Wednesday, February 09, 2011

The Genius Ben Stein Rolls The Fatuous Mayor Bloomberg's Salt-Free Abortions

Ben Stein is a gentleman to the backbone. Mayor Bloomberg is a parsing dweeb with billions of dollars. One is a mensch and a half and the mayor a nebish squared. . . or as Skinny Sheahan might say, "Ben's a Pair and Mike's Lacking Both."

I read this brilliant piece by Ben Stein in the The American Standard - published and edited by Fenwick Friar Bob Tyrrell.

I am endlessly amazed at how backwards we humans get things in our lives. Just let me give you two very basic examples, one of which is a crime against humanity.

I keep reading in the New York Times that Mayor Bloomberg, a billionaire health nut, is on a campaign against having too much salt in foods in New York City restaurants. His belief is that New Yorkers and visitors shorten their life spans by eating too much salt and therefore raising their blood pressure in a dangerous way. If he took control over the salt content in New York restaurants, he could save a few dozen lives per year, he believes.

But, wait a moment. I also read in the New York Times that New York City is one of the abortion capitals of the nation, with a much higher rate of abortion than most other parts of the nation. And Mayor Bloomberg is a great fan of "…a woman's right to choose…" to abort her baby.

As I calculate it in a rough way, New York City has about 8 million persons living there, or about (very roughly) 3 per cent of the nation's population. And New York has a much higher abortion rate than the rest of the nation. So it is possible that New Yorkers have about 50,000 abortions per year, or maybe a lot more.

That is 50,000 killings of totally innocent children every year. Does Mayor Bloomberg think that his anti-salt campaign means much compared with that number? If he wants to save lives, why doesn't he throw his tiny weight and his huge purse behind right to life? That's a truly life-saving act.

This whole subject endlessly fascinates and horrifies me. We campaign against obesity -- and we should -- because it shortens life. But nothing else makes life as short as abortion. We campaign for more exercise -- and I heartily agree -- because it lengthens life. But, again, no amount of exercise would offset the over 1,000,000 excess American deaths each year caused by abortion of the totally innocent. We want safer cars. We want cleaner air. We want cleaner water. All to save life. But there is nothing we could do that would save more lives than to truly stop abortion in all but the most extreme cases of need.

Why? Why are we so blind to the mass murder of the innocent?

It do give one pause, Ben.

Rahm is Mayor Daley's Guy? Well, Hush My Beak!

After a sobering weekend of Chico endorsements by real labor and a daffy TV ad, it appears that Rahm's Campaign of a Full Press Court nodded news-sleuth in the direction of the place where everyone else in Chicago arrived months ago.

"I have the advantage of knowing your habits, my dear Watson," said he. "When your round is a short one you walk, and when it is a long one you use a hansom. As I perceive that your boots, although used, are by no means dirty, I cannot doubt that you are at present busy enough to justify the hansom."
"Excellent!" I cried.
"Elementary," said he. "It is one of those instances where the reasoner can produce an effect which seems remarkable to his neighbour, because the latter has missed the one little point which is the basis of the deduction. The same may be said, my dear fellow, for the effect of some of these little sketches of yours, which is entirely meretricious, depending as it does upon your retaining in your own hands some factors in the problem which are never imparted to the reader.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1893)

This morning I was treated to a singular news flash from Mark Brown, the guy who gave Scott Lee Cohen ( The Pawn Star Guv Guy) a long pass. This morning Mark Brown wrote that Rahm Emanuel is Mayor Daley's 'guy.' for mayor of Chicago.

While Daley has indeed publicly refrained from making an endorsement, it has been universally recognized in political circles that the mayor would prefer Rahm Emanuel to be the next mayor of Chicago. In the almost magical way these matters are communicated, Daley’s people got the message early and lined up accordingly, not to suggest they necessarily needed coaxing.

Astounding! How ever did he arrive at this conclusion? Why he asked someone with the full operation of his cranial think box - Gery Chico told him. Be astounded, dear reader!

Chico first acknowledged Daley’s support for Emanuel — albeit obliquely — over the weekend at a candidates forum sponsored by the 49th Ward political organization of Ald. Joe Moore. No reporters were there, but word got around.

“Gery said: You can’t change the status quo if you’re the guy who the status quo is lined up behind,” confirmed his press secretary, Brooke Anderson. “He said the status quo isn’t working, that he’s running for mayor to take Chicago in a new direction and that he has a record of challenging the status quo to get big results.”

Chico was asked about this Tuesday, leading to his further remarks about Daley backing Emanuel. I said that’s what’s been told to me to be the case. If it’s not, then the mayor can say it’s not,” Chico said.

Now, Mark Brown is even with the most notorious retired glue-sniffers and bust-outs in every Ward of Chicago - they picked up on the trail of the Napoleon of Chicago and his machinations as early as September, 2010 - and many long before. I was moved to write this sober assessment on September 25, 2010. for you here - on the hoary pages of With Both Hands, dear reader. Thus!

Michael Sneed got a scoop of WHUP Ass for her Friday Column - the word that Terry Peterson will be Rahm Emanuel's Campaign Manager. Terry Petersen ran Mayor Daley's recent wildly successful stomping of candidates. I imagine that it knocked Tom Dart back on his pins a bit, but Dart is a smart tough guy, from tough stock and training.

Tom Dart worked under the only person that I can think of who did not make any money in public service - former Cook County Sheriff Michael Sheahan. Michael Sheahan was one of the very first recipients of the Axelrod/Emanuel school of Policy assault. They barely ruffled his whiskers, but since Sheahan retired they have honed their craft on Republicans, recalcitrant Blue Dog Democrats, House Speaker Mike Madigan and Ohio Plumbers.

The signing of Terry Peterson is a coup. Mayor Daley is sitting this one out? I think not.

Tom Dart had a great mentor in Mike Sheahan. He'll stand the blows, but they will shower down like rains of this past summer. Michael Sheahan stuck his neck out and helped Mayor Daley get elected as Cook County States Attorney and as Mayor.

Mayor Daley has hosted the National Democratic Convention, made Chicago look like Paris and act like Somalia, placed his close aides in positions of national power ( David Wilhelm, Bill Daley, David Pouffe, Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarret, Desiree Rogers, Arne Duncan and most importantly David Axelrod), brokered the ascent of President Barack Obama, and has retired.

Retired but obviously not out of game. Mayor Daley represents the triumph of Policy over Politics. I believe that Richard M. Daley eschewed Ward level politics for Policy in order to distance himself and his works from the people of Chicago.

I can not remember the last time Mayor Richard M. Daley set foot in the 19th Ward - one of the last powerful Wards along with the 47th, 11th, 13th, and the decimated 10th. These were the Politics Wards that gave Richard M. Daley the 5th floor.

All other Wards are mere geographic delineations of racial and ethnic boundaries, or centers of tourism. They are Policy Wards.

Policy Wards require State and Federal tax-dollars. They operate by dint of media propaganda and rallies of angry folks. Policy uses anger. Politics uses obligation.

Obligation is much more difficult, rather inconvenient.

For all of the mythology about the power of these Politics Wards ( 11th, 19th, 13th, 47th and the decimated 10th), they are little more than minor baronies of public service, until an election requires foot soldiers.

These Wards made Rahm Emanuel a United States Congressman, Mike Quigley a Commissioner and managed to keep County Government moving despite the daffy meanderings of Todd Stroger.

Like Mayor Daley, Rahm Emanuel does not to set foot in a Ward. He will operate out of treasury and via NPR, WTTW,Columnists, Chicago Magazine, Oprah, the BGA already stocked with Andy Shaw,SEIU National and Illinois, UNITE, home and away and our transient Agenda voters.

Unlike Mayor Daley, Rahm Emanuel will need Post-Shakman door bell ringers, shoulder punchers and back slappers, palm card hustlers and therefore is no doubt worming into the ears of Committeemen and disaffected, frightened non-Shakman City Workers. Mayor Daley retained Politics and political operatives for elections.
Terry Petersen is the key and, to my way of thinking, Daley's endorsement of Rahm Emanuel for a continuation of Government via Policy. CAPS trumps Cops, Wrought Iron and planters over snowplows and garbage trucks, Pritzker Pavillions over safe streets.Tourists love the look of Chicago, until they leave a Bucktown bar at 2 A.M. and then it is the cops fault.

Mayor Daley's guy is Rahm. Circles are 360 Degrees. Ice is cold. Western Avenue runs North and South. Tapioca also means broke.

Elementary . . .school kids knew this, Sherlock Brown.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Chicago Code Reviewed

I caught the Chicago Code on Fox last night. I was not adequately dressed and caught a huge dose of the Chicago Code and took 12 ounces of Nighttime Nyquil- I passed out, but did not have night terrors. Tender Mercies!

I went out to the garage this morning and fired up my fliver - Man it was Chicago Code. 15 Degrees and dropped to 8 by the time I reached Dunkin Donuts and waited in line behind real Chicago Cops heading to Englewood, Gresham and Area 2. I remembered The Chicago Code and dressed accordingly.

Here is my review of Chicago Code from the eight to twelve minutes that I caught of the Chicago Code, before I poured the NyQuil into my 12 ounce Leo Mug and cannonballed the contents.

The Chicago Code -Mondays on Fox 32 at 8 P.M.

Cast: Jason Clarke as Jarek Wysocki
Devin Kelley as Vonda Wysocki
Jennifer Beals as Teresa Colvin
Matt Lauria as Caleb Evers
Todd Williams as Isaac Joiner
Billy Lush as Liam Hennessey
Delroy Lindo as Alderman Ronin Gibbons

Let's see - a super High Speed chase going the wrong way under the L Tracks on Lake Street and ending at a flower shop on the multi-cultural West Side so that the guy waving the 'Nine' at the cop so that he can ask for the hand in marraige of the woman he loves before he goes to the iron hotel . . .(click)

Review - The Chicago Code
. . . what does the wind do?
. . . what's the sound a drain makes when you pull the plug?

Chicago Code smites the scary bandana. This is a sure fire hit! Polish up the Emmys!

De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum!

Monday, February 07, 2011

I Remain a Hopeless Romantic - Best Love Song Ever

"She's dark and lovely and passionate. And very, very kind."
"And exclusive as a mailbox," I said.
---The Little Sister , by Raymond Chandler(Chapter 19)

With six days to go until the Feast of St. Valentine and Cupid's darts fall softly on the old pump, I thought that I'd offer a dandy love song to my kind of gal -"What kind of a dish was she? The sixty-cent special--cheap, flashy, strictly poison under the gravy."

The Town Of Ballybay

V 1: In the town of Ballybay there is a lassie dwelling

I knew her very well and the story is worth telling

Her father kept a still and he was a good destiller

And when she took a drink, well, the devil wouldn't fill her

Ch: With me ring a do a dum, with me ring a do a daddio

With me ring a do a dum, whack fol da daddio

V 2: She had a wooden leg that was hollow down the middle
She used to tie a string on it and played it like a fiddle
She fiddled in the hall, she fiddled in the alleyway,
She didn't give a damn, she had to fiddle anyway


V 3: She said she couldn't dance unless she had her wellie on,
But when she had them on she could dance as good as anyone
She wouldn't go to bed unless she had her shimmy on
But when she had it on she would go as quick as anyone


V 4: She had lovers by the score, every Tom and Dick and Harry,
She was courting night and day, but still she wouldn't marry.
And then she fell in love with a fella with a strammer
When he tried to run away, she hit him with a hammer


V 5: She had childer up the stairs, she had childer in the brier,
And another ten or twelve, sat roaring by the fire
She fed them on potatoes and on soup she made with nettles
Or lumps of hairy bacon that she boiled up in a kettle


V 6: She led a sheltered life eating porridge and black pudding
She terrorised her man until he died right sudden
And when her husband died, she was feeling very sorry
She rolled him in a bag and she threw him in a quarry


One Day March 30, 1981- President Reagan Saved By Tim McCarthy: Leo '67

Yesterday marked the 100th Birthday celebration of President Ronald Reagan. I did not vote for President Reagan, twice, but I thought that he was a personally wonderful guy and an absolutely great politician. In fact, I believe that President Obama has many of Ronald Reagan's attributes - good rhetorical skills, a solid presence and wonderful smile. The only attributes that seem to be missing from President Obama are executive experience and personal warmth. Ronald Reagan was a very warm guy and he exuded his love of people. I did not vote for President Obama, either.

A Leo High School wrestler from the Class of 1967, Tim McCarthy* of St. Denis Parish, saved the life President Reagan.

This is from a CBS Interview with Tim McCarthy in 2004.

Video of the event shows McCarthy throwing himself in front of the president; he was shot in the right chest. Syler pointed out that "it would seem that one's natural reaction would be to duck. And yet, you jumped in front of the president. Was that as a result of the training you go through?"

McCarthy replied: "That's exactly right. If you saw the big picture out there, a lot of people – police officers, military -- were ducking and looking for cover. That's the training that they received. They did exactly what they should have done.The day he was leaving the hospital with his wife and a couple of his children, the family got word that the president would like to see them. Mrs. Reagan also was there.

"We had a nice visit," McCarthy recalled. "The president was commenting about he was going to miss springtime in Washington, the Cherry Blossom Festival. We had a real nice conversation. My kids were young, 2 and 4, getting restless. They didn't understand the significance of any of this. I was just about to walk out the door. We'd said our goodbyes. I was right at the door.

"He said, 'Tim, hold on a minute. Wait a minute. Listen. It was McCarthy, Reagan, (Washington police officer Tom) Delehanty, (White House press officer Jim) Brady. What the hell did this guy have against the Irish?' You have to wonder if the leader of the free world could already maintain a perspective on this, as serious and critical as it was, he certainly had gotten over it already, and it was a great example for me to get beyond this and move on."

On June 10, 2004, the day before Mr. Reagan's funeral, McCarthy had the opportunity to visit Mrs. Reagan.

"She looked great, under a great deal of stress, as you can imagine," said McCarthy, though he declined to give details about their private conversation.

"We talked about the president quite a bit," he said. "We talked about the fact that, over the last number of years, she has been there almost day and night with the president, and what it was like.

Tim McCarthy - American Hero.

Timothy J. McCarthy (born June 20, 1949) is the current police chief of Orland Park, Illinois and a former member of the United States Secret Service.[1] He is most famous for turning into the line of fire, shielding President Ronald Reagan and being wounded by one of John Hinckley, Jr.'s .22 caliber bullets in the 1981 Reagan assassination attempt.[2][3] Surgeons at George Washington University Hospital successfully removed the round from McCarthy's abdomen, and he fully recovered. McCarthy received the NCAA Award of Valor in 1982[4] in recognition of his bravery.

After Hinckley began to fire, McCarthy deliberately put himself in the line of fire and spread his body in front of Reagan to make himself a target.[3] Although all Secret Service agents are trained to take a bullet for the President, only four have actually done so. Besides McCarthy, officer Leslie Coffelt of the Secret Service Uniformed Division was killed during the 1950 Truman assassination attempt, the others, Donald Birdzell and Joseph Downs, were also shot during the Blair House attack of 1950.

McCarthy graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1971 with a Bachelor of Science degree in finance and joined the United States Secret Service shortly thereafter.

His career included eight years assigned to the Presidential Protective Division in Washington D.C. and fourteen years as a criminal investigator in Chicago. McCarthy was the Special Agent in Charge of the Secret Service Chicago Division from 1989 until his retirement in October 1993.

McCarthy has served as Chief of the Orland Park Police Department since May 1994, and, in 1997, he unsuccessfully ran for Illinois Secretary of State as a Democrat.[5] In 1999, he earned a Master of Science degree in criminal/social justice from Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois.

He is married and has three children.

McCarthy also played football at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is currently Orland Park Police Chief.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood - Just Middle Class Guys Trying to Get By.

Thanks to the American Progressive News Media ( NPR, Public TV, NYT, NBC, CBS, ABC & etc.), my fear of the Muslim Brotherhood's designs on destroying our Zionist/Crusader/Colonialist/Satan Western Ways, belabored by years of reading about the Muslim Brotherhood in history, have been assuaged - but not entirely Assange'd. But, I'm getting there.

Mohamed Ghanem, one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, calls Egypt to stop pumping gas to Israel and prepare the Egyptian army for a war with it’s eastern neighbor.

Speaking with Iranian television station Al-Alam, Mohamed Ghanem blamed Israel for supporting Hosni Mubarak’s regime. Ghanem also said that the Egyptian police and army won’t be able to stop the Muslim Brotherhood movement.

There are doubts about the loyalty of the Egyptian army to president Mubarak. If the brotherhood takes control over Egypt, it will be very messy from the whole region.
See, that stuff seemed consistent with my reading of the history of the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, after watching on CNN that sweet robot-guy Fareed Zakaria I have learned that the Muslim Brotherhood are no more a threat than the Shriners. Fareed seems like the kind of guy that no waiter wants to spill Sanka on his Van Heusan's - dead eyes. Not only will the waiter be . . .eliminated shall we say, . . .but his entire food chain will be eliminated . . .shall we say?

Fareed's talking to a Nobel Prize Winner! Take a knee; listen up!

ZAKARIA: If there were a democratic government with Muslim Brotherhood participation, do you believe that Egypt would still be at peace with Israel?
ELBARADEI: Of course. I mean, I – again, the whole issue of peace in the Middle East is an issue which everybody – nobody wants to go to war, Fareed.

Shucks during the last few days Muslim Brotherhood sweetie-pie's have told us to chill, Dude! -

Fareed's chat was on January 31, 2011, but by today things are are just a stone-groove!

I am sure that there will be reports forthcoming like this collection of bon mots from Nobel Prize winner Mohamed ElBaradei.

"The Muslim Brotherhood, again, it's one of these bogus fictions that have been created that they are after establishing an Iran-type religious state, that they are extremists, Al Qaeda. The Muslim Brotherhood, you see them in the streets, they are religiously conservative but they are ready to work in a civil state context under a constitution which ensures equal rights and obligations."

- Wall Street Journal, February 2011

"The Muslim Brotherhood are religiously conservative, they are in no way extremists they are in no way using violence.... You have to include them in the government like evangelical groups in the US, like orthodox Jews in Jerusalem."

- ABC News, January 2011

"The Muslim Brotherhood has nothing to do with extremism... I have been reaching out to them. We need to include them."

- CNN, January 2011

We can expect to hear from academics and activists inThe Nation, Salon, Huffington Post and other leading laundries of history, explain that Egypt is really no different than Winnetka in its celebration of diverse points of view and the Muslim Brotherhood do so much good.

I can not wait until Debra Shore of the Chicago's MWRD writes a glowing eco-caveat ripe with rain barrels of plans to reverse the flow of the Nile to diminish man's footprint on Egypt's water ways and, thank Allah, that the Suez is now closed to eco-terrorists from Shell, BP, and Texaco.

Yes, sir, them Muslim Brotherhoods is Shriners in Vegas.

Streets and Sanitation Heroes Take Public Guff, While Taking the Snow Away

Last night, I attended a beautiful wedding ceremony at Temple Rodfei Zedek at 52nd and Hyde Park Boulevard. There were lines of snow removal vehicles and Chicago Police cars all along Lake Shore Drive in the northbound lanes from 47th Street to McCormick Place. They were being marshaled to move out into the side streets. Hyde Park Boulevard was as clear as a baby's eyes, by the time we hit the exit at 51st Street and the route to the Temple was wide open. Rabbi Elliot B. Gertel, a really sweet natured guy from Springfield, Mass., greeted guests and prepared us for the nuptials and blessings. The gents, including three Micks from Little Flower and St. Justin Martyr and Visitation, donned yarmulkes. The ceremonies took a little under an hour and guests headed back north to Bistro 110 on Pearson.

I exited at Navy Pier and went west to Rush Street. Just south of Erie, there was pause in traffic and there were two cars ahead of me and nothing behind. At the corner was big blue snow truck removing show and two white managers and crew vehicles. In a nano second of stopping the horn started. The guy two cars ahead of me must have had a vital organ, heart, liver or such in a red emergency cooler that he needed to rush to an ER, or had crucial information about an Al Queda plot against the nation, because he laid his palms on the horn with a will.

Out of the white vehicle with flashing orange lights, stepped a very tired looking guy. He wore a vest. He was about six foot and looked like he had wrestled 167 in high school and could probably still go all three periods on the circle in the mat.

He walked slowly and leaned into window of Harry the Horn. The Horn stopped. Within seconds of the delicious quiet, the huge Blue Plow backed away and traffic moved. The supervisor did not display and contempt, nor anger; rather, stoic professionalism. I nodded a thank you to him. He nodded back and I crossed Chicago Ave. behind Harry the Horn. He went straight on Rush Street, when I took the left past the Chicago Archdiocese Quigley Pastoral Center and up to Bistro 110.

We went in for a fabulous dinner that featured a Choral presentation of an Anglican Hymn before dinner, by the twenty friends of the bride and groom who had sung with the Kings Choir and the Apollo Chorus. Back on Rush Street, the crew of Streets and Sanitation snow removal pros were clearing streets and taking guff from varieties of Harry the Horn.

We are what we do.

Last year, John Schmidt presented a great feature on Chicago Snow Removal from 1907 -Click my post title for the full tale.

This is from John R. Schmidt of Chicago Now's Unknown Chicago -12.15.10

On this date in 1907, Chicago was just getting through a major snowstorm. Clearing the streets of the First Ward--downtown--was a priority. The ward superintendent had hired 312 day laborers to remove the snow. Their job was to shovel the snow up into the back of horse-drawn wagons.
Once the wagon was full, the teamster would drive the wagon to the end of Van Buren Street, then dump the snow into the lake. The wagons were also hired on a daily basis. They were paid for each trip they made.
That was the problem. The drivers were "nursing their work along." Instead of dumping all their snow into the lake, they were coming back to the job site with part of the load still in the wagon. They'd have to make more trips, and get paid more money.

No 'nursing it along' by Snow crews now and no Harry the Horns either.

Read more:

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Rally for Matt O'Shea in 19th Ward at Cork and Kerry on February 10th

Hello Neighbors, Friends and Family,

We are hosting a rally/fundraiser for our friend Matt O'Shea,candidate for Alderman of the 19th Ward, City of Chicago, this coming Thursday, February 10th at Cork & Kerry , 7-10 p.m.
The attached invite has all the details. The election is coming up quickly and we want to make sure Matt has all the resources he needs to be victorious on February 22nd. We believe that Matt O'Shea is the right choice for our next alderman of the 19th ward.

Please join us and let your friends and neighbors know as well.

Thank you,

The Winters Family and Brian Hickey

7:00 P.M. ! 10:00 P.M.
Cork & Kerry
10614 S. Western Ave.
Hosted by
Brian Hickey
Bart Winters
Brendan Winters
John Winters
Jack Winters
Liam Winters
Marty Winters
Nat Winters
Tim Winters
Vince Winters
Willie Winters

Tickets: $30

Send Planned Parenthood Packing - Put the Cosmetic Holocaust ( abortion) Back in the Purses of the Dowager Class!

The Dowager Class owns Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood has been unmasked for what it is - a mascaraed butcher shop of horrors endowed by aging women of wealth.

Planned Parenthood doesn’t use government money to provide abortions; Congress already prohibits that, except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. (Another anti-abortion bill that’s coming up for hearing originally proposed changing the wording to “forcible rape,” presumably under the theory that there was a problem with volunteer rape victims. On that matter at least, cooler heads prevailed.)

The aging feminists and the long in the tooth abortion happy monied class warriors, like Gloria Steinem, Katha Pollitt, Katrina Vander Heuvel, Joy Behar, Diane Sawyer, Joan Walsh, dumb nuns, most Media Medeas and Democratic Women in elected office are Planned Parenthood's Dowager Class. They are the shrill and powerful Medeas who willfully kill children to get back at the perceived Gender Jasons, or merely want to cosmetically rid themselves of 'Baby Bumps,' as well as the cellulite build-ups that come with age.

So unhappy is the American Dowager that she unleashed the hounds on the real journalists (independent of course - no such animal at MSNBC,NPR or NYT)beefing that the new women who fight abortion are . . .well, pretty.

“Planned Parenthood aids and abets the sexual abuse and prostitution of minors,” announced Lila Rose, the beautiful anti-abortion activist who led the project. The right wing is currently chock-full of stunning women who want to end their gender’s right to control their own bodies. Homely middle-aged men are just going to have to find another sex to push around.
Gail Collins NYT.

Well, this ugly-as-a-bald dog middle age gent has no problem with a gal controlling her own body . . .so long as it does need, or require the application of forceps, scalpels and hammers on an infant.

Dowager is an economic term that first came into public discourse in 15th Century France:Middle French douagiere, from douage dower, from douer to endow — more at endow
First Known Use: 1530

A dowager was commonly propertied widow and now as a stand alone noun can mean any powerful financially robust woman - usually unmarried.

The American Dowager Class and its allies ( every Progressive Solidarity Coalition Activist PAC and the DNC) is struggling with the truth. Americans are seeing the horror that is abortion - not choice, but slaughter. The Dowager Class has long argued that the aborted persons are mere 'tissue.' Science and medicine has long disproven the Progressive lie about 'Choice'(via Ultrasound & etc.) - life begins at conception, but, like pathological drunks, the Dowager Class sees the problems elsewhere - society, racism, poverty, gender identity issues and unwanted tissues.

NPR and the Media are going flat-out to mop up the blood of Kermit Gonsell in Philadelphia and erase the documentation of Planned Parenthood's ACORNish activities of helping pimps work their way around laws so teenage sex-slaves can kill children in the womb.

My Congressman is a Democrat, Dan Lipinski ( D., IL, 3rd) and he is heroic anti-Abortion legislator. Dan Lipinski is what being a Democrat is all about - serving his constituents from womb to tomb, preserving American Exceptionalism, and fighting to ease the tax-burdens. Dan Lipinski keeps me voting Democrat for the most part.

It is well past the time for Americans to drive a stake through the heart of the Cosmetic Holocaust that is abortion.

If the Dowager Class demands 'choice' make it open their private and bloody purses.

Friday, February 04, 2011

NY Times 'We Are All Egyptians!' Really? 82% of 'We' Want to Stone Women?

The weak kidneys of America's Media cause it to micturate down our legs and proclaim a rainstorm.

Nicholas D(Cousin Weak Kidneys)Kristof's idiotic and gushy proclamation that We are the World; We Are Egyptians! is another such trouser moistening announcement of the Heavens about to Open.

The lion-hearted Egyptians I met on Tahrir Square are risking their lives to stand up for democracy and liberty, and they deserve our strongest support — and, frankly, they should inspire us as well. A quick lesson in colloquial Egyptian Arabic: Innaharda, ehna kullina Misryeen! Today, we are all Egyptians!

Now, hold there, Hoss! I'm agin stoning women, but 82% of your "We" thinks that is just dandy. Shake hands with an Alsatian! Bump booty with Botswannan! Have a hoe-down with a Hapsburg! Love a Laplander!

Gee, let's all sing the Marseilles like in Casablanca and confound the Wehrmacht, Nicky! What do mean WE?

The most recent Pew Polling of Egyptian Opinion states: -

Well, take a gander!

-- Is it good that Islam plays a large role in politics? 95 percent said "yes" and 2 percent "bad."

-- Is Islam's influence in politics positive or negative? 85 percent said "positive," 2 percent said "negative."

-- How much of a role does Islam play in Egyptian politics now? 48 percent said "large" and 49 percent said "small."

-- Is there a struggle between groups that want to modernize Egypt and Islamic fundamentalists? 31 percent said "yes." Of them, 27 percent described themselves as modernizers and 59 percent called themselves fundamentalists.


-- Are suicide bombings justified? 46 percent said "never," 34 percent "rarely," 12 percent "sometimes" and 8 percent "often." (NOTE: Support for suicide bombing has dropped since 2006, when 28 percent said they were justified sometimes or often.)

-- Are you concerned about Islamist extremism in the world? 70 percent said they were "very concerned" or "concerned."

-- Are you concerned about Islamist extremism in Egypt? 61 percent said they were "very concerned" or "concerned."


-- What do you think of Hamas? 49 percent were favorable.

-- What do you think of Hezbollah? 30 percent were favorable.
-- What do you think of al Qaeda? 20 percent were favorable.

-- Do you have confidence in Osama bin Laden? 19 percent said "some" or "a lot," 73 percent said "not much" or "none." (NOTE: Confidence in bin Laden has fallen from 27 percent in 2006).


-- Should men and women be segregated in the workplace? 54 percent said "yes" and 44 percent "no."

-- Should adulterers be stoned? 82 percent said "yes."

-- Should apostates from Islam face the death penalty? 84 percent said "yes."

-- Should thieves be flogged or have their hands cut off? 77 percent said "yes."


-- Is democracy preferable to any other kind of government? 59 percent said "yes."

-- Can a non-democratic system be preferable in certain circumstances? 22 percent said "yes."

-- Is it irrelevant to you what kind of government you have? 16 percent said "yes."

(Compiled by Tom Heneghan, Religion Editor)

Irish Independent writer Kevin Myers mocks the wee-wee spilling goofs of the European Press.

One of the striking features of the pro-Mubarak demonstrators was that none seemed to speak English, which suggested a certain closeness to the grassroots of ordinary Egyptians. One elderly man (apparently) said in Arabic that Mubarak was a strong man, and Egypt needed a strong man, and he didn't want to see Egypt going the same way as Iraq, with beheadings. Quite so. We all know that Mubarak ruled with the torture chamber and the secret police, which everyone deplores. But is there an Arabic Denmark upon which Egyptian social democrats can model a new political regime for their country, a Copenhagen on the Nile?

Because our European media are so deeply-anti-Israel, their instinct has been to show its Arab neighbours in a favourable light -- which partly explains the non-stop images of the anti-Mubarak intelligentsia, with auburn highlights and beautiful English. They no more speak for Egypt than the citizens of Ballsbridge speak for Kerry South. The recent Pew survey of Egypt tells another story, without tonsorial highlights or Anglophone urbanity. Some 54pc of Egyptians can justify suicide bombings in some form or other, with 20pc supporting al Qa'ida. Additionally, 54pc believe in segregation of the sexes in the workplace; 82pc think adulterers should be stoned to death; 84pc think apostates from Islam should be killed; and 77pc think thieves should have their hands cut off. Doesn't sound much like Denmark.

Egypt has received billions of dollars in aid in the last 30 years, and much of which has gone into buying Park Lane apartments in London for the kleptocratic crooks who run the country. Meanwhile, Egypt's population is growing at an unsustainable 2pc a year, making it about the same size as Germany's -- but not for long. Germany has eight births per thousand; Egypt has 25 births. And to give you a sense of the appaling economic prospects ahead for Egypt, German GDP (remember, with the same population) is about 1,700 times greater than Egypt's.

The government-in-waiting in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood -- "the Ikhwan" -- is supposedly not in favour of terrorism, well, for the moment anyway. But then was not Sinn Fein a supposedly pacifist movement? Nationalistic pacifisms tend be conditional on the complete absence of an opponent, which is not very passive at all. Either way, the Muslim Brotherhood is certainly not non-violent in its utter opposition to Israel.

The gushers have ruined America's britches as well as lied like Egyptian rugs.

MazelTov, Doug and Christine!

I love weddings. My own in 1983 was a dandy - I married the lovely and strong Mary Elizabeth Cleary at St. Mary's Church in Kankakee, Illinois. My tall red-headed French/Irish bride was stunning in an old fashioned bridal gown that might have been worn in the 19th Century by a French bride in Martinton, or L'Erable. Mary was crowned with a garland of white flowers. My God she was beautiful. Lisa Goodman, of Brides Compleat in Kankakee decked me out in a cut-awys black tux, but I still managed to look like Riddles Barlow. My massive southside Irish family arrived by the bus loads from Chicago and packed the tiny Church on Washington Street, behind the Dean's Ice Cream plant and south of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church.

My cousin, Father Bart Winters officiated along with Fathers Ken Yarno, and Irwin Savela of the Viatorians. Follwoing the Sacrement of Marriage and the wedding Mass we repaired to the Knights of Columbus, St. Viator Council across the street from the Kankakee Court House for a wedding party that danced well into the following day. It was reported that several guests maintained the festivities for a good 48 hours. My Kankakee and Chicago families merged and bonded in way that launched fifteen of the happiest years of my life. Mary went home to Christ in 1998. My three kids periodically brouse the wedding pictures.

Tomorrow, I will attend the wedding of my friends Doug and Christine who will be blessed in the dual Jewish ceremonies of the erusin and the nissuin - the former sanctifies the couple and the later launches their life together. This takes place under the Huppa -the Bridal canopy. The last Jewish wedding I attended was between my cousin John and Robin. That one raised the bar on fun and beauty.

Doug is Jewish from birth and Chritine was bpatized a Catholic but converted to Judaism. Christine was from St. Justin Martyr, over the tracks at 75th Street from my house in Little Flower, and hung out with the 69th Street Loafers. The beautiful woman who allows me to be seen publicly in her company sings Choral Music with Doug and Christine.

Tomorrow the wildly happy couple bonds with God, family and friends. Any God centered activity launches a happy outcome - happy in the purest of meanings - not Charlie Sheen happy. Happiness requires effort, humility, and selfless love. we are most unhappy without those virtues, it seems to me. God blesses our pain, as well as our pleasure. The Seven Blessings recited by the rabbi and friends seals the deal. Doug will smash the wine glass with his right foot to approving shouts of Mazel Tov, in remembrance of life's twists and turns and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans. "If I foget thee, O Jerusalem . . ."

Not a chance. Mazel Tov!

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Like Gay Activists Against Catholics, Chicago's No Dibs-ers Activists React and Take the Parking Spots

Marc Felion, Andy Thayer and Fausto Fernós at the Recent Feast of Fun sans Breeders

Like Gay Activists planning to shut down Mass at Holy Name Cathedral on February 13th, No Dibs-er Activists staged a protest on 108th Street Between Artesian and Rockwell. To chants of I Steer! We're Here! Get Used to it! No Cairo Chicago!Freedom!!!!!!!!! No Dibs-er Activists grabbed spots cleared by helot homeowners following the Blizzard of Ought Eleven. Tensions mount! M.O.N.T. E. Mount!

Lisping Utility Activist Andy Thayer* is calling on the massive throng of Gay Lesbian Transgender, Bisexual, Mule Lovers, and Questioning Chicagoans to stop Catholics and their . . .galling worship and Faith. Andy Thayer is an energetic and ubiquitous microphone and bullhorn aficionado (Gaza/Gay/Guacamole you name it and Andy is on it like a Chimp on Oreos) objects very, very strongly to Roman Catholic teaching. Andy Sayer. . .I mean Thayer. . . should be sure to bring along the throngs of devout Gays of Gaza membership to be sure to have a veritible Rainbow of Inclusion - The millions of Muslim Fans of the Gay Lifestyle. Then it will be a real Gay Marriage of Faiths and just not Unitarians and the usual assortment of faux-Catholic glue-sniffers.

I like Civil Unions. Andy Thayer has not even taken the bows off of that legislative package and demands Marriage. Patience, Prudence.

Get this -

The leadership of the Catholic Church has opposed every LGBT rights measure ever proposed in this state - whether for equal employment, housing, access to public accommodations or marriage. We find it galling that heretofore they, as a non-tax paying entity receiving millions of tax dollars for its social service agencies, received special rights against those attempting to exercise our 1st Amendment right to protest. The City's refusal to enforce this unconstitutional ordinance against most picketing of religious institutions is a welcome victory for LGBT rights and civil liberties in general.

The February 13th protest will focus on three demands:

*** Oppose the anti-LGBT bigotry of the Catholic hierarchy; support the many pro-equal rights Catholics organizing for change within the denomination

*** Demand full equal marriage rights in Illinois

*** Demand that tax dollars no longer go to tax-exempt religious groups that refuse to commit to equal rights for LGBT people.

For more information about the February 13th protest, email the Gay Liberation Network at

Have fun, Son, but do behave. There's little kids at Mass on Sundays and they might be questioning the goofs using naughty language and so shrill about it.

Andy Thayer is co-founder of the Gay Liberation Network (, a Chicago-based LGBT direct action group which has been a local leader in gay rights, anti-police brutality and anti-war organizing. As a leader in the local anti-war movement, he's helped organize most of the city's large anti-war protests for the last several years, including a march of 15,000 on Lake Shore Drive at the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. He's been arrested numerous times in various protests and was recently found not guilty of two felony counts from a January 2008 protest against the Chicago visit of President Bush. Last May he was among 30 LGBT activists arrested in the 4th annual gay pride demonstration in Moscow, Russia.
Not Cairo, Andy? Seriously. Well, sort of. Not really.

Chicago's Third Big Blizzard Day 2 - Neighbors 1: Weather 0

The thirty below Hawk froze the starter on the ancient but reliable MDT Snow-blower. Fifty- eight year old muscle and lard hefted chunks and blocks of white cake along with the younger bones and sinews of my fireman neighbor. Together we opened parking spots and driveways.

Western Ave. is as open as an old man's fly.

108th Street is open, thanks to 19th Ward Streets and San Superman Steve Riordan. The guy never sleeps. Troops of St. Cajetan eighth graders picked up some dough doing the stoops and stairs and gangways of the elderly and St. Rita bound 8th grader Joe Rohan's crew cleared driveways of single moms and folks caught out in the suburbs who have yet to make it home.

Morgan Park/St. Cajetan 1; Blizzard 2011 ain't no thang!

Neighbors take care of one another and kicked the Weather's Rump . . .again.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Blizzard February 02, 2011 - 108th and Rockwell -CPD and CFD Neighbors Went to Work!

Hickey of Rockwell -“with his broad and jetty eyebrows; his square forehead, made squarer by the horizontal sweep of his black hair. I recognised his decisive nose, more remarkable for character than beauty; his full nostrils, denoting, I thought, choler; his grim mouth, chin, and jaw—yes, all three were very grim, and no mistake. His shape, now divested of cloak, I perceived harmonised in squareness with his physiognomy”

My neighbors, Sgt. Stan Salabura, CPD and Jimmy Foster CFD, did all they could to get to work for us on this snow packed and gale force winndy day - The Blizzard of 2011. Young Brian Hogan of the 107th & Maplewood block used a snow-mobile with a plow attachment to open 108th and 107th Streets at about 5 AM this morning. My son Conor and I are digging out our way to the garage in order to fire up the mighty MTD snowplow. We will be at it all day.

Firefighter Jimmy Foster is a member of the House that lost two heroes - Corey Ankum and Edward Stringer - on December 22nd. Sgt. Stan Salabura is the head of Area 2 Violent Crimes Division - his beautiful bride Becky (stunning in Red and Snow!), Vice- Principal of St. Cajetan Grammar School was out seeing Stan off. These are our 1st Responders. Nothing stops them.

I, on the hand, get distracted brushing my teeth and find no task too important not to find an excuse to make a tub of hot buttered popcorn and watch vintage Japanese monster movies.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Two Calumnies in less than a month: DA: Wife Killed Husband After Finding Hickey

MEDFORD (CBS) – A woman was ordered held without bail Monday charged with killing her husband in Medford.

Police found 34-year-old Troy Burston wounded outside a home on Exchange Avenue at 10:40 p.m. Sunday. He was not wearing a shirt and had been stabbed in the chest.

He was rushed to Lawrence Memorial Hospital where he died.Police arrested his wife, 39-year-old Shawntina Burston.

Investigators say the two had come home from a party and began arguing and hitting each other. She allegedly found a hickey on his neck and stabbed him with a cooking knife.

“This is another troubling incident of domestic violence turned fatal,” Middlesex District Attorney Gerry Leone said in a statement Monday.

“We allege that the victim was fatally stabbed by his wife during an argument, sadly leaving two young children behind.”

Shawntina Burston pleaded not guilty at her arraignment Monday in Somerville District Court.

I take a back seat to no man as a selfish sinner and banished child of Eve. Nevertheless, I protest the dual calumnies printed and broadcast in the media, these last thirty days.

I have been on people's backs due to my follies, but never on a soul's neck! This I swear! . . . et ne nos inducas in tentationem; sed libera nos a Malo
A few weeks back Hickey was said to have caused a woman's stroke and now a Massachusetts couple's marital harmony has had the dagger of jealousy plunged into the heart of trust, because of Hickey.

I have not been to the Commonwealth since 1982 and I am and always have been a devout and dedicated monogamist. My affections and attentions are limited one woman - in courtship and or the sacrament of matrimony.

Moreover, I would never put asunder what God has wrought. Never!

Law in that Small Commonweal- The 19th Ward and Mayoral Blizzard

Election officials said that as of 4:30 p.m., more than 6,100 people had voted — a total only surpassed on the first day of early voting in the 2008 presidential election, when more than 11,700 people voted.

Jim Allen, a spokesman for the city's election board, said the number dwarfs the 831 on the first day of early voting in the last mayoral election four years ago. He said that suggests not only that more people are becoming accustomed to early voting but also that Daley — who typically won by huge margins — is not running. He said the widely anticipated storm might have played a role, because people see they may not be able to get to the polls later this week.

"We'll probably break 7,000," he said.

I voted yesterday. Yep, exercised the public franchise. After delivering an Ad celebrating for 100th Anniversary of the founding of Maria High School from the Men of Leo ( Sveikiname, Maria!)and chatting with my counter-part in the Office of Institutional Advancement at the great girls school in Marquette Park, I drove to 22nd District Police Headquarters to vote, but learned that the early voting was moved to Mount Greenwood Park Field House on 111th Street.

In the parking lot, I found 19th Ward Committeeman Matt O'Shea, candidate for Alderman, greeting voters and all and sundry. Matt O'Shea is model of what I like in government service. There is not a day in the week that I do not see Matt going door-to-door, attending one of the almost daily benefits for suffering families at Bourbon Street, Beverly Woods, or a local parish hall, watching grammar school sports at Beverly, Kennedy, Ridge, Monroe or Mount Greenwood Parks. The young guy is ubiquitous. Matt asked about my kids and Leo High School. It was colder than a well-digger's rump and it was clear that Matt had been out there sometime.

Politicians talk about working families, in the same way that Disney Corporation does - Family means more money for them. Matt O'Shea is a public servant. There is a huge difference. A public servant knows whom he serves. Matt greeted people by their names -"Mrs. Janusias, I saw Albert at Jewel last week! Congratulations Grannie!; Hey, Jimmy vote your heart. Yeah you too, pal and the horse you bet on - Jerk."

Jimmy was one of few people who seem to believe that every unhappiness - his fat shrewish wife, lazy kids, drinking problem and collection calls on his house phone can all be traced to the 19th Ward.

I voted my heart and head. I read the papers and more importantly I talk to my neighbors - Jimmy included: " They are all crooked, lying, thieving, pension robbing, one way bastards. Can you spot me a twenty? I'm going up to Dingers for a few. Thanks, gotta drown my sorrows."

We all snow. I am an accomplished snow-thrower myself and the real deal is fixin' to drop on us around noon. All we can do is shovel and vote. No one else will or can do it for us.

The times are nightfall, look, their light grows less

by Gerard Manley Hopkins

The times are nightfall, look, their light grows less;
The times are winter, watch, a world undone:
They waste, they wither worse; they as they run
Or bring more or more blazon man's distress.
And I not help. Nor word now of success:
All is from wreck, here, there, to rescue one—
Work which to see scarce so much as begun
Makes welcome death, does dear forgetfulness.

Or what is else? There is your world within.
There rid the dragons, root out there the sin.
Your will is law in that small commonweal...

Monday, January 31, 2011

My Cousin Bart Hickey -B.A.T. Bart's Automotive and Towing -Blind as Bat!

"Intimidator" from Jim Quattrocki on Vimeo.

My cousin Bart Hickey never had sight and never had a beef about anything. His father, Bart Hickey, trained his blind son to fend for himself - " Take out the garbage and then vacuum the basement." I remember watching my tall, tough Marine Korean War sergeant uncle with tears in his eyes, while chuckling with pride as Bartie stumbled with an arm-load of trash out to the alley at 85th & Wolcott.

Watch this video - Bart's brother Brian helped Bart name his automotive business - yes, Bart is a blind garage mechanic. " Bart's Automotive and Towing -Yeah, you know! Blind as a Bat." Bat is often used by the Irish in place of Bart or Bartholomew. Bat or Bateen.

Film maker Jim Quattrocki did this sweet video. Sweet as in nice; not like my son Conor terms something or circumstance to be 'sweet' meaning his full approval. That is for your determination.

Huge Hat tip cousins Deirdre and John.

Thackeray on Swift and Steele: My Morning's Oxymoron:Deeds Not Words in Writing

Facta Non Verba - Deeds Not Words is the motto of Leo High School. It is also a weltansschwang - a world view developing a human temperament and moral code.We can admire the talents and achievements of people without necessarily acting or aping their methods and motivations.

There are some genuinely nasty people breathing our air, folks, and many of them achieve the pinnacle of success and notoriety. Our age of group think censors opinion and inclinations of individuals who might deviate from the group. Most of group think stems from fear of embarrassment or worse. Why must Lady Gaga be accepted as a paragon of talent and taste? I'll let that one dangle.

This morning's task for your Blogger Boy is a return to the opinion of my favorite writer in the English language - not the greatest as that must be Shakespeare and not the most popular as that would be Dickens - William Makepeace Thackeray - author Vanity Fair and arguably the best historical novel of all time The History of Henry Esmond. Thackeray and Charles Dickens were contemporaries, acquaintances and rivals. Dickens is widely read and Thackeray merely admired today and that is unfortunate. Both Dickens and Thackeray travelled in and wrote about America before the Civil War: Dickens hated America and Americans ( called us 'spitting bipeds') and Thackeray loved this wild and youthful land and its people. In fact, Thackeray wrote a sequel to Henry Esmond set in Colonial/Revolutionary - The Virginians.

Thackeray lectured in America and was greeted with wild enthusiasm from Boston to Cincinnati. One of his lectures The 18th Century Humorists ( Addison, Pope, Swift, Steele, Goldsmith, and Congreve) is the source of my theme today - Facta Non Verba.

Thackeray could admire a great writer and still find him repulsive. For Thackeray a writer was no different than a baker, shoemaker, or banker. Each made money from the sales of his product. Thackeray was no better a man because of product - his books, essays, and poems. However, what a writer crafted should help his fellow man in some small way. Here is Thackeray's critical turn of mind.

Humor of the Human Heart - Thackeray's Template:

BESIDES contributing to our stock of happiness, to our harmless laughter and amusement, to our scorn for falsehood and pretension, to our righteous hatred of hypocrisy, to our education in the perception of truth, our love of honesty, our knowledge of life, and shrewd guidance through the world, have not our humorous writers, our gay and kind week-day preachers, done much in support of that holy cause which has assembled you in this place, and which you are all abetting,—the cause of love and charity, the cause of the poor, the weak, and the unhappy; the sweet mission of love and tenderness, and peace and good will toward men? That same theme which is urged upon you by the eloquence and example of good men to whom you are delighted listeners on Sabbath days is taught in his way and according to his power by the humorous writer, the commentator on every-day life and manners.
. . . I have said myself somewhere, I do not know with what correctness (for definitions never are complete), that humor is wit and love; I am sure, at any rate, that the best humor is that which contains most humanity, that which is flavored throughout with tenderness and kindness. This love does not demand constant utterance or actual expression, as a good father, in conversation with his children or wife, is not perpetually embracing them or making protestations of his love; as a lover in the society of his mistress is not, at least as far as I am led to believe, for ever squeezing her hand or sighing in her ear, “My soul’s darling, I adore you!” He shows his love by his conduct, by his fidelity, by his watchful desire to make the beloved person happy; it lightens from his eyes when she appears, tho he may not speak it; it fills his heart when she is present or absent; influences all his words and actions; suffuses his whole being; it sets the father cheerily to work through the long day, supports him through the tedious labor of the weary absence or journey, and sends him happy home again, yearning toward the wife and children.
This kind of love is not a spasm, but a life. It fondles and caresses at due seasons, no doubt; but the fond heart is always beating fondly and truly, tho the wife is not sitting hand-in-hand with him or the children hugging at his knee. And so with a loving humor: I think, it is a genial writer’s habit of being; it is the kind, gentle spirit’s way of looking out on the world—that sweet friendliness which fills his heart and his style. You recognize it, even tho there may not be a single point of wit, or a single pathetic touch in the page; tho you may not be called upon to salute his genius by a laugh or a tear. That collision of ideas, which provokes the one or the other, must be occasional. They must be like papa’s embraces, which I spoke of anon, who only delivers them now and again, and can not be expected to go on kissing the children all night. And so the writer’s jokes and sentiment, his ebullitions of feeling, his outbreaks of high spirits, must not be too frequent. One tires of a page of which every sentence sparkles with points, of a sentimentalist who is always pumping the tears from his eyes or your own. One suspects the genuineness of the tear, the naturalness of the humor; these ought to be true and manly in a man, as everything else in his life should be manly and true; and he loses his dignity by laughing or weeping out of place, or too often.

Jonathan Swift was recently raped by Hollywood with Jack Black's portrayal of Lemuel Gulliver. Dr. Swift, by Thackeray's measure was an absolutely miserable prique. The great Joseph Epstein, in a very recent edition of New Criterion, assessed Nobel Prize winner Chicagoan Saul Bellow in much the same way. Click my post title for Epstein's wonderful study of a literary giant and a human midget. But first read Thackeray on old Jack Swift!

Jonathan Swift *

If I do not love Swift, as, thank God, I do not, however immensely I may admire him, it is because I revolt from the man who placards himself as a professional hater of his own kind; because he chisels his savage indignation on his tombstone, as if to perpetuate his protest against being born of our race—the suffering, the weak, the erring, the wicked, if you will, but still the friendly, the loving children of God our Father; it is because, as I read through Swift’s dark volumes, I never find the aspect of nature seems to delight him, the smiles of children to please him, the sight of wedded love to soothe him. I do not remember in any line of his writing a passing allusion to a natural scene of beauty. When he speaks about the families of his comrades and brother clergymen, it is to assail them with gibes and scorn, and to laugh at them brutally for being fathers and for being poor. He does mention, in the Journal to Stella, a sick child, to be sure—a child of Lady Masham, that was ill of the smallpox—but then it is to confound the brat for being ill and the mother for attending to it when she should have been busy about a court intrigue, in which the Dean was deeply engaged. And he alludes to a suitor of Stella’s, and a match she might have made, and would have made, very likely, with an honorable and faithful and attached man, Tisdall, who loved her, and of whom Swift speaks, in a letter to his lady, in language so foul that you would not bear to hear it.

In treating of the good the humorists have done, of the love and kindness they have taught and left behind them, it is not of this one I dare speak. Heaven help the lonely misanthrope! be kind to that multitude of sins, with so little charity to cover them!

For Thackeray, a kind man should be emulated by his fellow creatures, while a louse could be admired. The kindest man of 18th Century British Literature, in Thackeray's estimation was Captain Dick Steele: playwright, wit, essayist, soldier and patriot.

Richard Steele **

Steele, as a literary benefactor to the world’s charity, must rank very high, indeed, not merely from his givings, which were abundant, but because his endowments are prodigiously increased in value since he bequeathed them, as the revenues of the lands, bequeathed to our Foundling Hospital at London, by honest Captain Coram, its founder, are immensely enhanced by the houses since built upon them. Steele was the founder of sentimental writing in English, and how the land has been since occupied, and what hundreds of us have laid out gardens and built up tenements on Steele’s ground! Before his time, readers or hearers were never called upon to cry except at a tragedy, and compassion was not expected to express itself otherwise than in blank verse, of for personages much lower in rank than a dethroned monarch, or a widowed or a jilted empress. He stepped off the high-heeled cothurnus, and came down into common life; he held out his great hearty arms, and embraced us all; he had a bow for all women; a kiss for all children; a shake of the hand for all men, high or low; he showed us Heaven’s sun shining every day on quiet homes; not gilded palace roofs only, or court processions, or heroic warriors fighting for princesses and pitched battles. He took away comedy from behind the fine lady’s alcove, or the screen where the libertine was watching her. He ended all that wretched business of wives jeering at their husbands, of rakes laughing wives, and husbands, too, to scorn. That miserable, rouged, tawdry, sparkling, hollow-hearted comedy of the Restoration fled before him, and, like the wicked spirit in the fairy-books, shrank, as Steele let the daylight in, and shrieked, and shuddered, and vanished. The stage of humorists has been common life ever since Steele’s and Addison’s time; the joys and griefs, the aversions and sympathies, the laughter and tears of nature.

The laughter and tears of nature is a precious blessing that is, it seems to me at times, a too easily dispensable set of commodities.

*Jonathan Swift (30 November 1667 – 19 October 1745) was an Anglo-Irish[1] satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for the Whigs, then for the Tories), poet and cleric who became Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin.

He is remembered for works such as Gulliver's Travels, A Modest Proposal, A Journal to Stella, Drapier's Letters, The Battle of the Books, An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity, and A Tale of a Tub. Swift is probably the foremost prose satirist in the English language, and is less well known for his poetry. Swift originally published all of his works under pseudonyms—such as Lemuel Gulliver, Isaac Bickerstaff, M.B. Drapier—or anonymously. He is also known for being a master of two styles of satire: the Horatian and Juvenalian styles.

Sir Richard Steele (bap. 12 March 1672 – 1 September 1729) was an Irish writer and politician, remembered as co-founder, with his friend Joseph Addison, of the magazine The Spectator.

Steele was born in Dublin, Ireland in March 1672 to Richard Steele, an attorney, and Elinor Symes (née Sheyles); his sister Katherine was born the previous year. Steele was largely raised by his uncle and aunt, Henry Gascoigne and Lady Katherine Mildmay.[1] A member of the Protestant gentry, he was educated at Charterhouse School, where he first met Addison. After starting at Christ Church in Oxford, he went on to Merton College, Oxford, then with joined the Life Guards of the Household Cavalry in order to support King William's wars against France. He was commissioned in 1697, and rose up in the ranks to captain of the 34th Foot in 2 years.[2] He disliked British Army life, and left the army in 1705, perhaps due to the death of the 34th Foot’s commanding officer, and with him, his opportunities of promotion. It may then, be no coincidence that Steele's first published work, The Christian Hero (1701), attempted to point out the differences between perceived and actual masculinity.

In 1706 Steele was appointed to a position in the household of Prince George of Denmark, consort of Anne of Great Britain. He also gained the favour of Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford.

In 1705, Steele married a widow, Margaret Stretch, who died in the following year. At her funeral he met his second wife, Mary Scurlock, whom he nicknamed "Prue" and married in 1707. In the course of their courtship and marriage, he wrote over 400 letters to her. They were a devoted couple, their correspondence still being regarded as one of the best illustrations of a happy marriage, but their relationship was stormy. Mary died in 1718, at a time when she was considering separation. Their daughter, Elizabeth (Steele's only surviving legitimate child), married John Trevor, 3rd Baron Trevor.

Steele became a Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom in 1713, but was soon expelled for issuing a pamphlet in favour of the Hanoverian succession. When George I of Great Britain came to the throne in the following year, Steele was knighted and given responsibility for the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London. While at Drury Lane, Steele wrote and directed The Conscious Lovers, which was an immediate hit. However, he fell out with Addison and with the administration over the Peerage Bill (1719), and in 1724 he retired to his wife's homeland of Wales, where he spent the remainder of his life.[3]

A member of the Whig Kit-Kat Club, Steele remained in Carmarthen after Mary's death, and was buried there, at St Peter's Church. During restoration of the church in 2000, his skull was discovered in a lead casket, having previously been accidentally disinterred during the 1870s.

Sun Times Endorsement of Rahm Emanuel - Convinced Me.

Less than a week after the Illinois Supreme Court allowed Rahm Emanuel to be a native son of Chicago, the Chicago Sun Times editorial board applied the oils to the brow of Rahm and here's why.

As we see it, only two of the six candidates for mayor, Emanuel and Gery Chico, are fully up to the job. Both have the record of achievement, the toughness and the smarts to lead Chicago through what is sure to be a brutal era of budget cutting and government restructuring, while at the same time protecting and advancing those assets and attributes that make Chicago great.

Emanuel stands apart from Chico, however, in his relative independence from city contractors and unions. Because Emanuel largely made his career in Washington, he simply owes fewer people here.

"Relative Independence from contractors and unions ( Oh, bother those nasty contractors and unions)" annnnnnnnnnnnndddddddd "he simply owes fewer people here!" Do he owe a whole passel of folks elsewhere, do he?

Hey, Sister and Brother Rubes! And you think the Wednesday Snow Job will be something?

My path is clear! I'm getting me to the Polling Place at the CPD Morgan Park 22nd District, today to cast my vote for . . . one of the six candidates for Mayor of Chicago!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tribune Report on Egypt Protest - Solid Work by Reporter Dan Hinkel!

Chicago Tribune reporter Dan Hinkel identified the creeps and professional stooges attempting to hijack the legitimate grievances of Egyptians and Egyptian Americans. International Solidarity Movement (ISM) works with many anti-American and Marxist groups to destroy Israel masked as human rights do-gooders. The Hamas Flotillas last summer was planned in Cairo - Bill Ayers and his odious life partner Bernardine Dorhn have made numerous trips to the Middle East -Cairo in particular. Kevin Clark of ISM coached the naive Rachel Corrie who was killed by an Israeli bulldozer and Chicago Utility Activist (Gay Everything/Hamas/anti-Police) Andy Thayer are constant presence - Kevin Clark was behind the Catholic School Girls assault on Worshipers at Holy Name Cathedral and always manages to escape the notice of the Chicago Media. Nine SEIU/ISM activists were subpoenaed by a Federal Grand jury for work with Hamas and FARC in Columbia.

Today, one Chicago reporter identified the clowns.

"A smattering of socialists, anarchists and anti-Israel protesters joined their ranks, all under the eyes of uniformed police."

Now, let's have a solid follow-up.

Here's Kevin Clark doing his moral high ground medicine show in Chicago last June in solidarity with Hamas. Watch this Israel Hating creep and let's give Kevin some front page attention.