Things seems to have changed at my Alma Mater - radically so.
Today, the Sun Times a secularist myna bird of a paper offered a silly screed from a professor of Theology from Loyola - Susan A. Ross.
Not only is Ms. Ross a professor, but also " a faculty scholar at Loyola University Chicago, where she previously served as department chair. She is past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America and a Public Voices Greenhouse Fellow through The OpEd Project."
The OpEd Project is a radical feminist project that collects " the number of women thought leaders contributing to key commentary forums—which feed all other media, and drive thought leadership across all industries—to a tipping point. We envision a world in which the best ideas—regardless of where or whom they come from—will have a chance to be heard and shape society and the world. "
No guys.
Today's piece by Ms. Ross obfuscates Catholic tradition on abortion.
Like most Progressive abortion lovers, Ms. Ross employs the happy face of Pope Francis to mask the fact that abortion is evil, unjustifiable and sinful.
Pope Francis has challenged single-issue definitions of what it means to be Catholic. He has said that love of God and neighbor and, especially, mercy and compassion, are at the heart of what it means to be Christian and devoted an entire year to Mercy.
He has changed the rule that says abortion is such a serious sin that only a bishop could forgive it; now any priest has that power. He has chided church leaders for their focus on sexual issues and urged them to make the church more welcoming.
Perhaps the bishops are beginning to see that opposition to abortion is not the only thing that defines a “good” Catholic. With the possible repeal of the Affordable Care Act, they have also begun to make statements about the potentially disastrous impact of the loss of health insurance for millions of people.
And in the wake of Trump’s ban on immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries, some Catholic leaders have spoken out strongly on the devastating impact.
Perhaps over the next four years, pro-life Catholics will begin to consider the effects of defunding reproductive health services on poor women not only in the United States, but also across the globe. Or perhaps pro-life Catholics will consider marching for pre- and post-natal health care, maternity leave and child care. Perhaps pro-life Catholics will speak up for women’s voices and moral agency in a church whose leadership is made up of celibate men.
Yeah, them single issues can really enslave women. Pink knit hatted women howled against Trump. and some even mooned the guy's building near the river. That is one enthralling single issue - hating Trump. Only thing missing form Ms. Ross's smoke job was " Keep your rosaries off my ovaries" and a nod to Virginia Slims and women's health.
I was a senior at Loyola, when Roe V. Wade was judicially legislated as the law of the land. Loyola University was disgusted. The students were ashamed of the Ruling and America stopped being a great nation.
Today, Susan A. Ross is allowed to misrepresent Catholic traditions and teaching to smooth political opportunities for the school that I loved. Hell, why should De Paul get all the great land deals from the Chicago Banana Republic?
Professor Ross has a powerful audience of radical feminists and spineless males who are perfectly happy with abortion, Kermit Barron Gosnell and the lie about women's rights.
There are more women with brains and wonderful hearts.
Abortion should and will go the way of the Virginia Slim.