Showing posts with label Huffington Post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Huffington Post. Show all posts

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Schakowsky's Convicted Check Kiting Hubby Worried About McCain the Risk Taker! Hey, Bob, Tell Him About Your Sure Thing! A Few Semesters in the Pen!

Camp Obama Commandant, Convicted Check-Kiting Felon*, Hubby of Congressman Jan Schakowsky ( 40Watt, IL) and Huffington Post Talent Bob 'The Kite Runner' Creamer worries about John McCain as a 'risk taker!'

Oh, Please do click my post title for morsels tossed to the soul-patch and brown rice rice revolutionaries of Obama Reich! Did you guys happen to see the little kids chanting to Kim Il Obama? The guy has a head on him like a Weber Kettle!

Here's a taste of Jan's Jail Bird's thoughts on good government endangered by McCain the Gambler!!!!!

McCain is notorious for his willingness to throw the dice -- literally.

Last Sunday's the New York Times describes the scene at the Foxwoods resort Casino as he "tossed $100 chips around a hot craps table. When the marathon session ended around 2:30 AM, the Arizona senator and his entourage emerged with thousands of dollars in winnings."

McCain is a lifelong gambler - gambling as often as once a month, according to the Times. "In May 2007, as Mr. McCain's presidential bid was floundering, he spent a weekend at the MGM Grand on the Las Vegas strip," where he raised funds, "attended a boxing match and hit the crap tables."

But that's not all. McCain seems to like taking risks -- in his own life -- and with the country. Tossing around $100 chips is nothing for McCain. He's perfectly comfortable tossing around trillion dollar chips.

If that don't clean out Rosie O'Donnell's colon nothing will! Bob, You Mastermind!

Bob!!!! McCain didn't Kite a Check! He didn't get convicted and go to the Joint! You Did! Your Old Lady is drooling to get Gov. Blago to name her to Obama's seat Before He Goes Away! Tony Rezko is Singing to the Feds! Kid Hope is in the On Deck Circle! Bob! You're a Howl, Bob! Keep him employed, Arianna! Let him BOUNCE some more great ideas! This is the most fun I've had with my clothes on! bwaaaahhhaaaaa!!!!!

I wonder if Bob tried to bounce a Czech? Probably get his ass kicked!

*But what has not been known until now is that an organization associated with billionaire leftist and convicted inside trader George Soros had hired a controversial Democratic Party political consultant to help organize its campaign against Bolton. This consultant, Robert B. Creamer, was under indictment at the time and subsequently pleaded guilty to federal bank fraud and tax charges. On April 5, he was sentenced to five months in prison and is currently serving time in the Terra Haute Federal Correctional Institute.

Hey Camp Obama erased Bob's swell Wikipedia file! Quid Nunc?

Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain/Palin: The Obama Bounce Got Stuffed by the Point Guard - Old # 22 Sarah Palin!

The Hollywood Squares of Huffington Post in an attempt to 'damn with faint praise' helped Sarah Palin 'Stuff' the much awaited and 'ain't Happening' Obama Bounce!

Thanks girls!

I'll bet Sarah the Barracuda never rolled a gutter ball!

Click me post titles for some Fav Rave PIX at HuffPo! N.B. - Denver Dems: Do not eat the left overs - them oysters will kill you after a day out in the heat!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On the Denver Parthenon: Obama's Olive Hat

Chorus: DNC Nutbags; MSNBC; Daily Kos; Huffington Post;; The guy who sleeps in the Amana Refrigerator Packing Case along the Tracks at 113th & Rockwell - Chicago, IL; Obama Acolytes everywhere)

With loyalty we lead you; proudly go,
Night's childless children, to your home below!
(O citizens, awhile from words forbear!)
To darkness' deep primeval lair,
Far in Earth's bosom, downward fare,
Adored with prayer and sacrifice.
(O citizens, forbear your cries!)
Pass hitherward, ye powers of Dread,
With all your former wrath allayed,
Into the heart of this loved land;
With joy unto your temple wend,
The while upon your steps attend
The flames that feed upon the brand-
(Now, now ring out your chant, your joy's acclaim!)
Behind them, as they downward fare,
Let holy hands libations bear,
And torches' sacred flame.
All-seeing Zeus and Fate come down
To battle fair for Pallas' town!
Ring out your chant, ring out your joy's acclaim!
(Aeschylus -Libation Bearers)

ANTIPHON: (All the rest of us)

'America is Voting for John McCain!'

Saturday, August 23, 2008

John McCain: McCain Has Killed Kittens, Pushed Blind Cripples in Front of Buses and Predicted an Obama 15 Pt. Bounce! Meanest Man Alive!

John McCain is Mean! He called a boy who merely asked him a question, 'a little jerk!'

Keith Olbermann has named John McCain 'Worst Person' in the World and coming from a troubled fat boy who shudders throughout the day when repressed memories of his days as a lonely boy himself surfaced like bubbles in a tepid water-filled bathtub - toying tearfully with a dog eared Rocky Colavito from Topps and preparing for his next un-pantsing at the hands of loutish athletes, that means something; Keith knows. The bullied become bullies.

I imagine John McCain lifts pads of butter at Denny's across this great country of ours and smears railings in nursing homes and the odd men's door knob. Of course, only after asking the Denny's waitress for a chilled glass of dehydrated water -'Yes, Sir, Senator!'

I see the Senator Glad Wrapping toilet seats after serving guests gallons draft beer hundreds of yards from the house.

No doubt a proffering of delicately fried Tortilla Chips, marshaled around a festive Guacamole dish filled with Wasabi and garnished with intricately cut limes, cilantro, and diced tomatoes would be ideal for those Press Barbecues.

But this week, Senator John McCain crossed the line! If the 18th Century artist William Hogarth could have witnessed McCain's vile act, he would have engraved cuttings for a Fifth Level of Cruelty ( Stage One -small animals; Stage Two - villainy and robbery; Stage Three Murder and Seduction; Stage Four Cruel Perfected and the Fifth Senator John Sidney McCain!

McCain told one of the pencil neck geeks at Huffington Post that he expects the Obama Campaign to take a 15 Point Bounce after the Democratic Convention. ( Click my post title for this shameless act of cruelty.

My God, Sir! These are Half-wits,with whom you are having sport! You, Senator are . . . I'm sorry I can not go on!

But it is damn funny! What's next asking a room full of nuns, 'Is there anyone I have not slept with here today?' Telling a blind kid 'Hey look at that Sunset!'

Asking Keith Olbermann, 'Getting Any?'

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

John McCain: 'All McCain's base are belong to us.' We Is Happy that You Is Working For Arianna, Seth!

All McCain's base are belong to us.

Huffington Post - Hollywood Squares do it some more. Seth Grahame- Smith (AKA - Seth Jared Greenberg) rights about McCain got no base to win. Seth Grahme-Smith say he give it up now to lose. Steven Weber right on that too some more. Marty Kaplan say lots. Bob 'The Shank' Creamer gots more. They do right alot. Obama say they good. McCain not likes that righting and mean. Bush Dum. Clique my post title.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Huffington Post Presents! Steven Webber - Bulwer-Lytton in Birkenstocks!

That's Hollywood Dabbler Steven Webber slammin' hard truths!

That's Bulwer-Lytton slammin' hard prose!

From Paul Clifford by Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton of Knebworth (1803-1873)

It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents, except at
occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which
swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling
along the house-tops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the
lamps that struggled against the darkness. Through one of the obscurest
quarters of London, and among haunts little loved by the gentlemen of the
police, a man, evidently of the lowest orders, was wending his solitary
way. He stopped twice or thrice at different shops and houses of a
description correspondent with the appearance of the quartier in which
they were situated, and tended inquiry for some article or another which
did not seem easily to be met with. All the answers he received were
couched in the negative; and as he turned from each door he muttered to
himself, in no very elegant phraseology, his disappointment and
discontent. At length, at one house, the landlord, a sturdy butcher,
after rendering the same reply the inquirer had hitherto received, added,
"But if this vill do as vell, Dummie, it is quite at your sarvice!"
Pausing reflectively for a moment, Dummie responded that he thought the
thing proffered might do as well; and thrusting it into his ample pocket,
he strode away with as rapid a motion as the wind and the rain would
allow. He soon came to a nest of low and dingy buildings, at the
entrance to which, in half-effaced characters, was written "Thames
Court." Halting at the most conspicuous of these buildings, an inn or
alehouse, through the half-closed windows of which blazed out in ruddy
comfort the beams of the hospitable hearth, he knocked hastily at the
door. He was admitted by a lady of a certain age, and endowed with a
comely rotundity of face and person.

"Hast got it, Dummie?" said she, quickly, as she closed the door on the

Hast and you don't sweat much for a fat girl. Sorry couldn't pass that one up.

Now here is Steven Webber, a self-absorbed Hollywood dabbler. Can't act; so he is a political activist. Now, he sure as hell can't write and so Arianna Huffington has him on the payroll shilling for Barack Obama.

Now get a load of this!

Change is seeping into our consciousnesses and Hope is entering our lives like amber rays dispelling the murk of a drugged sleep, the one which we endured so helplessly, so long.

The movement headed by Obama is becoming an unstoppable juggernaut, fueled not by his leadership alone but by the gathering momentum of those individuals who feel the totality of the movement's righteousness within them. Obama is the face of the movement; the people are the movement.

And while we are relishing our Obasm, we must nonetheless be aware of the opposing forces who peer jealously across the widening breach, who are becoming even more embittered, even more determined to prevent this movement from succeeding. Starting from its warped, hardened kernel of an ideology, the Bush/Neo-Con jihad on democracy has been nothing less than catastrophic, a global socio/geopolitical plague. And it's not just the obvious villains we have to be concerned about. There are the appeasers in our midst, the DINO's who continue to reward Bush's treachery with unimpeded funding for the disgrace of Iraq and immunity for his flouting of the law.
Likewise, there is a realistic understanding of Obama as politician. We know that he must do certain things in order to survive the caustic climate of government; that he must promise, cajole, threaten and perform, speak the lingua franca of American bureaucratic push me-pull me and that while his vision for America is virtually without fault, obviously he himself is not. But it is his humanity along with his and our acknowledgment of same which gives this movement any hope of success.

And although we have learned the hard way, having painfully witnessed BushCo's trampling of nations, with Obama we got damn lucky. And we'd better appreciate that lest this moment slip away and a long time passes before another one comes.

So it is now our duty as newly deputized agents of Change and Hope to protect this American movement with the fierce devotion of parents who have recovered their kidnapped child. The boogeymen had their way and now it's time to let them know unequivocally that it will not happen again.

It's good to be awake again.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. . . . . (Hhuchitneck,Huhngh)ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ . . . . I SENT THE CHECK LAST WEEK!!!! (Snecuchnech) ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. . . . huh?

Oh, my apologies. Steven Change seeping ( Call Perma Seal! Stop that seepage); unstoppable juggernaut ( Why have stoppable juggernauts at all, unless you are the Italian Navy?)Webber

Try this sominex:

And there is our own knee-jerk cowering in the face of an enemy openly courted, recklessly wielded and described as impregnable by Bush et al.: Fear. Knowing we would forever shudder and weep at the images branded into our brains, Fear is probably the most brutally effective weapon BushCo had -- has -- in its arsenal and is used with the same alacrity with which Saddam used poison gas on the Kurds.

or this purple pumpkin of poser prosing!

So it is now our duty as newly deputized agents of Change and Hope to protect this American movement with the fierce devotion of parents who have recovered their kidnapped child.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????

I left them at the Poetry Slam!!!!!!!!!! Damn George Bush!!!!!!! Damn America! You sleeping Idiots! Steven write as much as you can, Dude! Write as Much as your heart will Hold!!!!!!!

Nectht we Thall tear Thteven on the Air-Wavthes of The POTuTH Channel on the Thatelite Network.
Thee You Then!


John McCain" Huffington Post - Buzz Obama's 527 24/7

Senator Buzz Obama, like Sinclair Lewis's character Buzz Windrip, won't engage John McCain without a Leni Riefenstahl Pageant format - The Audacity of Hype.

There will be no Townhall exchange with Senator John McCain.

Obama's mass of Soros funded Daily Kos, MSNBC, Movon.Org allow the inexperienced and shadowy Illinois Senator to keep his distance from the American People.

Buzz Obama fronts some dangerous and well-heeled people: Soros/DNC/ACLU/Ayers/Rezko/Pfleger/Dohrn/Wright/Farrakhan/SEIU/ACORN/AFCSME/Hollywood/CAIR/Chavez & etc.

That is the Grassroots support. Seems to me like Obama Campaign is Bundling and laundering millions via the Internet and passing it off as Grassroots.

When Obama trotted out his Great Seal of Self-Absorption - he tipped his hand.

Sinclair Lewis's cautionary tale It Can't Happen Here is must reading for all patriots. It is a great read.

Click my post title for the free Gutenberg Edition.

Huffington Post is an attack 527 100% in the Obama Campaign. Give it a look. It is packed with bad writing from third tier talents. More people look at celebrity magazines than they do the The Atlantic. Some goofs actually believe that Keith Olbermann has something to say. Go figure. Rachel Madddow is no Dorothy Parker.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

John McCain: Jan Schakowsky Goes Capt. Queeg on HuffPo: ' a command is a lonely job. It isn't easy to make decisions.'

Last Saturday I sent a letter, along with Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Judiciary Subcommittee Chairman, Jerald Nadler and 53 other members of the House of Representatives to Attorney General Michael Mukasey asking him to "appoint a special counsel to investigate whether the Bush administration's policies regarding the interrogation of detainees have violated federal criminal laws." It goes on to say, "We believe that ...serious and significant revelations warrant an immediate investigation to determine whether the President, his Cabinet, and other Administration officials are in violation of the War Crimes Act (18 U.S.C. 2441), the Anti-Torture Act, (18 U.S.C. 2340-2340A), and other U.S. and international laws! They were all disloyal. I tried to run the ship properly by the book, but they fought me at every turn. If the crew wanted to walk around with their shirttails hanging out, that's all right, let them! Take the towline - defective equipment, no more, no less. But they encouraged the crew to go around, scoffing at me and spreading wild rumors about steaming in circles and then 'Old Yellowstain.' I was to blame for President Bush's incompetence and poor seamanship. Lieutenant McCain was the perfect officer, but not Captain Jan. Ah, but the strawberries! That's, that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, and with, with geometric logic, that, that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox did exist. And I would have produced that key if they hadn't pulled the Congress out of action. I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officer. (Jan pauses - looks at all the questioning faces that stare back at her, and realizes that she has been ranting and raving. Steven Webber Chirps " Iwish I wrote This! It is So . . . Bobbyesque! Roy Secoff gnaws on walnuts and giigles like Olbermann in the bathtub!) Naturally, I can only cover these things from memory...

Jan, and You Want to My Latex Salesman! I mean Senator.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

John McCain: Harold Ford for VP!

Here is another Maverick - Harold Ford heads the Democratic Leadership Committee, which is under attack by the DNC forces holding the Democratic National Elections hostage since 1972. Harold Ford, former Congressman of Tennessee, just might be the McCain Campaign's key to unlock disenfranchised Democratic voters in the Battleground States. Harold Ford has worked across the aisle and voted with Republicans on issues important to Americans who are voting or leaning toward John McCain.

After, Harold Ford pointed out the intrinsic dynamite in McCain's Kenner Speech the other night which lighted the hot bulb under the padded derriers of MSNBC Tools, HUFFPO's Cavalcade of Losers, pencil-neck geeks without portofolio all over the media, I saw the worth of this tough-minded American.

Harold Ford, is young, politically and media savvy, African American, Joe Biden Articulate, independent minded, honorable and available.

Most of all, like McCain, Ford has been swift boated - aplenty. Harold Ford would be a big help getting Democrats and Independents solidly in McCain's Camp, but would probably have goofballs like Hannity and Rush swallowing tongues of fire.

They are already lighting hotfoots on McCain anyway - twist a pig's ear and watching him squeal. Win in November, Senator McCain, and give them goofs employment for four years.

The DLC is Obama's worst nightmare - consider.

It is the opinion of the DLC that economic populism is not politically viable, citing the defeated Presidential campaigns of Senator George McGovern in 1972 and Vice-President Walter Mondale in 1984. The DLC states that it “seeks to define and galvanize popular support for a new public philosophy built on progressive ideals, mainstream values, and innovative, non-bureaucratic, market-based solutions." [4]

The DLC has supported welfare reform, such as the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 [5], President Clinton's expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit [6], and the creation of AmeriCorps [7]. The DLC supports expanded health insurance via tax credits for the uninsured and opposes plans for single-payer universal health care. The DLC supports universal access to preschool, charter schools, and measures to allow a greater degree of choice in schooling (though not school vouchers), and supports the No Child Left Behind Act. The DLC supports both NAFTA and CAFTA.

The DLC has both supported and criticized the policies of President George W. Bush. The DLC opposed the partial birth abortion ban, the expiration of the 1994 assault weapon ban, the Clear Skies Initiative, and what they perceived as a lack of funding of the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program. In 2001 the DLC endorsed the idea of tax cuts for the middle class, but then opposed the tax cuts favored by Bush, which they said favored the wealthy. The organization supports some forms of Social Security privatization but opposes financing private retirement accounts with large amounts of borrowed money.

Recently, the DLC also urged Senate Democrats to vote against Bush's nomination of Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court "on principle", but firmly opposed any filibuster of the nominee.[8]

[edit] 2003 invasion of Iraq
The DLC gave strong support for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Prior to the war, Will Marshall co-signed a letter to President Bush from the Project for the New American Century endorsing military action against Saddam Hussein. During the 2004 Primary campaign the DLC attacked Presidential candidate Howard Dean as an out-of-touch liberal because of Dean's anti-war stance. The DLC dismissed other critics of the Iraq invasion such as filmmaker Michael Moore as members of the "loony left" [9]. Even as domestic support for the Iraq War plummeted in 2004 and 2005, Marshall reprised his right-wing credentials and called upon Democrats to balance their criticism of Bush's handling of the Iraq War with praise for the President's achievements and cautioned "Democrats need to be choosier about the political company they keep, distancing themselves from the pacifist and anti-American fringe."[2]

[edit] Criticism
The DLC has become unpopular within many progressive political circles.

Some critics claim the strategy of triangulation between the political left and right to gain broad appeal is fundamentally flawed. In the long run, so opponents say, this strategy results in concession after concession to the opposition, while alienating traditionally-allied voters. For example, critics point out that liberal Democrat Michael Dukakis won a larger share of the vote in his presidential campaign (46%) than Bill Clinton in his first campaign (43%), despite Clinton's more centrist positions.

Others contend that the DLC's distaste for what they refer to as "economic class warfare" has allowed the language of populism to be monopolized by the right-wing. Many argue that the Democrats' abandonment of populism to the right-wing, shifting the form of that populism from the economic realm to the "culture wars", has been critical for Republican dominance of Middle America. (See, for instance, Thomas Frank's What's the Matter with Kansas.)

Still other critics believe the DLC has essentially become an influential corporate and right-wing implant in the Democratic party. Marshall Wittmann, a former senior fellow at the DLC, former legislative director for the Christian Coalition, and former communications director for Republican senator John McCain, and Will Marshall, a vocal supporter of the war in Iraq, are among those associated with the DLC who have right-wing credentials.

Finally, detractors of the DLC note that the DLC has received funding from the right-wing Bradley Foundation as well as from oil companies, military contractors, and various Fortune 500 companies.

[edit] 2004 Presidential Primary
In May 2003, as the Democratic primary of the 2004 presidential campaign was starting to pick up, the organization voiced concern that the Democratic contenders might be taking positions too far left of the mainstream general electorate. Early front-runner Howard Dean, who attracted popular support due in large part to his anti-war views despite his reputation as a centrist governor of Vermont, was specifically criticized by DLC founder and CEO Al From. From's criticism of Dean was also likely due to the former governor's opposition to the war in Iraq, which most party centrists, including From, endorsed. Dean's claim to hail "from the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" (a phrase originally used by Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota) has been interpreted by some as subtle criticism of the DLC and the New Democrats in general. Indeed, Dean once described the DLC as the "Republican wing of the Democratic Party." [10] The DLC countered that Dean represented the "McGovern-Mondale wing" of the Democratic Party, "defined principally by weakness abroad and elitist, interest-group liberalism at home."

Senator John Kerry won the Democratic primary and chose primary contender Senator John Edwards as his running mate. Both Senators are members of the Senate New Democrat Coalition, and the DLC anticipated that they would win the general election. In a March 3, 2004 dispatch, they suggested voters would appreciate Kerry's centrist viewpoints, imagining voters to say "If this is a waffle, bring on the syrup." [11]

[edit] 2008 Presidential Primary
In the Democratic primary in 2008, Senator Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton are both prominent members of the DLC, while presumptive nominee Senator Barack Obama opposes the DLC - in 2003, he discussed why his positions against NAFTA, the War in Iraq, and in support of universal healthcare were at odds with the DLC, saying that "...these positions make me an unlikely candidate for membership in the DLC. That is why I am not currently, nor have I ever been, a member of the DLC." [12]

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

John McCain: Harold Ford Got It Right - McCain Set the Bar Too High for Obama Last Night

The entire Soros Information Industry is trying to gut former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford. The Democratic Leadership Committee Chair, Ford warned the Obama campaign to study McCain's speech and learn something. The MSNBC Tool Shed giggled and Oafed.

Huffington Post - Hollywood Squares the political train set for coked out movie and TV has-beens, convicted check kiter Progressive theorists and all manner of trendy goofball has its collective panties in a twist because only Harold Ford realizes the power of John McCain's speech.

Atlantic fop-journalist Matt Yglesias - no relation to the singer - spits out this:

I thought it was strange that Harold Ford's on MSNBC right now deliberately sabotaging the Democratic Party, lavishly praising John McCain and McCain's speech. Then I remembered that Ford took over as head of the DLC so boosting the GOP is part of his job.

Well, Cupcake, here is what is very clear to most Americans and Harold Ford tried to wise you dummies up a bit:

Both Senator Obama and I promise we will end Washington's stagnant, unproductive partisanship. But one of us has a record of working to do that and one of us doesn't. Americans have seen me put aside partisan and personal interests to move this country forward. They haven't seen Senator Obama do the same. For all his fine words and all his promise, he has never taken the hard but right course of risking his own interests for yours; of standing against the partisan rancor on his side to stand up for our country. He is an impressive man, who makes a great first impression. But he hasn't been willing to make the tough calls; to challenge his party; to risk criticism from his supporters to bring real change to Washington. I have.

When members of my party refused to compromise not on principle but for partisanship, I have sought to do so. When I fought corruption it didn't matter to me if the culprits were Democrats or Republicans. I exposed it and let the chips fall where they may. When I worked on campaign finance and ethics reform, I did so with Democrats and Republicans, even though we were criticized by other members of our parties, who preferred to keep things as they were. I have never refused to work with Democrats simply for the sake of partisanship. I've always known we belong to different parties, not different countries. We are Americans before we are anything else.

I don't seek the presidency on the presumption I'm blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save my country in its hour of need. I seek the office with the humility of a man who cannot forget my country saved me. I'll reach out my hand to anyone, Republican or Democrat, who will help me change what needs to be changed; fix what needs to be fixed; and give this country a government as capable and good as the people it is supposed to serve. There is a time to campaign, and a time to govern. If I'm elected President, the era of the permanent campaign of the last sixteen years will end. The era of reform and problem solving will begin. From my first day in office, I'll work with anyone to make America safe, prosperous and proud. And I won't care who gets the credit as long as America gets the benefit.

I have seen Republicans and Democrats achieve great things together. When the stakes were high and it mattered most, I've seen them work together in common purpose, as we did in the weeks after September 11th. This kind of cooperation has made all the difference at crucial turns in our history. It has given us hope in difficult times. It has moved America forward. And that, my friends, is the kind of change we need right now.

Thank you.

Harold Ford would be a powerful candidate in 2012. John McCain will have a tough time keeping such a smart and tough man out of the White House.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

John McCain" Arianna Huffington Endorses McCain's Reproductive Record!

The Grecian Formula for GOP Success, Arianna Huffington gave Senator John McCain a resoundingly powerful endorsement in today's Huffington Post - Hollywood Squares

Noted most for its panoply of low-budget Movie and TV lightweights as columnists and pundits, HUFFPO outdoes the satirical gem The Onion for laughs and giggles.

Arianna Huffington, her own bad self, gave Senator John McCain a huge boost with most American Voters, touting his long championship of Human Dignity. Thanks, Arianna!

Since 1983, in votes in the House and the Senate (where he has served since 1987), McCain has cast 130 votes on abortion and other reproductive-rights issues. 125 of those votes were anti-choice [pdf]. Among his voting lowlights:

He has repeatedly voted to deny low-income women access to abortion care except in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother's life (although McCain is now wavering on trying to put these exceptions into the party platform).

He voted to shut down the Title X family-planning program, which provides millions of women with health care services ranging from birth control to breast cancer screenings.

He voted against legislation that established criminal and civil penalties for those who use threats and violence to keep women from gaining access to reproductive health clinics.

He voted to uphold the policy that bans overseas health clinics from receiving aid from America if they use their own funds to provide legal abortion services or even adopt a pro-choice position.

Of his anti-choice voting record, McCain has said, "I have many, many votes and it's been consistent," proudly adding: "And I've got a consistent zero from NARAL" through the years. And last month he told Chris Matthews: "The rights of the unborn is one of my most important values."

What's more, McCain has made it very clear that if he becomes president he will appoint judges in the Scalia, Roberts, Alito mold. His big judicial speech earlier this month was filled with coded buzz words that make it clear that, if given the chance, he'd replace 88-year-old Justice John Paul Stevens with an anti-choice Justice who would tip the scales against Roe v Wade. Throw in an additional anti-choice replacement for the 75-year-old Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and you can kiss the right to choose good-bye for a long, long time.

That's why the unmasking of John McCain is job Number One between now and November.

The only way John McCain can win is if his reactionary views on choice and women's health issues remain obscured by his faux maverick reputation and the blinding disappointment of Clinton die-hards.

There is too much at stake to let that happen.

You Da Man-a, Arianna!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

John McCain: The Ex- Con Kite ( check kite) Runner Explains Obama's Pennsylvania Victory!

This yutz is like having free cable! Ladies and Gents, Bob Creamer, convicted check kiter and Progressive Camp Obama strategist, explains the victory of Obama over Hillary Clinton despite the fact that ten percentage points to Clinton seems to indicate otherwise.

That is why Bob Creamer is must - must I tells ya! - viewing on Huffington Post - Hollywood Squares Without Borders!

Here's Bob - The Terra Haute Federal Prison Alumnus:

All that remains for Clinton are more opportunities for her own campaign to be shut down. If she loses Indiana and North Carolina it will be extremely hard for her to continue. But there is no longer any opportunity for her to defeat Obama.

Clinton's may have won last night, but she failed to do what she needed to do to derail Obama's march to the nomination. In retrospect, Pennsylvania will appear as Clinton's Waterloo.

Robert Creamer is a long time political organizer and strategist and author of the recent book, "Stand Up Straight. How Progressives Can Win," available on

(Now, how can you not wet your britches in the presence of powerful political thought like that - unmatched since Machiavelli argued to stab the boss in the back if things looked dicey for the boss) If 'she loses Indiana and North Carolina . . . it will be extremely hard for her to continue.' Drop the Soap and Stop the Presses!!! Bob! If she loses Primaries - it will be bad? People pay you for this and it's not a crime? Now, how can you hate this country , Bob? And Moms and Dads send their Kids to Camp Obama to learn 'the new politics of Hope?' Bob-Beeeee! Bob, The Shank, Creamer!

Bob is married to the lovely, daffy, and hubris topped off Rep. Jan Schakowsky who is dying to take Senator Obama's place in the U.S. Senate by by-passing the electoral process entirely. Now that's Grassroots.,CST-NWS-senate06.article

Jan makes play for Obama's Seat - You GO! Girl!

"I would be. I certainly would be interested in that. I think it is unseemly and untimely right now to do much beyond stating my interest in that," Schakowsky said Friday in a taping of WMAQ-Channel 5's "City Desk."

Asked if she has a good rapport with Blagojevich, Schakowsky says, "We do have a working relationship, and we have a long-standing friendship. We really haven't discussed this particular issue. I agree with him on his priority of health care and applaud him for the work he has done as the health care governor."

Blagojevich could not be reached for comment.

'It's premature'
Blagojevich's friction with some other Democrats around the state limits the list of obvious officials he would like to appoint to succeed Obama, such as state Comptroller Dan Hynes, who was a runner-up to Obama in the 2004 primary for senate.

Among the more interesting options, Blagojevich could appoint Attorney General Lisa Madigan to keep her from running against him for governor. He could appoint himself senator. He could also appoint Obama ally Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias.

Asked if he was interested in the appointment, U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. said through a spokesman he was "intrigued" at the potential of Schakowsky being named, but "it's premature to speculate right now on a replacement for Obama."

If she does get the appointment, Schakowsky will face a lively election fight, with opponents likely making hay of the conviction of her husband, Robert Creamer, for check-kiting to keep his public interest group alive.

'It makes you stronger'
Creamer's prison sentence at the federal penitentiary at Terre Haute strengthened him and their marriage, Schakowsky said.

"If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger," Schakowsky said. "Even that experience at Terre Haute, where [former] Gov. [George] Ryan is now, he wrote a weekly newsletter. He looks to the future. He paid the debt he owed -- no money, his time in jail. It made him an advocate for prison reform. There are a lot of people in prison for crimes of substance abuse."

"City Desk" with Carol Marin airs at 9:30 a.m. Sunday. It can also be viewed at

Sunday, April 13, 2008

John McCain - The Kite Runner* Cheques on McCain? Ex-Con Check Kiter Bob Creamer at HuffPO!

Robert Creamer is a long-time political organizer and strategist and author of the recent book: "Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win," Huffington Post 04/13/2008

On March 11, 2004, Schakowsky's husband, lobbyist Robert Creamer, the executive director of the Illinois Public Action Fund, was indicted in federal court on 16 counts of bank fraud involving three alleged check-kiting schemes in the mid-1990s, leading several banks to experience shortfalls of at least $2.3 million[2]. "He is innocent," Schakowsky said in a statement [3]. In August 2005, Creamer pleaded guilty to one count of failure to collect withholding tax, and bank fraud for writing checks with insufficient funds. All of the money was repaid. According to USA Today Congresswoman "Schakowsky has not been accused of any wrongdoing." [3] Schakowsky served on the organization's board during the time the crimes occurred [4] and Schakowsky signed the IRS filings along with her husband[3]. U.S. District Judge James B. Moran noted no one suffered "out of pocket losses" and Creamer acted not out of greed but in an effort to keep his community action group going without cutting programs, though Creamer paid his own $100,000 salary with fraudulently obtained funds. [4] On April 5, 2006, Creamer was sentenced to five months in prison and 11 months house arrest [5]. Creamer served his 5 month incarceration at the Federal Correction Institute in Terre Haute, Indiana and was released on November 3, 2006. [5]

Ex-Con Bob Creamer spouse of Illinois Congressman Jan Schakowsky ( who is begging Blago for Obama's Senate Seat)is giving John McCain a piece of his mind! With two tiny pink fists locked one on each little hip bone, Bob 'The Shank' Creamer hisses this:

McCain doesn't lack "chutzpah." Yesterday his campaign actually accused Barack Obama of being an "elitist" for saying that it's not surprising that people in small Midwestern towns are bitter after seeing their standard of living systematically destroyed over the last three decades.

Damn right they're bitter; they have good reasons to be. And most of those reasons are the economic and trade policies that have - and continue to be - championed by George Bush and John McCain.

Well hook my buttons and slam my cell . . .phone shut! Bob's worked up with Yardbird indignation. Click my post title . . .if you must for Terra Haute Bob's Beef.

John McCain did a nickel and half stretch in a Far East slammer and Bob did five months like it was falling off a log. These too jailbirds, McCain:Warrior,Prisoner of War and Bob Creamer: Self-Serving Felon, should get together. I'd pay to see that.

BTW- Bob, your book is doing just a bang up job with Obama's Campaign. I hope he too remembers you! At least Senator Obama got something from Tony Rezko. You are costing him the election and his political future.

* I believe it was the great John Rubery at Marathon Pundit who proffered the Profligate Worthy with that sobriquet.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

John McCain: Obama-pologetics! Huff-Po ProtoSpeak!

Like Quicksliver on roller skates, The Huffington Post All-Stars* are telling Americans that the back-up lights on Obama's Campaign are signalling the true north of Lost Planet Air-Heads!

They gotta say some thing! Huffington Post blabbed about Senator Obama's Johnson Tumble at the (closed to the public) San Fran 'girls-talk' about 'Bitter God Toting and Bible Packing' Rubes - like you and me!

Arianna got the A-Team into the Greek Kitchen that is HuffPo Ed-Thought!

"Cod Dameet!@ Fah-keen Boosh! Dees Kon-tree Gates hNo Chahnz, eff Obamalooses, Cod Dameet! Arni Fournou! hRiht Fest! Gat dah Peeple uff Dees Kon-Tree Tah Unna-Stan! hRite, Yu hRitahs! hRite! Melitzanosalata!Fah-keen Boosh! Kokkinisto!" **

**( Subtitles: Lord Bless Me! Mr. Bush is bothersome! This Country Gets No Chance, if Obama Loses, Lord Bless Me! Roast Lamb! Write Fast! Get the People of This Country to Understand! Write! You are Writers, n'cest pas? Lovely Eggplant Salad! Mr. Bush is Bothersome! An Equally enjoyable Lamb Treat!)

En Day hRote:

Everything, from ;Rove did it; to 'Rummy Woulda!'

Here's Your HuffPo Allstars!

BIO: Jane Smalley is a Pulitzer Prize Winning Novelist who ran the New York Marathon in under Times Square with a Baby Huey Hair-Do - She's Got that Jane Addams Thang goin' ON!

Here We Go Again - Here We Go Loop Dee Eye! writes Jane
Jane SmaLley, 04.12.2008

Barack Obama tells the truth about conditions as we know them. Hillary Clinton respond by calling him "elitist and out of touch." I cannot believe how angry this makes me. When stupid crackers can not understand their own intrinsic depth of utter uselessness. Such hate!
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Tom D'Antoni'N Cleopatra is a writer and TV producer/reporter living in Portland, Oregon. His hilarious book, "Mordid Nun Disinfects Entire Convention" based on his brief but potent career in tabloid "journalism" is just out from Villard/Random House and caused Pope Benedict XVI to pee Warsteiner in his Papal britches with laughing! Ach, Dat Furst Ach Mendmundt!.

Bushing Clinton: CNN's Bush Poll on Obama's Remarks on a Variation of Theme by Paginini - or My Ass in Two Parts. 04.11.2008

It says "his elitist," not "an elitist" attitude as though his statements were proof of something that already existed, but was, perhaps doubtful. Pronoun People not the indefinite article! Viewers, why don't you validate that for us here in Atlanta! Validate, People?!!! It's Obama you Hillbillies! He'd cough up a lung for you!

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David PsiKappaRossis: he currently serves in a volunteer capacity as the co-chairperson of the Progressive States Network - a 501c3 nonpartisan organization for which David accepts an honorarium of $ 300,000 per year of which he donated $ 2,500 to the Obama campaign and fully expects an appointment as Secretary of EduKKKation in the Obama Administration.

McCain Said It, Before He Attacked Pearl Baily, 04.11.2008

The plain fact that McCain's campaign is feigning - feigning I tells you -outrage over Obama's truisms when their own candidate has made thematically similar statements strikes me as...what's the word...oh yeah -- dishonest, disingenuous, pusillanimous, just darn mean. My kitchen is a mystical place, a kind of temple for me. It is a place where the surfaces seem to have significance, where the sounds and odors carry meaning that transfers from the past and bridges to the future - the mice are biting my ear wax!!!

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With Huffington Post helping his Campaign . . . Senator Barack Obama is screwed, blued and tattooed!

The Huff Po Allstars - Less talent than coked-up Mouseketeers; More Opinions than polyps in Bill Maher's Colon!

The Huffington Post: Hollywood Squares without Borders

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

John McCain: Endorsed by Hugo Chavez!

Hey Kids! McCain v.Hugo - Hours of good clean fun watching Our American Hero Ignore a Tin-Horn Dictator!
Get The United Nations Chavez Visit Gift Set - Third World Loonies Sold Seperately.

It is in - Western Hemisphere's Tin-Pot Chevron Dictator, Hugo Chavez, gave Senator John McCain his strongest endorsement:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a socialist and fierce U.S. critic, warned on Tuesday that relations with Washington could worsen if Republican candidate John McCain wins this year's presidential election.

Que Bueno, Jefe!

Bill Maher's favorite World Leader; Huffington Post's World Statesman; a guy that Castro thinks is loopy; and the Retro-Strongman controlling American League Baseball's Farm System hates McCain!

Hollywood Squares could have a new guy in the Box come 2009!

Click my post title for the New Link! Collect Them all - Madcow Maddow & Old Woman Olbermann Gift Set Coming Soon - Stage Your Own Oscar Wilde Summer Theatre!