** Daley signalled the world that he had turned his back on neighborhoods forever, when he abandoned life-long friend Alderman Patrick Huels. The old ethnic Catholic neighborhood types would become fodder for investigative -nitwits like Andy Shaw, Carol Marin, Chuck Goudie and others -anyone who helped Daley rise and was from the Old Wards was now a Dave Axelrod Poison Breadcrumb. Richie was and shall remain off limits to scrutiny.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Vote - Not For Rahm, but Vote! It is a Thing of Beautry!
** Daley signalled the world that he had turned his back on neighborhoods forever, when he abandoned life-long friend Alderman Patrick Huels. The old ethnic Catholic neighborhood types would become fodder for investigative -nitwits like Andy Shaw, Carol Marin, Chuck Goudie and others -anyone who helped Daley rise and was from the Old Wards was now a Dave Axelrod Poison Breadcrumb. Richie was and shall remain off limits to scrutiny.
Posted by
3:30 AM
Labels: City Landscapes, Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Joan Mitchell artist, Rahm Emanuel. Richie Daley.
Thursday, February 05, 2015
Jeb? Governor Jeb Bush? You Mean John Ellis "Call Me Jeb" Bush? President? I'll Pass.
I have heard many really smart political people tell me just how smart Barack H. Obama was, how heroic John Kerry was, how fair Jim Edgar was, how selfless Judy Barr Topinka was, how much Richie and Maggie Daley LOVED Chicago, how nice Pat Quinn was, how loyal Charlie Crist was, how incorruptible Valerie Jarrett was, how maverick McCain was, how horrible Palin remains, how American Indian Bessie Warren believes herself to be and that all turned out to be very wrong.
Even Einstein burned his toast, once in while.
The bell weather it seems to me is always a consensus built by some schmuck with a bad come-over and worse mustache who hates middle class ethnics and blacks, but knows they are essential to any election.
People who seem to be consistently wrong about everything, make very good Campaign Gurus, because they know that we don't like to be wrong about elections and fools about political candidates and will never publicly say, " I knew that the late Judy Barr Topinka* was afraid, but I convinced myself that she was just one 'tough gal who tells it like it is.'" People want to Win With Quinn, but avoid the consequences of his terms in office.
It continues.
All the World is getting political wood over the inevitable crowning of JEB. No,not the swashbuckling Reb Jeb, who screwed the pooch at Gettysburg in '63 and allowed George Gordon Meade to hand Ol' Marse Robert his rump. but the other Bush White Meat. Jeb Bush, Governor Jeb Bush. John Ellis Bush who is not George W. Bush.
Who asked for him? Probably some GOP bath water guzzler like US Senator Marque Kirque (R IL). More than likely. it is also some Democrats who realize now that President Barack H. Obama had less control over Chicago slumlord weevil Valerie Jarrett, who runs the White House policy wheels, than he had over his unravelling terms of office and have decided to right off 2016 as a loss.
All I know is that JEB Bush seems to be as tired a product as John McCain, Lindsey Graham. McCain quit the race for the White House in September 2008 when the economy tanked and allowed his flabby campaign's only asset to be chewed up by the punk media.
JEB? Jeb Bush, Governor John Ellis " Call Me Jeb " Bush really wants the job. He wants the job in the same manner and with the same sense of entitlement as the current daffy, but dangerous occupant. Scott Walker makes sense and has with stood more poop tossed at him than Governor Palin endured in month of MSNBC treatments. He's tough, not full of himself, cautious around the press. and actually has succeeded.
I would love to see America elect an African American as President, Dr. Ben Carson, but that will not happen, as long as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton hold a 9mm loaded with Race Rounds to heads of Goldman Sachs, Hollywood, GE and both coasts.
JEB? I think not. We just had eight years of Obama's empty suit.
If the likes of Dana Millbank, Joan Walsh, EJ Dionne, David Brooks and all of the other dependable ink-slinging amoebas, praise JEB Bush, it seems to me he will be a disaster as President.
Smart guys????????
What say you?
*Judy Barr Topinka grabbed a delegate's spot to attend the 2008 RNC rather than do her own due-dilligence - get petitions, win the delgate elections & etc. Nasty old hag.
Republican National Committeewoman Mary Jo Arndt 2008
Major General John Borling, USAF (Ret).
Former Ambassador and Former Illinois Republican Party Chair Rich Williamson ILLINOIS DELEGATES
Gregg Abbott
Helen Albert
Mike Amrozowicz
Mayor Jim Ardis
John Atchley
Kirby Ballard
Joe Bartolomucci
Tony Becker
Harry Bond
Maj. Gen. John Borling
Scott Boukal
Rep. Daniel P. Brady
Julie Brady
Kevin Brady
Mary Jane Brady
Will Callard
Dean A. Casper, Jr.
Mayor Thomas Tolbert Chisum
Vincent P. Churak
Robert Cook
Michael Corrigan
James L. Coxworth
Sen. Dan Cronin
Larry DeYoung
Sen. Kirk Dillard
Richard E. Diller
Mary Pat Dixon
William Durkin
Rep. Jim Durkin
Barbara Dwyer
Deb Detmers Fansler
Bobby Vaughan Ferguson
Joann Finger
John Fogarty, Jr.
Rep. Mike Fortner
Jim Fuchs
Susan Gere
Kimberly Pate Godden
Gustavo Gonzalez
Joyce Gooding
Thomas Gooding
William S. Graham
Kent Gray
Mike Hagerty
Donald B. Hall
J. Sue Hamilton
John Harty
Thomas Hayes
Sean Healy
William L. Henniger
Herbert Hentschel
Roy Hertel
Nora Kathleen Hickey
Stephanie Hitt
Damon Hofstrand
Mark Hosty
Robert Hudon
Bill Jacklin
David A. Kelm
Virginia Kenney
Pam Kinsey
U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood
Nadja Lalvani
Prem Lalvani
Pastor Ceasar LeFlore
Stephen Liehr
Cindy Limbach
Andrew Loveday
Alex Martella
Rilio Mastrantonio
Rep. Sidney Mathias
Karen Matjasko
Matthew Mau
John McCrory
Tom McRae
Margaret McSweeney
Ann Melichar
Rep. James Meyer
Mary Jo Mikottis
Jack Murphy
Tim O’Neill
Rep. Joann Osmond
Ray Pawlak
Nick Peric
Rep. Raymond Poe
Dennis Presley
William Read
Nate Rice
James A. Riemer, Jr.
Wayne Rosenthal
Carlos Saucedo
Lisa Schumacher
John Scully
William G. Shepherd
Det. Larry Shepherd
U.S. Rep. John M. Shimkus
Karen Slattery
Michael Sneed
Jason Speer
David Stanton
Nina Stephenson
Eugene Syring
Steven Tomaszewski
Mayor Bruce Tossell
Rep. Jil Tracy
Mayor Henry Vicenik
Charlie Watts
Becky Weber
Mary A. Welling
Ambassador Rich Williamson
Alderman Elmo R. Younger, Veteran of WWII
Posted by
4:22 AM
Labels: Comb Over Dave Axelrod, JEB Bush, Judy Barr Topinka, Planned Parenthood's Barack H. Obama
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
So, To the SOTU . . .6,500 Words and no mention of Benghazi, or Ambassador Chris Stevens
I watched the President give a State of the Union (SOTU) address again last night. It was pretty much what I had expected:
1. The President really enjoys his own company: "Just three weeks ago, she was here, in Washington, with her classmates, performing for her country at my inauguration. And a week later, she was shot and killed in a Chicago park after school, just a mile away from my house." - Now, you tell me what you think of me!
2. Congress is Bi-Polar
3. There are some really homely elected officials
4. Standing ovations at each preposition uttered by Our President, Commander-in-Chief
5. It is what it is; it is what it is ; it is what it is
6. And there is President Barack H. Obama
I was a bit dismayed that the President never addressed the issue of Religious Liberty in connection to his HHS Mandates, nor did he mention any on-going problems with his Administration: Solyndra stuff, Eric Holder's gun-running operations and that sort of stuff. Nothing is his fault. Catholics must be paranoid, or something. Shucks he didn't even give Pope Benedict XVI a shout-out on upon his announced retirement.
Our President is a Progressive and a Progressive is prickly. President Obama was prickly.
I thought that at the very least the President's SOTU might mention the murder of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans by terrorists in Libya - not a chance.
6,500 words of self-praise, threats and padded rhetoric. It was a stump speech. A very long, dull, embarrassingly egocentric stump speech.
He will pay back GE Green Energy for its long and tireless support of his perch in the White House - by Executive Order.
The President stuffed his box with victims of gun violence and paid fair and moving tribute to the slain and how much each victim meant to him personally:
I remember how much murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens meant to the President, his Administration and his Re-Election Team - The formerly-mustachioed David Axelrod gave it to Chris Wallace when Wallace asked him about the President's run to "about the president’s decision to fly to Nevada for a campaign event “within hours” of the Sept. 11 attack – compared to the decision late last month to suspend campaigning for three days to deal with superstorm Sandy" upon learning of the massacre:
“Chris, as I said, immediately when word of the attack came, the president was meeting with his top national security folks. He was talking to them well into the night. He was in touch with them during the day, as – during the next day as well. So, there is no question about the fact that he was focused on this.”
“But, why did he feel he could campaign within hours after a terror attack?” Wallace asked.
“Well, everything – everything was put in motion that he could put in motion,” Axelrod replied. “Everything – every conversation that needed to be had was being had between him and his top national security officials.. . . The president has said, we want to get to the bottom of it. We want to share it with the American people. We want to get it right,” ”
Bringing it all back home to gun violence, President Obama neglected four victims of gun, RPG and mob terrorism in Benghazi:
Hadiya’s parents, Nate and Cleo, are in this chamber tonight, along with more than two dozen Americans whose lives have been torn apart by gun violence. They deserve a vote.Gabby Giffords deserves a vote.The families of Newtown deserve a vote.The families of Aurora deserve a vote.The families of Oak Creek, and Tucson, and Blacksburg, and the countless other communities ripped open by gun violence – they deserve a simple vote.
No votes, mention, or responsibility for
The Family of Chris Stevens
The Family of Sean Smith
The Family of Tyrone Woods
The Family of Glen Doherty
SOTUS 2013 is what it is -
The President Obama is coming home to Chicago on Friday to do exactly what I have not a clue. I know this, I would not walk across the street to listen to him even if he were announcing my appointment to some ghost pay-rolling job, like Valerie Jarrett's gig.
Three more BHO SOTU to go. Unless of course . . . His gang manages to give him President for life . . .could be; MSNBC and GE are all over it.
Posted by
6:20 AM
Labels: Benghazi, Chris Stevens, Chris Wallace, Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Planned Parenthood's Barack H. Obama, Susan Rice
Friday, March 23, 2012
Obama 2012 Campaign Obeyed - No Report That More Than 1,000 People Rallied At Federal Plaza Today
Not Breaking News, Not Metro, Not Chicagoland. Nada, Zip, Nothing.
Dave Axelrod scares more Chicago newsies than Rahm without his breakfast, evidently.
I can almost hear Comb Over Dave's quietly petulant admonition to Bruce Dold and Thom McNamee -"President Obama will not be embarrassed by Catholics, Jews, Lutherans or other nutbags. Remember G-8? You too can be as gone. No protest because it did not happen; no coverage because it never took place. Now that is Coverage Mandate you can believe in! Now, scat!"
Did happen. Happened big, and thousands of Chicagoan saw it.
Posted by
4:02 PM
Labels: Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama, Religious Liberty
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Chicago News Embargo - No News on Tomorrow's "Stand Up for Religious Liberty" Rally at Federal Plaza
There is a news blackout in Chicago. You will not find a clause, much less an article about tomorrow's rally in defense of religious liberty and against the Obama HHS Mandate anywhere in the Sun Times, Chicago Tribune, Southtown Star or anywhere else.
No matter how many thousands of people attend the rally tomorrow it will be reported as a few score. That's because the Chicago media is invested in the Obama Campaign 2012. Dave Axelrod, Terry Cosgrove and the 2012 Team have poisoned this well and well they have. You see the Path to 2012 Obama Victory runs right through Illinois and blocking the way is Francis Cardinal George.
On March 1,2012, Cardinal George told me to get myself to Federal Plaza at 50 West Adams before noon, if I wanted to stand with him and thousands of other folks against religious bigotry and the Obama HHS Mandate.
We were talking about that Mandate which forces Catholic and other religious institutions to pay for contraception and abortifacients, only months after Obama told St. Xavier Univeristy that 'it was no longer a Catholic University,' because Obama's NLRB needed to unionize part time employees.
The Obama Mandate will force the American Catholic Church to close schools, hospitals and orphanges. However, Obama's script writers demanded that the issue be framed as a Catholic War on Women. Nope, it is a war on liberty -religious liberty.
Well, the dude abides, Cardinal.
I vote. Did so the other day. I write checks to Miserecodia, Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, Special Olympics and to Sacred Heart Church. I write on this blog as has been my practice since I was a baby teacher in 1975, back then I used a Big Chief Notebook. I sin like I know what I'm doing and try to reconcile those sins through Confession.
Cardinal George holds to prnciple and clings to our Faith and takes many, many, many insults and threats from Carol Marin, Michael Sneed and other Vichy Catholics. After our chat, I saw a parade of Catholics thank Cardinal George and one Greek Orthodox Woman thank him for his defense of religious freedom and asked him for his blessing. The Cardinal should hang out with the hoi poloi more often. Catholics were appreciative of their pastor. Our Faith has been to be Roman Catholic and each Sunday, or Saturday night, Catholics say these word:
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and born of the Father before all ages. light of light, true God of true God. Begotten not made, consubstantial to the Father, by whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And was incarnate of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary and was made man; was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, suffered and was buried; and the third day rose again according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father, and shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, of whose Kingdom there shall be no end. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father (and the Son), who together with the Father and the Son is to be adored and glorified, who spoke by the Prophets. And one holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We confess (I confess) one baptism for the remission of sins. And we look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen."
(emphases my own)
We believe that the Lord and Giver of Life ( not the Obama White House, Dick Durbin, Pat Quinn, or Terry Cosgrove) did just fine without an additional Mandate from Kathleen Sebelius at the direction of the folks who script President Obama.
HBO notwithstanding, life begins at conception. Always has done so. Religious liberty demands that what we believe be unshackled by Neo-Nuremburg Mandates.
The Cardinal George told me to show up tomorrow, if I really believe in all of the words I mouth or put to paper.
I think I'll drive.
Here are some other places where you can stand up for religious liberty.
Federal Plaza
50 W. Adams Street
Lincoln-Douglas Debate Square
114 E. Douglas Street (Parking Locations)
Peoria Courthouse
324 Main Street (Map)
Holy Family Parish
4401 Highcrest Road (Map)
Mass preceding Rally at 11 a.m.
Grandon Civic Center
310 E. Park Avenue (Map)
Mass at 11 a.m. Prior to Rally
No Chicago News -
Posted by
4:03 AM
Labels: Boss Terry Cosgrove, Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Francis Cardinal George, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
It's a Progressive Thing - Did Obama Put the Blocks to Rahm in Order to Make Nice with Putin?
Finally! Some me time. . . . thought them Hebes . . .Israelis. . . would never leave. Ted Kennedy is still dead, or I could trot him out for some poll juice. . . Putin won . . .go figure. . . Hey! Think I'll give Rahm a call and wind him up . . . yeah, I'll call Rahm!- Thoughts of B.H. Obama on 3/5/2012 - mid-afternoon EST.
"A riot is the language of the unheard." Jeremiah Wright Pastor Emeritus
Thing is Rev. a riot is always a planned activity and no one throws an activity like a Lefty.
Well, everybody hears Andy Thayer, all the time, and no one asked to; yet, G-8 has gone the way of Riverview, The Eastland, The Stockyards, and the Olympics.
Now, how did this come to pass? Here's my helot's musings over cold soup in my office at Leo.
1. Let's see, now - Bad Vlad Leroy Putin wins the Russia Super Monday Take All by a beardful.
2. Russkies ain't happy being Syria with snow. Vlad busted the Occupy Red Square kids - God Bless'Em right after the polls closed.
3. Obama needs to look strong for NATO after caving in on defensive missiles a few semesters back. You know. . .Poland and the Czechs? Vlad might give Obama some sugar on that one and boy does he need - Syria, Muslim Bros., still Gitmo, Apologies and dead Jarheads. Bin Laden is about useful as Old Teddy, these days. Gotta bring something to NATO,maybe some Soviet Sugar.
4. Obama has gotten about as much mileage out of Rush Limbaugh and Ms. Fluke and Catholics still find Obama as contemptible as Radio's Sidney Greenstreet of Airwaves. Cardinals George and Dolan have their dukes up, yet. Catholics and then them other religionists . . .Jews here and there.
5.The Israelis are gone and are never happy after a visit with Jerry Wright's altar boy. Waiting at the back door and what not. Calypso Louie call that one, last year?
6. David Axelrod always says allow no crisis to go unrewarded - who better to reward than the current Occupy 1600 Dude! Cancel the Party! No G-8! However Chicago still gets a face full of Andy Thayer's lithping loonathy all week come May. Call a Preth Confrenth!
Therefore, Obama muses, Rahm gets a tune-up. No G-8; Keep the NATO with my blessings!
I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin... the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered Jeremiah Wright, Pastor Emeritus
Not a word about God, Jews or Garlic Eating Big -nosed Eyetalians.
Mmm + Mmm + MmmmmmmmmmmmSpeak on
it, Rev! Oh, that's right. You did. Plenty.
Shoot, check out Camp David!
Posted by
10:19 AM
Labels: Comb Over Dave Axelrod, GN8TO - Chicago G- and NATO Fest Mayor Coon eyes, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama, Vlad Putin
Friday, February 03, 2012
Obama Paloozza II, or Grant Park Reducks
The Obama Campaign 2008 resembled a Leni Riefenstahl (or was that Reni Liefenstahl?) production and McCain/Palin Campaign was like Wagon Train without Ward Bond.
Obama had doric columns in his Denver Parthenon and John McCain showed up somewhere.
Obama was on a half-shell high above Olympus and Strobe-lighted and John McCain had a Polaroid Land-camera album of his carrier days.
Obama had Campaign Stuffed with gold and McCain had old gum, lint, popcorn kernels, toe-nails, and some coins found in the couch in the rumpus room.
Barack Obama wanted to win big like a kid on Star Search; McCain thought it might be nice.
Thus, we have The Making of a President 2008 for Dummies.
Now, we are hip deep in an the orchestrated Orwellian howl-hootenanny 2012. President Obama will face Someone. It could be a new Thomas Jefferson, a new Roland Burris - Someone 2012's got my vote.
I am backing and voting with all of my heart and soul, time, treasure and talent, for Someone 2012!. Someone was, is and shall be better choice than President Obama. If John McCain had tried even a little he would have been President, but he allowed Governor Palin to do all of the heavy lifting.
I like Barack Obama in same way, that I like many Illinois politicians. Barack Obama comes from the Protected Panjandrum species - Ald. Brendan O'Reilly, Sheila Simon, and Chris Kennedy. They are the " Where the Hell Did He/She Come From?" only a hen-scratch better than the Ain't They Greaters. They come fully funded by someone, or some group and get appointed or slotted into an easy to win race. Obama v. Keyes e.g.
I dislike a very few - Mike Quigley, Forrest Claypool, Tony Preckwinkle and of course Jan Schakowsky. They are Ain't They Greaters -moved from post to post and office to office, more to get them out of town, or out of the way than anything else.
Then there are "What Can You Do?" goofballs - seemingly harmless dopes who have the backing of far more competent persons. These officials, like Blago, Sen. Roland Burris, Sen. Dick Durbin and former Gov. Pat Quinn, never fail to disappoint.
President Obama, in my opinion, will go down in history as the worst President since James Buchanan and just slightly worse than Jimmy Carter. However, given the GOP's tendency to do political seppuku at any moment, he has a slim chance of holding onto the White House in November. President Obama helped only the Abortion Industry - Planned Parenthood in his term of office. Oh, and he allowed a Navy Seal Team to rub-out Osama. Hell, I could have done that, bit no one asked me.
Oh, really?, say thee.
Sure. Without citing the Corporate Sponsorship of Obama Bundler and Hyde Park Mogul John Rogers ( ex. of Desiree Rogers), explain Arne Duncan.
Take your time and use all of your notes; this is open book.
Dave Axelrod is planing another Grant Park Obama-palooza Obama Palooza II. Like Lalapalooza, perhaps the Obama Campaign will asked to pay for the park, finally.
I wonder if the bill from 2008 was paid. Probably written off by Daley, in exchange ofr the Distinguihsed Harris Professorship at U of C.
Presidential advisor David Axelrod said Thursday that the location hasn't been discussed.
"But, you know, our [campaign] headquarters is here. The president's heart is here. So, you know, I think that will help guide our decision-making," Axelrod said.
Axelrod said he would like the festivities to be in Chicago.
Remember these?
* "Press File Seat - $935 (includes 1 Press File Credential, seat in heated Press File Tent, Power, Cable Television, High Speed Wired Internet Service, Catering)"
* "Radio Position - $715 (includes table space and chair behind the riser, power and an ISDN BRI line for radio -- comes with two credentials)"
* Obama's top donors--not the masses who donated the $5, $10 and $25 the campaign brag about--will have VIP access throughout election night and received an early heads up a week ago to plan to spend Election Night in Chicago.
Now, did the Obama 2008 Campaign up on all of the Grant Park Obamapalooza I?
Before, what just might be . . .

check the ledgers.
Source: http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/politics/Obamas_Bill.html#ixzz1lKeSib49
Posted by
7:12 AM
Labels: Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Obama Palooza II, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama
Thursday, January 19, 2012
First Class of the Axelrod Political Institute at U. of C. - February, 2013
"My goal now is to help encourage young people who are going to be the David Axelrods and better in the future so that we'll have a new generation of people who'll be active in politics and public life," he said.
February 2013. University of Chicago - The Dave Axelrod Institute of Politics 101:
Good Morning, I must say it is a delight to be here with all of you bright and well scrubbed foreheads. The mustache on each every one you warms my heart.
Please, if you have any gum in your mouths please spit it into this Waste Management basket, provided by the patriots now doing the people's business all over Chicago.
Our concern in politics and all politics is global.
What we do here is transformational.
What we say here is transformable.
What we do here is transmutable.
Today you are students, but you are also activists, guerrillas, agents for change,Sherpas on the long climb, sailors on the Costa Concordia of the Constitution - if it hits a rock; hit the silk, Jim!
I came to the conclusion months ago, and I said it to members of Congress, that the only way people are going to fully appreciate what this reform is if we pass it and implement it and it becomes not a caricature but a reality, and I still believe that. So I think it will be easier to sell it moving forward than it was to this point.
You see if you want something bad enough, no matter how bad it is, it is a good thing and it must be. Let it be!
Where would the six LGBTQ young marines, depicted in the great monument in Washington D.C., who raised the flag on Hitler's bunker in 1941, be if they did know the verifiable accountability behind their actions?
I have never believed in the Wizard of Oz theory of consulting, that I am all-knowing and all-seeing, and that everyone around me is kind of a backbencher. No that is why after I left the White House, President Obama threw the Alice in Wonderland secret party.
You are all here to learn from me. Here is something from scripture -
I don't want to straight-face you
Race or chase you, track or trace you
Or disgrace you or displace you
Or define you or confine you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.
I don't want to meet your kin
Make you spin or do you in
Or select you or dissect you
Or inspect you or reject you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.
I don't want to fake you out
Take or shake or forsake you out
I ain't lookin' for you to feel like me
See like me or be like me
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.
That's me baby! If you are looking for someone else you are in the wrong classroom!
Go lightly from the ledge, babe
Go lightly on the ground
I’m not the one you want, babe
I will only let you down
You say you’re lookin’ for someone
Who will promise never to part
Someone to close his eyes for you
Someone to close his heart
Someone who will die for you an’ more
But it ain’t me, babe
No, no, no, it ain’t me, babe
It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, babe
Remember speak with a whisper; no one is ever listening. You, Dave in the third row . . .you and Dave in the fourth, Dave in seventh and Dave in the eighth . . .take these syllabi and distribute them.
Oh, don't forget to sign up for the bowling team!
Posted by
6:23 AM
Labels: Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama, University of Chicago
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Two Guys - One Back from Vacation and the other Still Working
“We’ve done a lot but we’ve got a lot more to do,” he said. “That’s why we need four more years.” President Barack Obama in Ohio yesterday.
Axelrod - " So, nice vacation and Holiday Season?"
President - " I guess."
Axelrod - " S'a Matter?"
President - " The wife asked what I planned to do today."
Axelrod - " Wha'd you say?"
President - " Nothing. I told her nothing."
Axelrod - " Th'ad a problem?"
President - " Not really."
Axelrod - "Wa'd she say then?"
President - " Aw . . .she said, 'You did that yesterday!'"
Axelrod - "And?"
President - " I told wasn't finished yet."
Axelrod - " Good one. I'll see you in Chicago on the 11th*."
President - "Really?"
Axelrod -" Yeah. Been scheduled awhile.. . . You know . . . shovel ready. See you."
President - " I guess. . . Shut the door; Okay?"
President Barack Obama heads home to Chicago in less than two weeks to raise money for his 2012 campaign.
Obama lands in the Windy City on Jan. 11 for big-buck fundraisers at the homes of media mogul Fred Eychaner and Bear Stearns executive Stuart Taylor, according to the Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet.
The visit is Obama's 10th since he was elected president.
Obama celebrated his 50th birthday at the Aragon Ballroom in August and began his fundraising campaign in Chicago in April. First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have visited separately for fundraisers as well.
Obama's 2012 headquarters is stationed at the Prudential Building, which faces the site of his 2008 victory rally. It's not known whether he'll visit the headquarters.
If he feels up to it.
Source: http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Obama-Returns-to-Chicago-Jan-11-136387653.html#ixzz1ial0lbId
Posted by
5:35 AM
Labels: Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama
Monday, December 05, 2011
Obama to Invest Wisely in the Future . . .Still. Solyndra My Wallet!
The president has it. It's--it goes to education, it goes to creating the advanced manufacturing jobs of the future, it goes to making smart investments that will give people better opportunities. And so we need a, a plan and a vision that has at its core the, the, the welfare and the, the, the chances of the middle class in this country," Combover Dave Axelrod on Meat: The Press.
Solyndra! That went dandy. There's more such super great happy venture Green investments before November?
Here's a preview from the two Daves -Plouffe and Axelrod!
Bang up job,there Barry!
Posted by
8:07 AM
Labels: Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Planned Parenthood's President Barack Obama
Monday, August 23, 2010
AKPD media firm - Comb Over Dave Axelrod's Obama Camelot and Governor Pat Quinn
Ain't it Grand,Politics? Last Week, Governor Pat Quinn launched Comb Over Dave Axelrod's PR Firm -AKPD media firm - which sounds like a branch of the Soviet Secret Police. Today the governor accepted the resignation of his chief of staff Jerry Stermer who seems the victim of the Axelrod Machine.Governor Pat Quinn is a great guy and an honorable man.
Comb over Dave Axerod is a win or ruin kind of guy - that magic is what gives the Obama Camelot that Kiddie Jumping Jacks Castle appeal.
The first of Stermer’s alleged missteps came last Oct. 11 in a response to an e-mail sent a day earlier from the Quinn campaign’s media consultant, John Kupper. He wanted to formulate a response to an expected argument from Democratic gubernatorial rival Dan Hynes about Quinn being a “tax and spender,” the Wright report said.August 23, 2010
Kupper, a senior partner with the AKPD media firm, told those to whom he’d sent the campaign e-mail that an effort was afoot to show the governor had “implemented more budget cuts than any other governor in Illinois history,” the report said.
Using his state e-mail account a day later, Stermer promised Kupper he would gather data from the governor’s budget office to prove that point. A few minutes after answering Kupper, Stermer e-mailed Budget Director David Vaught to inquire about “the total that Gov. Q has cut from the state budget since taking over,” the report said.
Dave Axerod is a divide and conquer moral high ground staker who, through deft application fo the well-worn race card, gets his candidates elected - Governor Deval Patrick ( D. Mass.) and President Barack H. Obama ( D. USA) both of whom have cork-screwing approval numbers. Governor Pat Quinn was ten points behind Rep. Bill Brady ( R. Bloomington)and launched the AKPD media firm.
Jerry Stermer is career advocate of children. It seems that in order to scratch the eyes out of Governor Quinn -AKPD media firm rolled over on Jerry Stermer.
Progressives! It's how they roll.
Posted by
5:56 AM
Labels: AKPD Media Firm, Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Governor Pat Quinn, Jerry Stermer
Friday, August 20, 2010
Governor Quinn and Comb Over Dave Axelrod Quits! Watch Quinn Overtake Brady in Two Weeks
I like Pat Quinn. The only thing keeping Pat Quinn from being a great Governor is his faith in the Easter Bunny, that Pie-Chart Pirate Ralph Martire has not helped loot Illinois more than Blago wanted to do, that Progressives will watch your back ( ask the President), and that Panjandrums like Chris Kennedy, Stan Ikenberry, Sheila Simon, Deb Mell and others matter one damn bit to anyone, other than career glue-sniffers.
Pat Quinn jettisoned AKPD - Comb Over Dave Axelrod's Progressive Sluice gate from the Federal Trough. Axelrod - though no long a partner -makes oodles of dough being socled away for his Post-White House Nest Egg somewhere off of AKPD ( sounds like a Soviet acronym don't it?).
Yet, Comb Over Dave's firm pumps out this example of parsed nonsense about Quinn's toe in their rump -
“We and the Quinn campaign agreed that our divergent approaches to disciplined, professional communications are incompatible. We wish Pat well.”
Not exactly Strunk and White.
Quinn just locked my vote! I was voting for Pat anyway. Rep. Bill Brady is a nice guy, anti abortion and everything, but he is an Illinois GOPer - a moss-back -and will lose.
Watch Quinn soar!
Posted by
10:09 AM
Labels: Bill Brady, Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Governor Pat Quinn
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Amateur Hour White House Advisors Wear the Jacket in the Failed Chicago Bid for Olympics 2016
"It's a secret ballot. You can't necessarily be certain that the people who tell you they'll vote for you ultimately will," Jarrett said. "So I'm sure they did the very best they could do to get the intelligence they had."
The president made his decision last weekend. He conferred with aides monitoring healthcare legislation, who concluded that the bill would not be up for a floor vote in the 24-hour period the president was overseas. So Obama privately told his staff that he would go to Copenhagen, Jarrett said.Click my post title for more from the Chicago Tribune.
However, Friday's Sun Times gave voice to the real nitwits.
Immediately after the Olympic Pooch got screwed the Chicagoland Boiled Beets Progressives Mensa Chapter ( Rev. Jesse 'Page Eight' Jackson, Rep.Susan Mendoza and Turkish Delight Rep. Jan Schakowsky) blamed the failure on President George W, Bush.
Get this - "There must be" resentment against America, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said, near the stage where he had hoped to give a victory speech in Daley Center Plaza. "The way we [refused to sign] the Kyoto Treaty, we misled the world into Iraq. The world had a very bad taste in its mouth about us. But there was such a turnaround after last November. The world now feels better about America and about Americans. That's why I thought the president's going was the deal-maker."
State Rep. Susana Mendoza (D-Chicago) said she saw firsthand the resentment against America five years ago when she was in Rio de Janeiro. "I feel in my gut that this vote today was political and mean-spirited," she said.
"I travel a lot. ... I thought we had really turned a corner with the election of President Obama. People are so much more welcoming of Americans now. But this isn't the people of those countries. This is the leaders still living with outdated impressions of Americans.".S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) said she was approached by a consul general at the plaza as they waited for word Friday. "He said ... he was hearing that there wasn't enough time for Barack Obama to dispel the old image. ... But I don't know if that's it." That Old Bush Image!
These are the very same Boiled Beets Progressives who demand that SEIU be allowed to destroy the American Labor Movement with the elimination of the 'secret ballot' in the Employee Free Choice Act. AS Val Jarrett, who gave America the Van Jones Green Czar summer time 'distraction' says, "It's a secret ballot. You can't necessarily be certain that the people who tell you they'll vote for you ultimately will, . . . "So I'm sure they did the very best they could do to get the intelligence they had."
And that is the very best Progressive intelligence.
Val, do I hear a bus coming your way? Must be all that Copenhagen.
Posted by
5:21 AM
Labels: American Labor, Chicago Olympics, Comb Over Dave Axelrod, Copenhagen, Rahm Emmanuel, SEIU, Valerie Jarrett