"While Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn and Sen. Dick Durbin, both Democrats, welcomed the possibility of locking up Guantanamo detainees at Thomson, several other Illinois lawmakers objected, warning that it would make the Chicago area a terrorist target.
But some folks who live in the shadow of the prison don't buy that." Huffington Post
Thomson, Illinois - ( The Home of Kettles of Thomson, Illinois - Ma and Pa and the twenty four kids. Planned Parenthood wanted to do a study. Pa said "Naw." Ma is taking Pa's Union Suit out of the wash boiler*.)
*Wash Boiler - A vessel of sheet-metal in which clothes to be washed are boiled.
Ma Kettle: [about Pa's underwear] It's the latest thing, Billy Reed said they'd fit perfectly.
Pa Kettle: They probably would if he were in them with me!
Ma Kettle: [laughs] Well, we'll just pin them up for right now, they'll shrink once I wash them. Pa, I always seem to be scoldin' you.
Pa Kettle: I know, Ma. You do all the barkin', but it's me that's always in the doghouse
Ma Kettle: Pa, you're lazier than that old hound dog we used to have.
Pa Kettle: Which one?
Ma Kettle: The one that used to lean against the wall when she barked.
(Shotgun Smith stops by) Mornin' Ma! Mornin' Pa tell you 'bout the news I saw?
Ma & Pa - Naw!
Shotgun- Terrorists a Comin'!
Pa Kettle: I thought they might be a traveling salesmen. A lot of them visit farms, you know.
Shotgun: Yeah, I've heard stories about them.
Ma Kettle: Thomas Edison's first name was Thomas!
Pa and Shotgun - Don't say.
Friday, January 08, 2010
Thomson Townies Talk Terrorist Tourists
Posted by
6:27 AM
Labels: Terrorists, Thomson Illinois
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Close Yeman BUT Open Thomson to Al Qaeda ? - Former Governor Pat Quinn
Let's see: folks who objected to the move of terrorists from Gitmo to Thomson are 'fear-mongering NO-No's' and Dithering Dick Durbin and Pat Quinn are cool thoughtful statesmen - they are not covering the President's gluteus maximus -thin as it is.
"The local community is united in wanting to have this federal prison located in Thomson, Illinois," Quinn said.
Republicans criticized the plan for bringing terrorism suspects into the country despite questions over the legality of terms of their continued detention.
Thomson, Illinois is going to get Gitmo terrorists, because the President Obama's debt to Daily Kos and Move-on.org knit-cap patriots was 'sick-nasty' smart last January.
However, Yeman's Embassy is closed, after Underwear Allah-boy got tuned-up by the brave passengers on the flight he was taking and bombing from Amsterdam to Detroit and Janet "Paulie Walnuts" Napolitano could not manage to blame the attack on Tea-Bagger Grannies and Swedes.
The U.S. closed its embassy in Yemen on Sunday, citing ongoing threats by the al Qaeda group linked to the failed Christmas Day bid to bomb a Detroit-bound flight.
"The U.S. Embassy in San'a is closed today, January 3, 2010, in response to ongoing threats by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula ... to attack American interests in Yemen," the embassy said in a brief message on its Web site. The message did not say how long the embassy, which has been assaulted and threatened several times in the past decade, would remain closed.( click my post title)
“There are indications that Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula is targeting our embassy and targeting our personnel. We’re not going to take any chance with the lives of diplomats,” White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Adviser John Brennan said on “Fox News Sunday.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0110/31109.html#ixzz0bZaSVWNg
Makes sense to MSNBC. Blame Rassmussen for the President's corkscrewing polls.'
Pat Quinn and, I hope,hope,hope, hope, Dithering Dick Durbin will be voted out of office for this slick political pay off to the President. Pat Quinn is a very nice man and Dick Durbin is a fatuous game-playing dope -in my Helot's Opinion.
Former Governor Pat Quinn's sleepover in Thomson is still on.
Here is the White House approval for Former Governor Pat Quinn's Al Qaeda Sleep-Over in Thomson, IL
December 15, 2009
The Honorable Pat Quinn
Governor of Illinois
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Dear Governor Quinn:
On January 22,2009, President Obama issued Executive Order 13492, directing the closure of the detention center at Guantanamo. A key purpose of this Order was to protect our national security and help our troops by removing a deadly recruiting tool from the hands of al-Qa'ida. This should not be a political or partisan issue. This action is supported by the nation's highest military and civilian leaders who prosecuted the war against al-Qa'ida under the previous administration and continue to do so today. It is also supported by five previous Secretaries of State who served in both Democratic and Republican administrations, including those of Presidents Nixon, Ford, George H.W. Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush.
On November 12,2009, you wrote to Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Attorney General Eric Holder proposing that the Federal Government work with the State of Illinois to acquire the Thomson Correctional Center to house Federal inmates and a limited number of detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. We appreciate the leadership and assistance you and Senator Dick Durbin have provided during our evaluation of this proposal. We also would like to thank Thomson Village President Jerry "Duke" Hebeler and the people of Thomson and the surrounding region for their support and hospitality.
We write to inform you that the President has directed, with our unanimous support, that the Federal Government proceed with the acquisition of the facility in Thomson. Not only will this help address the urgent overcrowding problem at our nation's Federal prisons, but it will also help achieve our goal of closing the detention center at Guantanamo in a timely, secure, and lawful manner.
Executive Order 13492 directed us to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and to conduct a review of the most secure and efficient way to adjudicate each of the Guantanamo detainee cases. This is part ofthe President's aggressive posture in the fight against al-Qa'ida that uses all instruments of our national power, including: keeping the pressure on al-Qa'ida and its leadership globally; strengthening homeland security and increasing cooperation and intelligence sharing among Federal agencies and between the Federal Government and state and local authorities; recognizing our values as a critical piece of our battle against our enemies; prosecuting detainees in Federal courts, which have safely and securely prosecuted terrorists for many years; trying detainees for violations of the law of war in military commissions, which were reformed by bipartisan legislation signed by the President in October; and transferring detainees to their home countries or third countries that agree to accept them, when consistent with our national security interests and humane treatment policies.
As the President has made clear, we will need to continue to detain some individuals currently held at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. To securely house these detainees, Federal agencies plan to work with you and other state officials to acquire the nearly vacant maximum security facility in Thomson, Illinois. This facility will serve dual purposes. First, the Department of Justice will acquire this facility primarily to house Federal inmates. The Bureau of Prisons has a pressing need for more bed space in light of current crowded conditions. Second, the Defense Department will operate part of the facility to house a limited number of detainees from Guantanamo. The two parts of the facility will be managed separately, and Federal inmates will have no opportunity to interact with Guantanamo detainees. The security of the facility and the surrounding region is our paramount concern. The facility was built in 2001 to maximum security specifications, and after acquisition it will be enhanced to exceed perimeter security standards at the nation's only "supermax" prison in Florence, Colorado, where there has never been an escape or external attack. Federal departments and agencies, including the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice, and Defense, will work closely with state and local law enforcement authorities to identify and mitigate any risks, including sharing information through the state's "fusion center" and working with the Federal Joint Terrorism Task Force. The President has no intention of releasing any detainees in the United States. Current law effectively bars the release ofthe Guantanamo detainees on U.S. soil, and the Federal Government has broad authority under current law to detain individuals during removal proceedings and pending the execution of final removal orders. Federal officials also have consulted with local, county, and state law enforcement authorities to begin the process of identifying additional resources they may require to handle the increased population of Federal inmates and detainees. We are pleased that Illinois law enforcement authorities endorsed this plan in a letter to the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General dated December 2,2009. We also note that more than 30 villages, towns, cities, counties, chambers of commerce, and other community and business organizations have sent letters, approved resolutions, or otherwise expressed their support for this plan. We are greatly encouraged by this support, and we commit to working with local authorities closely as this process moves forward. There are many steps still to be taken and many requirements still to be met, but we look forward to working with you to complete the Federal acquisition of the facility in Thomson. Sincerely,
4\\woR-o ~vv-~~
Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State
~~~ecret81 of D@nse
Eric H. Holder, Jr. Attorney General
Janet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano - Secretary of Homeland Security
Dennis C. Blair Director ofNational
Janet " Paulie Walnuts" Napolitano is really, really, really, really, really as much of a dope as Dithering Dick Durbin.
Sleep tight Mateys!
Posted by
9:38 AM
Labels: Al Queda, Former Senator Durbin, Forner Governor Pat Quinn, Thomson Illinois, Yeman
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Dithering Dick Durbin the Turban Trolling for Safe Prison Czar Spot?
If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime—Pol Pot or others—that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case. This was the action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.Durbin the Turban 2005
I felt then, and still feel, that these policies were not reflective of American values.Dithering Dick Durbin 2009
Shore Dew Look like Dithering Dick the Planned Parenthood Personally Prolife Parsing-Panda Panderer understands he is on short time as US Senator.
Roland Burris has eclipsed this unprincipled dope. Is Durbin the Turban sending messages to Rahm Emmanuel and Dave Axelrod that he wants to be the Safe-Prisons Czar?
Click me post title read this jerque's nonsense.
Posted by
4:46 AM
Labels: Former Senator Durbin, Thomson Illinois
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thomson's LiteMo, or Gitmo Lite, Lures Melonaires!
O Beloved one, How did you manage to, so heartily eat those slices of melon ? Just one slice of the melon had such an effect on me, then how did you manage to eat so many slices ?" Luqman(A.S.) replied: "O Friend, from your hands I have received hundreds of gifts. The burden of thanks upon me is so great, that my back has gone crooked. Hence, I felt ashamed that the hand that had granted me so much favours, if one day some distastefulness or bitterness should come, how can I turn away from it ? O Friend, the pleasure of knowing that it comes from your hands has changed the bitterness of the melon to sweetness." Luqman Servant of Allah
Thanks Illinois Former Elected ( well not Pat Quinn of course) Officials for making Thomson Illinois the Epi-Center of Illinois Melonaires!
Former Governor Pat Quinn and Former Senator Dick Durbin are True Men of Genius!
Thomson, Illinois is the Melon Capital of the World. Some argue that Illinois will become more of a Terrorist Epicenter - Well, Never Pass Up a Catastrophe! Gitmo North will attract Terrorists You Say? Bring 'em on! They Gotta Eat and No one can pass up a delicious Thomason Melon!
Thomson, IL will become the World Melon Market. Melons Rock the Casbah and the Thompson Center and soon the White House!
Dig into the Melon groove! Futures and Commodities Melons ain;t no Oddity!
From High Plains Midwest AG Journal no less!
Time to thump the melons
Watermelon is no longer just the stuff of barbecues and seed spitting contests. It is all grown up and playing a sweet note in dishes, not just dribbling juices down your face.
The first problem one encounters when face-to-face with a melon is how do you tell when it is ripe. You can always cut a plug and taste, providing the melon is in your own patch, (for some strange reason purveyors of the juicy fruits frown upon plugging).
Thumping is fun, but it doesn't work for me. Sniffing, does however. Just go nose to nose with the fruit and if you can smell the taste of the melon, it is ripe. Some people push a bit on the stem end and if it gives a bit that is another indication of ripeness. Pay no attention if a melon has a light colored area on its fat body, that merely marks the part of the melon that was lying on the earth and out of reach of the sun. It has nothing to do with ripeness not with sweetness.
Sweetness is what most people enjoy about melons. The higher the fructose content the better we like it. The darker the meat of the melon, the more sugar it holds. If you are buying by the slice or the wedge, you can eyeball the color and pick accordingly. Avoid mealy melons as they are the old guys who lounged around in the sun too long. All melons and most fruits take kindly to salt and to lemon or lime juice as they enhance flavor and makes the melon taste sweeter.
Watermelon & Goat Cheese Salad
Red and yellow watermelon (or a combination of different kinds of melon) when served together make a colorful salad, but you can use just one kind if you like.
1 1/2 pounds red watermelon
1 1/2 pounds yellow melon
6 oz fresh goat cheese, cut into cubes or crumbled
1/2 cup hazelnuts (or other nuts), toasted and chopped*
8 fresh mint leaves, julienned
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Pinch salt
Cut rinds off melons, leaving fruit intact. Remove any seeds. Slice melons into 1-inch thick slices. Cut slices into long fingers or triangles. Place melon on a chilled platter. Intermingle goat cheese with melon pieces. Sprinkle hazelnuts, mint, olive oil and salt over the top. Makes 4 servings. *Note: Spread nuts on a baking sheet. Toast 10 minutes in a 300 F oven.
Watermelon & Cherry Tomato Salsa
Serve with grilled fish or use the salsa as a salad.
1 1/2 pounds red watermelon
1 1/2 pounds yellow watermelon or other melon
1 1/2 cups red and gold cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup tightly packed cilantro or parsley leaves
2 teaspoons minced shallot or scallions
Salt, to taste
3 tablespoons pure olive oil
1 tablespoon wine or raspberry vinegar, more to taste
Cut both melons into 1/2-inch cubes, remove seeds and place in a large bowl. Cut tomatoes in half or quarters and add to the bowl. Lightly chop cilantro or parsley, add to the watermelon, along with shallot, salt, olive oil and vinegar. Mix well. Depending on sweetness of melons and acidity of tomatoes, adjust seasoning with salt or vinegar, if needed. Serves 6 to 8 as a salad.
Watermelon & Summer Berry Gazpacho
Berries of any kind can be used in this refreshing malange. It can be served for dessert, or as a first course or as a lunch.
6 1/2 cups cubed watermelon, to yield 4 cups puree
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons raspberry vinegar
10 mint leaves, finely sliced
1/2 cup raspberries
1/2 cup blueberries
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon coarse cracked black pepper
Pinch cayenne, optional
Seed melon cubes, if necessary. Put cubes in a blender and process until smooth. Pour puree through a strainer, pushing gently. Discard pulp. The remaining puree will be very thin, almost like juice; set aside in refrigerator. For gazpacho: To 4 cups of puree, add the lemon juice, vinegar, mint, onion, berries, salt, pepper and cayenne; mix well. Chill at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to blend. Serve in chilled bowls. Makes 4 servings.
Watermelon Agua Fresca
This bright red and refreshing strained drink can also be made with yellow watermelon, honeydew or other varieties of melon.
3 pounds ripe watermelon
1 1/2 cups cold water
2 to 4 tablespoons sugar, or to taste
Squeeze of lime
Remove any seeds, then cut all but about 1 cup of melon into chunks and place in blender or food processor. (It's okay if a few seeds make it into the blender.) Add enough water to blend, sugar and lime juice; blend until quite smooth. Strain through a fine strainer, pressing solids to get as much liquid out as possible, and add remaining water, plus more sugar and lime juice to taste. Cut remaining melon into small dice and add to the agua fresca. Chill until cold or serve immediately over ice. Makes 4 glasses.
Chunky Cataloupe Agua Fresca
This unstrained agua fresca has chunks of melon and more water than the strained version. Pick the ripest melon you can find. You can also use honeydew or specialty melons. This will hold in the refrigerator for a day or two.
1 1/2 pounds cantaloupe, about 3 cups chopped
2 cups cold water
2 tablespoons sugar, or to taste
Squeeze of lime or lemon
Scoop out the seeds, then cut the melon into large chunks and place in the blender. Add enough water to blend, sugar and lime juice and blend on "liquefy" until quite smooth, up to a few minutes. Add remaining water and more sugar and lime juice to taste, if you like. Chill until cold or serve immediately over ice. Makes 4 glasses.
It's easy to see where watermelon got its name!
Date: 8/22/06
Thomson - More Than Gitmo-Lite It's America's Melon Bite!
Posted by
8:41 AM
Labels: Former Governor Pat Quinn, Former Senator Durbin, Melons for Terrorists, Senator Dithering Dick Burbin, Thomson Illinois
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Quinn and Durbin Open Thomson Al Qaeda B & B!
Former Governor Pat Quinn and Former Senator Dick Durbin Sing Be Our Guests to Gitmo Illini!
Sing it Voters! Then Laugh these two out of Office!
Quinn, Durbin at White House today for Thomson briefing
December 15, 2009 6:44 AM | No Comments
Gov. Pat Quinn and U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois meet with Obama administration officials at the White House today to be briefed on the federal government's plans to buy Illinois' little-used Thomson state prison in the northwest corner of the state for use housing federal prisoners and some of the detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Read more in Clout Street
Pat Quinn:
Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest prideQuinn and Progressives:
and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight.
And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a
chair as the dining room proudly presents -
your dinner!
Be our guest! Be our guest!
Put our service to the test
Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie
And we'll provide the rest
Soup du jour
Hot hors d'oeuvres
Why, we only live to serve
Try the grey stuff
It's delicious
Don't believe me? Ask the dishes
They can sing, they can dance
After all, Miss, this is France
And a dinner here is never second best
Go on, unfold your menu
Take a glance and then you'll
Be our guest
Oui, our guest
Be our guest!
Beef ragoutChorus:
Cheese souffle
Pie and pudding "en flambe"
We'll prepare and serve with flair
A culinary cabaret!
You're alone
And you're scared
But the banquet's all prepared
No one's gloomy or complaining
While the flatware's entertaining
We tell jokes! I do tricks
With my fellow candlesticks
And it's all in perfect taste
That you can bet
Come on and lift your glass
You've won your own free pass
To be out guest
If you're stressed
It's fine dining we suggest
Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!
Get your worries off your chest
Let us say for your entree
We've an array; may we suggest:
Try the bread! Try the soup!
When the croutons loop de loop
It's a treat for any dinner
Don't belive me? Ask the china
Singing pork! Dancing veal!
What an entertaining meal!
How could anyone be gloomy and depressed?
We'll make you shout "encore!"
And send us out for more
So, be our guest!
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Mrs Schakowsky:
It's a guest! It's a guest!
Sakes alive, well I'll be blessed!
Wine's been poured and thank the Lord
I've had the napkins freshly pressed
With dessert, she'll want tea
And my dear that's fine with me
While the cups do their soft-shoein'
I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing
I'll get warm, piping hot
Heaven's sakes! Is that a spot?
Clean it up! We want the company impressed
Big Ed Schultz
We've got a lot to do!
Mrs Schakowsky:
Is it one lump or two?
For you, our guest!
She's our guest!
Mrs Schakowsky & Billy Ayers:
She's our guest!
She's our guest!
Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!
Pat Quinn:
Life is so unnerving
For a servant who's not serving
He's not whole without a soul to wait upon
Ah, those good old days when we were useful...
Suddenly those good old days are gone
Ten years we've been rusting
Needing so much more than dusting
Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills!
Most days we just lay around the castle
Flabby, fat and lazy
You walked in and oops-a-daisy!
Quinn, Durbin, & President Obama:
Be our guest! Be our guest!
Our command is your request
It's been years since we've had anybody here
And we're obsessed
With your meal, with your ease
Yes, indeed, we aim to please
While the candlelight's still glowing
Let us help you, We'll keep going
Course by course, one by one
'Til you shout, "Enough! I'm done!"
Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest
Tonight you'll prop your feet up
But for now, let's eat up
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Please, be our guest!
Posted by
7:16 AM
Labels: Former Governor Pat Quinn, Former Senator Durbin, Gitmo Guests, Thomson Illinois
Monday, November 23, 2009
Justice Dude Holder's Gitmo Clients -Recused from Justice
Senator Dithering Dick Durbin is shilling for the House of Holder and former Governor Pat Quinn is helping. Thomson, Illinois will soon be the Gitmo Guest Haus for Eric "A Nation of Cowards" Holder's clients.
According to documents obtained exclusively by The Washington Times, Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli, No. 3 official in the Justice Department, had to recuse himself on at least 13 active detainee cases and at least 26 cases listed as either closed or mooted.
Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican, made waves Nov. 18 when he demanded that Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. provide a list of all the suspected-terrorist detainee cases from which current Justice Department political appointees have had to recuse themselves. The extent of the conflicts at the department is still unclear.
Mr. Perrelli's recusals presumably stem from the work that either he or his former firm, Jenner & Block LLP, did on behalf of detainees while Mr. Perrelli served on the firm's management committee and on its appellate and Supreme Court practice groups. And Mr. Perrelli is just one official; a number of other Justice Department officials apparently did private-sector work on detainee cases.
This is an important topic. Even if each official who did prior work on detainee cases has indeed properly recused himself from those cases while at the Justice Department, there could be such a large number of affected officials that the department's prevailing ethos could be tilted strongly in the detainees' favor. Mr. Grassley's inquiry is pressing because it could ferret out any instance in which a department official should have been recused but wasn't.
Mr. Perrelli's recusals presumably stem from the work that either he or his former firm, Jenner & Block LLP, did on behalf of detainees while Mr. Perrelli served on the firm's management committee and on its appellate and Supreme Court practice groups. And Mr. Perrelli is just one official; a number of other Justice Department officials apparently did private-sector work on detainee cases.
This is an important topic. Even if each official who did prior work on detainee cases has indeed properly recused himself from those cases while at the Justice Department, there could be such a large number of affected officials that the department's prevailing ethos could be tilted strongly in the detainees' favor. Mr. Grassley's inquiry is pressing because it could ferret out any instance in which a department official should have been recused but wasn't.
When the senator publicly requested information from Mr. Holder, the attorney general merely promised to "consider" the request. After some hemming and hawing and dodging, Mr. Holder eventually said he needed to make sure there was no "attorney-client privilege" involved before disclosing the list of recusals. This is absurd. Attorney-client privilege may extend to the substance of lawyers' discussions with detainees, but not to the mere question of whether the lawyers are doing such work.
While the rest of the list of recusals has yet to be provided to the senator, The Washington Times secured the Perrelli recusal list, which previously had been distributed widely within the Justice Department. Herewith, consider this list of names of detainees whose cases are listed as "active" on the Perrelli recusal list:
Saad Al Qahtani. Mohammed Zahrani. Achraf Salim ("Sultan") Abdessalam. Abdul Rahman Abdul Abu Ghityh Sulayman. Musaab Omar Al Madhwani. Jawad Jabbar Sadkhan (Al Sahlani). Majid Khan.
Watermelon! Juicy Thomson Watermelons! - Illinois -Al Quedaering to America's Guests!
Posted by
7:27 AM
Labels: Dithering Dick Durbin, Eric "Nation of Cowards" Holder, Former Governor Pat Quinn, Melons for Terrorists, Thomson Illinois
Monday, November 16, 2009
Illini Gitmo! Your Gift to Al Queda thanks to Durbin, Quinn and Our White House!
Get Them Thomson Melons Ready! Quinn and Durbin have Gitmo Guests Jonesing for Thomson Melons!
"We're here today to let the people know we're not going to let the fearmongers carry the day," Quinn said. "We're going to do things right, the Illinois way."
That was former Illinois Governor Quinn, boys and girls!
The Illinois way! Is not Blago, Pat Quinn's Old Partner, facing more than a few semesters in the Hotel Serious, for conducting things in the Illinois Way?
By Illinois Way does former Governor Quinn mean screwing every person in the State of Illinois into poverty and far and away from the Middle Class, but with Terorists?
What do our Gitmo Illini get? The Folks in Thomson have it all -
We have some of the finest watermelons and produce in the country. Thomson is at the intersection of Illinois Route 84 and Argo Fay Road nestled along the mighty Mississippi River, where Potter's Marsh (U.S. Corps of Engineers - Thomson Causeway Public Use Area) offers some of the finest camping in Northwestern Illinois. Thomson is also known for some of the finest duck hunting, deer hunting and turkey hunting in the state of Illinois. Fishing is great!! We have a wide variety of fish on the mighty Mississippi River. Huge Catfish, Walleye, Bass, Northern Pike, Bluegills and the list goes on and on.
If you are planning on a quiet vacation or want to do some camping, come and see what Thomson has to offer. Thomson is also the site of the Illinois Department of Corrections newest maximum security prison - a $145 million facility which remains unopened.
Coupons and Penny savers! Check out the Costs!
Average Annual Cost Per Inmate: $43,803.00! Wow, that is $13,000 more than my Western Illinois University 2007 Graduate daughter Nora makes in our American Economy. She has yet to plant a IED.
More than my friends who have been laid off for more three months. I know several families who will not be as snug and well cared for here in Illinois as these gents who made war on America.
Foreign born terrorists get to live in Illinois Melon Capital - Thomson, Illinois.
Thomson Correctional Center is a safe maximum-security environment. Prison design, movement patterns and programming options will allow a strong community of order to be maintained. Inmates will be monitored under constant armed and electronic surveillance. Education, mental health services, recreation and skilled development will be available to inmates as mandatory and or voluntary programming options. These choices, under professional guidance, are opportunities for inmates to enrich their lives with the tools necessary for successful living.
Thomson Correctional Center is a Level 1 adult male maximum-security facility comprised of 1,600 cells and eight housing units. The facility also has a 200-bed minimum-security unit. The facility is 146 acres and consists of 15 buildings, totaling 625,000 square feet. Construction in the cell houses is pre-cast, reinforced cement walls. The facility is enclosed by a 12-foot exterior fence and 15-foot interior fence, which includes a dual sided electric stun fence.
Currently only the 200-bed minimum-security unit is open with no opening date set for the main complex.
Dang. Adult education classes will be provided no doubt.
As Dithering Dick Durbin said, "If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings,"
The Illinois Way!
Posted by
11:42 AM
Labels: Dithering Dick Durbin, Former Governor Pat Quinn, Gitmo, Melons, Thomson Illinois