon Swag Bags!
See? No Soledad, No Martin No CNN! CNN devoured itself butt first shortly before the Wolf Blitzer Show!
One suspect was said to have worn a grey hoodie. Roland?
Dad always said that I couldn't find my butt with both hands. I can. Allow me to add this imperative -“Defend the unborn against abortion even if they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you." - Pope Francis to celebrate Pro-life Mass, Vatican
"You stand up for what you believe in, even if it gets in the way of what other people think. You are proud of yourself and your accomplishments and you enjoy letting people know that."
A peach of a guy with all the sweetness one could expect from a life well-spent and in good company: short on brains but a terrific dancer!
Every Heart and Hand: A Leo High School Story
The Chorito Hog Leg, Book One: A Novel of Guam in Time of War