Friday, March 26, 2010

Rahm Emanual - All the Work and Bugger the Credit! I Like This Guy!

I remember Rahm Emanual - a very nodding acquaintance. I was introduced; he nodded. I was with some south side guys involved in Paul Vallas's Campaign - back den an' over by dere. We did not jump into a Manbrace of affection. We met. As Joe Biden would Tweet - BFD.

He always struck me as a smart and funny guy. He is not a bleed blue Progressive.

This account from Politico sum it up. Rahm Emanual is Mike Madigan without the the laughs - a tough, effective, thoughtful and sober public official. If President Obama launches a man with this level of smarts and heart, he deserves to be a one term Jimmy Carter.

Rahm Emanuel didn’t get a signing ceremony shout-out from President Obama (he got a high-five the night before) and didn’t get one of the 22 pens used to sign the law. But that’s cool with the White House chief of staff.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, chatting with Emanuel on the day the Senate approved the reconciliation package, expressed surprise that the president didn’t single out his point man on the Hill for post-passage praise.

Wolf: “I know you worked really hard over these 13 months. No one in the White House, no one in the administration worked harder. That’s why I was surprised when the president was thanking everyone the other day for what they did, he didn’t give you a shout-out.”

Rahm: “So?”

Wolf: “Do you care?”

Rahm: “No.”

Wolf: “Doesn’t mean any -- did he give you one of those 22 pens?”

Rahm: “No, no. I mean, because… I didn’t do this so I would get thanked at the signing or anything else. Let me say this, if that’s the question. You should know the night that it passed, or the day it passed, he and I -- he came by, gave me a high five. I have no doubt of my role in this and I feel quite good about that sense of it.”

Progressive Fear Mongering DNC and Their Corporate Media Cheerleaders!

The anger is genuine and needs no mongering. Democrats and Republicans detest the Obama Care Bill. I am a Democrat and my neighbors are Democrats. We do not like this force fed boondoggle any more than a poor goose likes having corn forced down its throat.

Ironically, the very same band of nitwits in public life who hate smoking, fat kids, fois gras and American History crafted the Obama Care Legislation and stand poised to make America go the way of Greece, Ireland and Portugal once the Obama Care Federal Deficit Reduction Commission driven by SEIU’s Andy Stern force feed a Value Added Tax (VAT) down our throats in order to rake in the dough to pay for Obama Care.

In Order to smooth the strokes and grease the tube, America’s corporate media ( ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN & etc.) have been going flat out since last weekend to pattern the landscape of debate with fear – race and cultural wars. Abortion and Civil Rights are the hot buttons pushed. Over the weekend, when the opposition to Obama Care continued its slumber begun with Scott Brown’s victory, the Progressive genius for guerilla theatre laid the trap and Tea Party, Pro-Life Democrats and the always daffy national GOP napped while the trap was sprung.

Racial and homophobic epithets were heard, by the people who made the claims but by no one else, it seems. The media is there to One Note Samba the theme, like wee Ezra Klein of the Washington Post ,” I don't want to exaggerate the importance of the death threats being made against congressmen who voted for health-care reform. Nuts are nuts. But there is a danger to the sort of rhetoric the GOP has used over the past few months.” But “I will and gladly!”

We hear Joe Biden gaffe away 24-7; we see G.W. Bush lay a hand on Bill Clinton’s sleeve in Haiti; cell phones in Chicago pick up a Chicago cop’s N-word and yet no one can replay the wild shouts of race-hate, homophobia, abortion anger, the heart break of psoriasis and Vulcan Mind Melding by Chris Matthews.

Since Obama Care was pushed through, I have heard no real celebration by the media cheerleaders. Odd. I hear only endless reactions to Jim Clyburn’s chilling account of what he heard that John Lewis said he heard and Rep. Cleaver’s dignity spat upon by some phantom spitter.

No arrests, no sound bytes, You Tube replays, and no cell phone journalism has yet to appear; only Ann Curry, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow blaring parsed warnings about impending violence and warm rhetoric.

Obama Care forces played the slumbering opposition like a Stradivarius.

Nancy Pelosi linked arms with Congressman Lewis and evoked Selma! Obama Care is a Civil Right!

Here’s the deal. Obama Care is bad. President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Harry Reid, Jan Schakowsky and all of the Obama Care Selma Signifiers exempted themselves in the legislation from taking Obama Care for themselves. President Obama made sure that none of the toxic taxes squirt all over the taxpayers until after the 2012 Election. Democrats and Republicans and Tea Party People and even some former Obama supporters are angry about Obama Care. Catholics are disgusted by Judas Goat Bart Stupak, who was staked out to help the daffy GOP Sominex “Obama Care is Dead” leadership and Pro-Life Democratic voters ( Catholics, Jews, Evangelicals & etc.), and got himself an airport
The only Illinois Democrat with any integrity is my congressman Dan Lipinski (IL 3rd) who is taking heat from every quarter but the voters of his District.

Meanwhile, our oafish Congresswoman and media hog Jan Schakowsky is moving to stab vulnerable U.S. Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias in the back, force him out of the race that she will lose with aplomb to Republican sneak Mark Kirk. It’s all about Obama Care, right Jan? Sure we are angry. We are not tossing bricks or hurling hockers. We are waiting to vote.

The corporate media stands to make millions with Obama Care and the idiotic Cap and Trade Bill. The only anger being ginned up is being done on TV and in the pages of the usual suspects ( New York Times, Chicago Sun Times, Washington Post and their little sisters), because no President, since JFK, has enjoyed greater sympathy or synergy with the corporate media than President Obama.

President Obama is handled by media savvy Dave Axelrod – the Intolerable Ax! Ax is journalist muy simpatico to the old timey 60’s radicals of the American Progressive Movement which owns the DNC and is pals with PR Maven Marilyn Katz* who is a past master of political guerrilla theatre. It seems to me that the DNC through Dave Axelrod availed itself of these fine practitioners of wildly exaggerated narratives (‘Tea Partiers are wearing guns to town halls!!!! Think! People, our President is in Danger of these white hillbillies!’ and ‘N$%%^er and Fa$%tt were heard!!!!! Link Arms! We Shall Overcome! Get Pete Seeger! Make Patches Kennedy cry about dear old Dad!”). Hey, this was slick and well managed public relations. The GOP dopes walk right into the moral high ground buzz-saw and get torn up. John McCain got bitch-slapped by Ann Curry only this morning. Ann Curry repeatedly hammered the smiling Straight Talker with idiotic self-answering questions about GOP hate rhetoric. Good lord.

If you are serious about fighting Obama Care and what is going to follow, the opposition (Democrat Pro-Life, GOP, Tea Party or Bull Moose) must not only shout Repeal, but also Embargo. Harry Truman had no problem telling an unctuous phony reporter what to pack for a trip to Hell. McCain wants to make nice with the clowns who micturated all over his wingtips since 2007.

If an idiot like NBC’s Ann Curry can ask stupid questions like “ Sarah Palin uses Battleground and Fight Rhetoric –is that not Fear Mongering? - you must say that! Must you Not?” call her question Idiotic! Stupid! Dumb as Hammered Horse Manure! Treat them with the contempt that they show you . . .in a nice and civilized and nuanced manner, of course.

Talk only to serious journalists and have nothing to do with the Gotcha Goofballs. Why any intelligent elected official would spend a nano second talking to any one MSNBC is beyond me. The best of them are half-wits.

I suspect that we (F.B.I. included) will never find the brick hurlers ( Rep. Slaughter- D. NY) or the hocker hurlers (Rep. Cleaver -D. MO) or the epithet hurlers (Lewis and Frank). We will never actually hear a sound byte of Pro-Life Hate or homophobia or race-baiting. Though we can pick up Joe Biden’s Gaffes-a-Plenty and make a case for G.W. Bush passing cooties on Clinton, we will understand GOP Ownership of Hate via Chris Matthews – who could not tell you the color of the tie he is wearing.

Public Relations won the Obama Care battle and are fighting this Pyrrhic Victory’s rear-guard actions with the complicity of corporate media. Dave Axelrod and the City of Chicago has long used Marilyn Katz, who began her career filling bags of poop and pee behind the Conrad Hilton in 1968 – as well as crafting nail bombs to hurl at Chicago Police. She is good. I would bet that Dave Axelrod tapped Marilyn Katz and MK Communications to control the Obama Care Narrative – it is what they do. Below are links to MK – Food for thought and fuel for the dialogue.
The anger is not mongered. It is all too real.

• Marilyn Katz

An aide to then-Chicago mayor Harold Washington from 1983-87, Marilyn Katz is currently a public relations professional who serves on Barack Obama’s national finance committee. In 2005, Katz and the longtime Marxist and Obama supporter Carl Davidson co-authored the book Stopping War, Seeking Justice. In conjunction with Davidson, Katz was one of the two chief organizers of the October 2002 anti-war demonstration in Chicago where Obama first went public with his opposition to the Iraq War. In 1968, Katz was head of security for the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) during the Chicago street riots that took place while the Democratic Party held its national convention in that city.

Katz, who now heads MK Communications and is a registered lobbyist with the City of Chicago, has personally contributed $1,000 to Obama for America, the eponymous candidate’s presidential campaign fund. She is also part of a fundraising team that has committed to raising a minimum of $200,000 for Obama’s campaign.

Katz has long been acquainted with Obama supporter and former Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers. In April 2008 Katz told the Chicago Sun-Times that she had first met Ayers when he was a 17-year-old fellow member of Students for a Democratic Society, "a peaceful group from which the Weather Underground splintered." (emphasis added)
MK Communications – give them a good hard look. Ask about retainers!
Here’s Katz’s prospectus:
• Engage in strategic planning, including crisis management;
• Do media, policy and statistical research;
• Create and implement community, government, investor and other targeted constituency strategies;
• Create and implement media and marketing strategies;
• Create and manage complex databases (we maintain a database of 6,000 press contacts, augmented by a variety of computer based directories);
• Create and manage media events;
• Write and produce media, marketing, educational print materials;
• Write and produce print, television and radio advertising;
• Write and produce newsletters, annual reports and informational materials;
• Create and manage Web sites;
• Write and produce videos;
• Develop and implement legislative strategies and education programs.
While we have in-house capacity for Internet, radio/television and print design, we have developed long-term relationships with outside experts for top-quality, yet cost efficient, final design and production of such materials.

Alderman Tom Tunney - Duncan's Clout List - Tunney Acted Like a Gent. Well Done, Alderman.

Progressive Gas-bag and Fois Gras Foe Joe Moore whined for an Obama Campaign Manger's Kid. That's Clout.

In 2008, Ald. Joe Moore, 49th, asked Duncan's office to reconsider an admissions case involving the relative of one of President Barack Obama's campaign advisers. The student's application to a prestigious public prep school was rejected, and the family said it was because he had missed too much school after falling ill with mononucleosis.

Hope, Change and the usual excuses.

Contrast that Progressive Butt Kisser's weasel work to that of a real elected official.

Helping a working man get an education for his kid is what being an elected official is all about.

Tom Tunney is a solid guy!

Joe Moore is a Progressive Gas-bag and Fois Gras Foe. Do the Math . . .well that is if you went to a Catholic school.

Ald. Tom Tunney, 44th, said that in 2008 he tried unsuccessfully to help the doorman of a condominium building in his ward get his daughter into Gwendolyn Brooks College Preparatory Academy.

The man, who does not live in the 44th Ward, was one of Tunney's employees in the early 1980s.

"He asked me for help. … He had said to his daughter, ‘If you get good grades, someday you will be able to go to Gwendolyn Brooks.' She got good grades and didn't get in," Tunney said. "I know the family. They are very poor. They have never been supporters of mine or anything like that. I was trying to help an impoverished kid."

That is what being an elected official is all about.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

President Obama's Debt Czar Andy Stern and his 2007 Trip to Red China

2010 President Obama names the President of largest tax salaried organization in America to his debt/deficit reduction commission. Andy Stern is called a labor leader by the corporate media. Real labor engages in good-faith collective bargaining - Andy Stern euses coercion, threats and intimidation with the cover of the corporate media ( ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC & etc.).

Andy Stern, I believe is a Marxist and one who will do any thing and everything to amass power via politics. Andy Stern will direct this commission and push through a Value Added Tax - like in socialist Europe.

I admire American Labor - real Labor. Andy Stern is the single greatest threat to American Labor and the American Middle Class.

Andy took many trips to America's debtor nation Red China.

2007 -

U.S. News and Workd Report:

Q. In May you visited China. Since your union members are service workers who aren't threatened by outsourcing, why bother?

A. Because our employers are all in China. So, the largest security and food service companies in the world are moving to China. Wal-Mart is in China. They are not directly our union's employers, but obviously we have a lot of interest there, and we're very helpful on working with the Chinese on organizing. We go there because our employers have gone there, and what we learned in the U.S. is that as employers get larger, we're less able to affect their behavior. As they grow globally, we begin to think more globally as well. China is the mother lode for American corporations.

Q. What came out of the trip?

A. This is my sixth trip to China. I first went in 2002. This is sort of a continuation of trying to understand China. I met with our employers in China and their unions. The last time we were there, we did a seminar on organizing. We had some exchanges. They come here and we go there. So we've learned a lot from how [Chinese unions] do their work, and they've learned a lot about how to do grass-roots work.

Historically, when they were representing people in state-owned companies, they had a lot more interaction with the government. Now that they have private employers, they are not familiar with organizing from the bottom up instead of with the employer and party.

Q. Why should your members pay dues to improve the condition of Chinese workers?

A. Workers who work for the same employers, whether they are in our country or around the world, are much stronger when they work together. The largest employer in Africa is a security company who owns Wackenhut in the U.S. We have been unable to get Wackenhut to respect workers' rights because they are a very small part of a very big company. So now we joined together with other unions to deal with Group 4 Securicor, which owns Wackenhut, to try to put pressure on them to respect workers in the U.S. but also respect workers' rights in Africa, Poland, and Asia, and other places around the world.

Despite the fact there are geographical borders, our employers are global and we don't have the strength when we are just in our country. When we represent a small number of employees in a large corporation, we can't influence [its] behavior. We're on the verge of having global unions. Capital and trade and companies have gone global–how come unions shouldn't be global? It doesn't make sense for the workers.

Andy , go global by all means, but leave America alone.

Jan Schakowsky named to Death Panel . . .Debt Panel . . .same thing

Joining her Chinaman Andy Stern on President Obama's "presidential commission to figure out ways curb the federal debt and deficit have been filled." is none other than Rod Blagojevich's best pal . . .until the Feds cuffed him . . .MSNBC softball guest . . .staff and Asian help abuser "Do You know who I am? I'm Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky now get me what I ask!" ( back to the old Giannoulias for Treasurer Campaign Days, sigh.) . . .Felon Spouse and Turkish Delight . . .Jan Shakowsky!!!!!

VAT - Value Added Tax - The Euro-Chic Path to State Life! is on its way.

Jan Shakowsky is also sharpening her back-stabbing blades to make the right incision between Alexi Giannoulias's shoulder blades. The Bank Bankruptcy Bothered Boetian Giannoulias is considered a huge liability by Illinoi Progressives and they abort! Kill it before birth!

Way to go, Jan! I am guessing that Alexi will be bought off or bludgeoned before the Easter Bunny drops the plastic sweets on the White House lawn.

Lefties Make Catholics Target # 1.

The Catholic Church stands to bear constant poundings by the corporate media and Progressive Leftists.

Approaching Palm Sunday and following Pope Benedict XVI's heroic and compassioante apology concerning pedophelia in Ireland, Germany and the United States - the lawsuit corporation SNAP ( Survivors Network Abused by Priests) which fronts for Lawyer Jeff Anderson, an old hippie who made a cottage industry of suing the Catholic Church in America with the full support of the media dashed off to Rome; Bart Stupak played the Pro Life Judas Goat for the Progressives, a Catholic father gets bashed by Tribune's religion writer and house nitwit Manya Brachear because he wants to take his daughter to Easter Services, but Brachear wants readers to know that the Dad has Drew Peterson's Lawyer! Manya should just burn down a Catholic Church ala Oliver Cromwell or Seek another line of work.

Manya is not alone, Boys and Girls!

Here's ten pages of Leftist Anti-Catholic News from Google - Wis. man: Abuse by priest ruined faith in church‎
The Associated Press - 45 minutes ago

MILWAUKEE — A Wisconsin man says he lost all faith in the Catholic church after being abused by a priest who's at the center of a scandal about the way the ...
Pope Benedict faces child abuse cover-up queries‎ - BBC News
Abuse Scandal's Ripples Spread Across Europe‎ - New York Times
US church's abuse scandal hits Pope‎ - The Australian
BusinessWeek - Los Angeles Times
all 924 news articles » Our View- Catholic Church needs administrative reform‎
Daily 49er - 10 hours ago

Ireland, a country of merely 4 million, has had to settle 13000 child abuse cases, awarding nearly $1 billion in losses to the Catholic Church. ...
Sinead O'Connor: 'There should be a full criminal investigation of ...‎ - Los Angeles Times
Bishop John Magee quits after mishandling sex abuse‎ -
Irish Bishop John Magee Resigns, Apologizes in Catholic Sex Abuse ...‎ - Right Pundits
FOXNews (blog) -
all 557 news articles »

Globe and Mail Lesbians and the Church of Raised Catholics‎
Huffington Post (blog) - 22 hours ago

With depressing regularity, the men who run the Catholic Church do something that reminds me of why I'm part of the fastest growing religion in the country: ...

Video: Pope's Apology Not Enough? CBS
Catholic Church says reported US cases of child sex abuse lowest ...‎ - Washington Post
Catholic Abuse Accusations Declined in 2009‎ - New York Times
Pacific News Center - The Associated Press
all 2974 news articles »

Washington Post Germans abandon Catholic Church‎
Sydney Morning Herald - Allan Hall - 2 hours ago

BERLIN: Trust in the Catholic Church in Germany has plummeted since the child sexual abuse scandal. Barely one in six Germans now say they have confidence ...
Father Raymond J. de Souza: Culture change in the Church‎ - National Post (blog)
Ireland's Catholic primate may have to quit‎ - The Australian
Catholic Church _good news and bad news‎ -
Jackson Sun - RH Reality Check (blog)
all 106 news articles »

Linn County News Fairfax County religion notes‎
Washington Post - 7 hours ago

St. Leo the Great Catholic Church, 3700 Old Lee Hwy., Fairfax, will host a program, "The Virtuous Life: Challenging the Modern Culture," at 7:30 pm Saturday ...
Holy Week masses and services planned‎ -
Holy Week schedule First Congregational Church - Fairhaven‎ - Wicked Local Marion
all 43 news articles »

Catholic News Service “They are willing to trivialize the abortion issue”‎
California Catholic Daily - 7 hours ago

Under the heading “Fissure within Church,” Wesolek wrote, “The American Catholic Church is fractured and splintering with a deep ideological divide ...
American Catholic Bishops…Loudly Shout Out the Catholic Point of View!‎ - Blogger News Network (blog)
Difference worth noting‎ - Elmira Star-Gazette
Divide between bishops and sisters on health care ideological ...‎ - Catholic News Agency
The Catholic Transcript - Niagara Gazette
all 76 news articles » (blog) New abuse charges against Catholic clergy in Germany‎
Reuters - Christopher Lawton - Tom Heneghan - 2 days ago

... in the latest cases damaging the Catholic Church's image in Germany. The diocese vowed to hand any concrete criminal evidence to the public prosecutor, ...
Church Adds More Abuse Cases to Its Inquiry in Germany‎ - New York Times
'The Confession' tackles priest abuse‎ - (blog)
German Church Scandal Widens‎ - Wall Street Journal
Washington Post - CNN
all 271 news articles »

Temple Beth El rabbi to lead Passover Seder at Catholic church‎
Bradenton Herald - Richard Dymond - 10 hours ago

Clark is also a member of the Catholic church's New Beginnings group, which got the idea to invite the rabbi. “I am so excited about it,” Clark said. ...

Child Abuse Leaves Irish Churches Scouring for Money‎
BusinessWeek - Colm Heatley - Louisa Fahy - 2 hours ago

Pope Benedict XVI said on March 20 that Roman Catholic church leaders in Ireland “betrayed the trust” of parishioners after a series of reports in the past ...

Lez Get Real Catholic Church quietly expelling and punishing children, homeless‎
Irish Central - Cahir O'Doherty - 17 hours ago

Whilst we've all been appalled by the international scope and scale of the decades long abuses against children in the Catholic Church in Europe something ...
Homeless Aid Agency Loses Catholic $$ Over Pro-Marriage Support‎ - EDGE Boston
Call To Help, Call To Action- Preble Street's Homeless Voices for ...‎ - Lez Get Real
Diocese penalizes homeless aid group‎ - Press Herald
all 16 news articles »

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

No one said being a Catholic was easy - that's being a Unitarian.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hey Bart! Your Kids Can't Go to the Easter Egg Roll, Either! Play Ball!

Let's see, Bart Stupak

1. No Executive Order Signed

2. No Integrity evident

3. No Cover for you - anywhere

4. No Chance in Hell, Michigan (ZIP Code 48169. ..) of your remaining in Congress

5. No Susan B. Anthony Medal

6. No Easter Egg Roll at the White House for your kids. Catholics are not welcome.

7. No chance for the babies that you sold out

Yeah, you did great on this one! Hey, I got an ACORN job application if you want to look ahead . . .Oh. Sorry. Whikle we're on that . . .Hey, Bart! Rachel Maddow likes you . . .Oh, that's right.

President Obama did 'whatever it took.' You was took, Bart!

Hat Tip to Anne Leary and Backyard Conservative

President Obama Excludes Private and Catholic School Children From Easter Egg Roll Ticket Giveaway
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer

District of Columbia Public Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee receives an Easter basket filled with 3,000 reserved tickets to the annual White House Easter Egg Roll from U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan at a press conference in Northeast Washington on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. ( Starr)
( – The Obama administration announced on Tuesday it has reserved 3,000 free tickets to the annual White House Easter Egg Roll for students in D.C.-area public and charter schools, but not for children who attend private or parochial schools.

Why exclude children in private and parochial schools, asked the father of a parochial school student at Tuesday’s press conference where U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan and District of Columbia Mayor Adrian Fenty announced the ticket giveaway.

“These tickets are from the White House to public schools, and we’re appreciative, but there may be other things unrelated to this press conference,” Fenty responded. “That’s a great question.”

The 3,000 reserved tickets will be distributed to students at 11 public schools in D.C. and a few others in Virginia and Maryland. Children at private or parochial schools in the Washington metropolitan area may attend the April 5 event, but only if they are among the people who registered for an online lottery system, by which the remaining free tickets -- an estimated 27,000 -- will be distributed.

That lottery is now closed, however. “All entries will have an equal chance of being selected if your application was submitted by Sunday, February 28,” the White House Web site says. Lottery results were announced on March 4.

Robert Brannum’s 17-year-old son Nicholas attends St. John’s College High School, a Catholic school in the District. Brannum told he believes the 3,000 tickets reserved for public school students should be available to all students.

“The White House is a public building,” Brannum said. “The tickets are essentially being paid for with public dollars. So it should be open to everyone, not just going to select categories of students.”

Brannum said he not only supports D.C. public schools, he attended and taught at those schools. But, he added, “There are students in the District of Columbia who attend private schools, parochial schools, or even (are) home schooled, and their parents pay taxes and they should be able to participate in some of the benefits of being citizens of the District of Columbia.”

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, D.C. Public Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee and D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty watch D.C. public school students cheer about the upcoming White House Easter Egg Roll at a press conference in Northeast Washington on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. ( Starr)
Mayor Fenty and D.C. Public School Chancellor Michelle Rhee accepted the 3,000 tickets in an Easter basket from Education Secretary Arne Duncan. Children from the city’s J.O. Wilson Elementary School cheered and jumped up and down when they were asked if they wanted to go to the Easter Egg Roll at the White House.

There’s no guarantee that the children at the press conference will get tickets, however. Rhee said it was up to each of the public schools chosen by the Obama administration to decide which students will get the reserved tickets.

The Obama administration has been criticized for failing to support programs to help low-income and minority children attend some of D.C.’s top private and parochial schools, including the Sidwell Friends School where the Malia and Sasha Obama attend classes.

Early in his administration, President Barack Obama called for an end to the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which since 2004 has provided vouchers for thousands of low-income and minority children to attend private schools. Following widespread protest, Obama said the program would be funded to allow those children already enrolled in the program to graduate from the school of their choice, but that no funding would be provided to bring new children into the program.

On March 16, the Senate voted down a measure that would have reauthorized funding for the program.

The Easter Egg Roll dates back to 1878 when President Rutherford B. Hayes held the event after Congress banned egg rolling on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol building.

The theme of this year’s event is “Ready, Set, Go,” and the White House says it will “promote health and wellness.”

“All of the activities will encourage children to lead healthy and active lives and follow the First Lady’s ‘Let’s Move!’ initiative, a national campaign to combat childhood obesity,” the White House said.

The event will feature live music, sports courts, storytelling, egg rolling – and cooking stations.

Catholic Prayers for Health - St. Anthony has your back!

With yesterday's signing of Obama Care, I decided to turn more to prayer. Sen. Dick Durbin said on MSNBC that this triple trillion dollar pork sausage laden with abortion language is a real deficit reducer. Dithering Dick must have been scripted by Andy "VAT-69" Stern of SEIU the deficit reducing PAC. Bart Stupak became the Quisling of the New Millennium when he sold out dead children to come for an Upper Peninsula Airport in Michigan and our Hunting Horn of the Mob Media is ginning up Class and Race War with the civility card.

We'll be fine. Stay strong, work hard, be kind and read a bit as well as pray.

Here are some Executive Orders worth the paper they are printed on.

Prayer of Confidence to St. Anthony
Most holy St. Anthony, Beloved Friend of Jesus, I place myself in your heavenly care. Be with me, especially in life's troubles and difficulties. Intercede before the Lord for me, so that I may confidently know I do not face my problems alone.

I join my prayers to yours, O Great Saint, as I ask God to give me consolation in times of sorrow, courage when I am afraid, and healing from all the ills that afflict me.

Obtain for me from God, Most High, the grace to accept whatever is God's holy will for me and my loved ones. Strengthen my faith so that I will never despair, but always have hope in God's healing presence and power in my life. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for Healing of a Spouse
O Glorious St. Anthony, you live now in unity with Jesus Christ, the Divine Physician and the healer of all human ills. I come to you today to ask for your powerful intercession on behalf of my beloved spouse (mention name), who seeks to be restored to good health.

The years we have shared, and the love we have known, is precious to me, and my heart breaks in my helplessness. But I believe that with the Lord all things are possible.

Compassionate Saint, comfort me in my distress and obtain blessings for my beloved spouse so that (name) may be quickly and completely restored to health. Amen

Prayer to St. Anthony for Healing

Compassionate St. Anthony, you are called the "Miracle Worker" by those who have been blessed by your special friendship. I ask you to look with favor on (name the person) who is weak and failing.

Great St. Anthony, come to the assistance of (name). Obtain for him/her health in mind and body, and the strength to accept all suffering in union with Christ, our Savior.

Loving St. Anthony, console all those who are afflicted, and guide them to the heart of the Divine Physician, where they will obtain compassion, mercy and hope. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for Protection Against Danger

O Holy St. Anthony, be our protector and defender. Ask God to surround us with the Holy Angels, so that we may emerge from every danger in the fullness of health and well being. Guide our life journey, so we will always walk safely together with you, in God's friendship. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for Those Suffering with Cancer
Dear St. Anthony, you recognized Our Lord Jesus as the Divine Healer. In your goodness and kindness, please intercede for (mention name) who is suffering from cancer.

If it is God's will, I ask that this day, the gift of healing be granted to (name). Comfort him/her during times of unbearable pain, and ask our Lord to grant him/her peace and patience in suffering.

May God give (name) the fullness of life here on earth, or call him/her home to eternal glory forever. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for Emotional Healing

St. Anthony, dear friend and heavenly guide, be present to me now, and let me know your compassion. Pray to our dear Lord for me, that I may experience calmness and peace in my emotions.

Help me to grow in faith and hope. Protect me from all that displeases God, and obtain for me serenity of mind and spirit.

I place all my confidence in you, St. Anthony, and I pray for mercy, grace and God's gentle goodness. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for the Health of an Expectant Mother and Her Unborn Child
Glorious St. Anthony, you were blessed to hold the Infant Jesus in your arms. I come to you now on behalf of (mention name) who pleads for the health and safety of the child that God has graced her to conceive.

St. Anthony, guard this life God has created, and the mother God has chosen for this child. Let your gentle hand, like that of a skilled physician, aid in her delivery so that this baby will know good health and lasting happiness.

May her child be favored with the grace of holy baptism, and grow to love our Lord Jesus Christ above all else in this world. Amen.

Prayer to St. Anthony for Those on Medication
Gracious God, You have given us many healing remedies that are a benefit to us when we are sick. Through the miraculous intercession of St. Anthony, we ask Your blessing upon the medication prescribed for (mention name) so that he/she may experience healing, and be restored to full health in mind and body. Amen.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"The Hunting Horn of the Mob." The Progressive Media Tyranny

"Liberal journalism is no longer the voice of the free, but the hunting horn of the mob." Kevin Myers - Irish Independent

Retired Marine General Sheehan was hauled before the Grand Inquisitor - Senator Carl Levin to testify on homosexuals in the American military. General Sheehan offered a history lesson and was attacked by Progressive politicians, the Obama White House, and the main stream media. General Sheehan reported that Dutch soldiers had caused unnecessary deaths of Muslims at the hands of the Serbs in Srebrenica .

The pile-on took place as political cover for the lifted 'Don't Ask; Don't Tell' military doctrine.

The Netherlands have a Diverse Military that celebrates sexual preferences.

General Sheehan who had his boots on the ground at the time of the curious events and suggested that the problem lay with the Dutch soldiers - who might have happened to be homosexuals.

Howls of derision cascaded down upon General Sheehan. Irish journalist Kevin Myers presented the howl-down as an example of Media Over-Lords.

What Gen Sheehan had actually told the Senate Armed Services Committee in its hearings into allowing open homosexuality in the US armed forces was largely as follows. He said that after the Cold War, European militaries had "concluded that there was no longer a need for a combat capability". The peace dividend had caused European governments to socialise their militaries, to unionise them, and to allow open homosexuality. This resulted in "a focus on peacekeeping operations because they did not believe the Germans were going to attack again or the Soviets were coming back". He then turned to events in Srebrenica, where the Dutch battalion was "understrength and poorly led". He described how Serb forces entered the town, tied Dutch soldiers to telephone poles and then massacred the Muslims.

The chairman of the committee, Carl Levin, interrupted him: "Did the Dutch leaders tell you that it was because there were gay soldiers there?"

"It was a combination. . ."

Levin interrupted him again. "Did they tell you it was because of gay soldiers, that's my question."

"They included that as part of the problem. It was the liberalisation of the military, the net effect of, basically, social engineering."

Senator Levin, who had controlled the questioning, then denounced Gen Sheehan for blaming the massacre on homosexuals. Gen Sheehan spoke again: "My comment was the liberalisation of. . ."

He was interrupted again, while the senator lectured him for stereotyping, and for suggesting that gays could be not be great fighters. "I didn't say gays weren't great fighters," protested the general. "The liberalisation of the Dutch military. . ."

He was interrupted again, and lectured once more for saying what he hadn't said. Levin thus began the destruction of the reputation of a great and patriotic marine who had served in his country at war, while Levin had stayed at home.

Never mind that you might think Gen Sheehan's arguments are poor and his opinions old-fashioned. They might very well be both. He is nonetheless entitled to be reported fairly and that didn't happen. And so everywhere he is accused of alleging that gays in the Dutch army (even more, apparently, than General Mladic) caused the massacre at Srebrenica.

This is a good example of how the media agenda works today, and it is, moreover, made altogether more sinister by the fact that its proponents are usually completely unaware of what they are doing. They are contestants in an endless "liberalism" competition, the outcome of which is for liberal thought police to seek out and magnify the possibly heretical thoughts of suspected bigots, as a prelude to their destruction: Sheehan today, and Everyman hereafter. Liberal journalism is no longer the voice of the free, but the hunting horn of the mob.

On Sunday night, Obama Care passed the House and today the jubilant Left celbrates President Obama's signing this historic document with howls of GOP Ugliness.

Mary Mitchell wrote a stupid piece about race hate in the Health Debate.

MSNBC is going flat-out with shouts about real or imagined but certainly undocumented charges of racial epithets and gay slurs hurled at Democratic Legislators. Baby Killer is a bad thing to say to people who love seeing that more babies get butchered through abortion.

We live in strange times and accept strange positions - no matter how stupid, or fabricated.

Our Post-Racial Obama Care Civil Rights Activists - Pale,or what? Honkie, if You Love Health Care!

Looks like MSNBC! Lord, Lord! The Struggle! Looks like Nancy ditched Brother Lewis once the bridge was crossed!

Mary Mitchell, Racist Dog Whistles and Telepathic Slur Hurlers!

Chicago Sun Times columnist Mary Mitchell is a mope* - Mary mopes melancholy mad on race (100%) - whitey is bad. Jesus, I hate Whitey too, Mary -Whitey, Gilbert, Beaver, Larry Mondello. You see, it is really hard to take a serious look at race with Mary Mitchell around. Mary Mitchell has devalued race coinage. Plugged nickel journalism.


During the showdown over healthcare reform, some of the members of the Tea Party took off their masks.

Many African Americans had already suspected some of these people are more opposed to the skin color of the man in the White House than they were to the president's political ideology.So blacks were not surprised that the health-care debate went from fear-mongering to blatant obstinacy.

But this is 2010.

We have a black first family.

It was frightening to see the racist behavior -- which we thought was buried -- resurrected during this contentious battle.

Before the critical vote, House Democrats were heckled, cursed and spit on by people who were opposed to the legislation that will reform the country's health system.

Racist Tea Party Members must have been using Racist Dog Whistles and applied the standard White Racist Mental Telepathic Slur Hurl, because there is no empirical evidence whatsoever ( sound bytes/cellphone recordings/first hand accounts/police records of arrests & etc.).

Lost amid the feeding frenzy were a few simple questions that wouldn’t likely have eluded the members of a Basic Reporting class—namely:

1.Other than the claims of a few Congressmen, all from the same party and all on the receiving end of the Tea Party protests, what incontrovertible evidence do we have that any demonstrators yelled racist or anti-gay slurs?
2.Even if we can prove that one or more people in the crowd screamed such epithets, how do we know they had anything to do with the Tea Party? If they exist, has even one of them been identified? Isn’t it also possible, given the white-hot nature of the ObamaCare controversy, that protesters in favor of the bill infiltrated the crowd and shouted slurs in a Saul Alinsky-style attempt to stigmatize the Tea Party?
3.Even if we can prove that several Tea Party protesters yelled slurs, why do the actions of a few members speak for the motives of thousands more, not to mention the movement itself?
Why indeed, especially when the MSM’s First Rule of Covering Islamic Terrorism is that the actions of a few extremists never define the group as a whole?

Moreover, a YouTube video contains no apparent evidence of racial epithets aimed at the black Congressmen as they walk through a throng of Tea Party protesters. In another video of the same event, posted on Politico, columnist Ben Smith asserts that “it sounds like you can hear the n-word at the 9-second mark…though it’s not totally clear.” But even if it were clear, that still wouldn’t answer the question of who said it, which side (if any) he represents, and why we should define an entire movement or political party by the actions of one individual.
Then there’s the matter of an arrest that apparently never was. The Associated Press quoted a Cleaver staffer as saying the man who spat on the legislator was arrested, but as even The Huffington Post admits, Capitol Police say no such arrest occurred.

Unfortunately—or rather, fortunately for the mainstream media and Democrats (pardon the redundancy)—leaders of both the Republican Party and the Tea Party took the bait and did a spot-on impression of the cow in “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” that actually wanted to be eaten. In so doing, they ignored the wry science fiction book’s key advice: “Don’t panic.”

Rather than coolly put off the hostile media by declining comment until the entire story (or non-story) came out, Republicans such as RNC Chairman Michael Steele and House Minority Leader John Boehner, as well as a Tea Party Express coordinator, were quick to employ terms like “reprehensible” and “isolated” and “not a reflection of the movement” in major media interviews.

But to condemn is to confirm.
Keep Mope Alive, Mary!

mope intr.v. moped, mop·ing, mopes
a. To be gloomy or dejected.
b. To brood or sulk. See Synonyms at brood.
2. To move in a leisurely or aimless manner; dawdle.
1. A person given to gloomy or dejected moods.
2. mopes Low spirits; the blues. Often used with the.


SEIU's Andy Stern Will Turn America into Greece by Christmas! Obama Care Ain't Nothing Next to This Beauty!

SEIU's Mandarin Andy Stern has all the time in the world to 'give it to America- - good and hard!

Uncle Sam, grab them ankles! Red Andy is going to take flying leap ram home (ala Obama Care) the nail in your coffin, driving President Obama's Federal Deficit Reduction Panel!

SEIU which fuels President Obama's energetic drive to make America Greece*, Portugal, Ireland, France and et. has bullied its way into Roland Burris's claim to Obama's Senate seat; Obama Care; Card Check America; control of the American Auto Industry and onto the panel that will recommend that America pay a National Sales Tax - for starters - and pay for Government Takeover of everything not nailed down.

Andy Stern, President of SEIU, make ACORN look like a Quaker Meeting House. Andy Stern and Anna Burger have spent the last five years talking to the Chinese Government. Newsweek and Time have scrubbed those stories on the internet.

Andy Stern is no union leader - he is a Marxist. He owns the nitwits on MSNBC and most other cable news outlets, print paper editorial boards and his armada of SEIU websites - Illinois Progress, here at home. Of you think Obama Care is shady, hold the phone Sally.

Wait until Andy Stern dictates America's economic policies*.

President Obama's decision to appoint his close political ally, union leader Andrew Stern, to the newly created National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform has set off a firestorm of criticism from business and conservative groups who charge he is a political radical who should be investigated for failure to register as a lobbyist.

The prestigious 18-member commission will study and recommend ways to whittle down the $12 trillion debt the federal government has amassed. Stern is one of six panelists Obama has named; the House of Representatives and the Senate will each appoint six others.

Reminder: The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington, D.C. is probing the SEIU for possible violations of the Lobbying Disclosure Act for Stern’s frequent visits to the White House and with members of Congress in 2009.

Reminder: As head of the SEIU, Stern has groomed his own den of labor management thieves tangled in embezzelement/fiscal abuse across the country:

*Vat’s This? Hat Tip Tom Roeser!

The word’s going around Washington that Obama and the Left who have moved us to the status of a European state-controlled democracy will more than likely want to pay for it by having the National Deficit Commission…organized to come up with a strategy after this November’s election on how to cut the deficit and the debt…come up with the recommendation that the U. S. adopt the Value Added Tax or national sales tax which would be just like Europe’s. It would trigger as well-spring of revenue and allow the Left the option of presenting a good many other socialist ideas. It’s bound to be a key debate issue in 2012.

Chicago Poet J.J. Tindall - Good Ear and Great Heart

I love Poetry and there is a heap of very bad poetry - thanks to Slams and HBO.

Poetry is exacting work - The Sound must seem an echo to the Sense*. It is not something one tosses off when fully Kreuzened and touched by the Red Bull Muse.

One of Chicago's best practicing poets can be found in the pages of Steve Rhodes' wonderful Beachwood Reporter. J.J. Tindall has a great ear and a wonderful heart that shouts out wonderfully humorous lines.

Here's a bit:

Son of St. Francis of My Ass

I'm just trying to have a good time.
Hurt is Hell. Let's have a bell!

And a crow.
My Hell is a deep Christian
well in a raw field

just beyond
the edge of the last

A raggedy-ass crow,
nothing noble, no Narcissus
of wire. A red crow

Chicagoetry: Confession To The Future
By J.J. Tindall
Confession to the Future

I strove for wealth and sorely failed,
I did not save a single whale.
I did not raise my children well,
I told my friends to go to hell.

I did not know my neighbor's name,
I juried love a callow game.
I scorched the earth to fight for fame,
I stole a march on any shame.

I greeted fools with charming grace
then wiped that smile right off their face.
I cheated on schoolwork, taxes, wives,
then pleaded innocence all my life.

I sold the farm for booze and coke,
I relished vicious ethnic jokes.
I bought the biggest car I could,
I dumped my garbage in the woods.

I sold insurance on people's health
then prayed they'd die to spare my wealth.
I proffered bonds on people's homes
then jacked the price and rigged the loans.

I razed the forests to drill for oil,
I fouled the air and drugged the soil.
I said anything to get elected
then assured my interests were protected:

wildlife crushed to bone and ash,
mountains scarred with gouge and gash,
rivers poisoned drop by drop,
farmland rendered fetid slop.

Thus your Martian tundra reigns,
deserts, bog-holes, acid rain.
Thus you needn't send to know
which rake made your world of woe.

Always me. It was me. It was me.

* I always bow to Pope in matters poetic and the Pope in matters spiritual, moral and liturgical.

True ease in writing comes from art, not chance,
As those move easiest who have learned to dance.
'Tis not enough no harshness gives offense,
The sound must seem an echo to the sense:
Soft is the strain when Zephyr gently blows,
And the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows;
But when loud surges lash the sounding shore,
The hoarse, rough verse should like the torrent roar;
When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw,
The line too labors, and the words move slow;
Not so, when swift Camilla scours the plain,
Flies o'er the unbending corn, and skims along the main.
Hear how Timotheus' varied lays surprise,
And bid alternate passions fall and rise!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Donald Kelly - Gresham Son, Leo High School Benefactor, Religious and Civic Leader R. I.P.

Mr. Don Kelly was a son of the streets of the Gresham Neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. A graduate of the school with one of the largest Catholic populations in Chicago - Calumet High School: Chicago Public School - Don Kelly gave back.

To Mrs. Byrd Kelly and all the Kelly Family, Leo High School offers its prayers and sympathies.

God Bless You, Don & Byrd!

Donald P. Kelly, one of Chicago's most notable business, financial and philanthropic figures of his era, passed away at his home in Naples, FL, early Thursday morning after a battle with cancer. He was 88.

The Chicago-born Mr. Kelly was chairman, president and chief executive officer of Esmark, Inc. from 1977 to 1984. He then formed an investment company, Kelly, Briggs & Associates. He served as chairman of BCI Holdings Corp., later Beatrice Companies, Inc., a major food processing company, from 1986 to 1988. He has been president and chief executive officer of D.P. Kelly & Associates since 1988. Mr. Kelly served as chairman, president and chief executive officer of Envirodyne Industries, Inc. from 1989 to 1996.

He has served as chairman and a director for E-II Holdings Inc.; Kelly Briggs & Associates, Inc.; Esmark, Inc.; Swift & Co.; G.D. Searle; General Dynamics Corp.; Inland Steel Industries Inc.; Harris Bankcorp, Inc.; Harris Trust & Savings Bank; and McGraw-Edison Co.

In 1986, he organized at that time the largest leveraged buyout in American business history, when he, along with the New York investment firm of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., acquired Beatrice Companies for $6.2 billion. As chairman and chief executive officer of E-II Holdings, Inc., Mr. Kelly led several $1 billion transactions. Throughout his career, Mr. Kelly led multiple billion dollar transactions.

Mr. Kelly began his business career in 1946 in the computer department of United Insurance Company of America. He was with A.B. Wrisley Company from 1951 to 1953, when he joined Swift & Company. He moved up at Swift, becoming assistant controller in 1965, controller in 1966, vice president of corporate development and controller in 1967 and financial vice president and director in 1970. In 1973, he led the reorganization of Swift & Company becoming a financial vice president and a director of Esmark, Inc. He was appointed CEO in 1977.

Mr. Kelly grew up in Chicago's South Side Gresham neighborhood. His parents were Thomas. N. Kelly and Ethel M. Kelly. He attended the Ryder Grammar School, Westcott Junior High School, and Calumet High School. Although he did not go to college, he attended night classes at De Paul and Loyola universities and was a graduate of the Advanced Management Program at Harvard University.

Mr. Kelly was born on February 24, 1922. As a youth, his family lived at 8516 S. Union Avenue in a three-bedroom, one-bath house. His mother was a taskmaster, he said. His father had lost his job during the Depression and like many families the Kellys struggled through it. "However, we made it and I still remember a home where laughter was more prevalent than tears," Kelly said. "Our parents were always there when we needed a supporting word or pat on the back." Kelly had three brothers, William, Thomas and Robert.

Mr. Kelly enlisted in the Navy at the outbreak of World War II and served from 1942 to 1946 . He served in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters aboard the U.S.S. Osterhaus. He was stationed at the Caviti Naval Base in the Philippine Islands from mid-1945 until discharged in 1946. He was proud of his naval service, he said. "I was not one, but I saw many who I consider to have been heroes," Kelly said. "We helped many of them on their missions and I know they will never be adequately or truly appreciated by those who will not and frankly cannot know the sacrifice they made or the hell they went through. You had to be there. I will always be proud of having served in the greatest Navy ever assembled."

At age 30, in 1952, Mr. Kelly married his wife, Byrd M. Sullivan. The two met at an insurance company where she worked after attending college and until their first child was due. Mr. Kelly joked that on the news of their engagement, an aunt sent her a sympathy card.

Mr. Kelly used his financial success to contribute to others. His philanthropy has supported the interests of numerous agencies and educational institutions. In 1986, he established the Donald P. and Byrd M. Kelly Foundation of Oak Brook, IL, which provides financial support for organizations, institutions and individuals who are involved in providing or seeking formal education.

Mr. Kelly supported the University of Notre Dame, DePaul University, Loyola University, St. Norbert College, Regis University, and the University of Kansas. The Foundation has provided a perpetual scholarship fund at Loyola. It has supported the heart transplant unit and the Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center of Loyola University Medical Center and provided a grant to Loyola's Mundelein College. For their support and involvement in the university, Loyola awarded Mr. and Mrs. Kelly the Damen award in 1985 and later, Mrs. Kelly, with the school's Camelia Award for women in recognition of their contributions.

Mr. Kelly was a member of the advisory councils of the University of Notre Dame College of Business Administration and the DePaul University College of Commerce. He was a member of the board of trustees of University of Notre Dame and St. Norbert College and a life trustee of Fenwick High School. He received honorary doctoral degrees from Loyola University and DePaul University. He was also active in numerous other business and civic organizations.

Mr. Kelly is survived by his widow, Byrd; two sons, Patrick and Thomas; a daughter, Laura Kelly Smith; and 12 grandchildren.

Visitation will be at the Hallowell & James Funeral Home, 1025 W. 55th Street, Countryside, from 3 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, March 23rd. A funeral mass for Mr. Kelly will be said at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday, March 24th, at St. John of the Cross Church, 4920 Caroline Avenue, Western Springs, followed by interment at the Bronswood Cemetery, 3805 Madison Street, Oak Brook.

Obama Care - The Birth of the Blues!

Thank you Michael Ramirez!

Hat Tip to Ane Leary and Backyard Conservative

Neil Steinberg: A Dip's Quips on Lip Dis-ing Dip.

. . . sort of like a guy who crashes your party turning around and complaining about the dip.
Neil Steinberg on Congressman Lipinski's vote of conviction against Obama Care.

Really? I invited the Certitude-Neutral Columnist to lunch among the helots and he rewarded us with universal insult.

An univited guest can be sure to cause no end of mischief. The mistake is in asking the worthless to join you.

Dan Lipinksi, lunch and rounds are on us!

President Obama's Polls Will Limbo Under Congress Approval Ratings

How low will President Obama's Approval Numbers Limbo?

Lower than whale poop in the Marianas Trench

Lower than a snakes belly in a wheel rut at the bottom of the New Madris Fault

Lower than MSNBC's Nielson Ratings

Lower than Hog Futures in Israel

Lower than the taxes paid by Bob Creamer

Lower than the editorial skills of the Huffington Post

Ah, but do mind the cuteness of me , Flann O'Brien was wont to say! President Obama went all in with chips that did not belong to him. Them chips is ours - the Taxpayers' Chips.

If you are not a tax-payer, or have gulped enough SEIU Kool Aid, you are as happy as a clam about Obama Care. Another urban Democrat like myself, Mike Goodwn of the New York Post writes this -(click my post title for more)

Either you believe America is different and should play a unique role in expanding individual liberty, or you believe we should trim our freedoms to fit international norms, as embodied by centralized authorities and global organizations like the United Nations.

It's clear where Obama stands.

As he said in response to a question in Europe nearly a year ago, "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I imagine that Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism and the British believe in British exceptionalism."

Though he said he was proud of his country, the answer was unmistakably no, he's not a believer. On that day and so many others -- remember his apologies and bows to foreign potentates -- he demonstrates he doesn't subscribe in the tradition of his predecessors and most of his countrymen.

His health-care obsession, with industry tentacles reaching 17 percent of the economy, reveals his vision. There is little dispute the industry has big flaws, yet Obama passed up a bipartisan chance to fix most of them.

He opted for a sweeping expansion and takeover that would put Washington in charge of every aspect, from levels of care, to cost, to mandates, to jobs and taxes.

President Obama pushed all in and will be History's Goat* - the worst President in American History he will plunge past Carter (34) and boost James Buchanan (40).


Congressman Dan Lipinski - A Heroic Statement of Principle

(March 21, 2010) Today, Congressman Dan Lipinski (IL-3) released the following statement regarding his decision to vote against the Senate health care bill:

“My decision to vote against the Senate health care bill is the result of months of studying our broken health care system, developing and analyzing various proposals for reform, studying legislation, and listening closely to my constituents. I want to thank each and every one of the thousands of Third District residents who contacted me by phone, fax, email, and in person to share their views for and against the bill.

“As I have said many times, I strongly believe reform is needed to lower soaring health care costs and make insurance coverage more affordable and accessible for individuals and working families. But reform must be done right. The Senate bill does make a number of improvements to our health care system, including expanding access and reforming health insurance by doing such things as immediately banning discrimination based on pre-existing conditions for children, prohibiting lifetime coverage limits, and banning rescissions. Unfortunately, the bill also contains a number of serious flaws, and many of the good aspects could have been done without passing this massive bill. The Senate bill does not do enough to lower the skyrocketing cost of health care, cuts more than $400 billion from Medicare, is not fiscally sustainable over the long term, and breaks with the status quo by providing federal funding for abortion and abortion coverage. This bill was also marred by backroom deals that benefit pharmaceutical companies and other special interests. In the final analysis, I cannot support such a deeply flawed bill.

“Last November, after successfully fighting to make numerous improvements to the initial House health care bill, I voted to move the measure forward. I did so because I did not want to give up on reform, and because I believed we might still be able to fix the flaws in the bill before a final vote. However, I made my position very clear at the time, stating: ‘If this bill does not improve when it comes back from the Senate, I will vote against it.’ Unfortunately, the final bill is in many ways worse, not better, than the House legislation.

“To deserve the name of reform, a bill of this magnitude ought to make major progress on reducing health care costs, which continue to increase at unsustainable rates. Since 1980, overall spending on health care has risen on average at almost twice the rate of inflation, and per capita health care spending is nearly double what it was 10 years ago. Unless we address these increases, health care will continue to gobble up more and more of people’s income, and more and more of our tax dollars, until we reach a breaking point. Government subsidies alone cannot solve the problem of the increasing burden that skyrocketing health care costs impose on middle class Americans. We must change payment incentives for providers and this bill does not accomplish that.

“As the Congressional Budget Office has stated, the Senate health care bill would do little to affect the cost of premiums for those who currently get their health care through large employers. Since 70 percent of Americans who are not on Medicare are in this group, this bill fails to sufficiently reduce costs for the majority of working families in the Third District. The Senate bill also does not include several specific measures that were in the House bill that could increase competition. These include the elimination of the health insurance industry’s anti-trust exemption and a provision to begin to require health care providers to disclose their prices.

“I am also concerned that the bill’s more than $400 billion in Medicare cuts could have ramifications for seniors in my district. For instance, the Senate bill reduces Medicare reimbursements to providers – such as hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and home health agencies – by over $200 billion. The Chief Actuary of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has stated that these cuts would likely result in roughly 20 percent of providers becoming unprofitable; this could lead to providers refusing to take care of seniors on Medicare. And if these cuts are going to be made to Medicare, the money should at least be put in the Medicare Trust Fund instead of being spent elsewhere as this bill does. In addition, unlike the House bill, the Senate bill does not allow the government to negotiate for lower drug prices, which I have long supported.

“I am also greatly concerned about the impact of this bill on our ballooning deficit. While the Congressional Budget Office has stated that the bill would officially reduce the deficit, close inspection of this analysis reveals serious problems. The CBO counts as deficit reduction over $70 billion in premiums that will be paid into the newly created CLASS Act. This well-intentioned program to provide long-term care for people with disabilities should be keeping this money in a trust fund to pay out future benefits instead of being spent elsewhere. And even if these premiums were kept in a trust fund, CBO states that the CLASS Act is fiscally unsustainable after two decades, when benefit payouts will significantly overwhelm the premiums coming in. Further, $29 billion in increased Social Security receipts are counted towards deficit reduction although they ought to remain in the Social Security Trust Fund.

“The bill also does not address this year’s scheduled 21 percent cut in Medicare reimbursements to doctors; when Congress votes to do this, likely later this year, it will cost over $200 billion over the next 10 years. Also, the CBO score assumes that in later years, the growth in federal subsidies would suddenly be allowed to decline, and that the tax on middle-class insurance plans – which I and many others already oppose – would be expanded. If Congress will not do these things today, why would it do so tomorrow? Taken together, these elements more than wipe out the supposed savings.

“Finally, of great concern to me and to a significant majority of my constituents, this bill changes current federal policy and provides funding for abortion. This is not acceptable. It is in direct contradiction of the Hyde Amendment, which for more than three decades has prohibited federally funded abortion. First, the bill allows federal funds to subsidize health plans in the insurance exchanges that cover abortion. For any insurance plan that receives federal subsidies and provides abortion, all participants would be required to contribute at least $1 per month that would fund abortion services, regardless of whether they want abortion coverage or not. It also opens the door for Community Health Centers receiving federal funding under the bill to use that money to pay for abortion. I do not believe the last minute effort to address these concerns through an Executive Order is sufficient because there is every indication that federal courts would strike down this order, and the order could be repealed at any time in the future.

For all of these reasons, I cannot support the health care bill. I am deeply disappointed that Congress did not develop a better bill. But whatever this bill’s fate, I will not stop fighting against special interests and for improvements to our health care system that will benefit all of the residents of the Third District. And in the days, weeks, and months ahead, I will continue working to create jobs and revive our economy.”

Congressman Dan Lipinski - The Only Man Standing!

"As I have said many times, I strongly believe reform is needed to lower soaring health care costs and make insurance coverage more affordable and accessible for individuals and working families. But reform must be done right."
Congressman Dan Lipinski ( D. 3rd District)

Congressman Dan Lipinski took a heroic stand in opposition to the horrific Senate Omnibus Bill -Obama Care. This is the most divisive and foolish monstrosity ever forced down the the throats of the American People -by the very same hypocrites who get weepy about fois gras.

Congressman Dan Lipinski earned my respect and my count on the support of every voter in my house. Congressman Lipinski stood for every voter in the 3rd District and for every American taxpayer. You will have every dunce in America railing against you - but they do not vote in the 3rd District.

Well done, Congressman! You are the only Man Standing in Illinois Democratic politics.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tribune's Seeker Seeking Seekers Who Seek Same: Manya Brachear's Catholic Health Debate is a Monologue

Manya Brachear* is never a disappointment. The earnest, really, really, really interested Religion columnist and Lloyd Garrison Level No Popery Here Medill Mouthpiece has offered another of her very special earnest pieces on the Obama Care Bill.

Manya is from the school of journalism ( Progressive Doctrinaire) that likes to get every one with the exact same point of view for thematic and narrative issue overkill.

Catholics ( Catholics United and Sister Donna Quinn and Liberation Theology Marxist Bob Bossie) are trotted out to help Manya.

On Saturday, Catholics United , a non-profit that promotes social justice, launched a television campaign to counter claims that the legislation, if approved, will provide taxpayer funding for elective abortions. The ad is airing in, among others, Illinois Democrat Dan Lipinski’s congressional district.

“As a lifelong advocate for health care reform, I call on Congressman Lipinski to do what’s best for hard working people of Illinois and support reform,” said the Rev. Bob Bossie, a religious order priest in Chicago. “The reform bill before the House will save lives, support families and uphold existing laws which prevent taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortions.”

Bossie concedes he is “quite unhappy” with the legislation. But he finds the cardinal’s hard line unfortunate.

“I respect the cardinal’s position, but at this particular juncture on the road something is better than nothing,” he said. “I think it’s just the beginning.”

Meanwhile, 60 leaders of religious orders representing 59,000 Catholic nuns side with the Catholic Health Association, saying a yes vote is imperative.

“It will uphold longstanding conscience protections and it will make historic new investments – $250 million – in support of pregnant women,” the nuns wrote. “This is the REAL pro-life stance, and we as Catholics are all for it.”

But there’s one nun that does not support the bill.

Dominican sister and activist Donna Quinn said restrictions on abortion go too far. She said national health care must include “Medicaid funding for a woman on Medicaid … who chooses this legal medical procedure.”

“If this Health Care ‘Reform’ does pass we all know that gender discrimination was necessary to do so,” Quinn said. “Women deserve better.”

What do you think?

Let's see here. Bob Bossie is a Marxist. Sister Donna Quinn works for Planned Parenthood and is a goofball. Catholics United are a PAC paid for by George Soros.

Gee, Manya, thanks for asking! I think that you are not all that good at your job, but that is Okay! Neither are your editors!

* Manya Brachear joined the Chicago Tribune in June 2003. As one of the paper's religion reporters, she has helped chronicle the papal transition from Rome, the Dalai Lama's visit to Chicago, Protestant debates about gay clergy, progress and pitfalls of interfaith dialogue and the emerging role of religion in American politics. Brachear earned a bachelor's degree from Appalachian State University and masters' degrees in journalism and religious studies from Columbia University. She also has written for Time magazine, The Dallas Morning News, and the News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C.