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Showing posts sorted by date for query shakman. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tio Con Brio: Uncle Briskly's Voter Guide to the Illinois Primary for Governor

 Quinn and his guru - the Old Red Man of Progressive Illinois -Dr. Quentin Young -made people believe he was friend of Veterans in 2004 by belaboring the obvious.

It seems that Pat Quinn's enablers did a black bag job of some kind on Billy Daley and Mr. Daley opted out of the race.  The Tribune editorial ninnies (Bruce Dold) argue that Pat Quinn's Populist Bare-Knuckle brio scared the bejabbers out of the 'banker, working for a bank.'  No, sweethearts, the Tribune is not engineering this election as it did for Il Sen. Barack Obama.  The Sun Times hired the BGA, or vice versa and it planned to dredge up Axelrodian Tales of woe for the Daley Campaign.  The BGA couldn't find a drunk pay-day unless a politician took Andy Shaw's team into a joint and handcuffed them to chap fully Kreuzened and Jaeger fueled.  The Quinn Camp did a job on Bill Daley, it seems to me, and he did the noble Roman.

That just proves that Bill Daley is no Progressive. Progressives don't do noble.

Progressives survive after back-stabbing their sponsors and all who help them.  Jane Addams would be just another patrician Sapphist, unless Alderman Johnny Powers hadn't appointed her 19th Ward garbage commissioner.  Old lusty Jane turned on her sponsor.  Chart the career of a Mike Quigley, a Forrest Claypool, or a Pat Quinn and read Progressive. Policy trumps everything, but the nest payoff.

Bill Daley will be fine.  His campaign is over and after Friday, the back-stabbers and creeps who tend to be Progressives will have had all the fun at Mr. Daley's expense that they deserve and by Monday will have 'reached out'  to Daley's people and make nice.  Progressives would be tightly packed in Hyde Park, the Lake Front and suburban Evanston  were not for cynical attempts by old time Machine Democrats to co-opt the co-opters back in the 1970's.  Prior to that age of bad hair, worse fashion and too-hip-to be square politics, fellow travelling Marxists May-poled around Leo DesPres, or teased SDS glue sniffers into the barber shops and Northwestern, or University of Chicago law schools.

While the Brothers Daley were growing up, labor leaders wore black suits and packed heat to scare off not only gangsters but Reds, Commies, Fellow-travellers, members of Comintern USA, and university professors considered with the same awe as the house cat.  Once politicians who knew better admitted the Progressives into the tent the pissing hosed universal.  Shakman was taken seriously and larceny went from a hung-over city worker snoozing on the job and grabbing a few extra nickels to Organization suicide.

Dedicated soft-balls like Pat Quinn sat at the feet abortion-intoxicated Reds like Dr. Quentin Young and curried favor with Abner Mikva.  In 1972, the bad guys took over the Party of Andy Jackson and turned it into the Party of Andy Shaw. They did so in Miami.  Creeps, Grifters and Reds became mainstream with the assistance of blow-dried ninnies like Dan Rather and MadMen Ad people.  The recently assassinated Bobby Kennedy became a mythical life-member of Planned Parenthood and JFK became Gandhi G. Once goofs and short-term memory folks understood that RFK was not a deeply devout daily Communicant foe of Planned Parenthood it was a short hop to accepting nitwits like Dawn Clark Netsch, Barbar Flynn Currie, Jan Schakowsky, Mike Quigley and Toni Preckwinkle as intellectual titans.

Bill Daley would have been a good governor in the same manner that Mike Madigan is a great Speaker of the House.  They are competent and serious men.  Instead, thanks to Progressive thought, we continue to find Pat Quinn, Toni Preckwinkle and Barack Obama holding office.

I'd vote for Jack Ketch before I'd again give anything to Pat Quinn other than well-earned derission.  He is a proven Progressive and nothing more - personally and professional disloyal, shamefully incompetent, petulant, mewlingly submissive to enemies of the American middle class. Other than that, he miht just be a very nice man. . .. when he's home.

Read the comments from the Democratic and Progressive hucksters on Capitol Fax Blog about Bill Daley's exit from the race and you get a good feel for what it means to be a Progressive.  Butt-munching sycophants early in the day and howling dogs of prey once the Pavlovian Progressive signal is blown by its site manager.

I'm a Democrat.  I believe in real labor - the skilled and industrial trades who created America's middle class.  I am an unflinching Catholic opposed to abortion and a stupidly legislated bill that redefines marriage.

In the coming primary, I am going to vote for Tio Hardiman, a product of Progressive Democrats, as opposed to hapless Pat Quinn, a Progressive tool.
CHICAGO (AP) -- The man who's now the lone Democrat challenging Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn in the 2014 primary says he's staying in the race.
Tio Hardiman is the only candidate left after former White House Chief of Staff William Daley announced Monday that he's dropping out of the primary.
Hardiman is the former head of a Chicago anti-violence group CeaseFire.
In a statement, he says Daley's decision to drop out shows just how bad Illinois' political situation has become.
He adds Illinois residents "deserve a governor that reflects them" and who is prepared to "endure and not weaken."
Daley is set to discuss his decision during a news conference Tuesday.

Bill Daley is out.  Bruce Rauner? Nah.  GOP toe-shooter Bill Bradley? Nah.  Let's see what's left . . .not much.

God help us, help ourselves.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Metra Board - If the Tribune Editorial Board Demands Your Resignation, It Is a Great Sign to Stay Put

Alex Clifford was plucked from sunny California and plunked down here in the Land of Lincoln where the weather and the politics shifts with the prevailing winds.

The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board would tell Newton that apples grow up from the rich and fertile soil, where toothsome maids gather up the fruity orbs with their delicate alabaster fingers and swaddle them in winsome aprons. Like the BGA, the Chicago Editorial Boards, are where clueless go to strangle common sense and abort the obvious.

The Metra Board, like other Illinois institutions fraught with problems that became editorial grist (CPS FAIL/Cop Bashing/ U of I Pay to Play & etc.) looked to a coast for a Champ.  We got a Ruth Love and Jody Weiss and a Michael Hogan - ubi sunt?  California Alex is yet with us. What passes for Illinois Intellectual Titans never stop to ask, " Will avocadi grow in Peotone; peanuts in Prospects Heights, or cranberries in Hegewisch?

Yesterday, Alex Clifford unleashed his Shakman Avocadonado on the Tribune Editorial and our Blue Ribbon Illinois Obtuse.

To say that California Al unloaded incontrovertible opinion is to do him damning praise.  His opinion was monumental.  The breaking of this wind no doubt sailed away the lithe, but singularly unpleasant husk that is Andy Shaw of the BGA clear in a popcorn field in Iroquois County, shook the mighty jowls of Thundering Dick Simpson.

The Tribune Editorial Board, captained by that former Wildcat disc jockey, Bruce Dold, went all Dutton Peabody in response to the Californian's allegations and  imprecations of Shakman Sinning!
We've seen little to suggest ( apples growing out of the ground again!)  they were unhappy with Clifford's job performance but plenty of evidence that they were aware of the behind-the-scenes acrimony involving O'Halloran and Huggins. One board member gave Clifford a heads-up that there weren't enough votes to renew his contract, then joined in the vote to send him packing.
Four of them have since written letters of recommendation to help him find a new job.
What good are any of them? They're supposed to be keeping the trains running, not taking care of politicians and their pals. But they're patronage employees themselves, handpicked by pols. They do what they're told in return for the paychecks they're clearly not earning. Getting rid of them is a nightmare; we learned that after the last scandal, which seems like yesterday. It takes eight board members to oust one, and it's not even clear whether the pols who appoint them can replace them mid-term. All of this is leading, once again, to talk about a legislative overhaul of the entire four-headed transit system.
Board members, save us all a lot of grief. Resign. Chicago Tribune Editorial

Well they have certainly gotten to bottom of things . . .as always.  Mark Brown of the Sun Times and Phil Kadner of the Southtown Star (Liberals unencumbered by limited I.Q.s) ovver thoughtful insights on the Metra testimony of California Al: each linked above.

California Al could not blossom and grow in Illini loam.  Andy Shaw of BGA, Mickey Shakman of Shakman Enterprises, and the Tribune Editorial board saw a mountain in this molehill, an opportunity bash somebody  and apples growing up betwixt them beans and corn.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Feeding the Watchdog after Waking Andy from His Snooze - It's a Shakman Thing

Pre-Metra Madigan Missive (above); Immediate Above Andy Epic Fail Shaw of The BGA!

If Andy Shaw told me that I was ' the coolest guy, that is what am,'  I'd leap as lordly as my lard-ass would allow away the pit of Despair and hit the nearest confessional and hope that the priest could talk me out of taking a Brodie off of the Skway Bridge into the 10th Ward.

More so, I have empirical knowledge of Andy Shaw's capacity for in-depth reporting, dating back to Terry Teel's resignation announcement.  Andy and his poor but amused cameraman for ABC burst into the Department of Planning and Development on the 10th floor of City Hall and Andy bleated to the patient woman manning the sign-in desk, " Andy Shaw, ABC 7 for the Teele Resignation."

The lovely woman smiled, " You are on the wrong floor."

Andy shrilled, as is his wont, " Terry Teele!!!  The Mayor's Zoning and Development Man!" and again the lovely woman softly informed the news hound, " Mr. Teele works for the Mayor and that would be on the 5th Floor?"

Can you say MICROPHONE!!!????

Of course not; nor would you.  Andy Shaw is the media, writ nasty,. . .well, the media without work which means a padded sinecure - The BGA. What set me on the Shavian Media-tation was Andy's cuddles with 560 Am- WIND's Joe Walsh Show which struck my fancy while returning from a wake in Indiana.  Giggled me up no end, it did.

On June 24th, as the saga goes Andy of BGA knocked the Bosses of Illinois to canvas with his exclusive Sun Times write up breaking wind all over the Land of Lincoln! I remember it like it was three weeks ago.
It's Metra scandal, I guess.  The California CEO Alex Clifford was sent packing with a chute full of moolah.

Heavens.  It turns out that patronage is the root of this evil. Mercy sakes.

Alex Clifford lawyer ed up with Goo-Goo Mogul and past master Machine Baiter Michael Shakman, LLc.

Michael Shakman is founder of Shakman Industries based upon the fairy tale notion that Government can be good and Politics well-scrubbed . . . of people who actually know what the hell they are doing. I can well imagine plutocrat Good Seal of Shakman kicking wideawake Andy to another Call to Doody,   " Howdy Andy, Andy, Andy Shaw!  Rouse yourself, gird your loins . . .your loins . . .there's mischief afoot and scoundrels abounding the rails . . .open wide; here's your feed. Now, scurry and scat!"

Alex Clifford has Michael Shakman and Andy Shaw on his side, which means that he has deep thinkers like Carol Marin, WTTW, WBEZ, and the Abner Mikva Coalition of Hand-Wringers, Whistle-Blowers and Ambulance Chasing Bottom Feeders with his back Rep.Deb Nepotism (LGBTQ and 33rd Ward Landfill Blind Girl) with his back.

The way I see the Metra mess is this.

  • A CEO with an Italian name does the Dutch Act
  • Metra needs a Goo-Goo approved suit -Alex Clifford
  • IL GOP is so screwed up it will nod with conviction when Andy announces a chance to hack Mike Madigan 
  • The IVI-IPI already agreed to play nice with the IL GOP to beat the BossesIllinois newspapers will have Mike Madigan bon fire until Labor DayAlex Clifford will speak nasty about Metra Board, Madigan, Ward Bossism, Culture of Corruption
  • Gov. Pat Quinn will attempt to kick Mike Madigan ala Charlie BrownThundering Dick Simposn will join Andy Shaw with a press conference about the latest UICC study Metra Bad/Mell Good/Mikva Good/ Paul Simon Institute polling
  • The Red Line will be closed to working folks, without access to millionaires and lobbyists
  • Andy Shaw will Pullman with the banjo activists Sheila Simon and Eric Zorn doing BoxCar Willie Hits in a display of Railroad Solidarity with Hobo-sexual panhandlers - A two disc set and video of this event for donations to BGA's RTA
  • Carol Marin will narrate The Life of Alex Clifford by Michael Shakman
  • Metra will provide transportation for summer travelers and working folks just the people Pat Quinn buys beers for at Stash & Stella's Stardust Saloon over by Midway.
  • Mike Madigan will cut his lawn, go by the  Jewel on Pulaski over by Midway, smile wryly, because he is the only non-dope in Illinois government.
  • Illinois Dems will continue to back dopes like Deb Mell, Toni Preckwinkle, Pat Quinn and whomever Boss Terry Cosgrove deems suitable to screw up Illinois further - Out of Chaos Comes More Chaotic Orders
  • Illinois GOP will back dopes with less gravitas than Democrats.  BTW_ Personal PAC is pumping tons of moolah into the coffers of souless suburban GOP phonies (38.8%).
  • Francis Cardinal George will continue to lead with his heart and head and maintain grace, calm and dignity amongst a Brookfield Zoo of ninnies clerical and lay
  • Mount Carmel/St. Rita/Loyola and west suburban Montini will begin double sessions in August

I will continue to recover my breath after scanning the my pay stub choc full of Obama care padding to tune of less-$145 than the previous two weeks after taxes and marvel that a nice salary ain't what it used to be, while awaiting the next property tax payoff to Karen Lewis and Speed cameras every twenty feet on Western Ave..  

Like I said, if Andy Shaw said that it was hot today, I'd bundle up like Quinn the Eskimo . . . no relation to  Quinn the Governor. If Andy Shaw informed me that a bird pooped on my head, I'd say, "Call Me Blondie!"

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Rahm and the Professors -A Mayor and the Napoleons of Crime

The law professors, Craig Futterman of the University of Chicago and Locke Bowman of Northwestern, both have brought numerous misconduct cases against the Police Department during their careers. Futterman currently represents clients in a suit related to the department’s defunct Special Operations Section, and has said the code of silence judgment could aid his case.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel has taken two good steps toward yanking the string on the Gordian knot that is Chicago's hairball - the Progressive University/Media/Lawsuit Lotto Machine.  This Machine makes the one begun by  gambler Michael Cassius McDonald ( burried in the 19th Ward's Mount Olivet Cemetery) and developed by Aldermen Bathhouse John, Jonny De Pow, and Hinky Dink seem fresher smelling than Andy Shaw's skivvies at the end of the month.

Now, our Progressive political Machine holds that convicted murderers are only prison because of a red-headed Dutch cop who used mythical torture devices on the appendages universal of Honors Students Turning Their Young Lives Around, Breeders are evil carbon foot print step dancers and Terry Cosgrove is Dr. Martin Luther King, Good Jews Hate Israel, Good Catholics is an oxymoron,  Asian Carp have more rights than unborn child, Chick Fil-Ay is Bull Connors, Forrest Claypool can hold down a job and Toni Preckwinkle's boy Kyle is just a sterling youth.

Mayor Emanuel took the smart step to 'encourage' the tiny Polish bartender to reconsider her settlement with the option to poop-can the Code of Silence gambit that stands to make millions for the Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers ( Loevy, Taylor, Bowman et al) and burnish the undeserved reputations of Northwestern and University Centers for Law as Gold Digging.

Now, this particular gambit is intended to not only further undermine any and all faith in police officers, but also net millions of tax-payer dollars in lawsuits.  The recent 'outrage dujour' is corkscrewing its way into the public zeitgeist via the the media bosses concerning clout, cop omerta and nepotisic privilege.

Mayor Emanuel also decided to to treat gang-funerals for what they are - Savage Displays of Contempt.

Gang funerals in Chicago will be treated like “gang events” — with pat-downs and police muscle — because gang leaders have shown “no respect” for neighborhoods where those funerals take place, Mayor Rahm Emanuel said Wednesday.
One day after Chicago Police officers showed up in force at a gang funeral, Emanuel warned gang leaders to get used to it. Gang funerals will no longer be treated as sacred events.
The Mayor has taken baby steps back to common sense.  The goofiness, packaged and sold as good old American Atticus Finch Higher Criticism. However that road back to honesty and good sense has been potholed aplenty.

Chicago traded in a political machine for the lawsuit industry. Beginning with Michael Shakman's legal whine,  in 1972, aged to perfection by the likes of Dr. Quentin Young, the ACLU, Judge Abner Mikva and Dawn Clark Netsch, bottled by the University of Chicago and Northwestern Centers for Dopey Everything and the very lazy Chicago editorial boards, decanted by the Loevys Pere et Fil, G.Flint Taylor, Craig Futterman and Locke Bowman, Chicago's cup runneth over with lawsuits, gang-shootings, gelded law enforcement and hand-wringers wondering 'just how can we celebrate the funerals of Honor Student Thugs, yet appear serious about public safety.'

Yep the City That Worked was a machine crafted by part-time Aldermen and full-time saloon keepers, gamblers and nickel snitchers that somehow managed to attract industry, commerce and the arts.

Once little Mike Shakman was able to judge shop his way into the Shakman Decree Industry, the doors were flung wide open for our current University/Media Complex/ Ambulance-chaser Complex that has created Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone. 

Upon Shakman's shoulders the City of Big Shoulders fits snuggly.  Patronage went conveniently chameleon with the rise of job-hopping players like David Orr and  Forrest Claypool and disappeared where it did the most good - at the precinct and Ward level.  Nepotism became more Byzantine with Daleys and Hyneses, as they were eclipsed by Jacksons and Preckwinkles and still no goods and ever fewer services were available to to citizens and taxpayers.  Millions for Ceasefire, but not one cent for the defense of children and elderly in Englewood, Brainerd, Deering, or Grand Crossing - you know, add more cops to the streets.

I'd take Chicago's old timey corruption any day; those old crooks left something in the city budget and actually managed to do some good. Progressives pick the public bones dry and then render the leavings down to fertilizer and hold the departed in complete and lavish contempt.

I have yet to hear a sound explanation for the public boon resulting from Shakman Industries .  Likewise, I understand the acknowlege the success of the Orwellian control professors and Commie lawyers exercise over gutless politicians and lightly educated editorial board members.

Rahm Emanuel did two good things this week - he brought ants to the Gangbanger Funeral Picnics and swiped the salary swill away from Fetterman, Bowman, Taylor and the Loveys Pere and Fil, for the moment. That is until they can Judge Shop and get Judge Gettleman who is always happy to rule for nonsense over the public good.

Let's hope that he does not cave, as he did to CTU Commissar Jesse Sharkey and his puppet Karen. Lewis.

If Rahm Emanuel repudiates the nonsense of the Marxist Brahmins, he may bring back a little common sense to Chicago politics .

Monday, October 08, 2012

Tribune Editorial Board - Repeats the Obama Senate Gambit for Tammy Duckworth

In 2004,the Editorial Board and its Care Kid Columnists of the Chicago Tribune did more* to give Barack Obama Senator Peter Fitzgerald's seat than an army of 11th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 19th & 47th Ward City workers could do with millions of walking around dollars, Michael Shakman and all of his works consigned to the back of UPS 40' trailer bound for Nome and limitless air time on WTTW.

2004. . . Dave Axelrod, one-time kid reporter for the Chicago Tribune, went full smear with help of Northwestern disc Jockey-editor Bruce Dold had four years of practice in the editorial driver's seat.  Sealed divorce records of public people became the thermonuclear detterant to one's decision to remain in a race. Millionaire, Army vet, school teacher, philanthropist and venture capitalist ( yes, he built that life, Barry) was the road-block to Barack Obama. Tammy Duckworth Bruce Dold's editorial page and his rag-rangers went all over Blair Hull like a cheap suit, until he opened his own divorce records.

Danny Hynes ran second to Barack in the Democratic Primary because he did so with the very same enthusiasm and grit that I ran yesterday's Chicago Marathon.

Now, for the Republican Primary.  Jack Ryan, a school teacher, venture capitalist, and Chick Magnet, needed to be eliminated Bruce Dold, sent the Trib lawyers to California to have a compliant judge forcibly 'unseal' the divorce file - because the public needed to know the private life of a would be public man.

The Chicago Tribune made Barack Obama and aside from scrutiny by John Kass and Dennis Byrne and a very few others, this organ played Obama's waltz into the White House.

Today, its shameless folly is played out in its endoresemnt of Tammy Duckworth, the moveable feast for Dem-Progressives. who moves more than an old man's bowels.

2006 article: Illinois's 6th congressional district election, 2006In the 2006 election, Duckworth was the Democratic nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives seat for the 6th congressional district of Illinois which was vacated by long-time incumbent Henry Hyde. Duckworth lost to her opponent, Representative Peter Roskam, by 4,810 votes.[8][34][35]2012Main article: United States House of Representatives elections in Illinois, 2012#District 8In July 2011, Duckworth launched her campaign to run in 2012 for the re-drawn 8th congressional district of Illinois.[1] She defeated her opponent Raja Krishnamoorthi to win the Democratic nomination on March 20, 2012, and will face incumbent Republican incumbent Joe Walsh in the general election on November 6, 2012. Wikipedia

Once an election boundary  pre-drawn, Dawn Clark Netsch and Abner Mikva begin scouting real estate for Tammy Duckworth's entry into the lists.

Tammy Duckworth gave her blood and limbs in the service of America and for that deserves the honor and respect of all.

Since, her heroic recovery Tammy Duckworth has been a government appointee and frequent candidate.  No less a political reformer than Governor Rod Blagojevich appointed Duckworth to the post of Illinois Veterans Affairs Director, where she was duly criticized for using state time and vehicles to make political appearances for frequent election victim Dan Seals, another Progressive card-board cut-out.  Following some bad press, Tammy Duckworth got hereself a Federal appointment and new opportunities to run against Joe Walsh.

Tammy Duckworth's service deserves respect, but certainly not a place at the Progressive trough that is paid for by tax-payers. God bless her, but don't vote for her,

Bruce Dold's endorsement is a re-play of the Obama ascent to power and a term ending November 6th.  The editorial praises Tammy Duckworth because she is not Joe Walsh! Bruce even leads with his patented Axelroding of Tribune enemies -
Then there were the tax liens, the building foreclosure, the suspended drivers license, the court fight over child support …
It's too bad, because the Joe Walsh who showed up for our endorsement interview had a lot more to offer than the Joe Walsh whose antics are splashed all over YouTube. In a face-to-face meeting with Duckworth, he was direct, specific, and even charming.
Walsh pulled no punches about his views. He embraced the plan offered by Rep. Paul Ryan to restructure Medicare. He said he would not raise taxes, period. He said the long-term fix for Social Security is to "put younger Americans in charge of their retirement income." To achieve lower tax rates overall, he would support eliminating deductions for mortgage interest and charitable donations.
Duckworth, by contrast, was noncommittal on some key issues, and largely drew from the Democratic playbook. She said she was not ready to make major changes to either Medicare or Social Security. She would increase taxes for those earning more than $1 million a year. She'd be OK with ending the deduction for second homes and yachts.
Duckworth also said she'd cut oil, gas and agribusiness subsidies, and that better supervision of wasteful defense contracts could save $9 million a day. But Walsh is correct when he says those cuts wouldn't dent the deficit. "We have to reform entitlements, period."
Where he offered solutions, Duckworth too often offered only a promise to search for one.
That all might sound like it's leading up to an endorsement of Walsh but ... it's not.
Walsh has been a congressman made for cable television, but not for his constituents. He has fueled the political vitriol that has paralyzed Washington, that nearly shut down the federal government, that has failed to produce meaningful fiscal reform and economic recovery. We saw something in that endorsement interview — what a congressman Joe Walsh might have been.
Our endorsement in the 8th Congressional District goes to Duckworth.
Here is the tepid, shuck's she's a wounded vet endorsement -

When we supported Duckworth in a 2006 run for Congress, we said she wasn't politically polished. Unfortunately, she has since become a more-practiced politician. Practiced, that is, in not offering her opposition targets by getting too specific on solutions. We have, though, always admired her character and moxie. She risked her life for her country, and lost both legs when an Iraqi grenade struck her Blackhawk helicopter in 2004. So yes, she's a war hero, though she says that label belongs to the comrades who saved her life. She served as director of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs for three years and assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for two. We believe she will draw on all that experience to represent the district well. We hope she will challenge her own party leaders. Duckworth has the capacity to inspire, Walsh tends to antagonize. Duckworth is endorsed.
The Chicago Tribune placed a young inexperienced egoist in the U.S. Senate in 2004 and sky-rocketed that man who America fully saw in contrast to a man of ability for the first time in Denver last week.  That performance  was a Obama's A -Game, folks.  Illinois can not afford another "aint'she great" light-weight in government - We are topped off!

Pat Quinn, Sheila Simon, Jan Schakowsky, Deb Mell, Deb Shore, Mike Quigley, Forrest Claypool, Toni Preckwinkle . . .how they working out for us?
*  But Obama wouldn't have been elected to the U.S. Senate, much less president, without a few more sex scandals yet. In the 2004 Illinois Democratic Senate primary, Obama badly trailed multimillionaire Blair Hull for months. He and Michelle agreed that if he lost that race, he was out of politics. Then divorce papers revealed that Hull's wife had accused him of physically assaulting her. (Hull said he didn't want to "relitigate" his divorce.) Obama was already moving in the polls, and he had to fend off other candidates, but after the scandal he surged into the lead and won the primary.At first the general election pitted Obama against GOP Senate nominee Jack Ryan, a popular banker expected by many to win handily. Until, that is, Ryan's wife, TV actress Jeri Ryan, said her husband pressured her to accompany him to sex clubs and have sex in front of strangers. Ryan withdrew from the race and Obama cruised to victory against fringe candidate Alan Keyes. Daily Beast 2009

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shakman Begat Simpson - Corruption, or What's in Your Wallet?

Corruption!  Like household mold, the very thought of it sends crowds of folks scurrying for the last boat out.  Corruption, like house-hold mold Stachybotrys (chartarum/atra), allows panels of experts to prove with scientific certainty that "it must be!" even though only in court is that true.  Science finds it very hard, if not impossible,  to prove a negative, but judges do so all the time.  The mold epidemic grew out of the hysteria of early 1990's in the Cleveland era, when insurers were brought to court and forced to pay huge damages to folks who purchased homes where molds were detected - causing them life-threatening harm.  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) needed back off the Cleveland hysteria - toxic mold just ain't*  Nevertheless, lawyers find judges and judges make judgments.

Only in court can one prove a negative, to wit,  Michael Shakman :

Shakman filed suit against the Democratic Organization of Cook County, arguing that the patronage system put nonorganized candidates and their supporters at an illegal and unconstitutional disadvantage. Politicians could hire, fire, promote, transfer—in essence, punish—employees for not supporting the system, or more particularly, a certain politician. The suit also argued that political patronage wasted taxpayer money because public employees, while at work, would often be forced to campaign for political candidates.
In 1972, after an exhaustive court procedure and much negotiating, the parties reached an agreement prohibiting politically motivated firings, demotions, transfers, or other punishment of government employees. A 1979 ruling led to a court order in 1983 that made it unlawful to take any political factor into account in hiring public employees (with exceptions for positions such as policy making). Those decisions along with companion consent judgments—collectively called the Shakman decrees—are binding on more than 40 city and statewide offices. Encyclopedia of Chicago

Yea!!! Patronage Bad!!!!! The Progressive Lexicon grows like household mold! Mold is determined by climate -just the right of moisture with the right temperature and mold goes gangstah!

N.B. - Here is a political bonbon doillyed and dropped by Dan Kelley on Progressives and Patronage:

Berny Stone relates a story about dealing with a (future) Progressive politician:
I was in charge of 8 precincts with guys like Dick Elrod and Howard Carroll. I made sure everything ran smoothly in their precincts. Dick Elrod ran for Alderman and lost. But then he ran for Sheriff and won. I worked for him when he was Sheriff. For two years prior to the special election (Stone succeeded 50th Ward Alderman Jack Sperling resigned  when he was appointed to a judicial position) I was his Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff and I handled all of the foreclosures of the office. At that time the amount of foreclosures that we had in one year we have now in a month. Dick asked me to take the job. We lived very close to each other. My specialty as a lawyer was real estate and he knew he could trust me.

In my opinion it was about picking a good qualified person. A young lawyer came to me who never handled foreclosure before so I helped him. I took him all the way through. Later I met him again when he became an Alderman, his name was Larry Bloom. I said Larry you rail against patronage but I was a patronage appointed employee and I helped you.

Yea, Patronage begat Bosses who begat Racist Bossism which begat Systemic Torture, which begat Systemic Racism, which begat Pan-Sexism, which begat Homophobic Bullies ad infinitum.

Michael $hakman and $hakman industries ( decrees, monitors, consultants, media stooges, lawyers and tax-funded panels) were the moist climate that gave us our unique Chicago brand of Progressive government. The day that Richie Daley, while in political exile circa 1980's after defeating the Shakman Decree signing Republican Bernie Carey as Cook County States Attorney:

 By what rules had the 11th Ward machine always lived? Now that Daley and company were out of power for the first time in half a century, were patronage hiring and firing no longer nice?
The Tribune wondered aloud, "How far will the 11th Ward carry its campaign for civic purity?" Suggesting that Daley embrace the Shakman ruling against political firings, the paper sneered, "Stranger things have happened, though we can't at the moment think of any."
But the strange thing did happen. Shortly before leaving office, Bernie Carey had agreed to sign a second Shakman decree. The original decree, signed by Carey in 1973, banned political firing; the new decree would ban political hiring as well. Soon after taking office, Daley became the first county official to sign the new decree. During the campaign--in which he had also come out in favor of merit selection of judges, a machine curse--he had pledged, "This office will be professional. I will not take a letter from any ward committeeman."
According to John Schmidt, who has served since 1980 on Daley's professional advisory committee, Daley has kept that pledge. Daley did have to settle a lawsuit brought by five former Carey employees whom he had fired (including Carey's brother-in-law); they had held policy-making positions exempted from Shakman restraints, but they contended that they had first been demoted to nonexempt positions, and then fired, so that the decree was violated. Daley has also hired some politicians not known for their professional skills, like former alderman and now state representative Miguel Santiago. However, the Shakman decree does not mandate that public officials hire only persons of consummate professional skill; it merely prohibits political hiring and firing of non-policy-making employees. And Daley has apparently never been found in violation of the Shakman decree.

Only a few years before hugging $hakman, while giving a talk at University of Chicago, Richard M. Daley bemoaned the fact that "One of the real problems of government is (was and continues to be) the decline of patronage" (parentheticals my own). While an Illinois Legislator, Daley began to play soft ball with and for Dawn Clark Netsch, literally and figuratively, as team mate of Don Rose, Dr. Quentin Young, Marty Oberman and Thundering Dick Simpson.  Daley opened the doors of power to people who really knew how to not only wield it but hang on to it. The Hyde Park Mafia killed the Cermak Machine: The City that Worked, became the City that Shrinks.

Dick Simpson waddles through the corridors of power like a later day Sir Robert Cecil.  In fact, the Richard M. Daley years often reminded me of Elizabeth Tudor's reign - the complete and utter destruction of the Catholic aristocracy and the ultimate ascendancy of a singularly secular state. Dick Simpson, like the patiently sebaceous and splenetic Earl of Salisbury, followed his political pops Abner Mikva - identical the transformative and conniving Sir Francis Cecil, 1st Baron of Burghley.  Daley's Good Queen Bess Reign were marked by public executions of loyal kinsmen, competitors and courtiers ( Ald. Pat Huels, Miriam Santos & Paul Vallas e.g.) and odd alliances ( President GW Bush was not unlike the Virgin Queen's friendship with French King Henry IV).

The New Stuart, Rahm Emanuel, is very much like Scottish-born King James I, who was a Renaissance chameleon like no other.  The Progressive Stuarts will prove to be as toxic and ultimately self-destructive as their historical parallels.

The toxic shock value works wonders as long as their is an unpinched mu$hroom growing out of this political mold.  Corruption!

Thundering Dick Simpson is poised to contaminate the Chicago suburbs to fight Corruption - whatever the hell that is supposed to mean - with lawyers and judges who will determine Dick's terminology and prove his negative.

Shakman begat Simpson.  Household mold begets mushrooming household insurance rates.

History works. Science?  Nice for making better cheese, beer and Progressive nonsense. Courts give us the mandates, taxes and confusion we live with everyday.

*The term "toxic mold" is not accurate. While certain molds are toxigenic, meaning they can produce toxins (specifically mycotoxins), the molds themselves are not toxic, or poisonous. Hazards presented by molds that may produce mycotoxins should be considered the same as other common molds which can grow in your house. There is always a little mold everywhere - in the air and on many surfaces. There are very few reports that toxigenic molds found inside homes can cause unique or rare health conditions such as pulmonary hemorrhage or memory loss. These case reports are rare, and a causal link between the presence of the toxigenic mold and these conditions has not been proven.In 2004 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) found there was sufficient evidence to link indoor exposure to mold with upper respiratory tract symptoms, cough, and wheeze in otherwise healthy people; with asthma symptoms in people with asthma; and with hypersensitivity pneumonitis in individuals susceptible to that immune-mediated condition. The IOM also found limited or suggestive evidence linking indoor mold exposure and respiratory illness in otherwise healthy children. In 2009, the World Health Organization issued additional guidance, the WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Dampness and MouldExternal Web Site Icon [PDF, 2.52 MB].
A common-sense approach should be used for any mold contamination existing inside buildings and homes. The common health concerns from molds include hay fever-like allergic symptoms. Certain individuals with chronic respiratory disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, asthma) may experience difficulty breathing. Individuals with immune suppression may be at increased risk for infection from molds. If you or your family members have these conditions, a qualified medical clinician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment. For the most part, one should take routine measures to prevent mold growth in the home.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Marilyn Katz, PR Maven for Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone Says "Violence is Bad"

The septuagenarian PR Maven, Marilyn Katz, graduated from the Weather Underground, where she made 'nail bombs' in 1968 to toss at Police Officers, to Marxist Plutocrat via the Hyde Park Progressive Mensa Chapter ( Abner Mikva, Dr. Quentin Young, Studs Terkel, Dawn Clark Netsch, Barbara Flynn-Curry, Dick Simpson et al,).  Regl'r Demacrat Ward cynics accepted the Progressive sunshine blown up their kilts and the wildly tax-wasted lucrative contracts for the likes of Marilyn Katz - politically sanitized, n'cest pas, and our endless cavalcade of Progressive dopes who now swell the ranks of Chicago, Cook County and State of Illinois and Federal elected officials - Forrest Claypool, Joe Moore, Deb Shore, Barack Obama, Pat Quinn. Toni Preckwinkle, Rahm Emanuel, Mike Quigley, the fatigued Jesse Jackson Junior and Illinois' MSNBC Congressional lunatic and Turkish spy Jan Schakowsky. La trahison des images!

Maryilyn Katz made her bones and nail bombs during Chicago's 1968 Convention and the subsequent Days of Rage with best buds -Billy Ayers, the Barney Google of Terror and his odious Old Lady - Bernadine Dohrn,  From Jane Byrne's tenure as mayor right up to Mayor Rahm 'Ceasefire, but Light a Jay' Emanuel.  The Hyde Park Mafia eclipsed the old Democratic Machine via 'Blue Ribbon' panels, University of Chicago studies, and the three decades long war on our Justice System by the Peoples Law Office and the less-lights of the Lawsuit Lotto Lawyer Coalition.

From Goose Guts to Ganja and Abortion to Ambiguous Marriage. the Illinois Progressive Power is taller than black Willis and more visible than Gangbangers on 79th Street.

Marilyn Katz did the PR work. It's here in bullet points: 

  • We believe public relations is a complex activity.
  •   PR is a broad-based strategic activity that goes far beyond interaction with the media, involving the use of organizational, political, and marketing skills to influence targeted audiences to change behavior or opinions.
  • We believe in the power of collaboration.
  •  We PR is an integral part of an institution’s organizational strategy, and that PR counsel should help in developing not only marketing campaigns, events and speeches, but also legislative campaigns, program development, community outreach strategies, etc.
  • We believe every client is unique.
  •  We practice individualized client services that reflect the entirety of our client. Our firm’s work does not begin at the media plan, but at the heart of the organization, garnering an understanding of our client’s goals and objectives and creating an appropriate public relations strategy.
  • We believe in information.
  •   We think that public relations work is best done when we have more access to information and people, not less.  We can serve you most effectively when we are included in the initial stages of planning and decision-making, to effectively create and seize maximum public relations opportunities.
  • We believe in developing relationships. 
  •  Our job as communicators goes beyond issuing news release and organizing events. We position our clients as experts who the media and opinion-makers will call upon to comment on the critical issues of the day.  Where appropriate, we aim to involve our clients in relevant emerging public debates that arise in the course of public life.
  • We believe in conserving and making efficient use of our clients’ resources.
  •   We enhance the value and impact of costly paid media with creative earned media, editorial coverage and direct marketing whenever possible.  When we use paid media, we coordinate with direct marketing and free press activities to ensure the greatest leverage for our dollars and the greatest impact for our work.
  • We believe in communication.
  •  Open, unfettered communication between our firm and our clients is central to success.  While we keep track of all hours worked, we prefer a set monthly fee so that client/firm contact is not impeded by concern about the cost of individual contact or projects. ( emphases my own)
This old broad has clients!  Name a City, County or State agency and Marilyn Katz draws a "monthly fee so that client/firm contact is not impeded by concern about the cost of individual contact or projects." 

"You say, YOU want a Revolution? Sorry. already grabbed."

One of Marilyn's clients* is CeaseFire which just drew a million dollar lump from the City of Chicago.  Less than 48 hours after Mayor Rahm announced this Gangbanger 401 K give-away, the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board gave Marilyn a swell perch to PR it up!

Today, the Nail-Bomb Mouthpiece tells all and sundry that Violence in Chicago is bad. Who told you, Marilyn?  Pain hurts, I hate it too.  Death stings. Murder is homicide. Marilyn handles CeaseFire and also Community Action Policing (CAPS) and other costly sinecures. This is Progressive Slow Pitch:

Marilyn, approaches the mound; grabs the ball with the metaphorical nails knocked into it

  -On the surface what we know — from the early, successful days of community policing, from the massive study sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation on decreasing crime and from anti-violence groups like CeaseFire — is that success in reducing crime requires good police practices, the removal of places for crime and the fancy term "collective efficacy," meaning neighbors sharing a set of good values and watching out for one another.
It would mean understanding that the police alone will not solve the problem. It would mean empowering and involving ordinary citizens in block clubs, churches and school-parent groups to embrace the community challenge as their own and forbid criminal and violent activities in their households and on the blocks where they live.
Here Comes the wind-up!
It would mean embracing groups like CeaseFire, which with its unorthodox methods has demonstrated that it can interrupt the retaliatory behavior of youth violence and change a culture that too easily uses the death of one's opponent as the way to settle disputes and scores.
These steps, however effective in the past, fall short today. We have to take bolder steps.

And now, the Pitch!

Not only should we invest in helping at-risk youths overcome the impediments that discourage them from learning and achieving, we need to assure a path to a sustainable future. While Chicago-based corporate headquarters are nice and make us feel good about our city, we need to create the conditions for manufacturing jobs and other less lofty jobs that are attainable by our youth. We need to encourage small and big businesses to hire inner-city youth — using the many tax credits that are available to businesses that hire the long-term unemployed.

It is our collective responsibility ( You Pay!) to say we are willing and able to connect our young people to a life that puts them — and us — out of harm's way.

 Marilynn Katz has once again killed the batters, the catchers, the umpires and the fans is Screamin'!!!!!!!!!

Read Marilyn Katz's full-screed.  It is chock-full of references to her Clients: Ceasefire, CAPs and Alternative School Network - and cites the Progressive cash cow for implementing every God awful agenda that comes down the pike -MacArthur Foundation.

If it is costly, makes absolutely no common sense whatsoever, offends people, assaults Faith, divides races, or destroys community at the governmental level, Marilyn handles it 

If you ever need an answer to question - "How did this idiotic ordinance, program, or candidate come about?" refer to Marilyn Katz. This stuff doesn't come about by osmosis; it takes the media, the creeps, the crooks and the complicit working with Marilyn Katz.,0,5721163.story

* Marilyn's Ooodles of Boodle in "Monthly Payments"

Accountability Council of the Chicago Public School System
Alternative Schools Network
Amalgamated Transit Union
American Civil Liberties Union
Amnesty International
Ascendance Partners
Atrium Village*
Auditorium Theatre
Bank of America Illinois
Banner Property Management, LLC*
Bethel New Life, Inc.
Bracero Justice Project
Brinshore Development*
The Brookings Institution- Mayor Daley Tribute Video
Business and Professional People In the Public Interest
California Equity Fund
Case of Javier Torres and Jose Ramirez et al v Terry Goddard
CeaseFire - The Campaign to Stop the Shooting
Center for Community Progress*
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Center for New Community
CEOs for Cities
Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) 
Chicago Children’s Museum
The Chicago Conservation Center
Chicago Housing Authority*
Chicago Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation (CMHDC)
Chicago Mutual Housing Network
Chicago Neighborhood Initiative
Chicago Panel on Public School Finances
Chicago Park District
Chicago Teacher’s Housing Resource Center
Chicago Teachers Union
Chicago Women in Trades
Chicagoans Against War and Injustice
Citizens for David Orr
City Colleges of Chicago 
City of Chicago Central Area Circulator Project
City of Chicago Corporation Counsel
City of Chicago Department of Aviation
City of Chicago Department of Environment
City of Chicago Department of Housing
City of Chicago Department of Housing
City of Chicago Department of Housing Campaign to End Homelessness
City of Chicago Department of Human Services
City of Chicago Department of Planning and Development
City of Chicago Department of Public Health--Hepatitis Prevention Program
City of Chicago Department of Public Health--Syphilis Elimination Campaign
City of Chicago Department of Public Works
City of Chicago Department of Streets & Sanitation
City of Chicago Department of Streets & Sanitation
City of Chicago Mayor's Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
City of Chicago Office of Special Events
City of East Chicago
City of Evanston
Coalition to Ban the Sale of Leaded Gas
Commission on the Future of Public Service
Committee to Elect Byrd Brown (Pittsburgh mayoral campaign Cook County Assessors’ Office)
Construction Industry Service – Corporation (CISCO)
Cook County Bureau of Health Services
Cook County Clerk’s Office
Cook County Democratic Women 
Cook County Department of Public Health – “Take it Outside” Campaign
Corporate Community School of America
Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH)
Council for Community Based Development
Council for Illinois Nonprofit Organizations (CINO)
Crane Construction Co.
Crosstown Corridor Group
CSA Group
CSO Legal Services
CVS Pharmacies
David Kahn (attorney)
The Davis Group LLC
Davis, Miner, Barnhill, and Galland (Attorneys)
Day Care Action Council
Designs For Change (DFC)
District Council of Carpenters
Early Childhood Network
Empowerment Zone
Evergreen Towers
Find Your Place in Chicago*
Fred Gerhard (attorney and author)
Fried, Schegan & Associates (Iowa Riverboats)
Futterman and Howard (Attorneys)
Gessler, Hughes, & Socol, Ltd. (Attorneys)
Greenberg Traurig, LLP*
The Habitat Company
Harold Washington 1983-1987 Mayoral Campaign
Hispania Capitol Partners
Hispanic Housing Development Corporation
Hispanic Housing Development Corporation (HHDC)
Historic Chicago Bungalow Association
History Makers
Housing Abandonment Task Force
The Housing Agenda
Hughes Socol Piers Resnick & Dym (Attorneys)
Human Rights Watch
Illinois Campaign for Choice
Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)
Illinois Facilities Fund
Illinois Women's Agenda
In These Times (Newspaper)
James Alter (author)
The Jazz Institute
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA)
Joan Kaplan (author)
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Joyce Foundation
Krasnow and Cohen, (Attorneys)
Lakefront Supportive Housing
LaSalle Bank
Latino Chicago
Leadership for Quality Education
Living Cities: The National Community Development Initiative
Local Initiatives Support Corporation Chicago (LISC Chicago)*
Local Initiatives Support Corporation Chicago (LISC National)
Mayor's Commission on Women's Affairs
McBride, Baker and Coles (Attorneys)
Metropolitan Tenants Organization
Midwest Gaming
Miller, Shakman, Hamilton & Kurtzon (Attorneys)
Modalisque Boutique, "Crimes of Fashion" Show
National Equity Fund (NEF)
National Railway Equipment Company (NREC)
Near North Development CorporationParsons
New Markets Tax Credit Coalition- NMTC 10th Anniversary Report*
New York Equity Fund (NYEF)
Northwestern Law School International Law Center
Oppenheimer Family Foundation*
Park National Bank
Perspectives Charter School
Peter Ascoli (author)
Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH)*
Project Vote
Providence Effect
Public Safety Policy Project (Living Cities: The National Community Development Initiative)*
Related Midwest*
Residential La LR Development
Residential Land Fund I L.P.
Rush-Presbyterian Hospital
Rush-Presbyterian Hospital
RW Ventures
Sanctuary Townhomes Residents
Sandz Development/Webster Square*
Siemens Building Technologies
Small Schools Workshop
St. Edmund’s Redevelopment Corporation
State Senator Lloyd Doggett (Texas U.S. Senate campaign)
Statewide Housing Action Coalition (SHAC)
System of Care Chicago (SOC-C)
The Thrush Companies
Travelers and Immigrants Aid (TIA)
Union of Concerned Scientists
United Auto Workers, Local 719
University of Chicago
University of Chicago - Employer Assisted Housing Program (EAHP)
University of Chicago - Future of the City Event & Mayoral Forum

University of Chicago Graduate School of Business
University of Illinois at Chicago - Urban Education Leader Program
Voice of the People
Wall USA
The Woodstock Institute
Young Women’s Leadership Charter School of Chicago*
Youth Service Project, Inc